I- THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1945 PAGE FIVE Local News Byron Lee, chapliirin the United Slates army and former probation officer for Deschutes county, ex pects an Mstenmem overseas in Jowing Iecejpt ot a telegram tneir Drotner, c. JS. Naud, is criti cally ill. Pvt. Ivan N. in the home of Mrs. Bob Hutchen, 518 N. Sixth. Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thaelkeld of Madras were in Betid Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. King are In uie ciiy touay xrom rrinevllle. Mrs. Oscar Hartwie and Mrs. A. Meistad, sisters, left this morn ing oy automobile for Seattle fol- imp near tucui. He Is stationed at Indian Town Gap, Pa. Mrs. Aloha Caverhill is at home in the Brooks-Scanlon camp after Wickens returned Sunday to Fort Ord, Calif., upon nndereoine a major operation in m.tdnn t inl.. ..Zi-Ozi: land. Col. ana Mrs. c. oparKS 01 spent with his wife, Marcella, and daughter, Sherry! Kay. The son- ! in-law of KeV. and Mrs. R. E. Kiel. Bend were suuaemy cauea to py,, Wickens recemly fmisne(j Beaumont, Texas, by the critical ; training at Camp Walters, lexas. illness of the corporal's mother, cpl. Sparks has been serving as a Civuian Air Patrol instructor at the Kedmond Army Air base. The following lieutenants from Redmond army air field last night were guests at the Pilot Butte inn: III. U. Brissey, Stephen Jacobson, Bascom S. Jones, M. J. Fainer, R. K. Enfield, S. W. Asplund, G. C. Beamer, Richard Costello and L. ti. Jacobs. Winf ieid Ovens of Redmond, to day was a shopper in Bend. Charles A. Marsh, representing the OPA, was here today from Portland. The meeting 01 the Bend USU Dance at Eastern Star Grange hail Saturday nights. Ladies tree. Adv. Lydicks Lunch Counter open ing sat., March 10, unuer new management. Adv. Benefit for Redmond High School Band. Tumalo grange, March 10. Dance, play cards and have fun. $1.00 a couple. Eats free. Adv. Dance every Friday night at Carroll Acres. Music by the Nleht council announced for Sunday at Owls. City bus will leave hall last 3 p. m. in the .Episcopal nail nas lime at u. miamgni. been Dostooned one week. Ab- sence from town of USO officers makes the postponement neces sary, it was announced. Harmon J. Smith, fireman 2c in the merchant marine, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Viola Smith, 620 Ogden avenue. Smith v. .. i 1 1 1-1 nm nl ot ml a enrwecfiit ..,,., na In hnth tho Atlanfin anri UUOta Pacific oceans. He will return to . $22,300 his duties about April 1. The sea-! man has a sister, Pfc. Mescal N. Smith, in the marine corps worn-. ens' reserve at San Diego. I The meeting of the Y. G. A. of 1 the Pine Forest grange has been Adv. Donations Drop; Drive Continues Received to Date Balance $4,928 $17,372 Donations to the American Red Cross Fourth War Fund drive have taken a decided slump, it was reported today at the head quarters in the Chamber of com merce offices. Uhot-a a Wnl nf A ICO , , . . , , ; 1 . ..... U LULL. U . tm.UOO WOO postponed from March 9 to March chaiked up on the first day of the I6- x ... . I campaign on Monday, only $540 A county nutrition meeting will was received on Tuesday, and in be held next Monday at 7:30 p. m. dlcations were that less than this jhad been taken in Wednesday, It was reported. Japanese Warned me WS : OF SOCIE TY Grave Days Ahead (All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later than 10 ajn. on the das of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.) iBy Uulwu 1th) Premier Kuniakl Koiso warned the Japanese peopie Thursaay that "events 01 tue immeoiaie 1 luiure wul decide if the nation of Nippon is to survive or be earn-1 inaieu irom tms earth." rle called upon tne nation to sacruice "ev eiytning" lor war. ine premier, in a speech to the sponsors 01 Japan s i,ew "sure victoiy" political party, pjeaucd urgently lor tne Japanese to Party Heads Appointed By President Plans for the annual birthday celebration of the American Le gion auxiliary, scheduled for Hu-ow away ail personal inter-Thursday. March 15, have been ests and ambitions 01 ail kinus completed with the appointment aim rise as one 10 save our very of planning committees- during nomes, our homeland and tne the business session held last uupenal inrone lioni tne present 1 Thursday evening, ciuus." 87 Years Old vuli V. S. marines only a few Organized In 1U18, the Amer- hunaied yaras ivuin completing lean ieglon will mark its 27th me conquest 01 iwo jiind ou year of activity. ' The Percy A. nines suuui of lOKyo, Kuiso con-: Stevens unit No. 4 is sponsoring ceueu tnat the tinai issues of tne ' a 6:30 o'clock potluck dinner In war in tne Pacuic may be deemed soon. Speech Broadcast Koiso's speecn was uroadcast by lohyo lauio and recoruea by uiiuua rress, ean Jrraucisco. " ine enemy is anxious to short en tne war. tie may launch with out uelay, a reciuess, uuect, and violent aitacK against tne mam lana in tne near iuture. The en ure nation must be luny prepared lor.such an eventuamy," itoiso said'. He said the one hundred mil lion people 01 Japan "must renew tneir cieierimnauon to crush tne enemy and snouider responsibil ity lor prosecution of tne war "one anu ail, young and old, man ana woman, with ail their spir itual and material resources." "Only by making such an all- out eliort and complete sacrifices ot all things they possess can the present national crisis be overcome." O NOW O CONTINUOUS SATURDAY tr r mint 1 Zk ioin I jf PLUS SCOOP! NEWS! YANKS IN STREET TO STREET FIGHT BATTLE FOR MANILA Women who staffed the head quarters were outwardly dis mayed, and Harold Gentry, head of the Junior chamber of com merce sponsored drive in the city, dolefully commented: "Certainly our people are not going to throw down our boys who are fighting for them and their liberty! We must not slack en our efforts, but hurry to com plete our quota and prove that we on the home front mean to back them up." Is Hot Roll Call Chairman Bruce Gilbert of the county-wide drive, said today that there was an anoarpnt misundpr- I'sTsm'ding among some business firms regarding the present solici tation. Some believe that this present drive is the annual roll , call, which has been suspended I for the duration, Gilbert ex plained. But those who have real ized this was not the roll call, have sent in larger contributions, but have failed to canvass their j employes. It was the intent, Gil bert said, for the employers to solicit all their workers, and send I in their contributions with their i own individual donations. He I urged that employers who have ; not collected from their workers, i do so at once. i Women who worked at the headquarters are: Monday and Tuesday, Mrs. James Burgess, Mrs. Harold L. Gentry, Mrs. Wil fred Jossy, Mrs. Howard Marriott and Mrs. Lowell Aplln. Wednes day. Mrs. Bureess. Mi's. C. .7. iRademacher, Mrs. Jossy, Mrs. Bruno Rath, Mrs. Harvey Field and Mrs. A. L. O. Schuelcr. 3 DAYS ONLY STARTING TONIGHT MrJW-: . Iff A Grenade Thrower Bags Nippon Tank Third Marine Division Com mand post, Iwo Jima, March 8 iih (via navy radio) A marine, whose reported feat might well be the envy of any major league pitcner, touay was credited with single-handeuly destroying a Jap anese tank with a hand grenade hurled directly down the barrel of the tank s gun. A forward observer reporting to this command post by tele phone said excitedly: "One of our men just saw, a Jap- tank. He 'threw a Tgrenade winch went in the barrel of. the tank s gun right through the open breach. U exploded ins.de, blowing up ammunition and completely UL-stroying the tank. Toiu 01 tne unidentified mar ines "strikeout," Maj. Gen. Grav es B. Erskine, division command er, wisecracked: "Get that man's name and loan him to. the major leagues they need him more than we do." Octopus Juice Aid to Fatigue, Jap Fliers Told (Br United Press! Radio Tokyo. offered something new for tired Japanese fliers to day octopus juice. "It has been discovered," said the Domei news agency in a broadcast recorded by FCC moni tors, "that octopus extract, taurin, is an exceedingly efficacious rem edy for relieving fatigue and as such will be indispensable to our flying men." Domei recommended boil inn the octopus and drawing off the juice. The broadcast failed to include ! directions for catching the octo- pus. Sisters Resident Called by Death Paul Oliver Miller. 43. resident ' of Sisters, died yesterday in the I n m in Morrow in 1902. I Survivors include his wife, Thelma Irene Miller; four chll- jdren, Douglas Russel, Keith, Al len and Dinah; his mother, Mrs. Maggie M. Miller of Sisters; one : brother, Martin Miller of Port- j land. Funeral services are scheduled 1 for 10 a. m. Saturday in the Chris ; tian church at Sisters, with Rev. D. L. Penhollow of Redmond of 1 ficiating. Burial will follow in the ; Redmond cemetery. Niswonger : and Winslow funeral home is in cnarge 01 arrangements. the Episcopal parish, hall In com memoration of the occasion. Committee Members Committees on duty will con sist of the following members, appointed by Mrs. D. Ray Miller, president: refreshments, Mrs. W. ti. Coahran, Mrs. Antone Fossen, Mrs. B. A. Shellhart, Mrs. i. A. Walker; table, Mrs. C. A. Boyd, Mrs. Helen McCabe, Mrs. Edith Whltcombe, Mrs. Jeannette Mul kins; entertainment, Mrs. Anne Forbes, Mrs. Ward Coble, Mrs. Tom Anglln, Mrs. Craig Coyner, Mrs. K. H. Sawyer, ana Mrs. B. A. Stover. At the recent business meeting the group voted $10 to the Amer ican Red Cross and $25 to assist sorority girls in supplying donors for the blood bank.' Legionnaires Welcome All Legionnaires and auxiliary members have an automatic invi tation to attend the celebration, the president revealed. Those who are not notified personally are re quested to call Mrs. Antone Fos sen, 269M, or Mrs. W. H. Coahran. 212W. - Maxine Gedney Is Navy Bride At Home Rites The wedding of Miss Maxine Gedney, formerly of Redmond, and Colan Sample, MM 1c with the U. S. navy, was an event of Sunday, Feb. 18, at the home of the bride's sister in Seattle. The navyman left for overseas duty in August of 1941, and re turned to the states Dec. 1, 1944. He was at Pearl Harbor and par ticipated in several major naval Lgngagements. , , P.E.O. Sisterhood To Name Officers Redmond, March 8 (Special) Mrs. Allen Mills will be hostess to Chapter AQ of the P.E.O. Sister hood at her home this evening at 8 o'clock. The program will consist of the election and installation of offi cers for the ensuing year. Mother Fetes Daughter With Birthday Party Sisters, March 8 (Special) Eight-year-old Sandra Baker was honored on her birthday by a party arranged by her mother, Mrs. Lloyd Baker. Attending the celebration were: Timmy Wakefield, Nora Lee Ran dall, Grace Culpepper, Joyce Ran dall, Beverly Shepherd, Glenna Jean Randall, Kay Nichols and Claudette Little. Luncheon Date Set The Fac ulty Dames will sponsor a lunch eon next Tuesday, March 13, at 1:15 p. m. at 18 Saginaw. Mrs. Virgil Moss will servu as I hostess and will be assisted by mis. naruiu marine. MEETING SET FOR MARCH 9 Rermond, March 8 (Special) Mrs. C. R. McLallin will entertain the Daughters of the American Revolution at the March meetini? set for Friday, March 9, at 2:30 Emera CluU to Meet The Em era club will meet Saturday at 1:30 p. m. in the Masonic hall with hostesses Mrs. Sumner Dei trick and Mrs. George Euston. from loss of OlOOD-mOi'? Plus 2nd Full Length Feature I The federal "duck stamp" for the 1945 hunting season bears three shoveller ducks in flight; sold for a dollar each, these and maintain waterfowl refuges. Ipi . PinKltail S TAUIETS Girls r Women ( If mi in -n ... tag monthly periods that you feel weak dragged out" this may be due to low blood Iron. 80 try Lydla E. Pinkhara's TAauTs one of the beat home way to help build up red blood In auch cues. Plnkbam'a Tableta are one of the great est blood-Iron tonics you can buy. Follow label directions. 7 SD AKf3 SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight 2 p. m. A group of the First Christian church women's council, will meet with Mrs. M. E. Carrier 810 Newport, with Mrs. Nellie Johnson as group leader. 7 p. m. -Quo Vadis group of the Women's council. First Christ ian church, will convene at the home of Mrs. T. M. Kirbs, 1303 Newport avenue for a potluck dinner. Husbands of the mem bers are invited. Mrs. Wilmetta Reinhart is group leader. 2 p. m. Norwegian Ladies club is to meet with Mrs. Oscar Engebretson, 100 Heyburn street. Friday 2 p. m. W. C. T; U. with Mrs. Raymond Wolfgram, 1502 Galves ton avenue. 7:30 p. m. I. H. S. group of the Women's Council, Christian church, with Mrs. Edith Kostal, 1103 Harmon. Mrs. Wayne Hamil ton is group leader. 8 p. m. Rebekah lodge meeting in I. O. O. F. hall. Saturday 1:30 p. m. Emera club, Masonic haU. Tuesday 1:15 p. m. Faculty Dames luncheon at 18 Saginaw. 4 p. m. Juvenile meeting of Degree of Honor, Norway hall. 8 p. ra Degree of Honor busi ness meeting In Norway hall. Drill practice promptly at 7 p. m. Inspection date has been advanced from June 5 to May 29. Golden Wedding Observance Held By Bend Couple Surrounded by relatives and ; friends, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wal-( ker of 324 S. Third, celebrated their golden wedding aniversary. last Saturday evening. r I Just 50 years ago, March 3, 1895, the couple were married in Sulphur City, Arkansas, and some years later traveled west to Bend where they have resided for the past 22 years. ' j Seasonal flowers were used in the decorative theme. Chairmen Reveal Theme of Dance A joint announcement from the co-chairmen of the annual co-op-dance staged on the Orpgon State college campus, John Moore of Bend, junior in chemical engine ering, and Lucile Dahlgren of Warren, revealed that the dance theme will be "The Story Book Ball". Given by the campus' coopera tive houses for the independent students living in the seven student-managed houses and their dates, the dance is scheduled for spring term in the Memorial , Union ballroom. 1 ... j Public Card Party Planned ' The Past Noble Grands' club of the Rebekah lodge is sponsoring a card party, to be held in the I. O. O. F. hall Saturday night at ; 8 o'clock. The party will be open to the public. Pinochle will be j played. with them is a council consisting of eight Carnation chapter mem bers. Climaxing the ceremony was the presentation of gifts for cere monial work to the new organiza- Order of Job's Daughters Accepts Prineville Chapter Prineville, March 8 (Special) During impressive rites in the Masonic hall at Prineville last Saturday at two o'clock, 25 girls became charter members of the Order of Job's Daugh ters and three received membership by affiliation with the Redmond Bethel. A full corps of officers from the Bend Bethel conducted the initiation of members and installation of officers. Other officers attending were: Mrs. Edna Standley, Btate grand guardian of Gresham; Mrs. Edna Catlow, grand guardian secretary, Portland; Mrs. Isa- belle Hunnell, Bend guardian; Mrs. A. O. Schilling, assistant Bend guardian. Other visitors from Bend and Redmond at tended and many members of the Prineville Carnation chap ter were present. Officers Named Officers of the newly-lnstalled Prineville Bethel are: honored queen, Jean Graffenberger; sen ior princess, Mary Graham; junior princess, Varina Almack;- guide, Shirley Erlckson; marshall, Mary Louise Powell; senior custodian, Sally Lewis; junior custodian. Eula Hammons; recorder, Gloria Hyatt; treasurer, Betty Fridley; librarian, Ramona Ramsey; chap lain, Welles Adkisson; first mes senger, Jean Young; second mes senger, Mary Lou McKenzie; third messenger, Bonnie Bailey; fourth messenger, Patty Hyatt; fifth messenger, Virginia Mink; Inner guard, Mary Doyle; outer guard, Donna Meadows. Are Guardians . The Prineville guardian and as sistant guardian are Mrs. Alfred Erickson and Mrs. Ray Graffen berger, respectively. Working tion by various Bethel throughout the Mate. group LABOR DRAFT HALTED New Bedford. Mass., March 8 UP) The war manpower commis sion appeared today to have backed down In Its labor-draft drive here. Manpower Director Paul V. McNutt telegraphed May or Aruthr N. Harriman urging that 250 vacancies at the Flsk and Firestone Tire Cord plants be filled by voluntary recruits. : PICKS BIGHT STORE Duluth, Minn. (IF Don Ehlers. proprietor of a foot comfort shop here, was cleaning up one night recently when he heard a scratch ing on the front door. He opened the door and a lame pheasant walked In. The bird was turned over to the zoo. r Schilling Chili Powder just right for all chili dishes 2 OCCUPANTS IN KM) YEARS Worcester, Minn, ill') The old Fox house, which was sold re cently, has been occupied by only two families in the last 100 years. Designed and built in England, it then was taken apart, brought to America and reassembled here in 1845. NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet doesn't upset stomach When you need quick relitiffrom pain, do you hesitate to talto aspirin bncau.se it laaves you with an upset Ktomach? If so, this new medi cal discovery, SUPERIN. is "jirt v.hat t'.ia doc tor ordered" for you. Superin It ojpirin plus contains the uarn? pur, k.;:j ajpirin you have long known hrt d.;velojtd by doctors in u special way for those upset by aspirin in iu ordi nary form. Thit new kind cf p-spirin tablet dissolves more quickly, lets th:; aspirin get riyht at the jr.b tf re lieving pain, reduces the acidity cf ordinary aspirin, and docs not ir ritateor upsetstomach even after repeat doaes. Tear this oul to remind you to get Superin today, so yon can have it on hand whfn heartache, cold, etc., ntrikr. See how rpiiKdy it relieves pain how fine you feel after taking. A tyourdrus gist's, .ICt and i'-)(. I phone SZ iGROCEUYL j 91? Wall Savings for Fri. and Payday FLOUR Swans Down 25 lb. bag 1.09 COFFEE VJ 29c Empress Drip or Reg. 1 LB. JAR SYRUP Pure Cane Sugar Syrup gal. jug 1.39 t Roman Meal pkg. 29c For Porridge or Bukinjr Baking Powder, 25 oz. fruit jar 19c K.C. Cheerioats pkg. 11c Salmon .......can 25c Merrlmuc, ! j's Corn .2 cans 25c Dundee ' Salt 2ctns.17c Morton's, large 26 oz. Cartons Tomato Juice .47 oz. can 25c Sacramento Cookies 7 oz. pkg. 15c Honey Jumblex Chocolate Syrup . . . .32 oz. jar 45c Mrs. SnaiUer's Fels Naptha Soap 4 bars 29c Dog Food .5 lb. bag 55c Austin's Kibbled Laundry Soap 6 bars 25c Boreno Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c Ml) GST Lunch Meat TRY-IT can 35c Grapefruif Juice Preferred Stuck, No. 2 2 cans 35c Mixed Vegetables Larsons, Vcg-All 1 lb. jar 18c Salad Dressing rade whip Pt. jar 25c Rolled Oats ALBKItS 3 lb. pkg. 25c Raisin Bran Flakes KKIXOGG'S pkg. 10c Candy lb. bag 19c Gelatine .Tells FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Carrots 2 bunches 15c Garden Fresh Parsnips ...3 lbs. 25c I.im hI, I'roslily Dujr Lettuce 2 heads 25c Large Solid Heads Calavas each 25c Oranges 2 doz. 55c Sweet and Juicy Grapefruit .3 for 25c Texas Pinks EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT to the Music of Web Loy and His Night Owls Place: Carroll Acres Time: 9:00 to 12:00 p.m. City Bm will mala las! trip to town at 12:00 midnight with JANE WYMAN