THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 16. 1 945 PAGE FIVE Local News ' ; TEMPERATURES Maximum yesterday, 46 degrees. Minimum last night, 25 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperatures: 10 p.m., 28 de grees; 10 a.m., 34 degrees. Ve locity of wind: 10 p.m., 7 miles; 10 a.m, 11 miles. . Mrs. R. W. Hemingway, execu tive secretary for the Deschutes county chapter of the American Red Cross and Miss Ruth Wilson, field representative from the Pa cific area, are meeting today with Mrs. C. W. Heim, chairman of the home service department of the (Redmond branch, and Mrs. George Fairfield, Red Cross worker. , , Sherlee Stedman and Jessie Shields of Metolius were here to day visiting friends, making their headquarters the Pilot Butte Inn. Mrs. Marcella Wickeris returned from Fort Ord, Calif.j where she visited her husband, Pvt. Ivan Wickens. . .. ... . v S. Friedman of Powell Butte, was in Berid today oh business.. Pfc. arid MrsMB. E. Todd of Grass Valley, last night were guests at the Pilot Butte inn. Owen Aydelott, member of the staff of the Deschutes national forest who is being transferred March 26 to Baker as an official of the Whitman national forest, today had returned from Baker where he had gone to make ar- O NOW O CONTINUOUS TOMORROW MASTER SLEUTH ON THE TRAM If rangements for a home. He re ports that housing conditions are very acute there. Norman AUen last night re turned from Portland where he had gone on business. Mrs. K. W. Sawyer of Madras, was a Bend visitor today, shop ping and calling on frienas. . MSgt. Tommy Amundsen, sta tioned at the Redmond army air field, visited. Bend friends last night. I .tetrad J 111 Ottl qhJ W 1 r o- -.. unu .in. aiiu ins. Lawrence HuetU returned last night from Klamath Falls, where thfiV Visitor! Mrc Mani i-V. 1 daughter of George HuetU. She is jcwveung irom a major opera tion, performed recently at the Southern Pacific Vmsnftai in c Francisco, Calif. the United Thanks offering will be taken at the regular com munion RprvlrcMs nf ihA nr.ii... Episcopal church next Wednesday " iu m-i was announced to day. . ) Sgt. and Mrs. L. L. Hirtzel, 1725 West Seventh street, have as a house guest for several days Mrs. Hirtzel's brother, George E. Kel- loetT. bos'ns mnlp 9o It'ollVm. who resides in Long Beach, Calif . siauunea at tne coast guard base at San Clemento. -,. Mrs. Harry Herland will enter tain the L.D.R. and other guests un neanesaay evening following the Lenten service at First Luth eran church. Miss Solveig Jensen is to present a program. Rev. S. M. Topness, of Klamath Falls, who is to speak at the 7:30 serv ice, will be a guest of the society. Rev. and Mrs. George R. V. Bolster and Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Johnson have returned to Bend from a trip to Portland. Mrs. George Dart of Portland and her brother Sgt. James E. Bostic of Hobbs, N. M., flight en gineer with the army air corps spent several days here with their mother, Mrs. A. E. Bostic of 534 Federal. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Nartz of asnwooa were in Bend yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Turn er of Madras, spent yesterday in the city. H. A. Dussault of Madras, was in the city on business yesterday. Dussault is Jeffprsnn rnuntv shpr. ! iff. ' ! Harry Babbs, superintendent of the Piggly Wiggly stores, re- i tlimpri this mnrninn tn Eni-tlanr1 " ' f. i" UIIIU11U after conducting business here ) wiii kx. vjiegg, manager oi i "ie jouai t-iggiy wiggly store. ! Mrs TPnrl Vtae ti..rot- fnv Dnn : pies store, returned to Bend this aiierjiuuu uum a Dusiness trip to I Portland. W I . Van Allrtn mtmarrn. f : the Firestone store, spent several aays in roruana on Dusiness. Mrs. 3. D. Sell left this mnrn i ing for Pendleton, where she is to ijujii ner nusDHnu, recently irans iferred from Bend to the eastern i Oregon town to serve as Safeway store manager. Dudrey Brothers Meet on Island The barrel was finally rolled out on Saipan in the South Pa cific when Robert E. Dudrey, ft. M. 2c with the navy, docked on the island where his brother, Lt. Jack A. Dudrey, was serving with the marine corps. aince bod knew where his brother was stationed, both voune men looking forward to the ren devouz provided the navyman's ship lowered anchor off the right Island. " Then, after two years of separation, a converted luxury liner steamed into port and the brothers met. Both boys, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Dudrey of Bend, attended the Bend high school. Jack is a graduate of the University of Ore gon and Bob attended that in stitution for two years. They are nephews of R. A. Ferguson, county treasurer. , George Mirich, world war No. 2 veteran cited for bravery in the oatue of Attu, has been assigned by the Standard Oil company to serve as manager of a large sta tion in Salem and is leaving lor his new post this week-end. A cablegram from Norway channeled through the Interna tional Red Cross arrived yester day at the home of Mrs. Bertha Hoik with the message that her parents in that country are safe and well. Mrs. Hoik has received no communication from them for five years. Pvt. Joseph H. Morris of the U. S. Marine corps has returned to service after spending a 10 day furlough with his brother, Herbert Morris, and other relatives in Bend. Arthur Webb, chief petty offi cer in the United States navy, spent several days with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Coyner, and his grandmother, Mrs. Walter Jacobs, all of Bend. He was acompanied by his wife. The navyman served 30 months in the South Pacific and participated in two major battles including Tarawa. He is with a construction unit. The couple left this morning for San Francisco where Webb will report for reasignment. . Miss Naomi Miller, member of The Bulletin reportorial staff, left today to spend the weekend visit ing her parents in Portland, and friends in Oregon City. Judge and Mrs. Ralph S. Ham ilton, 425 Congress, street today received word that their son, 2nd Lt. William Hamilton, has been promoted to the rank of first lieu tenant, Lf. . Hamilton is a pilot in a troop carrier command and is currently operating in the south Pacific. Embarrassed? Not Johnson When He Remembers Cigar! Lots of folks get Into the wrong pews. - ; But when they get confused In hotels and sit with foreign groups that s something else! , But Carl A. Johnson, president of the Bend Chamber of com merce, tells this one on himself: He Journeyed to Portland to at tend a meeting- of chamber of commerce officials. Sauntering Into the lobby of a hotel, he was greeted by several Important and affable gentlemen. Soon he Joined the file and entered the dining room. "The meal was swell, and oh boy! that 25 cent cigar!" Johnson recalled happily. Soon the chairman Introduced the speaker. Theme: automobiles. Johnson squirmed. His meeting was at an entirely different hotel! Ingrid Bergman 'Oscar' Winner Hollywood, March 16 (Ui In grid Bergman, all choked up, Blng Crosby, all grins, and "Going My Way , all powerful, today walked off with almost every major "Oscar" at the makers' 17th an nual award presentation. "Going My Way," Paramount's picture about two catholic priests, dragged down seven awards in cluding four of the six top hon ors. "Wilson," 20th Century Fox studio's story of the world war 1 president, followed with six all technical citations. Miss Bergman, who just missed getting an Oscar for her role in "For Whom the Bell Tolls" last year, took top honors for her work In "Gaslight," opposite Charles Boyer. Crosby's award was for his role in "Going My Way." 2.600 People Present Approximately 2,000 persons, In cluding movie celebrities and every fan who could afford a ticket jammed Grauman's Chinese theater to witness the presenta tions. Leo McCarey, who produced, directed, and wrote "Going My Way," was high point man for the even ne. Twice he dasnea down the aisle to grab one of the plastic (gold sprayed) statues one for the best direction and another for the best original story. hi NOW! HURRY! NOW! Tonight 7 and 9 P.M, Saturday I to II P.M. RUSHED TO AMERICAN THEATRES BY FAST AIR EXPRESS BLOODIEST BATTLE IN 168 YEARS OF MARINE. HISTORY IWO JIMA SUBJECTED TO 70 DAYS OF BOMBARDMENT f SEE!! THE JAPS ANSWER BACK. AN LCI HIT BY ENEMY FIRE! SEE!! THE MARINES COME IN DESPITE LOSSES OF HL'N DREDS OK LAND ING CRAFT! SEE!! MOTOYAMA FALL TO OUR FORCES WITH A LOSS OK 205!) AMERICAN LIVES IN 15 DAYS! SEE!! 800 SHIP FLEET LAND 40,000 U.S. MA RINES! SEE!! THE MARINES LAND ON THE JAPS' BEST DEFENDED ISLAND IN THE WORLD! SEE!! THE BATTLE OF IWO JIMA THAT STILL RAGES SEE THE MARINES ADVANCE! AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM J, . vS 1 rhm Mmiw I jCl rfll k $jh 20. - I ' SPARKLING (f 4" I 1 2 I0MANCBI if ft. I We "JIJU L? .1 Could , En F - J Get S.Jfc l -a 3 This JL..M . r. MUSSOLINI, A FAWNING FUGITIVE! HIS EMPIRE DREAM A MOCKERY! HIS LAND A DEVASTATED SHAMBLES! THE COMPLETE STORY OF IL DUCE'S SHATTERED PROGRAM! AND FEATURE MUSICAL ON ICE ! 2 Days Is All We Could Get This Hot Scoop! mm mm d It 1 1 Pt. JSV. K FlffiENE PALLETTE G 4 . ursi Kir.iiF R Dance every Friday night at Carroll Acres. Music by the Night Owls. City bus will leave hall last time at 12 midnight. Adv. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. Adv. NOTICE MEMBERS IWA LOCAL 6-7 Rpgular meeting Sunday March 18, at 2:00 P.M. Union hall 933 Bond Street. Adv. Dance at the I.O.O.F. Hall Sat., March 17 at 9:00 p. m. for the Odd Fellows, Rebckahs and friends. Admission $1.00 per couple. Refreshments included. Adv. Morris Brown Services Sunday A Masonic funeral will be held for Morris Brown, veteran night manager of the Pilot Butte inn, who died in his sleep here Wednes day, at 2:30 p. m. Sunday in the chapel of the Nlswonger and Winslow funeral home, it was an nounced today. The body will be sent to The Dalles for burial in the Odd Fellows' cemetery there on Monday. Mr. Brown, who had been with the Pilot Butte inn for 23 years and has a wide acquaintance throughout the country, was prominent in Masonic circles. Napthalene flakes placed under the drainage hole of a flower pot will release vapor that will rise inside the pot and kill tiny worms. New Arrivals for EASTER ELEGANCE COATS 23.75 up Just in new coats In (lie styles and colors you've been wailing for. Sec them. DRESSES 6.95 up Dressm, too, in prints and plains, l and 'Z piece, to complete your Easter en semble. . Raincoats 19.75 Tackle Twill raincoats (sorry, the number Is lim ited) In naliiml or liluc, sl.cs l to IX. ivpvf-iHl 1 n Shop Early Red Cross Drive (Continued from Page One) yet, if returns will be made by the ena oi mis weeK. Additional donations are: $137.88 Cloverdale H.E.C. Red Cross Benefit Dance. $100.00 Joe Burich. $50.00 John Wetle Company. $J5.00 A. A. Symons, Safeway Stores, Fred A. Lieuallen. $20.00 A. T. Nlebergall Jeweler. $15.00 William Mathers. $10.00 Hall's Radio Service, A. A. Fos sen, Elaine Langworthy, W. E. Naylor, G. M. Blinn, Modern Woodsmen of America, Mrs. Ellis Marr, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Harter, Florence L. Silvis, E. T. Gerrlsh, Robert and Doris Prentice, A. G. Glatt, C. J. Leverett, Dean and Cecil Hollinshead. $6.00 Carson Call. $3.00 Elsie Pickard, Flora Miller, Marguerite Anglln, Dessie Ham- by, Jeannette Mulklns, Columbia Mercantile Co., R. W. Crawford, Gail C. Baker, Roland C. Rein hart, Betty Hampson, Mrs. Jack Mind, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hen derson, W. H. Selken, Ben Whis- enand, Mrs. Mclllvcnna, P. P. Andonoff, John O'Connor, Mrs. W. H. Reld, Carl Oakford, R. L. Young, Mi's. Johnson and Bob (Plainvlew), J. E. Thompson, M. H. Clinton, Marguerite Elder, E. Risen, Ken Moody, Helen Rasto vlch, V. L. Everett, Owen Ayde lott, Mario B. Sill, J. D. Sell, Mrs. M. D. Stilwell, C. M. Barnum, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Linton, W. J. Connolly, Mrs. Mary Boyer, E. C. Zastera, Martin Mollay, Mike Sarolan, J. A. Lighthin, James W. Matson, Mr. and Mrs. Skelton and Kath leen, Alvin Cyrus. $4.00 Pete Klobas. $3.'M) Lida M. Bake c, E. D. Wilmoth, Elsie Johnson, D. O Conner, Hayse. H. B. Neilson, Peder Pe- dersen, Mrs. Arnold Olsen, Mrs. H. A. Young, Mrs. A. C. Stalsberg, Jerry Groszkauger. $2.50 Ruth R. Wheeler, Betty Lan caster, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hoi- man, Mrs. J. U. Dahlln, Del Mutt son, D. F. Carlin, Ruby Millard, Vecenta Grino, Mel Blue, Leroy Aeschliman, Opal Aescnllman. $2.25 . Paul Hornbeck. $2.00 " Wanda Wood, Myrtle Davis, Marie J. Olson, Barbara Zelick, M. W. Moore, C. L. Plummer, Mrs. Walter Nelson, Arthur Har rison, Lynn Houck, Etta Knop snyder, Mrs. Ralph Maddox, Mrs. E. M. Ripley, Mrs. Clarence Smith, Glenn T. Khoton, Roy T. Moore, Alice M. Keitan, Clifford Strom, Andy Jeppe, Irene Petere, L. A, Houck, J. Wi Shults, Mrs. Ed Lynch, Mrs. Walt Munkres, Loyd G. Petersen, John urudcticn, $1.00 Rose V. Fanelli, Laura Desonla, Esther Wood, Daisy E. Brown, Sally Hayes, L. E. McDow, Gladys Davis, Doretta Cole, June Put- man, Rose McGuffrey, Mrs. C. B Graffenbergor, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walker, Mrs. K. Plummer, Mrs. , E. V. Lair and Mrs. Ida Dempsey John Mickelson, Mrs. Birdie Price. I Mrs. Guy Nolson, Mrs. Bill Bar ton, Mis. Minnie Dugan, Mrs i Julia Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Combs, C. H. Overbay, Nevada L. Kirby, Ivan Juhnson, Bob Clark Clyde Smith, Ray Shaver, Wil liam Mortland, Mario Muikey, Mrs. Howard Thompson, Mrs, i Anna Thompson, Ray Moffilt, C. L,. Buchanan, William crampton Mrs. E. M. Goodman, Mrs. VI ! ginia Kenning, Mrs. Ocie Lawson Bertha Connell, Mrs. A. Kerning ! ton, Mrs. Rebecca lloden, Mrs. E. i Griffith, Mrs. W. T. Albizen. j Mrs. Daniel Hagen, Mrs. Kline Mrs. Manny, Hazel Doane, A. ! ! Hubbard, Mrs. May McFadden ! Milton Hakonson, Louisa Jacquot i Frances Rogers, Mrs. Nellie Jac iquot, Mrs. Max Hawes, Mi's. June Wilson, Miss tveieyn o. isreesi, Mrs. Oscar Osmundsen, Mrs. W, E. Wise, Mrs. Freida Hrajjc, ' Homer Brown, Mrs. llarman, Mrs. Gene Fitzgerald, Mrs. S. L. Hall. ' Mr. Brown, liornlce Dempsey j Clelas Clark, Mrs. W. E. Sanders, Mrs. Shaver. James E. Doyel : Mrs. E. J. Van Landuyt, Elizabeth Black, F. Sweeney, Andrew Jac- qUot, Nellie B. Atkinson, Clarence Rogers, Mrs. Ada Helbig, Mrs. C. E. Sanborn, Mr. Mike Todoroff, Mrs. Blanche Breest, Mrs. Charles Chopp, Mrs. Paula Loree, Roy Bradetlch, Mrs. Topken, Mr. Top ken, John Ray Christy, Mr. Ham- mack, Mrs. Howard Inscore, M. W. Tittle, R. K. Woodworth. Phllln Moore. O. H. Rowland. Mrs. O. H. Rowland, Mrs. j. Slg mund, Mrs. W. H. Keency, Albert italncs, Bert N. Dudley, Fred Reynolds, Mrs. Blgelow, Nels Dempsey, Mrs. McMurray. General Pafrick Killed af Manila Manila, March 16 nil Mai. Gen Edwin D. Patrick, 50-year-old com mander of the U. S. Blxth Infantry division, died yesterday of wounds received during an Inspection of the front lines east of Manila, it was disclosed today. Patrick, a native of Tell City, Ind., was hit In the abdomen by enemy machine gun fire when he visited the forward American po sitions In the Wawa sector, 15 miles northwest of Manila,, Wednesday. for a special bit of gallantry When wearing o' he green Take in the Irish , parry With your favorite cotleeh! 30th ANNUAL DANCE Saturday Evening, March 17th At krmer U.S.O. irtail (Wall St. at Minnesota) Sponsored By Bertd't Irish Ladies BUD RUSSELL'S ORCHESTRA Admission $1.20 a Couple including tax Space Courtesy Wetle's praised by C. V. Silvis and Flor ence Swanson, iui SiiE chfctiiTS tibstoh Lynn. Mass. Uli Mrs. Frederick Rowcll of Lynn,, who recently celebrated herlOlst birthday here, attributes hec longevity to living oy tne rules oi the gospel every day of her life. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my deepest ' appreciation and thanks to our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy in my bereavement. Mrs. Luther C. Naylor. AdV. Naturalist HOStZOHtAL ) drain I Pictured Bat- Jfciar uraust, jonn Official Records ADMINISTRATRIX NAMED Velma I. Miller has been ap pointed administratrix of the es tate of Paul O. Miller, 43, who died March 7, 1945. Holdings are valued at $2,000, with a rental value of $240 per year. Nearest of kin are Mrs. Velma Miller and her son, Doug las, IS, of Sisters. The estate of Charles Wilson 62, who died February 2, l!)l.r, will be administered by his wife, Evelyn Wilson and will be ap- t American philosopher 12 No other 13 Armies 14 Inheritances 16 Unfettered 19 Annoys 20Cowheaded goddess 34 Stove ... 26 Successor to Atnturk 27 Dip gently 28 Seine 29 Negative . 31 Long Island (ab.) 32 Like 33 Paid (ab.) 84 Feline 86 Extinct bird 37 Separate , parts 39 Valuable Wood ; 41 Son of Isaac (Bib.) 42 Lateral 46 Indians 47 Lizards 60 Whistler 82 Press 88 Shut out 86 Loud noise VERTICAL 1 Missouri (ab. 2 One (Fr,) 8 Unlawful 6 Short cough 7 Itlmono Bashes 8 Girl's name. 9 Dye-stuffs ' 10 Near, 11 Interjection 13 Soldier . (slang) 16 Feminine nickname 17 Sun god 18 Finis 21 Dipsomaniac 22 Within 23 Day of week Pl.) l1 ; t4llalltltffei - 28 Kind of poem 43 Angered (Pi ) ; 44 Dreadful 33Johnnycake Everything 3B Beverage 36 Witticism 38 Melody 40 Turkish village . 42 Philippine archipelago 49 A point 80 Toward 81 Red Cross (ab.) 83 Upon 84 Worthless s , (slang) i V I2- P It I h lfa I7 Is H I10 I11 r ' 12. IJ iT ,- i i . . W w r '"fxn Ti . 3a le'r-y' 31 t lmmimmm W , RoTSi " Mp 55 I I I I I I I I I it 1 rasroae n m pod t m . lit Charming and novel decorations for your Easier dinner table. At the HOUSE of BEAUTY Anl if you wish you may charge it, or use our Lay-Away Plan. RATH'S "For Style end Economy" 831 Well Phone 282 Of Bronchial Irritation Duo To Colds Iir-'i g'n.l ni'Wf. for tho p'M'ln of the I'. S. A. r'nntnla'H pr.-n.'Kt roimh nir.n.-lrtn Is n"W IfltiK in'l n.i.l 1.0I.I riKl.l l"T". nn.l If "'l Imvn MV dm. 1. 1 .limit 'l"l I" thiH wlnlnr fur th" rninmnn rmiirh or hriinililiil Irrllntlon Kt n l.olilo nf Uu.'klyn CANAIM'll, Mlxtnr. Ynn won't li". .1 1 nn .-. pnl n t r .1 II cllff'Tont frniii n.ivt hif.ic rlne yn'l ovor .i.n-.l on lil.llo anil yml I not Inniunt .'tliin. Jnly 4nc at BJI gOOil UlUBiW'B, Ou l rhannncy Branilis Thrift Wise Drugs . A.-i. (Msv. . JT V .. ii . V--. i BEAU IT 1 Checkerboard Ji 5 Cafe i DINNERS ;" SHORT ORDERS tt; HOME-MADE PIES ;i FOUNTAIN SERVICE g g 135 Oregon ,l II IB I I I n Lovely Candles Graceful Tepors, Choir Boys, Bunny Candles, Egg Candles, end othors. Candle Boards Easier Figurines "Bugs Bunny", Pottery Chicls, China Angels, etc. many to chooso from Easter Baskets for centerpieces, and many olhcr Easter Novelties. Symons Bros "The House of Beauty" W Wan Street Phone 175