PAGE SIX Dusting Solves Weevil Threat Creator production of the much needed ladino clover seed Is in prospect in Oregon this year as the result of successful experi ments with the control of the clover leaf weevil, which had threatened the entire ladino clover seed industry in Deschutes and Crook counties, O. S. C. officials announce. Use- of 40 per cent commercial calcium arsenate at the rate of 30 to 40 pounds per acre has given almost perfect control, according to a new station circular 01 imor mation No. 357 by B. G. Thomp son, associate entomologist at Oregon State college. Although this pest so far has been found only in Deschutes anu croon counties. It was a potential men ace to ladino clover seed produc tion throughout the state, says Thompson. The dust is applied during the first warm weather of early spring, when the plants begin to show green. Thompson cautions against pasturing dusted clover as calcium arsenate is also poison' ous to livestock. Weevil larva attack the plants as growth begins in early spring and In many cases kill the entire Held or reduce the stand so tnat profitable seed production is not possible. filllliuiitliiiltliuiiiiimiiitiiiimiiillimiiiiiiiiiitiiililllilitiiliiimiiuiiNiiiiii County Court Proceedings VllTliniMIIMIIIIIIIIllllllU iwuiuuuumiuiimiunirmir BE IT REMEMBERED, That at a regular meeting of the County Court held March 7, 1945, all mem bers being present, the following business was transacted: In the Mutter of Claims Against the County: The following bills were pre sented and ordered paid: GENERAL FUND Donald Shipley, janitor work $30.60 I. M. Wells, juve. mileage 40.80; sheriff 34.95 75.75 George Brooks, prisoners meals .,. 73.20 Aubrey E. Perry, watermas ter 224.44 A. E. Stevens, commissioner 31.85 E. E. Varco, commissioner 48.00 Dr. W. S. Ramsey, health of: fleer, mileage 59.00 Lucy B. Davison, P.H.N., mileage '.. , 10.75 Elma Mullins, P.H.N., mile age j. 86.45 Hazel V. Barclay, P.H.N., mileage 29.60 Gladys B. Cochran, P.H.N., mileage 12.85 Glen W. Thompson, sanitar ian, mileage 28.10 Burnice Shumate, health dept., typist 36.35 C.L. McCauley, sheriff, auto 10.30; tel. 9.28 19.58 Bend Drug Co., jail exp 57 Eriksen's Stationery and Of fice Supply, treas. 4.50; sheriff 4.15; health dept 14.15 22.80 Felix Motor Sales, sheriff, auto exp 26.43 Hend -Troy Laundry, Jail 1.89; health dept. 4.29 6.18 The Miller Lumber Com pany, courthouse fuel 98.80 The Redmond spokesman. legal publications 31.85 West Coast Printing & Bind ing Co., election exp 103.35 . Cutter Laboratories, health dept exp 7.80 Brandis Thrift-Wise Drug, health dept exp 1.94 J. S. Davis Company, sher iff, auto ins. 56.89; bond 10 66.89 State Ind. Acc. Comm., peace of leers 10.25; water master 1.05 11.30 Pacific Power & Light Co., courthouse electricity 95.75 Bend Water Department, courthouse water ... 8.20 YOU CAN BUY MORE WAR BONDS- PAINTING WITH fffA 2 ONE GALLON "DOES" AN AVERAGE ROOM One coat covers oaintcd walls and ceilings, ff PER w. II board, && GALLON basement walls. PASTE FORM ROLL IT ON I Kith the Kem-Tont Roller-Koater 89t B98 Simpson Paint Co. 125 Oregon Mione 21 Tank Bleats rViT' y rfew.Atriorf w ".' . m w w w ' --- - Infantrymen of Tenth Armored Division take cover along road as tank trains gun mbtfu Third Army's rush against the last 30-odd miles of tlie Rhine's west bank held by the Germans Detween wiEShufen and Karlsruhe corner. Signal Corps radlo-telcphoto. j Fighter Plane With Bat Wings, Here's the first view of the Northrup Aircraft's XP-58,a fighter plane wltn batlike wings and no tall. Twin, thn-e-bladed, counter-rotating pusher propellers are located where the tall Is on more conventional type air ird looklna craft will be used as a basis for designs of future military and peacetime snips. Patron's Bridge Head i . ;. Alter building the bridge In the photo above, and dedicating it to Lt.-Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., 3rd Army Engineers decided It ought to have a decoration. And what could be better than a head of Hitler, with a noose around its neck? Tvt. Roy M. Alaman, ot Battle Creek, Mich., is adjusting the "necktie." County Treasurer, Assignee, general assistance 228.65 Geo. Childs Hardware Co., courthouse exp 1.55 Secretary of State, audit 824.91 The Bend Bulletin, J.P. Dist. No. 2 6.25; health dept. 2.50; legal pub. 57.35 66.10 The Miller Lumber Co., health dept 1.55 brik.scns btatlonery, school supt., supplies 1.50 Dr. R. L. Lewis, T.B. & Bang's indemnity 121.28 J. Allon Thompson, school supt., mileage 12.85 Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co., I tele., various offices 71.06 GENERAL ROAD FUND I Roy Allingham, salary 169.56 I T. C. Daly, salary 158.89 Herbert Franklin, salary 131.52 Lee Hollenbcck, salary ........139.82 T. C. Merchant, salary 158.86 D. IX Tussing, salary 169.56 Dan C. Wood, salary 150.49 Clarence Walker, salary 176.06 Geo. II. McAllister, salary ....179.06 George Childs Hardware I Co., hdw 22.60 Bend Garage Company, tire acct 8.47 GET EXTRA RED POINTS FOR AN EXTRA CHOP I Extra red points can help so much. Get-1 red points for each pound of used fnts you turn in. Keep Saving Used Fats For the Fighting Front I THE Pillbox Hindering Yank Advance . nun. Bend Auto Parts, Inc., tire acct. 49.36; parts 13.54 62.90 Feenaughty Machinery Co., hdw 21.95 Pacific Power & Light Co., electricity . 5.21 Bend Water Department, water 1.45 Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co., telo. 4.40 State Industrial Accident, Ind. acc. ins 40.98 Reed Tractor & Equipment, parts 70 Cont ractnrs Equipment Corp., parts 23.77 J. W. Copeland Yards, lum ber 3.45 Lunibermens Insurance Agency, insurance 329.18 Moty & Van Dyke, Inc., parts 61.24 Tide Water Associated Oil Company, fuel 317.95 Schuman Auto Electric, parts 5.80 Central Oregon Garage, parts ... 17.30 Eddie's Sales & Service, gen, vV Houk Motor Company, parts 5.00 1.58 uenrt Hardware Company hdw .' 14.25 A. E. Stevens, commissioner 40.95 E. E. Varco, commissioner 38.40 In the Mutter of Deeds To County Owned I. anils: At this time the Court signed the following deeds: Pete Klohas W'rSE'i Sec. 3. Twp. 18 S.U. 12 E.W.M. (no wa ter) $160.00. Carl & Iiova Gallowav-SW'4 of Sec. 22, Twp. 15 S.R. 12 E.W.M. $160.00. Gerald W. McCann Lots 10. 11, 12, 13, 11. 15, 16, 17 In Block 109, FOUNTAIN SERVICE LUNCHEONS HOME-MADE PIES SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS DOUTHIT'S BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, MONDAY. MARCH 26, , AT A II. ..J In Tlnnttntn I No Tail INKA Teleiihoto) 1 and Lots 10, 11, 12 In Block 108, First Addition to Bend Park $280.00. Pursuant to Resolution tne Court deeded the State of Oregon a Darcel of land containing 45.20 acres lying In Sections 25 and 26 in Two la s.K. 14 c.w.m. to De used for a gravel pit for the Horse Ridee-Millican Section oi tne cen tral Oregon Highway. In the Matter of Leasing; County Owned Lands: The Court leased Cora Baxter the NWy4NW'4 Sec. 10, Twp. 18 S.R. 12 E.W.M. for the term of one' year beginning Jan. 1, 1945, in consideration oi $3.uu. In the Matter of a Dance Hall License: At this time the Court appprov- ed the application of the Pine For- 1 c THIS REMINDS MB Its the FOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY Olympia has devoted its skill in creating a light, yet satisfying beer. Today, the third generation of die same family is dedicating this experience and its modern facilities, plus the rare brewing quality of its famous water, to produce OLYM ?lA...America 's Original Light Table Beer. " mm -g M BEND GARAGE R beer Isflf 2M COMPANY M "Itstheirater" SiMfes MA tSP 709 WALL STREET I ). OLZASTY C H PHONE 193 BEND, OREGON UY W BONDS QI.J KEEP THtMl ,tSS3Sat8&iB0' ! f5 est Grange for a dance hall license and the Clerk was ordered to Issue the license forthwith. ' ORDER FOR SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the Matter of Hie Re-Sale of County Owned Lands WHEREAS, Deschutes County, Oregon, is the owner of the real property hereinafter , . described, and the County Court deems it for the best interests of said County to sell said real property: THEREFORE, BE IT ORDER- I ED, that the Sheriff be, and he is, hereby authorized and directed to sell the following described real property, in the manner provided by law, for not less than the mini t,ium price and terms set onposite nach tract, plus costs of advertis ing and recording the deed. . Parcel No. 1 Lots 24, 25, and 26, Block 115 and Lots 14 and 15, Block 110 First Addition to Bend I'rrk. $210.00 Cash. Parcel No, 2 Block 12, Laidlaw. Ijjss that portion previously deed ed for road. $175.00 Cash. . Parcel No. 3 Lots 10 and 12. Bl ick 112. First Addition to Brtid Park. $200.00 Cash. Parcel No. 4 Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Block 79, Bend Park Addition. $2911.00 Cash. Plarcel No. 5 Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, Bend View. $40.00 Cash. Pttrcel No. 6 SEWNWU, Sec lion 27, Twp. 16 S R.' 12 E.W.M. 28 acres, less existing roads. $40.00 Cash.. Parcel No. 7 Lot- 5, Block 2, Orirnal Townsite of Laidlaw. $25.00 Cash. Tliore being no further busi ness, Court adjourned. C. L. ALLEN, County Judge E. E. VARCO, Commissioner A. E. STEVENS, Commissioner Governor Signs New District Bill Salem, Ore., March 26 UP The senate bill (313) which would cre ate a new senatorial district in Central Oregon from Lake, Jef ferson, Crook and Deschutes coun ties, was signed by Gov. Earl Snell Saturday. The bills effectiveness Is con- tingent upon the passage of sen- ate joint resolution 21 in the next general election. The resolution seeks to amend the constitution to allow for a 31st senate seat. The new district would be carved from the present 17th dis trict, leaving Klamath countv to a district all lis own. Klamath would be the 17th, the new district would be the 25th. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Henry Semon and Sen. Marshall Cornett, both from Klamath Falls. Buy National War Bonds Now! Water" 1945 Elks to Initiate Big Class Tuesday Arrangements have been com pleted for the initiation tomorrow night of 91 candidates for the Bend Elks' lodge.' This is one of the largest groups to be Initiated into the local order, according to Paul Svy, secretary. Fifty Elks from Salem are scheduled to participate in the initiation, which is to be followed by a dutch lunch. Prospective new members of the lodge follow: Lee Evans, Earle Atchinson", Eugene Ackley, Irl Wagner, Carl Delane, Floyd Parker, Doug J. Ward, Mason Maurer, Don Win ters, John Garrison, Paul Spendal, Ralph Harmon, C. V. Belles, Ar thur Doane, George Mirich. Thom as Hutchinson, Bert White, Wal ter Howard, . Phil Dahl, Edward Beckley, Charles Merrill, G. W. Fassett, Vance Barber, William Selfert, Glen Nelson, H. L. Reld, Archie Dunlap, Aubrey Bright, Joseph Schultz, Archie Pearce. A. L. Gedney, Jim Rogers, Carl L. Combs, H. J. Houston, Clifford Goodwin, Howard Thompson, Peirce Beach, Jasper Ward, Frank Chapman, Harold Waterman, Claude Green, John McCraney, John Heriza, Marvin Clark, Har old Gram, Carl Rasmussen, Thad deus Taylor, Francis Breest; Clyde GET THOUSANDS OF EXTRA, SAFE -EXTRA-MIUAGP Riding on thin tires is like riding on thin ice . . . dangerous, treach erous! For safety's sake and tomorrow's driving, stop in today for Goodyear Dependable Extra-Mileage Recapping. We'll give you a last clean job . . . give your tires good-looking, long-lasting treads for exfra fraction over many more miies. No certificate needed. GO Ut) It Art UAMtiLBACK , B-29 'Brain' Lost 1 Lt.-Gcn. .Millard F. Harmon, above, commander of the Army Air Forces of the Pacific areas and top brain of the B-29 raids on Japan, Is reported missing along with nine other officers and enlisted men following a routine flight. Scott, Walter Smead, Delmond Zander, Lowell Spagle, Wesley Brown, Harold Keefe, Jack L. Pike, Warren Brown, Robert BEND GARAGE Pinlda Clvde Madsen. Carl N. Jordan, Daniel Murphy. Clark Pangburn, Fred Hollen beck, Oscar Hartwig. Louis Bear, A. B. Chlttnm. Prior Smith, Marv in Callender, Kenneth Kirchhofer, Norbert Goodrich, Steve Jackson, Charles J. Dugan, Roy E. Bills, Daniel Sullivan, E. S. Rungo, Louis Robertson, Norman John son, Ivan Burton, Russell Pickett, W. B. Galligan, Elmer Shultz, U. L. Dodson, George Tackman, Henry Murphy, Wallace Holmes, Michael Barrett, R. L. I-ewis, Leonard Conroy, R. A. Thomp son, Robert Wetle, Ben Isaak, C. Vern Shultz. Girls to Present Easter Cantata Podmnnil. March 26 (SDeClal) The Redmond high school girl's j choir will present me easier con-j tata, "Thorn-Crowned King", Eas- ter Sunday at 2:30 p. m. In the auditorium of Redmond high school. Mrs. Winifred Line the di rector. Solo parts in the cantata .in ho ciinir hv Hartke. Ben McDaniel, Joyce Dans, Barbara Wycoff, Katnryn uorK, Mary x-ui- man, Jran Hodecker anu verna Miller. Peru produced over 400 tons of . arsenic in 1943, practically all of which was exported; the previous year the production was about seven tons. MIIES WITH $700 M 6.0U.V16