Page twelve THE EEND BULLETIN, BEND OREGON,, THURSDAY MARCH 15, 1945 i w yfyr fwfan Quantity tstj ) 1 Hlr? ,i r 'jrtirw a mi ' m i n n iw r 1 lb. pkg. 29C S and W COFFEE GREEN OLIVES sPani$h sy,e 3 x- iar 19c OVALTINE Chocolate Flavor f lb. jar 37c BQRDENS HEMP th.bte n,.r jar 57c WHEATIES 8 11c RED ROSE OATS stee Cut 2 b- pk9- 23c FISHERS ZOOM 1m . 21c PANCAKE SYRUP pint 27c YELLOW YAMS w can 27c ORANGE JUICE s.i. . Mo. 5 can 53c VEG-ALL Mixed Vegetables f lb. jar )7c GINGHAM TISSUE 5 24c POTTED MEAT i 3 ... .a- 7C ST7 SUPER SUDS iSupei Kids pkg. 23c PALMOLIVE SOAP 15 llutli Slzo 2 bars 20c Regular Slzo 2 bars 14c 7 7 CRYSTAL WHITE ; PEETS SOAP I SOAP 6 bars 26c Giniit Tkg. 23c 51c ARIZONA GRAPEFRUIT CELERY RADISHES GREEN ONIONS ORANGES lb. 9c lb. 11c 2 bunches 17c 2 bunches 17c 2 dozen 53c PILAND'S MARKET LEG 0' LAMB lb. 39c Veal Round lb. 47c Cut From Milk Fed Veal Short Ribs......... lb. 19c Steer Beef Pork Steak ..' lb. 33c Lean, Tender Cuts Grade A or AA Corned Beef lb. 35c Boneless, Sugar Cured Beef Steaks 45c New York Cuts Pickled Pork lb. 29c Shoulder Cuts Bend Soldier Has Part in War Against Germans in Pq Valley With the Fifth Army, Italy, March 15 Pvt. Pouglas D. Dodge, ammunition handler whose wife, aliee, lives at 364 East Greenwood, Bend, Oregon, Is a member or the 631st field artillery battalion now pumping 95 pound howitzer shells into Oerman positions in Italy's I'o valley. On Its 440th day in combat, the fitlct hnri ffrml 132.000, shells nt I the enemy, or more than 600 tons of metal. The battalion has fought through the Sicilian campaign, been under counlerbattery fire coming from three sides and bombing from above at Cassino, fired 3000 rounds In the first day of the Fifth army's spring offen sive from the Garigliano river, seized two German depots in one day near Rome, smashed a troop concentration forming for coun terattack and hammered holes in the Gustav, lines. Hitler and Gothic Bowling Notes High score, 2545, in Women's Bowling league play on the Bend Recreation alleys last night was rolled by Coca-Cola team. Results of the matches follow: Coca Cola M. Keith 135 117 87339 M. Webster ....113 113 109325 D. Lewerenz ..140 142 112394 H. Judy 164 125 132421 L. Anderson ....133 144 162439 Handicap ....209 209 . 209 27 Total 894 840 811 2545 Elks D. Appelgate ..137 V. Grino 117 L. Brant 107 E. J. Scholl ....127 S. Jensen 100 Handicap ... 238 154 122 93 105 102 238 134-425 123362 129329 141373 106308 238714 Operating close to Its targets. the battalion once sustained cas ualties simultaneously in all three of its firing batteries. Its big am munition dump was fired by ene my action recently, but the ar tillerymen smothered the blaze quickly, saving most of their shells. The 631st, currently attached to II corps, landed at Casablanca, French Morocco, in February, 1943, as the 2nd battalion of the 77th field artillery regiment. The battalion went ashore in Sicily July 14, 1943 and began Its combat career by engaging small arms positions only a lew hundred yards away. The outfit advanced i from Palermo to Messina as the campaign moved to Its speedy conclusion. Reorganized In the Cassino area as the 631st field artillery bat talion, the outfit entered the Ital ian campaign by blasting Ger mans off of Mt. Camino, Mt. Troc chio and Mt. Porohia. From Troc chio, the 631st shelled the hills around Cassino for two months, sustaining fire from the front and both flanks and attacks bylVIes serschmidts and Focke-Wulfs. The 631st has had Its wire com munication lines severad by ene my fire as aften as five times in a day and has on occasion utilized its cooks and clerks to bring up ammunition. Lieutenant ColonelGerald Chapman, of Andalusia, Alabama, Is commanding the battalion in the absence of Lieutenant Colonel Clifton F. von Kann, of Waytona Beach, Florida, temporarily as signed in the United States. Total : 826 814 871 2511 Greggs Banner Bakery L. Ferguson ....118 121 129368 L. McKenzie ..104 140 78322 W. McCann ....112 94 98304 H. Stirnes 134 104 103341 E. Roats 133 146 162441 Handicap ....197 197 197591 Total 798 802 767 2367 Stillwell's Lunch B. Fields 95 110 111316 M. Curd .161 121 159441 C. Loree 74 85 79257 J. Garlington ..106 112 118336 O. Alt 160 129 146435 Handicap ....183 183 183549 Total .4 779 740 795 2314 Bend Recreation Brown .........100 112 157369 D. Werner 96 89 99284 P. Loree 113 86 90289 M. Blucher 106 124 166396 M. Rice 125 133 139397 Handicap ....216 216 216648 Total 798 802 767 2367 Oasis E. Monlcal ....117 105 130352 B. Myers 142 166 116424 M. Ellison 121 139 135395 E. Bouckli 99 162 145306 A. .Roberts 124 137 165-426 Handicap ....176 176 176528 Total 779 740 795 231 1 WANTS BRASS RAIL BACK Sacramento (U'l Polishing the brass rail with the sole of your foot would be an exclusively male prerogative under terms of a bill now pending before the state leg islature. The measure would pro hibit women and minors from be ing served at bars, allowing them to be served only at tables "not less than four feet from the bar." POST'S &&tr. BRAN l GOUN FAKS OF , I COUBVED MM I rVDER KASVS ) j delicious NEW breakfast idea Taste It... and you'll agree. Post's Raisin Bran Is a magic com bination! Made from real Post's 40 Bran Flakes, plus seedless raisins that stay tender, thanks to Post's exclusive Tender-Sured process. Ask your grocer for Post's Raisin Bran today. A Pott K. m W&m CerolWM This Easier y& Wear Nationally ' ' J ' raS Advertised 1 CloHies! -Cfjprf !m , Make Your Choice ..." 0g!; jtl HART-SCHAFFNER & MARX mffffM TODAY ... Suits by Hart Schaff ner & Mark ... the IkC 1 1 ' I T 4 finest ready-for-service suits we know of. Here is a h- SiSfV suit that without a doubt is the equal of most 1 -ff V's VVV custom-made garments ... at a price that is . ""j- - Jam n ti c4r extremely modest considering its quality. Needled ' ' , i-jf7j 1 by hand throughout, of the finest woolens obtain- 1 a A able, suits of ours are outstanding from every . 1 Jff W angle quality, style and value. . If f't't'ff 4500.4950 : Curlee and other t Nationally-Known i SPRING SUITS M In single and double breasted models Cashman's 'f ' presents ao exceptional selection of quality suits . , . jj' for spring. N. 1 S4Tii 2950.3500 ZLM Oregon i i .i ISCTmmTm jfl 1 , WroHT fOUCHTIONAl LILl It ADVISORY U COMMITTEE rtitZ-Ir Oregon i mm 4 liquor Control Nj mff 3 Committion 1 IPS SS Stars of Seattle To Battle Eagles Seattle, March 15 (in With a 2-1 series lead under their belts, the Seattle Stars will battle an invading Portland Eagle six to night in the fourth game of the current Pacific coast northern di vision hockey league playoffs. The Eagles, eager to win the right to meet the league-leading Seattle Ironmen, enter the critical match as the favored team al though behind in the series score. The playofrs roll on in Portland tomorrow, and a sixth game will be played here Sunday if necessary. 2 Brothers Meet By Chance in Italy Madras, March 15 (Special) Mrs. Thornton Paxton has receiv ed a letter from her husband in which he repeated that he had a big surprise one day at "chow" Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nights Doctors My your kidnvs ooouin 15 mile, of Uny tube, or filter, which help to purify lh blood and keep you healthy. When they get tired and don t woik rijht In tho daytime, many people have to ret up nights. Frequeot or seanty paeeairaa who smarting and burnina; sometimes shows there I. something wrong w ith your kidneys or bladder. Don't neglect .this condition and loss valuable, reetful sleep. When disorder of kidney function permits poMonou. matter to remain in your blood, it may also cause nagging backache, rheumatio pains, log pains, loss of pep and energy, swelling, putnness under the eyes, headache, and dullness. Don't waitl Ask your druggist for Doan'e Tills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poison ous waste from your blood. Uct Doan s Tills. time when his brother, Kreamer, walked In on him. They had two days together "somewhere" in Italy. Kreamer is a member of the coast guard and Thornton is in the infantiy. The latter was wounded some time ago' and also sent his wire his purple heart award as well as the piece of. shrapnel which hit him. WIFE KEPT MARCHING Lawrence, Mass. ilPi Emile Caron sued tor divorce, explaining that his wire walked out on him while he was marching in an American Legion parade in 1932, and hasn't returned since then. U. S. Governor Anntver to Frevfon Puxsl. . . HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured governor, 8 Be carried 9 Lamb 11 Rejoinder 13 Tapioca-like food 15 Entangle 16 Genuine 17 Type of nut 19 Constellation 21 Shop 22 Kind of tide 23 Royal Italian family name 24 Affirm 28 Wicked 81 Cognomens 33 Prattle 34 To one side 35 Brazilian state 38 Footlike part 39 Muse of poetry 41 Fashion 43 Frighten 45 Stellar body 46 Driver of a team of horses VERTICAL 1 Be seated 2 Beautify 5 Simple 4FacsimiIe(ab.) 8 Exclamations 6 Harvests 7 Remove 8 Networks (anat.) 10 County In Texas 11 Uncommon 12 Symbol for tantalum 14 Separate . 15 He is gover nor of 18 Sewing implements 20 Opera (ab.) 25 Ornamental flower vessel 28 Princes 27 Edit I 28 Symbol for erbium 29 Phantasm 30 Newspaper paragraph 32 Caterpillar hairs 33 Hard blow (slang) actinium 37 Corrosive accretion I 40 English ac- v count money) 42 Paving material 44 Print measure. rL 3 k is ib h "i aps io" 'ii3 !n " v1- in ii j-T 3T3T38" -I 1 ' I ll I I i . is -.ues- l