THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY. MARCH 27. 1945 PAGE SEVENS prices Improve On Stock Market By T. W. Klenlen (United Prew Staff Correspondent) New York, March 27 ir Stocks fioved higher in less active trad fcg today on buying that Wall itreet analysis saia reiiectea an iver-sold market condition. While rumors regarding the ar in fcitrope new thick and ist in. the financial district, all Without confirmation, market ob servers viewed the improvement in prices as an entirely techni cal reaction to the decline of the revious two sessions. Better trading sentiment was romptedj moreover, by a sharply ieher earnings report for Doug las Aircralt tor tne fiscal year Mnded Nov. &), 1944, resumption )f dividends on tne non-cumula-live first preferred of Pacific Joast Co., and total elimination of krrears on preferred of D. A. Echulte, Inc. The Alleghany corp. group of ailroads responded moderately to Announcement that Alleghany had roposed a basis for settlement mt the claims of the interstate bommeree commission that con trol of the Chesapeake & Ohio failway had been acquired in vi olation 01 ICC rules. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore.. March 27 IIP) Livestock: cattle 100, calves 25, Steady on limited early offerings, Steers scarce. Good-choice fed steers quotable' to Monday's top bf $17.00. Common-medium heif- ts $10.00-13.00. Canner-cutter ows $7.00-9.25. Good bulls $13.25 lommons down to $10.00. Medium ealers $13.00, good-choice salable 15.00-16.00. Hogs 100. Active, steady. Most butcher 'hogs $15.75. Sows $15.00. tags $13.00-13.50. Good-choice coder pigs $17.00; choice kinds juotable to $17.50. bheep 100. Active, steady. Med- um-good 88 lb. woo led lambs B15.00. Common-medium grades ill.00-13.00; top Monday $16.25 or two decks good-choice 88 lb. fed lambs. Good ewes salable KS.00-8.50. New Parking Rule To Be Tried Here In an effort to improve park ing conditions in downtown Bend, Chief of Police Ken C. Gulidktto-. day announce'da" "Hew policy of imposing fines on offenders, and said that the new campaign will be put into eltect on April 1. Heretofore motorists have been assessed a $1 fine for parking more than an hour, and for other parking infractions. Under the new system the violator may "square" the citation for 50 cents if he does so before midnight the day he received it on his car. Each day thereafter that no efr fort is made to pay the fine, an additional 50 cents is added, until the fifth day. Then a warrant is issued for the offender's arrest. Offenses Listed The city ordinance lists the fol lowing offenses for which tickets may be issued: overtime parking, parking in loading zones, in no parking areas, in front of public entrances, adjacent to fire hy drants and in cases where the vehicle extends more than 16 feet from the curb. "I believe that motorists who receive citations will take advan tage of the reduced fine," Chief Gulick said. "There will be no ex ceptions to the rule, and officers will unhesitatingly serve the war rants on those who ignore the tickets." Tungsten carbide is made- in Australia the past two years from local wolfram, rendering the counlry independent of imports oi tungsten-carbide tools. SPRING TONIC Central Oregon's Headquarters for Bear Alinement Service Wheels out of line or unbalanced can cause you needless trouble. Your tires wear out in a hurry and there's extra strain on your entire car. We provide OFFICIAL Bear service . . . it's the check up that finds the 'trouble and corrects it. Always Remember . . . RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE 390 Greenwood CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Phone 64 Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance - 25 Words One Time- 83c 25 Words Three Time 75c 25 Words Six Times 4L35 AU wvida r tS add 1 Pr wrd tlmw nnmMtr ! uiMraena Ob month run. Mm copy. day rmU Minimum, Ufeart-a, u' LlNE RATE lOo CAPITALS 20o CluaUltd Adr.rti.lni. Cask la Adraaea Uallr Cloalas lima 11 ill P. M. FOB SALE $3500 BUYS 5 room modern home, close in. Mi acre of ground; Good ground for garden. Possession soon. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon Ave. PIANO, 6 : foot Sohmer grand, $750 cash. For Immediate sale. Telephone 1187. SHAW GARDEN tractor and at tachments. 4-horse motor. Call af ter 6. Rt. 1, Box 76, Carroll Acres district on old highway.- COTTAGE HOME: East side. Four room modern. Good buy in two bedroom. Kitchen range, built Ins. Three lots. Other furniture If desired, $2100. $260 down. Have many good buys in Income prop erty, camp grounds, business property, many residences for your selection. Walter L. Daron, Realtor. Arnolds Office, 126 Muv nesota St. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3 room modern 6 blocks north from Pilot Butte Inn east of river, has Norge refrigerator and Universal washing machine, well construct ed little house, good foundation; plastered, utility room, garage, also large building for wash room and shed. Lot fenced with good lawn. Immediate possession. $2200 terms of $900 down, balance easy terms. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Ore gon Ave. ACREAGES: Why not have your own meat, garden, berries? Good 10 acres all under irrigation. Good buildings. Almost all new. 5 room home. $2625. SUBURBAN: 5 acres for $1700. 10 acres for $2600. Have several others. Walter L. Daron. 126 Minnesota St. . MODERN four room house with garage and woodshed. Joe Kelly, 1325 Davenport. 4 ROOM semi-modern, hot and cold water. West side, $1150. Trailer house, factory chassis, $150, good tires. 1333 Cumberland. WALKER-TURNER 10 inch tilt ing arbor saw, one horse motor. Inquire 405 Ei. Revere. t - QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. RABBITS Two young giant ' bucks, one checker and one white. Also two young giant white docs. Call at 147 E. Olney. FARMS: 160 at reduction. Bldgs., equipment, lays nice. $7500. Terms. GRANTS PASS: 585 acres. Good farming land or gold mining property. Free water right. $14, 000, terms. Have several farms and stock ranches priced 1 right. Walter L. Daron, 126 Minnesota St. SEVERAL GOOD late table model radios, two radio consoles, one portable. 117 Lafayette. MY EQUITY in 5 room modern furnished house at 514 E. Norton. SADDLE HORSES and saddles for sale and for hire. Special rates this week. S. L. Miles, 3!4 miles south on Dalles-California. DRY JACKPINE block wood, $9.00 per cord, dry jackpine slab wood $7.00 per cord, any length you want. 154 Adams Place. D. W. Beck. Phone 220. $11,000 BUYS 160 acres, 120 acres Swalley water. All good land ready for crops. Includes all stock and equipment. Immediate I possesion. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. That's all your car may need to keep it rolling through the spring and summer months. With one of Oregon's most completely equipped shops, Ed die's is prepared to do any job according to factory specifica tions and with a guarantee that counts. . FOB SAJUK AT AUCTION, 180 acres, 42 shares Swalley water, stock, ma chinery. Mar.' 30. Rock Ranch, 5 miles north on old highway. From Redmond 12 miles south. - WILL SELL my equity In 4 room house, 3 lots, outbuildings, place for cow and chickens,-also some berried. Inquire at 464 E. Revere. MONTAG HEATER, chest of drawers, reconditioned davenport and chair, single bed with mat tress and spring. Call at 470 wye Lane. 4 BRONZE turkey hens and 2 toms. 5 miles east on Bend-Burns highway, ltt miles north, Mile west of Eastern Star Grange hall. Mrs. Lloyd Frasier. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. 5 ROOM- modern house with fur nace, fireplace and 8 lots. 592 Thurston, turn west at Nazarene cnurcn. 1 TEAM bay horses 4 yrs. old- well matched,, weight about 3200 lbs., l set harness, l cow, 10 yr. old1 Jersey, 1 Jersey cow 5 years old, fresh, one white face bull, 2 years old. One manure spreader, I Mc cormick 2 way plow, 1 rack and wagon, i iron wheel truck wagon. 1 MeCormick mower, 5 'ft, one1 spring tooth harrow, l peg tooth! narrow, one it men walking plow, one 1-horse cultivator. 1 hay rake, l McuormlcK ueertng separator, almost like , new, electric. Other articles, v inquire Aunes Feed- store. TREES, Siberian Elm, Siberian Crab, Sand Cherry, Nanking Cher ry, asparagus roots- $1.50100. raspberries, 40c doz., trees 2 to 6 ft., 35c to $1.00 each. Rt. 2, Box , 4 mile north from Junction on 97. Phone 36-F-24. , ABOUT 15 TONS alfalfa hay. Three miles north of TumalOi W. R. Gerking, Rt. 2, Box 168. COW. now mllkrncr T-T r EVIof ley, on new Redmond highway 1llSt bevonrl llinptlnn . turn, rtel-r at mcnueia station. FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 BEDROOM modern home, 2 lots on corner, paved street. Some furniture goes. Take good car on aeai. c. v. silvis, lis Oregon. 3 ROOM modern house, nice cor ner lot close in. Also 1937 Chevro let i truck for sale.of tradeUiox slock", cattle or tractor. Inquire 2nd house on the left on Alfalfa road. E. D. Fitzgerald: FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Just redeco rated, quiet house, telephone service,-. furnace heat. 42 Haw thorne. ROOM in private home, kitchen privileges if desired. 1305 King ston. LARGE FURNISHED home in very good location. For tlon call 978-R after,4 p. m. 2 ACRES 5 miles out, water, buildings, electricity, large garden space. Berry patch, 120 acres fenc ed pasture adjoining. Work to be done and may be applied on rent. Ross Farnham, foot of Oregon Ave. THREE-ROOM modern furnished house with garage. Close in. Adults only. Phone 514-R. 2-ROOM heated, modern, furnish- ea apartment. Close in. Inquire 6 Irving Ave. MODERN furnished 3-room cot tage, large lawn and garage, close in. Inquire 237 St. Helens. WANTED WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W. R. Franks, Redmond or phone 78-J, Redmond, Oregon. TO TAKE care of children during office hours. Inquire 1429 Awbrey upstairs. USED RADIOS Will pay top 'prices for good used radios. I George's Radio Service. New loca I tlon, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. PRIVATE PARTY will pay cash for modern house in good loca tion. What have you to offer? Write No. 484 care of Bend Bulle tin. ! SEWING MACHINE in goo dcom I rlltlnn Plthot- rtf trMriln ! 1124 Baltimore. 'RED RYDER" ON THE SCREEN ' TUE. AND WED. TOWER THEATER with "GABBY" HAYES and WILD BILL ELLIOTT RED RYDER Thn Thrill Kim? 1 rv . flmm io i,ue on A tlio Screen. m WANTED CENTRAL OREGON'S best In vestment opportunity. You pur chase farm 14 miles from Bend on Tumalo Project, 290 acres. 111 acres cultivated and water right. All equipment included in deal. Will lease for 3 years on basis of divided gross income from crops. I will pay all farm expenses such as labor, seeds, etc. With 55 acres potatoes, 25 acres alfalfa and 30 acres clover in this season. Gross income is estimated at $o,uou. Farm will cost $12,000 to $15,000, depending on amount' of cash put upi If interested contact me at oncej-Apartment ixi w. m St., Bend. PORTABLE or treadle sewing machine in good condition. Tele phone 1187. WILL PAY CASH for 1941 or 1942 Cadillac. Write 12359 Bulletin. WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom unfurnished house, steady reliable people, adults. Write care of Bul letin No. 439. . WANTED TO BUY late model pickup in good condition. L. W. Svensen, Route 1,- Box 35, Red mond. Phone 20-F-2. LATE MODEL electric stove. Write No. 432, care of Bulletin. TO BUY girl's bicycle. Inquire 592 Thurston, turn west at Naza rene Church. HELP WANTED WOMAN' experienced in office record keeping and some-know! edge of bookkeeping. Must be a sterographer and able to meet public. This is a permanent posi tion. 40 hour wecK, witn excellent working conditions. Inquire or write The Bend Bulletin. WANTED AT' ONCE, beauty op erator. High salary. Guarantee plus commission, 50 and 60. ' Jo Ann Thomas, Beauty Quest, phone 170. 81 Oregop. . -. NEED ONE or 2 men to work in portable tie mill out of town. See Lynn Houck at 364 Woodland Wed. or Sat., after 6 or Sunday. HOUSEKEEPER to keep house, and care for children. Good home and wages. Phone 815-R or write No. 454 care of Bulletin. GOOD IRRIGATOR. Steady job, ceiling wages. Phone 13-F-58 Red mond. C. B. Adams, Terrebonne, Oregon. WOMAN, to assist with house work part of two days a week. Modern apartment upstairs at 831 Wall St., next to Tower Theater. ' GIRL CHECKER and clerk to work in local grocery store. Good salary. Write No. 12478 in care The Bulletin. USED CARS 1937 2-DOOR Ford V-8, good con dition, fair tires. Inquire 228 Florida. 1936 DODGE sedan, rnmnlptn I nuorhfiiil nnw mnatc Hnlmi, inM. informaing price'. 1333 Cumberland. 1933 PLYMOUTH coupe, good shape. One mile from Tumalo on Sisters highway. J. R. Cowan, Rt. )OX 111. LOST TAN BILLFOLD lost Saturday morning between 138 Florida and Plggly Wiggly or between there and Chllds Hardware. Contained money and identification papers. Phone 766 or 88. Reward. VIGORO SPREADER, loaned last year. Will the person who has it please return it, or phone 660 and will pick it up. Erlckson's Food Market. GRAY MARE, about 1300 lbs., branded. Strayed R. E. Moo place at Tumalo, Thursday afternoon. Gladwin Davis, Route 2, Box 214. RED BROWN leather billfold, containing important papers in ' name of Joyce Armstrong. Re turn to 1506 Harmon or call 950-W. ! I'OL'NI) BIBLE at the O-So-Good. Owner may have by calling at O So-Good and paying for ad. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. ! DARON NOW ASSOCIATED! WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ! ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts i Real Estate. List your property.; Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. I 126 Minnesota Street. RED RYDER HEAVENS' EV&KI CENlT FTK "W FIRST THING TDO IS FlND OF THE. EASSK'S xm&--. ( OUT WHERE TH' ROBBER AVOtfEY IS ' p-V 31 J VTUNtiELED INTO THIS VAULT ' FRO HERE GOES ' MISCELLANEOUS WILL GIVE away barnyard ferti lizer, haul yourself. Corner Re vere and Division or telephone 716-J. - BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19-F-3 collect. NOTICE Redmond Community auction sale ring has community sales every Wednesday. We sell everything on a commission base, no article too large or none too small. We have .horses, hogs, dairy and range cat tle tor sale Wednesday, Marcn 28th. We have buyers from far and wide here to buy your prop erty. You bring it, we sell It. Charley Smith,-, owner, manager and auctioneer. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, jnen's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost Phone bba or zl-r -4. Mrs. Brmson, O Kane Bldg.. or Box 164, Bend. CLEAN THE EASY WAY With Fuller's all-purpose cleaner. An instantaneous safe odorless cleaning preparation that takes the-drudgery out of household work. Phone 594, Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 steidl, Bend. . WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bond Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. 1 PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Cafe Sanitation Officers' Topic County health departments after June 15Kwilt be responsible for restaurant sanitation, it was reported here today following a conference between Deschutes county health authorities and rep resentatives of the state depart ment of agriculture and state ' board of health here yesterday. ; As a result of the conference, it j was stated, closer cooperation in ' the fields of food and restaurant sanitation could be 'expected. The state department of agri culture is primarily responsible 'or milk sanitation, but under the new setup the county health officers will handle restaurant sanitation with the- aid of the I stale hoard of health. The state body will assist the county au thorities in conducting courses for food handlers, doing necessary laboratory vork and offering con sultations on inspections. . , , Slate Men Here Besides Dr. Wayne S. Ramsey and Glenn Thompson, county di rector of health and sanitation, respectively, the meeting was at tended by O. K. Bonis, chief of the division, of food, dairies, weights and measures, state department of agriculture, Salem ; C. E. Hutchins, district representative of the agriculture department, Redmond; Dr. Harold M. Erlck son, state health officer, Kenneth Spies, acting state sanitary engineer, and Victor Morgan, slate sanitarian, all from Port land. EYESIGHT IS PRICELESS No amount of money can buy hark your sight once It is gone. Don't wait fur trouble Have your eyes checked regularly. Dr. M. B. McKenney OPTOMETRIST ' Offices: Foot of Oregon1 Ave. flume 465-W Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Ofrira Phone 7a Hm. Phoo. 8H-W For the first time In hiatory. D. 8. Navy participates In a European continental river crossing as American bluejackets, garbed in Army khaki for the occasion manned -landing craft which transported soldiers the Rhine In the March 24 drive. Here LOVP's (landing craft vcmcie, personnel) roll through the narrow streets of Belgian village en route to the Rhine. D. B. Navy photo. Molalla Milkmen Dispute Charges , Portland, Ore., March 27 tlP- Molalla milk producers today dis puted a claim of health authori ties that "diseased milk may have caused an outbreak of diphtheria in Clackamas county as the nunv I ber of persons stricken In Molalla Increased to 53 ana n smau ooy from Vernonia died of the disease. One-year-old Wayne Meyer died in a Portland hospital after his father, Richard Meyer, brought Mrs. Meyer and two stricken chil dren from Vernonia for hospital treatment. The boy died six hours cy Factory engineered parts for Dodge and Plymouth $5000 stock on hand NEW MOTORS for Dodge Plymouth We'll Finance the Job 12 Months to Pay CENTRAL 825 Bond St. ANSWERS OF RED New Role for the Navy later while the mother and a 2-year-old son were seriously 111. Another child. Donna, 5, prevl- fously recovered from the disease. one rerson iieaa , One person has died in the Molalla area. . Earl Davidson, Molalla dairy op erator, said he owned the dairy suspected as the origin of the Molalla outbreak but charged that no health authority had made a test 'of hlB cows or milk, either before or after blame for the epi demic was placed on his dairy.. Other Molalla dairymen de plored the publicity on the state ment of the health officials and said it had hurt their business. ' AUTOS IN COLLISION Slight damage resulted to two automobiles when they collided today at the Intersection of New- LOOK FOR OREGON MOTOR CO. Distributor: Dodge-Plymouth Passenger Dodge Job-Rated Trucks J. L VanHuffel HM? LIQUOR. AND HE TH1 DESCRIPTIONS RYDER RIGHT f2V ALL RIGHT r : ( V hiSK A 1 i mtA Ttlnnhalo) port avenue and West Twelfth street. One car was being driven norm on Twelfth street by C. V. Gulllford of 1130 Kingston street, and the other was being piloted west on Newport avenue by Viola Crouch, 224 East Kearney street, according to police. Neither of the drivers was injured. NAVY CUTS PROGRAM Washington, March 27 (111 The navy today cut 72 combat ships out of Its building program. . Bend Abstract Co. Title Insurance AbrtracH Walt Peak ' Phone 174 THIS SIGN: it Motor Rebuilding it Complete Overhauling it Service on All Makes of Cars We do fine mechanical work at reasonable prices work we can guarantee work that will keep your car performing for the duration and longer. Drive In for a checkup. Tire and Battery Service Lubrication Open 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Cars Phone 26 By FRED HARMAN B$ HEAD.' WHERE )ti& JfTM IHO