THE RPMdVuLLETIN. BEND,! OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1945 PAGE SEVEN ,4 acks Go Higher Winnie Speaks nv Rimer C. Waller . (United Prow Financial Editor) . L - vnrlc.' March 15 (IPI Stocks fed higher today In response rime Minister winsiun unurc- prediction 01 peace in t-urope tne ena ui summer -or d sooner." to-operation in the war against n alter iau 01 uermany aiso a bullish influence. raders continued to operate tiously, however, and volume around tne siow pace 01 pre- ..accinne. this week. With j.-. ai.iw." jS in the main list generally ,llt a numoer 01 specialties d wide advances. kocks in ' the Atlantic Coast group teaturea rans, conunu '.u aHvanrp of Wpdnpsdav. ..n mnupH hicrhpr nn nntinn terday of Atlantic Coast Line L .ninn fnr cash a larpe hlnck ttock of the Louisville & Nash- e railroad, a suDsiaiary, wnicn ns to use the money to redeem final $20,000,000 blocK ol L collateral bonas outstanding. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK inriland. Ore., March 15 iU ostock: Cattle 100, calves 10. live steadv with Wednesday. Ler grade cows 25-50c lower in Monaay. uuu twiiuuuii ugm jers 10.50; few medium heifers Ko-12.25. Canner-cutter cows fcely 7.00-9.50. Fat dairy type RS lO lU.iJV. ncuvj xiuiaitruia eible to 11.50. Medium bulls DO-12.00. Good-choice vealers 00-15.50. -logs 100. Active, steady. Good iice 170-300 lbs. 15.75. Good vs 15.00. Feeder pigs salable 50-17.50. iheep 250. Active, steady. Me-im-good wooled lambs 14.75. nd-choice grades late Wednes y to 16.00. Good wooled ewes i'O. jomber Crew 1akes First I'll I Good One Somewhere In the Pr.?ific 'IB Tjie crew of one medium bomber the 4th Marine air wing unit ri a year's training, but hadn't t had a chance to get their Japanese ship. i his is tne story of their first 1. as told by Marine Combat Ancspondent Sgt. James J. Mc- roy, Lonsdale, K. l., who rode plane "over an' enemy convoy the Bonin islands recently. unit of bombers under com- nd of Lt. Col. Jack R. Cram, bany, Ore., was assigned to in- i ccpt a convoy headed for Chi- i Jima. McLlroy rode in the ane commanded by 1st Lt. Clif- i d L. James of Oakboro, N. C. James spotted the convoy and en dropped low to count the ips and warship protection. ere were eight ships. Ave ll go on for about 20 nun 's and lot the Japs think we ven't spotted them," James told s crew. "I hen well come back rt pick out the biggest ship. neck all equipment." .Minutes later, the plane swung ound toward the convoy and opped for a low-level attack. t. William R. Constantino, of I North Kedzie) Chicago, 111., Mod off the mileage count. Ten miles . . . eight miles . . . x miles . . . two miles . . ." And then the order to open the mb bays was given. s tiiey passed across the big panose ship, four separate ex cisions rent the area about the ssc 1. and as the plane pulled up tor the convoy the target became Clewing red mass. The Japs," said McElroy, tore apparently caught un ivare, and failed to fire a shot m any of their ships." umer crew members were: 'Sgt. Frank Dumary, Athens, ., bombardier-navigator: 2nd . Samuel C. Balthron. Mobile. la., co-pilot: Cnl. Warren A. Bo- n. St. Jamos, Minn., second radio- ;m, and TSgt. Marvin W. Ben r, Warren Center, Pa., tail gun- or and photographer. 4 TOWXSKND UNIT MKETS Sisters. March IS iSnecisill The regular meeting of the Town lend club was called to order last Jturday evening in the Copeland mciing. v. H. May, membership 'Id man, reported the addition HI members in the Dast two looks. Following the business fusion, games were played and tieshments were served. f ToonandJ off men and women haTa fonnd that time-tooted Btoaro Table to bring quick. ha ppr relief to oleep-robbing ormptomo of add tool motion, lasoineoo, and apoet stom ach. Taoto delickrao. easy to take bo nhdaf, bottls. Try them ha to a rood siabfa sleep and iraka ap ia the morning tooling like a SI .OOO.OOO. Get geaaiao Btuort Tablow at your druggist onlr 25c OOe, or $1.20 and or roak or'i potitiro moaer-beek gaaraatea. Lvr. (arrant bkinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street , Evenings by Appointment :0,'- Phone 7 R.. Phone il'.W Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates local Paid tn Advance 25 Words One Time .35c 25 Words Three Times ..75c 85 Words si. Times $1.35 FOttSALU I warda aTor tft add le aor wore i One aonla run. iree eepj, H gay rate Caaraa. Me UNE RATE Wo CAPITALS 20c Classified Adrartialag, Cask ia aaraace UaUj Ctoslag Tlase I lilt T. at. BENDAEREE NO. 20S9 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store KOB SALE WHY PAY RENT when you can buy a two bedroom modern for $2100. ' House In good condition ready to move in, large kitchen, lots of cupboards, utility room, heater and range. House at 1455 Fresno. Get key at 1465 Fresno. Phone 309-R. ' 1931 FORD tudor sedan, $100 cash. Two wheel trailer, one large child's crib. 205 McKinley Ave. SMALL FURNISHED two bed room house. Hot water, new circu lator, white enamel cook stove, pre-war daveno and chair, Oregon Trail dinette set, ohest of drawers, bunk beds and full size bed and springs, baby bed. $1300 cash. 317 W. 12th St. LOVELY WICKER baby carriage, adjustable for any age. Auto bed, auto seat. Sturdy maple play pen on rollers with leatherette pad. Call 1181. YOUNG CALVES. Call 18-F-31. BROODED TURKEY poults. Will deliver to your ranch, 7 to 9 weeks of age, any number from 1,009 to 6,000. Laurence Finlay, Rt. 1, Jef ferson, Oregon. Phone 959. A GOOD BUY. Two bedroom, large living room and kitchen, also dinette, large concrete base ment, good furnace, fine location, paved street. Price $3,400. $1,000 down payment, balance $40 per montn includes interest. hranK McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. , SMALL STEAMER trunk, foot locker. Ib4 E. Irving. $15,000 BUYS 290 acres, 111 acres water, 6 room house, 23 acres alfalfa, 30 acres red clover. Price includes tractor and all other equipment. Possession short time. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. HEAVY HENS fine for roasting or boiling-dressed on order.; Phone order early to 1070-W or call at 147 E. Otney. ONE 60 GALLON hot water tank and heater complete with thermo stats, etc. One vacuum cleaner, in good condition. Pilot Butte Auto Court ROSE COLORED mohair extra large davenport and chair. Call at 827 Florida. Tele. 605-M. ACf$GE&, .5 acres,. 5 acrq? Mvtma,-3 room house, oil heater, good outbuildings, $2500, $1000 down, $35 month. 20 acres, 19 C. O. I., large house, fenced, good pas ture, $2300, $1000 down, $250 year. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. THREE GOOD work horses, 1200 lbs. First road to left past Glen Vista Club, third driveway on right. Ted Wiley. 3 BEDROOM, plastered interior, basement, furnace, paved street, west side near mill. $3250. Some terms. 333 Federal. Phone 1129-W. $1600 BUYS large 3 room modern house on Revere. $2500 buys 4 room modern furnished west side. $2300 buys 2 bedroom modern, north side. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. PRE-WAR MAN'S bicycle in good condition. Inquire 362 Riverside or phone 428-M. TWO 3-ROOM semi-modern fur nished houses. 5 room modern, breakfast nook, unfurnished. One room cabin. Large lot, very close in, Immediate possession. Price $3200, $2000 down, balance $25 per month, includes interest. Inquire at 164 E. Irving. ONE-HALF ACRE. One of Red mond's best homes, 6 rooms, mod ern in every way. Good garage and 'woodshed. Cement walks around the house. Price $6500. Terms. Shelley Real Estate. The Dirt Merchant, Redmond, Oregon. SIX MILES from Bend. Seven room modern house, large barn, 80 acres with 3 acres C.O.I, water, 200 acres Taylor grazing land, 18 acres in alfalfa and 25 acres ready for spuds. A fine buy for $6,500. Terms $3,000 cash, balance $500 per year. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. RABBITS, bred does, good breed ing stock. Call at 147 E. Olney. CHEAP One new twin size mat tress, used one week. Colonial Jr. kitchen range, cheap. Call at 255 Davis St. GASOLINE WASHING machine motor, A-l condition. Inquire at 875 Roosevelt. TABLE MODEL electric radio, daveno S15.00, now vanity with bed to match $17.50, nice enamel led kitchen range, table model battery radio, console battery radio, several good wood heaters, real bargains, dresser base, kitch en cabinet base, coil springs, bed steads, several sets of work har ness real cheap, large mirrors, medicine cabinets, gas griddle, V pulleys for electric motors, re placement balls for trailer hitches, bumper hitches, several small cook stoves, meat grinder, leather couch, baby basinette, medicine scales, rockers, hab" stroller, iron ing board, gasoline irons. Open evenings. 330 Division. INCOME and home close in, 2 modern furnished houses. Only $3500, $1000 down, $40 month. Du plex apartment, west side, $3200, $1000 down, $50 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. FOR RENT ONE, TWO and three-room houses, rurnisnea, wiw waim lights. Close in. Not modern. Call 168 E. Irving. Phone 834-W. ' -mnr, t AnnR room modern fur nished apartment. East side on city bus line, wood range. imiuuc 534 E. 3rd St. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, freshly decorated, close in. Also 1 room semi-modern. Inquire 216 East Irving. q ortrtM fumicheH hniiKp rarape and ' woodshed. Inquire at 223 Kooseveit alter o p. m rw 1035-J. 4 BEDROOM modern house, util ity room, full basement, pipeless furnace, 4 garages on back of lot. Close to mills and town. 430 Flor ida. Phone 616-W. $2500 BUYS large modern home close in' $3800 buys 5 bedroom partly furnished, west side. $5000 buys large modern home, paved street, close in. $850 buys two room furnished, 3 lots, west side. $5000 buys one acre, modern home, $2000 cash (handles. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. 60i HEAD good dairy stock; few fresh cows, others to freshen within 6 weeks. Write or phone Bill Kendall, '.care -of - Charlie Reed's Saddle Shop, Klamath Falls. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all Irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Llchtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. WOOD STOVE complete with colls and tank. Inquire 236 Newr port. ..' ' LOVELY HOME, modern in every detail, 3',-i acres on paved high way close in. furnace, reduced from $10,000 to $8000 for quick sale. Shown by appointment only. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 2 ROOM apartment, wood, water and lights furnished. 35 Haw thorne avenue, fnone j. 6 ROOM modern, unfurnished house at 1404 Galveston. See Thursday morning or inquire at 1225 Kingston. . 5 ROOM modern, two bedroom house, furnished. Inquire 1305 Elgin. MODERN, FURNISHED 4 room house, also 3 room apartment fur nished complete. Inquire 65 Frank lin. Phone 1149. WANTED WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W. R. Franks, Redmond or phone 78-J, Redmond, Oregon. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St Phone 900. RADIANT FIRE gas heater. Call H. C. Sutton, 441-W. RELIABLE PERSON wants to rent furnished house, preferably with two bedrooms. Call 623-W or call at 843 Harmon Blvd. THIS CURIOUS WORLD V. TWO TH1ROS OP AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALS ARB UABSUPALSf ... CREATURES THAT CARRY THEIR Y0UN& ABOUT IN A -P0U.CH. y a I 1 WELL, WATT TUNGSTN WIRC MANUFACTURED FOR USE IN THREE- WATT LAMPS, IS DRAWN SO PINE THAT A POUND WOULD REACH 32 HLESf Farmers Break Record In State of Washington Seattle iui Although handicap ped by manpower and equipment shortages, Washington state farmers nroduced an all-time rec ord of 7,730,640 tons of crops, live stock and livestock products for 1944. i Production was five times that needed within the state, the extra tonnage going for military and lend-lease buyers or for shipment to ther states. ' Buy National War Bonds Now! UNITED STATES HAS ONLY ONE SUCH ANIMAL . THE OPOSSUM. tow. ml BY NE SERVICE. INC T. M. RES. U. ft SAT OFF. Biennial plant op ths lhy FAMILY, GROWN FOR ITS PUNGENT, MANY-LAYERED BULB" IS THE DEPINITION FOR. HVHArfi 31 S ANSWER: An onion. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. AS I NEED the room so badly, I have an excellent buy in a radio phonograph combination, which has never been sold. Also late small 6 tube table model. 117 Laf ayette. Phone 536. LIGHT 2-WHEEL trailer. Awbrey road. . ,, 2105 ONE GASOLINE -washing- -machine in first class condition, frac tion of original cost. Also pre-war davenpoit and chair in excellent shape. Phone 274 or call at 434 Kansas. WANT TO BUY two-row potato planter. Phone 7-F-13 Prineville, or write L. W. Nolan, Powell Butte, Oregon. TO RENT on east side 5 or 6 room house, unfurnished or partly fur nished, by March 23. Good steady tenants. 510 Delaware. WANT TO RENT small nicely furnished modern house within next month. Mrs. Edward Zychal, 1617 W. 1st. MALE GOLDEN Cocker Spaniel 6 or 8 months old. Contact Ed Barnett, Box 893, Redmond. PERMANENT CIVILIAN couple Wjants one or 2 bedroom house in desirable location. Call Mrs. Wal dron, 36-F-2. HELP WANTED BELL BOY at Pilot Butte Inn. THREE-QUARTER BED with springs and mattress. Also ladies shoes sizes 7 and 8', and size 36 new blue coat sweater. Phone 1066-R. i WOMAN for laundry and general worn, room, board and Sliu per month. Apply Deschutes Cottage Hospital, 236 E. Kearney or phone 415. DINING ROOM buffet in dark finish wood. Phone 634-J. ON PAVED STREET, sewer con nections, 2 bedroom plastered house, wired for electric range, cellar, $1800, $500 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 30 Oregon. Phone 36-W. FLOWERING SHRUBS SPECIAL Including fertilizer and planting book. SPECIAL NO. 1 13 shrubs, 9 to 24 inches branch ed $3.00. SPECIAL NO. 2 5 large shrubs 1 to 3 ft. $3.00. SPECIAL NO. 3 All 18 shrubs in specials No. 1 and 2, $5.00. All shrubs in these specials are hardy. I have a large stock of shade, flow ering and fruit trees, flowering shrubs ready to plant. Evergreen should be planted later. 735 East Norton, Haines Nursery. Corner East 8th and Norton. Phone 905, Bend, Oregon. ' FOR SALE OK TRADE 4 ROOM modern house and new garage for $3250, with $800 cash and balance at $25 month. Furni ture can be bought separately. Will consider a large trailer house instead of cash. Call 1065-W or see at 1014 Columbia. FOB EENT INVESTIGATE two Ideal share apartment apartments. 138 St. Helens Place. CLEAN MODERN 3 room fur nished apartment, walking dis tance. Wood, water and lights fur nished. Adults only. Inquire 945 E. 2nd St. 3 ROOM modern, furnished apart ment, private bath. Inquire 141 Georgia. Phone 766. 2 ROOM furnished cabin with shower, toilet, hot water and oil circulator. One block from post office. Just right for one person. Gilberts Ral Estate, 1015 Wall. 4 ROOM unfurnished modern house, only 5 blocks from busi ness district, equipped with kitch en range. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. 3 ROOM modern furnished house. Inquire at 821 Columbia St. FURNISHED 3-room semi-modern house, close in. Phone 1055 J after 6 p. m. or write P.O. Box 806. 3 ROOM furnished modern house with garage, close in. Call 358-W. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS and bus girl. Inquire Coffee Shop Pilot Butte Inn. WE DO It again. Pre-Easter per manent wave sale. Machine $5.00 for $7.50 value, machinelcss $7.50 lor a $10.00 value. Thursday through Monday only. Beauty Quest, 81 Oregon avenue. Jo Ann Thomas, manager. Tele. 170. BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19 F-3 collect. WRINGER ROLLS! AH makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine parts. Factory trained. Eimer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni ture, fnone 274. 434 Kansas. SITUATION WANTED WILL CARE for elderly people or one who needs care, or conval escent patient in my home. Mrs. Elliott, 1258 E. 2nd. Phone 593-W. NOTICE. MOVED: WALTER L. DA RON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. by American Indians, sunflower and other seeds were cultivated earlier, scientists believe. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the county court of the state of Ore gon for Deschutes county her final accounting as administratrix of the estate of G. Benson, de ceased, and that the judge of said court has fixed April 12, 1945, at the county court room at the courthouse In Bend, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ob jections to and for settlement of said accounting; and all persons interested are hereby required to appear at said time and place and show cause if such there be why said final accounting should not be settled and allowed. SELMA BENSON, Administra trix Estate of G. Benson, Deeeas- J o55r7 A truck out of commission is bad news for both you and your country. Don't let it happen! Our expert mechanics will inspect and repair your trucks wit'i prompt effi ciency. Both truck and cv owners will find the Bend Garage completely equipped to do the job efficiently and economically. Drive in. S Bend Garage Co. South of Postoffics Phone 193 Maize, or Indian corn, was prob ably not the first plant cultivated USED CARS 1936 HUDSON 4 door sedan, be low ceiling. 424 Federal St. 1931 CHEVROLET four door se dan. Inquire 212 Hill street. ' 1937 PLYMOUTH coupe for sale under ceiling price. Good condi tion. Can see it after 0 p. m. 1254 East Second St. LOST STRAYED from my range last fall, one 3 year old heifer with calf. Branded Diamond "J" on left hip. Reward. G. O. Jones, Rt. 1. Box 231. WOMAN'S BLACK, lined leather gloves in business district Tues day night. Leave at Bulletin office. MAN'S WHITE gold wrist watch in vicinity of Drake Pork. Phone 748-J. BOY'S COAT, about size 16, army field jacket style, olive drab color. Left on running board of ear park ed near Safeway slore. Call Mrs Hall, 639-M or at Western Union MISCELLANEOUS BEND BODY & PAINT SHOP Collision Damage, Body & Fender i Repair -- Estimates Given i 1031 Harrlman. Phone 330. Bend. Makes Old Tires Safe! lire ;eiiners Full size Firestone tire relining provides your iircs complete protection right up to the bead. 3-ply cemented and painted. Passenger Car Sixes 4.75x5.00 to 7.00x17 S2.75 up Houk-Vcsn Allen Ttt-csJotse Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St. I'hone 860 ed. 85-91-97-103C R t jj " t s-S Mit oJ-- itiiv j j - -wmmr a-a-a fc w V I 4SI a t I RED RYDER ,li!.J MILE OF TRACK Begin with a strip of land 150 feet wide. Grade to desired height and level, provid ing for ditches, culverts and bridges. Then apply 3,250 chemically-treated ties, 6,500 metal tie plates, 271 steel rails, 2,700 rail anchors, 13,000 spikes, 1,084 bolts and many tons of heavy ballast. Add signals and switches as necessary. That makes one mile of Great Northern main line track. Thousands of such miles of rugged track between the Great Lakes and the Pacific make the foundation for Great Northern's dependable freight service. II. I. WAYiVIO, Oneriil Agent G. N. Station Kliimatli Fn 1 1 H, Oregon route ol the EMPIRE BUILDER 32 By FRED HARMAN afSkJ. STAY AwPsT ( iM VS. I liAfcV ' ViJl rV " 1 i co m;YNt,vitl inc I lit I fT er. '