THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1945 PAGE-SEVEN Rhine Crossing Anlnnc Marlnt By Elmer C Water . (United tnaM Financial ditor) ' New York, March 8 tlB Stocks broke 1 to 4 points today when announcement was made ot the American First army's crossing of the Rhine into the heart oi Ger many. Trading increased to such vol. ume that the tickers ran four min utes behind. This was the latest the tape has been since mid-May, 19-10. " The favorable war news caught the stock market off balance and it crumpled easily. Before the announcement, the market had been under the influ ) ence of fears of further margin restrictions. Marrlner S. Eccles, chairman of the federal reserve board, had told the senate finance committee that the board was studying margins and indicated they might be eliminated. Market operators also were worried over threats to put through a new excess profits tax against speculative profits. But the main selling, developed on the war newsi It conjured up the difficulties of reconversion that have so often in the past chilled market sentiment. Book on Chipmunks in Oregon Written at OSC Oregon State College The western chipmunk and the man tled ground squirrel are the "he roes" of a new scientific mono graph written here by Dr. Ken neth L. Gordon, acting head of the zoology department, who has spent many vacation periods studying the behavior of these popular little Oregon squirrels. The luu-page volume, punusnea and for sale through the college publications office, not only re ports on the ordinary behavior of these little animals Dut tells about how they solved mechanical de vices placed between them and food supplies. Stripes on the true chipmunk extend to the face, while those on the ground squir rel stop at the neck. Snare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 25 Words Three Time . 25 Words-Six Times 85e ..15c ..$1.30 vHiNIim ml Hi HMlU t llHtUUI Omm Mlk raa. mmmm copy. k tor lata twiva. M LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c UwlfM Anartauna;. Cuk In Aata. DUj Claalaw TIM 11 lit P. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hail W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication Thurs., March 8, 8:00 p.m. M. M. Degree ViaiUnal Urethra Wclcoma George Slmerville, Sec'y. FOB SALE WALNUT DINING- room set. Small size baby crib and wicker baby buggy. 913 Galveston. Phone 982-M. 15 TONS alfalfa hay, and one team work horses. 34 miles other side of Tumalo. Rt. 2, Box 188, David E. Zuck. 4 YEAR OLD Jersey cow, freshen April first, 2 year old heifer, just fresh. Electric brooder, used one season. -One mile from Junction, Sisters Highway. Louis Dunlap, Route 2, Box. 89. , PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 8 iipi Livestock: cattle 150, calves 25. Slow. Medium -good fed steers steady at $14.25-15.75. Other class es 25-50c lower for two days. Can-ncr-cutter cows largely $6.50-9.00. Fat dairy type cows $9.50-10.00; some held higher. Medium bulls $11.00-12.00. Good beef bulls quota ble to $13.00 or above. Good-choice vealers $15.00-16.00. Hogs 100. Active, steady. Good choice 170-300 lbs largely $15.75; heavier weights and sows $15.00. Good-clloice feeder pigs salable $16.50-17.50. 4 Sheep 200. Steady. One lot good choice 91 lb wooled Iambs $15.00. Late Wednesday good-choice ewes $8.25. One choice lot $8.50. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., March 8 ilP Butter and egg prices were un changed today. Butter cube 93 score 42c; 92 score 42c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41 tic pound. Eggs price to retailers: AA large 44c; A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. AUTO COURTS: We have three in Bend and one In Salem today. HOUSES: $300 down takes four room on sest side. $1600 down takes nearly new 4 room near town. $500 down takes 4 room modern near hospital. $2000 down takes three unit Income property. See Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Min nesota. Phone 342-J. 20 TONS of first cutting alfalfa hay in stack. Wm. J. McGreer, Rt. 2, Box 189, Bend. 4 miles north of Tumalo on Sisters highway. UNDER CELING price, model T.T. truck in good mechanical condition, house car body, Muncie transmission, Rocky Mountain brakes, 20 inch rear wheels, Ore gon title, needs license and tires. Also large size coal and wood cir culating heater, and comfortable cabin at Wickiup. Leaving state. Call any day but Sunday. J. W. Cavender, 657 8th Street, Redmond. TIATAN JUNIOR chain saw com plete with two chains, $575.00. Terms if desired. Write Carl Frid lund, Box 734, Sisters, Oregon. FOB SALE 40 ACRES, 35 acres water, 5 room house, two car garage. with two rooms, poultry houses, capacity 5000, dairy barn, woven wire fenc ing, electricity. One mile west of Redmond. Frank Nutley, Redmond. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. A NUMBER of nice dresses, slightly used, sizes 38'and 40. In quire at 1345 Jacksonville St. 17 TONS of alfalfa hay, 1944 first cutting, $16.50 per ton for 5 tons or more. Vick Reynolds Ranch, 2 miles west on "B" Street, t4 mile north from Redmond. DAVENO, only 2 months old. In quire at 1031 Portland or Keef's Bakery. YOUNG HEAVY hens, dressed on order. Phone your orders early to 1070-W or call at 147 E. Olney. THIS FARM should pay out in one or two years. 80 A. 56 C.O.I. 14 Alfalfa. Stock, 300 chickens, ma chinery, crop land, good build ings. Good potato land.. Large monthly income. See Walter Dar on. Terms. Arnolds. 126 Minne sota Street. DAVENPORT and matching lounge chair $45.00. Dinette set 4 months- old, $15.00. See after 3 p. m. 1535 W. 4th St. Jansen Villa Apts. NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. . WHITE ENAMEL wood like new. 365 E. Norton. range FOB SALE OB TRADE MY EQUITY in 2-bedroom mod ern house one block from high school, pipe- furnace, automatic gas water heater, large garage with cement floor and driveway. 3 lots, $3000, $1500 down, balance $30.00 month including Interest Or will trade for larger modern nouse. mu Georgia, call 714 for appointment. 15 ACRES, nno milt, lunar, nab-. land, Oregon, on. black top road, new niijji uvemems, no electricity. Price $3500 cash: William Bradley, Douglas County, Oakland. Ore gon. FOB-RENT ,,neir.'M 3 ROOM furnished semi-modern newly cleaned house with fire- place and indoor toilet. Adults pre- HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED stenographer, permanent, full time position, good opportunity for right per son. Write Box 971 care of The Bulletin. RELIABLE EXPERIENCED service station man. oieaay ju". good working conditions. See Ed die at Eddie's Sales & Service. USED CARS' 1934 PONTTAC 2-door sedan, 4 good tires. Runs good. $225. Frank's Shell Station, 8th and Greenwood, after 5 p.m. LOST LAST WEEK between Catholic church and Allen school, wnite agate necklace with black initial "M". Return to: 500 Lava Road for reward.; AT SKATING RINK lady's small dark maroon purse containing valuable papers in name of Lor raine Stenkampi Return to Bulle tin. Reward. LAPEL PIN shape of beetle bug, amethyst body and emerald head. Near Pine Tavern. Owner has matching pin. Reward. Call U.S. C.S. Phone 160. MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINES repaired, ten years experience. Needles, oil; and parts for all makes. Work guaranteed. Call 957-J. 235 E. Franklin. I AM STILL fixing driveways. Dark cinders, $6.00 per 5 yd. load; Red cinders $7.00. Top soil $7.00. Fertilizer $4.00 per yard. Deliv ered in one or more yards. Phone 625 or see me at 1360 Cumberland Ave. NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property. List your property with us for quick sale. N. R. Gilbert's Real Estate, 1U15 Wall. SEWING MACHINE service. W, E. Johnson will be at Henderson's Repair Shop, Minnesota Ave., for a weeK. . . SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. INCOME TAX reports and busi ness statements prepared at your convenience including evenings and Sundays. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston Ave. Go out North First Street to Thurston and 2, blocks wesi. TW(1 RRnRDOM mnrtdrn Hnnoo on paved street and good business , ierred. Call at 147 E. Olney. Diag. i wo, large lots, owned will sacrifice at $3,500 for immediate sale. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. WICKER baby carriage, play pen on rollers, toidy chair. Call 1181. The enormous increase in ex press shipments of late totaling 200,000,000 a year, of which 70 per cent is war traffic, requires the services of 77,000 men and women. PRE-WAR DAVENO and chair. I pre-war davenport, chair, and ot toman, monair davenport, Sim mons coil spring daybed and pad, large oil circulating heater, 3 burner gasoline bench stove, 3 burner kerosene bench stove, com bination coal and wood heater, bedsteads, springs and mattresses. 1 315 Greenwood. Furniture Ex change. a a Thousand! of men tnd women faavo found that tlme-Uited Stuart Tablata bring qokk. hapPT relief Co ileep-robbing symptom ot acid Indigestion, taMineaa, and upset stom ach. Tasta delicious, eaay to take no mixing, no bottle, T17 them luT a good night's sleep and wake up in the morning feeling like a 1 1.000,000. Get genuine Stuart Tablets at your druggist only 25c, AOs, or SI. 20 under mak er's positlTi money-back guarantee. Makes Old Tires Safe! Tire Reliners Full size Firestone tire relining provides your tires complete protection right up to the bead. 3-ply cemented and painted. Passenger Car Sires 4.75x5.00 to 7.00x17 $2.75 up Houk-Van Allen Auto Home & Wall St Supply Phone 860 WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Lichtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. 2 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, utilities included. Close In. Phone 1083, or call 623 Hill St. 2 ROOM furnished house not mod ern, easy distance to mills, garage if desired. Apply 207 Riverfront. 3 ROOM apartment, modern and furnished. Hot and cold water and wood. Phone 350 from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. 705 Columbia St. WANTED BATHROOM SCALES to rent ap proximately 6 months. Write 1435 Cumberland, or phone 1124-W. 1934 PONTIAC coupe, runs good, $100. Also good Motorola car radio, $30. Can be seen at 1314 Columbia. ULTRA MODERN FARM: All modern six room house. Pressure water system. Two cisterns. Good large barn. 80 A. 69 C.O.I. Fine garden spot. Land lays in one piece for irrigating. 1941 tractor and equipment. $8,500 for farm. See Walter Daron,, terms. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. 2 GILTS, weigh 180 lbs. each, ready to breed. $35 apiece. Phone ll-F-2. C. Gant, Rt. 1, Box 430. j BROODER STOVES and parts , Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed I Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. SMALL FURNISHED semi-modern house, full basement and three lots. Call at Room 8, O'Kane Bldg. WICKER BABY BUGGY $5.00. Pre-war davenport for $20.00. Call at 303 Riverfront. WANTED TO BUY used furni ture, one piece or a truckload. Phone 1156, 350 Division. USED 1929 DODGE Victory mo tor. Write Herb Mceks, Brothers, Oregon. GOOD TWO WHEELED trailer, reasonable for cash. Call 1181. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, any make in good condition. In quire 743 Harmon. Phone 1135. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. TO TRADE double Jenny Linn bed springs and mattress for one twin size bed springs and mat tress, also dresser for chest of drawers. Phone 787-J. TO RENT farm with 30 or more acres under irrigation. Write to C. C. Dpnnis fsietnre nt-nrr... r eral Delivery. YOUNG WOMAN wUhKc nm small apartment, preferably with HELP WANTED BULLS of all kinds, Hereford, i Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice i milk cows ready to freshen. Sad i die horses and saddles. Franks : Service Station. Phone 78-J, W. R. Franks, Redmond. ; : ONE HOG FUEL burner, attach ment for furnace lor -6 room. ; house, easily Installed. $25.00. Call ; H. C. Sutton, 1367 Elgin. ONE OF FINEST locations in ' Bend. Two bedroom modern home, largo cement basement, i . new furnace, possesion in 30 days, i Price $3,400. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? , Trjnuari4s M wtTli r rak. worn-out. er- humeri P"lp(y hcct'iiw tuvfr twin Iron. Ymt fii-w ; Tim. viultty. try imrr Tnnto Tiitit'in. Htijiplii i tfO ) IMJ. rrw, mny riff 1 f'f rn-p- pfn(.h ylirttr r)r-a) , vt'smin R4. Ot J.'wUntrrwMrtory If now onij ZVo. Iur sale at all drag stores ererwbers. -t COOK in mountain lodge, woman preferred. Board, room, good sal ary. Phone collect Cres Dell Lodge, Bend. ORDER QUALITY BADY CHICKS ' POULTS BAKER FEED CO. Phone 18HX litxiniimd. Ore . BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook. Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19-F-3 collect. MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine parts. Factory trained. Elmer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. SEWING MACHINES: Any and all makes of sewing machines re paired by certified Singer Sew ing Machine Co. representative. Work guaranteed. Also will pay cash for used treadle and electric sewing machines. Write 640 Wil lamette Street, Eugene, Oregon, for appointment. Will be in Bend for short time only. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of. washing machines and nnniintii. es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. DOG SAVES FARMER'S I.IFK Bluffton, Ind. mi Henry Keller will be ever grateful to his shepherd-collie dog, Yank, who saved Keller's life by preventing a cow from trampling the man to death. The cow turned on Keller when he tried to push it into the barn, knocked him down, and started to walk on him. Yank attacked the cow, which in turn chased the dog, but didn't get him. Keller got back to his farmhouse safely. THIS CURIOUS WORLD Rgjj IN THB UNITED STATES IN I I IS4 AMOUNTEO TO I ( $423.538.000... vJ I I I tf and largely bemuse op ( X jT v L COPR. 1946 BV NCA SERVICE. INC. aj'&4A 0m" " v. An CCLtPSe OF TH SUM ONCE CAUSED THE WARRING MfOCS AND CVOtANS TO CALL OFF HOSTILITIES . AND DECLARE, PEACE. M, REO. U. . PAT. OFF. WHEN THE STARS ARE SHINING BRI6HTLY, WE SAY THEY'RE 0JT,"Sis WILLIAM LUDWIO, . TO MARK 150 YEARS Cleveland U' A "Cleveland sesquicentennial commission" is making plans for the city's 150th "birthday party" next year. The commission is headed by 18 mem bers, including Mayor Thomas A. uurKc. Modern Welding Library Given to State College Oregon State College A collec tion of approximately 100 selected books and magazines containing the latest and best writings on all phases and types of welding has been given to this institution by the James F. Lincoln Arc Welding foundation of Cleveland, Ohio. The collection contains publi cations of the American Welding society,, manuals on the various types of welding, electronic con trol, of resistance welding, under water welding and many other phases of the industry. The col lection is in the engineering room of the college' library, where It Is, available' to persons of' the industry as well as students, says Acting Dean George W. Gleason. VETERAN" SERVICE TOLD The expanded program of serv ice to veterans of the United States employment service dur ing World War II was outlined Monday afternoon by Charles E. St. Clair, veterans' employment representative of the USES at the 26th birthday meeting of Ray Johnson post No. 44 of the Amer ican Legion in Redmond. torn where I sit Joe Marsh Definition of a Great Man At Bill Webster's the other eve ning, we were kidding BUI ibout his children always saying that their pop's "a great man." "WelL the kids are right," chnckles Bill. "Everybody in America's a great man. Yon Just can't be part of greatness and not share in It," In America (argues BUI) things that used to belong only to the great are common prop erty: a share In government' through the right to vote- Indi vidual liberties guaranteed by constitution; freedom to speak one's mind; to work at what one pleases; to choose what one likes to eat or drink . . . whether beer or buttermilk. Bnt from where I sit, there's one Important point to add ... to make Bill's definition ring true. We must be worthy of this greatness. We must have the humility to appreciate these blessings ... never abuse them with Intolerance, intemperance," or Indifference. A'o. 108 of a Series Copyright, 1945, United Statu Dtewert Foundation Now, your old friend, NiSTLi'x ALPINE, has a brand new label and a great new value s , , ....r. 1 " """"""r ' " . I ,i.m1.,f)lwl - - 1 the new " . . 1 : .SgM in ViH"nin ! ;mogEN1ZEd , v 41 ' I II tf II I fc- I I v4 3 00,13 VTAMN D INCREASED t A 74 ' ' r -atf -HT"! i There's a new, bctccr lource of Vitamin D for your baby and your whole family... Everypintof the new NEsTLgS Evaporated Milk supplies 400 USP units of Vitamin D j times the former amount! 400 units! ... the full daily minimum of Vitamin D re quired by infants, children and adults according to U. S. food officials. NESTLES Evap orated Milk has all the fine qualities of Nestles Alpine plus extra Vitamin Da a form that is produced natur ally In the human body by sunshine. New Label New Value Look for this new, finer milk under the new Nestlc's label. A great new value under a world-famous name. And no increase in pricel Battar for your baby consult your doctor for correct formula. j Battar for cooklnj-cxlra Vitamin ' U for cvcryljoily. j Batter for cotfee-every drop adds Vitamin D to your daily diet. M-S 4 n IOOK FOR THESI TWO SIAU ON f VERY CAN Of THE NEW NTsTlt $ Thif Seal of Arrrpraitrr dmolcs that WsTL5 Milk anil the nutritional claims made for ft are acceptable to the Omncll on rooill ol the Ameri can Medical Association. EVAPORATED MHK I The seal nf nationally-Tamous research organisation your as suranrr nf t tit Vitamin D potency of NCSTUS Milk. Ntlti Mil Products. Inc., Dept. C 30 155 E. 4-Uh St.. New York 17, N. Y. Please send mc a free copy of SO New NmiVi'MTFi) Rmrrj , . . tastier, more rmiirMhiiiK, riflicr in Vitamin D because' they're made wiiti NE5Tl3 Evaporated Milk. RED RYDER . By FRED HARMAM ( HAiTS I tl X. 1 I WHAT (iTSAYSWOLl f I fetS fa ESCAPED V Whothis letters ftSfel.) Wirs ' Letter, j IeneYi ace J J 4 1-, froth' j- ch