r ... ... THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 1 6, 1 945 India Missionary To Speak in Bend Herbert Rice, LL.D., a Presbyterian missionary at home mrloush from India, will ;"neak in the First Presbyterian 20. at 8 o'clock. -! br. Rice is the principal of Forman Christian college at La hore, India. He first went to India iln lyUb aa tt Biivn -iciiii wuiiiu av 'vorman Christian college, but iwas appointed to regular mission Lrv service in 1910. At Forman nr. Rice developed the first psy chological laboratory to be estab- isheu in noruieui j.uuia, luiuing it necessary as part of his worK fto arrange in Hindustani the Binet uoint test of mentality, as all such i: ...Axa larlina In iha Ian. fcuage. He was invited to teach iat the Punjab government univer Uitv and became vice-principal of ,Forman Christian college. In 1920 hp was elected principal of the (newly reorganized Allahabad Christian college ana. was Trans ferred to that city. There he . ii, . i in ...i i served umu iou wneii ne was rpcalled to Lahore to take the Iprincipalstiip of Lahore's Forman CnriSUOil limcgc . , i Dr. Rice Is an Iowan by birth, was graduated from Wooster col lege, Ohio, and Auburn Theologi cal seminary, ne nas aiso aone graduate study at Columbia and ii he Graduate School at Princeton. His wife is a sister of .Dr. Arthur Compton, winner oi me isoDei nrize in physics, who was asso ciated with Dr. Rice in the Punjab luniversity when spending a sab batical year as lecturer in pnysics at Lahore, and when making one iof his earliest expeditions to the iglacial lakes of Kashmir in con- IieCUUII Willi v.uiiitt iaj icanuui! ! Other speakers on the team will include two India natives, Khazan fSingh and Miss Soule. Airplane Shares Go Up on Mart By Elmer C. Walzer (United Preaa Financial Editor) New York, March 16 HP) A spurt of 1 to more than 2 points in airline issues ana a new nign since August 17, 1937 in rails fea tured a firm stock market today. Airlines were sought on reports that many will be given permis sion to operate in South America. United Air Lines made a new hjgh on a rise of more than 2 points on its earnings statement showing record net profit. Ameri can at its high was up more than a point. Eastern and transconti nental made new highs and Pan American equaled its high. New highs were noted in Santa Fe, Atlantic Coast Line and Tex as & Pacific. Pere Marquette is sues rose as much as 4 points in the preferred and others of the Allegheny group strengthened on holicf the I.C.C. would not order elimination of control of the roads by Allegheny. Steels and motors' werd higher. Oils had gains ranging to a point on recently published reports showing substantial gains in net profits. PAGE SEVEN Santiam Snow mm 81 Inches- Reported just short of seven foot deep, the snow on the San tiam divide today had reached the greatest depth in recent years, ac cording to a report to the state highway department headquar ters in Bend. Highway mainten ance men on the Santiam route reported a depth of 81 inches this morning, and with light snowfall continuing. Snow flurries continued all along the summit of the Cascades, with more in prospect for tonight and tomorrow, the weatherman said. A totfal depth of 66 inches of snow was reported at the sum mit of the Willamette highway, with four inches of new snow noted in ttio night. A depth of 55 inches was recorded at Govern ment camp on the Wapinitia high way. Packed snow conditions prevail ed on the thrse major traffic J arteries, with snow plows operat- "K un me. isamiarri anu vviiiuiu ette routes. Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Gash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid in Advanc 25 Words One Time S5c 25 Words Three Times ...75c 23 Words SU Times .$L85 I'Ott SALE All wOTda erar IS add lc pr ward tine aamber af inurtiam Ona Maata run. aame cm, day . rate HutiaiBBi Charge, 35c LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Claulfltd AdrvrttsLnr. Caik In Adraaxa . Oallj Claaiita; Time 11:10 P. M. BEND LODGE NO. 13U A. F. & A. M. Special Communication Fit, March 16, 7:80 p.m. K. A. Degrees, Also Examinations Geokge Bimervuie, bec'y. FOB SALE WHY PAY RENT when you can buy a two bedroom modern for $2100. House in good condition ready to move in, large kitchen, lots of cupboards, utility room, heater and range. House at 1455 Fresno. Get key at 1465 Fresno. Phone 309-R. . UTILITY TRAILER with 6x10 ft. box, ball-.and socket hitch, good rubber. Inquire H. McGuire, 1074 Albany Aye. 1931 'FORD tudor sedan, $100 cash. Two wheel trailer, one large child's crib. 205 McKinley Ave. THREE BEDROOM modern home west side on paved street, $3,250. Terms $1,500 down,, balance $40 per month. Frank Mcuarvey, Bank of Bend Building. - LOVELY WICKER baby carriage, adjustable for any age. Auto bed, auto seat. Sturdy maple play pen on rollers with leatherette pad. Call 1181. INCOME and home close in, 2 modern furnished houses. Only $3500, $1000 down, $40 month. Du plex apartment, west side, $3200, $1000 down, $50 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 60 HEAD good dairy stock; few fresh cows, others to freshen within 6 weeks. Write or phone Bill Kendall, care of Charlie Reed's Saddle Shop, Klamath Falls. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. WANTED RADIANT FIRE gas heater. Call H. C Sutton, 441-w. . - WALNUT OR MAPLE chest of drawers, metal army cot and wicker bassinet in good condition. 335 Portland Ave. 1 THIS CURIOUS WORLD MALE GOLDEN Cocker Spaniel 6 or 8 months old. Contact Ed Barnett, Box 893, Redmond. HELP WANTED BELL BOY at Pilot Butte- Inn. WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Lichtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave.i Tacoma, Wash. WOMAN for laundry and general work, room, board ana ?iu per month. Apply Deschutes Cottage Hospital, 236 E. Kearney or phone 415. WOOD STOVE complete with coils and tank. Inquire 236 New port ' . LOVELY HOME, modern in every detail, 34 acres on paved high way close In. Furnace, reduced from $10,000 to $8000 for quick sale. Shown by appointment only. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. LIGHT 2-WHEEL trailer. 2105 Awbrey road. ONE GASOLINE washing ma chine in first class condition, frac tion of original cost. Also pre-war davenport and chair in excellent shape. Phone 274 or call at 434 Kansas. P.W.A. TOILET, $15.00 if taken by Sunday evening. 1231 Hill St. Phone 987. . BROODED TURKEY poults. Will deliver to your ranch, 7 to 9 weeks of age, any number from 1,000 to 6,000. Laurence Finlay, Rt. 1, Jef ferson, Oregon. Phone 959. 3 BEDROOM, plastered interior, basement, furnace, paved street, west side near mill. $3250. Some terms. 333 Federal. Phone 1129-W. SMALL STEAMER trunk, foot locker. 164 E. Irving. NOTICE: We can deliver in load lots (3 or 4 cords) dry body or partly dry limbs. Delivery prom ised frym 1 to 3 days. Wood saw ed length desired. Brookings, Wood Yard. Phone 767. - - $15,000 BUYS 290 acres. Ill acres water, 6 room house, 23 acres alfalfa, 30 acres red clover. Price includes tractor and all other equipment Possession short time. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. THREE-QUARTER BED with springs and mattress. Also ladies shoes sizes 7 and SlA, and size 36 new blue coat sweater. Phone 1066-R. ON PAVED STREET, sewer con nections, 2 bedroom plastered nouse, wired lor electric range, cellar, $1800, $500 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. f none se-w. FLOWERING SHRUBS SPECIAL Including fertilizer and planting dook. . SPECIAL NO. 1 13 shrubs, 9 to 24 inches branch ed $3.00. SPECIAL NO. 2 5 large shrubs 1 to 3 ft. $3.00. SPECIAL NO. 3 All 18 shrubs in specials No. 1 anu i, $a.uo. ' All shrubs in these specials are hardy. I have a large stock of shade, flow ering and fruit trees, flrtvyeidhgd shrubs ready to plant. Evergreen should.be planted later. 735 East Norton, Haines Nursery. Corner East 8th and Norton. Phone 965, Bend, Oregon. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS and bus girl. Inquire Coffee Shop Pilot Butte Inn. - HIGH SCHOOL girl to help with housework after school several days a week. 335 Portland Ave. SITUATION WANTED WILL CARE for elderly people or one who needs care, or conval escent patient In my home. Mrs. Elliott, ysss e. zna. pnone aya-w. USED CARS 1937 PLYMOUTH coupe for sale under ceiling price. Good condi tion. Can see it after 6 p. m. 1254 East second St. LOST BOY'S COAT, about size 16, army field jacket style, olive drab color. Left on running board ot car pant ed near Safeway store. Call Mrs. Hall, 639-M or at Western Union, STERLING SILVER maple leaf earring with sapphire setting lost on Wall St. Reward for return to Geo. Childs Hardware Co. or phone 329. in normal Times more than 2N2 MiL(LI!gl$(! TRAVEL TO FOREI&N COUNTRIES EVERV YEAR. com. iMt av NKA SERVICE, wc. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to and for set tlement of said final accounting; and all, persons interested are hereby required to appear at said time and olace and show cause if J such there be why said accounting auwuiu iiui ue rcuteu uiiu miuweq, C. K. WEIL. Administrator Es tate of Green V. Poe, Deo. . 74-8u-sts-;rjc SEND US AN "'7odD TOOOOTE. OP A MATURE WILL MANUFACTURE ABOUT 3,630 POUNDS Of CARSOHVDRATC IN A SINGLE SUMMED. "The more an auto runs, the less tired it becombs' eorse oiff6noerfer,, T. M. M0. 1) a. aT OPft, .Z-t i i : ! notice. - , EVELYN WILSON, Adminis tratrix. DE ARMOND & GOODRICH, ; Attorneys. : 86-92-98-104C - NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been ap pointed administratrix oi the Es tate of CHARLES WILSON, de ceased, by Hon. C. L. Allen, County Judge, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned at the office of DeArmond & Goodrich, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Ore gon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ', that the undersigned has been ap- ' pointed administratrix of the Ls. ; tale of Peul Miller, sometimes known as Paul O. Miller, deceased, ' by Hon. C. L. Allen, County Judge, ; and all persons having claims against said estate are required ' ij pitrsi-iii mum, quiy vermea, to the undersigned at the office of DeArmond & Goodrich, Bank of ' Bend Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this no- ' tice. VELMA I. MILLER, Adminis tratrix. DE ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys. 86-92-98-104c 'l 2 Mid state Men Travel Far; Airfield Created Near Rome FOUND STRAYED to Richards Ranch one yearling Guersey bull, one 6 month Jersey bull. Owner take animals on payment of damages. Butler Market road. - MISCELLANEOUS BEND BODY & PAINT SHOP Collision Damage, Body & Fender Repair Estimates Given 1031 Harrimnn. Phone 330. Bend. SOUTH WIND gas heater for car. Works good. Quick heat. Harold Brown, 374 E. Kearney, Bend, Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE CLEAN THE EASY WAY With Fuller's all-purpose clcansr. An instantaneous safe odorless cleaning preparation that takes the drudgery out of household work. Phone 591, Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl, Bend. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 16 hji Livestock: cattle 35, calves 35. Supply mostly dairy .type cows and calves. Beeves steady, steers licking. Week's top fed steers S1K.50. Best heifers S16.00. Cutter-common heifers S9.00-11.50. Canner-cutler cows S6.75-9.50. Me dium cows up to S11.00. Medium vfRlers $13.50; good-choice grades salable $14.50-15.50. Hogs 25. Active, steady. Few 'nick-ins around 215 lbs.. $15.75. Good sows $15.00. Feeder pigs saiahlc 516.50-17.75. Sheen none. Nominal. Good- choice woo led lambs salable M"vV) . 16.00. Good ewes salable f-soo.8.50. Week's lop S8.75. ACREAGES 5 acres, 5 acres Arnold, 3 room house, oil heater, good outbuildings, $2500, $1000 down, $35 month. 20 acres, 19 C. O. I., large house, fenced, good pas ture, $2300, $1000 down, $250 year. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 4 ROOM modern house and new j garage lur QOtov, Wlin $ouu Ciisn and balance at $25 month. Furni ture can be bought separately. Will consider a large trailer house instead of cash. Call 1065-W or sec at 1014 Columbia. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 6b8 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Bl inson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. CORRAL FERTILIZER, haul yourself. 365 E. Seward. $1600 BUYS large 3 room modern nouse on itevere. iouu Duys 4 room modern furnished west side. $2300 buys 2 bedroom modern, north side. C. V. Silvis, 118 Ore gon. DRY JACKPINE block wood, $9.00 per cord, dry jackplne slab wood $7.00 per cold. Any length you want. 154 Adams Place. D. W. Beck. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. PRE-WAR MAN'S bicycle in good condition. Inquire 362 Riverside or phone 428-M. - 3 DAY OLD Jersey and Hereford calves. Call at J. L. Jones ranch, Route 2, Box 151, Bend, Tumalo District. TWO 3-ROOM semi-modern fur nished houses. 5 room modern, breakfast nook, unfurnished. Onp room cabin. Large lot, very close in, immediate possession. Price $3200, $2000 down, balance $25 per month, includes interest. Inquire at 164 E. Irving. GAS HEATER, 10 radiant, day bed, breakfast set, two rugs and one pad, chest of drawers, small tables, etc. Inquire 330 Riverside. ONE-HALF ACRE. One of Red mond's best homes, 6 rooms, mod ern in every way. Good garage and woodshed. Cement walks around the house. Price $6500. Terms. Shelley Real Estate. The Dirt Merchant, Redmond, Oregon. HEAVY HENS fine for roasting or boiling dressed on order. Phone order early to 1070-W or call at 147 E. Olney. ONE 60 GALLON hot water tank. ana ncaier comjiit-'ic wiiu im-iuiu-stats, etc. One vacuum cleaner, In good condition. Pilot Butte Auto Court. FOR KENT CLEAN MODERN 3 room fur nished apartment, walking dis tance. Wood, water and lights fur nished. Adults only. Inquire 945 E. 2nd St. 3 ROOM furnished modern house with garage, close In. Call 358-W. 2 FURNISHED apartments for rent. 504 Lava Road. Phone 850-R. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electric stove, refrigerator service, washing facilities. Phone 892-M. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house 6 blocks from postoffice on east side. Inquire Gilberts iieal Estate, 1015 Wall. FURNISHED semi-modern cot tage. Phone 530 or call at 629 Quimby. TWO LARGE room modern fur nished apartment. East side on city bus line. Wood range. Inquire 534 E. 3rd St. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. UAKUN INUW ASSOCIATED WITH .urif Ai?Nm.r kitai ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts neai jisiaic. i.isi your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 3 12-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, freshly decorated, close in. Also 1 room semi-modern. Inquire 216 East Irving. 2 ROOM furnished house, garage and woodshed. Inquire at 223 Roosevelt after 5 p. m. Phone 1035-J. 2 ROOM apartment, wood, water and lights furnished. 35 Haw thorne avenue. Phone 39. 5 ROOM modern, two bedroom house, furnished. Inquire. 1305 Elgin. WANTED USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. HAVE LARGE tractor, tandem disk, plow, and large tiller. Will do farm work by hour. Charles Burk art, 2 miles out on Bend-Burns highway. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evening! by Appointment Otflca Phona 7 Ra. Phona S19-W $2500 BUYS large modern home close in. $.1800 buys 5 bedroom partly furnished, west side. $5000 buys large modern home, paved street, close in. $850 buys two room furnished, 3 lots, west side. $5000 buvs one acre, modern home, $2000 cash handles. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. TO BUY 3 or more bedroom mod ern home on east side, preferably near Allen school. Write 12223 Bulletin. RELIABLE PERSON wants to rent furnished house, preferably with two bedrooms. Call 623-W or call at 843 Harmon Blvd. WANT TO BUY two-row potato planter. Phone 7-r-l3 Prineville, or write L. W. Nolan, Powell Butte, Ort'EOll. WE DO it again. Pre-Easter per. manent wave sale. Machine So.00 for $7.50 value, machineless S7.50 for a $10.00 value. Thursday tnrougn Monday only. Beautv Quest, 81 Oregon avenue. Jo Ann Thomas, manager. Tele. 170. BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilberts Real Estate, 1U15 wall or call O. E. Glazcbrook. Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19-F-3 collect. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical UDDlianc- es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine parts. Factory trained. Eimer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. At a USAAF Airfield in Italy Recently celebrating two years overseas with an outstanding aviation engineer battalion were T3 Alvin J. Smith of Warm Springs, Oregon, and T4 Richard i. num. oi Mauras. More exiraorainary than most have been ttie experiences ot tnesc Cis. Since sailing irom a u. a. port early in l!d, mey have traveled three-quarters ot tne way around tne glooe, covering a ais ;tance o more tnan 2U,uuu miles, 'iney are one of tne lew ouuits to ooast continuous overseas serv ice in two theaters ot war, with operations exienuing to live com munis. It was in North Africa In the ispnng of 1913 that tlley discov ered mat their months of desert t training at Camp ioung, Cal., nad not been in vain. Carving runways out of the soil sands, they saw swarms of bombers heading northward to deal out lethal blows tnat were to reduce Italy into sub .nussinh. one mornitii?. liberators, fwhich had been practicing pecu liar hedge-hoppiri" tactics lor a month on a miniature city that unit had.buill, set out on the now historic Ploesti raid that threw the wrench into Hitler's smooth running war machine. Their out fit received personal commenda tion from the commanding gen eral of the Mediterranean theater. Shortly alter the surrender, the battalion was constructing a new bridge of airfields spanning Italy, from which our bombers and fighters blasted away at enemy held territory. Last summer they completed one of their most important and confidential assignments. On a site north of Home, within range of nazl guns, they converted a mine-cleared wheatfleld into a temporary base from which huge transports glided into the sky bearing troops to the newly-occupied coastline of southern France. Recently they were cited by General Eaker, chief of the Med iterranean allied air forces, lor sustaining and promoting every phase of operations in the Med iterranean theater. SURVIVED nKOKEN NECK Boston lU'i Massachusetts' new U. S. senator Leverett Salton stall is probably the only man In congress who has broken his neck. He suffered the often-fatal injury in a fall from a horse many years ago. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the county court of the state of Ore gon for the county of Deschutes her final accounting as .adminis tratrix of the estate of Vernon J. Anderson, deceased, and that the Judge of said court has fixed April 16, 1945, at two o'clock p. m. at the county court room at the courthouse In Bend, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to and for settlement of said accounting; and all per sons interested are required to ap pear at said time and place and show cause If such there be why said accounting should not be set tled and allowed. EDITH M. ANDERSON, Ad ministratrix Estate of Vernon J. Anderson, Dec. 86-92-98-104c NOW Sold without resriction ' while they latt : , ' t ! r i. ';,VS FLUORESCENT c fixture Olvei Better light . a Coifi Lest to Um BtKimlined design , , , tai as edlctant u iff good looHngl (Mm correct light without glare or shadows . . . teducet eye strain. Operates on 110-125 volt 60 eyele AO current. Burns two 30-watt fluorescent bulbs. Length, 85 Inches. HOUK -VAN ALLEN Tirestone HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Wall at Minnesota Phone 860 NOTICE OK FINAL REARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the county court of Deschutes county state of Oregon his final account ing, as administrator of the estate of Green V. Poo, deceased, and that the Judge of said court has fixed March 3t, 19-15, at ten o'clock a. m. at the county court room at the courthouse in Bend, PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with, any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. i CARTON CIGS BRINGS $K2 Cheboygan, Mich, nil A fag- famished Michigan man believes in getting his smokes even if he has to pay $62 a carton. It was legal, though, as the transaction took place during an auction at a chamber of commerce dinner. The same sale brought $13 for a single pack. I INVISTMCN1 CCRTIf ICATCi, SHIS ONI frtn Printipal VtUtrwriUr INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr Local Representative 217 Oregon Phone 525 Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring Light Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Sorvice Phone 159 ftlt rraiikllii Bend, Ore. Well, Customers:' - -:- The Boss just told me that I had to, write this ad, and told me to pick my own subject, so I have chosen to tell you some thing about motor re-conditioning. New cars, new motors, and most every thing else new in the automotive line must wait until that "V-8" Day we talk about. But next to a new motor is the re-conditioning job we can do on your Ford motor. Ford Motor Company puts the quality into the original motor which makes it so long last ing. However, in the past you have had the chance to replace your car often enough to keep the overhaul to a minimum. Times are different now, so bring your car in and let us give you an estimate on re conditoning the motor, and have that satis faction that comes with knowing that it will take you out and bring you back. Frank Settlemyer, King of the Shop. Halbrook Motors Mercury Bond and Minnesota Lincoln Phone 680 RED RYDER By FRED HARMAN V lVRDtRiS5-'5'-Ll) -rTTn Qo i yjfW RATER'S ; l Zttl . iLi tri s z&.z over. rcjf ars-al f ixtf i ) fcA Ace. av to j canst , r. ' f Jit 1181