PAGTWO. ..T.;:r. . the bend bulletin, bend, Oregon, Friday, march i 6; 1945 . Seals of 'Frisco; Lacking Pitchers ', By Hal Wood r ! (United Prau Staff CoiraBimdent) San Francisco, March 16 Ui Upon the ability of owner Charley Graham to round up a capable pitching staff appears to hinge the championship chances of the San Francisco Seals in the 1945 Pacific Coast league baseball scramble. Eight regulars who carried the Seals into a tie for third place last year and then went on to wl the governor's cup playoffs, will be at their same old stands when the season opens March 31. .Manager Lefty O'Doul, while refusing to admit that the league will be weaker in ltwa, is certain it won't be any stronger. "And my boys should be con siderably improved this year with the extra seasoning," says u uoui, "If we can get the pitching." Hie Three Gone Gone from the mound staff of 1944 is the "big three" Tom Seats. Ray Harrell, and holdout Bob Joyce. This trio won 66 of the 86 ball games the Seals won In 1944. To take their place, O'Doul to date has only two campaigners of proven worth. They are Ken Bron dell and Ken Miller, a pair of high-grade mounrismen obtained from the New York Giants. Uncle Charley Graham has deal on the fire with the Giants to obtain three more talented sllngers but nothing has come of It. yet. Behind the plate will be veteran Joe Sprinz and Bruce Ogrodowskl, possibly assisted by rookie Bud Rosa or Rocco Cardlnale. At first base veteran Gus Suhr is back faced with opposition from slug' ging Battle Malone Sanders, a tested minor league star. Sprinz and Suhr are both over age on their draft status. Veteran Back 'Another veteran, 4-F Del Young will be at second; Joe Futernick, the club's leading hitter Inst year, will be back at short; and at third Johnny Cavalli apparently will gM the call. For the outfield, O'Doul has a wide choice of talent. Nell Sher idan, the $50,000 beauty awaiting 1946 delivery to the Giants, may be the star. Others are all veter ans of past years: Willie Enos, Hank Steinbacher, Ben Guintini, Emll Mailho, Jimmy Ripple and Bernle Uhalt If he reports. There are few likely looking rookies on the Seal squad of 50 at the present, time. Dick Elliott, a 22-year-old service dischargee, seems the best of the young pitch ers; while Eddie Ghilardl, who can play at first or in the out field, appears the choice of the others. . Suarez to Face Rugged Battler Portland, Ore., March 16 tlP Johnny Suarez, who has done everything asked of him as far as Portland fistic fans are con cerned, comes up against his acid test tonight when he clashes with rugged Cecil Hudson, California negro, in the 10-roiind main event of a boxing card at the Portland auditorium. Suarez since coming to Port land has scored four sensational triumphs, climaxed by a knockout over tough Joey Parsons in his last trip Into the squared ring. Hudson, on the other hand, comes with a record showing vic tories over such fighters as Jimmy McDanlels and Rodolfo Ramirez, and appearances in New York's Madison Square garden. The preliminaries tonight will bring together Dave Johnson and Sam Glover, heavyweights; Nor man Finch and Kelly Jackson, Middle-weights; and Leo Sherlock and Frankie Campbell, Welterweights. Out Our Way ByJ.R.Williami "... . Tii;;;:-r;-:M,' n ' . V ,i -r- ,..ivr IMCI I HE NEVER. P HiE GCCO IT IS FEfe THV X JP PACK" 1 iTtm IS;--I'VE nr HIEF TO HAVE A . nc; s m & FbUNCX STAFF, IF HE CAKJT P.fME, V HIM.'? IL VISIT ArOOL'CRONiy HIS OWM HEAD ) 4; PER. A FEW MINUTES FER SO MANY J TW WITHOUT BEIM' HUMTEP YEARS TTTlY ( 7 II ' I J II 1 DOWrJ LIKE A PACK. PACK STILL TX3MT JiJ -X-JU OF HOUMDS AF-TER 7 KNOW IF HE WANTS ) N , A FOX ZZA 'EM TO HUNT FOX isflF" ,yzS3sA,s! ., .J sss7 I THE RUNNIMG MATES THE RUNNIMG 3-6 COPB. 1W BV NEJ SFRVICe, THC. T. M. EEC. XI. . PAT. Off. Coasting Along in the Sport World By Gone Friedman (Unlti-d Pre. Staff Cor reKintlnt) Los Angeles, March 16 HI'1 All the publicity given to Pete Gray, sensational one-armed out fielder for the St. Louis Browns, is particularly important now with the realization that some servicemen are going to return without an arm or a leg. The fact that Gray was able to has only one arm. He likewise plays 80 golf, badminton, tennis and billiards and carries an im pressive 161 bowling average. Jones walks most places on wooden legs but uses a motor scooter to get around more quick ly on the golf course. Both Jones and Do Silver ad mitted early bitterness, but have learned their lives weren't ended. overcome the handicap of having They pass on to handicapped vet- nnlu nnn a rm Hr-lllinnt hucn. 0lnn thnlr II nHorstii nrlifl fT ball for the Nashville team and earn his way to a tryout in the major leagues cannot help but be Incentive for men who find themselves in similar situations. More recently comes the story of a serviceman who lost a lee. who is planning to pitch for the Washington Senators. Here in Los Angeles a pair or civilians, both handicapped, have mastered , the, art of living nor mal lives arid have passed oni what they have learned. , The two men are Louis Leo Jones, 51, and Frank De Silver, 38. Jones hasn't had any legs since he was 15. He Is in the con cession business, plays golf In the high 80's, and Is a crack swim mer as well. De Silver, an auto salesman, You'll have to get used to people feeling sorry for you It's very tough at first, but will wear off. After a while vou'll get so you can do many things you never dreamed you'd be able to do when you first lost a limb or limbs. "This comes after you win the mental battle you're going to have with yourself, which is very rough at first, but smooths out with time. "Perseverance is n prorequlsrie you might as well realize that. Start off easy and after a while you'll be nearly normal again." Jones and De Silver are serious about their golf serious enough to have challenged Bing Crosby and Bob Hope in a handicap match for war charities. re-injured his toes in practice Wednesday. The rest of the Webfoots, with the exception of freshman for ward Dick Wilklns who has a min or knee injury, are in top shape for the potential "pay-off" battle tonight. -. 1 .taiL.J4) this is a laughing matter. ..It's Mutual fun-filled Quiz show Seattle Quintet Has Inside Track Seattle, March 16 mi The big city boys Lincoln high of Seattle emerged from Yesterday's sec nnd round games In the 21st ashington State basketball tourna ment as the outstanding contend er for the crown. The Seattle squad subdued stadium of Tacoma, 33-29, in the feature game last night which drew some 8,000 red-hot basket ball fans Into the University of Washington pavilion. Lincoln dominated the game handily dining the first half, hold ing a first quarter advantage of 12-5 and a halftime lead of 18-11. However, the stadium kids came out fighting In the second half, closing the gap to 27-22 at the end of the third quarter. But Lin coln had Just enough left, mostly a kid named Sammy White, and stayed In front until the final gun. Central Valley defeated Walla Walla. 51-50, In the first of several I contest winning a 40-28 conlest that elim inated the Pirates from title con sideration. In the final game of the day, Everett topped a battling Ho- qulam five, 29-27. Cougars Arrive For Title Contest Eugene, Ore., March 16 tli With a double "pot of gold" In the form of a northern division crown and an N.. C. C. A. regional tournament invitation hinging on a victory, the University of Ore gon Webfoots will face the Wash ington State Cougars in the sec ond game of the two-out-of-three playoff series tonight. I he Webfoots hold the Favored Quintets Tourney Victors Salem, Ore., March 16 U If the Oregon state "A4' high school basketball tournament runs as true to form as the opening round yesterday, it will be Washington high school of Portland against the Medford Tigers In the finals Saturday night. While the underdogs ol yester day's opening round tossed in a few scares, all the favored teams came through with victories and were scheduled to tangle tonight in semi-final battles. .- " Washington whacked the Eu gene axmen, 45-32; Baker eked out a 33-32 triumph over New- berg; Medford rolled over Ver nonla 44-29; and Oregon City dunked Hillsboro 43-25 in the opening round yesterday after noon and last night. ' Games Billed "J The Washington crew from Portland draws the Bulldogs from Baker in the first half of tonight's semi-final slate while the Medford Tigers, who have run their unde feated victory string to 27, square off with the strong Oregon City cagers in the second game. Meanwhile, Oregon's "big four" in "B" high school circles swing into action tomorrow afternoon In the first round of their fight for the "B" championship. Clats kanie, reigning as pi e-tournament favorite, squares off with John Day and Arlington faces Reeds port in the opening games. NATIONAL I.KAGUE HOCKEY (y UnitiH rmw) The Boston Bruins clinched fourth place in the national hock ey league and the last Stanley cup playoff berth which accom panies it last night by defeating itho Chicago Black Hawks, 5 to 3, inside i before mine isnnn. fum: in iracK position oy virtue ot a 51-! Chicago. 41 triumph scored over the Coug In the other game played, the ars on the Pullman court last" second place Detroit Red Wings week. U the Orcgnns can repeat gained their first triumph in two tonight, it will he all over but if ( years over the champion Montreal the Washington State invadersiranadiena. winninn 9 in 1 in n,i should even the count, a deciding I a viclorvless streak of 20 names will he played here to-laeainst the r:m; morrow night. I Cougars Arrlvo The Cougars are on hand with a squad of 10, including tlm-e letlermen and led by sensational thrilling games. Kulanin Defeated Longview knocked Klama out of the tourney by taking a 36-31 de cision. errJNciaB itond cision. Belhngham had too much i Vlnce Hansen, (i foot, S inch con height and rnggednrss for a game: ter, who broke both the South Kitsap quintet, taking a,am 20-game division 4132 decision. Snohomish provld- records this year. ed a real Ihnll when they over- The big question in the. Oivcon 1 in chaice of Redmnmi. PiitievilW. came a five-point fourth quarter ; camp is the condition of Rangy and Madras offices. deficit to eliminate John Rogers i Ken Hays, Ihe only Wchfnot tail of Spokane, ,'12-30. I enough to guard (lie high scoring Birds in perched nests usually North Kitsap manhandled Wen-! Hansen. Hays suffcivd two dis-'are helpless for many days aftci' alchee to give the Panthers their! located toes last week, and re- i being hatched, while the young ot second and final defeat. 42-31. ports from the Oregon headquart-j birds that nest on the ground are like Washington (Kirkland) u-rs last nicht indicated that hoi able io run and feed sooli after had little trouble with In no better condition after he hatching. KOlt.M.AN ON COMMITTEE Madias, March 16 I Special) Fred L. Rodman of Madras, a veteran of world war I, has been named a member of the Jeffer- Ki-game son county veterans farm loan scoring certifying committee, announced Vshton l urcst, K . A. supervisor Bowling Notes The Elks rolled high series, 2643, to edge out Franks' .Service two games out ot' three in Inde pendent league play last night on the Bend Recreation alleys. Hansen of Franks' service shot high individual series, however, with a total of 637 pins. In other matches, Pilot Butte Inn won two from Superior cafe and Franks' tavern took three by forfeit from Piggly-Wlggly. Results of the games follow: Superior Cafe G. Mirich 175 166 "157498 R. Nedrow ....184 181 185550 P. Loree 158 127 156--441 F. Grindle 214 199 199 ,12 E. Brown 180 185 156521 Totals ...911 858 853 2622 Pilot Butte Inn B. Douglas ....143 165 118456 W. Douglass ..153 209 124486 D. Lay 156 156 178490 S. Blucher 151 196 207554 L. Gales 176 170 196542 ' Handicap .... 3 3 3 3 Totals 782 899 856 2537 The Elks Norcott ............178 Steidl 181 Hoover ...169 Sevy ...222 C. Piland 173 Handicap .... 16 153 151 187 149 153 16 201532 156488 165521 222593 135461 16 16 -KBND- J i ,v Kilocyclei : Vok of . Affiliated WiHi Muhwl Don L Br.dcd.tin System TONIGHTS FBOGBAH 5:00 Sam Hayes ; ; , , 5:15 Superman I . 5:30 Tom Mix :' ! 5:45 Night News Wire "; 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Alfred Wold's Orchestra 6:30 Double or Nothing ..-' 7:00 Sammy Kaye's Orchestra 7:15 Lowell Thomas ::, 7:30 Lone Ranger v 8:00 Boxing Bouts 9:00 Glenn Hardy News , ,' 9:15 Cecil Brown ,!. 9:30 Freedom of Opportunity . 10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr.. 10:15 News , ' - : Totals : 939 809 895 2643 Frank's Service A. Ball 175 Rosko 179 Gladwell . ..147 Hansen 160. Mills ,...147 Handicap .... 24 180 158 154 245 154 24 156511 135472 167468 232 37 171472 24 24 Totals 832 915 885 2632 Frank's Tavern F. Sparks 148 B. Cerveny 175 L. Houk 112 L. Redifer ......141 J. Kargman ....184 145 223 176 191 131 181474 193591 179467 236568 176491 Totals 760 866 965 2591 Plggly Wlggly Kohler 134 158 167459 Lewerenz 171 179 219569 B. Benson 149 172 129450 Absentee 137 137 137--411 Absentee 156 156 156468 Handicap .. 30 30 30 90 Totals 757 832 838 2447 Trees in winter have buds that started to form in the preceding summer; a bud is a tender, im mature branchlet with leaves al ready formed for fuller develop ment; its outside wrapping pro-. tects It from drying out rathejn than from the cold. '. SATURDAY, MARCH 17 7:00 News .: , 7:15-01eander's 'Negro . ''. ' ' Quartette ,. '-. 7:30 Tommy Reynolds' 1 ',- Orchestra y, . 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News . 8:00 Neil Bondshu's Orchestra 8:15 News . 8:30 Rainbow House 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board . 8:50 Oregon Treasures 8:55 Bing Crosby 9:00 Hello Mom. 9:30 Rationing News 9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 Glenn Hardy News , 10:15 Al Williams 10:30 Radio Pal Club 10:45 Redmond Victory March 11:40 News 11:45 Voice of the army 12:00 Clyde Lucas' Orchestra 12:10 Sport Yarns 12:15 Singing Saxaphones 12:30 News 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1:00 Memo For Tomorrow 1:15 Art Mooney's Orchestra 1:30 St. Patrick Day's Luncheon Portland Eagles Win Over Stars . Seattle, March 16 Ui . The Portland Eagles evened the north' west hockey semi finals at two games apiece last night by taking a rugged contest from the Seattle Stars, 8-5. The rivals play In Portland to night and return to Seattle Sun day for the sixth game of the best-of-seven series. Portland scored twice within the first three minutes, Red Conn and John Milliar beating goalie Percy Jackson with close-in shots. Over 75 per cent of the nation's bentgrass seed is grown in .Ore gon. . .-. Put your feet in easy comfort RAGLAN CASUALS in Glengarry Grain Perfect for indoor or outdoor loafing. So comfortable, they're popular with men everywhere. OK AV, I'LL SHOW VOL) HOW T HANDLE THIS DINOSAUR BU.IMESS.'HA.VE YOUR HUNTEPS HERE IN TH MORNIMG r. .1 71 U riniihlo ' --,Si . . I I llllllllir I--3 K T IP T VYAtXi 1 ' TUtL?C C Mi l KAT m f .. -,- . mt i i ii ii i i ill i nr ivi r . '. r--;. -r i i-v ivici &r isHLsrc r. i ha ... .. I "V.WELL, A"4' STRONG. ,m lfm R rr fl r ..," M A 1 WE CAN. LIVE . V &OTTA PO V RNOSAUCi Evl rrX i V,9t ... t ... I"i I irv&&&3t.)it,a . " -tv . " r' . V. lV iSM ' if T 1 I y- 1 M J don't miss it on i IfMtei';-- VK-lwflA M'K KBND Si 5-95 JJ i p y 5-93' 8-93 11-11MS' CfaH(kij ' 3y V. t7HAMLIN V U UUK l''K J I 1 finWMA RCA . J tViA TVRAMT. X HiUiA J I I V IS HE? WE UI?E 1 r 1 J HiklDFD A - nnvi m nui 1 Um POTATO.' OP --. r 1 Of 2:00 Sports Parade .'. '.. .. '2:30 Loviis Prl mj-'s Orchestra 2:45 CJiueK Foster's Orchestra ' 3:0HrHaHs ! Montezuma : , 3:3(M-Hawaii Calfs I ' ' ; , 4:0OiAmerican Eagld in Britain 4:30-Ray Herbeck's Otht, 4:5S-Central dregon N 5:00 Word of Lue 5:30-Detrolt Symphony i Orchestra 6:304-News ' - i ; 6:45-Mutual Musieaio 7:00,-Frankie Carle's OrchJ 7:30 Rod RH l-nesU i.:S0r2llcaSo Theatre of Air 9:15 Organ Music 9:30 Tiny Hill's 10:00-Tea Straeter's Orchest FISHING TACKLE zf s: W ..... l . . ' "" '"" ornyois aT tvans, to supplement the finest stock Oregon! If if to be had EVANS HAS IT! EVANS FLIES Get exactly the patterns yoo want, tied on Muslad hooks. doz. 1.50 Big Lake Troll Spoons . . . .each 1.50 -- - Limit, une to a customer Handy Landing Net . . ...... .1.50 wire f rame, wood Handle Wire Troll Leader 25c With Swivels Troll Rudder 25c Plastic New American Ry Reel, large size. .16.95 imported Fly Reel; Aluminum-.... 8.95 Light American Ry Reels,i........l.25 1.45 Silkworm Tapered Leaders Get Yours NOW 5 brands to choose from Wright & McGill Weber, Lyon & Coulson, West Coast, Evans Tapers. 6-7la and 9 foot and look at the prices! 40c 50c 60c 75c Dupont Nylon Tapered Leader.. only 30c Nylon Leader Material, 1 0-yd. coil. 35c Gut Leader, 10-yd. coil ........20c to 40c 18-202530 Pound Test Regal Scot Tapered Fly Line only 6.50 Level Silk Fly Lines ..... ...65c to 2.25 Silk Casting Lines, 18-30 lb .....1.45 to 1.75 Eagle Claw Snelled Hooks Card 35c ' Salmon Eggs - Bonn's ana Pete's, sin gles, clusters, feeders, Pre-War Prices Flatfish, all patterns... ea. 95c Worden Spinning Fly..... 35c Krafty Fish ea. 75c Heddon River Runt 1.00 PropieBor Spinners 20c Efi Dipper Bait ......only 50c Resembles Abilone Canvas Creels. ... 1 .95 2.95 Worm-Out Worm Kit .only 75c Grip-Loc Tackle Box . . . . .only 4.00 Other Steel Boxes 3.95 and 5.25 . Goodyear. Rubber Boat, 2-Man......i.... 94.95 New, 4 Man 124.93 - New! Pendleton Virgin ComDOSS . 95c Wool Shirts, 6.50 to 8.25 J. P Z . Wrist Type 4.95 New Coleman Gasoline Cruiser 5 00 Stoves and Lanterns ah Met"... " Flashlight, With Batteries "... only 1.35 All Kinds Batteries, All You Want each 10c Ammunition Tor Farmers Only Good Stock NEW .IOINTKII RAMROD Rifle and shotgun, with swivel Handle. 150 22-Rifle Ramrod . ... .. .. .only 15c cabbAci1 li-mt Redfield Sights SCOPE SIGHTS - Receiver Sights and At ar A r - Scope Mounts 21.95 tO 36.95 Ramp Front... 6.45 Extra Large Sleeping Bag . .24.95 40x81". full length zipper, 6 Ilk wool filler, mosquito netting B-B Air Rifle Shot, tube 5c All 'ou Want' Pack Sacks..... 1.95 - 6.95 Metal Frame Sack..... 6.95 JOHNSON Motor Repair Parts - Johnson Gear Grease oil fi-Gal. Gas Can Army Jeep Type 1.95 ' Rod - Reel 1 REPAIR Ve fix 'em righl we have reel parts. Gun Parts Repairs by Experts Bring us your troubles! Largo stock of gun parts Remington- Drowning- Winchester Hi-Mandard Smith & Wesson. New Gun Stocks Forearms - i Available for AH Models On C!tv Bus L!ne Open Sundays EVANS Tackle Sport -Clortiing Archery FLY CO. Licenses Johnson Motors Guns, Kniveii Oa Sovth Highway Phone 815-J