THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1945 PAGE FIVE Local News Maximum yesterday, 43 degrees. Minimum, last night, 24 degrees. Temperatures: 16 p. m., SO de grees; 10 a.m., 39 degrees. Velo city of wind: 10 P-nu, 12 mOe; 10 ajn., 14 mile ; Sheriff Claude McCauleyr Jus tice ot the Peace Wilson Georee. Bend Chief of Police Ken Gulick, District Attorney A. J. Moore, and Redmond Chief of Police Ness Edgar left this afternoon for Port land where they will attend a state safety meeting in the Mult nomah hotel sponsored by the In ternational Association of Chiefs of Police. . Mrs. Arthur Bourne of Lebanon is expected in Bend the latter part of this week. She will spend sev eral days with County Treasurer R. A. Ferguson. Mrs. Kenneth Cruickshank of Bend, left this afternoon to spend several days in San Francisco while her husband, Capt Cruick shank, takes a brief training course in that city. The captain is stationed at Camp Calian, San Diego, v L. W. Gearhart of The Timbers, was in Bend yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rodman and daughters, Jo Ann and Christina, of Madras, spent yesterday in Bend on a business trip. W. L. Fowler, area supervisor for the state unemployment com pensation commission, was in Bend yesterday on a business call. He left today for Klamath Falls. Mrs. A. Bensen has returned to Bend' after a two weeks' trip to Couer d'Alene, Ida., her former horpe. She spent her time visiting f riafnds and relatives. lit. and Mrs. Jim Con ant are moving from Bend to Portland today. The lieutenant has received a transfer from the Redmond air field to the Portland air base. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fitzgerald left today by bus for La Grande where a relative was reported to have been killed in a traffic accident. Fitzgerald, specialist 1c, is at-' tached to the navy recruiting sta tion here . Chief Paul H. Connet, in charge of the Bend navy recruiting sta tion, plans to leave tomorrow for Madras on a recruiting mission. Mrs. Earl Gardner of Portland, a former Bend resident, was in the city the first of. the week vis iting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Steve Matich have received word from their son, Set. Nicholas Matich. of his ar. rival in Luxembourg. Matich, who has been overseas 15 months with the U. S. army air corps, was pro moted to sergeant this month. Calvin L. Sherman of Prine ville, today was a business caller in Bend. . , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clift and son of John Day, were guests at the Pilot Butte inn today. api. l. m. scnultz, stationed at the Redmond army air field, entertained a party of friends at the Pilot Butte inn last night Donald Street W. W. Johnston and H. N. Watenpaugh of the bu reau oi reclamation, Boise, Ida., were here today conferring with local bureau officials. Mrs. George Tackman has re turned to her home at Brothers, after being hospitalized In Bend for some time because of an ill ness. Representatives of churches in Bend who are sponsoring the project for teaching the Bible in the schools, will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Baptist church, it was announced. The purpose of the meetiner is to adODt a con stitution, elect officers and choose a name for the organization, it was saia. Dr. Phillip H. Dencer, retired Bend dentist, is seriously ill in the St. Charles hospital, it was re ported today. Cpl. Arie J. Smit, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Smit, 408 Georgia avenue, has been released from a hospital in Belgium, according to a letter received today by his parents. Cpl. Smit also sent a purple heart, which he had been awarded, to his mother. Mrs. J. B. Lasher and son. Jim mie, today returned to their Port land home after spending 10 days NEWS OF SOCIETY (AU society item, should be reported to The Btuletin i not later than 10 a.m. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays ana Saturdays.) 1G00 FEET OF FILM BY AIR EXPRESS NEWS!! SCOOP!! Camp Fire Leaders Draw Plans For Intensified Activities ADOointment of committee' heads to launch spring Campfire activities highlighted the Des chutes county council meeting held Tuesday night In the home of Mrs. J. K. Roberts oi Keamona, county council president. Heading the constitution ana by-laws revision committee is Mrs. Gale Blakley oi uena wno will work with the following erouo: Mrs. Jack Hartley, Red mond; Mrs. John Henderson, Red mond; Miss Lucy Davison, Bend. The budget committee witn Mrs. P. N. Armstrong of Bend as chairman is composed of Mrs. Charles Heim of Redmond and Mrs. C. J. Rademacher of Bend. Mrs. PM. Houk of Redmond, chairman of the camp committee. will be assisted by Mrs. Barbara Steinhauser of Bend and Mrs. Maurice Lyons of Shevlin. Mrs. Joe Elder, executive secre tary of the Deschutes county council, reported on a recent trip to Prineville during which initial plans were laid for establishing a unit ,hr Participating In Tuesday night's Rpsstnna were: Mra. Ernest Wil son of Redmond, Mrs. E. C. Bur nett of Redmond, Mrs. Chandler Jonspn of Redmond. Mrs. Jack Hartley of Redmond, Mrs. Charles Heim of Redmond, Mrs. William Lindgren of Bend, Mrs. J. R- Rob erts, Mrs. Joe Elder, Mrs. Gale Blaklcv. Mrs. John Henderson and Miss Lucy Davison. National, State Representatives ToMeetWithBPW One representative from the state office and one from the na tional office of the Business and Professional Women's club will be present at tonight's dinner and business meeting of the local chapter scheduled for 7 p. m. in the Pine Tavern, Miss Lucy Davi son, president, announces. Miss Olive Huston, field direc tor of field service for BPW, and Mrs. Constance Webber, state president, will discuss various functions of the organization from both state and national angles. The Crook county BPW has re ceived an invitation to meet with the Deschutes group at tonight's session. ' Eloise Allen Is Named Leader of 4-H Group Eloise Allen was elected presi dent of the newly-organized 4-H cooking I club in the Alfalfa school, with Dorothy Bryant as sisting her as vice-president. , Other officers included Louis Rouse, secretary, and Carl Wal lace, reporter. The next meeting is scheduled for March 16 at the home of Zelma . Wallace, local leader. Tomorrow 7 and 9 P.M. Saturday I to 1 1 P.M. 2 Days Only O Fri. O Sat. RUSHED TO AMERICAN THEATRES BY FAST AIR EXPRESS ' BLOODIEST BATTLE IN 168 YEARS OF MARINE HISTORY 1WO JIMA SUBJECTED TO 70 DAYS OF BOMBARDMENT SEE!! SEE!! THE JAPS ANSWER BACK! AN LCI HIT BV ENEMY FIBEr SEE!! THE MARINES COME IN DESPITE LOSSES OF HUN DREDS OF LAND ING CRAFT! SEE!! the japs' best am) newest weapons in ac tion the ones they saved for this attack. no choice for oik boys but to come in: SEE!! MOTOYAMA FALL TO OUR FORCES WITH A LOSS OK 2050 AMERICAN LIVES IN 15 DAYS! 800 SHIP FLEET LAND 40,000 U. S. MA RINES! SEE!! THE MARINES LAND ON THE JAPS' BEST DEFENDED ISLAND IN THE WORLD! SEE!! THE BATTLE OF MOTOYAMA NO. I PHOTOGRAPHED FROM INSIDE A MA RINE TANK. HEAR THE ACTUAL RADIO CONVERSATION! SEE!! THE BATTLE OF IWO JIMA THAT STILL RAGES SEE THE MARINES ADVANCE! MARCH VofTIME AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM MUSSOLINI, A FAWNING FUGITIVE! HIS EMPIRE DREAM A MOCKERY! HIS LAND A DEVASTATED SHAMBLES! THE COMPLETE STORY OF IL DUCE'S SHATTERED PROGRAM! AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM A TOP MUSICAL ON ICE "Lake Placid Serenade" MUST END TONIGHT "30 Seconds Over Tokyo" visiting Mrs. O. M. Whittington, lb5 St. Helens place. Mrs. N. H. Kittleson and daugh ter, Eva, accompanied by Mrs. Glenn Slack left Tuesday for Port land. They will retucn to Bend in several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Cobb of Prineville are returning to. their home tonight after spending sev eral days with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Perry of Bend. Mrs. Howard W. Turner was a visitor in Bend today from Madras. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosebrook of Rt. 1 are the parents of a son Dorn this morning in the St. Charles hospital. Dance every Friday night at Carroll Acres. Music by the Night Owls. City bus will leave hall last time at 12 midnight. Adv. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. Adv. Camp Fire Girls Attend Sunday Services En Masse Local Campfire girls launched observance of National Birthday week on March 11 "Go To Church Sunday" with a mass at tendance of 111 girls and guarai ans at the First Baptist church in Bend and are commemorating the week by accelerated activities. On display in; Wetle"s show window is handicraft of various groups, including a modeled cere monial gown belonging to Joyce Armstrong, nature notebooks, hearted and leather headbands, plaster parts plaques and hano- palnted glasses. 'It's Up to You' Review Presented Redmond, March 15 (Special) Mrs. Eric Colegrove was nosiess to the Juniper Literary society Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. R. Roberts. Mrs. L. E. Smith gave a book review, "It's Up to You." Mrs. Colegrove, a former resident of Redmond, now lives in Prineville. The March 28 meeting will be at the home of Mrs. C. H. Irvln. Redmond D.A.R. Holds Meeting Redmond, March 15 (Special) The Deschutes chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo-, lution was entertained at the home of Mrs. C. R. McLallin on March 9. Mrs. C. H. Irvin gave the program, speaking on the Dumbarton Oaks peace plan pro posals. . Mrs. Luella Sanders Is Hostess at Gathering Mrs. Luella Sanders was hos tess last Saturday night at an informal party held in her home in Bend. Guests present were: Mrs. Dorothy Applegate, Mrs. Helen Gustafson, Mrs. Jimmle Glllman, Mrs. Anna May Hoyt, Miss Louise Bryant, Miss Lilly Shipler, Miss Marion Bloomquist, Miss Carola May , Miss Solveig Jensen, Miss Emma Jean Scholl, Miss Ruby Rinell and Miss Erma Clingham. SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight, 6:30 p. m. American Legion birthday celebration, potluck din ner in Episcopal parish hall. 7 p.m. Business and Profes sional Women's club, dinner and business meeting at the Pine Tav ern. State president and national officer will be present. 7:30 p. m. rnuatnea ciun. home of Connie Tyson, 321 Drake road. 8 d. m. Ex Llbris club, with Mrs. Don WaddeU, 290 Portland. 8 p. m. Neighbors of Wood craft, Moose hall on Bond street. Friday 10:30 a. m. Boyd Acres exten sion unit will meet with Mrs. Clif ford Kribs on the old Redmond highway to discuss "Giving Home Sewing the Professional Look." Children will be cared lor at the home of Mrs. Leslie Kribs. 2 p. m. Westminster Presby terian church, sewing circle, at the home of Mrs. Robert McCal lem, 860 Federal. 8 p.m. - Modern Woodmen of America, Norway hall. Saturday 1:30 p. m. Wee Women 4-H sewing club, home of Mrs. Hubert Bartlett In Boyd Acres. 8 p.m. Annual dance spon sored by the Irish ladies in the old USO hail. Tuesday Circles 2 and 3 will meet In the Catholic parish with Mrs. Ben Shannon as hostess. 2:30 p. m. Ladies guild of the Trinity Episcopal church will con vene at the home of Mrs. Evans, wi Riverside drive. Spread thrift up to the maximum. Bring costs down to the minimum. Get your drug and toiletries need here where the lowest possible price for your favorite nationally adver tised brands accentuate positive savings. These value prove that we are doing our level best to be on tha level with you. While price have risen sharply in other line of retailing, most of our drug and toiletry product ara telling at PRE WAR PRICES. AND SOME ARE EVEN LOWER. , Zipper Notebooks, $5.50 25c Modess . . .3 for 59c 50 Book Matches . . .12c 3 DAYS ONLY STARTING TONIGHT ufflZm tS -Sir f-n TTTV"J lEfl GORCEY BOBBY JORDAN HUNTZ HALL AHM STERUMS EVELYN BREHT -ALSO 2ND FULL LENGTH FEATURE- League to Hear Niskanen Talk On New Laws Members of the L e a c u e of Women Voters at their meeting on March 27. at 7 D.m.. In the Pine Tavern, are to hear William iMSKanen, representative in the state legislature from the Des chutes county district, review laws of local Interest approved at tne 13-15 session of the legisla ture. ' Husbands of league mem bers and all interested in the new laws affecting Central Oregon are Being invited to attend. Reserva tions for dinner should be made through league members. Arrangements for the dinner meeting are being made by Mrs, Sumner Dietrick, chairman of the league's government and its op erations committee. Mrs. Crosby rt. isnevnn is league president, Marie Rieben Weds New Yorker At Quiet Rites Miss Marie Rieben of Redmond and Second Lt. Gerald W. Hough oi tinsnurg, iNew York, were married at 9:30 a.m. yesterday by Rev. L. H. Boswell, pastor of the Missionary Baptist church. Attendants were Hazel Wolford and Robert Birnard. Lt. Hough is on duly with the U. S. army air corps. P.E.O. Sisterhood Elects Officers Redmond, March lf (Special) Chapter AQ of the P.E.O. Sister hood held its annual election of officers for the ensuing year at its March 8 meeting at the home of Mrs. Allen Mills. Officers elect ed were: president, Mrs. William Tweedie; vice-president, Mrs. E. D. Hailock; recording-secretary, Mrs. C. H. Irvine: corresponding secretary, Mrs. Gladys Steers; treasurer, Mrs. Edith Smith; I chaplain, Mrs. J. R. Roberts; guard, Mrs. H. E. Van Arsdale. Yearbook committee: Mrs. Wil liam (Jiang. Mrs. William Twee- ' die, Mrs. II. E. Van Arsdale. Guild Members Hear Book Review Mrs. Keith Lnngworthy re viewed G. Elsie Harrison's "Son to Susanna," a biography of John Wesley stressing the influence of his mother's teaching, before 20 members and guests of the Su sanna Wesley guild who met last Monday evening nt the home of Mrs. Dan Sullivan. Further study of Susanna Wes ley's life will be Included in fu ture programs, it was announced by Mrs. Marion Poor, guild presi dent. Following the program, the hostess served refreshments us ing a St. Patrick's day theme lor decoration. American Legion Will Sponsor Dinner Tonight Perry A. Stevens Post No. 1 American Legion and auxiliary will commemorate the 20th birth day of the Legion with a dinner party at the parish hall of the Episcopal church tonight at ti.iU p.m. A program will follow the serv ing of dinner. Paraxanthim-, a chemical com pound somewhat similar to caf feine and found in the liver of various animals, is called an an tithyroid substance hcrause it has the opposite effect to that of thy roid hormone. Husbands ! Wives ! Want new Pep and Vim? ThnMnI fif r'iNilc jr "ik, W'trii-oiit, ei- hildhl'-'l K'lltly iHt iiii-n Ixi'lV lut t IT'itl. 1 '.r H" vtrn. vnnliiy. Try H'rr-s Turin: 'I'" H'lPtilt" Ifiti yun. lint, mttv iwl tut priliylut ir .n- vitamin Hi. .i t :ir.jntrMlurt'-rY m ikiw uniy Ve lor ale at Jl dnitf morua fverticre. ( FOUR SQUARE with YOUR HEALTH Every prescription Is comprised of two parts the written formula, as set down hy the physi cian, and the measuring and mixing of the pre scribed drugs by the pharmacist. When you bring the prescription to us, our skill and painstak ing care assure that the medicine will be FOUR SQUARE with your health Quality Ingredi ents . , . LeMer-Perfect Compounding , . . Precise Strength . . . Prompt Service. 10b Woodbury Soap 4 for 26c $1.00 Mar-O-Oil Shampoo 79c 60c Kreml Shampoo 49c $T.OO Yerv Shampoo 59c U"rl tooth tii m TU I BRUSH j mmm yll Aft M riM ibU I -tt i ivA $ fei 4 -.fePtO- COLD" f r CREAM if jl tor Quick BaBaf offJ"t 'iiio True American Hand Lotion 19c Multl-Vltmln. Vv IT And Mineral Add 20 Fedoral excise tax to Cosmetics 1 : WXfW 15c Kitchen Towels Paper 2 for 25c Mrs. Carl, Mother Of Air Ace, Dies Wondhurn, Ore., March 15 HI'i Mrs. II. L. Carl, who has been as sociated with Oregon's milk In dustry for many years, died in a Wooclburn hospital last night aft er a long Illness. At her bedside were her three children: Maj, Mnrlon Carl, a fa mous south Pacific marine flylni?, ace, who flew here from his sta tion in Maryland; Manlon Carl who recently went on reserve sta tus from the paratroopers to take over the Carl dairy ranch, and Virginia Curl, graduate student In the Medill school of journalism at Northwestern university, were here. Mrs. Carl and her husband founded their dairy ranch nt Hub bard more than 30 years ago. Until recently, natives of New Hebrides made poisoned arrows ot human bone, and smeared Each SUN-GOLD segment holds a rich supply of vitamin C... tells you it's Ik Desert Grapefruit Taste one of our clean skinned, golden grapefruit! They're "health from tho desert" . . . laden rich with vitamin C. Just half a Desert Grapefruit gives you a day's primaru mipply of this important vitamin. Spoon into the clear, natural-golden segments of Desert Grapefruit at breakfast. Enjoy that nesty flavor at lunch or dinner. Try fresh-squeezed Desert Grapefruit juice, too. them with a mud containing tet anus bacillus. Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Do falsa teeth drop, slip or wabble when you talk, eat, laugh or sneeze? Don't be annoyed and pmbarrasaed by such handicaps, FA8TEKTH, an alka line (non acid) powder to sprinkle on your plates, keeps false teeth more firmly set. Ulves confident feeling of se curity and added comfort. No Rummy, gooey, pasty tasta or feeling. Get FA3 TKUTH today at any drug store. Women do you suffer shpie ANE0IA Due to Loss of Blood-Iron? Tou girls who suffer from simple) anemia or who lose so much during monthly periods you feel tired, weak, "dragsed out" this may be due to low blood-iron so try Lydla E. Piukham'a TABLETS at once, Pinkham's Tablets are one of the very best home ways to help build up red blood to give mora Btrenath and energy in such eases. Plukhom's Tiibleta are one or the greatest blood-iron ton tea you can buyt Follow label directions lydiaE. Pinkham's TAQiSTS PRE N$V.v -l0- 5n l, Vslnt:?!'' MOM AH70NA.1 f GUFON ,.. I From 9 to 11:55 Every Friday Night Night Owls Orchestra Featuring Helcne Isack at the Piano CARROLL ACRES HALL Wonderful Maple Floor City But Serviea Until Midnight Flower Show See our show rooms now for plants available for Eastor. Ported Roses Easter Lilies Violets Azaleas Amaryllis Cinararifls PLACE YOUR ORDER ' EARLY PBCKETT Flower Shop & Gcrdcn Phono 530 629 Qulmby We Uileitruph flowers anywhere.