PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1945 It was placed under the "MV as "Manygoats." Money piles up in the social se curity fund as persons such as Gold Tooth- No. 1 unknowingly is re-employed by the railroads as Gold' Tooth No. 2 and so on down the line with Many Mules Grand son, Unca Sam, Little Mother of the Red House, Coming This Way, Sally Little Mustache, Theresa Born With u Tooth, Tommy Struck With a Gun, or Sheep Man s Uiri. It's a relief to the accountants when they find names as simple as JumDO, juggle or cnee lor a rose bv any other name wouldn't smell as sweet. Indian Railroad Workers Inclined To Change Names By Elizabeth A. Harpold (United Preaa Staff Corrapondent) umana, iNeo. iu wnais in a name?" asked William Shake speareand the more than 200 Indians working for the Union Pa cific railroad have the same thought. The "vanishing Americans,"em ployed by the railroad as track laborers in the western states, do plenty of vanishing and then re appear usually with different names. The Indians' names often de scribe them, such as Guy Laugh ing, Joking Policeman, Old wag on, Crippled Boy, Buster White Horse, George Kneebone, Charley Many Goats. Whisky Boy, Fur Hat Boy, Wool Boy Son-in-law and Poor Man s Kid. Comes payday and off goes an Indian on an extended "holiday." When he returns to work, Old Wagon may have New Wagon, Many Goats may have sold his goats, and Guy Laughing may be frowning, men, the railroad can expect Fur Hat Boy to give his name as Straw Hat Boy and Whis ky Boy to apply as Rum and coke. ', The change of titles Is a head ache to the retirement board which has charge of social secur ity and unemployment benefits ,'for the railroad workers. Social security numbers have little meanin" to the Indians. If they don't remember their number they sometimes substitute one that is fairly close. When they are 1 asked If they have worked for the railroad previously, they may nod in the affirmative II they think it ;will help them and on the other hand, they may say no. The accounting department tries to check through personnel rec ords but many of the Indians don't know who their parents were or where they went to school, unless it was in "Arizona." Signatures aren't of much help 1 since one X looks pretty much like another X and that is the usual method of signing. ' What's a Capital? ' - The retirement boards lists sur names first in their records. But confusion continues when Charles I Many Goats, for example, returns ' Titanium and zirconium, best to work after a short vacation as known for their alloys with steel, Chief Manygoats. The first time are also used to alloy with copper, tip wn hirpri hln nnmp wns llntpd nrnriurinc a suhatnnnn mmnni.. - as "Goats" and the second time, able with tin bronzes. Tower, Starts Tonight Powells Purchase Rose Restaurant Laplne, March 22 (Special) After spending 24 years in the restaurant business here, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rose have sold their establishment to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Powell, tliey announced today. The transaction did not in volve the property, which Is being retained by Mr. and Mrs. Rose, is was said. The veteran Laplne restaurant eurs have no immediate plans, but to take a rest, they said, and in the meantime are residing at the home of their daughter. The Powells plan to take possession on April 1. Mr. and Mrs. Rose came to Laplne from Portland in 1916, and located on a nearby homestead. They resided on the homestead until the spring of 1921, when they moved into Laplne and open ed the Rose cafe in one of the Foss buildings. Several months later they moved their cafe into a Williams building on the high way. In 1923 they erected their own structure and have operated a restaurant in it for the past 22 years. Mr. and Mrs. Rose have two children, a son and family living in Washington, and a daughter, Mrs. Jack Galvln, residing in Tig- gart. Mr. and Mrs. Powell have resid ed in Laplne for sometime, and prior to taking over the Rose cafe, Powell was in business In Bend, Martha' ODriscoll and Noah Beery, Jr. id a scene from Universal s new "musicomcdy, "Under Western bkics. Man Wielding Razor Has Last Word, Fred Othman Discovers A new type of electric dry cell uses mercuric oxide as an impor tant component; a can or contain er, that serves as the positive pole, has in it mercuric oxide and layers of zinc and specially prepared pa per arranged in a spiral-like form. By Frederick C. Othman (United Press Stuff CorrenlKmdent) Washington, March 22 Ul'i Chester (Red Points) Bowles wants to regulate the cost of a shave and haircut. He is, as you shall see, a brave man. He told the senate banking and currency committee that the price of barbering has increased 29 per cent. He rubbed his well scraped chin and sfiid he thought his OPA ought to shave these tonsorial profits. "But the barbers have one of the most powerful lobbies of all," exclaimed Senator.Glen H. Taylor of Idaho. "They're hanging on the coat tails of the doctors. They say If you regulate the price of a haircut you ve got to regulate the price of an appendicitis opera' tion." "Uh," began Bowles. "And you don't think," said Senator Eugene D. Mlllikln of Colorado, "that so long as barb ers shave men with razors, any body Is going to vote against 'em, do you?" "Uh," Bowles began again. "And isn't it a fact," asked Sen ator Burke B. Hlckenlooper of Iowa, "that some barbers are better barbers than others and can charge more?" The senators sat back then and waited for an answer from the husky Bowles, who was wearing a shirt that was no good example of what he was about to say. I "Oh," he began once more. i "Yes, gentlemen I suppose, barb ers are like laundries. Some give you fine service and finish your shirts exactly the way you want 'em and ..." "Mr. Bowles," interrupted Sen. Charles W. Tobey of New Hamp shire, "what laundry is that?" "Uh," Bowles began. "And I'd also like to suggest," said Senator Milliken, "that barb er shops and beauty shops are great news disseminating agen cies. You've got to consider that." Bowles changed the subject. I can't say that I blame him. He took up the price of movie tick ets. He said they ought to be cut and that he was the boy to do it. "I think you are absolutely right," agreed Senator Tobey. "I have been going to the movies and I can say that the cost of pictures must have gone down. There are more mediocre actors now and fewer good pictures. They couldn't cost as much as they used to." Bowles didn't want to say yes and he didn't want to say no. So ne man t say anything. "But you must cover baseball games if you cover movies," said Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio. Bowles said he supposed he must. "And Broadway shows," Taft snapped. "Oh, now senator," Bowles cried, "you're putting us in the position of having to decide how good a Broadway show is, ' before iwe price it. We wouldn't want to do that." . "Perhaps some member of this body could help you," suggested Senator Tobey. "That is," amended Senator Taft, "If Mayor LaCunrdia would let you." . i "Uh," said Bowles. I didn't hear what else lie had to say. I got out of there. I give you one guess, why. . SEE CLAUDETTE COLBERT IN PARAMOUNT'! ''PRACTICALLY YOURS" Here's a "dare" from Claudetle Colbert! Think you can give this lovely lady an even break and come out ahead? If you do, accept Claudette's challenge compete in this popular M. J. B Coffee Quiz game! You're sure to learn something worth while about coffee. Just run through the quiz ques tions printed here and pick the answers you prefer. When you've finished, look below for Claudette's score and the correct answers. Q. The first Inter-American Coffee Congress Was held in New York in the year . , : Q 1918 , D 1902 ni897 Q. In what country it coffee carried to the sea coast from the mountains by aerial cable? Colombia India Haiti Q. A simple way to prove "you can't make a bad cup of M.J.B" Is o . . . I I search old cook books for recipes I I become a magician Q get a pound of M.J.B and try it Q. In how many of the 20 latin American re . " publics it coffee an important crop? 10 countries 14 countries I I 3 countries "V WMT ilk w - - - 2? . -! if5 - f - tWi -! ft r $ - w , ; (Claudelte Colbtrl answered 2 out of 4 questions correctly in the above Coffee Quit, Cor rect answers, in order, are! 1902; Colombia; get a pound of M.f.B and try it; 14 countries.) The right answer in choosing colluc is always M.J.B! It's got the flavor full, rich and mellow. And every single pound of M.J. B is vacuum-packed in glass (with the highest vacuum of any coffee) to assure peak freshness! Try M.J. B we guarantee there is no finer coffee. Make your coffee with the same care you've used in the past . . . then you'll know Double your money back If you don't agree it's the finest coffee -you ever tasted! Maurer Member Of Repair Unit Bremerton, Wash., March 22 W. C. Maurer, motor machinist's mate, first class, USNR, of Bend, Ore., is now stationed with the ship repair unit which is in train ing at the Puget Sound navy yard In Bremerton, Wash. His wife, Jeannette and three children, Marilyn, 6, Sally, 4, and Patricia, 2, reside at 3G0 Riverside avenue, Bend. Born in Boise, Idaho, Maurer was graduated from Bend high school and later attended South ern Oregon college at Ashland, Oregon, and Western Electric trade school in.Portland. Prior to enlisting for service with the navy's ship repair unit in Klamath Falls in January, 1944, he was employed as a mechanic by the Standard! Oil company In Port land. Maurer received his basic train ing at Farragut, Idaho, and was then transferred to the Puget Sound navv yard in Bremerton for advanced training in Novem ber, 1944. Mill Firm Named. In Damage Action Poitland, Ore., March 22 U -A $50,000 damage suit was on file today in federal court against The Shevlln-Hlxon Comnanv of Bend, that a nlle nf iimhn Mrs. Anna Stump of Be n di slipped because of 1mm nln charged in her complaint that her.ty devices and in tryine tn T husband died last October as the! the load from falling off he result of injuries received while : eeived a hernia. Ho Uie.i (r& operated DyiweeKS later from the effort- " suit alleged I the injury, she alleged. UI employed at a mill the company. The Purple Heart Won By Sisters Man Sisters, March 22 (Special) The purple heart, awarded to Pvt. Dulel uairs, was received lasi week by his wife, Mrs. Duiel Dairs of Sisters. In January Mrs. Dairs received a letter from her husband reveal ing that he was hospitalized. Later correspondence indicates that he has recovered and is once more in active duty. ij ' mi-Mi -- IBMIIE iSlEU Fresh and full flavored a 'wonderful treat because they are Sabiniz'ed the remarkable new method thqt means better, fresher potato chips at leading grocers. Ask for Blue Bell .when you want that grand 'potato flavor.'" Potato Ofiips A, A' I J rm hi (91 mlL 7 Um-J Here at home . . . right Booby Traps, too. For 0 i instance, think what might happen ' T' 'WM to you and your family if a Watch Out! Fiendishly clever are the Booby Trap ideas used by retreating Japs and Germans. A fountain pen offering the idea of writing a letter home is left lying invit ingly on a table. But our boys have learned to beware, for it might explode in their hand. PLAY SAFE! Get a Safety Shellubrication wheel suspension should fail at a critical moment I That's why your entire car should have Shellubri cation protection regularly. Today! Until you can get a new car and that day is not in sight your present car must last. And you must realize that it can't stand up under continued neglect. So watch out! Wartime Stop- and-Go driving is taking a ter rific toll. You need Shellubrica tion Service to help hold-off the inevitable junkyard finish for your car as long as possible. The special Shellubrication system of car maintenance, evolved by Shell engineers, has no counter part in any mere "grease job." It not only protects all vital parts with proper grades of proper lu bricants, but checks and reports on many hidden places where possible Booby Traps lurk. Thus your Shellubrication receipt not only shows what has been done, but what more should be done. That's a big protection to you. CHANGE TO GOLDEN SHELL MOTOR OIL! Dirty sludgy oil is a danger sign. Change to safe, sure Golden Shell motor oil. SHELL OIL COMPANY, Incorporated. Care for your car for your Country Mate a cate for SHEUUBRCdTOV IStty