THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 29. 194$' PAGE TEN i: Madras Honors Basketball Boys Madras. March 29 (Special) Members of the Madras Union hicn school faculty and the basket ball team were guests of honor at a banquet given by the Jener son County - Chamber of com merce at the New Madras hotel last Thursday evening. P. D. Lewis acted as toastmaster. In formal talks were given by H. B. Stephens, principal; George Overmeyer. coach; Leonard Sweet, captain of the team; and Kenneth' W. Sawyer, president 01 the chamber of commerce. President Sawyer welcomed the guests on behalf of the chamber and later spoke on "school spirit''. Principal Stephens introduced other members of the faculty and also gave a brief talk on "Athlet ics and Scholarship". Coach Overmeyer reviewed tne past basketball season, citing the fine work done by the team in spite of the defeats which followed some very good winning games. The trip made to Arlington which was the first time Madras had participated in the tournament. Overmeyer stated that the Buf faloes had won praises for their playing from outsiders. Members of the team wero pre sented by Coach' Overmeyer and included Leonard Sweet, captain, who spoke on-behalf of the squad; Homer Haberstich, jack Thomas, Norman Henske, Wesley Henske, Bill Kelley and Roy Sweet; sec ond string men: Billy DeLude, Bobby DeLude, Wesley Hiett and Norman Waud. Special mention was also made of Norris Hart who joined the navy the first part of the season, Carl Hunt and Dan Ferguson who left school before graduating. E. Macy, principal of Maupm high school and Samuel Stanley, coach 1 at the same high school were also guests and each spoke briefly. Powell Butte Powell Butte, March 29 (Spe cial; Powell Butte grange met Friday evening with a good at tendance and the applications of Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Heighes and Mr. and Mi's. Nels Hansen for membership were read. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McDonald and Bill Steelhammer were given the third and fourth degree obligations since they were ill when the class was initiated. During the lecture hour Bar bara Kirk, Marylin Bozarth and Terrell Foster gave readings and Charlotte Bozarth played a piano solo. The Juvenile grange from Ochoco put on a seating drill and then picked up the officers, which AT CONGRESS, FRI.-SAT. EGGS G'ade A Large (JoZ. 35c Easter Egg Dyes. .... 10c, 3 for 25c 1 lb. pta 19c Sweet Potatoes Taylor's No. 2 can 25c Asparagus Spears can 39c All Green No. 2 Can H&DSweerPeas....No.2can 17c Fruit Cocktail-.... No. 2 can 35c Bartlett Pears. 303 glass 19c Whole Kernel Corn 2 cans 35c Del Monte Pumpkin 2 cans 27c Noi2'2 Green Onions. . . ...3 bunches 25c Radishes ......... .2 bunches 1 5c Nevr Asparagus 35c Green Celery ... . ... ... . . .lb. 11c Broccoli bunch 29c Daffodils dozen 45c Lettuce, large lb. 16c 2 lb. jar 65c Durkee Mayonnaise .pt. 33c Kanana Banana Flakes . . . .pkg. 35c lit pkg. 27c Y 2? u mil rum 50 lb. bag 2.29 Bisquick .Ige. pkg. 33c Gingerbread Mix pkg. 25c Hurrs ICE CREAM quad 49c Baker's Cocoa lb. 11c Ovaltine, small '.. 39c All Milk 3 cans 29c Marmalade 1 lb. jar 24c . s&w Kerr Jellies ...2 lb. jar 45c MEAT SPECIALS Pork Loin Roast lb. Leg o'Lamb Sirloin Steak lb. Beef Roast lb. t'liui-k l ul.s' 35c 39c 44c 30c Pork LOIN ROAST lb. 35c FOOD MARKET 210 Congrew Phone 360 was enjoyed by all present. The program closed witn tne singing of "America, the Beautiful," by the entire group. Mrs. Ervln Grimes and Frank Alander, matron and patron, of the Ochoco Juveniles explained the Juvenile work and offered their assistance if Powell Butte decided to organize a Juvenile grange. Bill Rachor, Wyatt and Tillman Haynes were appointed to serve on the next dance committee. Cpl. and Mrs. Ivan Copley gave short talks. The croup enjoyed potluck supper and dancing. Thei next meeting will be April Id. Mrs. L. C. Minson was hostess to the Tuesday Bridge club last week. The next meeting wilt De with Mrs. John Cronin on April 3. The 4-H clubs held their regu lar meeting at the schoolhouse Friday afternoon. On Saturday the girls of the club attended the show In Redmond in the after noon and skated in the evening. Fay Teller then spent the night with Doris Dickson, and Twila Hargan was an overnight guest of Leola Stevens. Pvt. Earl McDowell of Camp Roberts, Cal., arrived home last Monday evening to spend a fur lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orval C. McDowell. He plans to leave Thursday for Fort Ord for reassignment. Joe Lear of Portland, arrived Wednesday evening for a short visit with his sister, Mrs. Herbert Post, and family. He returned to Portland t may. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Reif and family of Combs Flat, were Sat urday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Talbot. Cpl. Ivan Copley left Saturday noon for Hanford, Cal., where he will report for re-assignment. Mrs. Copley remained here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ridgeway. Rollo' Weigand branded cattle Sunday. Ho was assisted by the Pearl weigands, Norman Weig ands, Jack Weigands and Mrs. Neva McCaffery. Jack McCaffery was able to re turn from the St. Charles hospital Wednesday after suffering bruises and sprains when a horse reared and fell over backward with him last Sunday. He re turned to school Monday. Mrs. A. C. Heston and Mrs. Fred McCaffery assisted Mrs. Tester of Redmond as judges Fri day evening at a bazaar held by the Arema club in the K.P. hall irt Redmond. Mrs. N. L. Weigand and Doris Marie McCaffery accompanied Mrs. Pearl Weigand of Terre bonne, to Portland Sunday for a few days. Mrs. H. H. Musick. Mrs. John Kirk, Mrs. Malcolm McDonald and Mrs. Oren Sleasman made doughnuts at the school Thurs day for the lunches Friday. i red Stevens was an overnicht guest Friday of Bill Short in Red mond and Bill spent Saturday night with Fred. Donald Iverson left Friday for Fort Lewis where he reported for induction. Mrs. W. N. Sleasman. Mrs. Ed Mickels and daughter, Margaret Ann, and Mrs. James Kcilcy of Redmond, wore Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Haynes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McGee and baby of Tacoma, visited re cently with his mother, Mrs. Bruce LIndquist, and family. ine community church was filled to capacity Sunday, morn ing when Mrs. Bee Kullowatz of the Northwestern Bible school at Eugene delivered the sermon. She was assisted by the Misses Clara Fern Rice, Velma Webb and Vivian Monohan, also from the college. These young ladies will be in the community all week and will conduct services every evening this week and will also be in charge of the services next Sunday. Following the services, the con gregation enjoyed a potluck din ner in the school basement. Mrs. Glen Ridgeway planned lo leave early this week for The Dalles lo visit her mother, who is in. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Reif and QuickRelief FROM SNIFFIV, STUFFY DISTRESS OP ileadCoids! I 4)eubl-Dutv Noia Oiops A k yb Instantly, relict from snSCly, snwy dlstnwi of hend colds start to come when yon put a little Va-tro-nol ui men nostril. Also hnlps prevent many colds from developing if used In time 3list try ill Follow directions In (older VSCKSVATROfiOL Fully Equipped For Modern Drugless Treatment Spinal Adjustment family of Combs' Flat, were call ers Sunday afternoon at the Luke Reif home. Through a business transaction recently completed, John Bozarth became the owner of the 80-acre ranch belonging to Charles Adee. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cyr of Red mond, were Sunday dinner guests last week at the Charles Covey home. - Paul Spillman' went to -Salem Monday morning where he attend ed a meeting of the state board of education. He returned Tues day. , Mrs. Harriett Shobert Qf Prine ville, came out Saturday evening to be with her sister, Mrs. E. A. Bussett, who Is 111. Don Austin of Idaho Falls, ar rived Saturday evening for a brief visit at the George Kissler home. Mrs. Clarence Kissler and Mrs. Glenn Kissler went to Portland Friday morning where they gave blood at the St. Vincents hospital for Dee Northcutt. Mrs. Harry Carlson took care of Ronnie Kiss ler while his mother was gone. The ladies returned Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. otto Pauls and Donna Mae returned from Port land Sunday evening where they had gone to give blood for Dee Northcutt. While there, they vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Newton, former Powell Butte residents. Bowling Notes Results or Woweli's league games- rolled" last nlfchr on the oena necreanon aneys follow:' Stilwell Lunch B. Fields 101' 104 101306 M. Lee lie 108 114338 V. Curd 145 126 114395 J. Garlington ..l73 121 102396 O. Alt 136 158 187481 Handicap ....165 165 165495 Total ..836 782 783 2401 Oatds E. Monlcal ....129 123 O. Morris ..110 131 M. Ellison 126" 100- M. Christy 137 117 A. Roberts 159' 179- Handicap ....201- 201 151403 127368 104330 108362 126464' 201603 Total 862 851 817 2530 Coca Cola Buy National War Bonds Now! M. Keith 149' M. Webster ....131 D. Lewerenz ..130 H. Judy 130 E. Boeckli 121 Handicap ....202 129 151 107 103 114 202 124-402 117399 133370 115348 137372 202606 M. Blucher".i...l20 M. Rice i 110 Handicap- ....214 111 141 214 129360 121372 214642 Total' .786 834 821- 2441- tfromen's Elks D. Applegate 133 133 146-412 V. Grino 13 mi iia OK E. Smith 112 128- 94334 D. Warner 143 123 120386 C. Loree 95 93 105293 Handicap ....226 226 226 Wis Total 832 850 810 2492 Gregg's Banner" U Ferguson ....102 114 101317 L. McKenzie ..156 -129' 89344 W. McCann ....148 124- 104376 Hi Stlrnes 98: 123 159380 E.- Roats 166 134 156456 Handicap ....196 196 . 196588 Total 836 820" 805 2461 Total 859 806 828 2493 - Bond Recreation D. Browrt ..137 110 120367 E. McKay 105 139 127371 P. Loree 100 119 110329 FOUR MEN INITIATED- Madras, March 29' (Special) Several- local- men were initiated into the Bend Elk's club in Bend Tuesday night. They included: Wallace Holmes, Henry Murphy, Glenn-' Nelson, , Archie Dunlap, Leonard: Conroy, Asa Gedney, Pete Runge and Norman Jones. Jeff Murry was reinstated. William- Thomas and- Tom Jones, local Elks, sponsored' the candidates. Buy National War Bonds Now!' Cabbage' contains a substance, though not as strong as penicillin, that acts against bacteria, and its presence In sufficient quantity is believed to prevent the develop ment of objectionable colors, odors, and flavors in sauerkraut. C.Ia. t 1 - tHUU"" Ul jnaucied criminal, show that hardened ones bT give case histories showing Cn! complaints; those showinEnmT ous bodily complaints are to show feelings of guUt and pentance. 1Q re- Desert GLEAN GOLDEN SKINS and rich stores of , vitamin G mark our Desert sunshine grows oar grapefruit golden bright tnside and out ... fills them to bursting with vitamin C. In fact, half a Desert Grapefruit provides an adult's primary supply of this all-Important vitamin. Poke your spoon into half a juicy-rich Desert Grape fruit at breakfast. Add' its tangy goodness to luncheon salads. And for a taste treat at dinner, serve halves of natural-color golden Desert Grapefruit. Grapefruit inOMAHZOIH.iV CALIFORNIA J riiysin J::-:V''iwL Them py V ' 1 Tux '-.jiiiv'4 l.linmmlur V'-i. Diagnosis, X Kay ami 1 Court Dr.R.D.Ketchum f'himprartin rhyslrinn 121 MuMH'siila Aviv I'hono i!l jli.ji.l,illi 'w"'L ! . ' T I I I I I Safeway shelf prices are priced low to save you money on every purchase, every day. Easter Breakfast Ideas At Safeway youH find' all the foodB you need for Easter dining . . . tops in quality, low in cost. Edwards Coffee Mb. jar 28' Hob Hill Coffee. Mb. bag 45e; 1-lb. bag 23' Airway Coffee, 3-lb. bag 58c; Mb. bag 20e Borden's Hemo ""oVX" Mb. jar 59c Canterbury Tea, black VMb. pkg. 22" Sun Valley Beverage Vi-gallon 39c Apple Juice. S&W brand 12-oz. bottle 17s V-8 Veg. Cocktail 1 8-oz. can f21 1 4e i Mrs.' Wright's Bread, lVz-lb. loaf 12e; lb. 9' Soda Crackers, Tasty Maid 2-lb. pkg.. 25c Graham Crackers, Honey Maid 1 lb. 19c Honey Butter, Dexter's Grape Preserves, Libby's Karo Syrup, blue label Westag Vanilla Z Food Coloring XSS 14-oz. carton 29s 2-lb. glass 35c lVMb.jar 15c 4-oz. bottle 7' 1-oz. bottle 14c Morning Glory Oots "U5SS 20-ox. pkg. 12 Ralston Cereal or wnoie wheat pkg. 20 Kitchen Craft Flour 1.99 T.It '1.02 Sperry Flour drifted snow 10-lb. sack 52c Fisher's Blend Flour 10-lb. sack52 Pancake Flour, Suzanna 2Va-lb. pkg. 15c Gingerbread Mix, Duff's 14-oz. pkg. 22c Sunny Bank Margarine '15 2-lb. pkg. 35' Deviled Meat Gudahy's b. Pt. 14 can 5 Cudahy'i Tang ,5 it Pi.. 12-oz. can 32 Stidd's Chicken Tamales Mb. jar 22- BEANS EGGS MILK Small Whito or Grade A Large Bordens, Pet eto. Tall Ked Mexican Cans, 1 i pis. per can. Guaranteed Fresh 5 lbs. 39c Doz. 35c 2 cans 17c Cello Pkg. Cherub 2 cans 15o Tomato Soup HE?v1RBEAM lT-oz. canl0 Tomato Juice 8S (4oPu. 46-oz. can 21s Blended Juice, Adams' aopu.) No. 2 can 18e Sugar Belle Peas, 2, 3, 4-sieve pT 15 Exquisite Tomatoes (spt..) No. 2Vt can 20 Santiam Cut Beans, green al,' ?."," 1 6C Diced' Beets, Blue Tag fancy 303 jar 1 0e Gardenside Spinach,) No. IVx can 15e Lima Beans, California large 2-lb. pkg. 25e Pimientos, Sunshine Brand 7-oz. glass 18e Light Globe 15 to 0- aU 11 lon.wall 16 ISO-watt 22c Let's give a lift to Easter Breakfast with a menu that's different. This simple, easy-to-make meal will put-sparkle in the eyes of all the family. EASTER BRUNCH Frozen Pruit Juice (Combine your favorite fruit juices or leftover fruit syrups. Freeze to a mushy consistency.) Pancake Sandwich Egg & Sausage Scramble (Between 2 hotcakes place'a layer of "Egg & Sausage Scramble.) Heated syrup with butter or margarine. Minted Grapefruit Compote (Add crushed mint candies or mint flavoring to chilled grapefruit sections. Garnish with berries or fresh mint.) Bunny Cookies , (Sugar cookies cut into shape of bunny. Frost with pink and white frosting.) Coffee. 'IGG AND SAUSAGE SCRAMBLE Eggs scrambled' with pork sausage and bread. 6 egss 'i pound bulk pork auiago "' 3'cupt finely cubed bread 6 tbept. milk Fry sausage In hot frying pan; pour off half the fat; add bread cubes; fry with sausage until well browned; add eggs and milk beaten together. Cook slowly, stirring with a fork until eggs are firm but still soft. Serves 4 to 6. Note: Finely diced bacon or ham may be sub stituted for the sausage. jf& Safeway Vrmartry llomtmakers' Bureau JUUA LEB WRIGHT, DiKctoT Remember regardless of cut or price, every meat purchase you make at Safeway must please you ... or your money refunded in full. 'A'o Point Items' Chinook Salmon . . .lb. 45c riecos, to Bake Fresh Oysters, Medium Size Pint 65c Fresh Crabs, Large Size lb. 27c Salt Herring, for that Snack lb. 25c Boneless Herring lb. 35c Chinook Salmon . . .lb. 49c Fresh, Sliced A - l- SAFEWM MAU1V PfiOBUa Safeway fruits and vegetables are rushed from farm to store . we can guarantee their flavor and goodness. . that's why Oranges Sweet, juicy Navels 288 Size and larger 5 lbs. - box 1 1 Grapefruit AQC Desert Vi 1 CO While Box 31 0 Sweet Lc 1 Per II). Bulk Sauerkraut Turkey Hearts, lb. 39c Chicken Hearts, lb. 41c Spiced Lunch Meat (s Pt.) lb. 53e Minced Lunch Meat M pis.) lb. 37' quart 15c Gizzards, lb. 39c Gizzards, lb. 41c Low-Point Lunches Bologna Type 2 Opt..) lb. 31c Liver Sansage (2 puj lb. 32c Weinen (5 pw lb. 37 Cheese American, Sliced 2 p- lb. 37 WANTED! Safeway pays highest cash prices for dressed Veal, Rabbits, Chickens and Pigs. See us NOW! Paas Egg Dyes Pkt 10c 3 for 25c . Extra Fancy and Fancy Winesap APPLES 4.39 lb. 32c lb. 19c I'cr Box Per LI). RADISHES So crisp and tasly Cc Bumh 3 GREEN ONIONS Tender Young Sliools Bundles - Asparagus l ender, green spears- Cauliflower Kosclmrg's finest Green Celery lb. 15c TJlalr type, crisp Bell Peppers lb. 17c Mild, sweet, green Zucchini lb. 28c Early Summer Squash Artichokes lb. 27c Large size Cucumbers lb. 32c Hoi house grown Tomatoes lb. 21c ...BUT THIS IS THE SFXOND TIME THIS WFF.H THE MEATS BFF.N TOUGH I CAN'T I YOU DO SOMETHING' OF COURSR WP. CANT PICK AND CHOOSE LIKE WE. USED TO, BUT WHAT THEY DO HAVE MUST PliASe VOU OK SAFEWAV WILL REFUND y0UR X IFVOUCANOOI I AND RILL IS SerTINO 1 I 1 Dcrrra nn Pill.i.T..niiv.. I II I O' ' CJV, W II ' I I no I J CKJU I II. I B I I TAKE WHAT OClY KNOW WHAT -- I . I c-'-rT" .' " - i rvwrnym NOW THIS WHAT IS SOOD! I KNEW WQH.. ' i I yOU COULD FINCfNjf rJC1 F:lTHANK3TO S V - fftU VESTA FOR - - jJtttfl INTRCOUCIN& jT VMl we to Raymond Swing KX 415 P. M1. MON.-WED.-FRI. Q SAFEWAY CEDRIC FOSTER 1 1 A.M., Mon. thru Fri. STAMPS KVP1KING MAKrif ! Hod StuniM Q." 9."i S.'i Blue Slumps XVZj unil AT3