f4 JTHE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. 0RE60N. TUESDAY. MARCH 20, 1945 locks Continue Monday Decline I By Elmer C. Walzer I (Vmusi Ptcm Financial Editor) Kew York, March 20 UP locks extended yesterday's de fine by fractions to more than 2 hints in a moderately active ses- f. tnHnv. Railroads featured the down- ir most of the market. Airlines, is: mints in Eastern. Motors, feels, oils and aircrafts lost small Cunts. Special shares lost as inch as 3 points in Dresser Man- ..;rr which increased its . etnilf hu fllir t mac fArtivitv centered around Alle- iiany Corporation, Aviation Cor feration, and International Tele tone, none of which had a" wide fcange. Utilities neia weu as a Investment buying 6us- lined such stocks as American Elephone, Allied Chemical and tollman. hhp recession reflected caution i the part of traders unwilling - this time to risk purchases, nail volume of offerings rought rather wide declines in any instances. PORTLAND PRODUCE ,i..r, Dro lWnreh On - HP) ruii"" - n increase in butter production fas shown today in the weekly iport of tne aepariment oi agri. Llture, although the supply re tained below that of a year ago. leavv government purchases left le civilian supply short. Butter and egg prices were un- tanged. I Butter Cube 93 score 42 Sic; 92 tore 42Mc; 90 score 42c; 9 score -ic pound. Cees Prices to retailers: AA rge 44c; A large 42c; medium A 6c; small 35c dozen. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 20 Ut .ivestock: Cattle 200, calves 50. luDDly mostly dairy type cattle. Early sales steady. Canner-cutter lows 6.50-9.50. Heavy bulls up to B.50. Medium-good vealers 13.50- S.00: choice quotable to 16.00. fop steers Monday 16.50. Best loifers 15.00. Good beef cows 13.00. Hogs 100. Active, steady, uood- ilioice 170-300 lbs. salable 15.75. lood sows to 625 lbs. 15.00. Good- ihoice feeder pigs quotable 16.50- 7.50. Sheep 50. Nominally steady. ood-choice wooled lambs salable 15.50-16.00. Good yearlings Mon- iv up to 13.25. Good ewes quot able 8.00-8.75. PAGE SEVEN Spare Articles CartSe ptSed Jnfo Gash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time .85c 25 Words Three Times ,15c 25 Words Six Times $LSa All wot da over 25 add lc per word tinea nnmber of insertions One monUi run. same copy, 4 day rata Minimum Charge, 3Sc LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20o Classified Advertlslna. Cash in Advance Uaily Cloelnc Time 12:10 P. H. , FOB SALE ONE TWO TON two wheeled trailer, 17 inch wheels, good con dition, $65.00. One good model "T" engine and parts. Call at 731 Florida. FIVE ROOM modern house, fur nished. Located on east side. For information telephone 1025-M. GOOD ALFALFA HAY in barn. Come evenings or Sundays. M. A. Piercy, Rt. 2, Box 145, Bend, Ore. ENAMELLED trash burner with copper soils, in good condition. Antique walnut chest of drawers. Round oak table, radio table. Call before 6 p. m. 1429 N. Hill street, corner Portland avenue. BEAUTY OPERATORS, nurses, doctors, waitresses, genuine Hoo ver uniforms, doctor's gowns and office coats now available. Lovely beaded effect birthday and every day greeting cards. Phone 457-J for information. National War Bonds Now! ymmmmmmmmmmmm Checkerboard ( Cafe I i DINNERS SHQRT ORDERS 1 HOME-MADE PIES ' 1 FOUNTAIN SERVICE I 135 Oregon ' B wuMmmmmmmemedH ALMOST NEW set of work har ness, baby basinette with folding legs and pad. Inquire 911 Portland avenue. CLYDE'S BARBER shop, Red mond, Oregon, 4 20-FOOT benches suitable for lodges, granges or clubs. Reason able. Call Don McCauley at 1195 between 4 and 5:30. CHEAP PLACE: Near, town. Three room. Electricity, wood shed, garage, $550. Low down pay ment. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota. -FOB SALE WEST SIDE, 2-story apartment, some furniture, $2200, terms. Fur nished modern house, only $1950, $440 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 3 ROOM modem apartment, nice ly lurnisnea. Lrge eiecinc raiitse and refrigerator, automatic fiu nace. No children or pets. Phone 416. ACREAGES: We have some nice acreages close in, that are priced right. Come in and let us snow you. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street ALMOST NEW hot water tank. walnut dining room set for $32.50, overstuffed rocker and chair in good condition, real cheap, kero sene heater,- davenport, coil springs, bedsteads, gas griddle. gas hot plate, box springs, almost new wall tent, pulleys for electric motors, . replacement balls for trailer hitches, large mirror, kitch en chairs, drop leaf table, baby auto seat cheap work harness. Open evenings. 350 Division. FOB RENT 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electrically equipped. .141 Georgia. Phone 766. 3 ROOM semi-modern furnished house, newly cleaned, with fire place and Indoor toilet. Call at 147 E. Olney. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore, WEST SIDE, immediate posses sion. Clean modern 2-bedroom house, stoves, built-ins, enclosed back porch, yard, fenced, garden spot. $2100, $975 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. " 14 HEAD feeder pigs from 100 to 150 lbs.. 6 gilts, 18c lb. Claude Gant, Rt. 1, Box 430. Phone ll-F-2. 4 YR. OLD SADDLE mare, suit able for children or grown-ups. Rte. 'l, Box 293-A. R. H. Mar-schand. THREE ROOM: Modern, well built, cellar, good garage, corner lot, wired for electric range, nice flower garden. A cute place and priced right at $2050. Gilberts Real Estate. PRE-WAR BREAKFAST set, table arid 4 matching chairs. See at 23 Louisiana. $3500 BUYS 2 modern four, room houses, west side, near Kenwood school. Would consider car on deal. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon St. LARGE MODERN 4-bedroom houses. Very reasonably priced. $3500, some terms. 2-bedroom on paved street, sewer connections, $1800, $500 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. BLACK & DECKER " electric post drill. Furniture. Exchange, 315 Greenwood.1 MONTAG CIRCULATING heat er, range with copper coils, 3 bed room sets coil springs good cot ton mattreses on each. Walnut dining set with 6 chairs, console table, leather couch, 1 wardrobo. Call 223 St. Helens. Teleph. 354 after 5:30 this week. FUN AND THRILLS IN BEERY'S BEST! Big Bad Beery 9 vs. O . lionky Tonk LSI ! WALLACE m . BINNIE BEERY BARNES "Barbara Coast Gent" CAPITOL STARTS WED. IDEAL FAMILY HOME: Six room plastered. Hardwood floors, electric range connection. Utility room. Lennox furnace, forced heat, air conditioned. Rock woo) insulation. Rake Shake finish. First class construction. Used only short 'time. Garage, wood shed. East side. See owner. Ar nolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota St. DRY JACKPINE block wood, $9.00 per cord, dry jackpine slab wood $7.00 per cord. Any length you want. 154 Adams Place. D. W. Beck. !$3500 BUYS large two bedroom ' modern furnished home. 2 lots on corner, west side. Immediate pos session. $1000 cash handles. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon St. FERTILIZER, $1.00 per trailer load, haul yourself. Several gentle Holsleln and Guernsey milk cows. Call 34-F-3. Everett Donahue, 3rd house from King's Market on south highway. ACREAGES. Close in 15 acres, 10 Arnold, 4-room house, outbuild ings, $2000, $500 down, $30 month. 20 acres, 19 C.O.I., large house, cistern, fenced, pasture, $2300, $1500 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ARE YOUR TIRES THIN? Wheels out of line is one of the greatest causes of tire wear. Proper alinement not only saves tires but adds wear and safety to the op eration of your car. Eddies has COMPLETE BEAR. ALINEMENT equipment and can correct the trouble in short order. Drive in now! COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE With factory trained repairmen plus one of Oregon's most modern shops, Eddie's can make every necessary repair and do if RIGHT. Keep your car in the best possible condition . . . make it last for the duration. and Remember . . . "RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S" EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE 390 Greenwood CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Phone 64 SIZE 8 ATMORAY machine in good condition. 937 E. 3rd or phone 1076-R. 2 BEDROOM modern furnished or unfurnished house. Available April 15. Inquire 347 E. Kearney. 4 ROOM house unfurnished ex cept for range for rent the Zora. 155 Lafayette. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electric stove, refrigerator service, washing facilities. Phone 892-M. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment; 164 East Irving, APARTMENTS AND HOUSES: $13.50 to $47.50 per month. Fur. nished or unfurnished. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street, 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electric stove, refrigerator and washing facilities. $20.00 per month. Also 3 room lurnisnea house, not modern. Inquire MU' seum of Wonders, north highway. OR LEASE, 7 acres, pasture, alfal fa, berry bushes, semi-modern house. Carroll Acres, first house right of closed Texaco station.' Inez Wolf, Route 1, Box S3. SMALL FURNISHED apartment suitable for one or two persons. Apply 416 Hill. DAIRY RANCH to rent on shares to good man of ability, Grade A quota, have good cows and milk ing machine. Income from start. Give all details about yourself and family. Write care of Bulletin No. 321. . ' " . ' THIS CURIOUS WORLD C f ) vSi1 . Tbk I IN A CUBIC FOOT ), r-wx riVv &tfk V OF EARTH MAY . jVA Syfsr $ . IjJ)stfu3v I INCREASE THE fcS sV-jTrfr crop output" t$ 0i( I IT ) y MUCH AS p- Y' ) 300 PKMrf ) A ( BVTUNNELINS '( tjjpSigj ) WITH Di&Esrecj I BrT!5eel55S! ."" ) AND Ae'rATE ' ( "ST - .. " ' " e .;) UNPRODUCTIVE ). THE TERM "WELTERWEIfeHT" IS USED IN WHAT SPORT OTHER. THAN BOXING? II nAtIM 1 A ANSWER: Horse racing of 28 pounds, sometimes imposed for handicap. WORD COMES FROM THE FRENCH WltrVOR MOVVS... BUT MOST SUCH PERFORMANCES ARE 61V EN IN THE a welterweight being a weight LOST "liROME SHAFT, known as a wand on Electrolux vacuum sweeper,' lost in alley 1355 Hur non Blvd. Call 648-W or 1355 Har mon. Reward. ONE MILK COW, freshens April 10. Tim Lane, Rt; i; Box 392-A. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. FOUR ROOM: Two bedroom semi, modern with garage. Lot 50x100. $450 down. Balance $10.00 per month. $1050 at Gilberts Real Es tate, 1015 Wall Street. ALMOST NEW child's trainer chair, complete with receptacle and pad. Tele. 404-J. 518 Hill. 2 AND 3 ROOM apartments com pletely furnished, gas for cooking and hot water. Inquire 65 Frank lin. Phone 1149. ' ' WANTED ELECTRIC RANGE, preferably late model. Call, 739-J. FARMERS for juniper pulling contact R. B. Watson, 1646 Galves ton, Box 891. ' USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios; George's Radio Service. New loca tion; 838 Wall St. Phone 900. -4 SEWING of all kinds. Alterations and tailoring. 937 E.' 3rd. Phone 1076-R. UPRIGHT GRAND piano. Excel lent tone. Phone 624-J. MEN'S SHOE roller skates, size 8'j. Excellent condition. Tele phone 404-J. 518 Hill. WHITE GIANT bred does and bucks. Also fine young does. Pair of Checkered Giants. All good breeding stock. Call at 147 E. Olney. Bring containers. BULLS of all kinds, Hereford, Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to freshen. Sad dle horses and saddles. Franks Service Station, phone 78-J. W. R. Franks, Redmond. 4 BEDROOM modern house, util ity room, full basement, pipeless furnace, 4 garages on back of lot. Close to mills and town. 430 Flor ida. Phone 616-W. FOR SALE OR TRADE MAN'S PRE-WAR bicycle to trade for outboard motor. 501 Riverfront. 4 ROOM modern house and new garage for $3250, with $800 casli and balance at $25 month. Furni ture can bo bought separately. Will consider a large trailer house I instead of cash. Call 1065-W or , see at 1014 Columbia. FOB RENT 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electrically equipped. 141 j ueorgia. 1'none Ybo. WANT TO BUY radiator for '30 model A, mist be in fair condi tion. 131 Scott or phone 389-R. WANT TO BUY two-row potato planter. Phono 7-F-13 Prineville, or write L. W. Nolan, Powell Butte, Oregon. SMALL STEAMER or wardrobe trunk. Phone 1006-M. . LARGE DINING room suite, chests of drawers, living room furniture. Must be reasonable. Call 745-J. 1425 E. 3rd. HELP WANTED SECRETARY with knowledge of bookkeeping, and calculating ma chine operation to work from 6:30 to 10:30 p. m.' dally. Pleasant and interesting work. Salary $100 per month. Phone G35. SOMEONE to put in 300 acres rye, in stubble. Can be double disked in. Con Broen, Bear Creek Buttcs. WOMAN for general work. Room, board and $60 per month. Apply Deschutes Cottage Hospital, 23(i E. Kearney or phone 415. GOLD LOCKET lost in or near Dairy Store last Sunday afternoon about 5:30. Reward. Return to Bulletin 'Office. . FOUND BLACK AND BROWN male pup in downtown district Bond , and fireenwood. Call Miss Miller at Bulletin office. MISCELLANEOUS MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen' uine parts. Factory trained. Eimer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furnl' ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. PRINTING Wood Research und Eliminated ; Washington. March 20 (in Thp house appropriations committee has eliminated $227,520 for wood waste research from the agrlcul-l lure department's 1H46 budget, it was disclosed today. The committee said' the army and navy advanced "very substan tial sums of monev" for research at the Madison, Wis., forest prod ucts laboratory. '"The committee believes the same sources can be relied upon mi miy sums neenea in ine luture for these purposes." the reoort said. Reps. Harris Ellsworth, R., Ore., and Homer Angell, R., Ore., testl- Ilert before the commlttpe thnr un. less the appropriation was made vast amounts. of potentially valu able forest products would be wasted. Ellsworth and Angell urged establishment of wood re. search laboratories In the Pacific northwest. said. the Americans started a new offensive along the northern per imeter. The drive was aimed at a break-through into the open country leading northward to the Ruhr basin. Field dispatches said the bridge head now measured 19 V4 milps wide along the river bank and ex tended inland as much as eight miles. ... At least 10 towns In the bridge head area were 1 captured over night, including eudenbach, 2 miles east of the Rhine-Ruhr-Berlin superhighway. The First army seized a big fighter-plane strip near Eudenbach and extended its hold on the military highway to more than 1k miles. (Continued from Page One) Odd Fellows Plan For Redmond Trip Final arrangements are being made for the special assembly of the Rebekah and I.O.O.F, lodges Friday night at 8 o'clock In the Redmond Townsend hall, local groups have announced. Bend members are to make the trip by bus, on the regular 6:15 schedule that evening. A banquet will be served prior to the assembly. Officers present will include Mrs. Ethel Bailey of Roseburg, president of the Rebekah assem- Third army tank columns were barely four miles northwest of Kaiserslautern early today. There they were only 20 miles from a juncture, with seventh army troops advancing northward through the breached Siegfried line forts near Plrmasens, ; A second major German com munications center at Ncunklrch- j en, 27 miles southwest of Kaiser-" slautern, was only two miles from Patton's vanguards this morning. The third enemy keystone at Mainz on the Rhine 45 miles north- cast of Kaiserslautern also was ; Imperiled by a tank column that drove to within seven miles of the city on the southwest. New Drive Started A mixture of 80 helium aud On the U. S. First army's Re- 20 hydrogen is non inflamma- magen bridgehead front east of bio. the Rhine, German dispatches YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. ORDER QUALITY BADY CHICKS POULTS BAKER FEED CO. Phone 188X Redmond, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS BE WISE, hire the. auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook, "f errebbhne, Oregon. Phone 19 F-3 Wllect. ; AERO-DYNE SUPER Poly Choke ;-9 barrels in one on yqur favorite shotgun. Now available, '$14.75 in stalled. Houk-Van Allen Home & Auto Supply. . SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. .Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, Q'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. CLEAN THE EASY WAY With Fuller's all-purpose cleaner. An instantaneous safe odorless cleaning preparation that takes the drudgery out of household work! Phone 594, Lloyd Whcadon, 1714 Steidl, Bend. FOR SALE . OH RENT -Two nuuM'sj un out; mil ciu.ni in, unu iwu neciroom, one two room, botn lur nished, not modern. Call 71U-J or 067-J. BUTCHER WANTED, salary above union wage. Reply to H. W. H. Adams, St. Helens, Oregon. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DA RON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 312-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 1 126 Minnesota Street. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bond Washer Service, l.')(i Green wood. Phone 583. HOUSEKEEPER to cook for one person. M. A. Piercy, Rt. 2, Box 145, Bend, Oregon. WANTED AT ONCE, beauty op erator. High salary. Guarantee plus commission, 50 and 60. Jo Ann Thomas, Beauty Quest, phone 170. 81 Oregon. FUN AND THRILLS IN BEERY'S BEST! Big Ead Beery vs. Honky Tonk Lil ! Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring LlKht Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies end Appliances General Electric Dealer .Sales and Service Phone 159 644 Franklin Bend, Ore. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1 036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Office Phone 7 Kea. Phone 819-W WAM.ACK BEERY RINXIK BARNES "Barbara Coast Gent" CAPITOL STARTS WED. 7 &AR6AtHS ft VBaaav. Are not bargains, unless you get the very best to be had for your money! Dodge-Plymouth jj FACTORY SERVICE C0 SJPHJ ENGINEERED with 'iS-si1 rAKii NEW MOTORS for Dodge Plymouth We'll Finance the Job 12 Months to Pay Motor Rebuilding it Complete Overhauling Service on All Makes of Cars We don't claim to offer bargains but we do claim to do fine mechanical work at reasonable ' prices work we can guarantee work that will keep your car performing for the duration end ; longer. Drive in for a checkup. Tire and Battery Service Lubrication Open 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. CENTRAL OREGON MOTOR CO. 825 Bond St. Distributor: Dodgo-Plymoulh Passengor Cars Dodge Job-Rated Trucks J. L. VanHuffel Phone 26 RED RYDER By FRED HARMAN If IF "lOU'hX LOCKl FOR AV - ",VW5 f ( VJHEW THAJ5 TK' f ACE HANLON J7T pPe- g g