THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1945 Local News Maximum yesterday, 51 degrees. Minimum, last night, S3 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p.m., 41 de grees: 10 a.m., 48 degrees. Veloc ity of wind: 10 pan., 4 miles; 10 a.m., 7 miles. . Lt. and Mrs. Ray Wilson, for mer residents of Bend, are the . LAST CHANCE TONIGHT BARGAIN NIGHT THRILLS!! IUadeiemara W-v i 1 'iwF 2ND HIT- a 6 pound 7 oun son, Richard Eugene, born March 13 at 4.16 ajn. In Colorado where the waI '.18 tatim- Lt. Wilson was on duty some time ago at the Redmond army air field. uH,h"or? Madsen, inspector with the department of agricul ture with headquarters at Salem, has returned to that city follow !ng, busness trip through Cen tral Oregon. Gordon George, S. 1c, has re- following a visit in Bend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard George. Also leaving for san Diego following a leave In Bend was Donald Schuman, S. 1c, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Schuman. Walter Barnett and Bob Keyes, -""" ei vit-e men. recently met on a Pacific island. Ramctt nVia cist mate, second class, reports in icim iv lug wile. Elton J. Smith, 25, son of Mrs. Florence Parker nf t)H ..,,).. - " .-'V. 1 1U, gtduu- ated from fin inlanciiu r.l I basic engineering training at re- vcuv service scnoois exercises at the Ninth Naval district head quarters, Great Lakes, Illinois. SSgt. D. T. Van Osdol and Sgt. ElniPr Olson In Miavno a, Via knM . , ... t,(iUigC yj x 1 1 1 1 uaac weather station at the Redmond army air iieia, last night were visitors in Bend. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Baker of Prineville, were guests today at the Pilot Butte inn. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mays were Bend callers today from Post. Glenn Mitchell, assistant re gional forester in charge of wild life, stopped in Bend today en route back to Portland headquar ters after making an Inspection In the Fremont National forest. Mm R ncc Parnham Ic cnnnHinn a month in Coos Bay with her aaugmer, janet. un Sunday, Mrs. Farnham attended the christening tf hot frrflnrfrlallnktai. VtklnAn ... glunuUBUglltCII .Klllllt 1 11 Frances, daughter of Lt. and Mrs. wuiara rarnnam, in roruana, then continued on to Coos Bay with Tana, Tka HnlU,tn ., l error yesterday in reporting that PAGE FIVE 4 BIG DAYS STARTING TONIGHT (BEERY VS. HONKY TONK LID Action Packed Comedy -Drama ACTIO ROM . ; IBISES m y11 Wr IARNES -iP rtm JOHN (ARRADINE Y IRUCEKtlOGG Mrs. Farnham had returned to Bend. ; There will be a meeting of all Bend Youth club hostesses tomor row afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the Vouth club quarters on Oregon avenue, Mrs. P. N. Armstrong, hostess chairman, has announced. The Theta Rho club will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the I.O.O.F. hall, it was announced to day by Eva Kittleson, president. She urged all members to attend the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Anderson of Madras were in the city yester day. John Jones of Redmond is con ducting business in Bend today. Wimton Livingston, whose wife and son, Jimmy, reside at 175 E. Irving avenue, left yesterday for Klamath Falls for induction into the service. Livingston is the third son of Mrs. H. L. Livingston of 937 E. Third street to enter the armed forces. Her eldest son, Ar- lo, is a flight officer in the air transport command branch of the army stationed In England and the youngest boy, Argyle, is serv ing as a seaman first class some where In the south Pacific. H. C. Maynard of San Francisco is in town today on business. The West Lake club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ola Clover,, 446 E. Norton street, at 8 p.m. Thursday. Miss Laura Harstad, consultant for maternal and child health from the Oregon State Board of Health, spent this morning in the county health department offices conferring with, public health nurses. She will return to the state office in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolter and Mrs. Bidwell Cram, all of Gate way, were In Bend yesterday. ' The Bend Rebekah lodge is 'to hold a special meeting Kriday evening at 5:30, in the I.O.O.F. hall, preparatory to - the : trip to Redmond at 6:15 fort the special session of the Rebekah assembly, officers of the order have an nounced. - William Stollmaek, of the Hud son-Duncan company, was in Gil christ today on business. Sgt Robert Fox, son of Post master R. H. Fox, of Bend, has been awarded the distinguished flying cross, his sister, Mrs. Gus Roats of this city, has learned, Sgt. Fox is a member of a Super fort crew; operating in the Asiatic theater of war. .Members of the Eagles' auxili ary are scheduled 'to meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow night in the Moose hall, it was announced today by iMrs. W. M. Loy, president of the j organization. Dance every Friday night at Carroll Acres. Music by the Night Owls. City bus will leave hall last time at 12 midnight; - Adv. : r i -Not responsible for' debts cons self. Lillia Perrin Danchev. Adv. Marie Anderson To Assist Nurses Deschutes county' has contri buted another recruit to the Wac's emergency army hosiptal corps, it was reported here today by George Slmerville, coordinator for the civilian defense' council. The latest woman to volunteer her services for nursing in army hospitals Is Marie R. Anderson, route 2, who was In Portland to day taking a physical examina Uon preliminary to enlisting. The other one was Miss Judith Reese, who enlisted last week, and was the first one from Deschutes county to enter this branch of the service. At the r e q u e s t of General George C. Marshal, civilian de fense councils throughout the country are sponsoring a cam paign to recruit women for emer gency army hospital work. A dire shortage of trained nurses exists, Gen. Marshall reported, and any woman who has any nursing ex perience, or who desires to take nursing training, are urged to en list. Nurses Needed Coordinator Simerville said that there are five army hospitals In California and Washington which urgently need nurses, and that those women who enlist may choose the hospital where they would serve. The hospitals are the Hammond at Modesto, Calif.; the Dibble at Palo Alto, Calif.; the DeWitt at Auburn, Calif., Madi gan at Fort Lewis, Wash., and the McCaw at Walla walla, wasn. Simerville said that Miss Ander son was recruited by Mrs. Philip R. Buckingham, president of the Soroptimist club. Recently all women's organizations in the county were asked to assist in the recruiting campaign, and Simer ville said that the Soroptimist club is the only one thus far to pro duce a recruit. An effort is being made to re cruit a platoon of 15 women from this county. . Youth Club Notes nare mcta from the Bears' Den LICENSE MATCHES AGE duplicating his age. He received Du Quoin, ni. ipi Every year his new plates recently number since George F. Winn reached 80, ed94. , , the Illinois secretary of state has , , issued him an automobile license More than 87,269,461 track ties stabilize the 30,551 miles of rati line, siding and yard tracks main tained by the Canadian National. Railways In Canada and the Unit ed States, By the Den Reporter I All members of the Youth club would like to express their thanks to the Degree of Honor lodge for weir generous donation. Last Thursday's clean-up night was announced a complete suc cess by Miss Wllma Jacobson, di rector. All who came worked hard and had the den shining before the night was over. For refresh ment, ice cream was on the house. Who can solve the mystery of the week? Where did the dish loweis vanish to? It's amazing. The den has been thoroughly searched, but still there Is no trace ol them. We were honored this wwli when we received a letiir frnm The Dalles for information on our ciui). ine Dalles youngsters are also thinking of startine a club , ana we wisn tlicm all the success possible. It seems spring vacation is just i around the corner. All members1 should be glad to know that the 1 1 chid will be oucn cverv week ! night until 9:45. Let's see if we I can't spend part of our vacation ! at me ucn. avBit Your lMiysiciau bas increased demands upon hi time. IMp Lim to help you. Avoid homo call, especially at night Visit tho Doctor at hU office, during regular hours. If your condition ' requlrea, follow hia recommend a lion and go lo hospital where proper care will hasten your recovery. Do not neglect little ilia that may become sertoos diaordera this hdne neither you nor the Doctor. This is a time for u all to Get Well ... and Keep WeH Shop Mogul's for VALUES It's true youH find MagUl's stoeks complete with lowest prices on all nationally-known products. Make MagUl's your headquarters. Penicillin Available at Magill's Magill has received Penicillin, the ''wonder drug" for cdre of civilian needs to be distrib uted to hospitals, doctors and for individuals on prescriptions. 4rTif7 75 Liuer A Make-up that Stays on Longer. CHEN YU EASTER IDEAS Start getting prepared for an other "fun for all" dance, to be' held on April 7 at the den. Nan 1 rreede has been appointed chair man and other committees will be announced at a later date. It win oo our first big spring dance, so let's all work for a big suc cess. Taylor Anti-Gray Hair VITAMIN TABLETS 90 for 2.50 Available Again! CUTEX KITS In a choice of kits con pletcly fitted, from 1.10 Official Records . CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our neigh bors and friends for their kind ness and cards of sympathy. Also the postal staff and especially Mr. Farley blllott tor his Kind assist ance during our recent bereave ment Rose M. Hatch Walter Hatch and family - Donald Hatch and family Mr. and Mrs. Ludcen. Adv. Have you these warnings of EYE-STRAIN? Teachers Given Pay Increases Portland, Ore., March 21 HP) Pay increases totaling $2,800,000 over a nine-year period were voted for Portland teachers last night by the school board. Reversing a stand taken a week previously, the board by a four-to-three vote approved a schedule submitted by the superintendent's office, which was a combination of recommendations by teachers' committees, the administrative staff and the plan submitted by Dr. John Almack, school finance expert at Stanford university. The immediate effect will be to Increase salaries for starting teachers, while under the long range plan the chief beneficiaries among the city's 1600 teachers will be the veterans. .JUSTICE COURT 1 A $204.50 fine was imposed on George Petry of Shevlin by Wil son George, Justice of the peace, for reckless driving, records re veal. Dee Low and Charles Mor gan Mosley, both of Sisters, were fined $29.50 each including court costs and a 10-day suspended Jail sentence on the same cnarge. Other fines for asserted traff violations levied during the past week include: Ernest, W. Beaver of Bend, no stop on entering a highway, $2.50; Adrean L. Stearrs of Bend, violation of the basic rule, $9.50 including costs; Wil fred E. Jossy of Bend, no stop on entering the highway, $2.50; Ar thur E. Donahue, no stop on en tering the highway, $2.50; Dean C. Smart of Bend, no operator's license, $2.50; Jack R. Gordon of Bend, concealed motor vehicle li cense, $2.50; Sedral K. Lowry, Bend, posted $25 bail for no license plates on a motor vehicle; Martin V. Hendrix of Bend, improper lights, $2.50. Keith L. Denny of Bend was charged with drunkenness on the highway' and fined $17.25 includ ing costs. Here Is the schedule for those busy girls who will be cleaning me ciuo on Saturday mornings: March 24, Senior Sub Debs, March 31, The W's; April 7, Gamma Phi Mu; April 14, Fresh man Sub Debs; April 21, Sopho more Sub Debs; April 28, Junior Sub Debs; May 5, Senior Sub Debs; May 12, The W's; May 19, oamma rm mu May tj, Fresh man Sub Debs. Thanks for your cooperation, its really anmecl- ated. You're doing a swell Job so lar, let s Keep it up. : The den will be closed on Fri day night, as there will be a high -school dance sponsored bv the Juniors in the gym. It's for every one, so lei s really patronize it. Phil Brogan, Bend high student body president, and Beverly Baer have been Invited as guests to the council meeting Monday night at y:3U. Penetro Rub . . ... ........ .jar 60c $2 All Weather Lotion .1.00 $1 Powder Mitten 79c $2 Jergens Twin Make-Up . . . .1.00 50c Ponds Cream ....... . . . . .39c Dream Flower Powder Free CANES CRUTCHES BRACES TRUSSES SUPPORTERS Scran Trao M..I..I f. ... I I t. A I I plefo with 80 moisture proofed Easter Bunnies, from $1.49 Small liuiinlra big bunnies -an ISasler gift for the child. Egg Dye pkg. 10c Easter Cards. .. .from 10c Don't Miss Out on This GAME SALE Scores of interesting games values to $1.78 your choice 79c v 1 1 1 1 n.l I J-i I H I III I.B'i ' l It Is noted that the United States last year had acquired, as "a national historic site," the title to President Roosevelt's Hyde Park home and 33 acres of sur rounding ground. Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt and their children re tain interests in the estate until their death. TOED, UNEASY EYES . . may b more than sign of ovpr-une. Tbry may he liicnal. ling you that tlwy need help. SaUINTMO ...frequently i the iiin of glare-itrained eye. Sofl-Lile Leniea protect your eyei from over-brightneM. NERVES ON EDGE ... are a prire you pay for over taxed eyen. Heed the warning have your eye examined now. Don't ignore tlicse of eyestrain. Kor l.rtlcr health, more efficiency, greater happiness, liavc your eyes ex amined. Examination may ohow that you will enjoy more comfortable vision with Soft-Lite Lenc which we will be glad to demonstrate to you. Large "O" on Car Has New Meaning Fort Lewis, Wash., March 21 mi A new slant on alphabets at Fort Lewis Is giving G. I.'s a bad time. In order to step up proper salut ing of officers riding in staff cars, vehicles now display windshield cards marked with a large "O" whpn an officer Is aboard. The car in which a lieutenant was riding passed a soldier today who made no attempt to salute. Pulling over, the officer In quired about the lack of military courtesy, pointing to the newly adopted sign. , "Oh, is that what that mpans?" the soldier asked earnestly, "I thought zero meant nobody is in there." i STfiPUS oPTicni . pi4 wAiyritfET END-OHEGOr mm A Famous ts relieve MONTHLY FEMALE ( MISERY (Al FiM Stomachic Topic I) tydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound Is famous to relieve not only monthly ptln but also accompanying nervous, tired. hlRhatrung tcellnesi beti due to functional periodic dis turbances. Taken renulirly It helps build up rpslniance against such dis tress. Plnkham's Compound helps na ture Follow label directions. Try itl COMPOUND To make possible bcttpr, mora complete service for you! That'i the reason Gilinore Dcalrrs hav teamed up with Mobilgas Dealers. This happy, progreuive and vol untary affiliation means, to for mer Gilmore dealers and their customers (1) Greater conveni ence in buying, (2) Greater avail ahilityof products, (3) Improvrd research reaourcea behind ea- h product. Buy America's favorite petroleum productsat the Si of the Flying Red Horse. K&VCkWaiU sr a m mar m nun 1 1 i t f W V.I " m Just Received! Scores of IHIA1TS 1 98 You novor SAW to many beautiful arid difforent Spring styles! Your favorite sailors , . . gay pastel foils trimmed with bows and veils . . perky flower trimmed straws in all the season's colors . . . new high crowned hats with narrow brims . . . and at tho surprisingly low prices of 1.98, 2.19, 2.49 and 2.98. Come in EARLY for the best choice! Matrons Hats 2.49 Yes, we've a splendid selection of these hard-to-find hats, too. Flattering straws and felts in black and navy with unusual trims in contrasting colors. 2.49 to 2.98. 5)08 N imiJ a"- jff S7 .if r vftl 1012 Wall St. ... A FSjrBaB9tiWlWP I