PAGE EIGHT Favorable News Weakens Market By Elmer C. Walzep (United Presa Financial Editor) New York, March 24 irTrad ing In stocks shrunk to the small est total since last October In the short session today as traders withdrew to the sidelines of the highly favorable war news. Prices sagged irregularly after a narrow opening In which small gains and losses balunced each other. Dealings came almost to a standstill on the announcement that the allied armies of the west had swept across the Rhine. All sections were dull. Railroad shares, regarded as the No. 1 war 6tocks, eased fractionally in most instances. In Delaware & Hudson, Missouri-Kansas-Texas preferred, arid Nickel Plate preferred, losses extended to a point or more. Steels, easier at the opening, re mained stationary at their lows of the day on very small trading. Motors lost slightly. So did cop pers, rail equipments, oils, and mercantiles. ' PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 24 MM Weekly livestock: cattle 2160, calves 210. Compared week ago market generally steady to strong, instances 25c higher on medium grade steers and cows; market closed active on lighter receipts. flood fed steers $15.50-16.25, top on gooa io cnoice iois. com mon medium steers $11.0014.50; common to medium heifers $10.00- 13.50. Good heifers to $15.00. One I good-choice lot $16.00. Canner and cutter cows $6.50-9.00. Fat dairy type cows to $10.50. Medium-good beef cows $10.50-13.00; medium- good bulls $10.50-13.00. Few toj, sissn. nno hull S14.00 Mondav. 3 common down to $9.00. Good and choice vealers stronger at $15.00 16.00. Hogs 835. Market mostly un changed, butchers above 300 lbs. stronger. Bulk barrows and gilts all weights $15.75, sows $15.00 with supply Inadequate to fill orders. Feeder pigs active, steady, mostly J16.50-lV.50. Sheep 885. Market active, steady. Good-choice wooled lambs! $15.00. Few $15.75 with strictly fat 4-ROOM MODERN, two bed lambs quotable to $16.00. Medium rooms, large living room, well ar predominated late at $13.50-14.25. ranged kitchen, wired for electric t;oo(l slaughtered ewes $8.00-8.30. One lot $8.75. FLIER'S TIRE STOLEN On the eve of his departure for the Portland army air base, Sgt. Albert D. Lewis, a member of the army air corps, reported to Bend police today that some one had stolen an automobile tire from the rear porch of his home at 1251 Newport avenue'. Sharp hoes and other sharp gar den tools lighten the strain on the back of the office worker in his evening labors in his victory gar den. Methodist Church 0: 15 a.m Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship with re ception of members, also at this service there will lie a memorial service for Clarence Sager. 6:00 p.m. Intermediate League ' At flic evening worship hour we shall attend the service con ducted by Rev. Floyd Arnold at the First Baptist Church. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE BANK OF BEND at Bend, County of Deschutes, Oregon, at the close of business . March 20, 1945 ASSETS r,oi!.ns'!nd dlsc0lln's (including $5,644.72 overdrafts) $ 406,937.59 United States Government obligations, direct and guaran teed 2 995 491 74 Obligations of States and political subdivisions ''ablfrRSS Other bonds, notes, and debentures 30 109 68 Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bai- ' ances, and cash items in process of collection 741,561.82 e,Rli'mLs,'s owncd $27,250.71, furniture and fixtures $10,361.53 37 gj2 24 Real estate owned other than bank premises . 4128' 58 Other assets . 12,731.95 TOTAL ASSETS J , LIABILITIES Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and corp orations Time deposits of individuals, partnership tions ' Deposits of United Stales Government (inciudirie uostai savings) Deposits of States and political subdivisions "".'"""'.'.!!!"!""! Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) TOTAL DEPOSITS $4,116,217.17 Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES CAPITAL Capital ?,U1'P,US Undivided profits TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STATE OF OREGON, County of Deschutes ss. I, G. C. Mivks, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. G. C. MEEKS, Cashier Correct Attest: S. DE1TRICK D. M. FIELD CARL E. ERICKSON Directors Subscribed and sworn before me this 23rd day of March 19-15 SEAL G. E. DAVIS Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires January 9, 1940 Spare Articles Can Be Tiiriied Into Cash With a Want Classified Rates Local-Paid In Advance 25 Words-One Time 85c 25 Words-Three Times 75c 25 Words-Six Times 1.S5 All wotdt over 25 Bdd Ic per word time number of Iniertiona On month run, umi copy, Vt dj rate Minimum marge, aac LINE KATE 10c CAPITALS 20c CUiilflfd Advertising, Cain In Advanc doling Tim 12:10 P. M. BEND LODGE, NO. 128 I. O. O. F. Meets Every Monday Night I. O. O. F. Temple 265 Franklin Avenue D.Ray Miller. Phone 1079-W, Sec'y D. R. Sullivan, Noble Grand FOB SALE CLYDE'S BARBER shop, Red mond, Oregon. BROODED TURKEY poults. Will rlnlivor tn vnur ranch. 7 to 9 weeks of age. Any number from 1000 to 6000. Lawrence Finlay, Rt. 1, Jel- lerson, uregon. j-none PIANO, 6 foot Sohmer grand, immediate sale. $750 cash. For Telephone 1187. EAST THIRD: Three rooms with bath, knotty pine finish. Fully furnished. Refrigerator, electric range, electric water heater. $2400. Reasonable terms, waiter u uar- on, broker. 126 Minnesota St. PINTO TEAM Horse 1600 lbs., mare 1400 lbs., ride, work single. Disk, wagon, haysllngs, mower. L. R. Rouse, 1 mile N. of Alfalfa store. ,,.. , ,,;,, - ROOM MODERN, good founda- tion, plastered house, two lots, good lawn and ideal spot for gar den. Immediate possession on West Side in Kenwood Addition. $950 cash. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Ore gon Ave. 52 ACRE RANCH in Cloverdale between Redmond and Sisters. 25 acres water, good house. Write Robert Zitik, Box 895, Redmond, Oregon. range, full cement basement, pipe less furnace, paved street, close to both mills and city center. $3150, loan can be arranged. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. MUST SELL QUICK: 4 room modern on west side. Large lot. A good house and good garage. $800 cash, balance at $25 per month. Would sell furniture. Let us show you this home. Gilberts Real Es tate! 1015 Wall Street. ARE YOU burning green wood? We have dry body wood excellent for cooking, fireplace, furnace or heater In load lots (3 or 4 cords) delivered in length desired from 1 to 3 days. Country orders deliv ered. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. BOAT MOTOR, twin cylinder all aluminum, Elta make. Prewar bi cycle, good condition. Call 199-W or 108 Tumnlo Ave. EVERBEARING raspberry I plants, Rockhill strawberry plants, 12 plants for $1.00. Fred Zehner, Rt. 1, Box 108, 1 mile east of Car roll Acres store. NOW Y6u can buy fine chicks within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. ONE GOOD milk cow. Also one work horse. Rt. 2, Box 252 or call 2F-11. 4,259,218.55 1,003,219.05 302,077.58 237,665.27 25,133.29 2.974.96 4,11919213 ACCOUNTS T A rtrtrt n ik'SJ ' I 35,000.00 , 35,026.42 14nn'Rd9 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS FOR SALE DUPLEX, 4 rooms wnn w oeu- rooms upsta i s 3 rooms down Plas,erel?U'Hlng' 7 Ave """fed on CeotUli Ave. LIVC ill uiivr oniiiini'v . the other, or will muKe goou in- vestment. $2900 on terms of $700 jng principal, interest and taxes. j. s. Davis CO., J 24 uregon ve. BROODER STOVES and parts- Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone ISa-x. Keamona, ure, QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. 3-ROOM MODERN facing river, naved street, large living room with fireDlace. lovely Dutch kiteh en piped for gas range, utility norrh. Basement furnace, garage with storage space. Fine lawn and trees. Only five minutes warn to city center. $..:uu, some terms, j, S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. TWO GOOD milk cows, one fresh, the other to freshen soon. Heavy duty trailer, 20x6.50 tires. Karl Kiesow, Rt. 2, Box 79, 1st cross road north of Glen Vista Club, turl left, 1st place on north side. ON COLORADO avenue, close to Brooks Mill, duplex has three rooms modern each side and on adjoining lot is 3 room modern house partly furnished. This gives vou two lots, two buildings and sufficient garages at a reduced price of $2650 on terms. J. S. Davis Co., 124 uregon Ave. 1930 CHEV. Vt ton pickup, good pre-war tires. Also 1 buck and 3 doe rabbits. Call at 580 Utica Ave., between 12 noon and 5 p. m. AT AUCTION. 180 acres, 42 shares Swalley water, stock, ma chinery. Mar. 30. Rock Ranch, 5 miles north on old highway. From Redmond 12 miles south. ISAACSON ALL STEEL short logging trailer, folding reach and air brakes, complete except rub ber. Cheap for cash. See at 28 Lake Place or call 836-W. EVERGREENS 6 inches to 6 feet No. 1 grade, balled and buiiaped well, healed in properly, peat moss to plant with, costs less. Haines Nursery, corner E. 8th and Norton. Phone 965. OWNER HERE to sell house, 510 Delaware. Will sacrifice for quick sale. 5 bedrooms, fireplace, dining room, 2 lots. Only $3500, terms. TWO 50 GAL. oil drums hooked together in wooden framet com plete $15.00. Also metal cabinet sink frame with drawers. Inquire 419 Congress. Phone 758. DRY JACKPINE block wood, $9.00 per cord, dry jackpine slab wood $7.00 per cord, any length you want. 154 Adams Place. D. W. Beck. Phone 220. 3 ROOM semi-modern with tub. prewar furniture. Lot 50x100. $1150. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. JUST RECEIVED shipment of White Giant bred does and bucks. Good breeding stock. Also colored bred does. Insure against meat shortage. Call at 147 E. Olney. $11,000 BUYS 160 acres, 120 acres bwalley water. All good land ready for crops. Includes all stock and equipment. Immediate possesion. C. V. Silvis, 118 Uregon. 5 ROOM modern house with fur nace, fireplace and 8 lots. 592 Thurston, turn west at Nazarene Church. SEAMSTRESS TREADLE sew- Ing machine in first class condi tion. Inquire 1354 Ithaca or phone 623-M. ONE BLUE, all wool boy's suit, size 14. Like new, $10.00. 1127 Fed eral. Phone 770-J. 5 BEDROOM modern house, fur nished or unfurnished. 213 River side. 1 PAIR heavy double trees, one pair tongs, crosshaul line, 2 swivel hooks, one send up hook, one 75 ft. plow cable, one cant hook. Chas. Aulman, 213 River side. MILK GOAT. 1436 Jacksonville. 1 TEAM bay horses 4 yrs. old well matched, weight about 3200 lbs., 1 set harness, 1 cow, 10 yr. old Jersey, 1 Jersey cow 5 years old, fresh, one white face bull, 2 years old. One manure spreader, I Mo Cormlck 2 way plow, 1 rack and wagon, 1 Iron wheel truck wagon, 1 McCormick mower, 5 ft., one spring tooth harrow, 1 peg tooth harrow, one I I inch walking plow, one 1-horse cultivator, 1 hay rake, 1 McCormick Dcering separator almost like new, electric. Other articles. Inquire Aune's Feed Store. L ' ' "" ' 1 TREES, Siberian Kim. Siberian I Crab, Sand Cherry, Nanking Cher j ry, asparagus roots $1.50 -100, raspberries, 40c do.., trees.2 to 6 ft.. 35c to 51.00 each. Rt. 2, Box !, mile north from Junction on 97. Phone 36-F-24. SKKD POTATOES, excellent quill- ; iiy. mostly io. is. I. Varco. mono S-ra. Rt. 2, Box an. ! uctut. AHOUT IS TONS alfalfa hav. I i nice miles north of Tumalo V COW, now mifkiiTfT.' ilTc. Fried ley. on new Redmond hixhwnv Just beyond Junction, turn lich't . IJ l.,V. f !.. 1 :.. m itt-iujviU MUUUU. THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 BEDROOM modern home, 2 lots on coiner, paved street. Some furniture goes. Take goo4 car on deal. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. "' FOR RENT ; 6.RoOM MODERN furnished, 3 bedrooms. Inquire 144 Ki Roose velt between 1st and 2nd. ' 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, private bath, electric range, and refrigerator. 141 Georgia. Phone 766. 3 ROOM modern furnished apt. 3 room semi-modern furnished house, both newly decorated and close In. Inquire 164 E. Irving. MODERN two and three room apartments completely furnished, located at 65 Franklin, five blocks east of Post Office. Inquire at 560 Hill. Phone 1149. 3 ROOM apartment. Janscn Villa. Gas circulator, stove, water heat er. A nice apartment unfurnished. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. ATTRACTIVE clean apartment with bedroom, close in. Modern, electrically equipped, washing fa filities, garage. Inquire Elsie A. Dunn, No. 7, Westonia Apts. W. 3rd and Portland. TWO-BEDROOM modern house, partly lurnlsnea, including refrig erator. Inquire at 160 W. Fifth St., after 6:00 p. m. or phone 1029-R. THREE-ROOM modern furnished house with garage. Close in. Adults only. Phone 514-R. 4 ROOM house, furnished or un furnished, semi-modern, has in side flush toilet. Inquire at 72 Mc Kay avenue. 2-ROOM heated, modern, furnish ed apartment. Close in. Inquire 6 Irving Ave. MODERN furnished 3room cot. tage, large lawn and garage, close in. Inquire 237 St. Helens. VACANCY at Ainsworth Apt, 344 Delaware. Strictly modern and newly decorated. Best of washing facilities, suitable for one or two. WANTED FARMERS for Juniper pulling contact R. B. Watson, 1646 Galves ton, Box 891. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WILL PAY CASH for 1941 or 1912 Cadillac. Write 12359 Bulletin. WANT TO TRADE Pflueger Summit casting reel for Pflueger Medalist fly reel or will buy one outright. Call L. C. McDow, 455 Delaware or phone 912-M. SEWING MACHINE, Singer pre ferred. Electric washing machine and electric toaster. Phone 792-J. TO BUY 5 room modern house, close In, must be in good condi tion. Phone 1188-J, after 6:00 p. m. STATE INCOME tax returns to prepare. Twenty years experience. Ten years auditor for Oregon State Tax Commission, Income Tax Division. Henry Kiessenbeck, 1107 K. Greenwood Ave. Near Pilot Butte. WANT TO BUY some small or medium size ice boxes, also hot water tank, 2 piece living room suite. 16-1 E. Irving. LIGHT TWO. wheeled trailer. In quire 363 Columbia. LATE MODEL electric stove. Write No. 432, care of Bulletin. TO BUY girl's bicycle. Inquire 592 Thurston, turn west at Naza rene Church. SEWING MACHINE In goo dcon ditinn, either electric or treadle. 1124 Baltimore. HELP WANTED WOMAN for general work. Room, board and $60 per month. Apply Deschutes Cottage Hospital, 236 E. Kearney or phone 415. WANTED AT ONCE, beauty op erator. High salary. Guarantee plus commission, 50 and 00','r. Jo Ann Thomas, Beauty Quest, phone 170. 81 Oregon. GOOdTrRIGATOR. Steady job, celling wages. Phone 13-F-58 Red mond. C. U. Adams, Terrebonne, Oregon. WOMAN or girl to stay with two school children. 1425 Fresno or phone 646 R after 5:30 p. m. MTWV-X.K ' OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 24. 1 945 HELP WANTED . STENOGRAPHER, EXPERI ENCED AND EFFICIENT. PER MANENT POSITION. WRITE NO. 361 CARE OF BEND BULLE TIN. JANITOR and caretaker for courthouse. Experience desirable but not necessary. See C. L. Mc Cauley, or a member of county court for hours and wages. WOMAN for housework. Three hours every morning except Sun day. Private family. No cooking. No heavy washing or ironing. Telephone 119 between 8 and 10 a. m. or 5 to 8 p. m. SITUATION WANTED WOMAN with filing, typing and payroll preparation experience wants work. Worked past year in railroad claim department. 24 Franklin Ave. USED CARS 1937 FORD coupe, A-l condition, will trade for 5 passenger. Inquire 1527 Awbrey road after 4:30 p. m. or phone 1174. 1938 PLYMOUTH tudor sedan. Call at 1100 Lexington after 6:30 p. m. '36 OLDS, fair condition. 515 Og den Ave. 1933 PLYMOUTH coupe, good shape. One mile from Tumalo on Sisters highway. J. R. Cowan, Rt. 2, Box 177. 1936 STANDARD Chevrolet sport coupe, radio and heater, 6:00x16 tires. Priced for quick sale. Call at 1364 Columbia after 6 p. m. LOST NEAR SCOTT Street, man's sil- vpl hofll-t.cVinnoH rintr mariu cmat. er with string. Keepsake from boy overseas, neiurn to lo AiDany avenue lor reward. MISCELLANEOUS BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19-F-3 collect. SHEEP GUANO Fertilizer, con centrated, for lawns, garden, flow ers, shrubs, trees. 40 lb. sack $1.29. Houk-Van Allen Home & Auto Supply, Wall at Minnesota. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. KEYS MADE while you wait. Saws filed, knives and shears sharpened, guns, bicycles, locks, lawnmowers, safes repaired. Sol dering, general repairing. Hender son's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. CLEAN THE EASY WAY With Fuller's all-purpose cleaner. An instantaneous safe odorless cleaning preparation that takes the drudgery out of household work. Phone 594, Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl, Bend. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Chamber Group Is Reorganized The Bend chamber of commerce post-war planning committee, composed of 40 members, today was reorganized with the result that eight sub-chairmen will com prise the active peace-time plan ners, It was announced at the chamber offices. The reorganiza tion resulted from a belief that the former committee was top heavy and that there would be a duplication of effort. Crosby H. Shevlin was named general chairman of the group, as well as chairman of the sub-committee on city planning. Other chairman are: . Dr. R. D. Ketchum, committee on veterans' questionnaires; Ben I II MJ,"VPl..V f"AT; lYV (MlGTfl-W 1 f UC. .' 1JU11 VV , . tt"!,I II I, , t m -A - r.- -r- 1 II ." '"vr -Y--' .""-" --' U riui- rimi IUU , i . nmm VIHir i 1 KltU w 1 flEr'fc-.. VrrC.V , RnDacNw' m I toivcpo-7 l-TiM II II 1 1 IV f ?'.rl-'J in 1 Hamilton, committee on city streets, water system, sewers, fire reporting, and improvements to Shevlln park; William Niskan en, committee on county roads and hospital; Henry N. Fowler, school group, gymnasium, audi torium, vocational school and swimming tank; Frank H. Log gan, committee on recreation cen ter; J. S. Davis, committee -on armory, veterans' memorial build ing; and city hospital improve ments; and W. A. Wlrtz, commit tee on jobs survey, business serv ices and industry and new services. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the Estate of Anna May Bicunas, deceased, by the Honorable C. L. Allen, Coun ty Judge, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to the administrator at his office in the Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publi cation or this notice. : W. F. COSHOW, Administrator 1 of the Estate of ANNA MAY BI CUNAS, Deceased. 93-99105-lllc National Forest Timber for Sale Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Bend, Oregon, up to and not later than 2 p.m. April 14, 1945, and will be opened immediately thereafter, for all the merchantable dead and down ponderosa pine timber designated I lor cutting on an area embracing about 60,000 acres of national for-1 est land within T. 11 S., R. 8 and ' 9 E.; T. 13 S., R. 8 and 9 E.; T. 13 S., R. 8, 9, and 10 E.; and T. 14 S., ! R. 8, 9, and 10 E., W.M., Sisters ' Ranger District, Deschutes Na- i tional Forest, Oregon, an unesti- j mated amount of dead and down ponderosa pine timber. No bid of less than $1.00 per M foet will be ; considered. Bids with rates in ex- j cess of those permissible under I M.P.R. 400 will be reduced to the i allowable maximum in making j the award. $1,000 must be deposit- ed with each bid, to be applied on ! the purchase price, refunded, or I retained in part as liquidated dam-1 ages, according- to conditions of I sale. The right' to reject any and I AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert mechanical and electri cal work on all makes of cars and trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIRE SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson Duncan 1327 Wall Phone 812 BEAUTY SHOPS EASTER PERMANENTS With a Beautiful KOLD WAVE you will look your loveliest. Make your appointments early EXPERT OPERATORS Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 48-1 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs anil Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone 52 J CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Best of Materials Furnished Our periodical inspection will insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone (i(!-W or ll-F-23 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights " GE Mazdu Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 ifh WHO'S WHO all bids Is reserved. Bef6re bids are submitted, full Information concerning the timber, the condi tions of sale, and the submission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Bend, Ore gon 84-93-102C CITATION In the'County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes In the Matter of the Adoption of MARY LOUISE SMITH and DOUGLAS LEON SMITH.. The people of the State of Ore gon to Gordon Vardman Smith greetings: You are hereby cited to be and appear in the County Court Room in the City of Bend, Deschutes County, State of Oregon on the 4th day of April, 1945 at two o'clock P. M. Said day then and there to show cause, if any, why the petition of James B. May and Mary Lee May for the adoption of Mary Louise Smith and Doug las Leon Smith should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal SE ALED BEAM ead light Kits Available now for CHRYSLER, 35 to 37 DE SOTO, 35 to 37 HUDSON 1935 STUDEBAKER 35 LAFAYETTE 35 Easily installed, gives you bright, safe driving lights. HOUK-VAN ALLEN Tireston Wall at Minnesota in AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OP RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS , AUTHORIZED PARTS Service on all makes of wash ing machines and electrical ap pliances. Bend Washer Service 136 Greenwood Phone 583 Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting New Work Repairing Home Wafer Systems Sump Pumps - Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 143 Greenwood Phone 217-W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Gods Movement MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1B8S Axvhrpv Rd. Tel. B29.M Commercial Printing of Quality PHOTOGRAPHIC OFFSET LETTERPRESS THE BEND BULLETIN Phon 56 'Ad'! of the County Court nTTT chutes County, Stated, this Qnrt Ho., IV .ale. "I CW this 2nd day of j ech ?K (Seal) Vr ?. 1 County Clerk.Jj twt .i FI,NAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby eiw " V. uic oi T. w Oart- . known as Thomas wfi ceasea, nas been filed ."? Court has made afijflf order fixing 2 o'clock in t&l nuuu ui weonesdav Aim 1945, at the CourthoVM and all persons interested 3 in, or having objectio. aiv-uwi-c uuuii aain Klnol A- "'It. are nereoy notif ed to ann. said time and place anTO cause if any they have whv ! Final Account should not W proved, administratrix discK and the estate semen .riffe Dated this 28th day of T arv. 1945. y 01 Ffti DORA B. CARLON tratrix. the following cars: DODGE, 35 to 37 PLYMOUTH, 35 to 38 TERRAPLANE 35 NASH 35 FORD, 30 to 39 I HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Phone 860 BEND V Refrigerator Service AJI Types of Mechanical Swviei On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co, Bond Mlnnmntn PhmwIWI LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dallv Service Every Dfl Of the Year Phone 544 Trees Shrubs VtalfJ fl8C9 .j inv alid fruits. Extra hardy Miu sota Stock. Stock sold F-0-J nursery, delivered or planted Free estimates for landscapil Will compete with ail JUloC prices. HAINES NURSERY Cor. East 8th and Norton Phone 965 Bend, 0 INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO FIRE LI"B Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 821 Drake Road Phone J John W. Smith, Agent 1588 Awbrey Rl. Phone W" By FRED HARMAN I " v I in T. mmm y ! torn, ii it ni w.vici. mc V-T7laTTi r in I L('W' -