THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. 194 PAGE SEVEH I Market Extends Tuesday Gains By Elmer C. Walier (United PreM Financial Editor) New York;. March 28 tin peace rumors- evaporated in the financial district, today and- the stock market extended yester day's gains by fractions to more than a point. I As the street lost interest In the premature peace reports wmcn circulated freely yesterday trad ing volume fell off substantially. Hudson Motor, led in turnover ('and made a new high on a gain of more tnan a point in response to a favorable earnings report. Inter. fckional Telephone resumed its ac- iiitty ana rose a point, uraham-fr-aige and Packard, were active and firm, Leading motors rose major pactions, steels at their hichs Showed gains ranging to a point ijn Bethlehem, but later lost part iof the rise. Rails held fractions to fa point higher, borne higher priced femes, including Nickel Plate pre ferred and Pere Marquette pre ficrred, were up 2 or 3 points. I Airlincs;were prominent, on the fupside under leadership of East fern which at its high of 55-& was lp 4 points. American rose more han 2 and the others a point or letter. . PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland. Ore.. March 28 (IP) ivestock: cattle-100, calves 25. cry active, fully steady. Few ood fed steers $16.25. Canner- utter cows predominating at ,00-9.50. Fat dairy type cowsun- ard to $10.50. Good beef bulls 13.50. Good-choice vealers $15.00- G.00. - Hogs 150. Active, s t e a d y. leichts above 157 lbs. $15.73; few 45 lbs. $15.00. Good sows $15.00. fcood light stags, up to $13.50. fcood-choice feeder pigs salable B16.50-17.5O. Sheep iuu. rew good sprine lambs $16.00; large lot 85 lbs. late fruesday. $16.00; first of season, fcood-choice truck-in wooled lambs Salable $15.50-16.00. Good ewes Quotable $8.00-8.50. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., March 28 ;IP W keen demand continued in the leg market today. With, a heavy kail from storage interests, the upply was proving inadequate. Butter and egg prices were un changed. Butter Cube, 93 score, 42c; S2 score, 42 Vtc; 90 score, 42c; 89 core, 41140 pound,. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA. arge, 44c; A, large; 42d: medium i, 39c; small, 35c dozen. You Count 'Em Lf Veteran of 2 years Army ser i' rif MSot, Frnnris X. Falvey. " 5? based at Norfolk. Va., is the only rJm man in the transportation corps permmea io wear w, patch on his right shoulder, con trary to regulations. Jammed on his left sleeve are (top to bottom) his sergeant's stripes; six overseas chevrons for World War II; six for World, War I: nine enlistment "hash, marks." INVESTORS MUTUAL, INC. AN OPEN END INVESTMENT COMPANY Protptcfui on requetl from Principal UndwwrHf INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNEAPOLIS, Ml NNISOTA ELMER LEHNHERR Loral Representative !I7 Oregon Hume oio Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Classified Rates, 25 Words One Time , ,, .JHSe 25 Words Three Time 7 So 23 Words Six Times . , , yyftff. AU.wanU IS add le get wrd,UM aiuabar ( buartlaaa, Oaa math ran, ua copr, dar rata HbUaiaa. Ckaiaa, J5e LINE RATE lOe CAPITALS 20o UlaaaUlad AdTtniaMv. Caik in Adraaca Daily Claatasfima P. M. BEND AERIE NO, 2089; -Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E, HaU W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary, co Bend Dairy Store FOB SALE MAYTAG GASOLINE washer, A-l condition. Phone 274. 434 Kansas, - QUALITY CHICKS, and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X. Red mond, Ore. WHITE ENAMELLED wood range with copper coils. Also two burner electric plate. Inquire 1660 Awbrey road.. RABBITS Two young giant bucks, one checker and one white. Also two young giant white does. Call at 147 E. Olney. FARMS: 160 at reduction. Bldgs., equipment; lays nice. $7500. Terms. GRANTS PASS : 585 agres. Good farming land or gold mining property. Free water right, $14,-. 000, terms. Have several farms and stock ranches priced' right Walter L. Daron, 126 Minnesota, St. SEVERAL GOOD' We table model radios, two radio consoles, one portable. 117 Lafayette. - GUITAR and 3 cords of- green body and limb . wood. at a bargain. 22 Lake Place. MY EQUITY in 5 room modern furnished house at 514 E, Norton. SADDLE HORSES and; saddles for sale and lor hire. Special rates this week. S. -L. Miles, 3tt miles south on Dalles-California, DRY JACKPINE block, wood, $9.00 per cord, dry jackpine slab wood $7.00 .per cord, any length you want. 154 Adams Place. D. W. Beck. Phone 220. $3500 BUYS 5 room modern home, close in. Va acre of ground. Good ground' for gardem - Possession soon. C. V, Silvis, 118 Oregon Ave: GENTLE 1400 pound horse, brok en to work, single, or double or. to ride. Inquire-Bert Torkelson, Rt. 1, Box 200, 114 mile east of Bradetich Dairy. SHAW GARDEN tractor and at tachments. 4-horse motor. Call af ter 6. Rt. 1, Box 76, Carroll Acres district on old highway. COTTAGE HOME: East side. Four room modern. Good buy in two bedroom. Kitchen range, built ins. Three lots. Other furniture if desired. $2100. $260 down. Have many good buys in income prop erty, camp- grounds, business property, many residences- for your selection. Walter L. Daron, Realtor. Arnolds Office, 126 Min nesota St. BUY YOUR children a bunny for Easter. Get them from Hubert Bartlett, Rt, 2, Box 273, in Boyd Acres off. Butler Market road. COMPLETELY FURNISHEdTS room modern 6 blocks northifrom Pilot Butte Inn east of river, has Norge refrigerator and Universal washing machine, well construct ed little house,, good foundation, plastered, utility roo'm, garage, also large building for wash room and shed. Lot, fenced with good lawn. Immediate possession, $2200 terms of $900 down, balance easy terms.. J. S, Davis Co:, 124 Ore gon Ave. ACREAGES: Why not have your own meat, garden, berries? Good 10 acres all under irrigation. Good buildings. Almost all new. 5 room home. $2625. SUBURBAN: 5 acres for $1700. 10 acres for $2600. Have several others. Walter L. Daron. 126 Minnesota St. '36 FORD coupe, radio, healer and defroster. 3 hp. Champion out board motor. 1232 Milwaukee. MODERN four room house with garage and woodshed. Joe Kelly, 1325 Davenport. 4 ROOM semi-modern, hot and cold water. West side, $1150. Trailer house, factory chassis, $150, good tires. 1333 Cumberland. WALKER-TURNER 10 inch tilt- ling arbor saw, one horse motor, 1 Inquire 405 E. Revere. ONE 2-YEAR old white face, heif , er and two yearling heifers. G, E. Lanier, Route 1, Box 303, 5 miles east and 1 mile south from Bend. AT AUCTION, 180' acres, 42 ; shares Swalley water, stock, ma chinery. Mar. 30. Rock Ranch, 5 miles north on old highway. From. 1 Redmond 12 miles south. MAN'S 17 jewel watch, rose gold case and flexible band, $40. Phone 936-M or 1070 Union. WILL SELL my equity in 4 room house, 3 lots, outbuildings, place for cow and chickens, also some berries. Inquire at 464 E. Revere. ' WINCHESTER 32 special and i box of shells. Inquire 1232 Albany I after 5. I -OKSAJJ& MONTAG HEATER, , chest of drawers, reconditioned davenport and chair, . single bed. with- mat tress and spring) Call at 470, Wye Lane. 4 BRONZE turkey hens and. 2 toms. 5 miles east on Bend-Burns hlnkuio,, 1 1A. jnllaa .Mk Hall west of Eastern Star Grange hall. Mrs. uoya raster. BROODER STOVES; and parts Electric, oil,, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond; Ore. FOB SALE OB TRADE, 3 ROOM modern, house, nice cor ner lot close in. Also 1937 Chevro let' truck- for- sale or trade for stock, cattle or tractor. Inquire 2nd house on the left on Alfalfa road. E. D; Fitzgerald, FOB BENT TWO 3-room furnished apart ments. Adults , only. Call at, 21 Lafayette or phone 1177.. NICELY FURNISHED rooms for light- housekeeping. Just redeco rated, quiet house, telephone service,, furnace- heat... 42 Haw thorne. VACANCY, WESTONIA-, Apart ments. Close in,- clean, comfort able, electrically equipped, wash ing, facilities,, garage, full; base ment. Inquire Eslie A. Dunn, Apt. 7, 1601. vy. 3rd.. ROOM: in- private home, kitchen privileges, if desired.; 1305. King ston;. 2 ROOM furnished house on Al many Ave. Double- garage. In quire at 1375 Albany or 355 Fed eral. LARGE FURNISHED home in very good location. For informa tion call 978-R after 4 p. m. ONE MODERN-four room house, with range, call. 324., 2 ACRES 5 mile out. water. buildings, electricity, large garden space. Berry paten, lift acres fenc ed pasture adjoining. Work to be done and may be aDDlied on rent. Ross Farnham,., foot, of, Oregon Ave. . .- THREE ROOM, not modern, on west side with two big lots: Nice garden ground. Might, consider selling on easy terms. See John son, Bend Realty, 957 Wall St; WANTED. . TO TAKE, care of, children while parents work.. Inquire 1429 Aw- orey upstairs. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also, gentle, saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W, R. Franks, Redmond, or phone 78-J, Redmond, Oregon WILL PAY. CASH for used sew ing machines. Write Singer Sew ing Machine. Co., 640 Willamette St., Eugene, Ore., for- appoint ment. USED RADIOS W1U pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St Phone 900. WANT TO RENT or buy sewing machine. Phone 749-M; PRIVATE. PARTY will pay cash for modern house in good loca tion. What: have-you to offer? Write No. 484 care of Bend Bulle tin. . LARGE, QUANTITIES Pine Cones, large or small. Quote prices f.o.b. shipping point, earli est shipment. Niedermeyer-Mar-tin Co., Spalding Building, Port land, Oregon. SEWING MACHINE in goo dcon ditlon, either electric or treadle. 1124 Baltimore. WANT SOMEONE to care for two children, 5 year old boy and 2 year old girl, in your home by the nonth. Writo No. 487 care of Bulletin. PORTABLE or treadle sewing machine in good condition. Tele phone 1187. WILL PAY CASH for 1941 or 1942 Cadillac. Write 12359 Bulletin. WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom unfurnished house, steady reliable people, adults. Write care of Bul letin No. 439. WANTED TO BUY late model pickup in good condition. L. W. Svensen, Route 1, Box 35, Red mond. Phone 20-F-2. WORKING GIRL wants woman for general housework and care of school ago child: Board, room and. wages. Phono 260. "RED RYDER" ON THE SCREEN TONIGHT TOWER THEATER n with ' jk "GABBY" S HAYES 1 and WILD BILL ELLIOTT RED RYDER The Thrill King . t omen to L,ue on Vs the Screen. HELP WANTED WOMAN- experienced iiu office record keeping and some knowl edge of bookkeeping. Must be a sterographer and able to meet public. This is a permanent posi tion. 40 hour week, with excellent working conditions. , Inquire or write The Bend Bulletin. SECRETARY for manager of manufacturing plant- Technical experience; helpful, some book keeping, experience desirable. A responsible position In an essen tial industry now, with excellent post-war future. Phone Redmond 10-R-l or. write Great Lakes Car bon Corporation- Decalite Divi sion, Terrebonne, Oregon. WANTED AT ONCE, beauty op erator. High salary. Guarantee plus commission, 50 and 60. Jo Ann Thomas, Beauty Quest, phone 170. 81 Oregon. NEED ONE or 2 men to work in portable tie mill out of town.' See Lynn Houck at 364: Woodland Wed. or Sat., after 6 or Sunday. SOME ONE to trim trees. Inquire 1825 West Second. Phone 1066-M. HOUSEKEEPER to keep house and care for children. Good home and wages. Phone 815-R or write No. 454 care of Bulletin. GOOD IRRIGATOR, Steady job, ceiling wages. Phone 13-F-58 Red mond. C. B. Adams, Terrebonne, Oregon. WOMAN to assist with house work part of two days a week. Modern apartment upstairs at 831 Wall St., next to Tower Theater., STENOGRAPHER-CLERK, some time keeping. Call 10-R-l Red mond or write Great Lakes Car bon Corp., Decalite Division, Ter rebonne, Oregon. GIRL CHECKER and clerk to work in local grocery store. Good , salary, wrue ino. i-iio in care The Bulletin. USED CARS 1936 DODGE sedan, complete overhaul, 5 new recaps, below ceil ing price. 1333 Cumberland.. CHRYSLER convertible sedan, A-l condition. See Hubble at Bend Garage between 8 and 5. LOST TAN BILLFOLD lost Saturday morning between 138 Florida and Piggly Wiggly or between there and Childs Hardware. Contained money and identification papers. Phone 766 or 88. Reward. VIGORO SPREADER, loaned last year. Will the person who has it please return it, or phone 660 and will pick it up. Erickson's Food Market. GRAY MARE, about 1300 lbs., branded. Strayed R. E. Moe place at Tumalo, Thursday afternoon. Gladwin Davis, Route 2, Box 214. MISCELLANEOUS WILL GIVE away barnyard ferti lizer, haul yourself. Corner Re. vere and Division or telephone 716-J. BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to, hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real. Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook, Terrebonne, .Oregon. Phone 19-F-3 collect. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgicaL men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. CLEAN THE EASY WAY With Fuller's all-purpose cleaner. An Instantaneous safe odorless cleaning preparation that takes the -drudgery out of household work. Phone 594, Lloyd Whcadon, 1714 Steidl, Bend. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no Obligation. Elmpr Hudson lihnnn 274. 431 Kansas. GOOD HEALTH Your Greatest Possession Raaala M by bain? rallaTad al Hamorrhoida (PUaa), Fia aura, Tlilula, Harala (Rup tura). Our mathed ol treat ment without hospital op aratfoa ucceisluHr uaed for 33 reari. Llbaral credit terme. Coll lor examination Of aend lar- fREE booklet, Open fvero'noi, Mon., Wad., fri,, 7 lot.X Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC PhytWou and Svrfon W. E. Cor. E. Bumsids and Qrand Av. TUpbon EAj. 3918, Portland 14, Oregon RED RYDER A60U1 HALF 1H E. W -Ryder STARTED T tT'VCWl Ol SEE t , .ltpt A ACE HALON)-' MOVJ lV "H WNEY 15 STILL CELE&dATirt' BEFORE HE) fJ THIS IS A FRArtE-UP.' ; JiiSf"1 "MM 'iEGiNrtlNS' TO SAVVY-' ) JsX' J KISSIN5G i r!ff ' GOT AvW VOlTri IT ALL .' s f W'HERE'SA 1 VCAS DRUGGED -r n , rrn rr 1 1 tX Ti , " Lla . i , rfl' mRSHAU M LUCKY HE PASSED OUT 1H1 R 5T ) AtV TM1 fAOMEY STORY7f?FT.r ' nT BDRKET BEFORE ALL TH' ) OF IT, I PLANTED &E5H5E . But YOUR POONER 1 V W ' T fLS TA tP WAS GOME-' DE5rH HERE S TOLdMA MSSm pl THIS CURIOUS WORLD . . . m.lWW9UIU,W. T.M.atO.U.S.P.r. 1 Ij OF THEIR FOOD FROM iSS-1 "j-aW?? PEPPER IS SVTARCE ,., BUTSAtr IS ONE Of THE MOST COMMON I MINERALS IN ' EXISTENCE. MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED By certified Singer Representa tive. Write Singer Sewing Ma chine Co., 640 Willamette St., Eu gene, Ore., for appointment. J UST-RECEIVED! Dwarf box plants for borders, etc., 25c each. Also 3 yr-old English box for hedges si 35c. Rosebushes and flowering shrubs Ui 49c. Good as sortment of bulbs, plants, cactus, lawn seed and fertilizers at WOOLWORTHS. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Dr. S. E. Fairham Stroke Victim Condon, Ore., March 28 UH Dr. Silas E. Fairham, Cascade d is.t rl ct superintendent of the Metnotilst church, was under a doctor's care in Condon today aft er suffering a partial paralytic stroke while visiting churches un der his supervision. Ho was stricken while driving near Condon,; Mrs. Fairham, a trained nurse, came from the fam lly home at Salem to care for him. He will be moved to Salem in a few days. Dr. Fairham was pastor of the Gresham Methodist church prior to nis appointment as superin tendent of the district, which em braces 60 Methodist churches in southern, central and eastern Ore gon. Trucks equipped for desert travel, similar to those used oy the allies in Africa, will replace camels for the transportation of freight and baggage in Arabia because thousands of camels have died during the past five years' drought. HORNBECK Typewriter Co. Authorized Agent for ROYAL Sales and Service Roytype HlhlMtns and Carbon R. C. Allen Adding Machines All Makes Typewrllcrs Serviced Phone 12 122 Oregon Ave. Dr. Grant Skinner . DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Office Phone 78 Hea. Phone 819-W SEND US AN OOP TO QUOTE "COLO COFFEE BURNS ASE Urt"&jV MARGARET MARCH-MOUNT, RolloCa Shuler With 7th Army With the 42nd (Rainbow) Dlv Seventh Army, France Pfc. Hollo Shuler, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Shuler of 44 Cascade Place, Bend, Oregon, a member of the Rainbow division has been award ed the combat infantryman badge for exemplary performance of duty in ground combat against the enemy. The Rainbow division, which made a gallant name during World War I, was reactivated In July, 1043- and is now fighting under the command of Major General Harry J. Collins on the Seventh army front. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES .AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert mechanical and elect rl cul work on all makes of cars and trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIKE SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson-Duncan IS27 Wall Phone 812 BEAUTY SHOPS EASTER PERMANENTS With a Beautiful KOLII WAVE you will look your lovelleHt, Make your npK)lii(iiii'iils parly EXPERT OPERATORS Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phonn -IHl CLEANING DRY CLEANING OK QUALITY Repairs unil Hut Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Willi I'hone (Kt CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Host of Materials I-'uniIhIipiI Our periodical Inspo-tlon will Insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone tV or IH-'-za ELECTRICAL electrTc- Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Suppllcs FliinrcHcent Lights . GE Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric ' 1183 Wall riioiic 98 Practically all private tele phones in Japan have been con fiscated and transferred to public offices ana war plants, it. is re ported. LEGAL NOTICES ) SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes- MAUD E. EATON, . PLAIN TIFF, VS. WILLIAM DALE 4 JANE DOE DALE, Husband and wife; and tho unknown heirs of William Dale; also all other per sons or parties unknown, claim ing any rlgnt, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate describ ed in the complaint hereinj DE FENDANTS. TO: WILLIAM DALE & JANE DOE DALE, husband and wife; and the unknown heirs of William Dale; also all other - persons or parties unknown,, claiming any rlgnt, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, AND TO EACH Or YOU: ... IN. THE" NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are re quired to appear in the above en titled suit and set forth the nature of any right, title or interest you might nave in and to the tollow ing described premises, to-wlt; the East half of the Southeast Quarter (EMiSE!4); the South east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter- (SE14NE14) of Section Thirty-five (35) ; the Northwest!) Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NWWSWtt) of Section Thirty- six (36) in Township Twenty-two (22) South, Range Nine (9) East of the Willamette Meridian, and situate in Deschutes County state oi Oregon, within thirty days from the date of the Ilrst publication hereof. which day has been designated as the 28th day of March, 1945, by the above entitled Court, or suffer, judgment to be taken against you by a decree declaring plaintiff to be the absolute owner in fee of the above described premises, and declaring you and. each of you to be forever barred from asserting any right, title or interest in the said real property or any part thereof, adverse to tho rights of the plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as the Court might deem just In the premises. CHARLES E. BOARDM AN, At- WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS V AUTHORIZED PARTS , Service ou all mokes of. wash ing machine and electrical ap pliances. Bend Washer Service 136 Greenwood Phone 083 ; Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting New Work Repairing Home Water Systems Sump I'umpH Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 143 Greenwood Phone SJ17-W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Gods Movement MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" IVM Awhrey Kd. Tel. 2-M Commercial Printing of Quality PHOTOGRAPHIC OFFSET LETTERPRESS THE BEND BULLETIN Phone 66 - , Want Ad torney for Plaintiff, Post Office Address: Bank ox Bend Building, Bend, Oregpn. 96-102-103-114c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the . undersigned has been by the coun- ty court of the state of Oregon for Deschutes county appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Carl , H. Hatch, deceased, and all per sons holding claims against said estate are hereby required to pre- . sent the same with proper vouch ers to the undersigned at the of fice ot Koss f arnham, attorney at law, in Bend, Oregon, within six months after the date hereof, Dated and published first time March 14, 1945. ROSA M. HATCH. Administra- trix Estate of Call H. Hatch, De ceased. 84-90-96-102C NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the coun ty court of the state of Oregon for Deschutes county appointed ex ecutrix of the estate of Flora E. Wiest, deceased, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby required to present, the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of -. Ross Farnham, attorney at law, in , Bend, Oregon, within six months ' after the date hereof. Dated and published first time March 7, 1945. MARION WIEST COE, Ex ecutrix, Estate of Flora E. Wiest Dec. 78-84-90-96c.- s- ORDER QUALITY DADY CHICKS POULTS Delivered BAKER FEED CO. Phone 188X. ; Redmond, Ore. Refrigerator Service All Type, of M.chenical Servtct On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Monet ft Mlnimanta Phmir RM LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Dai Of the Year Phone 544 Trees Shrubs Vines Roses Evergreens and fruits. Extra hardy Mlnne Hota Stock. Stock sold F.O.B, nursery, delivered or planted. Free entlnmte for landscaping. Will compete with all catalog prices. HAINES NURSERY Cor. East 8th and Norton Phono 1MI5 Bend, Ore. INSURANCE . STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO FIRE - LIFE, Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 321 Drake Road Phone 318 John W. Smith, Agent 1B88 Awhrey ltd. Phone HH4-W By FRED HARMAN