Additional Sports Arkansas Quint Defeats Oregon. Kansas City, Mo., March 24 UP A new NCAA basketball cham pion will be crowned tonight when the Unlversltv nr Oklahoma s Aggies meet in the fi nals of the annual tournament. Oklahoma knocked Utah, the de fending champion, out of the tournament last night with an easy 63-27 victory and the Arkan sas Razorbacks won the right to whipping Oregon 79-76 in a wild scoring spree. A three-point scoring spree by Earl Wheeler, Arkanlas guard, gave the Razorbacks their edge over Oregon. Paced by George Kok and Mike Schumghyk, Ar- jumper away iu a lead early in the game and were 11 points up on their opponents at the end of the half when the score was 4f-34. Score Tied 74-74 The lead changed later in the second half, but with three and a half minutes to go, Ken Hays, Oregon RPnraH a fiolrl onol n i the score at 74 all. Kok scored anomer a lew seconds later but Oregon came back to tie the SCOre at 7fi nil With 15 eMiAnc . maining. Then Wheeler sank the .i . . iiimi iiiree points, ne was iouied as he tossed a short field goal and scored the final point from the Bend Abstract Co. Title Insurance Abstracts ' Walt Peak Phone 174 1 ssrot 8EBVCE FOR MOVING STORAGE LCH CARTAGE ih. .. . J n C or o m. rm PHONE 788 210 Irving Ave., Bend ORDER Turn in WASTE PAPER SUNDAY O Paper is critical and needed badly The Miller Lumber Company 821 Wall Street At the Tower Sunday ' ' A I. Hi & Titp Culzw sings to Virgioii Biuce in cene from Republic' miukil comedy romance "BrajjV with Robert livinguom. free throw linn net he tha a,m ended the game. lonighfs meeting will be the iuunii wiween Arkansas and Ok lahoma this year. The Aggies hold a 2 to 1 edge. Old Court Rivals To Rattle Again Denver, Colo., March 24 UiAn old, old fued will be continued here tonight when the Phillips "66" basketball squad, defending champions from Bartlesville, Ok la meets Denver's Ambrose Jelly makers for the National AAU crown. The Phillips and Denver quin tets have been battling for the crown for the past six years. Phil lips is making its third consecu tive bid for the title. Both teams advanced to the fi nals of the tournament last night, Phillips with a 62-52 win over 20th Century Fox of Hollywood, and the Jellymakers with a 43-28 rout of the Cessna Aircraft team, Wichita, Kan. Clarence Sager Services Sunday Memorial services for Pvt. Clar ence E. Sager, who was killed in action in an advance near Berle, Luxembourg, on January 5, will be held tomorrow at the Metho dist church 11 a. m. services, Rev. Robert H. Mcllvenna has an nounced. Pvt. Eager was the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Duryee, 1363 Harmon boulevard, Bend. - Also surviving the Bend soldier are his wife, the former Mary Elizabeth Esson, Kenwood teacher a few years back, and his brother, Wallace Sager. - Pvt. Sager was serving on the western front- with the 26th, or Yankee division, when he met death. ' HORNBECK Typewriter Co. Authorized Agent for ROYAL Sales and Service Boytype Ribbons .and Carbon R. C. Allen Adding Machines . All Makes Typewriters Serviced Phone 12 122 Oregon Ave. NOW! Before your supply is used up, place an order for . . . GREEN SLABS Per Load ...... (200 Cubic Foot Loose Don't wait Do I V 1 Cleveland Race Won by Gunder Cleveland, March 24 lPi Gun der Hagg, the Swedish distance runner, was a winner without much prestige today. He won his first mile on an indoor track last night after three previous failures, but he did it without the man who had raced to triumph on each of those oc casionslittle Rafferty of 'New York. His time last night for the Universe, Bulletin mile at the Knights of Columbus relays was 4:16.7. He topped that mark in running second to Rafferty at Chicago last Saturday when his time was 4:15.5.. Hagg wanted to win last nignt and he wanted to do it in faster time than he did, but he wasn't able to spur his competitors on to a faster pace. Hoping to in crease the tempo, he even looked up over his shoulder during the first half mile and beckoned his four competitors to "speed up." Because the field wasn't equal to a faster pace, Hagg didn't seem to be able to increase his own pace sufficiently to finish with more than a mediocre mark. After he .beckoned the laggards, Rudy Simms of New York moved ahead of him briefly but after two laps Hagg went in front to stay. War Briefs .(By United Press) Western Front Allied first airborne army east of Rhine fighting to Join British second army reported across river, 30 miles north of Duesseldorf. Eastern Front Nazi radlsaVs Russians are storming German defenses 32 miles east of Berlin. Air War Huge air armada de luges defenses of northwest Ger- , many in support of ground troops. I Pacific Tokyo reports hun- : dreds of American carrier planes .attack Okinawa island, 300 miles south of Japan;, Japanese re ported fleeing into hills before American advance on tsaguio in I northern Luzon. Italy Patrollng active along ' entire' front. Very fine garnet powders are now being used in optical gass polishing because of the war shortage of corundum. $300 Measure it NOW! Phone 166 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 24. Special Services Traditional Palm Sunday sei-v ices will be held at the Trinity Episcopal church tomorrow when the Rt. Rev. WUliam P. Reming ton, D. D., will be present to ad minister the historic rite of the Laying on of Hands in confirma tion to a group of candidutes pre pared and presented by the. rector, Rev. G. R. V. Bolster. The sei-vice, which will commence at 11 a.m., will feature the Trinity Episcopal choir, directed by C. Dale Robbins, in special music Including jonn Stainer's a cappella anthem, "God So Loved the World," and "The Lord's Prayer"- to a setting by Rlckett. Following an old time custom, palms will be distributed to the congregation at the close of the service. Bishop Remington will be assisted in the service by the Rev. Bolster and Rev. Ed ward II. took of the Prineville Madras mission field. Holy week plans at the Episco pal church include daily celebra tions of holy communion, Monday to Thursday, at 10 a.m. and 8 a.m. alternately; participation in the noon-hour services at the Capitol theater each day at 12:15 p.m., and a three-hour mediation on the passion from noon until 3 p.m. on Good Friday, when seven city churches will cooperate in the ob servance. Deschutes Yields Prize Rainbows The Deschutes river produced the first and third prize trout of last season, according to the latest issue of Field and Stream, re ceived here today. The magazine also carries a picture of a sec tion of the Deschutes river. ' The fish were in the western rainbow steelhead division, ac cording to the publication. It re called that on Aug. 1, 1944 such a trout was taken on a fly in the lower Deschutes, and was only eight ounces under the world record of 24 pounds. Cady's Name Put On Fund Ballot A. J. Glassow, general manager of Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Com pany Inc., and one of the 10 nomi nees for election to the governing board of the Bend Industrial fund, today notified members of the group that he will be unable to serve on the committee because of lack of time. As a result, Mari on Cady, one of the runner-ups ifi the primary election for nominees, was placed on the ballot as a can didate. Ballots for the election of five of the nominees to form the gov erning body, were placed in the mail today. The election deadline is next Wednesday night. The governing board is being chosen from contributors to' a $13,000 fund established to create additional payrolls for Bend. Food Merchants To Meet Mar. 26 Members of the Bend Food Merchants association will hold a meeting next Monday at 8 p. m. at the courthouse, it was an ; nounced today by Mrs. J. L. Car : ter, secretary. I All food merchants were urged to attend and listen to discussions !on the grocery and meat prob j lems confronting the members. a TOMORROW IS COLLECTION DAY Place your bundles of waste paper at collection points. Join in this critical war effort program. Space furnished by The Bend Bulletin in Cooperation with the Junior Chamber of Commerce Keg of Bend Nails Located In Nazi Land In the refuse of a bomb and wrecked German town there was located by an American sergeant a keg of nails bearing the nota tion: "George Cliilds Hardware, Bend, Oregon." ' Such Is the information in a let ter from Lt. Katherine Ferrell to her mother, Mrs. B. Ferrell, for merly of Bend and now in Port land. With the exception of an old school home in which officers set up their quarters, the keg of Bend nails was about the only thing in tact in the German town, Lt. Fer rell mentioned. George J. Childs, operator of the local store whose nails were found in the city debris, believes he knows how the hardware got into Germany. He recalls that in connection with the Fourth corps maneuvers In the Bond area in 1944 he sold a considerable quan tity of merchandise to the army. Some of the divisions that trained here are now lighting in Germany and advance units are apparent ly still using the Bend nails. Services Outlined For Passion Week Under 'auspices of the Bend Ministerial association, Holy week services will be held at the Capi tal theater, this coming week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, officers of the associ ation announced today. The noon- rinv SprvlrAS will lnat At mtnittfto starting at 12:15 p.m. and closing ui u:zo p.m. Henri nacnnlntlnn members rpnort thnt thn Cmltnl theafc?r is being made available ior me services without cost. Business houses, while unable to I'lnyO tlOPnilca nf Urnn lahnn Unn.t.1 restrictions, have assured the re tail committee of the chamber of commerce that individuals will be excused to attend the services. Spnclul Service Planned Tfie daily program will consist of the singing of hymns of the cross, led by Paul Hornbeck. There will be scriptures, prayers and specials readings, and each noon-day service will be conclud ed by a 20 minute address. For those who can arrange a longer period of worship on Good Friday, the services will be moved 10 me episcopal cnurcn, and serv ices will continue from noon un til ,3 p. m. , "The Seven Last Words" will be the theme for the Good Friday services. Wife of Mayor Dies in Molalla Molnlla, Ore., March 24 (IP) The first fatality in the diphtheria epidemic that has closed the school and theater in this little Clackamas county town was on record today. The victim was the wife of the town's mayor Mrs. Charles Al bright who died Friday after a week's illness. Meanwhile, the official count for the disease has reached 46, two higher than the last report, Thursday night. In the United States there are over 560,000 miles of road under state control and a slightly great er mileage not controlled by state officials. mm n mm mummmmmiimmtm'i 1945 Billy Holcomb in Bastogne Battle With the 101st Airborne Divi sion on the Western Front, March 24 Within two days after the 101st airborne division pulled into Bastoene shortly after the start of the battle of the bulge, lt was completely sealed from outside help. When the Germans demand ed Surrender, acting division com mander, Brigadier General An thony C. McAullffe answered: "Nuts!" , The defense was to attack con tinuously. At one point, the am munition was 11 rounds to a gun. No planes were able to break through a low Veiling to. bring support and supplies. There were too many wounded for the medics to handle. Groun Encircled But seven days after the encir clement, the battle of Bastogne pocket ended. A corridor had been established with our own troops. The. 101st airborne had completed another chapter in Its historic march through the battles of world war II. In addition to participating In the battle of Bastogne, the 50Gth parachute infantry regiment played a major role in the success of the Normandy and Holland campaigns. It took pnrt In the fall! of Carentan and later liberated Eindhoven, in' Holland. It twice took the measure of the elite Ger man 6th parachute regiment in at taining victories in France and Holland. Members of the unit who parti cipated in Bastogne envelopment Included Pvt. Billy A. Holcomb, of Terrebonne, Ore. Soviet Front (Continued from Page One) near Genschmar, seven miles northwest, and linked, up at Gol zow. . , A 90-minute artillery barrage and accompanying , aerial bom bardment paved the way for the twin attacks, Berlin said. "The enemy succeeded In break ing through our front, owing to the great masses of war material employed," the Berlin account said. Far to the northeast, Second White Russian army forces drove into the outskirts of blazing Dan zig and Gdynia after a break through to the sea midway be tween the two Baltic ports and isolating the respective garrisons. .. Called Final Battle ; Moscow dispatches said It ap peared that the final battle to clear Gdynia and Danzig was un der way. The Danzig garrison was hemmed into a pocket of 300 square miles and that at Gdynia, 75 square miles. Second army troops wedged through to the Baltic between the two ports at Zoppot, six miles DIAMONDS The quickest way to lose $25 . . . Cash Your $100 War Bond A. T. NIEBERGALL Jeweler Nut Is Capitol ThuUf Phon. 148-R WATCHES northwest of Danzig. Zoppot seir was captured, along wan a three-mile stretch of the Baltic coast line. More than 4,000 Germans were killed In the breakthrough. Soviet planes added to the enemy casual ties by sinking three warships, a cutter and a large transport in attacks on evacuation vessels crowding the roadstead. Paper Pickup . (Continued from Page One) the chairmen to gather bundled paper from their neighbors and carry It to' the corners on the routes the trucks will follow. Because the paper will be trucked directlv to the frelsht car. the committee asked that resi- dents use extra care in tying up! the paper so that lt will not be-1 come unwieldy or scattered In handling. 1 Routes Designated Emphasis was also placed on the necessity that the paper be on the routes before noon, as the trucks will not make a return trip. The routes the trucks will fol low are: West Side Route Start at the Newport avenue bridge, west on Newport to 12th street, south on 12th to Albany, west on Albany to 14th street, north on 14th to Galveston, east on Galveston to Harmon, north on Harmon to Newport, east on Newport to Awbrey road, north on Awbrey to Portland avenue., east on Portland to North high way, then north to Revere street, east on Revere to East Eighth, south on 8th to Greenwood, west on Greenwood to Third street, north on Third to Revere, then to the railroad sidfng. ; East Side Route Start from East Third and Greenwood going south on 3rd to Carroll Acres, back on Third to Scott street, west on Scott to Hill streetdown Hill M block to Dela ware, West on Delaware to Tuma- SONOTONE HEARING CENTER MARCH 26th end 27th PILOT BUTTE INN Bend, Oregon I will gladly make an audio gram of your hearing. In 20 minutes you can see Just what your hearing loss Is, and whether or not you need a hearing aid. No charge or obli gation. T. C. DOWNS Fully Equipped For Modern Druglest Treatment . Spinal Adjustment ; Physio Therapy Tox Eliminator Diagnosis, X-Kay and Heart Graphing Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chiropractic Physician 124 Minnesota Ave. Phone 794 rat nam mKmmmmimmwmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmxmimmiH,.v-m,fm PAGE THREE lt-,lo, east on Tumalo to Broadway, 'norm on tjroaaway 10 rrunKiin, east on Franklin to Hill street. north on Hill to Greenwood ave-' nue, and then to the railroad siding. Southern Fliers Blast at Berlin Rome, March 24 IP Italy-based : American heavy bombers today bombed Berlin for the first time. Mustang fighter planes flew close escort over the target and ' most of the route also Was guard ed by Lightning fighter planes. - It was the largest escorted heavy bomber operation ever, flown over Europe, headquarters of the 15th U. S. air force said. Buy National War Bonds Now! SAVE WASIE PAPER Waste Paper fights for us helps in every victory. SAVE MORE! Space courtesy BRADETICH BROS. Flower Show See our show rooms now for plants available for Easter. Potted Roses Easter Lilies Violets Azaleas Amaryllis Cinerarias PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY PICKETT Flower Shop & Garden Phone 530 bit Vuimby We telegraph flowers anywhere.