Madras Elects New Principal Madras, March 15 (Special) The board of directors of Madras Union high school met this week, at which time Dennis W. Patch, ' for six years with the high school at Adrian, was named as prin cipal of the high school, replac ing H. B. Stephens who has re signed. Other applications were also under consideration, to fill three vacancies which will occur on the faculty. . A group of new ranchers on the project west of town also ap- vpeared before the board asking ythat some means of transporta tion be arranged there soon. Plans were made by the board to se cure busses by next fall, if pos sible, to handle the increase of enrollment expected in this area within the next few months. Ivan Luman has been elected principal of the Madras grade school, according to an announce ment made by the school board Tuesday afternoon. Luman taught here five years ago, and is now teaching at Silverton. Two other - teachers will also be added to the " staff, domestic science and manu al training have been added to the course of study. THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1945 PAGE THREE Willie the Weeper Dead in Portland Portland, Ore., March 15 Ui Willie the Peeper is dead! Willie, a 13-year-old monkey at the Washington Park zoo in Port- Scene as Wainwright Surrendered i frn- ft i.l ,f J 5 . v - . 8 Jbz i ft c'1a NEA Tflephotn) When there was "no further hope, all ammunition exhausted, Lt. Gen, Jonathan Wainwright broadcast surrender orders to his troops from Manila radio station under watchful eye ot Japanese guard. This plctura was taken from Japanese by Filipino guerrillas, released by U. S. Arm Signal Corps. land who was the object of a four week search during a "peeping torn" escapade In 1942, died of a broken back after he fell to the floor of his cage Wednesday. The ring-tailed Willie escaped in 1942 and frightened a number of residents in Portland's Arling ton Heights by peeking in their windows. The monkey prowled the Heights for several weeks before he was captured. phone 82 917 Wall tVARTME MENUS a B FOR FRIDAY SATURDAY www I Drifted Snow no Lb. Bag: ssi racy CRACKERS ' Sunshine Krlspys 2 Lb. Carton 31c Toilet Paper FABRIK SOFT 4 rolls 29c diidev ffcSl Sardines 1 ib. can 15c i UKEA y "jft 3 Pearl Reef 1 . Mil Rice 2 1"- 25c gal. 25c M Syrup 5 Ib. lar 39c Jakn.lil RaScmc Ginger Bread Mix Waffle Mix ivuiiiiii Mffi M.x (Dlffs) . 2Sc Thortipsnn's Seedless 4 Ib. pkg. 49c rmnpiin ViV 2 cans J5c Deviled Meat c an 5c u , . Chocolate Syrup . . . .11 oz. jar 23c marrnaiade vutry Cocoa ? Ib. 11c TROPICAL ' , ' 2 Hershey s 2 Ib. lar 35c Self Poshing Fbor Wax . .pint 59c I 1 Full Pint FREE with each purchase of I pint, IVnn Champ. COFFEE Chase & Sanborn b. pkg. 29c CAKE FLOUR Swansdown pkg. 25c Camay 3 bars 20c Swan, medium 3 bars 20c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Carrots 2 bu. 15c Beets 2 bu. 19c Turnips 2 bu. 19c Artichokes 2 for 25c Parsnips 3 lbs. 25c Fresh Asparagus Ib. 33c Grapefruit 3 for 29c Oranges 2 doz. 55c O j FREE DELIVERY O Rice Dinner pkg. 19c Pink Beans 2 Ib. pkg. 25c RINSO pkg. 23c LIFEBUOY 3 bars 20c Car Plunges Oyer Rocks Into Park Two Bond youths narrowly es inns iniurv when an au tomobile in which they were rid-jg ing shortly belore mmnigiit, ten the highway and plunged into Pioneer park, overturning twice and coming to a rest among some large rocks. The accident was caused, according to their report to police, hy a tire blowing out. The car was being driven by Lee Teller, 17, of 225 Miller ave nue. He was accompanied by Charles Loyd, 1G, 2305 Awbrey road. , . Teller said that he was driving south on the highway at about on nn limit- when the tire .. blew out, causing the car to I swerve across the highway. It then plunged over the four-foot embankment into the park as Tel ler tried to control it. The ma chine was badlv wrecked. . Two Cars Collide I ! Two other cars were involved in an accident late yesterday at the corner of Wall street and Franklin avenue. The cars were damaged, but the occupants es caped injury, police said! One car was being driven west on Franklin avenue by Frank H. Wonser, 24 Shasta place. Nina Lu cille Davis, Bend, was driving the other automobile south on Wall street, when they collided, police reported. . ! Thrills:! 9W? TJMk..Jk. : WF I ;1 1 Mike Braun, 74, Dies in Portland If 1 Sleep Walker, in Scant Garb, Cause Of Cafe Thrills Practically like Lady Godiva, but without the charging steed. That's a situation Bend police found early today in a Bond street restaurant after thev had been called tlwre by startled attendants. bitting quietly m a booth, clad only in scanty underwear, was a No. 18, and Royal Arch Masons In Bend, and the Shrine in Portland. Morris Brown Dies Suddenly Funeral arrangements were be ing made today for Morris Brown, for nearly 23 years night manager nf tht Pllnt Putin Inn. who was found dead In his hotel room late; l"'s mai-me posi ana auxiliary yesterday, apparently the victim ! " sponsor a social and danca of n hnni t ndnrk. The hmlv was ' at the' Pine Forest grange hall n 'liremoved to the Niswonger and 'on Saturday, March 17, honoring SiriotZung" 0,,1,VI0US to msWinslow funeral home, where it! their post commanders and pies.- March 17 Party Planned by Post Announcement was made at the meeting of the Veterans of Fore ign Wars last night in the Des chutes county courthouse quart- Topping the unusual guest on the shoulder, the officers found that he had aopai'ently walked into the establishment snnambu list fashion. Waking him, the policemen discovered his identity and that he resided in a room upstairs. They escorted him back to bed. ' was renorted that the funeral ; rents, au members ana tneir probably will be handled by the families and all eligible service Masonic lodge. men and families are invited to POLLUTION BILL SIGNED Wilh the signature todav by Gov. Earl Snell of house bill 224, It becomes unlawful to pollute wa ter in any canals carrying water from the Deschutes river, accord ing to a report from Salem. The bill is aimed against the conduct of slaughter houses, turkey pens and other establishments likely to develop unsanitary conditions ajong the canals. Mr. Brown, whoso friends were legion and are from all over the United States, was a native of Ohio. His family moved to Duluth, Minn., when he was a small boy. and he was raised in that city. attend, officer of the post an nounce. Music will be provided by Krlger's orchestra. Any man who has served or is serving in the armed forces out side of the continental United Later Mr. Brown moved to Mon- States is eligible to membership tana where he resided until he j in the V. F. W and any mother, came to Bend 23 years ago. i wife, sister or daughter eligible Mrs. Brown, who is in charge of the telephone offices in Madras where she made her home, was to reach Bend today to assist In making the funeral arrange ments. Besides Mrs. Brown, the veteran hotel man leaves a sister, Mrs. Lill Jameson of Los Angeles, and a brother, Dick Brown, of Seattle.. to membership in the auxiliary. - At last night s meeting, the post donated $10 to the American Ked Cross war fund drive. HINDERMAN IS WOUNDED Prineville, March 15 T5 Eu gene F. Hlnderman, son of Mrs. Jane R. Hinderman, 742 Eween street. Prlnpvlllp. has hoon wnitnrl. Ml". Brown Was a member of led in action In the fnranoan thn. the Ionic blue lodge in Duluth, later of war, according to a notl- TiTntnni . , in uui u in, i a it?r ui war, accuraiiig to a noil- Buy NatlonaMVarJ3ondsNow! and of jhe Pilgrini Commandery fication from the war department (NEA Tehpholo) Mrs. Doris Burrows. 24. wife of Lt. Madras, March 15 (Special) Emmet J. Burrows, who commanded Michael Braun, pioneer resident first company of Yanks to cross the of Jefferson county, died in a Rhine, happily holds his picture as Portland hospital Saturday at the she heard the news in her New York age of 74. Braun took up a home- home. "I'm so thrilled,' she said, stead west of Madras on Agency . Bobbins. "But I'm even happier to Plains In 1905, and years later he I owned a farm on the Deschutes;. .,,,. t a a l- ,... river. "Mike" Rraun. as he was ; ln. ho Madras iI.O.OJ . cemetery much better known, was a fa- 1 with Rev. A. F. Simmons of the miliar figure abouTtown after his ; W conducting grave- retirement, caused by ill health. Last fall he went to Portland to reside witn a daugnter. Mr. Braun was born in Ger many, Dec. 5, 1870. After coming to the United States he lived in Chicago for some lime, and in 1905 took up a homestead west of Madras. This he worked for many years, and then purchased a farm on the Deschutes river where he raised fruit. Both places have been purchased by newcomers ln recent years. Mrs. Braun died 10 years ago. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Mable Hood, Portland: two War Briefs - - (Hy United 1'rra.ti) Western Front American First army strikes east from Rhine bridgehead in bid for break through to southern flank of Ruhr. Eastern Front Nazi radio says 25 soviet armies preparing for full-scale assault on Berlin. Pacific U. S. troops seize two more islands southwest of Lu- grandchildren, Mrs.- Douglas Hal-'lznK marines hack at last enemy las and Mrs. Dorothy Nelson alsrt : bchjets 'on officially (captured of Portland; two great grandchil- Iwo island. Action limited to patrol- dren; one brother and nephew In : Italy cnicago ana anotner nephew in ing. ine Danes, Burial was Tuesday afternoon ' Buy National War Bonds Now! Ill If a baby grew at the same rate as a healthy chick usually does it would weigh around 210 pounds at the end of 12 weeks! Yes, chicks grow at a tremendous rate, and they must have a good feed to do it. Larro Chick Builder is designed to supply the nutrients rap idly growing chicks need to become strong, husky, productive pullets. Lnrro "Farm-tested" Chick Builder is carefully made of sound, wholesome in gredients. Put this year's chicks on Larro! CKICKEHR WILIS. ffFrm.till",.rl,trltrd,.mapkof GENERAL MILLS, INC. SEE YOUR LARRO DEALER Anne's Feed Store Bend, Oregon Crock County Warehouse Co. Prineville, Oregon Central Oregon Farm Supply Co. Redmond, Oregon New Arrivals . . . am ULU! Choose from Central Oregon's Most Complete Stocks BflflM IUUIV 1945 Designs SUITES f J . I i hi k: f f 1 1 1 fRII r. j-tf it '"IS m rmi 1 ti ii r- 4 Piece Monterey Suite Popular styled, light finished 4 piece Monterey bedroom suite, At a new low price. Special 89.50 4 Piece Suites Now priced from 69.50 4 Piece Maple Suite Bed, chest, vanity and bench. Dustproof dove-tailed drawers. Finest construction throughout in popular f,f PA maple woods . I U3U 4 Piece Walnut Suite Flat-top vanity with heavy plate glass square mirror, bed, chest and bench. A new arrival in a suite of 1 Crt prewar quality. I U Walnut 4 piece suite with high-styled drop center vanity. Plate glass mirror all wood construction n Aft TZft Complete I f T 9U WALNUT OR BLEACHED WALNUT Popular round mirror of heavy plate glass, 4 drawer' vanity. Avail able in beautiful walnut or bleached walnut veneers. 4 Pieces 179.50 Simmons COIL SPRINGS 10.85 14.50 BOX SPRINGS With Coil Units 29.50 MATTRESS To Match Box Spring 29.50 uare Seal Furniture Co. H. G. Rainey Lewis Rainey Bond & Minnesota Bend Phone 324