9 PAGE TWO THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 23. 1945 Oakland Pleased By Go Ahead Sign For Ball Players By Hal Wood (United Preu SUtt Correspondent) Boyes Springs, Cal., March 23 (IP) The best news the Oakland Oak training camp has received in a long time was the announce ment from Washington that pro fessional baseball players could return to their "business." That announcement meant that, in all probability, deals with the Philadelphia Phils and Pittsburgh Pirates would go through and as a result, the Oaks expect V get added pitching strength. That . was their one source ot worry. Says General Manager Vic De- Vicenzl: Manager Satisfied "I'm quite well satisfied with our club. We are going to be tougher than last year. We have one pitcher coming from Phila delphia in the Les Scarsella deal, and another from the Pirates, Then we will be all set." Field Boss Dolph Camilll, who won his spurs as a manager last year by bringing the Oaks home in a tie with San Francisco for third, also is optimistic: "I think we have a well-balanced club especially when we get those extra hurlers," Dolph sums up the situation. The club is going to miss Scar sella. who led the league in hit ting; it is going to miss Manuel Salvo, who was tops in pitching. But Camllli hopes to overcome these losses by balance, and depth in positions. To Hold Down First Camilll, still a great first base man, has announced his intention of letting Vic Pecittl, school boy sensation, hold down first sack. But if the youngster falls to make the grade, Dolph will be available. At second, veteran Jimmy Her rara probably will get the call, with Jake Caulfield at short and Chet Kosenlund at third. For in field insurance there is Ed Kirby, purchased from Atlanta; Glen Stewart, obtained from the Phils, and Lynn Stortl, the veteran for mer major leaguer. The catching situation Is well Jn hand with Bill Ralmondi, Gilly Campbell and Sam Fenech on deck. For the outfield there is a reg ular gang-fight under way for first string positions. Tom Ha fey, Norman Deweese, Frank Haw kins, Hal Patchett, Frank Silvan ic and Rookie George Efflslmo are the leading candidates. ; , Win 18 Games . : Jack Lotz, who won 18 games last year, heads the pitchers in camp. Floyd Stromme, who was next to Salvo in the earned-run column, Is back; and Italo Chelini, a great hurler in 1943 before breaking a wrist, is attempting a comeback and looks great. The veterans Sam Gibson, ob tained from the Seals; and Elmer Phillips, also are on hand. Damon Hayes, who had a 7-6 record, is being counted on for a good sea son. Among the rookies Pete Bar isoff, 18-ycar-old Brooklyn "cast off" Is starting to shpw the stuff that at one time made him a great prospect. Ohio State, NYU Finalists Out Our Way ByJ.R.Williams . -tO, WE WOM'T NEED TO SEND A KAAM AROUND, MISS FAWNEVES-- . JUST CALL ME WHEN VOU GET INTO A DIFFICULT LIKE THIS -WE kCAW SHOW VOU.' I BELIEVE TH' HOMELV ONES LEARN TH MOST . AM' FASTEST--THEV DON'T HAVE SO .MANY COOKS IN TH' BROTH AN' HAVE TO DEPEMD MOSTLY ON THEMSELVES NO, I THINK. n"S AN EVEN BREAK OME "HAS SO MAWY AD MIRERS AROUND THAT SHE CAN'T THIWK.AN'THE ' OTHER. IS SO MAD AND JEALOUS ABOUT IT THAT SHE CANT THINGS fcrlTHt.' u tA 'J 3r ii v. i 7 m a THE CUTIE copb tus BY Nr srnvitr. inc. T. m pre PAT. OFF Voice of Central Oregon -KBND- 1340 ' Kilocycle! Affiliated With Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting System Today's Sport Parade Hoop I New York. March 23 mi Ohio State and New York university were the finalists today In the eastern N.C.A.A. basketball tourn ament, literally loafing In to pro vide a leisurely change of pace from the current speed mania among big time college teams. Ohio State defeated Kentucky, 45 to 37 last night in a deliberate defensive game which was retard-1 ed even, more because of cxces- slve fouling by both teams. New York university topped Tufts, 59 1 to 44. The Violets were rated 30 i point favorites. They were hard 1 pressed to win by 15. A. I.. WILLIAMS WOI NDI.I) Prineville, March 23.-Pvt. Aa rol L. Williams, son of Mis. Bes sie P. Reece, 700 East Sixth street, Prineville, has been wounded while fighting In the European regions, according to an an nouncement today by the office of war information. By Jack Cuddy (United I'ritui Staff Correspondent) New York, March 23 (Ui A few weeks ago we typed a piece kid ding some of the writing fellers about their learned remarks on what a changed man was Col. Larry MacPhail since his return to baseball. His hitch In the army had made him a quiet, restrained chap, they .said. In our piece we emphasized that red headed Larry was too old a leopard to change his liver spots if he had any. And that he soon would be throwing his weight around, like a beserk heifer In a bric-a-brac shop. Imagine our gleeful satisfac tion, then, when dynamic Larry broke loose this week, No, no folks: we take no credit for hav ing inspired President MacPhail of the Yankees to cut loose. Na ture merely took Its course. And two months before even Larry expected ifc. We were .reminded of this last night when we -.heard the "changed" MacPhail - the quiet restrained Larry going to town over the air waves. He was a forceful and persuasive speaker in a Blue network forum which was considering the question: Should organized snorts ho abol ished for the duration?" Your first guess is correct. Larry was in there punching for the con tinuation of sports. He had a lot of good arguments too, and he wound up in true MacPhuilinn' style: Just one thing more. Anvone who knows anything about it will ma yuu nun me overwneiming majority of the men who are fighting this war for us want pro fessional sports continued. Any one who tells you anything else simply doesn't know what he Is talking about." These remarks climaxed a week of MacPhaillan reserve re- last Sunday's hullabaloo' over Lar ry's 'kidnaping" of Lt: Bert Shep ard in Undersecretary of War Robert' Patterson's private air plane. Shepard, an army flier who had lost a leg in action, was sun posed to have worked out with the Washington Senators at Col lege Park, Md. But MacPhail spirited him away to the Yanks' camp at Atlantic City, N. J., for the day. prexy Clark Griffith of the senators exploded and hit MacPhail-with a flock of word fragments. The war department finally straightened out the ruck us. This "kidnaping" was not a mere stunt on MacPhail's part. It was his official notification to the baseball world that he had become active head of the Yankees 60 days ahead of schedule. That he and not ancient Ed Barrow was running things on the ball club which Capt. Dan Topping, Del We.bb,and ho recently bought for $2,800,000. .,.. .. Echoes of the "kidnaping" had scarcely faded when the "changed" MacPhail startled re porters by disclosing that he now favors Sen. Albert F. (Happy) Chandler of Kentucky for the Job of baseball commissioner. This disclosure indirectly informed everyone concerned that it would be MarPhail and not Barrow who will cast the Yankee vote for commissioner. Barrow had fa vored Ford Frick or Jim Farley. MacPhail is still the old dynam Ic, color guy. The only "change" was his shift from the Dodgers to the Yankees from the Nation al to the American league. It is our belief that the junior circuit never will be the same again. A new type of rubber sponge, manufactured in England, is made from regenerated rubber and Inathpr charcoal, nhtninivl frnm strain! ; a week that opened with vegetable-tanned leather scrap. Gunder Is Sure Victory in Sight Cleveland, March 23 U')The skinny Swedish mller, mercury- tooted uunaer Hagg, had no doubts about it tonight he was going to win the Universe Bulle tin, mile, crack event at the fifth annual Knights of Columbus re lays here. The time? Gunder would make no predictions, but track experts noting that the 12-lap-to-a-mile oval here is one of the fastest in the nation predicted Haag would cut the tape under 4:12. That would be the fastest mile of the current season, since the best mark a not so hot 3:13.1 was set by New York's Jimmy Raffer ty In an earlier race: Rafferty, incidentally, who tore across the finish lino three straight times ahead of Hagg, won't be at the post tohlght. He begged off because of "business tnatters" which "Gunder the Won-, der" thought "mighty queer." In their meeting a week ago in Chi cago Hagg missed victory by five yards. Met Champions To Defend Titles TONIGHTS FKOGBAM 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Merle Pitt's Orchestra 6:30 Double or Nothing 7:00 Bob Strong's Orchestra 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Boxing Bouts 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 Freedom of Opportunity 10:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr. 10:15 News SATURDAY, MARCH 24 7:00 News 7:15 Moonbeam Trio 7:30 American Folk Singers 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News 8:00 Johnny Long's orchestra 8:15 News 8:30 Rainbow House 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Oregon Treasures 8:55 Glenn Miller 9:00 Hello Mom. 9:30 Rationing News 9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Al Williams 10:30 Radio Pal Club 10:45 Redmond Vicjtory March 11:40 News 11:45 Voice of the army 12:00 Henry King's orchestra 12:10 Sport Yarns 12:15V-Grand Piano. Twins 12:30 News 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1:00 Memo For Tomorrow 1:15 Art Mooney's orchestra 1:30 Music for Half an Hour 2:00 Sports Parade 2:30 Sonny Dunham's orchastra 2:45 Bernie Cummin's Orches. 3:00 Halls of Montezuma 3:30 Hawaii Calls 4:00-r-American Eagle in Britain 4:30 Ray Herbeck's orchestra 4:55 Central Oregon News 5:00 Word of Life 5:30 Detroit Symphony Orchestra 6:30 News 6:45 Mutual Musicale 7:00 Russ Morgan's orchestra 7:30 Red Ryder 8:00 Chicago Theatre of Air 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Cote Glee Club 9:30V-Tiny Hill's orchestra 9:55 News 10:00 Ted Straeter's Orchestra Eagles and Stars Billed for Title Portland, Ore., March 23 (LP) Either the Portland Eagles or the Seattle Stars will hang up their skates after tonight's playoff game of a torrid four out of seven series. The winner will scran It out in another playoff with the Seattle Ironmen for the Northern divi sion Pacific coast league title. Men team has won three vic tories and tonight's game is a standoff. The return of defense stars Aubrey Webster and Bill Erwin gives Portland a full strength squad to throw at the Stars. Portland's scoring threats will be Jimmy Planche, Bobby Morin and Red Carr in the front lino, with Planche the top individual scorer of the series so far with' 18 points, Morin second with 17 and Carr third with 15. Seattle is headed by the R.C.A.F. star, Jim- mv Lowe, and Glenn Vickers, a former Portland buckaroo expert. An indication of the scrapping of the first six games is shown by the fact 62 goals were scored and 58 penalties called. Paulie Peters to Meet Leo Turner Portland, Ore., March 23 IIP) Leo (the Lion) Turner, the grin ning colored boy with the flat tened nose and trip-hammer fists, takes on Paulie Peters, the Nor wegian battler from San Fran cisco, in tonight's main event at the National boxing club in Port land. Turner is counting on a win over Peters to give him some lucrative California bouts. The bout is for 10 rounds. The eight - round semi - final matches Eddie Wharton, Portland negro welterweight, against Seat tle's Jimmy Hogan. Two big boys will slug it out for six rounds, Dave Johnston and Moose Kennedy. Dallas, Tex., March 23 mi Three mat champions will defend their titles in the 1945 National! AAU wrestling meet opening to-! night. j Richard P. Vaughn, Lancaster,! Pa., will defend his unlimited heavyweight title. Two other tit lists, Dr. M. A. Northrup of the San Francisco Olympic club, in the heavyweight bracket, and Vernon Cronhardt of the Balti more YMCA in the 145 pound class, will be competing, one weight group higher than a year ago. AAaytag Service Grnuliiu Mu.vlag Parts, pro nipt, guaranteed serv i c e. Factory (rained, 20 years experience. ELMER HUDSON Telephone 274 434 Kanias Bend PArairra mme While the paint situation is not all it should be, we have at this time, the best stock of outside paint, and interior enamels, we have had in many months. Nothing adds so much to your property for the amount of effort and money expended as paint. Get your materials early while our stocks are complete. In case you are in need of a painter, we are in contact with several good men, who will be glad to give a price on your completed job. IDSTATE HARDWARE CO. 905 Wall Serving All Central Oregon Phone 600 Folks: ... I. - . .. I want to introduce a new man with us. He is Jess Thompson, originally from Pueblo, Colorado. He went into the Merchant Marine and the Navy,- was dis charged and came to the coast and tried logging. Got hurt there and is now figuring that Bend is the ideal spot to live. Jess will have charge of our service station department, and is anxious to build up his volume of business, because like any other merchant, it's the dollars he takes in that puts cream in his coffee. He will grease your car, sell you all the gasoline your coupons will stand and can give your car a wash and polish job as well as steam clean your motor. Come in and meet him he is a fine- ' looking youngster and single (just for the gals' information). Jack Halbrook Halbrook AAotors Mercury Bond and Minnesota Lincoln Phone 680 AUEYOOP- - - - - 3y t HAMLIN -'H PICNIC ? G WAN BACK T BED WANT 1 , J. cpiupc Krrr I THINK WE I NOW IS MVSEli AU. 'A'Si -Z XI aOrVl ?WANT TH' WHOLE ' i THREE OF 1 V P PX ,M JfMfflffli I hrn population ... tyu!A .QayNb,' Wi ' f EVANS FLIES JI NQj ifi Jf (still $1.50 per doz.) We bought 1000 Big Trolling Spoons ..... .each 1.50 Corrugated, Chromium or Brass SEVEN-STRAND STEEL LEADER 8-Foot, with Swivel 4Cc and Snap 3 Leader 5C . 3. or 6 foot, drop loop Tapered ....10c 6, 7'j or 9 foot Plastic Trolling Rudder . . . .only 25c Handy Landing Net ... ....... .1 JO Wire Frame, Wood Handle Silkworm Tapered Leaders Get Yours NOW -5 brands to choose from Wright & McGill Weber, Lyon & Coulson, West Coast, Evans Tapers. 6-7l2 and 9 foot and look at the prices! 40c 50c 60c 75c Dupont Nylon Tapered Leader only 30c Nylon Leader Material, 10-yd. coil 35c Gut Leader, 10-yd. coil 20c to 40c 18 2ft 25 30 Pound Test New American Fly Reel,- large size -.16.95 Imported Fly Reel, Aluminum........ 8.95 Light American Fly Reels .....1.25 1.45 Regal Scot Tapered Fly Line only 6.50 Level Silk Fly Lines 65c to 2.25 Silk Casting Lines, 18-30 lb 1.45 to 1.75 Eagle Claw Snelled Hooks Card 35c Salmon Eggs Bonn's ana Pete's, sin gles, clusters, feeders, Pre-War Prices Flatfish, all patterns ...ea. 95c Worden Spinning Fly. 35c Krafty Fish ....ea. 75c Heddon River Runt 1.00 Propellor Spinners ea. 20c EB Dipper Bait only 50c Itescmbles Abilone Canvas Creels 1.95 2.95 Worm-Out Worm Kit only 75c Grip-Loc Tackle Box .... .only 4.00 Other Steel Boxes 3.95 and 5.25 Goodyear Rubber Boat, 2-Man .94.95 New, 4-Man 124&5 SPECIAL Just In Non-Rationed Gym Shoes Heavy brown canvas upper, non-mark rubber sole, sizes 3 to 12. 4.50 Tennis Balls .50c and 60c Ammunition For Farmers Only Good Stock NEW JOINTEO RAMROD Rifle and sliolgruii, with swivel handle. 1.50 New 7j-gq. Army Gas Can 95c Flashlight, With Batteries ...only 1.35 All Kinds Batteries, All You Want each 10c JOHNSON Motor Repair Parts - Johnson Gear Grease Oil 5 Gal. Gas Can Army Jeep . Tynn 1.95 Rod - Reel REPAIR We fix 'em rig:1it we have reel parts. Gun Parts Repairs bv Exoerts Bring us your troubles! Large stock of gun parts Remington u.u-ning YYincnesier ni-standard bmith & Wesson. New Gun Stocks Forearms Available for All Models On City Bus Line Open Sundays EVANS Tackle 1 . AVI -sag Sport Clothing Archery On South Highway Phone 815-J FLY CO. Licenses Johnson Motors Guns, Knives