THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, PRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1945 Simplified Form For Taxes Sought Salem, Ore'., ' March' 16 . IP) A bill given final passage today by the Oregon legislature would set up a simplified form for state personal income taxes, like the new federal short form. As amended in the senate, the bill calls for a 5 per cent exemp tion for persons having incomes of less than $500. The house rec ommended 6 per cent. Sen. Earl Newbry, Medford, ex plaining the bill HB 388) said the quarter million dollar revenue loss the state would incur would be some what offset by the simpli fied auditing and handling of ac 'founts, not to mention the saving - to every taxpayer who elected to use the form. The vote was 29 to 1, with An gus Gibson, Junction City, op posed. Bills passed in the senate last night included: Boat Bill Passed HB 350 Prohibit motor boat ing on four small lakes in Des chutes county and one in Lane county. SB 336 Standard weights of containers for flours and flour products. SJM 10 Providing for partici pation of the United States in establishment of the Jewish na tional home in Palestine. . HB 238 Permit two seasonal employments to be calculated for unemployment compensation, re lating particularly to fish packing plants. HB 227 Permit savings and loan associations to make Joans to veterans of world war II. HB 347 Providing educational aid to war veterans of world war II, following favorable vote of the Jpeople last November. Baseball Briefs (By United Proa) Atlantic City, N. J March 16 (IP) With an anxious eye out for players long since due in camp, Manager Joe McCarthy of the New York Yankees ran his charg es through a stiff workout today, drilling particularly on the in field and batting practice. - Muncie, Ind., March 16 UP) The Pittsburgh Pirates estab lished their spring training camp here today with President Wil liam Benswanger slated to lead a contingent of players, coaches and other team officials into camp. ) Frederick, Md., March 16 (IP) Manager Connie Mack of the Phil adelphia Athletics had high hopes Admiral Nimitz' Daughter Christens Destroyer ' . (NF.A Telephotn) Tt'a a tense moment for fir. Chester W. Nimitz (center) as she watches her 14-yenr-old daughter. Mary, "christen the new destroyer, US8 Buck, at San Francisco's Bethlehem shipyard. Admiral Nimitz (left watches his daughter's christening technique from a safe distance. today that his left field position, a sore thumb for the "A's" the past few years, was solved with the addition of Joe Cicero. Lakewood, N. J., March 16 ipi Manager Mel Ott of the New York Giants today named what he be lieves will be his starting lineup and the .batting order he intends to use to open the season. Lead off man was Leon Treadway, CF, and he will be followed by George Hausmannr- 2b; Danny Gardella or Joe Medwlck, If; Ott, rf; Phil Weintaubj lb; Ernie Lombardt, c; Buddy Kerr, ss; Nap Reyes, 3b, and Bill Voiselle, p. Coljege Park, Md., March 16 (IP) The arrival of nine Cuban ball players at- spring training camp indicated today that the wash' ington Senators will be able to field at least nine men on open ing day, a necessity that had wor ried Manager Qssie Bluege. Bear Mountain, N. Y., March 16 (IP) Manager Leo Durocher, some 15 pounds lighter than last year. joined his players today as the Brooklyn Dodgers went through a stiff drill. Pleasantville, N. J., March 16 pi Manager Joe Cronin of the Bos ton Red Sox drilled the few men he had on hand today in batting practice and joined the workout himself in case he has to play this season. , Wilmington, Del., March 16 (IP) PHONE 466 SATURDAY, and MONDAY, MARCH 17 and 19 : ' Bisquick .... ... ;..V......pkg. 33c Miracle Whip . . . ;7: . .pint 25c S&W Coffee . . . ..pound 31c Bakers Cocoa ............ i lb. 11c Swans Down Cake Flour pkg. 25c Sardines large 16 oz. can 15c Wax Paper . .125 ft. roll 19c Apple Juice .pint 15c Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 cans 27c Sunshine Krispy Crackers 2 lb. pkg. 31c Grapefruit, Arizona 4 for 25c Oranges, full of juice . ... 2 doz. 45c Fresh Green Peas ..... .pound 19c Peets Granulated Soap Lb. Pkg. 28c PALMOLIVE Soap 8 BARS 20c OREGON STATEHOUSE JOTTINGS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiMimiiiiMMiitimiim By Eric W. Allen, Jr. (United Press Staff Corresiionilcnt) Salem, Ore!, March 16 UP) In the words of the bobby soxers: "Things are tough all over." And the bobby soxer of the Ore gon legislature agree although they wear the abbreviated and col orful socks for utility. The senate page girls have de cided that dashing here and there on their many errands is too rough on hard-to-get hose, engen dering snags, runners and other infirmities that hose are heir to. So they have made a pact to wear only bobby sox. The house pages wear nothing else (In the way of stockings, of course). As the last days of the session come to a close, and calendars mount in length, more and more demand is made for night ses sions, particularly from members of the house. Some of them refer to the sen ate as the "old men" anyway, and their refusal to work at night makes the lower assembly, which has virtually completed its impor- Three Bend Boys Enlist in Navy Three" Bond youths were en listed in the United States naval reserve this week at Portland. according to word received today uy niei specialist caul connet, recruiter In charee of the Central Oregon navy recruiting station. itoger I nomas Rhoads. son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rhoads, 1037 Lexington, was enlisted as sea man l.c for radio technician training, having qualified for this nigniy specialized branch by pass ing the Eddy test prior to en listment. Rhoads will receive his training at the Great Lakes naval training center. In General Service Wayne Edward Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Allen. 955 Ogdcn, was enlisted as apprentice seaman for general service. James Watson Piggott, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Piggott, 510 ueiaware, was enlisted as appren tice seaman for general service. Picon and Allen will be trans ferred to San Diego naval training center for their Indoctrination training and further, assignment upon completion of their period of Inactive duty. Rhoads and Allen were students at Bend high school, Rhoads having graduated and Allen was scheduled to gradu ate in May of this year. PAGE THREE Hunger of War tant work, more restive. (There have been only a very few night committee meetings und hearings this session, also.) But the fact is that the senate refuses to hold night sessions. Some of the members are on a restricted regime, to guard their health. Sen. William Strayer, for instance, 79 years of age, under standably insists on an early bed time. Sen. H. C. Wheeler, of Lane county, is 80, Sen. C. H. Zurcher is 69, Dr. William A. Moser is 75, Dr. Joel Booth is 73, W. E. Burke is 79, while a number of other senators are well over the 60-year mark. (Therb are only four senators under 45 years of age. Chronologi cally, they are Walter J. Pearson, 41, William Walsh, 42, and Paul Patterson and Earl Newbry, both 44.) Two adjournment resolutions have been submitted to the legis lature both from the house, and both aimed at getting the senate to move faster. The latest was adopted by the house on Wednesday and sent to committee by the senate. The Philadelphia Phillies today announced the signing of Louis Lucier of Woonsocket, R. I., who pitched for Louisville and San Di ego last year. Manager Freddie Fitzsimmons said Lucier would report for spring training tomorrow. Spokane Opposes Valley Authority Spokane, Wash., March 16 Acting on a joint recommendation of the Spokane chamber of com merce's national legislation com mittee and its Columbia basin committee, the board of trustees of the Spokane chamber last week unanimously went on record as opposed to senate bill 460 which would establish a Columbia valley authority. This C. V. A. would take over the development of reclamation, agriculture, water power, naviga tion, forestry, mining, recreation al and other resources for the entire Columbia river basin, in cluding the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and w.estern Montana. The Columbia basin project would Immediately be transferred from the reclamation bureau to the Columbia river authority. The Spokane chamber expres sed the belief that the creation of such an authority would delay the Columbia basin project. Trophy Is Won By Moose Lodge Presentation of the Member ship trophy won by the Loyal Order of Moose Bend lodge No. 384 for its 400 per cent gain In membership will be made Sun day, March 18, at one o'clock by President Montgomery, Secretary Tobe Watklns of the Oregon State Moose association and Re gional Director N. R. Smith. A special initiation will also be featured at that time with the work being presented by the Cor- vallls lodge degree staff and drill Two Children Die In Seattle Home Seattle, March 16 dpi Two Se attle children, left alone In their home, were killed early today when they turned on four gas jets while having a midnight snack. The victims of the tragedy were Walter, 2, and William, 19 months, sons of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Deems. Deems, a merchant seaman, and his wife told police they had de cided to go out for some Chinese food about midnight. The children were left asleep In bed. When the couple returned an hour and a half later, they dis covered the pajama-clad bodies of the youngsters on the kitchen floor. The gas jets on the stove were turned on in full force. Police believed the children had sneaked out of bed for a feast, as cake crumbs and sugar were found on the floor. Apparently associating food with cooking, the pair turned on the gas and re sumed their playing. An inhalator squad from the i fire department worked in vain over the bodies. I; k Delicate color and expensive make lt more cosily but do not perfume added to, toilet soap add to its cleansing action. Lady (Gardners ... of Bend and Deschutes County and In fact all Central Oregon. We would like an op portunity to introduce Lady Pete. We are sorry she is not able to send her photograph at this time, but we assure you she is a most affable individual, and that you will appreciate mak ing her acquaintance. See her any day at MIDSTATE HARD WARE COMPANY at 905 WALL STREET. Midstate Hardware Co. "Serving All Central Oregon" 905 Wall Street Phone 600 Thin arms and legs, bloated stomach, and Haunting tear in the eye ot this Filipino girl elo quently testily to the privation suffered under Jap rule. -She holds mcpf can ready for U. S. fttroy catlone. War Briefs (By Untied Freu) Western Front Americans drive into northern and southern flanks of Saar basin. Eastern Front Nazis report red armies have launched offen sives on both wings of Berlin front for grand assault on capi tal. Pacific Marines squeezing last Japanese on Iwo Into narrow pocket on north coast; American troops secure 28-mlle beachhead around Zamboanga on southern Mindanao island. Italy Fifth army tightens siege arc around Vergato fortress guarding Tobolognaam. Schilling Curry Powde? the rich ztstful blend with true oriental flavor Alien Land Bill' Sent to House Salem, Ore., Mar$:(4d-' UP The Oregon senate todaysent to the house a bill (SB yfO.itd tight en alien land laws agapist those ineligible to hold citizenship or Japanese. The bill would shift the burden of proving citizenship- from the state to the person mul bring Ore gon Into uniformity with other coastal states. Such presumptions that he is not a registered voter, holds land or operates land are team. All Bend members are I put Into the law to make it harder urgca to De present to act as es- for such persons to evade the land corts for visitors and every serv-llaws. ' . iceman holding a Moose service I Gov. Earl Snell asked for enact card will be welcome. It Is an- ment of the law to give the state nounced. more "teeth" In enforcing the law. itetresnments win he served 1 after the program. Buy National War Bonds Now! Madras Seabee Shot by Sniper. Madras, March 16 (Special) A letter was recently received here from Al Bean, chief car penter's mate with the Seabecs, that he Is recovering In a Marl anas hospital from wounds he sustained on Iwo'Jlma. He is quoted from his letter: "Am in the hospital recover ing from, a Jap sniper's bullet through my right shoulder and through the right side of the neck. It is healing up. In fact they have already removed the bandag es and should release me In a few days. I was just one of the few) lucky ones. It was one of the most j horrible; without being a witness i I just couldn't believe human flesh could suffer so much and; live." Bean lived here several years be fore going into the Seabecs and operated the Richfield service station. ' i -et .A" - .o -.4 V ..-A. V a1 fit 858 Wall Select Venn At PHARMACY Phone SO VAGRANCY CHARGED Found asleep in a semi-intoxicated condition in the railway station, Jack McConnell, 31, an Itinerant, was jailed last night by city police on a charge of va grancy. Officers said that he had no proper identification nor se lective service records on him, and he is being held for investiga tion by FBI agents. Maytag Service Genuine Maytag Parts, prompt, guaranteed serv ice. Factory trained, 20 years experience. ELMER HUDSON Telephone 274 434 Kansas Bend . . .'y-'i''. '. MASTERPIECE of tke Brewing &rfc Time was not reckoned by the men who painstakingly built the Sphinx and the pyramids those architectural masterpieces of antiquity. They wrought for the age, and to them a lifetime of effort meant nothing if geo metrical perfecb'on was to be attained. Nor are hours reckoned or is time a factor with those men who so slowly and carefully bring to perfection the Nature Aging required to produce this masterpiece of brewing art, a genuine Old Bohemian Type Lager Beer such as (QMlb SUNN sua EXPORT LAGER BEER BKIWCO BY BOHEMIAN BRIWeklCS INC.. SPOKANB Ctnl Or.fM DblnlMtOn. DUt. IS