THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 194S PAGE SEVEN A.C1 Stocks Go Up to New High: By Elmer C. Waller (United Preu Financial Editor) New York, March 14 IP) At lantic coast line stock ran up 5 points to a new high at 64 i to feature today's stock market. Trading generally was dull but prices held firm over a broad front Railroad issues advanced with Atlantic coast line which in turn responded to an announce ment the company had sold a large block of Louisville & Nash ville stock, using the proceeds to buy back some outstanding L. & N. bonds. The rail group was fairly active Iwjlh gains ranging in the main li from fractions to more than a point. Erie held top place In activity with Baltimore & Ohio second and New York Central third. These issues gained frac tionally. . , Steels turned irregular late in the day after, early firmness. Motors held steady to. firm. Utili ties were firm in the common stock group and mixed in the pre ferred shares. Mercantiles held steady. Du Pont gained more 'than a point in the chemicals where prices generally were firm. Special issues gained as much as 4 points in Pacific coast company. 1 German Targets Under Air Attack London, March 14 IB Almost 2,000 American heavy bombers and fighters fanned out across Germany again today to pound a wide range of nazi targets, includ ing railway lines and rail and highway bridges. The targets were not immedi ately identified. The big raiding fleet wasspear headed by more than 1,250 U. S. Eighth air force Flying Fortress es and Liberators, covered by up wards of 650 Mustangs and Thun derbolt fighters. Benzol Plants Hit British, bombers made a heavy attack last night on two benzol plants near Gelsenkirchen and Heme in the Ruhr. German broadcasts said bomb ers were approaching southern Germany from Italy in daylight today. RAF Mosquitos dropped block busters on Berlin and Frankfurt-on-Main during the night. Night fighters supported the British bombers. M Two bombers -were lost , in R A y s mms yesteraay ana iasi nignt, ine air ministry reported. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 14 ilP Livestock: cattle 100, caves-25. Supply curtailed by heavy rain. Market active, strong to 25c high er, mostly on dairy type cows. Steers and heifers scarce. Good choice fed steers quotable $16.50. Heifers to $16.00. Few canner cutter cows $6.50-9.00. Fat dairy tvpe cows held above $10.00. Med ium bulls $11.00. Medium vealers SI3.00-13.00; salable choice $15.00 1 W. Hogs 100. Active, fully steady. Good-choice 170-300 lbs. salable to S15.75. Good sows $15.00. Good 85 :lb. feeder pigs $16.50; choice feed. fcis quotable to $17.50. 1 Sheep 50. Lambs scarce. Good ie hoiee wooled lambs salable ttS15.50-16.00. Medium-good ewes Atcady $7.50-8.50. Good-choice . L I.. rr-.. I.... ffO -7K dvy L'Wl'S lillU 1 ULaud .po.ii, new recent high. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., March 14 Ui Gutter and egg prices were un- icnanged today. f Butter Cube, 93 score, 42 c; P2 score, 42!4c; 90 score, 42c; 89 core, 41V4c pound. fcggs Prices to retailers: AA, fli-ge, 44c; A, large, 42c; medium c jyc; small 3oc dozen. "he first description of typhus lound in an Italian manuscript ntten in 1083 A. D. I GOOD HEALTH i I Your Greatest Possession . ...wuiiagia, ii-uj, ris tur, rutula. Hroia (Rup- wimout boipltal op- iiuur uasa 3ral PTatlt 'xamlnation EE booUM. i Ow fvtnin gt. Men., Wtd., M 7 to . ' Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC J Phytltlon and SvroMii . n . lot. B. Humid, and Grand JUo. T.IphopEAt39t8, Portland 14, Orogon mvijtmimt cimricAns, suit oni Am friatipml UtdmriUw INVESTORS , SYNDICATE MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr I-ocal Representative 217 Oregon Phone 525 Wot 33 yflars. LU lKf.ff "ond lot m Spare Classified Rates 25 Words One Time . .35c so woras Ttiree Times 75c 23 Words Six Times $1.35 ! mr 11 mdi 1 v w4 Omm Ono MBIk ran. Kuno oopj, Y. it? fmU Mlnlaina Uurit, Sic . LINK BATE lOo CAPITALS 20o BEND AEKTE.NO. 2089. Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store - FOB SALE WHY PAY RENT when you can buy a two bedroom modern for $2100. House in good condition ready to move hi, large kitchen, lots of cupboards, utility room, neater and range. House at 1455 Fresno. Get key at 1465 Fresno. Phone 309-R. 2 JERSEY COWS, 3 years old, tested, one with calf, other will be fresh April 1st. $100 each. Inquire Aune's Feed Store. SMALL FURNISHED two bed room house. Hot water, new circu lator, white enamel cook stove, pre-war daveno and chair, Oregon Trail dinette set, chest of drawers, ounK beds and full size bed and springs, baby bed. $1300 cash. 317 W. 12th St. MAMMOTH WHITE Pekin ducks, breeding stock, eggs for hatching, dressed ducks for Easter. Phone orders to 1040. 1931 FORD tudor sedan, $100 cash. Two wheel trailer, one large child's crib. 205 McKay. YOUNG CALVES. Call 18F-31. A GOOD BUY; Two bedroom, large living, room and kitchen, also, dinette, large concrete base ment, good furnace, fine location, paved street. Price $3,400. $1,000 down payment, balance $40 per month includes interest, f rank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg, 4 ROOM modern house with kitch en range and circulating heater, 2 bedrooms, priced reasonably. Inquire Georges Radio service. Phone 900. $15,000 BUYS 290 acres, 111 acres water, 6 room house, 23 acres alfalfa, 30 acres red clover. Price includes tractor and all other Minlnmnnt PnecAccinn chnni timn C? Vr-3ilvis,-118 Oregonr THREE GOOD work horses, 1200 lbs. First road to left past Glen Vista Club, third driveway on right. Ted Wiley. 3 BEDROOM, plastered interior, basement, furnace, paved street, west side near mill. $3250. Some terms. 333 Federal. Phone 1129-W. QUALITY. CHICKS-and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. MONARCH KITCHEN range, cir culator heater, bed, springs and mattress, davenport, book case, 2 large overstuffed chairs, dining table and 4 chairs, phonograph and records, 1 dresser, cross-cut saws, 10 doz. fruit jars, rural tele phone. Call at 36 Cascade Place between 4 and 8 o'clock. TWO 3-ROOM semi-modern fur nished houses. 5 room modern, breakfast nook, unfurnished. One room cabin. Large lot, very close in, immediate possession. Price $3200, $2000 down, balance $25 per month, includes interest. Inquire at 164 E. Irving. ONE 60 GALLON hot water tank and heater complete with thermo stats, etc. One vacuum cleaner, in good condition. Pilot Butte Auto Court. SEVERAL NICE gentle Holstein and Guernsey milk cows. Also gentle team and harness.. 3rd house from King's Market on south highway. Phone 31-F-3. Everett Donahue. SIX MILES from Bend. Seven room modern house, large barn, 80 acres with 63 acres C.O.I, water, 200 acres Taylor grazing land, 18 acres in alfalfa and 25 acres ready for spuds.. A fine buy for $6,500. Terms $3,000 cash, balance S500 per vcar. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. RABBITS, bred does, good breed ing stock. Call at 147 E. Olney. CHEAP Ono new twin sizo mat tress, used one week. Colonial Jr. kitchen range, cheap. Call at 255 Davis St. GASOLINE WASHING machine motor, A-l condition. Inquire' at 875 Roosevelt. ROSE COLORED mohair extra I large davenport and chair. Call at i 827 Florida. Tele. 605-M. HORNBECK Typ ewriter Co. Authorized Agent for I ROYAL I Sales and Service Koytype Ribbons and Carbon R. C. Allen Adding Machines All Make Typewriters . Serviced i Phone 12 122 Oregon Ave. Articles FOR SALE HEAVY HENS fine for roasting or boiling dressed on order. Phone order early to 1070-W or call. at 147 E. Olney. GOOD NAVY wrist watch, cheap. 20814 Canal street. 4 BEDROOM modern house, util ity room, full basement, pipeless furnace, 4 garages on back of lot. Close to mills and town. 430 Flor ida. Phone 616-W. $2500 BUYS large modern home close in. $3800 buys 5 bedroom partly furnished, west side. $5000 buys large modern home, paved street, close in. $850 buys two room furnished, 3 lots, west side. $5000 buys one acre, modern home, $2000 cash handles. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. 2 BUILDINGS, to be-moved of f lot. Inquire 1006 Delaware. ' ELECTRIC RADIO and Toast master, Electrolux. Phone 505-W. WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all Irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Lichtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson. Ave., Tacoma, Wash. WOOD STOVE complete with coils and tank. Inquire 236 New port. POTATO PLANTER, White Giant rooster for breeding purposes. Rt. 2, Box 217. AS I NEED the room so badly, I have an excellent buy in a radio- phonograph combination, which has never been sold. Also late small 6 tube table model. 117 Laf ayette. Phone 536. LIGHT 2-WHEEL trailer. 2105 Awbrey road. UNDER CELING price, model T.T. truck in good mechanical condition, house car body, Muncie transmission, Rocky Mountain brakes, 20 inch rear wheels, Ore gon title, needs license and tires. Also large size, coal and wood cir culating heater, and comfortable cabin at Wickiup. Leaving state. Call any day but Sunday. J. W. Cavender, 657 8th Street, Red mond. FOB SALE OB TBADE HERE IS a real buy in a trailer house. Lots of built-lns, good pre war tires, will trade for furniture. This bargain won't last long. Open evenings. 350 Divisiqn. , FOB BENT 6 ROOM modern, unfurnished house at 1404 ' Galveston. Sec Thursday morning or inquire at 1223 Kingston.. 2 ROOM : furnished house, $8.00 per month. Inquire 375 East Kear ney. SET OF FARM buildings, 5 miles out.. Large garden space, berry patch, pasture for two cows. Ross Farnham, foot of Oregon avenue. 3 ROOM modern, furnished apart ment, private bath. Inquire 141 Georgia. Phone 766. . FURNISHED 3 room semi-modern house. Clean and comfortable. Inquire at 147 E. Olney. TWO LARGE room modern fur nished .apartment. East side on city bus line. Wood range. Inquire 534 E. 3rd St. LARGE well furnished room in modern home with two adults. Kitchen privileges in electrically equipped kitchen. Use of refriger ator and washing machino, pri vate bath. Bedroom and overstuf fed living room furniture, furnace heat. Couple or working girls. IMi blocks from city bus line, near south city limits. Phone 1040. Mrs. Gilbert Long. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, freshly decorated, close in. Also 1 room semi-modern. Inquire 216 East Irving. INVESTIGATE two ideal share apartment apartments. 138 St. Helens Place. 3 ROOM modern furnished house, Inquire at 821 Columbia St. FURNISHED 3-room semi-mnd-ern house, close in. Phone 1055-J after 6 p. m. or write P.O. Box 806. 5 ROOM, modern, two bedroom house, furnished. Inquire 1305 Elgin. : MODERN, FURNISHED 4 room house, also 3 room apartment fur nished complete. Inquire 65 Frank lin. Phone 1149. WANTED HAVE LARGE tractor, plow, tan dem disc and heavy tiller. Will do farm work by the hour. Chas. O. Burkhart, 2 miles out on Bend- Burns highway, WILL BUY any kind of cattle" or hoCS. Also PPnttn Karlrlln nnnina 'and saddles. Please write W. R. ! ranks, Redmond or phone 78-J, i Redmond, Oregon. i 10 TO 20 ACRES good potato land ion shares. Vlda Andrew, Rt. 2. Box 127. TO RENT or sell 160 acre farm, 67 acres cultivation, 22 acres in I alfalfa, 75 acres C.O.I. Good 5 room house and barn, electricity. Located 5 miles east of Bend on Bend Rurns highway.Call or write , VV. W: New ton, Redmond, Box ili. Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad WANTED ' ..nor. e A T-l n Will nAV tOO prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion 83B Wau Bt. rnoiie ow. TO RENT on east side 5 or 6 room house, unfurnished or partly fur- nlshed, oy iwarcn j. uuuu tenants. 510 Delaware. - WANT' TO RENT small nicely furnished modern house within next month. Mrs. Edward Zychal, 1617 w. 1st, MALE GOLDEN Cocker Spaniel 6 or 8 months old. Contact . Ed Barnett, Box 893, Redmond. Tf ocwt twn hAdmnm house close in. Adults only. Inquire after 4 p. m. at 434 Kiversiae.,t-iiuc 991-J. PERMANENT CIVILIAN couple wants one or 2 bedroom house in desirable location. Call Mrs. wai- dron; 36-F-2. HELP WANTED DRIVER to drive elderly couple to Los Angeles. Phone 7ua-w. MAN for work In car washing de-' partment. Permanent. Inquire Bend Garage Company. BELL BOY at Pilot Butte Inn. COOK in mountain lodge, woman nreferred. Board, room, good sal ary. Phone collect Cres-Dell Lodge, Bend. MAN to help clean rugs. See Ed Peterman at the puot tsuue inn. FREE APARTMENT, some wages to woman or couple for helping invalid. Apply 504 Lava Road near Catholic church, back part of the building. WOMAN for laundry and general work, room, board and $60 per month. Apply Deschutes Cottage Hospital, 236 E. Kearney or phone 415. SITUATION WANTED WILL CARE for elderly people or one who needs care, or conval escent patient in my home. Mrs. Elliott, 1258 E. 2nd. Phono 593-W. USED CARS 1933 PLYMOUTH coupe, motor recently overhauled, fair rubber. Inquire Paul Hanson, 3 miles north, U mile west of Tumalo. Rt. 2, Box 141. 1938 DODGE, four door sedan. In quire 129 Riverfront. 1936 HUDSON 4 door sedan, be Jow ceUlng. 424 Federal St. 1939 CHRYSLER . Royal sedan, run only 20,000 miles. Looks and runs like new. Might take light car in trade if in good running order. Inquire 18 McKay avenue. 1931 CHEVROLET four door se dan. Inquire 212 Hill street. 1937 PLYMOUTH coupe for sale under ceiling price. Good condi tion. Can see it after 6 p. m, 1254 East Second St. , LOST STRAYED from my range last fall, one 3 year old heifer with Caif. Branded Diamond "J" on left hip. Reward. G. O. Jones, Rt. 1, Box 231. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall : or call O. E. . Glazebrook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19 F-3 collect. WE DO it again. Pre-Easter per manent wave sale. Machine $5.00 for $7.50 value, machineless $7.50 for a $10.00 value. Thursday through Monday on!v. Beauty yuest, 81 Oregon avenue. Jo Ann 1 nomas, manager. Tele. 170. REND RODY PAIMT Kuril' Collision Damage, Body &. Fender Kcpair estimates (iiven 1031 Harriman. Phono 330. Bend. MAYTAG REPAIR servicoGeiv nine parts. Factory trained. Eimer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Office Jbon 7 Res. Phone 819-W RED RYDER YOU'VE BES.MrW'KSlrtS AWFUL LOT'aRjV !GlTTd6EE A COOP ZM V SOGN5.ARE ) ff-i KISS? -v yfe Jjjp MISCELLANEOUS WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend. Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583.. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DAKUN NOW ASSUClATtiU WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Streetv . FEINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. HARD TO BELIEVE South Hadley, Mass. mi The fuel situation being what it is Mount Holyoke College girls have sacrificecd their- vanity and are wearing, of all things, red flannel underwear. i LbGAL NOTICES National Forest Timber for Sale Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Bend, Oregon, un to anu not Inter than 2 p.m Anril 14. 1945, and will be opened immediately thereafter, for all the merchantable dead and down ponderosa pine timber designated for cutting on an area embracing about 60,000 acres of national for est land within T. 11 S., R. 8 and 9.E.! T. 12 S., R. 8 and 9 E.; T. 13 S.. R. 8. 9. and 10 E.; and T. 14 S.. R. 8, 9, and-10 E W.M., Sisters Ranger District, Deschutes Na tional Forest, Oregon, an uncsti mated amount of dead and down fiondcrosa pine timber. No bid of ess than $1.00 per M feet will be considered.. Bids with rates in ex cess of those permissible under M.P.R. 460 will be reduced to the ullnurithln mnvimnm in mulilntr ' the award. $1,000 must be deposit ed with each bid, to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated dam ages, according to conditions of sale. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Before bids aife submitted, full information concerning the timber, the condi tions of sale, and the submission 61 bids should be obtained from tHe Forest Supervisor, Bend, Ore gon. 84-93102c NOTICE TO CREDITORS ..(Notice is hereby given that the luidersigned has been by the coun ty :court of the state of Oregon for Ddsehutes county, appointed -administratrix of the estate of Carl 11. Hatch, deceased, and all per sons holding claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent the same with proper vouch ers to the undersigned at the of fice of Ross Farnham, attorney at law;, in Bend, Oregon, within six months after the date hereof. llSated and published first time March 14, 1945. ROSA M. HATCH, Administra trix Estate of Carl II. Hatch, De ceased. -. . i 84-9O-96-102C . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the coun ty court of the state of Oregon for Deschutes county appointed ex ecutrix of the estate of Flora E. Wiest, deceased, and all persons holding claims against said estate are" hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Ross Farnham, attorney at law, in Bend, Oregon, within six months after the date hereof. Dated and published first time March 7, 1945. MARION WIEST COE, Ex ecutrix, Estate of Flora E. Wiest, Dec. 78-84-90-96C ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS BAKER FEED CO. Phono 133X Redmond, Ore. Linn County Man Killed by Blast Albany, ure., March 14 lui A dynamite explosion was blamed today for the death of Robert Otho Jellison, 36, who hrt'd placed the explosive in the trunk of a tree and then had apparently in vestigated it when the expected blast failed to occur. 7 ho body of Jellison was found 45 feet from the tree by. L.. W. Drager, a neighboring, farmer. Jellison was alone when the ex plosion took place, but he was believed to have sought the cause of the blast's delay when it final ly went off, deputy coroner John Summers said. Survivors were his wife and four children, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jellison. JUST ASK THE 'BANKER' Boston tiri An OPA announce. ment that racks of poker chips are exempted from price control brought this remark from a sea soned player, "That's what they think." pwpWiP i t,-,Mm.V.'.i:f.ttt'l:l:t'l'llJJVI moon - van Tircsfon Home & Auto Supply AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert nieeliaiiieul and electri cal work on all makes of cars nn (I trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIKE SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson-Duncan l:7 Wall Phon M'i CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wnll Phone B24 i CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete .Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Itmt of MuteriulH Furnished Our MriiMlicul inspection will insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone BHH-W or ll-K-'3 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC" Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Light .K Mazda l-amps Smith's Electric 11183 Wall Phono 98 Iwo Japs Sealed In Island CaVes Guam, March 14 mi Three marine divisions were mopping up Japanese remnants on Iwo to day. The end of the campaign was at hand. -Other units landed unopposed on Kama and Kangko rocks west of Iwo to knock out emplace ments from which the Japanese had been shelling and mortaring American positions throughout the 24-day battle. Only two major enemy pockets remained on iwo, and both gradu ally were being whittled down. The Japanese had lost all their artillery, but still were fighting back with small arms, machine- guns and mortars. Pocket Attacked The biggest pocket at Kitnno point, northern tip of Iwo, was under assault by the fifth divi sion. The fourth division was hammmering away at the other pocket near Higashi on the east WHEN YOU NEED NEW TRACTOR TIRES Boy Firestone GROUND WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting Now Work Repairing Homo Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 1 13 CireenwiHMl Phono 217-W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Gods Movement MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1535 Awbrey IW. Tel. (120-1VI Refrigerator Service. All Types of Mechanical Servica On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond ft Minnesota Phone 888 side of the island. The marines were: burying alive any Japanese who refused ! to come out of the fortified caves and surrender. Creeping up to the cave entrances, the marines hurled in demolition charges that collapsed the walls. . Yesterday alone, 115 enemy caves were sealed up, a Pacific fleet headquarters communique reported. Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION (or Couehs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis GRIP TIRES EXTRA TRACTION Up to 215 extra Inches of tracdon baf length pet tractor. BETTER CLEANING Continuous (elf-cleaning tread design ... assures a deep, strong traction bite at all times. LONGER LIFE Triple-braced traction bars . . . will not bend qr allow slippage which results in excessive tread wear. The only tractor ttro with these exclusive values ... mm LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Day Of the Vear Phone 544 Trees Shrubs Vines . Roses Evergreens and fruits. Extra hardy Minne- ' sola Stock. Stock sold F.O.B. . nursery, delivered or planted. , Free estimates for landscaping. Will compete with all catalog ' prices. HAINES NURSERY Cor. East 8th and Norton Phone IMi." Bend, Ore. INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO FIRE LIFE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 321 Drake Road Phone 816 - John W. Smith, Agent 1588 Awbrey ltd. Phone (4-W COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY Photographic Offset Letterpress The Bend Bulletin Phone 56 By FRED HARMAN