t - m Local News Maximum yesterday, 40 degrees, yuuinuui last night, 30 degree. Temperatures: 10 p.m, SS de crees i 10 a-"1'1 88 degrees. Velo ?nv of wlnu; 10 pjn, 4 miles; 10 t, ni-i Ted Marble, member of The nulleUn mechanical staff, left this alternwii - in Kiaraam t , Lt Jack Wells, formerly sta nt the Redmond air field, was in Bend last night, on his way to a base in California. Lt. Wells made Bend his home while on duty at the Redmond field. Mrs. O. M. Gray, former Bend Vasldent, is visiting here from her Jome in California. jXOUcn ncnuri sunn la visii ing here over the week-end from hit station at Pasco, Wash. Mrs. Hcndershott and son, Robert, are making their home in Bend while 1 1 Hendershott, son of Dr.' and Lil' -- . r r t 1. .... i .... Mrs rv. vv xrc""cioiiuii, la uii dutv as a navy flier. Miss Eleanor Bechen of The Bulletin staff left yesterday eve ning for Portland. George Tackman of Prinevllle was a business caller here today. Mrs. Nellie Watts of Madras, last night was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn. She is Jefferson coun ty school superintendent. Lee Griner was a business vis itor here today from Burns. Eleanor Lafferty and Angeline Fletcher of Warm Springs, were in Bend shopping today. Fo O. E. Wahl, stationed at the Redmond army air , field, ' spent last night as a guest at the Pilot Butt inn. - Supervisor Ralph W. Crawford, Fire Assistant Gail Baker and Rangers Eugene Wilmoth, Bend, lind Harold Gustafson, Sisters, of the Deschutes national forest, to day attended a meeting in Red mond of the Metolius Cattlemen's Continuous Show From 1 P. M. mm y?rmii , v rah .WN 8f v Siat He A Smi J f U...L TV. VJ ( i" SW Nrm Smi St. Look Blatt l a Coiaf Te jes ;7 ""tM i&z, rati mm U l-5 V !.'. HEAR: II 1: 1 " i f ix V Bugs Bunny O Musical O Novelty Ends Tonight "Tahiti association. Members of the asso ciation run stock in the Squaw creek and Sparks lake areas. Pvt. Douglas D. Dodge, son of R. J. Dodge, Route 2, Box 307 Bend, has arrived In the United States on furlough from the Med iterranean theater of operations where he served 25 months with the field artillery.- Pvt. Stanley M. Paul, son of Mr and Mrs. Nick R. Paul, 1401 South' Third street, Bend, is serving with the field artillery 1n the Philin Dines. Hp u with th , . - uisiiiuuiucu cavalry of the First cavalry divi- jiun mai engagea in tne Battle for Manila. Gr&pe Mnnrmnn 5 ) ACllUUItU place, today was a patient in the oi. tuuues nosprtai. Frank H. Loggan left this morn Ing for Portland, to attend a con ference of radio station managers He is also to attend a meeting in Tacoma, Wash. Mrs. W. B. Anderson left this morning for Portland to visit Mrs. George Star of that city. MrS. C C. Tavln matioanv n the Mode O'Day dress shop, is connnea to st. Charles hospital. Mrs. R. R WarH nf was a visitor in Bend yesterday. . r.. irvine, paymaster for Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company , ... -...j .... . . i I.U.U1WCU IU Lumbermen's hospital for several weeks, was reported today to be showing marked improvement. W. B. Anderson is expectd to re turn to his home in Bend Monday from Minnesota, where he visited his father. The mnnthlv moatlnrr tt 4U Confraternity of Christian Doc trine was held last night in the Catholic parish house. Mrs. Fred Shepard of Tumalo, was a Bend visitor yesterday. Dr. Wayne S. Ramsey, Des chutes county public health offi cer, announced todav that hp would leave Monday for Pendle ton where he win spend a week functioning as Umatilla health officer. Because that coun ty has no health officer, Dr. Ram- Sev is rpOllirpri to Knpn1 a upaIi- there each month. 2 DAYS STARTING TOMORROW &$s&sm '"Win AVr "Ml Of TVim I. A Tl. U II. vi aw hum A Vod fvrxlt Yoor Hcatt 'Bowery ft A Nights" w , Champs" Walter Daron, Bend realtor, to day had returned from a business trip to Portland. Dr. Phillip Dencer, retired den tist who is a patient at the St. Charles hospital, today was re ported improved. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. . Adv. NOTICE MEMBERS IWA LOCAL 6-7 Regular meeting Sunday March 18, at 2:00 P.M. Union hall 933 Bond Street. Adv. Dance at the I.O.O.F. Hall Sat, March 17 at 9:00 p. m. for the Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and friends. Admission $1.00 per couple. Refreshments included. Adv. ATTENTION SIR KNIGHTS Be in full uniform at Masonic Temple 2:00 p. m. Sunday for service of Maurice S. Brown. Adv. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends for their thoughtfulness during our recent bereavement. We espe cially wish to thank the high school student body, the seventh and eighth grades and their teach ers. Mrs. Velma Miller and family Mrs. Margaret Miller Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Miller and family. Adv. High School Girfs' Dance Successful The first dance of its kind to be held by the Bend Junior high school girls' athletic groups which was held last night in the school cafeteria, today was pronounced a big success by Lorena B. Rich, gins- sports instructor who was in charge. The dance, an- invita tion affair, was attended by about 60 boys and girls. The cafeteria was decorated in the St. Patrick motif, with sham rocks and green streamers. Punch was served in intermissions. The circle dance proved most al luring to the dancers, who also had a grand march and Laconda. Varied music was furnished by the school's electric phonograph. Firemen Answer Two Fire Calls TlpnH pltV flrnmnn timrn rti.t rn I two calls shortly before noon to- day, but no damage resulted, they , reported. The first call was to a dwelling at 426 Colorado street, where a flue fire was burning. It was ex tinguished without loss. The sec ond call which came while fire men were still out on the chinv ney blaze was to the Evergreen studios, 906 Wall street, where an oil stove had backfired without damage. CO-OP TO MEET Redmond, March 17 Schedul ing important business, members of the Central Electric co-operative will hold their 1945 annual meeting here in the Odem the ater on March 22, it was an nounced today by Morgan Sharp, superintendent. Members of 'the co-operative who attend the meet ing will be given a luncheon at the Townscnd hall by the Town send club women. The business session starts at 10 a. m. i X mam POSITIVELY LAST CHANCE TONIGHT BLOODY BATTLE OF IWO JIMA FROM A VAST 800 SHIP INVASION FLEET 40,000 MARINES DRIVE TO SHORE March of Time & 'Lake Placid Serenade Sunday O Monday UK sJth TE; mm if inrrf i arkMMM fgnitriiii i mi nm fitVriynHr fl THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, .... , ..... . . Red Cross Names W. B. Morse as ChapterChairman Prinevllle, March 17 (Special) At the annual meeting of the local Red Cross chapter held recently in the high school auditorium, W. B. Morse was re-elected to serve as chairman of the organi zation. Other official positions will be filled during the ensuing year by Harold Gray, vice-chairman; Mrs. Calvin Butler, treasurer; Mrs. C. I. Colgrove, secretary. Dick McRae presided in the ab sence of Morse who is attending the state legislature. Rev. Edward H. Cook, rector of St. Andrew's Episcopal church, offered the in vocation, which was followed by several choral numbers by the high school glee clubs under the leadersmp of Miss Sophie Mes senger, music instructor. Home Service Reports Reports from the Home serv ice department the third of its kind to be organized in the state were presented by Mrs. Elizabeth Forsythe, head of the department, who revealed that a group of 12 women known as the Home Serv ice corps put in 2145 hours of service aiding 261 servicemen and their families at an expense of $1239.41. The production department, headed by Mrs. William Endicott, turned out 3,647 articles. A large group of volunteer workers gave 7264 hours of active service. The Junior Red Cross completed and delivered to Superintendent R. H. McAtee 1184 articles, includ ing wash cloths, afghans, bound stories, cartoon books and ply wood lap boards. Hugh Vindal Speaks Hugo Vandal, recently returned from 14 months of active service in England, Scotland and Wales as Red Cross club director, touch ed on his experiences while on overseas duty to the group. Also speaking before the group were G. S. Vergeer, roll call chair man, who mentioned the Crook countv response in already nett ing half of the 1945 established eoal of 577UU, ana Mrs. m. u. Barnev. mavor of Prineville, who made an urgent plea lor aaaitionai workers at the production centei. A bond booklet containing tun reports of the year's work In all departments were presented to each member contributing to the annual fund. i W.S.C.S. Schedules Meeting Members of the W.S.C.S. will meet at 2 p.m. Wednesday as fol lows: Group 1, Mrs. Harold Sum mers, 325 Congress street, with Mrs. W. R. Foster having the les son; Group 2, Mrs. Vance Coyner, 1436 Harmon boulevard, Mrs. H. B. Dyer, lesson, and Group 3 with Mrs. T. D. Sexton, 1374 Co lumbia avenue, with Mrs. Anton Kossen having the lesson. Paxt Noble Grands To Meet The Past Noble Grands club will meet in regular session at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Odd Fellows hull, it was reported today. Hostesses will he Mrs. Avon Kittleson and Mrs. Lydla Anderson. i! fill! Jj Ml Mr m Ww 'Si vim' -a O Tuesday I ? rW'WW tmSWmW NEWS OF SOCIETY (All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later than 10 a.m. on the das of publication, Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays.) Irish Ladies To Hold 30th Annual Dance Under the sponsorship of the Bend Irish Ladies, the 30th an nual St. Patrick's dance will be held tonight in the former USO hall on Wall street. Music will be by Bud Russell's orchestra. Annually, this dance is one of the highlights of the pre-spring season, and the committee in charge, Mrs. Bill Hatch and Mrs. Gil Moty, promises that the 19-15 dance will be no exception. Sand wiches and beverages will be sold. Dancing is to start at 9 o'clock. It will be open to the public. Injured Soldier's Sister to Serve In Nurse Corps Just at present, Pfc. Richard S. Logan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fisher C. Logan of Terrebonne. is of little service to America in its fight against nazis and Japs, due to the loss of a leg in France, out his sister, Bertha, will going to carry on. She left to day for St. Joseph hospital, In Vancouver, Wash., to enter cadet nurse training. Bertha Is a gradu ate from Redmond union high school with the class of 1944. Richard, convalescing from his war injury at Bushnell general hospital, in Brigham, Utah, Is home on a brief furlough, and, with his sister and father, was a visitor In Bend yesterday. Rich ard was shot by a sniper, near St. Marie, France, on Nov. 25, in the opening phase of the battle for Germany, and his leg was am putated just above the knee. At present, he Is having a little dif ficulty manipulating crutches, but, he points out, he will be pro vided with an artificial limb. He hopes to be able to continue his service in the army, in some capacity- Miv and Mrs. Logan also have another son, Lt. Allen II. Logan, in the service. He is a P-38 pilot, In action on the western European front. Parishioners Fete Pastor, Family, Before Departure Prineville, March 17 (Special) Rev. and Mrs. A. Ted Goodwin and Ihpir family of the First Bap tist church who are leaving this week to become established In San Jacinto, Calif., were feted on a number of occasions last week. Thev were frequent dinner miosis of various members of their narish and a not luck dinner was given in I heir honor by the fellowship club of Hie church. The couple was presented with a lace table cloth and a leather bound photograph album containing snapshote of club members. Last Sunday afternoon a public reception was given in the church parlors which attracted residents of Prineville, Redmond, Bend and outlying districts. The church membership presented them with a portable communion. VFW Auxiliary Announces Dor once At the last meeting of the Vrt Wnrs Lndies auxiliary plans were laid fur a dance and parly to he hem sauir day night at Pine Forest grange to which servicemen, families anil friends are invited. Members voted to donate $30 to tho Red Cross work. Ladies who h.r-!imn new members Wel'P .Tel'- rlne Gilbert. Jessie Da Mel, Janet (iillMM I, wanaoeu i, 1 1 Edna Swager. Following the business meeting post and auxiliary members were served refreshments a I the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Whipple, 1335 Galveston. AAUW Un'it Hears Symposium Team Highlights of the monthly meet ing of the American Association of University Women Thursday nlghl at the home of Mrs. George dimnrville. fV. l Harriman. was the , . ,,,,, i, ...iw.,,1 appearance of a Ben I h is. o, I symposium team, of v I h .1 inf Alfrey was than man. s ''lK' ing part were Jackie ilahn. M'S - 11.1 k'niehl and Lee Reinhait. The team is coached by Wayne l. Overholser of the llcnd high school faculty. Hostesses were Mrs. Charles II. Overbiiv and Mrs. Almeda J. Hoist. Refreshments were served. .laveee Auxiliary Merl Members of Hie Junior Chamber nf commerce auxiliary will meet, at 8 p.m. Monday in Ihe sun room of the Pilot iiutte inn. H ' ,.,uu ,.r.iim-,.(l lollav liv Mrs. wiif,-ri wv mess leiiVsenta n Mic 1 iii-v Iavi-;on oi ineinieci a or uay ,n wie ouon- ll" 'l ar. men.. isJ.Ma.y Hunte,- 1032 Cumberla It hedged to entcrt'in by show-, street, lor a 6-o'clock potluck d; 1 1:lg a m0t0n picture. ner. It was announced today. 1945 SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight 9 p.m. Annual aance sponsor ed by the Irish lauies, in lormer USO hall. a p.m. Dance at Moose hall for memoers ana lriends. 9 p.m. Dance in the I.O.O.F. hall lor Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and friends. Monday 6 p.m. District H Nurses asso ciation, Mary Hunter, 1032 Cum berland. 8 p.m. Royal Neighbors dance, Norway hall. , Tuesday Circles 2 and 3 will meet In the Catholic parish with Mrs. Ben Shannon as hostess. 2 p.m. Post Noole Grands club, Oda Fellows hall. 2 p.m. Circle number 1, home oi jvirs. j. k. Cunningham, 441 Florida. 2:30 p.m. Ladies Guild of the Trinity Episcopal church will meet at me nome oi Aire. Evans, 604 Riverside drive. 8 p.m. Past Presidents' club will meet with Mrs. Delbert Maples, 1362 Albany street. Wednesday 2 p.m. W.S.C.S. meets with Mrs. Harold Summers, Mrs. Vance coyner and Mrs. T. D. Sexton, 8 p.m. Catholic Altar society win meet wun Mrs. waiter lian sen, 28 Mueller street. Red Cross Worker Will Wed Sergeant The engaagement of Miss Caro lyn Boylan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Boylan of Portland, former Bend residents, to SSgt. fatanly B. Langeherg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Langeberg of Olympia, Wash., has Just been an nounced. Miss Boylan ' attended Bend high school, graduating with the class of 1941. Since then she has been with the American Red Cross and Is now stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash., Her father is a former Deschutes county dis trict attorney. SSgt. Langeberg, who is now convelescing in Hoff General hos pital in Santa Barbara, Calif., re turned to the United Slates In December after 33 months In the Southwest Pacific. He also at tended Bend high school as his parents are former residents of this city. No wedding date has been set. Boy Scouts Give Farewell Party Troop 20 of the Boy Scouts of America, sponsored by the V.F.W. post, gave a farewell surprise par ty for its Senior Patrol leader, Tom Rhoads, who Is leaving fori the navy this week. He was presented with a large cake with "Our Best Wishes U.S.N." Along with this, the group enjoyed ice cream. Scoutmaster Pike, T o m Khoads, Wayne En trikln, Virgil Moss and Cecil Rhoads gave brief talks. Tom was sworn in the navy Feb. 13 In Port land and is being sent to the Great Lakes training station for radar technical training. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Khoads, 1037 Lexington, Bend. This makes two sons Ihey have In the service. Their other son, Robert, Is with the 9th army In Belgium. Both are former carriers for The Bend Bulletin. Royal Neighbors Plan Celebration Of 50th Birthday The Royal Neighbors of Amer ica will celebrate the 50th anni versary of the organization with a dancing parly next Monday niKhl at the Norway hall, II was announced today. A short busi ness meeting will precede the dance, business affairs being con sidered at 7:0 p.m. sharp. The dance is to follow at H o'clock. Music is to be furnished by Harry Marshall. The refreshment commit lee Is composed of Mrs. Wayne Hamil ton, Mrs. Joseph Ec,g, and Mrs. Ada Ilelbig. Group lliildn Meeting The Ladies auxiliary of Deschutes Canton No. 19, held its regular meeting last night in Ihe I.O.O.F. hall at H o'clock, with Mrs. I). N. ifianam, presioeni, hi iouiki:. ', mrpi tinm,r I M) M m .,.,, nrxl meeting of the group will lie on , .j y() jn Ih , (, , , ,.. hllU wilh Graham, president, ill charge. r the following members compris ing Ihe refreshment committee: Mrs. Walter Daron, Mrs. I). N. Graham, Mrs. Fred Gibson and Mrs. Carl Johnson. ( irele I to Meet - Circle 4 of the Catholic Altar society is sched uled to meet next Wednesday nt X p. m. with Mrs. Waller Hansen, 2H Mueller avenue, according lo an announcement today. Nurse to Meet Members of - 1 District 11 Nut. sex association will of nd din- State, National Discuss Vital Legislation The importance of all women familiarizing themselves with leg islative procedure was stressed by miss unve Huston, ncid director of the national organization of Business and Profession Women, and Mrs. Constance Webber, state president ot Business and Pro fessional Women clubs, at Thurs day night's dinner and business meeting held at 7 p.m. in the Pine Tavern. The local BPW was urged by both leaders to support world peace proposals as outlined in the Dumbarton uuks plan. Discussing . membership, Miss Huston emphasized that to be suc cessful an organization must hold Development of Drama Traced at League Meeting Mrs. Ed Beckley outlined the development of the drama and received a current play for mem bers of the Jr. Civic League who met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Gale Pelker. Mrs. Beckley described episodes from tho highly emotional "Trio" which was runnine on Broadwav while she was in New York sever al weeks ago. The speaker was formerly active with the west Chester County Players in New York. At the business meeting which preceded the program, Mrs. Beck ley was appointed to serve on the Camp Fire council succeeding Mrs. Del Hale, who has accepted ATTENTION HARD OF HEARING FREE CLINIC Pilot Butte Inn Saturday Sunday, March 18, By Special Appointment S. C. MITCHELL Dealer in ACOUSTICON Hearing Aids 2I4 Miner Bldg., Eugene, Ore. SUPPOSE IHE RED CROSS had ip Quiff How would YOU ileep tonijlit. If I'ou'd made your Red Cross fad a nneljr mm or wir prisoner? Their Red Cross is YOU It depends solely oa YOt'R gifts. Gin morel CIVE i-H-j CIV! BrooU-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. and The Shevlin-Hixon Company U. S. Army Unit HORIZONTAL 53 Out of (prefix) 1 Depicted It "mn, insigne of the S3 Boundary U. S. Army mark 80th T Moke into law 11 Railroad (ab.) 12 Dispatch 13 Sea oarjle 14 Sloth 15 Division ot geological time 17 Coral islands 19 Consumed 20 West Indian shrub 22 Morsels 23 Roman mad 24 Subterr:r.?ous tunnels 28 Heavy blows 27 Coin 28 Five ar.d five (pl) 29 From 30 Transport (ab.) 31 Woody plant 33 Short Jacket 36 Keen 37 Is carried 39 Units of weight 40 Great Lake 44 First man 45 Amount (ab.) 46 Rent roll 48 Theatrical sign (ab.) 49 Mother 90 Cooking vessel 51 Silkworm VERTICAL 1 Sleeping vision 2 Pertaining to Irony 3 lt an In signe of the U. S. Army 4 Ocean 5 To the inside 6 Smell 7 flitter vetch 8 Names (ab.) 9 Supplies with food 10 Rows 13 Cloth measures PAGE FIVE Officers Its members after it has persuad ed them to join its roster. She recommended group participation In projects and suggested a ro tation method of drafting all mem bers to take part. "'Program chairman should study particularly the native abll. itles of various members," Miss Huston declared . "Investigate what each person does well." Miss Houston and Mrs. Webber are en route to Portland to attend the forthcoming regional meet ing of Business and Professional Women clubs. Guests present at the session were six members of the Prine vllle BPW club. a guardianship. Refreshments were served the hostess, by Geneva Davis to Serve as Officer Geneva Davis of Redmond has been elected to serve as vice-presi dent of the sophomore-freshman "activators" group of the Universi ty of Oregon Y. W. C. A. Officers elected last week are: LoDoll Lamson of Wlllamina, president; Geneva Davis of Red mond, vice-president; Betty John son of Portland, treasurer. Paat Presidents To Meet The Past Presidents of the Degree of Honor will meet next Tuesday at 8 p.m., with Mrs. Delbert Staples, WbV! Amany street, It was an- nounccd today. Answer la lrTlia Pnle 11 16 Baseball squad 18 Lieutenant (ab.) 19 Solar disk 21 Loaners 23 Inertness 25 Precipitous 26 Musteline mammal 31 Man's name 32 Rave 34 Excess of chances 35 Closer 36 Pound 38 Long, loose garment 40 Even (contr.) 41 Registered nurse (ab.) 42 Genus of shrubs 43 Merit 46 Male sheep 47 Cover1 50 Place (ah.) 52 Part of "be" tpfll JOHN gffig i iTHI' !sP i C i H l fe ? 6 4 10 H TKiil i3 "iiT ;i iTfi is pii" 5i zZ!i -jmt ps" mw life iiji Olid riii pi 1 1 1 n it