PAGE TWO THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1 945 Ward Threatens Action on Taxes Chicago, March 22 HP) Mont gomery Ward and Co. will dis continue making tax returns or payments on sales In seized prop-' erties "unless Wards is assured that future tax collections will be paid to it," H. L. Pearson, treas urer of the firm, warned the army today. Pearson.'in a letter to Mai. Gen Joseph Byron, army manager of the seized properties, accused the army of collecting sales ana ex cise taxes from customers with out paying them "to the proper authorities, nor to Wards." The army seized Ward's prop erties in seven cities Dec. 28 to enforce war labor board direc tives. Pearson said the company asked Byron on Feb. 7 to make arrange ments for reporting and paying taxes for the seized properties. He said he asked assurance that all necessary tax returns and pay ments "will be promptly and fully met by the army" but no reply had been received. Assurance Asked The company, he declared, has continued to make the necessary tax returns covering such sales. But, he warned, if the army does not repay the amounts "wnicn Wards has advanced in payment of taxes the army has collected, dnci "unless Wards is assured that future tax collections will be paid to It," by tomorrow, the company will stop making tax returns or payments on .sales in tneseizea properties. . In another statement the com pany charged that the army 'paid from its own funds over $2,000,000 (M) more than it appropriated (luring jih iiiH iiiuihii ui upuia- tlon of the seized properties. Previously, the army had noli fled Wards that the government planned to release to the company 52,275,000 (M) in time payments made since the seizure. The gov ernment also planned to release Other disputed collections esti mated at $900,000, the firm was told. Philippines Are a Rich Prize Diphtheria Cases In Molalla Mount Molalla, Ore., March 22 UJi Dr. Dan. P. Trulllnger,!Clackamas county health .officer, today re vealed 39 persons 'hiid diphtheria In the little community of Molalla, near Portland, causing schools and the town's theater to close. The health official said 11 of the cases" haa been established by clinical diagnosis and 28 by labora tory tests. He satd he feared there would be more cases. tJAS),BAV op. HfcRNfcp WAS lAriNG MONEY CfcOPOF PHILIPPINES.. SUWIMG FIFTY MIIUON POlLAtt IN VALUE Tl ANNUAL SHIPMENT 10 U-4-OMEN SfMtKHTlP ONtTWOP Of TOTAL Output.... .$.PAIP THREE ANP ONE LP MILLION P0LLAB1? IN AVtBA&E YV8b TOR M08E WAN HdLfOfPtuuPPiNe- ExPCCTSCf TO8ACCO paoodCTS- WOULCfS LA0SEST am,9 output totais XOOQOOOYEAJ S&COUP QAVICWG CROP. WAPANPfOOP U..CECeiVE.0 CEB NIME-TENTW Of THt ISLAND'S ANNUAJ.EXPOai TOTAL Of HAlFAMILLION TON Of- THESE PfiOPUGTVAWEP AT 0VEft THIRTY MILLION DOUAR&- TH TOTAL' ABEA Of THE &UW7 IS TJ,2J4,T0OAceS 4S,9l),2OA0!S ISH STABLE fOO-CULTIVATION. LA V THIRD BANKING AGQi CULTURAL CflOP ftEBSBSa, BETTER KNOWN AS MANILA 6MP,AMEttlCA,'j B0PE-MAHING HBER AVEBA&EP 350,000 BALE A YAR ... Alaskan Valley Scene of Crash Headquarters, 11th AAF, Alas ka, March 22 HP) A land 'rescue party climbing to the scene of the crash of an army C-47 in Cathe dral valley today reported 'little progress in the search. Of six aboard the plane, two were believed alive. Two army surgeons and one chaplain para chuted to the wreckage after a circling plane sighted It through the Aleutian fog. The lost plane presumably strucK a mountain wnue en route to the Aleutians from Anchorage Marcn la. rames ot tnose aooard were not released. La pine Lapine, March 22 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hunter and sons attended a fellowship meeting In Prineville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Coons of Portland shipyards are visiting this week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Powell. R. Lomas, who recently rec eived a- medical discharge from the navy, and his wife Have brought the Howard Miltehberger place. Mrs. William Foss, ,'who has been in Portland on business re turned home Monday. . Mrs. Billy James left 'tat Mitch ell Wednesday morning on busi ness. . Mrs. J, C, Johnson went as far as Prineville where she will spend a couple of days visit ine friends. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Of "Walla Walla, 'has bought Amelia Cruise place near Lapine and two of their 4 children entered school Monday. One of the girls will stay at Walla Walla 'until school is Out, and then come to Lapine and enter here next fall. BENICIA "HAS FIRE ' Benlcla, Cal'., March '22 IP Fire of -unknown origin early 'tc day destroyed a 'half-block of bus ness buildings. Including two his torical landmarks, and for a while threatened 'the Benicia city hall until it was brought under con trol. No deaths or injuries were reported. -KBND- Voic 6f Central Oregon 'Affiliated With Mutual Don :Le Broedcetting System 1340 Kilocycle! TONIGHT'S PROGRAM '5!00 Sam Hayes . ' 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix ' 5:45-Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories '6:30 Treasure our of Song 7:00 Grange Reporter 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30 Red Ryder : D:00 Bulldog Drummond 8 :30 Ray Herbeck's Orchestra '9:00-iGlenn Hardy News , 9:15 Rex Miller 9:30 Wines Over the Nation 10:00 -Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:15 News . FRIDAY, TIABCH 23 7:00 News 7:15 Gertrude Nellson 7:30 Maxine Keith .7:45 Morning Melodies '7:55 News , . 8:00 -Campus Freshmen 8:'l5 News 8:30-Take It Easy Time 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Western Music ; 8:55 'Lanny and Ginger '9100 William Xang and the ' News i 9:15 Songs by Morton Downey 9:30 'Rationing News '9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 -Glenn Hardy News 10 -J.5 'Luncheon with Lopez ! '10:45 News of Prineville , 11:35 lady About Town . 11:40 News 11:45 Lum'NAbner 12:00 Mai Hallett's Orchestra 12:10 Sports Yarns 12:15 Two Kings and a Queen 12:30 News 12:'45 -Farmer's Hour 1:00 Johnny :Pineapple 1:15 Ask Jane Porterf ield 1:30 Tommy Tucker Time 2:00 Handy Man 2:15 Melody Time . "' 2:30 Red Cross 2:45-John Klrby's Orch-, 4:15 Rex Miller ' j:3p-House of Mystery 4:45-Ozzie Nelson 4:55 Central Oreeon v 5:00-Sam Hayes New 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire V 6:00 Gabriel Heatter ' ierle Pitt's Orche-itr, 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Boxing Bouts 9:00 Glenn Hardy New 9:15 Cecil Brown . 9:30 Freedom of ODDortimi. P - aminomethylbenzenesuiw mide, or sulfamylon. one of newest of tho 1 claimed to be particuUrlv miJ1 tive in the lrln,.n .. 'I. eU When the Philippines are completely m Allied hands, production of ils many natural products will be speeded up and they will play their part in the war effort Map above details the riches of the .Philippines, lost to enemy when Americans recaptured the islands. Dr. Trulllnger said the cause was not known but that it was not high water from recent rains. ihe school board closed the schools for a week as a precau tionary measure. Dr. Trullinger said the prevalence of the disease in a community of less than a thousand persons "amounts to an epidemic." Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Ridge, March 22 (Special) The Desch&tes-Pleas- ant Ridge Extension Unit met on March 15 at the home of Mrs. Gordon Wilcox. The project was give the home sewing a pro fessional look." Elizabeth Boeckli was the leader. Twenty one mem bers were present. I Mrs. Lloyd Smith underwent an operation last week. She is in a Portland hospital and is reported to he doing well. Mrs; Irlona Fix and daughters and Mrs. Betty Farsvedt and son. of Bend were Sunday visitors at the G. A. Kriger home. Mrs. G. A. Kriger and Frances were last Wednesday evening vis itors at the Mikkelscn home. Sunday visitors of the Mikkel scn home were Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmar Johnson of Bend, Sgt. Lester Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hansen and Hans, Mrs. C. C. Gll- lenwater and Mrs. Shorty Wilcox. Recent visitors at the Rasmus Petersen home were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Griffith of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. H. Farquarhson and Mrs. Nell Farquarhson of Kennewick, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schllekel man received word that their son John Schhekclman received his gold wings on March 6, and is now a chief aviation pilot. John Peterson and family of Bend were Sunday callers at the J. W. Petersen and A. Ahlstrom, homes. , Capacity for making synthetic nitrogen products has increased so greatly In the United States during the war that imports of nitrates from Chile may be elim inated after the war. 705 Columbia Street Phone 350 KILQ!(Hie(B FOOD MARKET Food Savings for Friday Saturday m ; Payday Saturday Savings Cliitse & Sanborn COFFEE lb. 29c Drip or Regular ' Drifted Snow FLOUR 25 lbs. .1.23 49 lbs. ..2.49 Veg All Mixed Vegetables, can 18c H&D Kernel Corn can 16c Dundee Peas can 15c Staco String Beans can 15c Royal Gelatine 3 for 20c Mackerel No. 1 tin 16c Large Olives can 27c Milk, all brands 4 cans 39c Palmolive Soap 3 Bars 20c V IftLUU III Sunshine Crackers 3 l.h. 31c While or Grahuin Dude Ranch Syrup ... .25c Rinso Ige. pkg. 24c Tenderoni '3pkgs 25c Ta"g y$s&ji3 Dre"in9 Pancake Flour Albers No. Ill Rng 69c Post's RAISIN BRAN 2 pkgs. 19c Woodbury's Toilet Soap Deal 4 bars ..29c COLUMBIA PAYDAY MEAT SPECIAILS Veal Rib Chops (6 red) ... .lb. 39c Mock Chicken Legs each 5c A Good Selection Lunch Meat Heavy Hens lb. 45c Colored mill I.IkIiI Fresh Fish Oysters and Salt Fish Grade A Large Dozen 35c -pkg. 5C EASTER EGG DYES The easy, economical way ro dress your table for 'Easier Feasting is ro come straight to our com plete market and fill your basket with quality foods at the lowest prices. Each of our BIG MAR KETS offers an eye-filling, appetite-thrilling va riety of choice foods for your Holiday menu. Yes, we've everything the well-dressed table will be wearing this Easter because you can depend upon our markets to set the fashions in rations. Grapefruit ........... .dozen 49c Arizona 64 's Case 2.89 Carrots 3 bun. 20c ; "California Fancy . ' Avocados .2 for 35c Asparagus . .V. .1 . ; . . . i lb. 29c Daffodils ......... . . . . . . doz. 49c Tomatoes .... ... . ... . .2 lbs. 39c 8 oz. pkg....... 10c Reg. pkg. .....19c Large pkg. ....33c SYRUP Dude Ranch, Maple Flavor 2 it. i 27c FLOUR Swansdown 50 bag 2.29 NALLEY'S DRESSING RELISH Nalley's Tang .... .at. 39c Sweet Relish pt. 19c Hamburger Relish, pt. 19c Table Queen Salad Dress'g, qt. 29c ACME BEER By the Case Pints, case, 3.89 Quarts, cs., 4.20 Chicken a la King pkg. 59c Lima Beans Apple Sauce Mixed Vegetables Baked Beans Cut Corn Green Beans , Broccoli Hominy : 1 Ik ." :. -jb. a 1 MJ'BXn J pk9' jfiy 25c faST Sroivn Sugar f' 9( can 9c Shinola Shoe Polish, All Colors Pepsi-Cola or Coca-Cola (Deposit)) -. 6 bottles . . . .25c Cocomalt ... 1 lb. jar 43c Dill Pickles qt. fruit jar 29c Dog Dainties . .pkg. 5c; 3 pkgs. 10c Twistie Noodle Dinner, 1 lb. jar 15c Cakes Pies Pastries Kerr's Jellies, No. 6 jar 89c the soap of . beautiful women 3 bars 19c 2ap Jj H: MEDH'M 3 bars 19c I.AlUiK 3 bars 29c large pkg. -JS 23c All kinds available. SDecial caLes baled and dncoratRrl in your order. Lunch Meats Assorted Top Quality lb. 35c Beef Liver .... .. 30c Young ami Tender , Veal Roast 33c '. , Tender Shoulder Cuts ' . ' Fresh Lard .:.3lbs.59c Kettle Uendered Rib Steaks lb. 35c Grade A Beef Chili. Bricks each 25c Assorted lip Sanford's Honey . . . .5 lb. can 1.2$ Egg Noodles ....... .1 lb. pkg. 19c Corn, Beans, Peas, 2's . . .2 cans 25c Fountain Clam Chowder . . . jar 33c 15 Ounce Jar Mackerel, No. 1 ca 15c; Oval Sardines, can 15c Greenleaf Spinach, 2's 2 cans 29c Tomato Juice No. 5 can 25c Dainty Dimple Peas L... No. 2 can 16c Dry Cleaner. , gal. 69c Mobil Paint Cleaner, qt. 65c Old English Rug Cleaner.. qt. 65c Sunshine -Foam ' SALMON - HALIBUT k WESSON OIL SALT AND SMOKED FISH tPt. 29c - Qt. 53c 29c 89c