BEND BULLETIN THE - SPORTS GENERAL NEWS SECTION TWO CENTRAL OREGON'S DAILY NEWSPAPER Volume Llll THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 1945 NO. 85 5 r Western Teams To Dominate Denver Tourney Denver, Colo., March 15 ill Ever since the National A. A. U. . .moved its annual basketball tour nament from Kansas City to Den ver In 1935, top honors have gone to a western team, and it looked like a- lead pipe cinch today for that tradition to be continued. "We're going to have almost as many teams entered this year as we did last, when 47 started' out," said Willard N. Greim, na tional president of the A. A. U., "but most of them will be playing close to home. "Not a single team is entered ifrom the Atlantic seaboard. The farthest east that any of them is coming Is Cleveland and in gen eral this is going to be a western tournament." - Travel Held Down Under normal conditions Bill Greim might not like that situa tion. Since 1920, when New York university took the title, the tour nament generally has attracted a fair representation from the east, and to be truly national It has to do so. But 'this year, with travel conditions what they are, even Bill Greim is glad to see travel held to a minimum. Entries for the 1945 tournament closed at midnight last night. Thirty-nine teams had entered then, but Greim predicted that a few stragglers would be coming in today or tomorrow, since any en try will be accepted lf,it was mail ed before the deadline. The tour nament will start on Sunday and run eight days. Back for another shot at the title will be the Phillips 66 Oilers from Oklahoma, who have a chance to become the second team in the histor" of the tournament to win the title three years in a row. ' " Teams Listed Besides Phillips 66, the other teams already entered are: Ces sna Bobcats, Wichita; Bennet Drugs, Billings, Mont.; Los An-, geles Cliftons; San Diego Dons; . Twentieth Century-Fox, Holly wood; Fort Francis E. Warren, Wyoming; Wyoming university,-Pratt-Whitney, Kansas City; Am brose Jellymakers, Denver; Wal senburg (Colorado) Shoskys; Bur ley, Idaho,. Simplot; Caterpillar Tractor, Peoria, 111.; Toners-Am-pelli, Denver; Colorado university Medics; Fee Music, Portland, Ore.; Butte, Mont., Boosters; Fort Lewis, Wash.; San Francisco Ath letic club; Fort Robinson. Ark., Officers; Mitchell-Pontiacs, Ster ling, Colo.; Camp Claiborne, La., hospital; Des Moines, la., state guard'; Allmon Transfer, Cleve land; Fort Collins (Colorado) Poudre Valley creamery; Glen wood Springs Naval hospital; Greeley Lions; Colorado College Navy-Marine; Allen Bradley, Mil waukee; Modesto Junior college; Trinidad Junior college; Lindahl Foundry, Chicago; St. Louis Can dles; Hoxie, Kansas, Wonders; and Colorado Interstate Gas, Colo rado Springs. - ' The others making up the total of 39 will be winners of qualifica tion tournaments, not yet decided. Out Our Way fc)Yi aLAM.'- BLUV BOY, THEM VVASTM" PAYS CP RONAANiCE AMP ADVENTURE RIPIN" OVER TH' BOUNDLESS PLAIMS, KjyOCKiN' OVER BUFFALOES AM INDIANS T ' WHAT'S WROKiG with today 1 Riding thru th" boundless SKIES KNOCKING DOWN ENEMY PLANES, OR ON THE GROUND KNOCKING OUT ENEMY TANKS?, By J. R.Williams OH. SOME PEOPLE LOVE THAT OLD ADVENTURE CUZ. IT'S FAR ENOUGH BACK INI HISTORY THAT THERE'S TO THEIR, HIDES S3 --rjf-it a Ik I ' tit ill- is. 1 J. "'3V THE DISTANT HERO 3-15 COPB. 104& ev fJEA SERVICE. INC. T. M. REO. O. S. PAT OFF. Eugene Quintet Buy National War Bonds Now! , Salem,, Ore., March 15 (IB The consecutive win streak of Eugene high school's basketeers, now standing at 30, will receive its stiffest test today when the Ax men tangle with the Washington Colonials of Portland this after noon in a contest that will get the 1945 state basketball tournament under way. The Eugene-Washington tilt fig ures as one of the "key" contests of the 26th annual tourney pitting Oregon's eight top prep teams against each other in a battle for the state title. Both teams are list ed among three favored clubs, and the winner figures to get to the finals Saturday night. Coupling with the opening con test this afternoon will be a battle hfltiuwwi iho Npurhorcr Titrpro nnrl ' the Baker buldo'gs with the win ner scheduled to play the victor in the Washington-Eugene affair Friday night. Tigers Face Vernonia The bottom bracket of the tour nament schedule will open to night with Medford's undefeated Tigers facing little-known Ver nonia and the Hillsboro Spartans of the Tualatin valley loop sched ules to match buckets with Ore gon City. The winner of these two contests pjay in the second semi final game tomorrow night. Oregon's four best "B" schools will be qn the sidelines today and will open their battle Friday after noon with Clatskanie, the favor ite, meeting Grant union of John Day in the first game and Reeds port playing Arlington in the sec ond. The two winners are sched uled to play for the state B chain- pionsnip in a preliminary game to the A title battle Saturday night. Suarez Is Billed To Fight Hudson Portland, Ore., March 15 UP) Johnny Suarez, Portland's wel terweight sensation, will get his chance to fight his way right into big time tomorrow night when he tangles with Cecil Hudson, Cali fornia negro, who in his last bat tle held lightweight champion Bob Montgomery to a close deci sion. The Portland welterweight is riding on the crest of a record of four victories in four starts since coming to the Rose city. Bear Coach Leaves For Salem Parley Claude Cook, Bend high school coach, left today for Salem to attend the mid-winter conference of the Oregon State High School Coaches association, of which he is secretary. Don Jones of Ore gon city is president of the as sociation. A general meeting of the as sociation will be held Friday, and there will also be committee meet ing. Recommendations for the guidance of the Oregon State High School Athletic association will be considered. In Salem, the coaches, with an attendance of about 90 expected. will attend the state basketball tournament. Oregon Quintet Ready for Play Eueene. Ore.. March 15 IP More than 7,000 basketball fans will be on hand Friday night when the University of Oregon Webfoots seek their second traight triumph over Washing ton State and a ticket' to the N.C. A. A. regional tournament at Kansas City, March 23-24. . The Webfoots, who hold a one game edge in the northern divi sion title playoff by virtue of a 51-41 triumph at Pullman last week-end, were following a light training program today following a sizzling scrimmage session un der the watchful eye of Coach John Warren yesterday. Its a question of even heavier pressure Friday night, with the visiting Cougars holding the edge in possibilities of standing up un der the strain the best because of throe veterans in the- starting lineup against a lone letterman in Oregon's virtually all-freshman aggregation. - Hansen In Spotlight . Individual spotlight will be thrown on Washington '.State's record-breaking .sophomore cen ter, Vince Hansen, and Capt. Bob Hamilton of Oregon. Hamilton held the upper hand in the first game as he poured in 20 points to 15 for the 6-foot 8-Inch Cougar pivot man. . Oregon fans are hoping how ever that Dick Wilkins, freshman forward who led the Webfoots In scoring through the season but failed to count a field goal in the first playoff game, will "come to lite" and enter a big total in the scoring column Friday night. Washington State s team is ex pected to arrive in time for a light workout here today. Reports from Pullman indicate the Cou gars are in top shape for the contest. Coasfing Along in the Sport World . By Jack Cuddy (United Preu Staff Correspondent) New York, March 15 (ID Base ball has produced many excellent left-handed pitchers and batters; but in boxing good southpaws have been nearly as scarce as in tennis or golf. Rarest of all have been portside heavyweight chal lengers. The record books show none. However, Cpl. Melio Beltina a 'swarthy, compact Italian from Beacon, N. Y. claims he will remedy this. Bettina, best south paw heavyweight in modern ring history at least, Is campaigning actively for a shot at Sgt. Joe Louis' title. The corporal's campaign reach es fl prpst (nmnrrnw nicrht at fnrl. 1 ison Square garden where he col lides for the third time with w V for EASTER $5 up Toppers and Ties Knox felts Wright Miracul felts, in new shapes and colors to top your Easter outfit. Ties to please you by Hollyvogue and" Grayco dozens of Easter-bright pat terns, four-in-hand and bows. Get 'em at moody's men's wear 1111, $1.50 52.50 Jimmy Bivins, dangerous, hard hitting negro from Cleveland. Each won a decision in two pre vious engagements. Bivins is fa vored In the "rubber match." Although Bivins is favored, many smart boxing men pick Bet tina because he is in good shape for the first time since entering the army in the fall of 1942. They point out that the Beacon Italian licked Bivins at Cleveland In their first bout, Nov. 17, 1941, before Melio became a soldier. And that he was in service when he lost to Bivins at Cleveland, Sept. 15, 1943. Melio had little chance to train for that bout because he had an "MP" assignment then. For the last few months he has been in special service at a metropolitan station, working as athletic in structor. He should be in much better condition for this brawl If Bettina can beat Bivins to- ! morrow night, he has an excellent chance ol an ultimate title shot at T rtnia An.l innnnDllnnnU.. 1 1 11 'r. 1 1 1 1 nnf.! r i ,1 ,i T : 1 1. """Ill J1WV,UC UU1IIUV1 l,W Willi ; stiff opposition because of his un I orthodox style. In the past Louis jwas a bit befuddled in his first encounters with ODnonents who i did the unusual chaps like Bob i rasior ana Arturo Uodov. And Louis never met a southpaw since i ne became a protesslonal. More- i over, Bettina at 28 is two and a (half years younger than the champion, who incidentally hasn't naa a tight since March, 1942, ; when he belted out big Abe i Simon. , Bettina Is a seasoned, dancer- ous, awkward opponent who has 'been campaigning for 11 vears He Is a rough, tough, busy mauler ;who packs a fair punch in either i hand. He has "ruined" so many fighters that Manager Jimmy ijnppo nas ciitticuity getting op- ponets lor him. He is probably the best "big" southpaw that ever I uvea, no won tne light heavy- weigm crown ( Now York version ) by knocking out Tiger Jack Fox In February, 1939. He lost It to tsmy conn five months later in a nard, close fight. Two months alter that, Melio tried to recap ture the tide from Conn at Pitts Durgn and tailed. Bettina was the only southpaw ever to win a title above the mid dleweight division which produced such left-handed rulers as Al Mc Coy, Johnny Wilson, Tiger Flow ers, and Lou Brouillard. Two southpaws were welter champs TJ Ml 1 ... 1 Diuuiiiura ana xoung fjorbett Jrd. Tommy Paul and Freddie Miller were portside feather title claimants. Melio is the onlv inn. : flight lefty in action now In any battle the Camp Parks Seabees in a spring training exhibition game. Floyd Ehrman from Sacramen to will hurl. Gussie Suhr will make his 1945 debut standing in at first base for Eddie Ghllardl who is down with the flue. , Boyes Springs, Cal., March 15 ail The Oakland Oaks won a T-2 victory over Joe Gordon's Hamilton Field Fliers yesterday in a game called at the end of seven innings on account of rain. San Jose, Cal., March 15 U" The Portland Beavers yesterday sneaked to a two-hour workout between showers in preparation for their game tomorrow night with the San Francisco Seals. The Beavers played a five-in ning intra squad game, the Whites battling the Grays 5-0. Rookie hui-ler Bob Hardy set the Grays down without a hit in four innings. Sacramento, Murch 15 Ul'i Left-handed Roy Wetmore, for mer first baseman for the Pacific coast league Missions, today was another, candidate for tne first sack spot with the Sacramento Solons. Anaheim, Cal., March 15 (Hi Manager Bill Sweeney of the Los Angeles Angels planned to put Boyd Tepler and Ken Hicks on the mound in today's practice game with the Hollywood Stars. Ontario, Cat.. March iS.HPi Hollywood Stars were, to meet the Los Angeles Angeis at Ana helm today in the first pf two practice games for the crosstown rivals, with . Ronnie Smith and Johnny Intlekofer booked to pitch for the iwinks. ; . , El Centro, Cal., March 18 IIP) The San Diego Padres faced an exhibition game with an El Cen tro navy nine today, wjm return tilts against the Mexican all-stars booked for tomorrow and Satur day at Mexican. I ,i i Four Teams Set Pace in Tourney Seattlei March 15 UP-The 21st Washington State high school basketball tournament went into Its second round of play today with four teams Lincoln of Seat tle, South Kitsup, Belllngham and Stadium of Tacoma stamping themselves as detinue contend ers. . . South Kitsap pulled a real up set yesterday, knocking off the favored Walla Walla team, 54-39. Strapping Jud Heathcoate and Ed Brown paced the winners with 14 and 16 points respectively. South Kitsap takes on a tough customer in Bellingham's Red Raiders to day at 2:10. i The Raiders lived up to pre- tourhey notice by walloping Cen tral . vauey, 48-37. ueiiingnam s decided height, advantage proved the margin of victory, altnougn Central Valley made a game of it. .. . v .Spokane Wins . .. ; John. Rogers of Spokane was the first school east- of- the moun tains to get- by the first round, taking Kalama Into camp, 15-13. Tom Bradley led the winners with 12, .while Duane Hardman topped Kalama with 11 points. ' Snohomish and Longview played the day's first thriller, Snohomish finally breaking through ot win, 32-30. Bob Gam bold was high man for the Lum berjacks, scoring 12, while Keith Gllbertson gabbed ten' for the panthers. Seattle's - Lincoln hi g h, first team to represent the big city in the tournament, roared into con tention with a resounding 47-2? win over Wenatchee. The Lynx had too much on the ball for the apple-city team, scoring almost at will - ' INDIA STUDENTS INCREASE Lahore (IB More than 80,000 students will take spring exam inations at Lahore's Punjab uni versity this year, according to the registrar. A tremendous increase in candidates for matriculation has resulted in rural areas, and also from the large number of openings in government service due to the war, the registrar said. Baseball Briefs (Br United Preu) San Francisco, March 15 (in The San Francisco Seals today Gem fife 1 UHAHiWOMSUM .,,..-5 IMA I. I I imp GIVE Red Cross War ' Fund You can choose yourself a heap of summer good looks if you select an Easter suit at S&N. New patterns in stripes and solids new shades of blue, brown, tan and gray. Reason Millions SayWhe William enn - Blended Whiskey, 86 proof, ' 65 grain nautral spirits GOODEXHAM & WORTS LTD. Peoria, Illinois you're sure of getting the "Just right" suit here is your choice of five famous makes Clipper Craft, Club, Timely, Monroe or Longworth. Sfyles are right, tailoring is excellent, and fabrics run from tweeds to worsteds, gabardines, shark skins, etc. There's a style, fabric, color and price to suit youl 29.50 to 49.50 fc W V CuZtr m r Good for Spring and All Summer - Sport Shirts 2.95 up Comfortable and good looking sport shirts, many with con vertible collars, in plains, plaids, checks, two-tones choice of tan, blue, gray, brown, green, etc. Look 'em over. Just Arrived! SPRING HATS O Mallory O Lee New color shades of tan, blue, brown, gray to blend with your spring suit new shapes to perk up your appearance. Fine fur felts, fashioned by these famous makers! 5 to 8.50 : TO S&N Men's Shop 945 Wall St. "We Dress the Town" UlVl.llUil. We pick him to stop Bivins to Bend, Oregon iinurrow nignt.