THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON, MONDAY. INARCH 19. 1945 PAGE SIX Stocks Weaken On Peace Scare By Elmer C. Waller . (United Prtffu Financial Editor) New York, March 19 UP) Stocks weakened on "peace scare" selling, today after firmness In opening trading. Railroad and In dustrial issues led the decline. Successful American military action east of the Rhine, coupled with reports on another large scale carrier attack on Japan stimulated new talk of possible early peace in Europe, witn on out war against Nippon by Ehg land and the United States. There were a few strong side exceptions for various reasons. Best & Co. rose 46 points to a new high at 51 before reacting when It was announced tne man agement planned a 2-for-l stock split up. Lorilland proferred rose 1 points to a new mgn ana South Porto Rico sugar preferred gained 2 points. In the rails losses ranged to 2 oints or more in Atlantic Coast Ine and Nickel Plate. Rail equip ments were off more than a point in American Locomotive and American Car and Foundry. Chrysler lost more than a point in the motors. Steel shares held well, aided by a rise in mill oper ations this week when the largest tonnage will be produced since May 15 last year. , PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 19 tU'i Livestock: Cattle 1700, calves 200. Active, steady to 25c higher. Good fed steers $15.25-16.25; top $16.50; common-meoium Men- ers $10.00-13.50. Fed heifers held above $15.00. Canner-cutter cows $6.50-9.50. Medium-good beef cows 5U.uo-i3.uu.- BU11S- $11. 00-13.00. Good-choice vealers $15.00-16.00. Hogs 400. Active, steady. Good choice 165-300 lbs., $15.75. Sows $15.00. Feeder pigs $16.50-17.50. Sheep 600. Steady. Few good choice wooted lambs $15.50-15.75. Medium ewes $6.50; good quotable Pacific States Get Cut in Meat Washington, March 19 (IP) Pa cific coast states today took a new cut in utility beef rations as the war food administration raised the government set-aside from 50 per cent to 70. The increase put California, Washington, and Oregon on a par with the rest of the nation, where the higher set-aside went into ef fect Feb. 11. The extra beef will be canned to meet war require ments. Additional canning facili ties have just become available on the west coast. The order was effective March .18 and affects only federally-Inspected packers. Buy National War Bonds Now! FUN AND THRILLS IN BEERY'S BEST! Big Bad Beery vs. O Honky Tonk Lil ! WALLACE KINNIE BEERY BARNES "Barbara Coast Gent" CAPITOL STARTS WED. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert mechanical and electri cal work on all makes of cars and trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIKE SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson-Duncan 1327 WhII Plume 812 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners Sf1 tV-.ll 1. 4. Phone 524 CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Best of Materials Furnished Our periodical Inspection will Insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone Stm-W or 1I-F-2B ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights GE Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall . . rhone 98 Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 25 Words One Time . SiSe 25 Words Three Times 75c 20 Words Six Times $1.35 All word ov.r 25 add le pr word times umber of injfrtloni On moath run. m copy, Mi day ratf Minimum cnara-e, a&c LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Clautfitd Adv.rtUlnr. ta.h in Advance D.Ut Ckxlnt Tira I3:S0 P. M. FOB SALE FIVE ROOM modern house, fur nished. Located on east side. For information telephone 1025M. UTILITY TRAILER with 6x10 ft. box, ball and socket hitch, good rubber. Inquire H. McGuire, 1074 Albany Ave. ENAMELLED trash burner with copper soils, in good condition. Antlaue walnut chest of drawers. Round Oak table, radio table. Call before 6 p. in. -1429 N. Hill street, corner Portland avenue. ALMOST NEW, set of work har ness, baby baslnette with lowing legs and pad. Inquire 911 Portland avenue. ,.-. CLYDE'S BARBER shop, Red mond, Oregon. '.' THREE BEDROOMmodern home west side on paved street, $3,250. Terms $1,500 down,' balance $40 per month. Frank , McGarvey, Bank of Bend Building. CHEAP PLACE: Near town. Three room. Electricity, wood shed, earaee. $550. Low down pay ment. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota. 3 BEDROOM, plastered Interior, basement, furnace, paved street, west side near mill. $3250. Some terms. 333 Federal. Phone 1129-W. $3500 BUYS 2 modern four room houses, west side, near Kenwood school. Would consider car on deal. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon St. NOTICE: We can deliver in load lots (3 or 4 cords) dry body or partly dry limbs. Delivery prom ised from 1 to 3 days. Wood saw ed length desired. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. BLACK & DECKER electric post drill. Furniture Exchange, 315 Greenwood. CORRAL FERTILIZER, haul yourself. 365 E. Seward. IDEAL FAMILY HOME: Six room plastered. Hardwood floors, t -T V.. ""'"' heat,1' air-conditioned. Rock woo) insulation. Rake Shake finish. First class construction. Used only short time. Garage, wood shed. East side. See owner. Ar nolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota St. DRY JACKPINE block wood, $9.00 per cord, dry jackpine slab wood $7.00 per cord. Any length you want. 154 Adams Place. D. W. Beck. $3500 BUYS large two bedroom modern furnished home. 2 lots on corner, west side. Immediate pos session. $1000 cash handles. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon St.- 3 DAY OLD Jersey and Hereford calves. Call at J. L. Jones ranch, Route 2, Box 151, Bend, Tumalo District. FERTILIZER, $1.00 per trailer load, haul yourself. Several gentle Holstein and Guernsey milk cows. Call 34-F-3. Everett Donahue, 3rd house from King's Market south highway. WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS . Service on all makes of wash ing machine ami electrical ap pliances. ' Bend Washer Service 136 Greenwood Phone 583 Heating Plumbing PLUMBING t Steam fitting New Work Repairing Home Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 143 Greenwood I'hone217-W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing Id Long Distance Household Goods Movement MONUMENTS R.C.CARYL "The Monument Man" 1SSS Awbrey Ed- Tel. 629-M FOR SALE ACREAGES: We have some nice acreages close in, that are priced right. Come In and let us show you. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. 14 HEAD feeder pigs from 100 to 150 lbs. 6 gilts. 18c lb. Claude Gant, Rt. 1, Box 430. Phone ll-F-2. fiAS HEATER. 10 radiant, day- hod. breakfast set. two rugs and one pad, chest of drawers, small tables, etc. inquire oju mveiaiuc-. THREE ROOM: Modern, well built, cellar, good garage, corner lot, wired for electric range, nice flower garden. A cute place and Driced right at $2050. Gilberts Real Estate. SOUTH WIND eas heater for car. Works good. Quick heat. Harold Brown, 374 E. Kearney, Bend, Ore, SIZE 8 ATMORAY machine in eood condition. 937 E. 3rd or phone 1076-R. BROODER STOVES and parts--Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. FOUR ROOM: Two bedroom semi modern with garage. Lot 50x100. $450 down. Balance $10.00 per month. $1050 at Gilberts Real Es tate, 1015 Wall Street. ONE 9x12 Mulberry rug, two scat ter rues to match. Call at 740 Silvis Lane or phone 1009-R. UPRIGHT GRAND piano. Excel lent tone. Phone 624-J. WHITE GIANT bred does and bucks. Also fine young does. Pair of Checkered Giants. All good breeding stock. Call at 147 E. Olney. Bring containers. 4 BEDROOM modern house, util ity room, full basement, pipeless furnace, 4 garages on back of lot. Close to mills and town. 430 Flor ida. Phone 616-W. FEMALE COCKER spaniel pup. Inquire Hatch Service Station. FOR SALE OR TRADE MAN'S PRE-WAR bicycle to trade for outboard motor. 501 Riverfront. 4 ROOM modern house and new garage for $3250, with $800 cash and balance at $25 month. Furni ture can be bought separately. Will consider a large trailer house instead or cash, call iut5-w or I see at 1014 Columbia. FOR RENT 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electrically equipped. 141 Georgia. Phone 766. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electrically equipped. 141 Georgia. Phone 766. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electric stove, refrigerator service, washing facilities. Phone 892-M. 2 FURNISHED apartments for rent. 504 Lava Road. Phone 850-R. 2 BEDROOM modern furnished or unfurnished house. Available April 15. Inquire 347 E. Kearney. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electric stove, refrigerator service, washing facilities. Phone 892-M. APARTMENTS AND HOUSES: $13.50 to $17.50 per month. Fur nished or unfurnished. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. Refrigerator Service All Typei of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond Mlnnmntii Phnnp 8ft! LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Daily Service Every Da Of the Year Phone 544 Trees Shrubs Vines Roses Evergreens and fruits. Extra hurdv Minne sota Stwk. Slook sold I-'.O.B. nursery, delivered or nlnnted. Free estimates for landscaping. Will compete with all catalog prices. HAINES NURSERY Cor. Kast 8th and Norton Phnno IXi.'i Bond. Ore. INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AITO ITHE LIFE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. FOR RENT FURNISHED semi-modern cot. tage. Phone 530 or call at C29 Quimby. OR LEASE. 7 acres, pasture, alfal fa, berry bushes, semi-modern house. Carroll Acres, lirst house right of closed Texaco station. Inez Wolf, Route l, Box S3. MODERN FURNISHED house, close in. t-none bjd-j. WANTED WALNUT OR MAPLE chest of drawers, metal army cot ana wicker bassinet in good condition, 335 Portland Ave. ELECTRIC RANGE, preferably late mouei. uau m j. USED RADIOS Will pay top nrlces tor eooa usea radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion. 838 Wall St. Phone 900. HAVE LARGE tractor, tandem disk, plow, and large tiller. Will do farm work by nour. cnaries tsurk art, 2 miles out on Bend-Burns highway. SEWING of all kinds. Alterations and tailoring. 937 E. 3rd. Phone 1076-R. . i TO BUY 3 or more bedroom mod ern home on east side, preferably near Allen school, write 12223 Bulletin. WANT TO BUY radiator for '30 model A, must be in fair condi tion. 131 Scott or phone 389-R. WANT TO BUY two-row potato planter. Phone 7-F-13 Prineville, or write L. W. Nolan, Powell Butte, Oregon. SMALL STEAMER or wardrobe trunk. Phone 1006-M. LARGE DINING room suite, chests of drawers, living room furniture. Must be reasonable. Call 745-J. 1425 E. 3rd. HELP WANTED APPLY for MERIT SYSTEM EX AMINATIONS for PERMANENT positions with the State at 616 Mead Building, Portland 4. SOMEONE to put in 300 acres rye, and stubble. Can be double disked in. Con Breen, Bear Creek Buttes. BUTCHER WANTED, salary above union wage. Reply to H. W. H. Adams, St. Helens, Oregon. WANTED AT ONCE, beauty op erator. High salary. Guarantee plus commission, 50 and 60. Jo. Ann Thomas, Beauty Quest, phone 170. 81 Oregon. HIGH SCHOOL girl to help with housework after school several days a week. 335 Portland Ave. USED CARS 1937 PLYMOUTH coupe for sale under ceiling price. Good condi tion. Can see it after 6 p. m. 1254 bast second St. LOST SET OF KEYS oh chain, in or near Post Office. Return to W. B. Ream. Phone 62. Reward. STERLING SILVER maple leaf earring with sapphire setting lost on Wall St. Reward for return to Geo. Chllds Hardware Co. or phone 329. GOLD LOCKET lost In or near Dairy btore last Sunday afternoon about 5:30. Reward. Return to Bulletin office. 3 KEYS on celluloid ring. Please leave ai tsuuetin oltlce. FOUND STRAYED to Richards Ranch one yearling Guersey bull, one 6 month Jersey bull. Owner take animals on payment of damages. Butler Market road. MISCELLANEOUS BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19 F-3 collect. ATTENTION juniper wood turn ers, have 3 large logs red juniper perfect for wood turning. G. S. McCartney, 4'a miles north of Tumalo, Rt. 2, Bend. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment- Offlr r-hona 7 Rm. Phon. 119-W RED RYDER RED DE (3DE5 TO KEEP HI5 APpeiNnn&NiT with cwshal Burke rtOT KrtOWWo IT TO E ACE HAMLOtfS TKAP TO FRAME Hl, FOR fvO&P-ERY. MISCELLANEOUS AERO-DYNE SUPER Poly Choke 9 barrels in one on your favorite shotgun. Now available, $14.75 in stalled. Houk-Van Allen Home St Auto Supply. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's ana women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brlnson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. CLEAN THE EASY WAY With Fuller's all-purpose cleaner. An instantaneous safe odorless cleaning preparation that takes the drudgery out of household work. Phone 594, Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 atemi, Bend. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DA RON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine parts. Factory trained. Elmer Hudson, lormerjy at Bend Furni ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. . LEGAL NOTICES J NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of William Chester Evans, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned executrix of the es tate of William Chester Evans, deceased, to creditors and all per sons having claims against said deceased to file them with the necessary vouchers within six months after the first publication of this notice at the office of Cun ning & Brewster in Redmond, Ore gon, which said office the under signed selects as her address in all matters connected with the estate of the deceased. Dated at Bend, Oregon this 10th day of March, 1945. , LILLIAN CAMPBELL, Execu trix of the estate of William Ches ter Evans, deceased. Date of first publication, March 12, 1945. Date of final publication, April 2, 1945. 82-88-94-lOOc NOTICE OF HEARING ' NOTICE; IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing upon the final ac count of Mrs. REITHA FISH, administratrix of the Estate of DEE BROOKS, deceased, filed herein, will be held in the County Courtroom of the Courthouse in Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday the 25th day of April, J.945, and all persons interested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place and show cause,-if any they have, why said final account should not be ap proved, the estate settled and closed, and the administratrix dis charged. DATED: at Bend, Oregon, this 19th day of March, 1945. MRS. REITHA FISH, Admin istratrix of the Estate of DEE BROOKS, deceased. DE ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys at law, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon. 88-94-100-106c Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring ijRht Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 644 Franklin Bend, Ore. vwqa wwvje aimt inquisitive ai k ( i a outside 11-. "he must be. tm1 l W BACK )( A&OUT VES, Ac'S HAW MOfcsU ( ASKED A&OLJT YC-')( FELLOW lE VyS6ER-'lS WITH SIEALTHr V, THOUGHT I'D ift. )l TO SEE -WAT I Ration Calendar Processed Foods. Book 4 Blue stamps X5 through B2 valid through March 31. Blue stamps C2 through G2 valid through April 28. Blue stamps H2 through M2 valid through June 2. Blue stamps N2 through S2 valid through June 30. Meat, Butter, Cheese: Book 4 Red stamps Q5 through S5 valid through March 31. Red stamps T5 through X5 valid through April 28. Red stamps Y5 through D2 valid through June 2. Red stamps E2 through J2 valid through June 30. Sugar: Book 4 Sugar stamp 35 valid through June 2. Shoes: Loose stamps invalid Book 3 Airplane stamps 1-2-3 now valid. . Gasoline: Coupons not valid un less endorsed "A" 14 coupons, 4 Austelle Dresses 7.90 I me. m- Im0 jeVV.. gal. each valid through March 21. "A" 15 coupons, 4 gal. each, Valid ttii-nnph June 21. Stoves: Apply local board for oil, gas stove certificates. . Wood, Coal, Sawdust: Dealer de termines delivery priority from consumer's written statement of annual needs and quantity on hand. , Fuel Oil: Period 1-S (incl) cou pons valid through August 31. Not more than 16 of .season's rations should have been used to date In Portland area, 75 in Roseburg area, and 60 In North Head .area. Health Seal Sales Net High Figure Nettini? a erand total of $4,- ; 040.07, the seal sale sponsored by the Deschutes couniy puDiic health association averaged a re turn of $1.45 from each contribu- for the Eastor Parade ' -aatf vjt sit J fk; fJfh yC' c r vase'' (Y-.i c In-n IK tor, reports presented lastUT" day at the regular meetine ot V?" Sry 4366 weT during the campaign. 1 Plans for the 1945-46 burf . of the organization were dlscS and executive council meS completed tentative an-angZ? for the mobile X-ray unit S will appear in Bend late 1? year. 1011 Members of the council nr ent at the session Included- w Maurice Roberts, Redmond.'Dr dent; Mrs. Hugh Cole, Bend-jET E. O. Adams, Redmond; Mrs. w H. Coahran, Bend; Mrs. Uovj Smyth, Redmond; Miss Zola it Dougall, Bend; Mrs. Chris Kosw Bend. The army's 20-ton light tart by virtue of its 75-mtllimeter m packs the wallop of a medium tank; powered with two eight cylinder passenger car engines it has a speed of 40 miles an hour THE COATS The look of April in Chesterfields and clas- styles! Pastel shades all , beautifully tailored and lined. THE SUITS Parade on East er ia a ready-for-Spring pastel suit! Soft spun weaves with thenewcardigan neckline. The Dresses Gay prints, -flower bright for Easter, in rich jerseys and crepes, your choice of I -of 2-piece styles. 12-20. Joyful Hats 2.98 All decked out for those balmy Spring days bright colors, soft colors in gaily styled felts trimmed with veils and matching felt flow ers! Straws, too, garlanded with colorful bows and flowers! Adjust able. By FRED HARM AN s-v' l lirako Rood Phone 81(1 ' John W. Smith, Agent li8 Awbrey Rd. Phone 6tM-V "' ' 1 .... i-.Mj........-...f,,i,.i arm j