Local News . --vr-TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 44 degrees. Minimum last night, 17 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p. m.t 24 de grees; 10 a. nu, 38 degrees. Velo city of wind: 10 p. m., 1 miles; 10 a. in., 14 miles. ' Ml artd Mrs. A. LTo. Schuelcr returned last night from a trip to Portl&nd. Miss Amanda Anderson, daugh ter of Mrs. Carl H. Anderson, 23 Minnesota avenue, Bend, plans to visit here this coming week. Miss Anderson, a graduate from Bend high school, is a member of the Rncuhllt-or hifrh cehrtnl tiiiotiino Astaff. . !. HOhor students at Eastern Ore gon college, in LaGrande, include Helen Mason, of Prineville, ac fcordihg to a news release from the college. Mrs. R. W. Brandis, chairman of the junior Red Cross for Des thutes county, will leave Tues day for Hoquiam, where she plans to spend (several weeks. Wilma Jacobson, member of , the Bened high school staff, today left Tor Eugene to spend the pring Vacation with her parents. i Mr. and Mrs. E. Shoemaker of .. Mitchell, last night were guests at the Pilot Butte Inn. 3 J. H. Haner of Lapine, was a I Bend business caller today. J Mrs. Robert M. Gunn of Pais- ley, spent today in Bend. Mrs.. Raymond Voegtly of Burns, spenet . today in Bened shopping. Mrs. Meredith Bailey was a Bend visitor today from Sisters. Zola McDougall, member of the Bend high school staff, left yes-i EYESIGHT IS PRICELESS No amount of money can buy back your sight once It is gone. Don't wait for trouble. Have your eyes checked regularly. Dr. M. B. McKenney -' . OPTOMETRIST ' Offices: Foot of Oregon Ave. Pnone 465-W Ends Tonight O s "Hi.' "' PARAMOUNT ' f PTjj je4P $1$3t2l' . n The modernized c V PRODUCTION OF 4wDeMilles (! Sign fm H 0F THE I MW) My Cross .U FREDRIC MARCH V j fJ'-V ELISSA LANDI Vl '$S J CLAUDETTE COLBERT " 1 I y!k CHARLES LAUGHTON FOUNTAIN SERVICE LUNCHEONS HOME-MADE PIES A SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS DOUTHirS terday for Yoncaila to spend a few days visiting with relatives. 6p. 1c Ed Fitzgerald of the Bend navy recruiting staff, left today for Portland lor a confer ence with naval recruiting heads. D. C. Orendorff of Prineville, spent today in Bend. Miss Naomi Miller, member of The Bulletin news staff, is spend ing the weekend in Portland, vis iting relatives. W. P. Loder and family of Sa lem, are here to spend the week end. Loder is a Salem automobile dealer and is well known among Central Oregon dealers. . Bill Drysdale of Prineville was here today on business.. Elizabeth Boeckli, Deschutes county home demonstration agent today was in PorUand visiting her brother who Is about' to leave for armed service. A meeting of the Kenwood Cub Pack No. 23 will be held Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the Kenwood school, according to an announce ment today by Wes Welcome, committeeman. Mrs. Gladys Spencer, Mrs. Rex Quiberg and Mrs. Earl Potts of Placerville, Calif., are here visit ing their father, Charles Spaugh. The regular boarq meeting of the Junior Chamber of commerce auxiliary, scheduled for next Mon day night at the Pilot Butte inn, has been 'postponed, according to Mrs. Bruce Gilbert, president, to day. Mr. and Mrs. George Whlteman, former Bend residents now living in Prineville, today ' informed Bend friends that they are the parents of a son named George Robert, born March 21. White- man seven years ago was a co proprietor of the Superior club. The boy weighed nine pounds, 12 ounces. Miss Ruby Steiwer returned last night from a trip to Portland. While in Portland, Miss Steiwer attended the birthday celebration of her father,. John Steiwer. Birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown, 437 Portland avenue, was announced today by the St. Charles hospital. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who so willingly offered their services, sympathies a,nd floral offerings during our bereavement over the loss of our beloved husband, father and brother. Especially do our thanks go to David Richard son and his crew, Mrs. E. D. Mc Lean, Mrs. A. Ashley, and the members of the Carpenter's union. Mrs. John Byrd and family Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Byrd. Adv. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. Adv. 3 DAYS STARTING TOMORROW CONTINUOUS FROM I P.M. I "Barbary Coast Gent" Wallace Beery Worship God In God's Way CHURCH OF CHRIST Galveston and Columbia . 1 Marine Unit HOKIZONTAI. 1 Depicted Is insigne of U.S. Marine Bomb- .ing Squadron 4 Feels painful 10 In what manner? 13 Mental faculty) 14 Antics 15 Employ ' 16 To the inside 18 Vein of ore 19 Measure 20 Sewing tool 22 Mexican dish 24 Scottish 2 Beverage 3 Musteline mammals 4 South Caro lina sb.) 6 Man 6 Army post office (ab.) 7 Carmine 8 Waste allowance 9 Steamship (ab) 10 Sympathetic 11 Esthonlan province var.) 12 Existed 17 Poems sheepfold lTTtln SneHered side 19 Leave out 26 Out of date 28 Rob 31 Symbol for silver 32 Sun god 33 Shouts 37 Founded 40 Over (contr.) 41 Blackbird of cuckoo family 42 Jail 43 Sayings 48 Native of Latvia 49 Arabian 52 Fillip 53 Individual 54 Ascended 56 Girl's name 57 Pinnacle 58 Drives back ;59 Number VERTICAL 1 Double Meeting, Deschutes County Sportsmen's Association, Monday hight, 7:30, I.W.A. hall on Bond St. Appointment of committees, reading of by-laws. Adv. To all I.W.A. Members and their Invited guests. There will be an other Social for your Pleasure In your hall at 933 Bond St., Bend, Sat., March 24th. There will be dancing and Free Eats. Adv. Roseburg Orator Wins First Place Coached by Miss Amanda An derson, daughter of Mrs. Carl H. Anderson of Bend and a graduate, from the local high school, Elliott Motschenbacher of Roseburg high school single handedly won top honors for his school in the 11th annual state high school speech contest at Willamette university, it was learned here today. More than 300 students took part. At the state contests, Elliott won first in oratory, first? In- seri ous interpretation and teamed with a schoolmate, Marge Steph ens, to win first in debate. Headed by Miss Anderson, the Roseburg high school speech department de bate teams have won state honors for the past several years. DOUGLAS BIRTHPLACE Brandon, Vt. uistill standing i here is the small story-anda-half cottage in which Stephen A Douglas was born in 1813. A marble monument tells the story : of the Little Giant's lite, high ' spotted by his famous debate with i Lincoln, nnn FFFrrr 13 iT-"" if" lr nnsr jt F CONTINUOUS SHOW FROM 1 P.M. STARS! MUSIC! LAUGHS! v IraMzk V . .-Jtfi ROBERT IIVIN6STON ymft!sA tDWARD EVERETT HORTON ?"5j vtL0Z AND TOLANDA JiV, NEWs"" CARTOON w SNAPSHOTS Ends A "Under Western "Army Tonight0 Skies" Wives" . THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1 ' IT A bohMOWU 39 Official seat 26 Salary 27 Era ' 29 They- unit of the U. S. Air Forces 30 Boy 42 Scheme ' 43 Nevada lity 44 Nostril 45 Cain's brother (Bib.) 46 Roof edge 34 Lag behind 47 Bridge rv. that RO Tear 36 Theatrical 51 Peet Gynt'S sign (ab.) . mother 37 Wicked 54 Area measure 38 Genu, ot 53 nova acuua (ab.) r Field Day Pi ans Made by Cadets Plans have been completed for a Civil Air Patrol cadet field day to be held at the Bern! municipal airport at 2 p. m. tomorrow, Lts. Bowman and Lermo announced today. The schedule will Include a sim ulated missing aircraft search by local Civil Air Patrol pilots, with cadets acting as navigator-obsers-ers. Part of the procedure will be a navigation problem to be work ed out by the cadets before the take-off. A luncheon will be serv ed at 4 p. m., and the cadets will stand retreat at 5 p. m. to com plete the program of the day. Transportation to the field, for those cadets who do not have their own, will leave headquarters be tween 1 and 1:30 p. m. Dealers Meeting' Set for March 29 All possible cooperation will be extended to apparel and house furnishing retailers In acquaint ing them with the provisions of the new MPR 580 "freeze" order, OPA officials announced today, In announcing that a meeting will be held to assist local merchants. The Bend meeting will be on March 29, in the city commission quarters, at 8 p. m. Miss Bertha Singer, representative of the dis trict office in Portland, will be present. Meetings have been arranged for, all parts of the Portland dis trict. 2 Days Only Starting TOMORROW IT'S A GAY... Ctrnival Time DOWN South America WAY! TITO GUIZAR VIRGINIA BRUCE NEWS. OF (All society Items should be reported to the Bulletin not later than 10 a.m. oh the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and aaiuruttyB.j Representative Measures at League Meeting Representative William Niskan. en is scheduled to address mem. bers of the League of Women Voters Tuesday, March 27, at 6:30 p. m. In the Pine tavern. Mrs. Crosby Shevlln, president, : will take charge of the session. Important measures discussed at the last legislative session will be outlined by Niskanen, and par- ticular stress will be placed upon bills bearing local significance. Mrs. B. Gilbert Accepts Office Mrs. Bruce Gilbert accepted the presidency Of the Bend Junior chamber of commerce auxiliary which was conferred on her at the organization's last meeting, Mon day evening in the sun room of the Pilot Butte Inn. Succeeding Mrs. Bruno Rath as auxiliary president, Mrs. Gilbert Vacated the position of vice-president, which was filled by the ap pointment of Mrs. Harvey Held, wrmer director. Mrs. Ray Dahl was elected as a director. Miss Lucy DaVison of the Des chutes county public health de partment explained various func tions of the uepartmenl which she represented. A film picturing the cause and effect of tuberculosis was screened by Glenn Thomp son, county healih sunuarian. concluuing the session, the aux iliary volumcred Its assistance to the health department in conduct ing immunization and well-child clinics. Red Cross Lays Groundwork for Public Dinner Initial arrangements for the an nual public dinner sponsored by the Deschutes county chapter of the American Red Cross are be ing made by Mrs. Robert Hem ingway, executive secretary. Listed as an event of Thursday, April 12. the dinner will be served in the Pine Tavern with members of the local Red Cross chapter ln charge. ..' Mrs. Sumner Dellrick, who serves as prisoner of war chair man, has been appointed to take charge of the dinner. Assisting her with the decorations will be the following Red Cross commit tee members: Mrs. Claude Cook, Mrs. Bruce Gilbert and Mrs. Gail Baker. Mrs. Ward H. Coble, dis play chairman for Red Cross, will have charge of the tickets. Both the speaker for the even ing and the member in charge of dinner reservations will be an nounced later, Mrs. Hemingway said. Mrs. H. DeArmond Presides at Meet Members of Chapter' AI of the P. L. O. Sisterhood met Thursday evening at a dinner session at the home of Mrs. Frank II. Loggan, with Mrs. II. H. DeArmond, newly elected president, presiding, for the first time. The growth and development of Australia, coupled with a review of life and customs nn that conti nent, were discussed by Mi s. Hor ace Richards. Dale of the next meeting was announced as April 12 at 7 p. m at the home oi Mrs. P. N. Arm strong. Cut-out Garments Now Available Material for sewing is now available at Ihe Deschutes counly chapter Red Cross offices in the Bank of Bend building, liend, ac cording to Mrs. Eugene Acklry, chairman of the production de partment. The supply consists of cut out pajamas, convalescent robes and bedside bags which are urgently needed for use by hospitalized servicemen, Mrs. Ackley empha sized. Study Club (o Meet -The Bend Study club will meet for a 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. Hor ace Richards, on the Butler road, on Monday, March 2. Date Set for Card Parly 'The Episcopal guild will sponsor its annual Easter bridge party on April 2, at H p. m., in the parish hall, It was announced today. Tuesday Meeting Set Mrs. J. W. Coleman, H I'inecrest, will en tertain the First Presbyterian church sewing circle Tuesday at 2 p. m. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST , 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment 1945 SOCIETY to Outline Mrs. R. E. Johnson will present a brief five minute talk on the fed- , 1 .. i ,n V. Utll Altlhn Ariit. catlonal advantages 'offered In sucn assistance, The Tuesday night, meeting will be open to members, their hus bands and all persons Interested In the matters up for discussion, the president said. Reservations may be had by calling either Mrs. E. W. Williamson at 806-W or Mrs. It. E. Johnson, 234-J. SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight 8 p. m. Sons of Norway will hold their regular business meet ing In the Norway hall. Coffee will be served following adjourn ment. 8 p. m. The Town and Country club will sponsor a card party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kribs on the old Redmond high way. 9 p. m. Kim Kock Riders' diuice ln Carroll Acres dance hall. 1 d. m. Bend Study club to meet with Mrs. Horace Richards, on Butler road, for luncheon. Tuesday 2 p. m. First Presbyterian Church sewing circle with Mrs. J W. Coleman, 8 Pinecrcst. 2 p. m. The Sunshine club will meet with Mrs. Harry Hamilton, 501 Newport avenue. 2:30 p. m. Juveniles of Degree oi Honor, at Norway nail. 8 p. m. Degree ot Honor to meet ln Norwqy hall. Wednesday 1 p. m. The Pal club will meet with Mrs. Frank Gates, 1474 King ston avenue. 8 p. m. Pythian Sisters will meet in the Norway hall. w Madras Couple Mark Eighth Anniversary Madras, March 23 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Irving enter tained at a dinner party at their home Saturday evening compli menting their eighth wedding an niversary. St. Patrick's Day decorations were used. Bridge was the di version of the evening. Prizes wont to Mrs. John Mulder and H. A. Dussault. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dtissault, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kennedy, Trout Creek. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Thomas of Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Wert, Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Turner, Mrs. John Mulder of Trout Creek, and Mrs. Effa M. Plllette. . . Youngsters Frolic At Party Feting Two Small Lassies Honoring the younger set, Mrs. J. L. Harbin of 20 Sullivan road, sponsored a birthday party Thurs day evening in her home for her two daughters, six-year-old Wan da Lee and five-year-old Carol Ann, whose birth dates occur ln March. Refreshments were served to the following youngsters: Sandra and Viola Jo LaPlanl. Karen j Hichcrts, Sharon and Hobby Law- rence, Connie Linn Nichols nhd Jennifer Van Landuyt. Garden Club Names Officers Madias, March 23 (Special) The Jefferson County Garden club met on March 114 at the home of Mrs. May B. Johnson. Officers were elected as follows: president, Mrs. Ralph Van Writ; vice-president, Mrs. May B. John son; and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Andrew Morrow. Mrs. W. H. Snook gave an Interesting talk on herbs. The project for the club will be the improvement and beaull flcation of the Odd Fellows cem etery. Plans will he completed later. Mrs. C. M. Kennedy will entertain the club for their next meeting with a one o'clock lunch con at her home at Trout Creek. Evangelist and Mrs. C. O. experience both as pastors V.F.W. Auxiliary To Meet Mar. 28. The regular meeting of the V. F. W- auxiliary will be held bn Wednesday nlcht at 8 o'clock In the Moose hall, with officers for the coming year to be elected. There will also be Initiation of new members. Refreshments bt If cream and cake will be served by Mrs. Cecil Rhoads, Mrs. Elmer Whipple! Mrs. W. C. Qulgley, Mrs. William Gib son and Mrs. Ralph Hensley. Mrs. Rhoads. president oi the auxiliary, asks that ail officers wear their uniforms. . . . - CHURCH HOLDS RALLY The young people's quarterly rally at the Missionary Baptist church started last nlcht, contln ued through today and will be concluded tonight, followed by the regular services Sunday. Rep resentatives are attending from neighboring churches. Elder L. H. Boswell invites all interested to attend. ... Degree of Honor ro Moet-r-The Degree of Honor will meet Tues day, March 27, In Norway hail at 8 p. m. There will be an officers' practice and a drill practice. " . . . Time Chang Made The Juve nile Degree of Honor will meet Tuesday, March 27, in Norway hall. This meeting will be at 2:30 p. rrt., instead of 4 p. m. ... Card Party Planned Circle 1 of the Catholic Altar society will hold a card party at the parish hall Saturday, April 1 at 7:30 p. m. A series of parties has been plan ned. STORM HITS COAST Coos Bay, Ore., March 24 IP All shipping was tied up in Coos Bay harbor today as a raging storm nearly foundered a tanker with all hands and forced another tanker to turn back after attempt ing to cross Coos Bay bar. MM U g-TK, vI 1 I V vsC' Popular 'Because It's GOOD! Ross of Portland. Many years of and evangelists. They're unusual! PAGE FIVE Elks to Initiate 91 Candidates . One of. the largest classes of candidates- ever to be Initiated Into the Bend Lodge No. 13T1, B.P.O. Elks, will be taken into the organization next Tuesday night, it was announced today. Because of the occasion, 50 mem bers of the Salem Elks lodge will participate ln the Initiation, when 91 new members will be added to the lodge. j Preceding the Initiation, which ' Is set for 8 o'clock, officials of the Salem lodge and officers of the Bend lodge, Its officers elect, the past Exalted rulers and trustees will meet for a banquet at the Pine Tavefn at 6 p.m. The Salem group is expected to arrive In Bend at 4 p.m. The lol lbwlng officers of the Salem lodge are expected: Officers Listed Vernon Perry, exalted ruler; Charles Claggett, leading knight; Harry Weidmer, secretary; Glenn Burright, treasurer; Creighton Jones, estiulre; Loren Edlund, chaplain; Estel Benner, organist; Hunt "Clark, assistant esquire; Harold Bradrlck, Inner guard, and Ernie Burrell, tiler. The Salem group plans ro bring its own orchestra, led by Al Finn. Following the initiation of the large class of candidates, a dutch lunch will be served, according to the announcement. CARS ARE TAGGED Overtime parking on downtown streets was charged to four auto mobile owners, according to po lice records today. The cars were registered to James Snyder, Rt. 1, Box 246 A; Loyal B. Rhoads, 2115 East Fourth street; F. Hollenback, 2055 "North First street, and Lytle G, Marian, of Redmond. , Buy National War Bonds Now! ive. Bonds room lots of room in your strong box and let them sing the tune of crory for you and our fiahr- ing men. Expand your Bond purchases right now, no mat ter what you may have to do Without and pledge your self to keeping every Bond you possess, until the war is won and over with, and our troops are on their way omel ' At Your Grocers REVIVAL Held Every Night Except Saturdays SUNDAY 7:45 p. m. Revival Subject: NOW AND FOREVER ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH 2nd and Greenwood Offic. Phon. 7J fim. Htion. aia-W