THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 194? PAGE TWO Oregon Webfeet Hold Hiqh Hopes Out Our Way Eocene. Ore.. March 13 (IB Dp termined to duplicate the feat of the 1939 University of Oregon Das kotball team which won the north ' ern division championship and then went on to become the na tional titlist, the Oregon Web feet are getting set for the on slaught of the Washington State Cougars this niaay. Having won one leg of the northern division title by defeat ing WSC last Saturday, 51 to 41, the Oregon team naturally has the advantage, needing only one more victory to take the playoff. More over, the Webfeet could lose Fri day's game and still would have a chance to end up with the cham pionship. Not Veteran Team However, should Coach John Warren's basketeers ultimately win the right to play in Madison Square Garden against the east's best, it won't be a veteran team like the one that won laurels in 1939. It will be a freshman out fit, with only one letterman Bob Hamilton, junior guard and sparkplug ol the team. Warren credits his team's suc cess this year to the fact that players have had plenty of games, and they have learned thpir bas ketball as they went. Thus, de spite their early season Inexperi ence, tney developed inlo a team good enough to tie ror the north ern division title. A capacity crowd is in prospect for Friday's game and It appears certain that another mob of 7,000 fans will also turn out for Satur day's show, If one is held. Dodds' Mile Mark May Be Nullified Indianapaolls, March 13 mi Ir, THING I EVER J HE'S TH' r-IKn UNt Pffjfffl S HEARD OF- -7 TO HAVE ENOUGH fiu I Lw C 7 icoSS a' A S semse -to vo wow 111 mwwm SfeSrV CAUD EMEMV ) WHU1 HE'LL HAFTA : I PRlSOMER, OF 1 LAIER-"NAORt I T -J V. uuc i ;EWSE 1HAN HD ) I 3-3 OTOWtU-IAMS'" " 7'.. THE MEMTAL MEDAL "aT..Eau..PAT.orF. COPfl. 1945 BY NEA SERVICE. INC. . i V Coasting Along in the Sport World For State Play the tourney will be 1,000 general admission tickets will be placed on sale daily. Hoppe Makes Try To Regain Title New York, March 13 UI Willie Hoppe of New York, who relln- The world indoor mile record of qulshed his world three cushion 4:06.4 set by Gil Dodds of Boston I billiard title to Welker Cochran Inst year will not stand If A.A.U. officials decide he gained an ad vantage by running on a track . lacking a curbing, Chairman Paul R. Jordan of the National A.A.U. rules committee said today. Jordan said he expected the Issue- to come up at the organiza tln's annual meeting in Decem ber. A.A.U. Secretary Dan Ferris. New York, previously had stated approved, it probably would be ruled out because of the tech nicality. ; State Tournament Plans Unchanged Salem, Ore., March 13 (IB Lestle J. Sparks, state high school basketball tournament director, today put the damper on rumors that the tourney would be post, poned a week if the state legisla ture is still in session during the four days of the meeting. At the same time, he announced that , all season tickets for the popular state tournament already have been sold. A number of single-session tickets for reserved seats are still available, however. ho said. Also obtainable during of San Francisco earlier this win ter, got off to a narrow two-point lead today in his challenge match to regain the championship. The bllliardists split even yes terday In close matches, but Hoppe went In front 116 to 114 on points. Hoppe took the after noon block 60 to 54 in 43 Innings, with a high run of nine to six for Cochran. The California sharp shooter retaliated last night, win By .lack Cuddy (United Press Staff Correspondent) New York. March 13 (Ui City college at Madison Square Garden, Dec. 28. The Hamline Pled Pipers held a practice session the Branch Rickey jumped as if the; day before the game. One of the i hi. h!,n,i,nH hit. New York wnters, watching the ten his ear. His pince-nez specta cles almost flopped off his nose. He barked into the phone, "What's that, operator? What's that? Why that can't be " Then the Mahatma of Montague street remembered suddenly that ho was in the beautiful borough practice, said, Say that gang ling goon out there at center looks familiar." A Brooklyn writer went further. He said, "Why that's stretch Schultz who- plays foist base for the Bums." Nat Holman, City college coach, disapproved of Schultz's presence in the Hamline line-up; but rather (Br United Pre) Eight Oregon "A" high school hoop squads, survivors of rigid tests of district and Inter-district play, prepared today to entrain for Salem where there they will battle it out for the state basket ball championship in a three-day tournament starting Thursday aft ernoon. The tournament appears to have everything to pack hoop thrills from the opening whistle of the first battle to the final gun in the championship game Satur day night. Three favorites, a dark horse, a potential "giant. killer" and three other clubs that have proven they will be rugged competition com prise the eight teams set to do battle for the state's highest bas ketball honor. Big Game Billed Two of the favorites, Washing ton high school of Portland and the Eugene Axemen, are slated to face each other in the opening game of the tourney, Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The other favorite, undefeated Medford, draws the possible "giant killing" Veronia Loggers, who survived district 13-14 play. tne possible dark horse of the tournament is Newberg. The Tigers weren't rated much in hoop affairs of the state until they knocked out McMinnville in dis trict competition and then went on to drop Lebanon twice to win a ticket to Salem. The Newberg crew is slated to face the highly touted Baker Bulldogs in another Thursday afternoon game. Two other teams, Hillsboros Spartans and Oregon City are scheduled for the finale of Thurs day night's schedule. Baseball Briefs (Br United PremO San' Francisco, March 13 UP Charles Graham, president oi me San Francisco Seals, hinted today that sale of one-third of the Seals stock to Paul Fagan, local finan cier, was virtually certain. "There are only a few matters yet to be taken care of," Gra ham said. "Everything is in order, however, and in a few days I hope to have Mr. Fagan as a partner." San Jose, Cal., March 13 (IB The Portland Beavers today had the first casualties of the spring training season but neither was serious. , In an intra-squad game between the Blues and the Grays yester day, rookie infielder Remo Meni ketti, San Francisco, was felled by a pitch that grazed his forehead. Manager Marv Cwen was spiked in the knee on a play at third base. Rookies Bob Hardy and Bill Carr hurled the Blues to' a 7-5 victory. Sam Latino, Wes Sanders and Syl Cohen shared mound du ties for the losers. Sacramento, March 13 (iPi Man ager Earl Sheely announced today that catcher Norman Schleuter i has failed to pass aaarmy physi cal examination and is due to re port to the Sacramento Solons soon. of Brooklyn and president of the!than call off fhe umc atv col dafty Dodgers. Ho wilted backjoge got Speclill permission from into his desk-chair and said re-1Dan Ferris, secrctary of the that although the retmdd buuiwntf.60 -ta 56-iftl-lrwiinii..Each had a high run of six in the night block. The match will go 130 blocks. with the players to continue com petition here until the end of the week. Then they will go to Bos ton, Philadelphia, Detroit, Clove ltfnti,i Chicagq, lOmaha, Denver, Portland, Ore., Seattle, Wash., Los Angeles, San Diego, Calif., and San Francisco. Fight Results (lly United Trciu) Boston ( Boston arena) Jerry Zullo, 1.16, Chelsea, Mass., knock ed out Gus (Pell) Moll, 132, Mon treal (1), Baltimore Jackie Wilson, 127'4 Pittsburgh, outpointed Cleo Shans, 134, Los Angeles (10). signedly, "Alright, operator. Okay. Thank you. Like a modern shepherd, Dea con Rickey had been using the A.A.U., to play against Hamline. This special permission was ob tained to prevent the City college players from losing their amateur leicpnone to gainer some oi nis ; stan(,ing throuRn competing players into the f lock that will bo j against a team that had a profes- to Bear Mountain, N. Y., tomor row afternoon for spring training. One of his calls had been routed for St. Paul, Minn. It was a per- slonal baseball player in its line up. Hamline beat City college, 47-42, aided by Schultz who scored 11 points. After this contest, the auii-iw-utiaun vein iu ii A II nnt httetr a nH no hult?, bean-pole first, baseman . caU L took a,ay the arnatau me reaacr may ne rarausra,.,..,!!... f nll , th.., i,-,i momentarily by our reference toiiavoH 'ait u!,mi( ,i.,t reader will be perfectly correct a f'U8S In recalling that high Howie' in'' specll permission. There was quite Schultz of St. Paul received nation-wide publicity this winter as center of the Hamline university basketball team. Some of the sports writers tabbed him "the stormy petrol" of the hoop season; he caused such a ruckus with the Amateur Athletic union. The Schultz-A.A.U. trouble started when Hnmline's quintet came to New York city to play "Luck of Irish" Favors Bertelli West Springfield, Mass., March 13 iti'i "The "Luck of the Irish" ap parently still is with Lt. Angelo Bertelli, the great little Italian quarterback with, Notre Dame's football team in 1943, his wife re vealed today. Bertelli, now with the marine corps on Iwo Jima, missed death or serious injury by 15 feet when a mortar shell exploded that close to him, she said. Four men stand ing near him were wounded, one seriously, but he didn't suffer a scratch. Bertelli, who received more votes than any other player in the balloting for the United Press All-America team in .1D43 is a liaison officer with the 21st ma1 rine regiment. Boyes Springs, Cal., March 13 u Lin Storti, second baseman and shortstop, returned his signed contract to the Oakland Oaks to day after holding out for two weeks. He will report here within a few days. Anaheim, Cal., March 13 (IP) Contract holdouts for the Los Angeles Angels were down to seven today with the signing of outfielder Jim Tyack and pitcher Jodie Phipps. Ontario, Cal., March 13 (IP) The Hollywood Stars meet the Los Angeles police team here to day, with Johnny Intlekofer, Earl Fullerton and Charley O'Neal on the mound for the Twinks. BASKETBALL RESULTS (By United Press) , National Intercollegiate tourna ment at Kansas City, Mo. Southern Illinois Normal 64, Washburn 49. Eastern Kentucky Teachers 64, Simpson 42. Central of Missouri 54, Eau Claire, Wis., Teachers 36. -KBND- Affiliated With Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting Syrtoni Voice of Central Oregon 1340 Kilocyclei TONIGHT'S FBOGBAM 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Jimmy Fidler 6:30 American Forum of Air 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30 Red Rvrier 8:00 Treasury Salute - 8:15 Vaughn Monroe's Orchestra 8:30 Mysterious Traveler 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Rex Miller 9:30 Bob Strong's Orchestra 9:45 Cote Glee Club 10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10.15 Evalyn Tyner's Orchestra WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 7:00 News 7:15 Eton Boys 7:30 Maxine Keith 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News 8:00 Sonny Dunham's Orchestra 8:15 News , 8:30 Take It Easy Time 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Western Music 8:55 Lanny and Ginger 9:00 William Lang and the News , 9:15 Morton Downey 9:30 Rationing News 9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Luncheon With Lopez 10:45 News of Prineville 11:35 Lady About Town 11:40 News 11:45 Traffic Safety 12:00 Stanley Kenton's Orchestra 12:10 Sport Yarns 12:15 Airlane Trio 12:30 News 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1:00 County Agent 1:15 Ask Jane Porterfield 1:30 Tommy Harris Time PUNCHIN PETEY WINS Ocean Park, Calif., March 13 (Ui Punchin' Petey Whcatstraw of San Francisco last night ran his knockout string to seven straight with a first-round, three punch win over Chino Rodriguez of Mexico. Rodriguez hit the floor after each punch and stayed down for the 10-count the third time. Both weighed in at J.47. 2:00 Handy Man 2:15 Melody Time- : 2:45 Will Bradley's Orchestra 3:00 Griffin Reporting 3:15 Famous Belgians 3:30 Musical Matinee 3:45 Johnson Family 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr 4:15 Rex Miller 4:30 House of Mystery 4:45 Homespun Trio 4:55 Central Oregon New 5:00-5am Hayes ' 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 Bronwstone Theatre 7:00 Tony Pastor's Orchestra 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Jimmy Lunceford's Orchestra 8:25 Your Navy 8:30 True Detective Mysterta 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 Northwest Neighbors 10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:15 News W III II U 11" 'This combination means tops in auto repairing!" LISTEN. FOLKS 1. Careful Workmanship by Expert Mechanics. Backed by our 28 years of exporionco 2-M?h7slerFcory engineered ram. $5000 Stock on Hand I First baseman Schultz, a bona fide student of Hamline (during the oft -season) received much publicity. Whether this publicity needled his draft board, we do not know. Anyway, Schultz who stretches up six feet seven Inches was reported last week to have boon reclassified 1-A. Previously he had been in 4 F because he is one inch taller than the army and navy limit of six feet six. 1 Branch Rickey doubtless was mighty interested In these reclas sification reports when he put in his person to - person call for Schultz at St. Paul. And Branch was naturally flabbergasted when the long-distance operator re ported: "Sorry, but Mr. Schultz is on his honeymoon." : That's all there was. There Canadiens' Star Sets New Record ! Montreal, March 13 mi When ever any new hockey records are set this season, look for the Mon treal Canadiens to do it. Elmer Lach, the "help mate" of the champion Quebec sextet set a new national league mark for assists last week and increased his Individual scoring lead over teammate Maurice Richard by six points, the official figures showed today. Lach, who has a to tal of 7( points for the season, made three assists against the New York Rangers Sunday night to give him a 51 total for the sea son. That was two more than Clint Smith of the Chicago Black hawks made in setting the previ- wasn't any more. That was the j ous mark last year. .-Itlll 11,1,11 III IIL.-t I1I1VI ill, II tllllJUl mysterious Howie professional! first sacker, amateur center, for-' mer 4-F'er, reported 1-A'er, and brand new bridegroom--almost on ! the eve of spring training. i Rickey finally sagged back into his chair - just a "branch" on a tree that grows in Brooklyn. Service on All Makes of Cars! NEW MOTORS Here now, ready to install in your car. 12 Months to Pay Available for DODGE PLYMOUTH it Motor Rebuilding it Complete Overhaul No Job Too Large or Too Small Tire and Battery Service Complete Lubrication Open 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. CENTRAL OREGON MOTOR CO. Distributor: Dodge-Plymouth Pssongor Cars Dodge Job-Rated Trucks J. L. VanHuffcl Fully Equipped For Modern Druglcss Treatment Spinal f Tk VdjiiHtmenl vhik I'hvslo V' ' : U Vox V "j Mimiiiulor JTS . V Diagnosis, X-Kay nnil Heart Graphing Dr. R. D. Ketchum Oregon Ltd. Contracting rower Wiring Llght Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances Genoral Electric Dealer Sales and Service , Hello, Everybody: As the new Ford dealer I am going to try to get acquainted with all of you. However, it takes time to get my time organized, so if I don't see you real soon it will only be because the days aren't long enuf. Thank you people who have come in. I very much appreciate your cordiality and hospital ity. It' makes me glad to be in Bend. We can give prompt attention to your serv ice work right now, so come in and get an estimate. Jack Halbrook Halbrook Motors Lincoln Phono 680 jltiUien& Aati wAerk . . . witfi . I Blended Whiskey, 86 proof, 65 grain neutral spirits GOODERHAM & WORTS LTD. Peoria, Illinois Checkerboard Cafe DINNERS SHORT ORDERS HOME-MADE PIES FOUNTAIN SERVICE 135 .Oregon 3y V. T. HAMLIN FOOD,EH?WEU kJOW THATS A SUBJECT VJE CAM GET OUR TCCTU Ikl ' I I 1 I 1 I ' ' I Mil nr. nrvnfs m m w ej I ""T"r 'r Mercury .... ""'P'-"!- I'h.vsleisii ll BcnJ, Ore, I I Bond and Minnesota 1 M I I ; I 3 BV i ALLEY OOP " " ' M . . BUY WAR BONDSW ewreynMjs lug Tweu.,igoM sure, if vou ( mv neck's at A E?AW' Mou rcim cmmNHTYS SJ-PfCrrSl.. PLEASEA WAMTA C1SK j STAKE EITHER I rAN MOW, GENTLEMEN, US HERE T HELVV THECESX TSPE AK I V SIC.VOUR I VJRAPPIM' I WAV I WAMTA . ITHINKWEVE REACHED JCEOiaSANlXE. BEEM TWcA AN'I'M I MA JECTV VKTONGUE TALK ABOUT Y L A SUBSTAkJTIAL BASIS V TH GOV MENT.. ( WOPDS... L COMMA uruVfc i1 'V' A OF UNDERSTANDING.' ) AN' THEN, ONE NOWTHEPE'S i SPEAK I ? Pru h rW'AV 1 rm"( VJORDFCOM 1 JUGT FOUR X IT.' V "l y ' 825 Bond St. Phone 26