THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, 'OREGON, MONDAY, fyXRCH 12, 19,45 PAGE SIX Stocks in Rally But Volume Cut By Elmer C. Walzer (United PrMi Financial Editor) New York, March 12 (Uy-Stocks rallied again today for the second consecutive session but volume was cut sharply from the recent pace. Gains ranging to more than a point were spread over a broad list with the leaders participating. Activity again centered on Inter natloual Telephone whose Issues made new highs. The steels, rails, oils, and mercantiles provided strong spots. Motors were narrow ly mixed, sugars strong, and cop pers firm. The market rose In the morning and wavered at mid-session only to resume its rise before closing. The improvement was ascribed to technical factors with market op erators still moving very cautiously. Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 35c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Time $1.35 FOR SALE FOB RENT All warda r II mdi U pr wr4 lima n.maar ar uiMriiana Om Month run, mm copy, H daf rate Mlnlawa Chart, MC LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c ClaMlfM Adtartlalnr. Caik la Airraac. Dally Ckxln Tlma II sit P. M- FOR SALE Huge U.S. Tanks Go Into Action Detroit, March 12 UB Approx- imately 250 T-26 General Persh ing tanks America's mightiest - and newest armored vehicles went into action on the western front last month. It was disclosed here today. In a letter to President C. E. Wilson of the General Motors Corp., whose Fisher Body division is producing the 45-ton tank, Maj. lien. L. H. uampoen saw tne nere- tofore secret weapon "has proved Itself extremely efficient" In com bating the nazi Royal Tiger tank. Campbell, chief of army ord nance, suld American tank forces recently indicated dissatisfaction with other U. S. tanks "are en thusiastic about all the features of the new weapon." He added that they need the "maximum number in the least possible' time." 2 JERSEY COWS, 3 years old, tested, one with calf, other will be fresh April 1st. $100 each. Inquire Aune's Feed Store. PRE-WAR DAVENPORT and chair, bed. with swings, mattress, vanity with bench. Inquire 434 Riverside after 4 p. m. ACREAGES: 3 acres with 3 acres Swalley water. 6 room house, fruit room, basement, utility room. Exceptionally good garage, chicken house. Priced right at $4000. $2000 down. 2 ACRES with 3 room house with city lights and water. Outbuildings for $3150. Gil berts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. GOOD NAVY wrist watch, cheap. 208 !4 Canal street. $3300 BUYS 5 room modern fur nished home. $500 down and $50 per month. Immediate possession. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. MAMMOTH WHITE Pckln ducks, breeding stock, eggs for hatching, dressed ducks for Easter. Phone orders to 1040. MONTAG CIRCULATING heat er, for four room house or more. Call 716-RX. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. 4 ROOM modern unfurnished house, close In, and 1 3-room gas equipped furnished apartment. In quire 52 I.afayette or call 1177. 3 ROOM modern, furnished apart ment, private bath. Inquire 141 Georgia. Phone 760. LARGE 5 ROOM modern furnish ed house close to mills. Inquire at 827 Delaware or 144 Adams Place. RADIO Sliver-Marshall 13 tube console. This is the "around tne world" model. Covers broadcast and short wave in 4 bands. Has beat freauoncv oscillator, push- pull output, tone control, quiet AVC. and other modern features. Absolutely like new. Price $100. See Bob at Carl Austin's Shop. L. C. SMITH Dortable typewriter. See at Klassen's Service Station, Greenwood avenue. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 12 IP Livestock: Cattle 1800, calves 150. Fed cattle active, fully steady with last Monday. Lower grades slow, steady with late last week or 25-50c below week ago. Two loads good-choice fed steers 16.50; several good loads 15.00-16.25; common-medium 11.00-14.50; load good-choice fed heifers 16.00. Good grades 15.00-15.50; common down to 10.00. Canner-cutter cows 6.50-9.00. Medium-good beef cows 11.00-12.50; best held above 13.00. Medium-good bulls 11.00-13.50. Good-choice vealers 15.00-15.50. Hogs 500. Steady. Good-choice 156-300 lbs. 15.75; heavier weights and sows 15.00. Feeder pigs most-1 ly 17.00; few to 17.50. Sheep 300. Active. Fat lambs 25c higher. Good-choice wooled lambs 15.50-16.00. Shorn lambs 14.75-15.00. Good ewes mostly 8.50. EAST SIDE Daved street. Pos session soon, 4-bedroom modern house. New type electric water heater. Only $3500. Loan avail able. West side. 2-bedroom mod ern house, stoves. $2600, $500 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-w. 4 ROOM modern house with kitch en range and circulating heater, 2 bedrooms, priced reasonably. Inquire George's Radio Service. Phone 900. GREENWOOD STREET: Five room modern home. Redecorated Interior. Two good lots, shade, lawn. Garage, woodshed, garden. Drilled hole. $1900. Terms arrang ed. See Walter Daron, Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota St. ELECTRIC RADIO and Toast master, Electroiux. Phone 505-W. RANCHES Cheap, close in. 40 acres, 35 C.O.I., 4-room house, fair outbuildings, 32500. sioou down, $300 year. 40 acres, 35 C.O.I., 2 well built houses, some farm ma chinery, $3200, $1000 down. 20 acres, 19 C.O.I., about 18 acres pasture, fenced. Large house, $2300, $1000 down, $250 year. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all Irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Lichtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. TIATAN JUNIOR chain saw com plete with two chains, $575.00. Terms If desired. Write Carl Frid lund, Box 734, Sisters, Oregon. POTATO PLANTER, WhlteGiant rooster for breeding purposes. Rt. 2, Box 217. LARGE well furnished room in modern home with two adults. Kitchen privileges In electrically equipped kitchen. Use of refriger ator and washing machine, pri vate bath. Bedroom and overstuf fed living room furniture, furnace heat. Couple or working girls. 1V4 blocks from city bus line, near south city limits. Phone 1040. Mrs. Gilbert Long. HELP WANTED MAN for work In car washing de partment. Permanent. Inquire Bend Garage Company. ; SITUATION WANTED WILL CARE for elderly people or one who needs care, or conval escent patient in my home. Mrs. Elliott, 1258 E. 2nd. Phone 593-W. WILL TAKE CARE of your chil dren during office hours. Write P. O. Box 1005, Bend. WANTED HAVE LARGE tractor, plow, tf.n dem disc and heavy tiller. Will do farm work by the hour. Chas. O. Burkhart, 2 miles out on Bend- Burns highway. - LOST LARGE BLACK poodle, very friendly, name Mutso on collar. Return to owner, Apt. No. 2, 334 E. Greenwood St., Bend. Reward. FOUND NICKLE PLATED hub cap on corner of Wall and Georgia. Call at 805 Georgia and get on paying for this ad. USED CARS TO BUY late model used car in good condition. Call after 6 p. m. lt4 Irving. 10 TO 20 ACRES good potato land on shares. Vida Andrew, . Rt. 2, nox 127. TO BUY vacuum sweeper or car pet sweeper. Inquire E. C. King, Prlnevllle. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices lor eooa usea radios George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. 80 ACRE FARM, to sell as whole or In 20 acre tracts. 57 acres C.O.I. miles east of Bend on Central Oregon highway. Charles Burk art, Rt. 1, Box 179. PRE-WAR RUGS, plain mulberry, 9x12 and pad. Brown 7'6"x9' and pad. Mulbery scatter rug. All ex cellent condition. 134 Roosevelt. Phone 219. I LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tn the Matter of the Estate of William Chester Evans, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned executrix of the es tate of William Chester Evans, deceased, to creditors and all per sons having claims against said deceased to file them with the necessary vouchers within six months after the first publication of this notice at the office of Cun ning & Brewster In Redmond, Ore gon, which said office the under signed selects as her address In all matters connected with the estate of the deceased. Dated at Bend, Oregon this 10th day of March, 1945. LILLIAN CAMPBELL, Execu trix of the estate of William Ches ter Evans, deceased. Date of first publication, March 12, 1945. Date of final publication, April 2, 1945. 82-88-94-lOOc 25 2 TO 4 YEAR old ewes with lambs and 10 yearling ewes soon to lamb $15.00 each, 10 yearling ewes not bred $10.00. Average wool clip about $5.00 each. Wool and lambs' will pay for sheep this spring and fall. Mancel Nance. In quire at Metollus P. O. UNDER CELING price, model T.T. truck in good mechanical condition, house car body, Muncie transmission, Rocky Mountain brakes, 20 inch rear wheels, Ore gon title, needs license and tires. Also large size coal and wood cir culating heater, and comfortable cabin at Wickiup. Leaving state. Call any day but Sunday. J. W. Cavender, 657 8th Street, Redmond. FOR SALE OR TRADE CAR RADIO $10.00, enamelled wood cook stove, good coal or wood circulating heater, guitar, 1935 Chevrolet generator, almost new wall tent, work harness and bridles, battery radio, gas griddle, bathroom gas heater, daveno, dresser base, small cook stove, large mirror, coll springs, single cot, small glass door, round tables, medicine cabinets, kitchen cabinet base, shovels, cross-cut saws, pitchfork, pumps, coal heater, wood camp stove, saw vises, bumper hitches, replacement balls for trailer hitches, baby baslnette, flower sprinkling can, gasoline irons. Open evenings. 350 Division. HERE IS a real buy in a trailer house. Lots of built-lns, good pre war tires, will trade for furniture. This bargain won't last long. Open evenings. 350 Division. TO RENT or sell 160 acre farm, 67 acres cultivation, 22 acres in alfalfa, 75 acres C.O.I. Good 5 room house and barn, electricity. Located 5 miles east of Bend on Bend-Burns highway.Call or write W.W. Newton, Redmond, Box 942. FEDERAL AND STATE Income tax returns to prepare. Twenty years experience. Five years aud itor for Oregon State Corporation Department. Ten years auditor Oregon State Tax Commission. Henry Kiessenbeck, 1107 E.Green wood Ave. Near Pilot Butte. TO RENT two bedroom house close'ln. Adults only. Inquire after 4 p. m. at 434 Riverside. Phone 991-J. HELP WANTED BELL BOY at Pilot Butte Inn. 80 ACRES WITH 56 acres C.O.I, water. 4 room house, electricity. Would trade furniture including refrigerator and Hotpolnt stove, '37 Ford pickup for late model car. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. ROOM furnished house, $8.00 per month. Inquire 375 East Kearney. $5000 BUYS large modern home, one acre of ground. 2 small houses rented, sewer connections, close in. $2000 cash handles. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. tVST LIKE NEW! PITTSBURGH WATERSPAR ENAMEL Pr Quart $ Glorify your furniture In lest than one tiny with Pi TTSBURG H Waterspar Enamel. Thia long-wearing one-cont enamel flows moothly from the brush drying toahigh-glossfmish. Easy to apply. 18 beautiful colors. SIMPSON PAINT STORE 123 Oregon VACANCY JANSEN VILLA: a one and two bedroom apartment available now. See Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. MODERN 6 room house, furnish ed. Modern 4 room, furnished. Will be vacated Mar. 29 and April o. inquire ui Kooseveit. 1'none 219. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, ore. MONARCH KITCHEN range, cir culator heater, bed, springs and mattress, davenport, nook case, z large overstuffed chairs, dining table and 4 chairs, phonograph and records, 1 dresser, cross-cut saws, 10 doz. fruit jars, rural tele phone. Call at 3b Cascade Place between 4 and 8 o'clock. ONLY $1900 5-room modern house, garage, woodshed. $100 down, $25 month. Furniture can be purchased. Vacant, 2 bedrooms, shower, some furniture, $1700, $300 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. SEVERAL NICE gentle Holsteln and Guernsey milk cows. Also gentle team and harness. 3rd house from King's Market on south highway. Phone 3I-F-3, Everett Donahue. FOUR JAMESWAY oil brooders, used one season, for $30 each with pipes. Seven largo turkey feeders $20.00. Four rolls of four foot heavy poultry wire and almost one roll of five foot $25.00. One dozen two gallon galvanized water founts $5.00. Also gas tank for 1939 International Hi ton truck $7.50. Out on south highway to closed Iexaco station, turn right third house on the left. Call after 5 o clock or any time on Saturday and Sunday. FOR RENT FURNISHED 3 room semi-mod ern house. Clean and comfortable. Inquire at 147 E. Olney. COOK in, mountain lodge, woman preferred. Board, room, good sal' ary. Phone collect Cres-Dell Lodge, Bend. DRIVER to drive elderly couple to Los Angeles. Phone 765-W. STENOGRAPHERS, TYPISTS, CLERKS: for PERMANENT po sitions with the State apply at 616 Mead Building, Portland 4. Final filing date March 31. Positions locally or throughout state. FREE APARTMENT, some wages to woman or couple for helping Invalid. Apply 504 Lava Road near Catholic church, back part of the building. WELFARE CASEWORKERS, TELEPHONE OPERATORS: for PERMANENT positions with the State apply at 616 Mead Building, Portland 4. Final filing date March 31. Positions locally or throughout state WOMAN for laundry and general work, room, board and $60 per month. Apply Deschutes Cottage Hospital, 236 E. Kearney or phone 415. 1933 PLYMOUTH coupe, motor recently overhauled, fair rubber. Inquire Paul Hanson, 3 miles north, M mile west of Tumalo. Rt 2, Box 141. 1934 PONTIAC 2-door sedan, 4 good tires (2 new). Runs good. Must sell, best offer. Inquire Frank's Shell Station, 8th and Greenwood. 1938 DODGE, four door sedan. In quire 129 Riverfront. MISCELLANEOUS LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED, keys made, saws filed, knives and shears ground, bicycles, guns, locks repaired. Cars, doors, trunks opened. Soldering. Henderson's Repair Shop. 112 Minnesota. I AM STILL fixing driveways. Dark cinders, $6.00 per 5 yd. load. Red cinders $7.00. Top soil $7.00. Fertilizer $4.00 per yard. Deliv erad in one or more yards. Phone 625 or see me at 1360 Cumberland Ave. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone eta or -4. Mrs. ttrlnson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19-F-3 collect. HURRY UP, tomorrow last day to rent saddle horses at Cavalry Barns. Moving to ranch, south 3 miles on highway 97. Thers) we will still rent, buy and sell saddle horses and saddles. We have two especially nice children's ponies. S. L. Miles. BEND BODY & PAINT SHOP Collision Damage, Body & Fender Repair Estimates Given 1031 Harriman. Phone 330. Bend. MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine parts. Factory trained. Elmer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service. 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts neal estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and lint Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wull Phone 521 CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Host of Materials Furnished Our periodical Inspection will Insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone 3K-V or 1I-K-2X Phone 21 COUMtS BY NATURE PAINTS BY PnTSBUHflH I 1 T -- 3 ROOM MODERN on east side. Equipped with kitchen range. Basement, corner lot, good ga rage. $2050. This is a good buy. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. BICYCLE S New lightweight model $34.50. New balloon tire i model, fully equipped, $47.ti5. Shoefly rockers now $6.95. Also wicker bahy carriage, child's .. r..tK Tot. etc. Carl Austin. 220 Green'- r ELECTRICAL electrTc" Contract Wiring Appliance Kepnlr Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights tiE Mazda Ijnips Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phono 98 Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Gods Movement Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting New Work Repairing Home Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 143 Greenwood Phone 217-W MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" IRSS Awbrey Kd. Tel. 62B-M Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Hnnrt Mlnm"inHi Phnn HDD LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Da Of the Year Phone 544 Trees Shrubs Vines Roses Evergreens 1 and fruits. Extra hardy Minne sota Stock. Stock sold F.O.B. nursery, delivered or planted. Free estimates for landscaping. Will compete with all catalog prices. HAINES NURSERY Cor. East 8th and Norton Phono 985 Bend, Ore. INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO FIRE LIFE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 821 Drake Road Phone 316 John W. Smith, Agent 1SWW Awbrev Rd. Phone KR-I-W Commercial Printing of Quality PHOTOGRAPHIC OFFSET LETTERPRESS THE BEND BULLETIN Phone S Oregon Money Bills Approved By Eric W. Allen, Jr. (United Preat Staff Correspondent) ' Salem, Ore., March 12 iuV Appropriation bills totaling more than $11,872,000 passed the Oi-e-gon house of representatives and went to the senate today. There was virtually no discussion or dis sent on the measures. . The house also passed two more in a series of alcoholic control bills and three important school and taxation measures, while the senate gave final passage to a pair of insurance taxation bills aft er voting down minority amend ments on one which opponents claimed were designed to permit mutual benefit companies to op erate In Oregon an issue blocked earlier In the session. The appropriation bills, 13 in number, provide for payment of slate government operation dur ing the next two years. They in clude money for legislative ex penses, state department operat ing expenses, institution buildings and operating expenses, parole and probation boards and claims against the state. Appropriation Approved Largest single appropriation was one for $9,248,34, for penal in stitutions, deaf and blind schools and the parole staff. (HB 432). The school bills (HB's 259, 260 and 201) grant an additional $3,000,000 to schools out of excess funds from income and corporate excise taxes. The amount Is not a direct switch of the funds, but places them at the disposal of the schools after the $5,000,000 post war cushion, and if any surplus over this amount fails to accumu late, the schools would est ing. The funds come valorem tax reduction reservJ4 . However, the amount is eut teed for the years 194G afe in line with another school passed last week whereby a" schools would get $8,000,000 year ly ins ead of the present $5.000ta school support fund. J'wu-) CLAIMS INCREASE Salem, Ore., March 12 (m C aims for unemployment benT fits Increased nnlv cii,.u.i. January during the month of l condensation mmiin. (5'rnMt ed today, in spite of widespS HEALTH REPORT MADE Deschutes county physiola.. have reported to the county lie health office in Bend the M. lowing diseases for the past wk Mumps, 1; whooping cough5 W 4. 0. Lovely Easter Gifts DELIGHTFULLY FEMININE WONDERFULLY WARM . . On cool Spring evenings, relax in com fort and beauty in a luxurious Jonny Gay4 housecoat. Designed for figure flattery, with long, flowing skirts and softly shirred yokes. Floral prints on rayon crepe. 12-20. Sizes 40 to 46 7.45 lis Regr. V. S. Pat. Off. 1 vr w -wa,j jf r. hi . Lovely Pastels Chenille Robes iS'f .4 a M msi Rich, hiah-nao cheni e robes in lw v Clue, green, yellow and rose, lux urious and well made an excep tional gift for any woman. Lovely Easter Gift Rayon Crepe Slips, lace trimmed each 1.98 NEW ARRIVALS, ON SALE TUESDAY, 9:30 A. M. Children's Sleepers 69c Knitted health garments, warm, snug. Comforter 3.93 Full size, 72x81, part wool bat, floral cover with plain wise. Printed Toweling yd. 39c Part linen, in bright florals. Lamp Shades 79c to 1.49 Large selection, for bridge, boudoir and floor lamps. Just Received 1000 yards,' checked, striped Cotton Crinkle Plisse Crepe yd. 37c 39c 49c 3 1 wood.