V THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1945 PA,GE SIX Stocks Irregular; Trading Is Dull ' By Elmer C. Walzer (United Press Financial Editor) Now York, March 13 (IB Stocks moved Irregularly In dull trading on the stock exchange to day. Dealings fell under yesterday's total and were around the small est of the year. Rails guined on average while other major groups registered minor declines. :' The whole list firmed from the day's lows although there was no particular rusn to buy. special is sues rose X to more than 2 points tn several Instances on light turn over. Trading continued under the in fluence of uncertainty of the mar ket's immediate future. The gen eral tendency In the financial dis trict was to hope for light mar kets which would make the Wash ington agencies forget the ex changes and thus eliminate pros pects of a scries of new restrictions. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore, March 13 ill'' Livestock: cattle lf0, calves 215. Quality plain, market slow, few sales steady. Good -choice cattle scarce, salable fully steady. Top fed steers Monday $lli.r0. Best heifers Sdo.OO. Best beef cows $13.00. Few canner-cutter today $6.50-8.50, shells down to $6.00 and below. Medium-good bulls salable $11.00-13.00. Good-choice vealcrs $15.00-15.50. , Hogs 150. Active, steadv. Good choice 170-300 lbs. $15.75; heavier weights and sows $15.00. Choice feeder pigs up to $17.50. Sheep 150. Steady. Good-choice wooled lambs $15.50; strictly sort ed lots-quotable to $16.00; medium grades 5ld.50-14.oO. Good wooled ewes $8.50. Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 28 Words One Time SSc 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 FOR SALE All wtrdi arar add t par ward Uaiai nwabar af InaarttaM Ona aaenth run, aaraa cap?, 4 day rata HinlmUBB Chart, tie LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Clauifled Adrartdlnr. Caih In Adranca Dallr Cloilnj Tina II : P. M. FOR SALE 2 JERSEY COWS, 3 years old, tested, one with calf, other will be fresh April 1st. $100 each. Inquire Aune's feed Store. SMALL FURNISHED two bed room house. Hot water, new circu lator, white enamel cook stove, pre-war daveno and chair, Oregon Trail dinette set. chest of drawers, bunk beds and full size bed and springs, baby bed. $1300 cash. 317 W. 12th st. GOOD NAVY wrist watch, cheap. 208 14 Canal street. 4 BEDROOM modern house, util ity room, full basement, pipeless furnace, 4 garages on back of lot. Close to mills and town. 430 Flor ida. Phone 616-W. 1IELP WANTED MAN for work In car washing de partment. Permanent. Inquire Bend Garage Company. BELL BOY at Pilot Butte Inn. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, ore. ELECTRIC RADIO and Toast master, Electrolux. Phone 505-W. WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all Irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Llchtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. MAMMOTH WHITE Pekin ducks, hrenrilnp- stnek. pees for hatchinc. dressed ducks for Easter. Phone orders to 1040. YOUNG CALVES. Call 18-F-31. RADIO Silver-Marshall 13 tube console. This Is the "around the world" model. Covers broadcast and short wave in 4 bands. Has beat frequency oscillator, push pull output, tone control, quiet AVC, and other modern features. Absolutely like new. Price $100. See Bob at Carl Austin's Shop. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., March 13 mi Butter and egg prices were un changed today. Butter Cube 93 score 42'Hc; " !)2 score 42 M c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41c pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA large 44c; A large 42c; medium A J9c; small 35c dozen. A GOOD BUY. Two bedroom, large living room and kitchen, also dinette, large concrete base ment, good furnace, fine location, Daved street. Price $3,400. $1,000 down payment, balance $40 per month Includes Interest. rranK McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. POTATO PLANTER, WhlteGiant rooster for breeding purposes. Rt. 2, Box 217. AS I NEED the room so badly, I have an excellent buy In a radio phonograph combination, which has never been sold. Also late small 6 tube table model. 117 Laf ayette. Phone 536. 80 ACRE FARM, to sell as whole or in 20 acre tracts. 57 acres C.O.I. 2 miles east of Bend on Central Oregon highway. Charles Burk art, Rt. 1, Box 179. 4 ROOM modern house with kitch en range" and circulating heater, 2 bedrooms, priced reasonably. Inquire George's Radio Service. Phone 900. VIVK LA BARUERSIIOP.S Hull, Mass. LP Cpl. Bernard Brest writes home that he is very much in favor of French barber shops. For 30 cents he got a shave, haircut, shampoo and manicure by two 18-year-old girls. HE'S NOT RORED VET Springfield, III. ill') John W. Smith recently started his 23rd year of service In this city's gar bage collection department, and he's not tired of his Job. He says that modern equipment enables the department to collect more garbage faster. Spain produces ' annually ap proximately 80,000,000 bottles of all kinds; one-half are wine bot tles and less than 1 per cent milk bottles and fruit Jars. THREE GOOD work horses, 1200 lbs. First road to left past Glen Vista Club, third driveway on right. Ted Wiley. UNDER CELING price, model T.T. truck in good mechanical condition, house car body, Muncie transmission, Rocky Mountain brakes, 20 inch rear wheels, Ore gon title, needs license and tires. Also large size coal ana wooa cir culating heater, and comfortable cabin at Wickiup. Leaving state. Call any day but Sunday. J. W. Cavender, 657 8th Street, Redmond. COOK In mountain lodge, woman preferred. Board, room, good sal ary. Phone collect Cres-Dell Lodge, Bend. FREE APARTMENT.some wages to woman or couplu for helping invalid. Apply 504 Lava Road near Catholic church, back part of the building. WOMAN for laundry and general work, room, board and $60 per month. Apply Deschutes Cottage Hospital, 236 E. Kearney or phone 415. SITUATION WANTED WILL CARE for elderly people or one who needs care, or conval escent patient in my home. Mrs. Elliott, 1258 E. 2nd. Phone 593-W. USED CARS 1933 PLYMOUTH coupe, motor recently overhauled, fair rubber. Inquire Paul Hanson, 3 miles north, Vt mile west of Tumalo. Rt. 2, Box 141. FOR SALE OR TRADE HERE IS a real buy In a trailer house. Lots of built-ins, good pre war tires, will trade for furniture. This bargain won't last long. Open evenings. 350 Division. FOR RENT 2 ROOM furnished house, $8.00 per month. Inquire 375 East Kearney. GREENWOOD STREET: Five 3 ROOM modern, furnished apart room modern home. Redecorated 1 ment, private bath. Inquire 141 Interior. Two good lots, shade, lawn. Garage, woodshed, garden. Drilled hole. $1900. Terms arrang ed. See Walter Daron, Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota St. 3 BEDROOM, plastered Interior, basement, furnace, paved street, west side near mill.' $3250. Some terms. 333 Federal. Phone 1129-W. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. Georgia. Phone 7C6. FURNISHED 3 room semi-modern house. Clean and comfortable. Inquire at 147 E. Olney. 6 ROOM modern, unfurnished house at 1404 Delaware. See Wed nesday anytime or Inquire at 1225 Kingston. 1934 PONTIAC 2-door sedan, 4 good tires (2 new). Runs good. Must sell, best offer. Inquire Frank's Shell Station, 8th and Greenwood. 1938 DODGE, four door sedan. In quire 129 Riverfront. 1936 HUDSON 4 door sedan, low ceiling. 424 Federal St. be- 1939 CHRYSLER Royal sedan, run only 20,000 miles. Looks and runs like new. Might take light car in trade if in good running order. Inquire 18 McKay avenue. 1931 CHEVROLET four door se dan. Inquire 212 Hill street. 1937 PLYMOUTH coupe for sale under ceiling price. Good condi tion. Can see it after 6 p. m. 1254 East Second St. LOST STRAYED from my range last fall, one 3 year old heifer with calf. Branded Diamond "J" on left hip. Reward. G. O. Jones, Rt. 1, Box 231. MISCELLANEOUS MONARCH KITCHEN range, cir culator heater, bed, springs and mattress, davenport, book case, 2 large overstuffed chairs, dining , heat. Couple or working girls. 1V4 laoie ana cnairs, pnonograpn blocks from c tv bus line, near LARGE well furnished room In modern' home with two adults! Kitchen privileges In electrically equipped kitchen. Use of refriger ator and washing machine, pri vate bath. Bedroom and overstuf fed living room furniture, furnace SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost, Pflone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinsori, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. ' TWIN TRUMPET 1IOHX Command the road wHh this deep-tons, twin blast horn. Roman gold niotalus tre finish. Built-in relay. Oomplotoly wired . . . Easy to InataU It yourself 1 MAR VIEW Door Mirror 1.69 Four-Inch, beveled glass, non-glare mirror. Adjustable to any position. Extra Mileage Tire Preservative : p.. Helps to keep rubber tough and flexible. Brush tt on. One pint treat ten tires. Houk-Van Allen restont Home & Auto Supply not) Wall St Phone 800 and records, 1 dresser, cross-cut 3aws, 10 doz. fruit jars, rural tele phone. Call at 36 Cascade Place between 4 and 8 o clock. ONE 60 GALLON hot water tank and heater complete with thermo stats, etc. One vacuum cleaner, in good condition. Pilot Butte Auto Court. south city limits. Phone 1040. Mrs. Gilbert Long. INVESTIGATE two Ideal share apartment apartments. 138 St. Helens Place. SEVERAL NICE gentle Holstein and Guernsey milk cows. Also gentle team and harness. 3rd house from King's Market on south highway. Flume 34-F-3. Everett Donahue. FOUR JAMESWAY oil brooders, used one season, for $30 each with pipes. Seven large turkey feeders $20.00. Four rolls of four foot heavy poultry wire and almost one roll of five foot $25.00. One dozen two gallon galvanized water founts $5.00. Also Ras tank for 1939 International 1V4 ton truck $7.50. Out on south highway to closed Texaco station, turn right third house on the left. Call after 5 o'clock or any time on Saturday and Sunday. BICYCLE S-New lightweight model $34.50. New balloon tire model, fully equipped, $17.65. Shoefly rockers, now $6.95. Also wicker bauy carriage, child s wheelbarrow, Irish mall, Taylor Tot, etc. Carl Austin, 220 Green wood. SIX MILES from Bend. Seven room modern house, large barn, 80 acres with bj acres C.O.I, water, 200 acres Taylor grazing land, 18 acres In alfalfa and 25 acres ready tor spuds. A fine buy lor $6,500. Terms $3,000 cash, balance $500 per year, v rank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. 3 ROOM modern furnished house. Inquire at 821 Columbia St. FURNISHED 3-room semi-modern house, close In. Phone 1055-J after 6 p. m. or write P.O. Box 806. MODERN, FURNISHED 4 room house, also 3 room apartment fur nished complete, inquire b5 r rank- lin. Phone 1149. WANTED BE WISE, hire the. auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19-F-3 collect. HURRY UP, tomorrow last day to rent saddle horses at Cavalry Barns. Moving to ranch, south 314 miles on highway 97. There we will still rent, buy and sell saddle horses and saddles. We have two especially nice children's ponies. S. L. Miles. BEND BODY & PAINT SHOP Collision Damage, Body & Fender Repair Estimates Given 1031 Harriman. Phone 330. Bend. MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine parts. Factory trained. Elmer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. HAVE LARGE tractor, plow, tan dem disc and heavy tiller. Will do farm work by the hour. Chas. O. Burkhart, 2 miles out on Bend Burns highway. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W. R. Franks, Redmond or phone 78-J, Redmond, Oregon. 10 TO 20 ACRES good potato land on shares. Vida Andrew, Rt. 2, Box 127. WANT TO RENT small nicely furnished modern house within next month. Mrs. Edward Zychal, 1617 W. 1st. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS BAKER FEED CO. Phono 188X Redmond, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. War Briefs (By United Press) Western Front First army ad vance east of Rhine threatens to split Ruhr and upper Rhlneland fronts. Eastern Front Germans report red army battling to link bridge heads over Oder for all-out drive on Berlin. Pacific U. S. troops fan out over southwest Mindanao from captured Zamboanga; reconnais sance photographs show large areas of Tokyo and Nagoya de stroyed by B-29 raids. Italy Fifth army troops cap ture Mount Splgolino in Apennines. Buy National War Bonds Now! 2 Oil Companies Announce Merger The consolidation of two large west coast oil companies was an nounced today by A. IT. DeFrlest, vice president of the General Pe troleum corporation, and C. S. Beesemyer, president of the Gil more Oil company, according to Information received by B. F. Ball and E. W. Willis, Oregon mana gers for the companies. Both or ganizations have served western motorists for many years and have quite similar backgrounds. Operations will continue under the management of General Pe troleum, west coast marketers of Mobllgas and Mobiloll. Road oil and asphalt operations will, how ever, be handled by a Gilmore organization. The merging of the two or ganizations results in the appoint ment of B. F. Ball, as resident manager, and E. W. Ellis, as as sistant manager for the Oregon division, and other assignments will be announced in the near future, according to DeFriest. To Retain Advantages "We plan," he stated, "to retain all the advantages, of both our combined dealer and field organi zation representation," that have so effectively contributed to the strength of the two companies, and through this new organiza tion offer greater services to the motoring public and the industrial plants of the west coast." "One of the Interesting results of this consolidation will be the extension of General's generous military leave policy, to all Gil more employes who are in the armed services or may later join. Under this arrangement desig nated dependents of such em ployes will receive each month from General a payment repre- can41nn n hV.,.j. . o auuMiimial portion ... .vvr ueiween the and allowances granted the ployee by the government and salary that was being naid the employee went on lraw jL5 will of course he waiting A of them when they return." Don't Neglect Your Car! In all probability you'll be drivin it for a long time. Eddie't L.. one of Oregon's most completely equipped and most modern repair shops. No job too large . . . no job too small. Let Eddie's help yw keep your car A-1. Car Washing and Polishing Eddie's Is Central Oregon's BEAR WHEEL ALINEMENT HEADQUARTERS Drive in . . . let us check your car . . . save precious tires and gas. and Remember . . . "RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S" EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE 390 Greenwood O CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Phone 64 f I. This means greater conveni- Jt '' "V" T" 4 .'lr j; ence. Thousands more Indepen- so. -L ;U ' t , Tk'H(a J" j 1 ma!f dent Mobilgas Dealers are now 1, , 1 "jJMniSfJ j Ws f , S t 9 ready to help keep your car on 1- fiHPl 3 i J'sti " v V1"1! 1 1 RABBITS, bred docs, good breed ing stock. Call at 117 IS. Olney. CHEAP One new twin size mat tress, used one week. Colonial Jr. kitchen range, cheap. Call at 255 Davis St. GASOLINE WASHING machine motor, A l condition, inquire at 875 Roosevelt. ROSE COLORED mohair extra large davenport and chair. Call at 827 Florida. Tele. 1305 -M. Piles! Ow!! But He SMILES, Now Be wlsa a he was. Vso same formula used by oVIiri atljuncttvely at noted Thorn ton A Minor Clinic. Surrlnlng QUICK rnlllfitiva relief of pain, Itch, aorenws. Ifllpa soften and tends to shrink swell ln. Get tubs Thornton A Mlnor'a Kectnt Ointment or Thornton A Minor Rwtal ; bomioiltortea. It not delighted with thia SOCTOHB' way. low cost Is refunded, I At ail good drug stores arerywhars. TO RENT on east side 5 or ti room house, unfurnished or partly fur nished, by March 23. Good steady tenants. 510 Delaware. TO RENT or sell 160 acre farm, 67 acres cultivation, 22 acres in alfalfa, 75 acres C.O.I. Good 5 room house and barn, electricity. Located 5 miles east of Bend on Hcnd-Bui iis highway. Call or write W.W. Newton, Redmond, Box 9-12. FEDERAL AND STATE income tax returns to prepare. Twenty years exirlenci Five years aud itor for Oregon State Corporation Department. Ten years auditor OifRon State Tax Commission. Henry Kiessenbeck, 1107 E. Green wood Ave. Near Pilot Butte. Bend Abstract Co, Title Insurance Abstract! Walt Peak Phone 174 2. This teaming-up will make possible a greater availability of products and accessories neces sary to the life of your car. 3. This teaming-up means that customers of these Mobil gas Dealers will share in the advancements provided by the world's greatest refineries. Gilmore Independent Dealers join the great group of Mobilgas and Mobiloil Independents to serve you better The Gilmore Oil Company and the Independent Dealers who feature its products recently had the opportunity to better their customers and themselves. They were offered the privilege to market Mobilgas, America's favorite gasoline, as well as Mobiloil, the world's largest selling motor oil, and other Mobil products. This, the Gilmore dealers readily decided to do. They know this happy affiliation with the present Mobilgas Independent Dealer organization will mean more to you in service and in better products. Continue to patronize your former Gilmore Independent Dealer . ; ; you'll find him enthusiastic and proud to be known henceforth as your Mobilgas Dealer ... to display at his place of business . . . the world-famous Flying Red Horse. RED RYDER TO RENT two bedroom house close In. Adults only. Inquire after 4 p. m. at 434 Riverside. Phone Pfll J. PERMANENT CIVILIAN couple wants one or 2 bedroom house in desirable location. Call Mrs. Wal dron, 36-F-2. II KM' WANTKl) DRIVER to drive elderly couple to l.os Angeics. rnone iBo-w." 1 I - I W a W. Ml I aiai an. a. I "'S-. V 1 C. ' K l. By FREDHARMAN rOKAYr3YrE.AC--l f MOT FDR A ? f 1 CO'JLD AL050 C TrlS THAT f OH , DEAR O SUPl X CAN IW f I ' A I'LL CJKAt? SOME: JA TET- TOU VS. GOT M &LfefcK jianu!JNVV suskiijus 1 rwsnju 3 vruN itU)rv- r . , ITS ttARLY PAWt, KNIFE"' VIE D BETTER FINISH Tri lUNN&L ArTtK TrV X,.