n L Sai V ailroad Issues lead on Market By Elmer C. Walzer (United Preaa Financial Editor) I New York, March 23 IIP! Firm. B n tn i 1 If,... 1 L-aa i loouta aim gains fenging to more than 2 points in feveral preferred stocks sustained Ike stock market today. Trading ghtened. Buyers continued cautious, olders of stocks, however, were ?ss eager to sell and hence prices isplayed were firmer in all maj r sections. Common utility stocks ad sufficient loser to bring small ecline in the average. Steel shares met occasional sup port ana some neia small gains, yotors Improved with Hudson, : .i active feature, at a new hieh. : Assure lifted in oils after their fecent decline on a tax decision fchich held Intangible drilling osts may not be charged to cur- rnt earnings. Gains of a point or more were Jioled in such preferred as elec itric power $6, American Power t Light issues. Consolidated Film, Lorillard, Lehigh Valley Coal, Na tional Biscuit, and Laclede Gas. Austin Nichols preferred soared Jj?i points to 934 a new high. I ' PINE ORDERS GAIN f Portland, Ore., March 23 1P he Western Pine association to- production for the week ending .March 17: f Orders for Idaho white pine, Tponderosa pine,, sugar pine and (associated species, 78,623,000 Aboard feet, as compared with 60, .837,000 for the previous week and 97,376,000 for the corresponding week last yearr Similar comparisons of ship- tents are bs.bsf.uuu leet, 66,590,- )0 nd 79,148,000. Production (comparisons were 59,333,000, 61,- 240,000 and 62,211,000 feet. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 23 UP) Livestock: cattle 35, calves 15. Active, few sales fully steady. Steers scarce. Week's bulk good fed steers $15.50-16.25; top $16.50. Common medium heifers today Siu.oo-l.&u. canner-cutter cows Sfi.50-9.00. Common-medium beef 1 cows $10.00-11.50. Medium-godd vcalers $13.00-15.50. Hogs 25. Active, steady. Weights above 160 lbs. $15.75. Sows $15.00. Good-choice 'feeder pigs salable $16.50-17.50. Ct-nnn nnA TVT ! .. 1 1 .1 foiicui nunc;, i-fuiiuiicw. vtuuu choice w o o 1 e d lambs quotable $15.50-16.00. Good ewes salable $8.00-8.75. NEW FACE MASK FOBJGX'S . Kansas City, Ma.OPi-vA nWTC""'?' """"""" type cold weather face mask has been developed for army use, ac cording to quartermaster depot officials here. The new mask is made of wind-resistant, water repellant fabric, lined with wool pile and felt. Unlike the older mask, the new product fits snug ly to the tace and affords protec tion to the head and eyes. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are 'to have your money back. CREOMULSION (or Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis wffisrmsiipxm IFOR WUR CAR No Fuss No Bother No Obligation Just drive in, and we'll take a look and tell you straight out what we can give you for your car. No obligation to sell but if you aren't using it, some one else can! Complete Auto Service W. B. Anderson Nash Co. 1173 WaH Street Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local P;d tn Advene 2S Word One Time JSS so Mora Three Time . ...75c 2 Worda Six Time t3S All woidi er t( aM It pr mrt Dm Mmbcr of ilucrtiotu vn maaui ran, urn. copy, Ifc day tmU LINE BATE lOo CAPITALS 20c (.unified Adnrtlain. Cart In Adraaca D.Ur Cloln Tina 13 si P. at. FOB SALE CLYDE'S BARBER shop, Red mond, Oregon. BROODED TURKEY poults. Will deliver to your ranch. 7 to 9 weeks of age. Any number from 1000 to 6000. Lawrence Finlav. Rt 1. Jef ferson, Oregon. Phone 959. EAST THIRD: Three rooms with bath, knotty pine finish. Fully furnished. Refrigerator, electric range, electric water heater. $2400. Reasonable terms. Walter L. Dap on, broker. 126 Minnesota St. PINTO TEAM Horse 1600 lbs., mare 1400 lbs., ride, work single. Disk, wagon, havsllnes. mower. L. R. Rouse, 1 mile N. of Alfalfa store. 3-ROOM MODERN, good founda tion, plastered house, two lots. aen. immediate possession on West Side in Kenwood Addition. $950 cash. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Ore gon Ave. 52 ACRE RANCH in Cloverdale between Redmond and Sisters. 25 acres water, good house. . Write Robert Zitik, Box 895, Redmond, Oregon. 4-ROOM MODERN, two bed rooms, large living room, well ar ranged kitchen, wired for electric range, full cement basement, pipe less furnace, paved street, close to both mills and city center. $3150, loan can be arranged. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. JUST RECEIVED shipment of White Giant bred does and bucks. Good breeding stock. Also colored bred does. Insure against meat shortage. Call at 147 E. Olney. MUST SELL QUICK: 4 room modern on west side. Large lot. A good house and good garage. $800 cash, balance at $25 per month. Would sell furniture. Let us show you this home. Gilberts Real Es tate. 1015 Wall Street. JUST RECEIVED large shipment of men's slightly used suits, men's overcoats, extra pants, Jackets, ..T" baby snow suits. 350 Division. ARE YOU burning green wood? We have dry body wood excellent for cooking, fireplace, furnace or heater in load lots (3 or 4 cords) delivered in length desired from 1 to 3 days. Country orders deliv ered. Brookings Wood Yard. 1 Phone 767. BOAT MOTOR, twin cylinder all aluminum, Elta make. Prewar bi cycle, good condition. Call 199-W or 108 Tumalo Ave. EVERBEARING raspberry plants, Rockhlil strawberry plants, 12 plants for $1.00. Fred Zehner, Rt. 1, Box 168, 1 mile east of Car roll Acres store. DRY JACKPINE block wood, $9.00 per cord, dry jackpine slab wood $7.00 per cord, any length you want. 154 Adams Place. D. W. Beck. Phone 220. . 3 ROOM semi-modern with tub. prewar furniture. Lot 50x100. $1150. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. Phone 700 THE FOB 8ALB DUPLEX, 4 rooms with two bed rooms upstairs, 3 rooms down, plastered building, two lots, 2 ga rages,, situated on Georgia Ave. Live in one apartment and rent the other, or will make good in vestment. $2900 on terms of $700 down, balance $27 monthly includ ing principal, interest and taxes. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. ONE PRE-WAR wicker baby bug gy in good condition. Inquire 1378 Federal. DAVENO, CHAIR, chest of draw era, metal bed, springs, spring fill ed mattress, metal table, 4 chairs, oak library table, stands. 312 E. 5th, corner Clay. Phone 619-J. SEVERAL GOOD buys In radios, 2 consoles and 5 table models. They don't last long. Luckey's Radio, 117 Lafayette. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. 2-YEAR OLD Jersey heifer, first naif fmh 3 !nnntha . Tnniilr-a nt South City Limits- Motel. Phone 140. . ' GOOD DINING room Set,- table, buffet, 6 chairs. Excellent condi tion. 6 miles east on Bend-Burns highway. Turn left 1st house. Rt 1, Box 211. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. 3-ROOM MODERN facing river, paved street, large living room with fireplace, lovely Dutch kitch en piped for gas range, utility porch. Basement furnace, garage with storage space; Fine lawn and trees. Only five minutes walk to city center. $3200, some terms. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. TWO GOOD milk cows, one fresh, the other to freshen soon. Heavy duty trailer, 20x6.50 tires. Karl Kicsow, Rt. 2, Box 79, 1st cross road north of Glen Vista Club, turl left, 1st place on north side. ON COLORADO, avenue, close to Brooks Mill, duplex has three rooms modern each-side and on adjoining lot- is 3 room modern house partly furnished. Tills gives you two lots, two buildings and sufficient garages at a reduced price of $2650 on terms'. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. , 1930 CHEV. ton pickup, good pre-war tires. Also 1 buck and 3 doe rabbits. Call at 580 Utica Ave., between 12 noon and 5 p. m. AT AUCTION, 180 acres, 42 shares Swalley water, stock, ma chinery. Mar. 30. Rock Ranch, 5 miles north on old highway. From Redmond 12 miles south. ISAACSON ALL STEEL short I logging trailer, folding reach. and, air brakes, complete except rub ber. Cheap for cash. See at 28 Lake Place or call 836-W, THOR WASHING Gilchrist. machine. 48 EVERGREENS 6 inches to 6 feet No. 1 grade, balled and burlaped well, healed in properly, peat moss to plant with, costs. less. Haines Nursery, corner E. 8th and Norton. Phone 965. ALMOST NEW coal and wood circulator, enamelled kitchen range, walnut dining room set, drop leaf table, kitchen chairs, book shelves, large mirror, daven ports, leather couch, rockers, ice boxes, coll springs, gas griddle, kitchen cabinet base, bedsteads, flat springs, cheap heaters $2 to $5 suitable for garage workshop, 2 burner gas hot plate, few coyote traps, bumper hitches, air tight heaters like new, gasoline irons, work harness, pitcher pump, al most new tent, library table. 350 Division. OWNER HERE to sell house, 510 Delaware. Will sacrifice for quick sale. 5 bedrooms, fireplace, dining room, 2 lots. Only $3500, terms. TWO 50 GAL. oil drums hooked together in wooden frame, com plete $15.00. Also metal cabinet sink frame with drawers. Inquire 419 Congress. Phone 758. FOR RENT 1 3 ROOM modern furnished apart j ment, private bath, electric range, and refrigerator. 141 Georgia. Phone 766. N 3 ROOM modern furnished apt. 3 room semi-modern furnished house, both newly decorated and close in. Inquire 164 E. Irving. FURNISHED 3 room modern cor tages, autmatic heat and refrig eration, utilities paid. Apply Wa hee Cottages. MODERN two and three room apartments completely furnished, located at 65 Franklin, five blocks east of Post Office. Inquire at 560 Hill. Phone 1149. 3 ROOM apartment. Jansen Villa. Gas circulator, stove, water heat er. A nice apartment unfurnished. Gilberts Real Estate, 1013 Wall Street. ATTRACTIVE clean apartment with bedroom, close in. Modern, electrically equipped, washing fa fillties, garage. Inquire Elsie A. Dunn, No. 7, Westonia Apts. W. 3rd and Portland. TWO-BEDROOM modern house, partly furnished, including refrig erator. Inquire at 1602 W. Fifth St., after 6:00 p. m. or phone 1029-R. BEND BULLETIN. BEND; OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 23. FOR BENT 6-ROOM MODERN furnished, 3 bedrooms. Inquire 144 M Roose velt between 1st and 2nd. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, clean light rooms. Hot water heat Wood, water and lights furnished. Adults. Call after 5:30. 236 ft E. Irving. , WANTED FARMERS for Juniper pulling contact R. B. Watson, 1646 Galves ton, Box 89L USED HADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 WaU St Phone 900. WILL PAY CASH for 1941 or 1942 Cadillac. Write 12359 Bulletin. WANT TO TRADE Pflueger Summit casting reel for Pflueger Medalist fly reel or will buy one outright. Call L. C. McDow, 455 Delaware or phone 912-M. EXPERIENCED shop manager wants to lease equipped beauty shop. References if desired. Write No. 349 care of Bulletin. SEWING MACHINE, Singer pre ferred. Electric washing machine and electric toaster. Phone 792-J. TO BUY 5 room modern house, close in, must be in good condi tion. Phone 1188-J, after 6:00 p. m. PAIR of boy's track shoes, size 9ft or 10. Bob Wyatt, 1550 Elgin. CLEAN COTTON Bulletin. rags at The STATE INCOME tax returns to prepare. Twenty years experience. Ten vears auditor for Oregon hstate Tax Commission, Income Tax Division. Henry Kiessenbeck, 1107 E. Greenwood Ave. Near Pilot Butte. - " WANT TO BUY some small or medium slzq ice boxes, also hot water tank, 2 piece living room suite. 164 E. Irving. LIGHT TWO wheeled trailer. In quire 363 Columbia. HELP WANTED GIRL for general housework and care of school age child. Board, room and wages. Will accept girl with or without child. Phone 260. RESPONSIBLE WOMAN for night work. Apply at 852 Wall. WOMAN for general work. Room, board and $60 per month. Apply Deschutes Cottage Hospital, 236 E. Kearney or phone 415. .. BUTCHER WANTED, salary above union wage. Reply to H. W. H. Adams, St. Helens, Oregon. WANTED AT flNflS hmiiitu erator. High salary. Guarantee plus commission, 50 and 60. Jo Ann Thomas, Beauty Quest, phone 170. 81 Oregon. GOOD IRRIGATOR. Steady job, ceiling wages. Phone 13-F-58 Red mond. C. B. Adams, Terrebonne, Oregon. STENOGRAPHER,-EXPERI-ENCED AND EFFICIENT. PER MANENT POSITION. WRITE NO. 361 CARE OF BEND BULLE TIN. JANITOR and caretaker for courthouse. Experience desirable but not necessary. See C. L. Me-; Cauley, or a member of county court for hours and wages. ; WOMAN for housework. Three hours every morning except Sun day. Private family. No cooking. No heavy washing or ironing. Telephone 119 between 8 and 10 a. m. or 5 to 8 p. m. WOMAN or girl to stay with two school children. 1425 Fresno or phone 646-R after 5:30 p. m. SITUATION WANTED WOMAN with filing, typing and payroll preparation experience wants work. Worked past year in railroad claim department. 24 Franklin Ave. USED CARS 1936 FORD convertible coupe In good condition. See at 175 E. Irv ing. '41 HUDSON 2-door sedan, celling price. Ray Clark, Rt. 2, Box 211. ft mile north of Pinehurst school, Tumalo district. Phone 26-F-31. 1937 FORD coupe, A-l condition, will trade for 5 passenger. Inquire 1527 Awbrey road after 4:30 n. m. or phone 1174. 1938TLyMOUTH tudor sedan. Call at 1100 Lexington after 6:30 p. m. RED RYDER IWW gen help pgg- ACS HANLON f.Vf US THE OXTEA HJC MPK II Pfril hnnrTlK2 GOAT?, RYDEe5A&CsK FOR ANOTHER 'WM t 1 " mfm IP t V1vh" Po&eER 15 Cf?Azr J sheriff' p : g p USED CARS 36 OLDS, fair condition. 515 Og den Ave. . LOST NEAR SCOTT Street, man's sil ver hPArt-shanpri Hna mnHn email. er with string. Keepsake fjtm boy overseas, neiurn to U2S Albany avenue for reward. MISCELLANEOUS BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazobrook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19-F-3 collect. SHEEP GUANO Fertilizer, con centrated, for lawns, garden, flow ers, shrubs, trees. 40 lb. sack $1.29. Houk-Van Allen Home & Auto Supply, Wall at Minnesota. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. KEYS MADE while you wait. Saws filed, knives and shears sharpened, guns, bicycles, locks, lawnmowers, safes repaired. Sol dering, general repairing. Hender son's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. CLEAN THE EASY WAY With Fuller's all-purpose . cleaner. An instantaneous safe odorless cleaning preparation that takes the drudgery out of household worK. Phone 594, Lloyd Whuadon, 1714'Steidl, Bend. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service,. 136 Green wood. Phone 583. MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen ulne parts. Factory trained. Eimer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gludly given. The Bulletin. Buy National War Bonds Now! You bet she is. . .and you would be too. If you had a new pair of shoes from Wards, Ilka Susie's. You should Just see the smart new sling-back sandals and pumps in our new Spring Catalog I They're as trim as a sail and as tricky as a March breeze on a windy corner. Stop in rlcht aay. and order yours to go with your new Easter outfit. You're sure to find exactly what you want in MONTGOMERY WARD Catalog Office 812 Wall Phone 970 5 fl 1945 James Shepherd i Back in States After two years spent on the west coast of Africa, James M. Shepherd is quite willing to re main in the United States, he made plain yesterday while visit ing in Bend, Shepherd, for years a resident of this city, has only recently returned to this coun try. He was manager of the Gen eral Petroleum service station and O.K. tire shop when he signed a contract to take charge of a vul canizing plant for the British gov ernment at Lagos, Nigeria. His contract expired, he returned to this country in time to join his wife in Portland for Christmas of 1944. Now he is planning to open a tire plant in Colusa, Calif., as soon as material and equipment are available. Few White Present In an island area with 200,000 population, Shepherd was one of only 700 whites. He had no trou ble with tropical diseases while he was at Lagos, but three days after his ship had put to sea on the return trip to America, he came down with malaria. Before setting up in business in California, the Shepherds have one Important engagement in Ore gon, for their daughter, Edith, a graduate of Bend high school, is to be married In Portland on April & Pest Eradication Measure Signed Salem, Ore., March 23 ilPi House bill 407, authorizing the state forester to set up Insect pest eradication districts, was signed into law by Gov. Earl Snell today. The bill is aimed chiefly at the pine beetle, which has done much damage to forests, particularly in the eastern and central portions of the state. BILLIONTH LOAF OF BREAD Boston dl')-Hathaway Bakeries, Inc., recently baked their 1,000, 000,000th loaf of bread. Chevrolet Buick Parts and Service Cars, like people are susceptible to that mid-season lag. Keep your car rolling smoothly right through summer by driving in today tor our special spring tonic check-up. South of Post Office TO SHOOT ON SUNDAY '. Final opportunity for members of the Deschutes county state guard -to qualify in the small arms rifle will be Sunday at 2:30 p.m. In the Indoor rifle range on 14th and Elgin, according to Capt. Ralph Graham. ';. The outdoor range is scheduled to open late in the spring, Gra ham reported, and it is necessary Teaming up is the real American Way that always results ia progress. This is why Gilmore Dealers recently joined he pro gressive group of Independent Mobilgas Dealers. This voluntary, happy affiliation will make possible for you (1) Greater con venience in buying, (2) Greater availability of products, (3) Im proved research resources behind each product. Get America's favorite petroleum products at the Sign of the Flying Red Horse. BEND GARAGE CO PAGE SEVEN: that all members of the guard shoot the. Indoor qualification course. - . VET INJURED AT HOME . Orange, Tex. IP) SSgt. John G. Kennedy returned to Orange after 51 bombing missions over Europe without a scratch, went duck-hunting, and shot off the big toe of his left foot. Phone 193 By FRED HARMAN