PA,GE EIGHT THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGQN, FRIDAY, foARCH 23, 1945 Nebraska Takes Soldier's Life In Murder Case . Lincoln, Neb., March 23 IPi Sgt. Joseph T. MacAvoy, Brook ' lyn, N. Y., was executed in the electric chair at the Nebraska penitentiary today for the rape- murder of Anna MUroy, lCyear old Sutton, Neb., high school girl. MacAvoy was strapped Into the chair at 5:57 a. m. and was pro nounced dead four minutes later. He called goodbye to the prison chaplain, Fred Lessten, and War den Neil Olson just before the executioner threw the switch. The 25-year-old soldier was con victed of the slaying 38 months ago. He was arrested two days after the girl was found slain and ho admitted assaulting her. He denied the slaying, however, and pleaded innocent by reason of insanity. Stationed at Harvard MacAvoy was stationed at the Harvard army air asc at the time of the slaying. He said he picked up Miss Melroy the night of Aug. 7, 1943, and after a few drinks they drove out into the country. He said the girl submitted wil lingly to his advances but after a quarrel over the possibility of disease, she hit him on the nose. This angered him, he said, and he knocked her out of the car. He then hit her on the head with a crank and threw her body Into the dltcn. The soldier testified that he returned to the scene the next day and turned the body face up wards. The state contended, how ever, that the girl was still alive when he returned and he drove a chisel into her brain, killing her. Defense Is Made MacAvoy's mother. Mrs. Mary Mears, testified that her son suf fered an attack of malarial fever, or the "sweats," In 1941 while he was a soldier in Panama. Medical testimony admitted at the trial attempted to establish that Mac Avoy lor snort periods oi time ofter using alcohol "didn't know right from wrong." He was convicted 3!) days after the girl was slain and was sen tenced to die Dec. 30, 1943. The execution was delayed by appeals to the state supreme court, the state pardon board, and the U. S. supreme court. MacAvoy was the first person to be executed in Nebraska since 1929 when Harry Sherman, 19, was electrocuted for a triple murder. A Truly Memorable Funeral We sincerely believe that fu neral preparations should not tax the bereaved financially. Yet for all arrangements no matter what the cost our personal attention and efficiency are the same. FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 118 Niswonger and , Wmslow Morticians . Katherine Chesley Joins Nurse Corps Edna Katherine Chesley, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ches ley, 124 Greeley street, Bend, is the latest Bend resident to enlist in the Women's Army corps to serve with the Deschutes county medical department purple heart platoon, it was announced today by Wue recruiting headquarters, 614 S. W. 11th Ave., Portland. Pvt. Chesley was employed by the Columbia Aircraft company before entering the Wacs. She was graduated from the Central I City high school, Centra City, Neb. . 1 Pvt. Chesley wll be sent to Dib ; We general hospital, Palo Alto, j Calif., after she has completed her i basic training and her hospital training at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. j Pvt. Chesley was active in the nurses aide corps before enlisting ; In the Wacs in answer to an ap : peal for additional women from j Deschutes county to help fill medi cal platoons for army general hos pitals. Full Information on the new medical program for Wacs, with pertinent data on eligibility re quirements, is available at the Wac offices In the Post Office buildings in Eugene or Salem, and at Oregon district headquarters, 614 . W. 11th Ave., Portland. New York Mayor Explains Stcrd New York, March 23 IP -Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia turned todav to Dioblems of his own city gov ernment and left the midnight en tertainment curfew to whatever enforcement measures federal agencies may find. LaUuardia expiaineu nis posi tion in a nationwide broadcast last night. He said the request of War Mobilization Director James F. Byrnes could be enforced only by congressional action and told en tertainers in tne worm s largest city that it was entirely up to them whether they would close at midnight. LaGuardia divided New York night spots into two classes. 1. Those having entertainers and operating under a city license must close at 1 a.m.. he said, or face city prosecution. 2. Others, such as bus, operat ing under a state license, can re main open until 4 a.m., the legal closing time. Explains Stand LaGuardia explained his stand with the statement that "the present mayor of the city of New York believes in law and order." "He believes that the American people should be governed by law," he said. "He believes In en forclnc the law. He hates hvnoc- risy and he had fought disregard or violation of the law all of his life. He is not satisfied with lip service, with proud proclamations of compliance when there is no compliance. He said he was not concerned with the curfew in other cities, but advised residents to look about them and see if it was work ing. "I want to cooperate," La Guardia said. "I am simply re alistic. I refuse to be hypocritical." War Briefs - - Gages Reparations Changes Listed In Bus Schedules released from the Portland sani tarium and is staying at the Au brev home in Bend. Mrs. Jess Line came home from the Redmond hospital with her baby girl. Lee Ann. Those who took their pre-lnduc-tion examination Tuesday were Jerry Benson, John Hawes, Bob Turner, Vernon Breniece, Wesley Tittle and Harry Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Monty Reed went to Dufur for a few days. Jack Howland went to Spokane, Wash., to visit his daughter. Dinner guests Saturday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poschwatta were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Casey, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Owsly and Earl Lyman. Mrs. Perry and Nettie Temple ton went to Bend Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hitchcock and Mrs. C. W. Bush went to Port land last week. Marjorie Bush Lwent via bus Friday to join her mother. Willis Spoos' mill resumed op erations Monday for the 1945 sea son. Sisters Townsend club will hold its regular meeting on Friday eve nings hereafter, it was decided at the last regular meeting Saturday evening at the Copeland building. potluck lunch will be served after the business meeting. The jackpot Sisters. March 23 (Special) A was won by Willis Chandler, son cranial maaina wac VinlH hv iht nf Ml- 9HH Mrc .Tnmac fhnn,llo Madras Union high school and j ;,,, tl ;-""".) '"6" ""' ."s i home of Mrs. Lewis LuckinDiii I lnsteaa oi March 24. and snortnana siuacms in t-nne-1 ,ast week when Anna France was vine lasi ivionuay. mi s. n. m. presented with a gift. She is leav fticpnens, iviauras lypmg icacnei , ln wlln her parents who are IS me uuuill. nit; ividuiaa mgit school Girl's Drill team, under the direction of the principal, H. M. Stephens, also staged a 45- minute program before the stu dent body and faculty at the .high school there. A group of other Madras students also presented a skit. I By United PrMai- WESTERN FRONT Sharp righting flares along Rhine at north end of front; unconfirmed Paris radio report says three al lied armies cross river between Arnhem and Duesseldorf. EASTERN FRONT Three Red armies reported striking toward Vienna in bid to thwart nazi plans for last-ditch stand, in southern uermany or Austria. AIR WAR RAF Lancasters drop 11-ton bombs on Bremen bridge In main communication line between northwest Germany and western front; American bombers soften German defenses for impending allied smash across Rhine. PACIFIC American troops and Filipino guerillas close in on Baguio on north Luzon. ITALY Patrols clash along fifth and eighth army fronts. I f " :' I Schools Sponsor 4 Typing Contest Madras, March 23 (Special) Ramona Sweet placed second In shorthand and Roy Sweet second in typing in a contest between Dr. Isidore Lubin. above, economist attached to the White House, will be the United States representative on the Moscow( commission to determine the reparations Germany must pay for her war crimes. Sisters TODAY IN GERMANY (By United I're) German authorities were re ported anticipating an invasion of Denmark. Berlin was bombed for the 31st consecutive night. uernn warnea tnat the moment was at hand for the big allied push from east and west. END DRUG CO. 953 Wall St. Allen Young, Proprietor Phone 4 ill TOOTH SOLUTION jSI P BRUSH FullPint- ( 51c VJ Shaving Brushes . .75c to S3 Set in Uulilier Easter Ideas Hard Candy.. 25c Fruit Drops 75c Egg Dyes 10c Fruits and Nuts Boxed Chocolates Baby Gifts Dinner Set $2.25 Made, of Plastic Electric Bottle Warmer $1.50 Hot Water Bottles Gift Sets. GAMES FOR ENJOYMENT Pocket Games Bingo, Chess, Checkers and other in liaiid.v ruse. $1.25 to $2 Leather Dice Box 75c, $1.75 Dice. Sets of 5... $1.75 In Leather Cuso Poker Chips $3.39 Interlocking Plastic Chips PLAYING CARDS PINOCHLE BRIDGE LILY DACHE HAIR NETS In a Full Selection of Colors and Styles Fine Mesh 5 for $1.00 Snood Mesh 3 for $2.00 Strom Qualifies -As'Expert Shot Carl Leonard Strom qualified as expert rifleman under the NRA rules last night when the American Legion Junior rifle club sponsored a qualification shoot in the indoor rifle range. High scorers were: Carl Leo nard Strom, 98; Ray Winters, 89; Tom Fagg, 89; Rowan Brick, 95; Bill Harris, 95; Howard Whitson, 8G; Charles Gulliford, 89; John Davis, 86; Richard Miller, 89; To facilitate travel over the Bend-Portland and Bend - Boise lines, the Pacific Trailways has scheduled bus departure changes effective April 1, reports Jerry Chester, traffic manager for the organization. The meal stop at Government ; Robert Messinger, 86. camp on the Bend-Portland run j will be reduced to a brief stop, Chester reported. This will step up the time of arrival approxi mately 40 minutes. Frequency of stops on the Bend- Boise run have been reduced con siderably, the traffic manager Cliffs of Dover Author Is Dead Hollywood, March 23 IP Fun eral services for Nat Burton, 43, composer of the "White Cliffs of pouuea out, to enaoie xne coacnes Dover," will be conducted Sunday uj nunc uiieci i-uiiiireuoii wiuiafternoon , gama Monica Calif. the Union Pacific train at Boise, avoiding the usual lay-over of several hours. Chester said that the change on the latter line will reduce trav eling time by approximately two hours. CARS ARE TAGGED Cited for overtime parking, au tomobiles registered to Vearl Lehrman, Bend; Rex Brown, 224 Emerson street, and Everett Lentz, 1055 Ogden avenue, today had been tagged, it was reported at police headquarters. His body will be sent to New York City for interment. "I Burton, who also wrote the cur rently popular "Don't Ever Change," and others, died yester day from a heart attack. ' Buy National War Bonds Now! VERMONT DEER PLENTIFUL Montpelicr, Vt. lU'i S 1 a u g h tered indiscriminately for more than a century, deer became al most extinct in Vermont in 1870. However, 17 deer, bought with private funds, were freed in Rut land county in 1878, and today doer are fairly plentiful in the Green mountain state. An aver age of 2,000 are killed each year during the brief open season. The pharmacist is the doctor's partner in health service. His ability establishes him as a person you can depond on. For prompt, speedy, accurate and dependable service, bring your prescriptions to Ihe Rexall Drug Store. RIGHT IN LINE FOR PART OF THE $259 IN PRIZES BEING GIVEN BY THE EVERGREEN STUDIO IN THEIR FREE MOTHER'S DAY BABY CONTEST DN NOW AND ALL THROUGH APRIL Bring Your Baby in NOW! You Get a Lovely Re touched Photo Absolutely Free and a Chance to Win One of 31 Valuable Prizes Contest Open To All Kiddies Up To 6 Years Old EVERGREEN A STUDIO movine to California Mrs. Emmett Campbell and Mrs. Carl Campbell were guests at the home of Mrs. Lewis Luck' inbill Thursday afternoon. D. L. Farleigh and son, James, spent the week-end at his home in Sisters. M.M. 2c Harry Bedwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bedwell, left for San Diego, Calif., after spend ing his week's furlough with his parents. He will resume his schooling. . Mr. and Mrs. George Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Allison and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Allison of Bend, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy McLaughlin. Pat Dempsey of the U. S. navy, nephew of Mrs. Guy McLaughlin, will be confined in the Camp Adair hospital for some time. He is suffering with jungle fever. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Riggins and daughter, Clarice, from Port land, visited at the Charles Boyer home last week-end. Thomas Harris, brother of E. L. Harris, is returning to Weiser, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Barnhart of Sweet Home, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seigil Potter Sunday. Seigil Potter received his notice to report to Portland March 27 for his ore-induction physical ex amination. A birthday dinner was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Smith last Wednesday evening in honor of her mother, Mrs. George Carrol. Sixteen' guests were present. - Mr. and Mrs. Wade of Redmond, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ayres Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gridlev were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gridley on the Wil lows ranch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Owens were visitors at the Lane Fill more home last week. Pvt. Wayne Owens was home from Ft. Knox and has now gone to Ft. Meade, Md. Mrs. Wayne Owens, sister of Mrs. Fillmore, is a welder at a Portland shipyard. Marion and Joyce Carroll and Dona Lee Eckhart, sisters of Mrs. Lane Fillmore, visited at the Fill more home last week-end. Mr. Lloyd Hewitt and daugh ter, Sarah Anna, went to Portland last week to bring Mrs. Hewitt home, from the hospital. On their return trip the storm In the moun tains forced them to stay over nluht at the Junction. Mrs. Roy Taylor went to Leb anon last week. Martha Wolfe and Helen Coons spent the week-end in Portland. Mrs. Ida Keane, teacher at the grade school spent the week end In Redmond visiting at the homes of Mrs. Book and Mrs. Parrot. A birthday dinner for Jack and Jim Trushiem was given by their mother, Mrs. Don Trushiem Sun day evening". Guests present were Kitty Brans, Betty Poschwatta, Lester Wells, Wayne Korsch and Lillian Dudding. Mrs. Carl Woods has been ill for the past week. Mrs. Laura Memmer has been Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring um Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 44 Franklin Bend, Ore, A. H. Green is Ul in the St. Charles hospital in Bend. Charles Brockett is building a house on the lot he purchased recently. A party honoring Jerry Benson, who left March 20 for his pre-in-ductlon physical, was given Sat urday night at the Baker build ing. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Benson, Mr. and Mrs. George Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Leithauser, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mc Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baker, Mrs. Louis Farleigh, Jim my Farleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lewis. Mrs. Wakefield and Mrs. Baker were the hostesses. Mrs. W. B. Baker of Bend, vis ited last Thursday at the home of her son, Lloyd Baker of Sisters. LIQUOR COUNT FACED A complaint charging intoxica tion was filed today against An ton Dahl, proprietor of the Oasis tavern, 526 Arizona street, as a result of his pre-dawn arrest by Policeman Walt Griessinger. The officer said that he found Dahl in a drunken condition in Arizona street near the Oasis, after re ceiving a call from Mrs. Dahl. WILL THE JUDGE LISTEN? Northampton, Mass. IB A Springfield youth indirectly made a plea for leniency recently when ne stole a oaten ot phonograph records. Top record in the pile was "Don't Fence Me In." LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been ap pointed administratrix of the Es tate of CHARLES WILSON, de ceased, by Hon. C. L. Alien, County Judge, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present them, duly vomica, to tne undersigned at the office of DeArmond & Goodrich, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Ore gon, 'within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. EVELYN WILSON, Adminis tratrix. DE ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys. 8G-92-98-104c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the county court of the state of Ore gon for the county of Deschutes her final accounting as adminis tratrix of the estate of Vernon J. Anderson, deceased, and that the judge of said court has fixed April 16, 1945, at two o'clock p. m. at the county court room at the courthouse in Bend, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to and for settlement of said accounting; and all per sons interested are required to ap pear at said time and place and show cause if such there be why said accounting should not be set tled and allowed. EDITH M. ANDERSON, Ad ministratrix Estate of Vernon J. Anderson, Dec. 86-92-98-104e NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the county court of Deschutes county state of Oregon his final account ing, as administrator of the estate of Green V. Poe, deceased, and that the judge of said court has fixed March 31, 1945, at ten o'clock a. m. at the county court room at the courthouse in Bend, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to and for set tlement of said final accounting; and all persons Interested are hereby required to appear at said time and place and show cause if such there be why said accounting should not be settled and allowed. C. K. WEIL, Administrator Es tate of Green V. Poe, Dec. 74-80-86-92C NOTICE TO , -fitt:.iTTfv .At. m NOTICE IS MPD"U, 4 that the undersigned h7, pointed administratrix mSPv I known as Paul O. MiiierS3 oy non. j. u Allen, Comm., T! and all against said estate cl"Sit to present them, duly vPriV?uM the undersigned at the DeArmond & Goodr eh 1 Rfmri RnllHI Bank 3 within six months from t?Hl of the first publicatlnn tice. -mils VELMA I. MILLER, ah tratrix. Admi5 DE ARMOND & GOftrra, Attorneys. GCE 1036" Wall c.t Evening, by Appoint I1H Offlc Phon 7S So fragrant Schilling VACUUM COF PACKED FEE V 4A .. run M- " V m m m, Wherever America's Army, Navy and Air Forces are fighting, there is telephone equipment a-plenty. For this is a global war oi fast movement and victory de mands fast communications. Telephone equipment is being made here at home for fighting use overseas; in factories that in peacetime supply Amer ica's civilian telephone needs. That is why there is now a shortage and why you may have been asked to wait your turn for home telephone service. Kep your RED CROSS at his slde- 6IVIN0WI GIVE MORE! THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Business Office 841 Bond St. Telephone 501 ess for your dinner table iili Candles Tapers Bjnny Candles Choir Boys, etc. Center. Pieces and place favors in Easter hemes You must see them! Glassware Pottery Ceramic Gifts Pictures Symons Bros. '1 wl t- NEXT TO USO PHONE 89 1 V The House of Beauty" 947 Wall Street Phone