PAGE TWO THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1945 7 Person? Killed In Plane Crash San Francisco, March 15 iU'i Seven persons were killed and 16 were injured when a twin-engined naval transport plane crashed on a ridge near San Car los, Cal., last night, 28 minutes after circling the Oakland air port, the 12th naval district an nounced today. The plane, a Douglns transport bound from San Pedro, Cal., to Oakland crashed on a spur of the coast range three miles west of San Carlos at 8.12 p.m. The big transport, carrying 20 passengers and a crew of three, all believed to be service personnel, was Inst reported 3,000 feet over the air port, some 25 miles from the crash scene at 7:46 p.m., the navy said. At that time the transport asked permission to land. Cause Not Known Cause of the crash was not im mediately determined. Casualties were tnken to the army's Dibble General hospital near Palo Alto, Calif. Names of the dead and in jured were withheld pending no tification of next of kin. The crash was first reported by the San Mateo county sheriff's office, who said the plane did not burn. Wreckage was strewn over a wide area on the ridge, which was difficult for searching par ties to reach. "Jap Aeriaf 'Booby Trap i ill V t,'V4 Li-:' ' : , -r u s . :.:..v, ' "-CP ! WorA Redmond North Redmond, March 15 (Specinl) Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Fereuson went to The Dalles Fri day to see Ills doctor and from there went to Portland to visit their son, Glen Ferguson and fam ily. They returned home Sunday evening. (NF.A Tclephatnl American airmen weren't fooled by this Jnp aerlnl booby trnp set at Tien Ho airfield, French Indo-Chlna, A decoy B2fl Is painted on ground, scaled so that dummy plane appears to be flying at several tnousand feet. Viewed from great height, It gives Illusion of B-29 In flluht with names streaming from one engine. The Japs Intended to give unwary Mere, who dropped down to render assistance to apparently stricken snip, a hot reception from heavy concentration of anti-aircraft guns set up nearby. O. S. Navy photo. home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Miller and son, Donald, were Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wright of; of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Adams of Portland, spent last week-end j Lone Pine. with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson of Wright. Gerald Wright, who Is at- Cheyene, Wyo., brother of Mrs. tending school in Portland accom panied them. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Corwin of Madias, called at the home of their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corwin. Richard Frogg, an uncle of Francis Wright, and father of Richard Frogg, Jr., visited here Ed Weaver, visited them this week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jones of Redmond, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lantz spent the last 10 days at Sisters, at the ranch of their son, Norman, who is in the army. They were last week-end. Richard Frogg, Sr. I redecorating the house for new was at one time employed on the tenants, B. A. Kendall place, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Holmes were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Skedgel of Terre bonne. Elmer Shultz of Prlneville, call ed at the Randall Miller home Monday of last week. Mnlda Weaver, who has been absent from school, has recovered from the mumps and was able to return to school this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Holmes called at the George Ferguson I Jeannle Osborn of Portland, who is the small granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Edwards, is here visiting. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Peterson, former residents of North Red mond, parents of Mrs. George Ferguson, are visiting here from Silveston, Ore. Mrs. C. E. Damewood of Turn visited here fro'm Wednesday un- til Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Smith called at the Randall Miller home Mon-! day evening. Friday evening guests at the; Francis Wright home were Mr.! and Mrs. John Graham and sons,! of Lower Bridge; Mr. and Mrs.! Frank Williams and son, also of i Lower Bridge and Mr. and Mrs. I Ralph Elster and family of Red- j mond. I Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Knorr and son of Terrebonne, visited at the! William Ryan home Monday. Mrs. Charles Wiley was called , to Bend Friday by the ilness of I her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ralph j Wiley, who Is much improved at this time. Francis Wright has recently heard from his brother Jack, who has Just returned from the south Pacific. .He Is in a hospital at Toole, Utah with malaria. Jack expects to be discharged soon,. Mr. ana Mrs. Jonn Kay ot sweet alo, called at the Verne Luntz Homo, spent the week-end atthe j home one day last week.i WIlliam'Ryan home. , Mrs. H. F. Ehrllick of Newberg, Mrs. F. C. Chamberlain enter-1 sister of Mrs. Charles Blanchard, tained the Sunshine club at her j 705 Columbia Street . Phone 350 MMMBMHaHMMHHMMHHMaMHuml Friday Saturday FOOD MARKET dctmi Drifted Snow FLOUR 25 Mi. IIuk $1.23 Wesson Oil pint 29c quart 59c V-8 Cocktail No. 5 tin 35c SALT I'lnln or Iodized 2 pkgs. 15c Friday-Saturday Savings KK1SPV Crackers 31c S&W CATSUP Finn Flavor 20c H&D Cream Corn can 15c Merrimac Peas can 15c Dundee String Beans . . .2 cans 27c B&M Baked Beans can 19c Duff's Muffin Mix pkg. 25c Zoom pkg. 22c Dude Ranch Syrup .hot. 25c Sperry's Pancake Flour . . .3 lb. 35c Milk, all brands 4 cans 39c Mothers Oats pkg. 39c Fcls Naptha Bar .4 for 19c Nu-Bora Ige. pkg. 45c Soup Mix, Dainty brand . .3 for 25c CHB Tomato Juice . No. 5 can 26c SAVINGS ON QUALITY MEATS Sirloin Steak lb. 39c Younif Beef, Grade A 9 Ueil Foinlx Hens, roasting and stewing, all sizes Fryer Rabbits Fish and Oyters Home Made Mince Meat, 2 lbs. 39c COFFEE 11b. 33c 0 Ike Af home in Redmond March 7. ' Victor Wiley, who Is employed by the Bend forest service, was a Sunday visitor at the Charles Wi ley home. Mrs. George Ferguson enter tained the Sunshine club Feb. 21. New officers elected include: Mrs. Randall Miller, president; Mrs. E. lleese, vice president; Mrs. W. D. Holmes, secretary; Mrs. Al Peden, treasurer; Mrs. William Ryan, correspondent. G. A. Edwards has returned from Pearl Harbor, where he has been employed by the navy for the last 18 months. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corwin were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiley visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Cleavenger, of Lower Bridge, Thursday. ; Mr. and Mrs. F. Vecrgess and Mrs. Dean Van Matre visited Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan. Miss Mame Lee, Mrs. Bill Jen kins, Patrick Lee, Garrett Burns and Jack Roach, all of Bend, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wullam Ryan Wednesday evening. ARM 3c Robert Lantz and fam ily of Memphis, Tenn., arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lantz. Robert has to leave here Friday to enter a gun nery school but Mrs. Lantz and children will reside in Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lantz and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lantz and children, spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Rennels of Lower Bridge. Lester Knorr of Terrebonne, called on William Ryan Thurs day afternoon. Sgt. Bud Wilson In Cited Group '" Sisters, March 15 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson re cently heard from thuli- enn TSgt. "Bud" Wilson, who is serv ing imn me lNintn air torce abroad. Sgt. Wilson revealed that his ?rouD had been awarripH a meritorious service unit plaque, tor outsianaing devotion to duty in performance of exceptionally difficult tasks." in England and France. "This unit has rendered an in valuable contribution to the war effort," the sitation reads, adding: "The superior performance and untirin? devotion in Hntv Hicnlnv. ed bv memhprs nf h and headouartet-R Kmiarlrnn Qict air depot group, contributed in a large degree to the successful op erations of the Ninth air force on the continent and reflects the highest traditions of the armed forces of the United States." The liver conserves for fuel purposes amino acids from pro teins not Immediately required in basic metabolism. Vaiea of ' Central Oregon -KB NO 1 340 Kilocyclei Affiliated With Mutual Don t Broadcarfinq Sytfwn TONIGHTS PROGRAM 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 Treasure Hour of Song 7:00 Grange Reporter 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30 Red Ryder 8:00 Bulldog Drummond 8:30 Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Rex Miller 9:30 Wings Over the Nation 10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:15 News FRIDAY. MARCH 18 , 7:00 News 7:15 Modern Choir 7:30 Maxlne Keith 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News 8:00 Johnny Messener's Orchestra 8:15 News 8:30 Take It Easy Time 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Western Music 8:55 Lanny and Ginger 9:00 William Lang and thfe News 9:15 Songs by Morton Downey 9:30 Rationing News 9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Luncheon with Lopez 10:45 News of Prineville 11:35 Lady About Town 11:40 News 11 :45 Lum 'N Abner 12:00 McFarland Twins 12:10 Snorts Yarns 12:15 Four Polka Dots 12:30 News 12:45 Farmer's' Hour 1 1:00 Mai Hallett's Orchestra i 1:15 Ask Jane Pbrterfield 1:30 Tommy Tucker Time 2:00--Handy Man 2:15 Melody Time 2:30 Red Cross i 2:45 Evalyn Tyner's Orchestra 3:00 Griffin Reporting 3:15 Concert Hall 3:45-rJohnson Family 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 4:15 Rex Miller 4:30-House of Mystery 4:45 Swing Sextette 4:55 Central Oregon News 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix j 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Alfred Wohl's Orchestra 6:80-Double or Nothlne 7:00 Sammy Kaye's OrdW . 7:15 Lowell Thomas Mttl 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00--Boxing Bouts 9:00 Glenn Hardy New 9:15-CecU Brown . 9:30 Freedom of Opportunitu 10:00-Fulton Lewis, Jr ' y 10:15 News Ensign Roy Dyer Visitor in Bend Ensign Rov A. ceived his navy commission versity.NewYokCuVTnMa 8, arrived here yesterday faT short visit with his parents; Mr and Mrs. George M. Dyer rSi Harmon boulevard, before ren? ing to Dallas, Texas, for flS training in the navy air corps A graduate from Bend h'teh school with the class of 1938 Rov nisi ennsiea in the marina while a student at the Universitl of Orepnn. flnH htw v to the navv. Ho mac i r signed to the Midshipmen's school at Columbia University for special training. ,t While a Bend high school student, Roy was a Lava Bear uacKiieia star, ana at the Univers ity of Oregon won rnaKtuHco ognition as one of the outstana. ing piayers in tne conference. lyjf National War Bonds Now! FLOUR 501b. bag 2.29 mm. Tvrri VaW.v -rrrr , v j ' i We lay our cards on your table five big departments abundantly filled with no-point, low-point foods for a feast or a snack. So don't let the thought of a house full of company bluff you into spending a stack of ration points or a pot of money. You hold the winning hand when you've got our stores dealing out BIG VALUES to you every day of every week. When company's calling, come straight to our complete market and fill-in your menu with our ace orders. Aflirade Whip pint 25c ChlC-NoodleS Lyndens, lb. jar 33c . 1 ifI ORANGES Medium Sweets 2 dozen 65c "Grapefruit ..... .4 for 29c Calavos . . . A .V..vw. . . .2 for 35c Carrots . . . . . ... . . .2 bunches 15c Celery; Utah type ..... lb. 11c Parsnips 3 lbs. 29c Fresh Asparagus, Zucchini Squash, Rhubarb, Ripe Winter Pears, etc. Blue Can lib. pkg. 23c Crackers iPll ilW.31c Tuxedo Tuna No. vi can 23c Clam Chowder snow's, can 29c Potted Meat ... .No. 5 can Sc Burgess Large Wet Shrimp ..can 37c Rio Del Mar Sardines .can 15c Beans -Peas -Corn .2 cans 25c Fountain No. 2 Cans Spincch, No. 2 can .2 cans 29c Del Maize Mexicorn 2 cans 35c Fancy Peas, 2's ...... . .2 cans 35c Standby No. 5 can 29c Pkg. 11c s Merrimac Prunes, 2's 2 cans 35c Palace Hot Sauce can 5c Staley Syrup .11 lb. pot. 15c Maple Flavor Syrup .full gal. $1.49 Kerr's Apple Butter 2 lb. jar 23c No. (i ,lur 6,"c Ige. pkg. 23c Ige. pkg. 23c Pablum jar 39c Morton's Salt.. 24 ox. pkg. 5c Walnuts .' 45c Dill Pickles quart fruit jar 29c M-D Napkins 2 pkgs. 39c 3 bars 29c SIKDIOf 3 bars 19c Personal Size 3 bars 14c Tomato Jce., No. 5 can 25c No. 22 Cans 2oc Apple Juice pint 15c Hood Kiver Gal. 8c Grapefruit Jce., No. 5, 33c No. 22 Cans 2."c Baby Food .... . 4 cans 25c Heinz T-Bone Steak 37c Tender! Liver lb. 30c Young Beef Lard .3 lbs. 59c 1(M7 rure Beef Pot Roast 29c Cottage Cheese .pint 23c Kraft's, Country Style Salt Mackerel lb. 40c Salt Herring lb. 35c Crab Meat - Halibut Salmon NBC 100 Bran ;pkg. 17c Twistie Noodle Dinner . lb. jar 15c O-So-Good Noodles pkg. 19c O-So-Good Macaroni . . .21 lb. 25c Ry-Tak 26 oz. pkg. 19c