THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1943 pa;ge three Two Money Bills Up for Action In Statehouse By Eric W. Allen, Jr. (United Preu Staff Correspondent) - Salem, Ore., March 13 (IB Two appropriation bills totaling $515,000 and a bill providing for city and county planning commis sions were due for final action In the Oregon house of representa tives today, while little major legislation was scheduled in the senate. Attention centered on two tax proposals which will go. on the measures, a two-cent cigarette tax and a five-mill levy on property, were reported out of the joint senate assessment and taxation and ways and means committees ! Mrs. Walter Prichard. Twenty with "do pass" recommendations, women were present and each The point committees also ap- member answered roll call with proved the bill authorizing the! a reading. Sewing kits for boys election, but with the stipulation I in service were completed. The that only the two measures be next meeting will be March 22 considered. With Mrs. Erickson in Bend. School Bill Approved I Mr- and Mrs- Gilbert Robertson Still another bill approved pro-1 "f pSQO W?h-i w?,-e gues,s vided for $8,000,000 for school JueTsdy a"d Wednesday at the support, instead of $5,000,0000 for , K Jr. HjL honJ?- , , .-J., , Jlmogene Hurt of Prineville, spent schools and for the state system of higher education building pro- gram. ' The house yesterday passed 46 to 11 senate joint memorial 2, which petitions congress to es-, tablish a system of military train-' ing for young men. , The senate passed a bill (SB325) 1 changing the manner of electing state legislators in Multnomah county to a position basis, under which candidates would file for a position instead of the present system of choosing the five high men for senator and 13 for rep-, resentatlve. Voters Confused I Advocates said the present Diwatwhla amnna ennrpe nf pnnHl. i rlutnc fnnftlcpri thf vntprs flnri gave pressure groups a chance to get a single candidate into tne top positions. These opposed were both, Burke, Ellis, Hilton, Jones, Pearson, Stayer and Winslow. The whole subject of reappor tionment and legislation district ing would be taken up an interim committee under a resolution (SJR22) given "do pass" approval by the senate resolutions com mittee. The senate gave final passage to a house joint resolution (8) memorializing congress to pass the Tydings bill amending the con stitution to require the govern ment to operate under a balanced budget except in war years or periods of emergency. I,T. PARKER WOUNDED Lapine, March . 13 2nd. Lt. Laurance T. Parker, brother of George Welborn Parker of Lapine, has been wounded in action in the southwest Pacific, according to a war department announcement today. A WORTHWHILE SECRET Bend Dairy Grade A Products BUTTER CREAM EGGS MILK BUTTERMILK O ICE CREAM COTTAGE CHEESE FOR OVER 25 YEARS HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRY PRODUCTS OF QUALITY Highest Prices Paid The Bend Dairy will pay highest prices for your livestock. Contact our market and prices. $1.75 a Word Story Is Sold By Mrs. S liven Believed to be the highest paid writer in Bend's history, Mrs. David C. Silven, a member of The Bulletin's advertising department staff, today was in receipt of a check for $200 from the Reader's Digest. The check is in payment for an anecdote, for which the publication makes the $200 offer for those successful. The brief ar ticle is scheduled to appear In the April issue. Mrs. Silven, in receiving the check, was paid at the rate of approximately $1.75 per word. Grange Hall Grange Hall, March 12 (Spe cial) Grange Hall Ladies Aid met Thursday at the home of home. ui tin: v. it. aajiiKza Mrs. Paul Barr and son, John, of Bend, spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. George Hamil ton. Mrs. Viola Crow and daughter, Sandra, of Medford, visited this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clarence Walker. Mrs. Marion Dubois of Prine ville spent two days this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Prichard. Marilyn Joyce Brown is spend ing the week with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Varco in Plainview. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morrison ana aaugnter, Maryann of Bend, were dinner guests Saturday eve- ning Of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne 'ijpky. Mr. and Mrs. Geore-e Dimlck of Klamath Falls were dinner guests Friday evening at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Haynes. Visitors Wednesday and Thurs day at the Clarence Walker home were Mr. Walker's sister, Mrs. Thelma Gray and his nephew, Jimmy Rasmussen of New Ply mouth, Idaho. Several families gathered at the Grange hall Wednesday evening for a potluck supper and to at tend the meeting on "Milk Sanita tion." MEN OUTSHINE CO-EDS Kalamazoo, Mich. U'i Co-eds at Kalamazoo college may outnum ber men 4 to 1, but the intelligence reports don't read that way. Out of the six students on the campus who received grades of all A for the first semester, three of them John Pendergress, Dowagiac, Har ry Randall, Kalamazoo, and Mari on Stutes, Three Oaks were men. Yes it is, but really it's not a secret any more. Almost everyone knows that Bend Dairy Milk is Grade A licensed by the stato and that every bottle is SEAL-RIGHT cap ped tor added protection. we will inspect and quote you Bowling Notes Medo-Land bowlers scored high series, 2531, in winning two games from Pepsi-Cola keglers in In dustrial league play last night on the. Bend Recreation alleys. L. Gales, with a 572 series, shot high individual score. Bend-Portland eased into a tie for first place. by taking three from Superior cafe, and Bend Bulletin keglers won two from Bend Recreation. Gate way Lunch won a pair from Pi land's in the other match. Results of the games follow: . Bend Recreation Norcott 162 165 155482 O. Barfknecht 148 160 146454 F. Smith 158 132 B. Fierds 127 149 L. Gales 190 181 Handicap .... 18 18 180470 123399 201572 18 54 Total ..: 804 805 823 2432 Bend Bulletin H. Rice 154 176 M. Sutherland 134 169 A. Kaufman ....145 165 E. Fenton 158 155 163493 151454 133443 145458 168543 28 84 B. Benson 201 174 Handicap .... 28 28 Total 820 867 788 2475 Bend Portland C. Piland 157 L. McConnell .127 W. Jessy 136 G. Mirich 168 E. Brown ., 189 169 158 189 159 177 2 169495 155440 144469 184511 180-546 2 6 Handicap .... 2 Total 779 854 834 2467 Superior Cafe Peter Seny 170 W. Burrell ......116 T. Loree 153 Christensen ....112 164 140 154488 145-401 179 134 200 111443 P. Loree 198 Total :779 847 732 2358 Plland's O. Alt 148 B. Rice 96 B. Hatch : 177 J. Chabot 176 B. Kaller 116 Handicap .... 36 214 104 192 105 140 36 133495 121321 166535 169450 125381 36108 Total 749 791 750 2290 Gateway G. McLennan ..147 126 135- 408 126417 151-471 136 465 G. Hiley 149 142 162 160 175 48 C. Bushong ....158 L. Smith 169 H. Barfknecht 168 139482 Handicap .... 48 48144 Total 839 813 735 2287 Medo-Land Creamery B. Douglass ....157 198 136491 L. Potts 144 167 180491 M. Nehl 175 142 136-453 D. Lay 135 191 216542 S. Blucher 156 189 194539 Handicap .... 5 5 5 15 Total 772 892 867 2531 Pepsi - Cola H. Douglass ....163 194 H. Parks 129 102 C. Lewerenz ....185 184 W. Douglass ....157 149 Absentee 145 145 165522 159-390 184553 146452 145435 Total 779 774 799 2352 Potash fertilizers produce great er yields when the soil is limited. NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet doesn't upset stomach r" ? When you need quickrelieffrom pain, do you heiiitate to take aspirin because it loaves you with nn upset stomach? If so, this new medi cal discovery, SUPERIN. is "jurt what t!i3 doc tor ordered" for you. Superin is aspirin plus contains the same pure, s-!o a.ipinn you have long known but developed by" doctors in a special way for those upset by aspirin in its ordi nary form. This new kind of aspirin tablet dissolves more quickly, lets the aspirin get right at the job of re lieving pain, reduces the acidity of ordinary aspirin, and docs not ir ritate or upset stomach even after repeat doses. Toar this out to remind you to get Superin today, so you can have it on hand when headaches, colds, etc., strike. See how quickly it relieves pain now -, ..g-. fine you feel after laKing.rttyuururu;- iw gist's, lot and 391. Simplepfes need oMwracUafidtorttireyoa ' with maiMming itch, burn end irritation. b tuart a Pyramid Suppotllonea bring i i quick, welcome relief. Their Brand roedi- I cation means real comfort, reduces strain, " helpi tighten relaxed membranes, gently lubricates and softens, protective and j I anti-chatTmtr, so eayfo dm. Get genuine j Stuart's Pyramid Suppositories at your drug store without delay Jc snd 11.20 on maker's money-back guarantee. . Label Is Proposed ToWarn 'Drinkers Of Bottle Danger Boston, March 13 P A special legislative commission studying drunkenness problems in Massa chusetts has proposed inai me following label be pasted on each bottle of liquor: . . ' "Directions for use: use mod erately and not on successive days. Eat well while drinking ana, if necessary, supplement food by vitamin tablets while drinking. Warning: if this beverage is in dulged in consistently and im moderately it may cause intoxi cation (drunkenness), later neu ralgia and paralysis . (neuritis), and serious mental derangement, such as delirium tremens and other curable and incurable men tal diseases, as well as kidney and liver damage." Women Bowlers' i Tourney Planned The Bend Women's Bowling association tournament has been scheduled for Friday and Sunday March 16, and 18, it was an nounced today. The five-player teams will start Friday evening at 8 p. m. and the doubles will be gin at 2 p. m. Sunday followed by the singles. Although women's bowling leagues have operated here in the past, this will be the first annual tournament ever held here for women bowlers. The handicaps amounting to the dif ference between the bowlers average and 180, will be allowed each bowler. Only those who have bowled In the league and have an establish ed handicap may bowl. All those 121 377 wishing to enter are being re 161 559 minded that entry fees must be in by Wednesday evening Marcn 15. Entry fees are $2.00 per per son per event, Including bowling. FDR FAVORS BASEBALL Washington, March 13 IP President Roosevelt told a news conference today that he was all in favor of continuing profession al baseball during the war. Cusfer would hove cheered it It's the kind of high-riding, hard-hitting raider an old line cavalryman would love the fleet Mustang, a great airplane that flies Rated the fastest aircraft behind a propelior, every P-51 that rolls off North American Aviation's west coast assem bly lines is test-flown, delivered on Chevron Aviation Gas oline. And take it from men who fly on Chevron Aviation Gasoline they say: "After the war we're counting on you to give us a Chevron gasoline for the highway that will put skyway performance in our cars." And we will! The MUSTANG., a great plane ' FDR Proposes 9 New Generals Washington, Mareh 13 (IP) ' President Roosevelt today pro posed the creation of nine new generals to. give the army its greatest galaxy of four-star of ficers on active duty in U. S. his tory. . x . . He nominated nine lieutenant generals to the temporary rank of general. At present there are on lv two generals on active duty and four five-star "generals of the armv." Those nominated for promotion to four-star rank were: Joseph T. McNarney, deputy supreme allied commander in the Mediterranean theater. Omar N. Bradley, commanding general of the 12th army group in Europe. Carl Spaatz, commanding gen eral of the U. S. strategic alrforee in Europe. I George C. Kenney, commanding ' general of the Far East airforces.i Mark W. Clark, commanding general of the 15th army group in , Italy. i Walter Krueger, commanding! the Sixth army in the Philippines, i Brehon Somervell, commanding ' the army service forces. j Jacob L. Devers, commanding' the Sixth army group In Europe. Thomas T. Handy, deputy chief of staff to Gen. George C. Mar shall. Four-star generals now on ac tive duty are Malin Craig, who was recalled from retirement to I head the war department's per-1 sonnel board, and Joseph W. Stil-I well, chief of the army ground forces. The five-star generals are Mar shall, Dwlght D. Eisenhower, Douglas MScArthur, and Henry H. ' Arnold. They were four-star gen erals when congress created the new super-rank of "general of the army." Three thousand Boeing aircraft company employes have received cash awards for time-saving sug gestions in the past three years. first on Chevron Aviation Gasoline. thatjlies first Anxious Wife Is Innocent Cause of Jailing Husband If Mrs". Josh Petrie hadn't been overly anxious about her hus band's whereabouts, he probably wouldn't be occupying a cell in the Bend city Jail today on n charge of drunk driving. , , But because Mrs. Petrte late last night called officers and' asked that they start a search for her tardy husband, George E. Petrie, 38, a railroad worker of Hixon junction, near Camp Abbot was being held on the charge. ' Obliging Bend officers called State Officer Kenneth Roach and asked him to travel south on the highway and see if Petrie had been involved In an accident. An hour later Officer Roach returned with Petrie, whom he said he had arrested near Lava butte. "Your husband will not be Hollywood' thrilling vel- . vet liquid make-up that covers blemishes and gives your skin the soft radiant loveliness that men adorel Prices $1.00 ., to $7.50, plus tax. Eight alluring shades. Hours of loveliness in every drop. OWL PHARMACY 858 Wall Phone 60 on home tonight,' officers told Mrs. petrie. Basketball Lost In Mirror Pond - Approximately 20 young boys whose rendezvous is the Harmon playfield, were saddened today as their efforts to locate a basket ball in the currents of the Des chutes river Were in vain. The ball, loaned to them for use at the playfield by the high school, was lost late yesterday a Vnuarite for 63 Years. ENJOY THIS AT ITS PRE fUIIUI IISII1H1IIB, utt, LI. KUIU STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA when it struck one of the boy's knees and bounded into the , stream. Frantic efforts were made to recover it then, but these also failed. And a search at the power dam failed to produce the ball.: A group of the boys was out shortly after dawn today, but re turned to their homes without the ball. . .. i ; Any persons finding the ball is asked by the boys to either return , It to the playfield or the high school ; Buy National War Bonds Now! FINE WHISKEY - WAR 1 MIIUI. II rilOF. 1111 RUIUI. sriuii j 5 1 Greenwood Ave. Phone 101