Burma Theater Is Sending Home Big Sum Monthly Myitkyina, North Burma iipl Anybody who thinks the Ameri can soldier in the Burma-India theater is playing loose with his paycheck should take a look at the books In the Myitkyina post office they show the GIs are sending, home about $380,000 a month in money orders. One day recently the total sale of money orders amounted to $53,616, according to Lt. Sentile A. Rommel, Hempsted, N Y Myitgyina postal officer. And he pointed out, that's just one armv post office. J Besides money, the American soldiers In Burma are sending home a lot of packages, Rommel said. The average day of outgoing mail is 48 sacks of parcels and 16 sauna ui inuers. An average day's sale of stamps to go on packages amounts to about $2,200, he said Jap Graveyard in Front The Myitkyina post office was opened on Aug. 10, about seven days after the town itself fell to allied troops under Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell. The post office was set up in what had been the My'it. days; a wVSE, .pre-War ture, taVeiJ lBi bnek sto buUaing hw gwbe 8 tw-story floor The first l""8 on'y ne ingw;SdZn4.lnthebuild- InddnayndVnson Var Fr,1c"dC.h.ter Locy, San hell" RnXT Ve worked like are t T' Mid- Now there men ann ,h'Cers ?nd 13 ensted men and the work is still hard Sch'ntE ?" du,y from 8 a m fate a? 'ng T" sominies as sPvpf h a- m- ,he next morning, seven days a week. UnitpTcf ' d that ma" from he t, k . . 6clllB io niyitKylna. The best known time so far is six Rnm ?m ChieaBO to Myitkyina. 1 '! particularly im pressed by this since a lot of cnnstmas packages started com ing in about the first of Novem ber, adding to the volume of the . ... average ls aDOUt 106 sacks of packages and 15 sacks of letters. Tn 1 I .. ' u.c uuginning mere was no daily mail. It arrived only twice a week- Chicago to Front in 7 Days The Myitkyina postal authori- i- maue one recora once oi which Rommel is extremely THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 22, 1945 PAGE ELEVEN Right Prices. Too. CONGRESS SPECIALS-Fri. - Sat. 50 lb. sack.... 2.29 : 1 2 pkgs. 23c Chocolate Syrup, 24 oz. 49c Mrs. Snaidur's SI -J OYSTERS Biioxl Small can 39c Sardines, can 15c White Star Tuna can 37c Pink Salmon... No. 1 can 27c Egg Noodles -pkg. 19c Bisquick Ige. pkg. 33c RATION FREE Birdseye fresh frozen fruits, vegetables, fish add zing to your meals, make shopping easy. Ige. pkg. braM 17c m V-8 Juice... No. 5 can 35c Orange Juice No. 5 can S9c Tomato Juice No. 5 can 25c Prune Juice 1 qt. 33c Apple Juice pt. 15c Orange-Grapefruit Juice, No. 5 49c Grapefruit Juice No. 5 can 33c Pineapple Juice No. 5 can 39c 1 b. jar 33c 3 lb. pkg. 69c MEAT SPECIALS Pork Chops lb. 39c IOin Ctits , Pork Loin Roast End Cuts .lb. 35c I qt. Kraut, 1 lb. Franks, both 45c Ass't Lunch Meats lb. 37c For "At Home" Easter Gay Spring Prints House Dresses 2.95 to 4.95 Pretty and practical dresses of cot ton and spun rayon, 1 and 2 piece styles in florals, stripes, ginghams. 12 to 42. Cotton Dresses For Little Ladies 1 to 3 years, 98c 4 to 12, 2.19 2.49 lrvvfTrziorril FOOD MARKET Batista Worried F - j Navy Clarifies Recruiting Rule To clear up confusion caused by the recent army-navy an nouncement that men between the ages of 18 and 20, Inclusive, i J i fnr Infantrv WUUIU utr t tn ...... . - ---- - replacements by their selective service boards lor the next three months. Lt. Cmdr. John F. Bieh ler, officer In charge of the Ore gon navy recruiting district, cm- phaslzed In a statement Issued this week that the navy is still accepting 17-ycar-old volunteers. Hundreds of telephone calls I have come Into the Recruiting sta-1 tions throughout Oregon from 17- j year-olds and their parents who misunderstood the army-navy an- i nouncempnt and wpn nf the nnin. ' ion that all ftavy enlistments had been stopped. . "The joint service order affects only those in the 18, 19 and 20- year groups," Lt. Cmdr. Biehler stated, "and therefore does not change the navy's policy of ac cepting 17-year-olds and men over 37 for voluntary enlistment." The recruiting officer also stated that men of draft age who can qualify for the navy's radio technician program (radar) will continue to be given letera of di rected assignment to the Joint In duction board at Ft. Lewis, Wash ington and .will automatically be Inducted into the navy. . The same process applies to those of draft age who qualify for the air combat crewman and seabee programs of the navy Lt. Cmdr. Biehler said. Aluminum electroplated with silver has good electric conductivity. Lapine T nnln March 99 (Knpflal) A three-act' play entitled "The Cor ner Cupboard." will be given by the upper graces oi ine graae school, Friday evening, March 23, at 7:30 in tne scnooi gymnasium. All parents and friends of the scnooi are urgea 10 anenu. Florence James, wno nas Deen ulnitino In Washington for the past three weeks, returned to La- pine the last oi tne weeK. i ittio .mtinniA Krpwpr. son ox A anA Mk Dale Rrowpr who was seriously Injured when he opened the rear door of the car while the family was en route to Gilchrist, 18 at a htjspHal In Bend and was reponea icaay as tmeoiuclous. He has a serious head wound. Tnfm.rort rava are used to Dhoto- - nh vnlunhlo nil naintlnes to aid research into the techniques of the old masters; iney penetrate; through the upper layers of paint ; and reveal tne lUMunwz inuuci- lng. .; i Hulling strawberries before washing removes a protective out er tissue near the stem and causes a vitamin C loss. (NEA Telepholo) Gen. Pulgendo Batista, ex-president and former "strong man" of Cuba, now on tour of U. 8., tells San Fran cisco newsmen that he Is "vers' wor ried" about the situation in Havana where 80 persons have been arrested and charged with plotting to over throw the government. proud. "We delivered a letter to a soldier In the front lines," he said, "in seven days and 14 hours irom Chicago." Packages sent home by GIs con tain just about everything, Rom mel said, from Japanese rifles to ivory and silver trinkets which are obtained by various means from the native citizens. Bowling Notes Results T)f Women's Bowling. league games rolled last nignt on tne hiena Kecreauon ancys ioi low: Bend Recreation D. Brown 143 124 128395 E. Boeckli 133 171 120424 P. Loree 100 116 144360 M. Blucher 113 126 122361 M. Rice 122 123 138383 Hdcp 198 198 198594 Total 809 858 860 2527 Elks D. Applegate 125 131" 117373 V. Glino 125 162 99386 L. Brant .... 102 115 86303 J. Schall 93 124 118335 L. Sanders 117 115 94326 Hdcp. 225 225 225675 Total ........787 872 739 2398 Grcee'g Banner Bread L. Ferguson ..120 135 123378 D. Werner 131 128 103362 W. McCann ....142 112 113367 H. Stirnes 88 113 113314 E. Roats 115 203 156474 Hdcp 206 206 206 16 Total 802 987 814 2513 Oasis E. Monical 120 109 131360 B. Myers 128 125 114367 i M. Ellison 128 127 150405 M.Christy 115 125 152392 A. Roberts 173 124 129426 Hdcp 194 ' 194 194582 Total 858 804 870 2532 Cora-Cola M. Keith 128 104 144376 M. Wibator ....126 139 : 127392 D. Lewcrcnz ..103 140 149392 H. Judy 128 109 89326 M. Leo Ill 95 106312 Hdcp :.217 217 217651 Total 813 804' 832 2419 Stillwell's 1, 11 lull B. Fields 119 140 105364 J.Zimmerman 140 138 327405 M. Curd 123 220 122465 J. Garlington 142 130 122 394 O. Alt ...174 143 140-457 Hdcp 174 174 174522 Total 867 945 780 2592 210 Congress Phone 360 Buy National War Bonds Now! 5Hh fflH Thousands of mea n4 womeo found tht umi-ui(N Stuart Tabtou brinf quicx. happy relief lo Bleep-robbing symptoms oi acta tnaigemon, ' nsiiness. and vpieft stom ach, lute delicious, aay to tska no rntng. no bottle. Try them niT a good night's sleep and wake up lo the morning feeling like a $1,000,000. Get genuine Stuart Tablets at row druggiet only 25c, 60c, or 11.20 tinder mak er's positlTB money-back gvaranto. MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES This Old Treatment Often Brings Happy Relief ?y suffers rMiev naacing tierkarha ; qui-k I) , onre t tiey discover t hat thn rrl cause i d4 their trnuMe may be tired kulncya. Tbe kidneys are Nature's chief way of tali 1 lng Ihr uress arids sod asta out of tnr blood. - 1 bey help most people patw about-? pints a day. V bet) disorder of kidney function permit fxMonoue matter to remain in your Mood, it rey muM nnfsring bar-Was-he, rheum tii rftiu, leg pelnst I"" f pep nd mwcy, gel ting no niiht, ii llingt pufbneM urHpf tb 1 even, hettdscbea and duiinete. Freqoent or scanty passages with smarting and burning : sometimes shows there is sometbioc wrong ; with your kidneye or bladder, j Don't wait! Ask your drumrHt for Dosn'i ( Tilb. u?d Bucrewnfully by millions for ow.-r 11 I years, 'i bey five bappy relief and will help tho l l. miles nf kidney tubes flunb out poijuinous i Vaste Una your blood. Get Ifeaa a fills. Erickson's PAYDAY and Saturday RAISINS Seedless 4 47c Marshmallov Creme pint jar 17c EGGS Grade A Large dozen 35c LUNCH MEAT Try-It can 34c PORK & BEANS Van Camps can 2i Campbell's Tomato - SOUP 3 CANS 25c Rolled Roast Grade A Steer Beef, 7 Points lb. 36c Pork Steak .......lb. 34c 5rmln-fl Porkere6 Points Veal Roast lb. 29c Shoulder Crown Cuts 3 Point ; Leg O" Lamb . . . . .lb. 39c Grade A Quality 7 Pointn FOR THE LENTEN SEASON Codfish.... .............. .lb. 29c Whole Fish Salt Mackerel .......lb. 45c ' ' Trimmed, No Waste , Fresh Sea Foods Poultry T7 7? mtifo 111 String Beans . . .2 cans 25c Sliced Peaches . . .can 23c Fountain Cut No. 2 Cwk o' the Walk No. 2'; Fancy Sweet Peas, can 15c Whole Apricots . .can 23c l.lhhy No. Dnndii No. 2"; Fancy Corn . . .2 cans 29c Apple Sauce . . .2 cans 35c (iold.'il Bantam. Profrrrpd Stork No. 2 H-l N4. Cen Fancy Spinach can 22c Bartlett Pears . . . .can 28c Walla Walla No. 2 4 Silver Grille No. V2 Can . Corn Niblets . .2 cans 27c Kadota Figs, No. 1 tqll 17c Whole Kernel II I), 12 Oz. Tin seS i?HlOO Bran sdad glj&jff'fl Dressing I ljirKa VkK' Qt. 39c WS? 17c Pk9' 11c Tomato JceM No. 5 can 25c Sardines .... No. 1 tail 12c Blended Jce., No. 5 can 47c Tuna Fish, grated . can 23c Orange Jce., No.5can 43c Jumbo Sh;imp ca 45c Apple Juice .... quart 25c TjjRa Prune Juice ....quart 25c Bona wmi m Clam Juice, 24 oz. bot. 23c Mussels can 29c Mackerel ... No. 1 tall 15c Hamb'ger Relish, 12 oz. 19c California Asparagus ...lb. 29c Tvmlvr Green Sienrs Fresh Tomatoes, lb. 19c; 2 lbs. 35c King Alfred Daffodils dozen 45c Arizona Grapefruit .crate 2.85; cr. 1.49 Newton Apples, jumble pack .... box 1.98 Mothers Cocoa .1 lb. 12c Hershey Cocoa ..... ... . .1 lb. 11c Raisin Bran pkg. 10c Carnation Wheat . . . .Ige. pkg. 25c Red Mexican Beans ..... .3 lbs. 29c Small White Navys 3 lbs 29c Whole Green Peas ..... .3 lbs. 29c Baby Lima Beans ....... .3 lbs. 29c French's Salad Mustard . . . .jar 10c Derby Steak Sauce .... .bottle 14c Durkees Worchestershire .bot. 13c Table Queen Salad Dressing, pt. 19c C&B Meat Sauce ..... .bottle 19c Libby's Apple Butter ...... .jar 19c Garden Catsup . . . 12 oz. bottle 15c Concord Grape Preserves . .jar 29c Libby's Kerr's Jelly 2 lb. jar 45c Assorted Flavors Oxydol fyjTn DUZ ,tt23cKv lg.pkg.23c QPj 3 bars 18c 20c 14c Boraxo pkg. 15c Vano household cleaner. .... .25c Sunbrite Cleanser 3 pkgs. 14c ALLEY OOP 3v V. T. HAMLIN X jRZT) rjr- r7 tr. . M..i0tK y