THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, "MARCH 28, 1945 PAGE EIGHT Labor, Industry Leaders Confer, Outline Charter Washington. March 28 mi Throe ton labor and industry lead ers today announced a proposed charter for a "practical partner ship" of labor and management to insure industrial peace after the war. A seven point plan was made public at a joint press conference bv Eric A. Johnston 01 faponane, president of the U. S. chamber of commerce; CIO President Philip Murray, and AKL President, Wil liam Green. Under the proposed code of prin doles, the right of labor to or ganize and engage in collective bargaining would be recognized and deserved. The code also would recognize and preserve the "inherent right and responsibility " of manage ment to direct the operations for an enterprise. Charter Outlined The proposed charter: "We in management and labor firmly believe that the end of this war will bring the unfolding of a new era based upon a vastly ex panding economy and unlimited opportunities for every American. "This peactime goal can only be attained through the united effort of all our people. Today, we are united In national defense. Tomor row, we must he united equally in the national interest. "" '"Management-labor unity, so ef fective in lifting war production Mustang Fighters Crash on Iwo Jima I jS, - - rv t t t,i,.--' " a .. i , -v.-, -,vi--L-.i I (NEA Telepholo) Beyond a line of Seventh Fighter Command P-51s on Iwo Jima, smoke tcwers from names or a Mustang which, was struck by a plane landing on the treacherous Iwo strip. The P-52, making its landing, rolled over one parked plane, flipped over the top of the plane burning fierce above. AAF photo. differences between management and labor can be disposed of be tween the parties through peace ful means, thereby discouraging avoidable strife through strikes and lockouts. 5. The independence and dig nity of the individual and the en joyment of his democratic rights are inherent in our free American society. Our purpose is to co operate in building an economic to unprecedented heights, must be system for the nation which will continued in the postwar period. I protect the Individual against the To this end. we dedicate our Joint I hazards of unemployment, old jiuimiwiituwujunjiiuiiuniiDitiiu Mrs. America Meets fhe War efforts for a practical partnership within the framework of this code of principles: "1. Increased prosperity for all involves the highest degree of pro duction and employment at wages assuring a steadily advancing standard of living. Improved pro ductive efficiency and technologi cal advancement, must, therefore, be constantly encouraged. Property Rights Basic "2. The rights of private prop erty and free choice of action, under a system of private com petitive capitalism, must continue to be the foundation of our na tion's oeaceful and prosperous ex panding economy. Free competl-l ! practices. non ana tree men are the strength of our free society. "3. The inherent right and re sponsibility of management to di rect the operations of an enter prise shall be recognized and pre served. So that enterprise may develop and expand and earn a reasonable profit, management must be free as well from unneces sary government interference or burdensome restrictions. Rights Asked "4. The fundamental rights of labor to organize and to engage in collective bargaining with man agement shall be recopnlzr?d and preserved, free from legislative enactments which would interfere with or discourage these objec tives. Through the acc.-'itnnee of collective bargaining agreements, age, and physical impairments, bevond his control. "6. An expanding economy at home will be stimulated by a vast ly increased foreign trade. Ar rangements must therefore be perfected to afford the devasated or undeveloped nations reasonable assistance to encourage the re building and development o f sound economic systems. Interna t i o n a 1 trade cannot expand through subsidized competition among the nations for diminish ing markets but can be achieved only through expanding world markets and the elimination of any arbitrary and unreasonable Must Secure Peace "7. An enduring peace must be secured. This calls for the estab lishment of an International se curity organization, with full par ticipation by all the United Na tions, capable of preventing aggression and assuring lasting peace. "we in management and labor agree that our primary duty is to win complete victory over nazism and Japanese militarism. We also With spring already in the air, and summer not far away, Mrs. America's thoughts are probably turning to her family's wardrobe. The government's new clothing program about which you've al ready heard, is designed to make available more lower-priced, essen tial garments. The total clothing supply will not be increased, but there will be more lower-priced "necessary" clothing and less higher-priced "luxury" clothing. Another feature of the program is designed to stop the steady rise In clothing prices. Additional protec tion Is afforded Mrs. Americas pocketbook through the use of tags, carrying the ceiling price, which will be attached to most wearing apparel. Thus the house wife can tell at a glance the high est price that can legally be charg ed for the item she's purchasing and guard herself against over charge. Rising prices for house furnish ings are also the target for attack in the fight agains inflation. They have been creeping up steadily, but the office of price administra tion is putting a stop to such in creases by changing the pricing rules on the scale of this merchan dise. Plans are now being worked out designed to restore the pro duction of furniture and house furnishings in the lower price ranges. So in a few months if you senger cars. The number available for rationing to civilians during April is considerably less than March, due to a shortage of car bon black and heavy demands from the army. You'll be smart to have your tires checked right away if you're lucky enough to still have an automobile. A recap ping job may save a tire which can t be replaced, and enable you to keep driving instead of having to put the car in the garage for the duration. We're in for more belt tighten ing, too. The amount of meat for the home front will be less during the coming months. Mrs. America will have to plan more menus around no-point and low-point foods. Sugar is getting scarcer. We now have to stretch our sugar stamps over a three-month period, instead of the two and a half; months. However, honey and mo-, lasses will go a lonf way to ease that ache ln the family sweet tooth, And, of course, if you've a place for It, you'll have a victory garden this year. Uncle Sam is counting on them to make a big contribution to the country's food supply. , A few extra red ration points come in- very handy to every housewife. They might even en able you to get that beefsteak your mouth has been watering for out your ration stamp budget would not permit. The butcher will give you two red points and 4 cents for every pound of waste kitchen lat you turn in to him Put all your used fats in a clean tin can. When it's full take it to your butcher. You'll not only get red .points in return, but you'll be doing our fighting men overseas a service too. Waste fats are used in making munitions. Remember two red points for every pound Next time you start tc? throw away a paper bag, stop and ask yourself if it -can be used again. We're not going to have enough paper bags, but housewives can helo stretch the limited supply by taking their own shopping bags or baskets to market. . Promotion Won By Bert Moore Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Moore, 124 Congress, were recently in formed of the promotion of their son, Bertram, to the rank of ser geant with the 10th mountain di vision somewhere in Italy. A 1943 graduate of the Bend high school, where he was vice president of his class, Sgt. Moore entered the armed forces Au gust 4, 1943, and left for overseas duty In January of this year. 2-Week Recess Taken by House Washington, March 28 IP The house began a two-week Easter recess today; Although perfunctory sessions were scheduled for today and at three-day intervals for the next two weeks, legislative business was suspended until April iu: Many of the members returned to their home "districts. agree that we have a common! "ATu'r.." . " Inlnr rilllv In onnnnrntlnn vulth """" UF Juul "'K :" , '7i,u purchase a new bedroom set, you rJMrLPI may do so with less strain on the and work for a prosperous and sustained peace. In this spirit we agree to create a national commit tee, composed of representatives of business and labor organiza tions. This committee will seek to promote an understanding and sympathetic acceptance of this code of principles and will pro pose such national policies as will advance the best interests of our nation." war-time budget. If you think rationing will be I only a memory after the Euro pean war is over, you've got the wrong idea. Supplies of all types of rationed commodities are tight er than ever, with no prospect of easing up right after V-E day. lake for example, tires for pas- IF SUE IE 3 New Rose Dawn Plants Please enclose 25 cents to help 'cover packing, postage, handling and advertising expense. 'IM , - To advertise our unique method bf gelling direct from nursery to you through the mail, we'll send you three well-rooted Rose Dawn perennial flower plftnts.'lready to set out In your yard. These are the new flowers you have been hearing about through radio stations and the garden magazines of the country. They grow two to three feet high and bear loads of silver pink flow ers from April to August. Fine or cutting or for yard decora tion. Ideal planting time now. We want you to have three f these plants to transplant in your yard, so you can see what strong', healthy flowers we raise. Current catalog value 00 cents.' Now you may have three selected hardy spec-linens, shipped postpaid for 25 cents inci dental expense, as above, J , ' Offer good during hrlef shipping period .only. Send your re quest, enclosing 25 cents, to: '.' .... CLARK GARDNER Seattle 4, Wash. THIS IS SUPIRIN, the new anal- gesic (pain relief) tablet which gives quicker and greater relief from pain with safety. Now at your druggist's, 30 tablets 39. Ask for Superin. Take it as you would plain aspirin. HUGHES VOLUME HIGH Everett E. Hughes, district agent for the Northwestern Mutal Life Insurance Co. of Milwaukee, Wis., has been notified that he was second in volume in the entire state this past fiscal year in the amount of insurance he has writ ten, and that for the current year his volume exceeds even that of the past year. Hughes, a resident of Bend, has represented his comp any here for the past five years. m mis) ff$f When Your Tires Look Like This! Thar slick, smooth look means that our expert re capping job is just what your tires need. Drive in for a tire check-up today then let us recap be fore your tires are too worn to be safely repaired. MACMILLAN DISTRIBUTORS FOR DESCHUTES, JEFFERSON AND CROOK COUNTIES 1 1 734 American Bide; rV :iUif- I 1 V I If. last year's dress. A ' Ssnit0nedryclcaner- raw w I 3 J City Cleaners & Dyers 1032 Wall Phon.246 Marion Cady . sam 5coH MfiJES FOR LAWN and GARDEN UW- UUIfO II 1! I BURPEE'S GIANT II V ? Garden Rake )' I ZINNIA SEEDS I f w 1.39 S Come In Today! 1 WTfftff (Jj . """""i St ' ' J? jP GarIen rioe l 1 t l -ff I A fl SSfaL A socket typo hos o?eM I j ( n our War ll r ' w TapeiiSdlS 8'e01 X U garden book ll V ftp Kound Shovels V; ' i f Full Information on ths . I . Oiotcs of long-handled! V v I Car of Your Gordon I P V V 01 7tnca D-ahapo handle. M ' I' : 'in 2 i rxsocoockoopocn ' i St I fill Pjno" t Snadint Fork UV " 2Lbs- 1.00 5 spnuauf, UW Will provide a luxurious, line-textured turf. A top Talus I lt" 1 1 mixture containing a high percentage of fine grasses to Insure M Btronsr, sharp steel tlnei If a more permanent lawn. I to make your work easier. 1 1 Supreme Sunny Seed, , Supreme Shady Seed, JAe ! I LOPPING j fl; ! SHEARS . 11111 M U ; I i mm I F7" 'fjj? as S461 inantity of rubier U ; I 1 I tS""-"56? and heavier reinforcing yarn for B ' j. I For trimming trees and I 22lK5!SZSS' .ongor life. i I : I heavy shrubbery. Twenty. . Inch handles. I ' 50-H. Hoie 5.45 I . Pntnlnhearitge J HeadieriMOeo J llDotstnoLlkrjf . Germain's Guaranteed J; ; l An yaln 0-gSm FLOWER AND I ill jTwl ' III VEGETABLE SEEDS ill Eiaht..a.F.ot I II " d M9 U ill Soil"Soakr I IjgSMjU Each package contains generous .; l l.(it I j n?J?S5y &$xr?!t. Qaaotltles and complete directions I If Gets way down to thirsty I TJUpMr for proper sowing. You can rely, on 1 roots! Mildew-resistant II YSE' Oermaln'sl I FEISRS II Transplanton 1 "qgESPRAY I 5 lbs. 45c I transplanting Combines fungicide, in- B 10 lbs 70c 11 XBases shock and re- I sectlcide and plant stlmu- . II if?-- duces wilt. f lant all In one spray. Tor I j IB I other flowers, too. I j i am.B Get rc$fotio if 7 o FACTORY-METHOD ' . RECAPPING Oearanteed Moterleb and WerkaMnililn No Ration CertIcoie Needed H0UI K-YAM ALLEI Tircon Home & Auto Supply Wall at Minnesota Phone 860