THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1945 PAGE SEVEN Market Suffers further Losses .By Elmer C. Walzer (United Freu Fliwncll Editor) New York, March 9 UF Stocks jxtended their losses by fractions fc three points today and then bove the lows. Volume increasea over yester- ay In the first lour hours but he last hour volume was lighter. n the previous session the last miir was marked by the heaviest urnover for the period since mid- 940 when prices DroKe snarpiy. Highly lavoraDie war news con nued to work against the market 'oday although the' list reflected elimination 01 me more pamcny market operators. Today's deal ings were far more orderly in all sections. Bishop Craighill To Speak Tonight ! Bishop Lloyd Craighill, Episco pal missionery in Anking, China, who was repatriated following the ncpunation of his territory by the jjapanese, is to be the guest speak er at a mass intrt'ung iu ue iieiu in Trinity Episcopal parisn nan tonight at 8 o'clock. Also present will be Mrs. Craighill, who was a member of the Presbyterian mis sion in China. Episcopalians, Pres- byterians and others interested in I hearing the visitors speak are' be ll ine invited to the meeting. : Re- fresnmenis win De served Dy ine Episcopal Ladies guild. Bishop Craighill spoke before the Bend high school assembly this afteroon, at 1 o'clock. Chinese dolls in costume, Illus trating the dress of the various provinces in China, will be ex hibiited at the1 meeting by Mrs. Craighill. Overseas Soldier Gets Report Card Portland, Ore., March 9 U1 When her teacher asked six-year- old Joan Driggs to "have one of vour parents" sign her report card she took the order literally. Joan sent her report card to her father, SSgt. Fred G. Driggs, who enlisted in the army in Utah and who now has been in Belgium and is moving into Germany. The signed card was received today from Driggs, first man to voluntcr in Utah in 1940. Joan lives at Portland with her moth or, whose home ' formerly was here. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 9 lft-J Livestock: Cattle 10, calves none. Nominal, supply limited to few canncr-cutter cows at 7.00-9.00, Week's closing market 25-50c be low week ago on lower grade cat tie. Dairy type cows off the most. Good beef cattle quotable steady. Week s top fed steers lb.50, heir ers 15.50. Good-choice vealcrs sal able 15.00-16.00. Hogs 25.'-Nominal. Good-choice 170-300 lb. salable 15.75; heavier weights and sows 15.00. Good- choice feeder pigs quotab'.e 16.50- 18.1)0. Sheep none. Nominal. Good choice wooled lambs salable 15.25 15.75. Good-choice ewes salable 7.50-8.50. The scales of Easter lilies are used by scientists in determining! WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all the comparative effectiveness of I lgaw?i i00?16 at I?1we" BV,tte fungicides because they are sub- 1" aJ'T' ieel to a rot rausnrl hv a fi.nmiJ?.54. Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, which produces conspicuous spots. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Nolice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the county court of Deschutes county slate of Orenon his final account ing, as administrator of the estate I ol Green V. Poo, deceased, and that the judge of said court has fixed March 31, 1945, at ten o'clock a. m. at the county court room at the courthouse in Bend, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to and for set tlement of said final accounting; and all persons interested are hereby required to appear at said lime and place and show cause if such there be why said accounting should not be settled and allowed. C. K. WEIL, Administrator Es tate of Green V. Poe, Dec. 74-80-86-92C Maytag Service Genuine Maytag ' Parts, prompt, giMraiileed serv ice. Factory ' trained, 20 years experience. ELMER HUDSON Telephone 274 434 Kansas Bend SpareArticles Gan Be Tiirned to Classified Rates ' Local Paid In Advance 25 Words One Time .35c 23 Words Three Times 23 Words (Six Times .?5o $1.33 All vndj wn II mU U pw mrt Omm On nth rua. iu o,pr, 4t if nM Mlalaua tkui tu LIME BATE lOo CAPITALS 20c CUMlfla U,anU, Cuk to Una . 11I7 CUUs Tuu 11M P. M. FOB SALE $3300 BUYS 5 room modern fur nished home. $500 down and $50 per month. Immediate possession. C. V. Silvia, 118 Oregon. YOUNG HEAVY hens, dressed on order. Phone your orders early to 1070-W or call at 147 E. Olney. EAST SIDE paved street Pos session soon, 4-bedroom modern house. New typtf electric water heater. Only $3500. Loan avail able. West side, 2-bedroom mod ern house, stoves. $2600, $500 down; $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. THIS FARM should pay out .in one or two years, qua. jo u.u.i. 14 Alfalfa. Stock, 300 chickens, ma chinery, crop land, 'good build ings. Good potato land. Large monthly Income. See Walter Dar on. Terms. Arnolds. 126 Minne sota Street. 25 2 TO 4 YEAR old ewes with lambs and 10 yearling ewes' soon to lamb $15.00 each, 10 yearling ewes not bred $10.00. Average wool clip about $5.00 each. Wool and lambs will pay for sheep this spring and fall. Mancel Nance. In quire at Metolius P. O. WHITE ENAMEL wood range like new. 365 E. Norton. 40 ACRES, 35 acres water, 5 room house, two car garage with two rooms, poultry houses, capacity 5000, dairy barn, woven wire fenc ing, electricity. One mile west of Redmond. Frank Nutley, Red mond. $5000 BUYS large modern home, one acre of ground. 2 small houses rented, sewer connections, close in. $2000 cash handles. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. A NUMBER of nice dresses, slightly used, sizes 38 and 40. In quire at 1345 Jacksonville St, DAVENO. only 2 months old. In. quire at 1031 Portland or Keel's Bakery.. ,.y ONLY $1900 ,5-room modern house,' garage, woodshed. $400 down, $25 month. Furniture can be purchased. Vacant, 2 bedrooms, shower, some furniture, $1700, $300 ' down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. PRE-WAR DAVENO and chair, pre-war davenport, chair, and ot toman, mohair davenport, Sim mons coil sorine davbed and Dad. large oil circulating heater, 3 i burner gasoline bench stove, 3 burner kerosene bench stove, com bination coal and wood heater, bedsteads, springs and mattresses. 315 Greenwood. Furniture Ex change. Wash. ACREAGES: 3 acres with 3 acres Swallcy water. 6 room house, fruit room, basement, utility room. Exceptionally good garage, chicken house. Priced right at $4000. $2000 down. 2 ACRES with 3 room house with city lights and water. Outbuildings for $3150. Gil berts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. ULTRA MODERN FARM: All modern six room house. Pressure water system. Two cisterns. Good large barn. 80 A.' 69 C.O.I. Fine garden spot. Land lays in one piece for irrigating. 1941 tractor and equipment. $8,500 for farm. See Walter Daron,, terms. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. MONT AG CIRCULATING heat er, for tour room house or more. Call 716-RX. 2 GILTS, weigh 180 lbs. each, readv to breed. $35 apiece. Phone ll-F-2. C. Gant, Ht. 1, Box 430. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., none isa-x. Redmond, Ore, : RANCHES Cheap, close in. 40 ! acres, 35 C.O.I., 4-room house, fair 'outbuildings, $2500, $1000 down, $300 year. 40 acres, 35 C.O.I., 2 iwell built houses, some farm ma ' chinery, $.'3200, $1000 down. 20 1 acres, 19 C.O.I., about 18 acres i pasture, fenced. Large house, $2300, $1000 down, $250 year. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone ;36-W. ; SM ALlTuRnLsHEd" semTmroT ,crn house, lull basement and ' three lots. Call at Room 8, O'Kane Bldg. ONE OF FINEST locations' in Bend. Two bedroom modern home, large cement basement, new furnace, possesion in 30 days. Price $3,400. Frank McGarvcy, Bank of Bend Bldg. 3 ROOM MODERN on east side. Equipped with kitchen range. Basement.' corner lot, good ga rage. $2050. This is a good buv. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. IX) If SALE ONE HOG FUEL burner, attach ment for furnace lor b room house, easily installed. $25.00. Call H. C. Sutton, 1367 Elgin. ONE PHILCO table model elec tric radio with electric clock, good 2-wheel trailer, enamel cook stove, nice occasional rocking cnair, ux 14 tent almost new, guitar $7.50, several sets of cheap harness, dresser $7.00, single cot $2, battery radio, $10, table model; olfice chairs, hand clothes wringer. Open evenings, 350 Division. 4 YEAR OLD Jersey cow, freshen April first, 2 year old heifer, just fresh. Electric brooder, used one season. One mile from Junction, Sisters highway. Louis Dunlap, Route 2, Box 89. AUTO COURTS: We have three in Bend and one in Salem today. HOUSES: $300 down takes four room on sest side. $1600 down takes nearly new 4 room near town. $500 down takes 4 room modern near hospital. $2000 down takes three unit income property. See Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Min nesota. Phone 342-J. UNDER CELING price, model T.T. truck in good mechanical condition, house car body, Muncie transmission, Rocky Mountain brakes, 20 inch rear wheels, Ore gon title, needs license and tires. Alsq large size coal and wood cir culating heater, and comfortable cabin at Wickiup. Leaving state. Call any day but Sunday. J. W. Cavender, 657 8th Street, Red mond. TIATAN JUNIOR chain saw com plete with two chains, $575.00. Terms if desired. Write Carl Frid- lund, Box 734, Sisters, Oregon. WICKER baby carriage, play pen on rollers, toidychair. Call 1181. FOB SALE OB TRADE MY EQUITY in 2-bedroom mod ern house one block from high school, pipe furnace, automatic gas' water heater, large garage with cement floor and driveway. 3 lots, $3000, $1500 down, balance $30.00 month including Interest. Or will trade for larger modern house. 540 Georgia, call 714 for appointment. 80 ACRES WITH 56 acres C.O.I, water. 4 room house, electricity. Would trade furniture including refrigerator and Hotpoint stove, '37 Ford pickup for late model car. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. FOB BENT VACANCY JANSEN VILLAwar one and two bedroom apartment available now. See Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. 3 ROOM furnished semi-modern newly cleaned house with fire place and indoor toilet. Adults pre ferred. Call at 147 E. Olney. MODERN 6 room house, furnish ed. Modern 4 room, furnished. Will be vacated Mar. 29 and April 5. Inquire 134 Roosevelt. Phone 219. 3 ROOM apartment, modern and lurmsned. Hot and cold water and wood. Phone 350 from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. 705 Columbia St. ROOM in private home with kitch en and living room privileges for young working woman. Please call between 5:00 and 6:30 in eve ning. 1617 W. 1st Street. WANTED WANTED TO BUY used furni ture, one piece or a truckload. Phone 1156, 350 Division. TO BUY late model used car in good condition. Call after 6 p. m. 164 E. Irving. USED 1929 DODGE Victory mo tor. Write Herb Meeks, Brothers, Oregon. GOOD TWO WHEELED trailer, reasonable for cash. Call 1181. TO BUY vacuum sweeper or car pet sweeper. Inquire E. C. King, rrinevme. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. TO RENT farm with 30 or more acres under irrigation. Write to C. C. Dennis, Sisters, Oregon, Gen eral Delivery. 1IKI.P WAN'TKD COOK In mountain lodge, woman preferred. Board, room, good sal ary. Phono collect Cres-Dell Lodge, Bend. Try This New Amazing Cough Mixture An Outstanding Success In Canada Made In U.S.A Graat for Bronchial Coughs or Throat Irritations Duo to ColoW Tha King of all cough mertlolnwii for coufthii or bronchial irritation resulting from colrln in cold wintry Canada la Buckley' CANADIOl, Mixture. Kaat working trlpl act ing Hlcktey's Mixture quickly 1oq enu and ratals phlegm lodged in tin tubes clear air " passages noothea rasped raw tlnsiufi. one or two lp and worst coughing upriem cane. Vnti gt rAfitilt fnt. You feel the effort of Hukley'a lntnnilj. CompotinilM fmm tare Canadian T'lne Jial-tam and other soothing hr-allng Jngrdtenlft Buckley's CAS ADIOI Mixture is different from anything you ever tried nil medi cation no syrup, dot a bottle to day at any good drug store. Satis faction guaranteed or money back. Owl Pharmacy ' Brnmiia Thrift Wbe Drugs HELP WANTED DELIVERY MAN. Steady job. In quire Bend Furniture Co. EXPERIENCED stenographer, permanent, full time position, good opportunity for right per son, write BOX Vti. care ui i Bulletin. SITUATION WANTED WILL TAKE CARE of your chil dren during office hours. Write P. O. Box 1005, Bend. USED CARS 1934 PONTIAC 2-door sedan, 4 good tires, uuns gooa. Frank's Shell station, em aim Greenwood, after 5 p.m. LOST LAST WEEK between Catholic church and Allen school, white agate necklace with black Initial "ml'. Return to 500 Lava Koad for reward. AT SKATING RINK lady's small dark maroon purse containing valuable papers in name of Lor raine stenkamp. Return to Bulle tin. Reward. MISCELLANEOUS MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine parts. Factory trained. Eimer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. SEWING MACHINES: Any and all makes of sewing machines re paired by certillea Singer Sew ing Macnine co. representative. Work guaranteed. Also will pay cash for used treadle and electric sewing machines. Write 640 vvil lamette Street, Eugene, Oregon, for appointment. Will be in bend tor snort time only. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes anrf sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid lor useu wasn ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 083. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DAKON. NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Heal Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. I izo Minnesota street. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED, keys made, saws filed, knives and shears ground, bicycles, guns,, locks repaired. Cars, doors, trunks opened. Soldering. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. . . SEWING MACHINES repaired,'' ten years experience. Needles, oil,' and parts lor all makes. Work guaranteed. Call 957-J. 235 E. Franklin. I AM STILL fixing driveways. Dark cinders, $6.00 per b yd. loud. Red cinders $7.00. 'top soil $7.(JU. Fertilizer $4.00 per yard. Deliv ered in one or more yards. Phone 625 or see me at 1360 Cumberland Ave. SEWING MACHINE service. W. E. Johnson will be at Henderson's Repair Shop, Minnesota Ave., for a week. SPENCER SUPPORTS " Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Pnone bb8 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. INCOME TAX reports and busi ness statements prepared at your convenience including evenings and Sundays. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston Ave. Go out North First Street to Thurston and 2 blocks west. 1 BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19 F-3 collect. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. DOG .HIMPKI) WITH iTJKIt Fort Wayne, Ind. mt Two-year-old cocker spaniel, Ace, is back in this country with his mas ter, FO Georso Arnold, after both were reported missing in action. The dog and his master had to parachute out of their plane over Germany, whn it was shot down. Although Ace's para chute dropped him many yards away from Arnold, the dog found his master and both have been reassigned together again. RFD RYnPR ')JiR0llS,i ( AD!05,RED ffh ! FIRST ME 1AKE-UA ( NOVO ME ) ftX GlT-Ur UP, M &Tit V10'5 V VKYDer yYV)l i DOWrt &AD LUCK ril St UPTRAILTO 1 , VW L PAP005E ) s fr 7! THIS CURIOUS WORLD BJST If Mtff 1 rrt&r&fr?Z. 5S 1 CURIOUS WORLD A NISH1-6AME 1 $S5T.-y t ' rf'&fc, 0 WAS PLAYED IM I J ' l THE5WMOND V.mij .X?fcl WAS LIGHTED BY .ecfe? M VSKLsffS ) SEVENTEEN LAMRS t " S SUSPENDED ON ? THE SAME f j ( MASTS. 1 fZ, f ) LASTED ONLY 13! rSS'r?lff' jf I L ( INNIN6S, BUT Si ' xiilr -()thirty RUNS fa STILL SB ALIVE TOMORROW, "isr EDWARD C.J. MULLINS. Canadians Also To War on Japs (By United I'ru) Canadian forces will soon "be in the thick of the Pacific fighting," Sir William Glasgow, retiring Aus tralia high-commissioner to Can ada, fold newsmen on his arrival in Sydney today. Glasgow, Melbourne radio re ported, said that "although Ca nadians know less of Australia than Australians know of Canada, they are intensely interested in Pacific operations and will take their place in the war against Japan to the end." t The broadcast was heard by United Press in San Francisco. A GABARDINE SUITI And that '3 just what you'll do when you see these mm-m really handsome Carol Brent all wool gabardine suits. They're so beautifully tailored smooth and feminine that they'd take you right from the Easter parade to dinner at the Waldorf. See the two Carol Brent gabardine suits with their matching topcoats at $29.98 each (topcoats priced separately) in our new lor., and A you can see and feel a piece of the actual fabric these suit3 come in, too. We have sample Bwatches in the office. You're always sure of satisfaction at MONTGOMERY WARD alaluL' Offico 812 Wall rhniio 970 tnm Gash With a ffiant Ad T.M.REQ.U.8.PAT.0FP. O SCAHORSE. ASHES MIXED WITH PITCH, AND RUBBED ON THE HEAD, WAS AN. ANCIENT . BEWECTY FOE.1' . The Texas nighthawk is the most northern members of a tropi cal species that ranges widely thrnnph Central and South Amerl- ca. 1173 Well Street lUNE-UP'SERVid'1 ;"uSffi : Rogular as the first robin comes around (and he's ' W tr a P! horoi) cars need going over to give them a new j&X5&'$iQtg&!&t a leaso on life for spring. We've the equipment J',f Z B and the trained mechanics to do tho right kino) &&'$M I t- of job for you. Don't put it off drive in first NSij? J Complete Lubrication GA iJlm Tire Checks Repairs )y APFS Radiator Battery -yfV I Motor Tune-ups S&xh jMs Towing jp 1 F.C.C. to Hold Hearings On Better Rural Service Washington (111 The federal communications commission will open hearings May 9 on the ques tion of reassigning powerful clear-channel radio stations to provide better listenings for rural folks. . Many remote sections of the country still are unable to hear day programs at all and cannot get sutlsiactory reception . at, night. Under present FCC rules cer-j tain radio frequencies are set i aside for use "by big stations,! some of which can give night j time service to persons at a dis-! tance of 750 miles. Many applica- j tions now are before the commis-; sion for authority to build sta-j tions with power of more than 50 kilowatts, the highest now per- j mitted. The commission said it was ! going to consider whether a fair : distribution of radio service re quires a relocation of clear-channel stations and wliether such a move would be economically feas ible. OSC Biology Colloquium Cancelled Tnis Season Oregon State College Wartime travel restrictions have brought cancellation of what would have been the seventh annual biology colloquim here this spring, Dr. D. D. Hill, president of Phi Kappa Phi, the sponsoring body, has an nounced. For the past six years this event has brought many sci ence teachersand others together from Oregon and Washington to hear of the latest developments in biological science. Printed proceedings of the last two meetings will soon be off the ' press in a single booklet for dis- ikderson Hash Co. tribulion to' those who attended ; and ordered copies. - Anthropology is the science , which deals with mankind as a whole; ethnology describes peo-; pie of the present day; linguistics is concerned with the description, classification, history and trends of languages. Makes Old Tires Safe! lire Be ;euners Full size Firestone tire relining provides your tires complete protection right up to the bead. 3-ply cemented and painted. Passenger Car Sizes 4.75x5.00 to 7.00x17 $2.75 up Houk-Van Allen Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St - Flume 860 Phone 703 Rv FRED HARMAN