PAGE TEN THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 8. 1945 ,Sq&j& to Remember. XXVIII THE UNHEAL WOULD The piano arrived! Frederic's heaven was complete. He Impro vised, he played, he composed. Waltzes, preludes, nocturne is, came from his pen, one alter an other, in tumbling profusion. "Ah," he would say, "wait until thev hear this one!" Then he would begin to talk with enthust asm of his forthcoming concerts. He would forget himself and re mind Georce of what she had hoped he had forgot: of his pur pose in coming to France. "Will you still harp on it!" He was apologetic. "George, I'm sorry." She was not convinced. "Fred eric, I try so hard to make you see the pattern ot your lite then you talk to me of concerts " "Yes, George. I will forget them." "All that I've been building up," she said, "falls down." " And you have to pick me up again?" he said meekly. "I'm serious, Frederic; and I want you to be serious." " I sit at your feet, Madame." "Then, Monsieur, you will not talk of concerts. There will be no concerts. Do we understand that?" " Of course, Madame." "Now or ever!'.' " George, don't scream." "You will create great music ' "For you, George." "For the world!" "And who is my world, George?" Thev were gay. they were serl ous, they were light of heart. They had each other and they had shut out the worm tne omer world they created their own. "As beautiful and as unreal," she said, "as our island home. The other world must always be shut out. Frederic. You will not nlav for mobs. Your genius is cre ating music tor lesser men u yiay. Write it, Frederic. We shall en lov it. lust the two of us then we shall send it on to Paris, and " 'And then, Madame .'" , 'Oh, Frederic, you are impos sible!" Tozi'f Eisner haunted the sales rooms of Plcvel et Cie for news of Frpfii-rie and whenever new Cho pin scores arrived from Majorca "fnr Immediate publication," he would be the first to go through hem. He would frequently sit himself down to one of Pleyel s best pianos without a word 01 PAYDAY SPECIALS FRI. SAT. EGGS ........ .doz. 35c Grudu A Largo Nabisco 100 Bran lg. pkg. 17c FROSTED PTOOPg RATION FREE Birdseye fresh frozen fruiti, vegetables, fish add zing to your meals, make shopping easy. Tootsie Chocolate Drink, lb. jar 49c V-8 Juice... No. 5 can 35c Orange JuiceNo. 5 can 59c Tomato Juice No. Scan 25c Prune Juice 1 qt. 33c Apple Juice....... pt. 15c Orange-Grapefruit Juice, No. 5 49c Grapefruit Juice.... No. 5 can 33c Pineapple Juice No. S can 39c Hunt's Tomato Sauce . . .4 cans 25c 33c SMELT 2 lbsJ25c SALMON or Filet f Sole lb.45c T-EONE Steaks (!) points) Ibc 1 quart Kraut 1 lb. Frankfurters Both 49c Peas 2 No. 2 cans 29c 1'referretl Stock Pumpkin 2 No. 2 cans 27c Del Monte Cut Beans 2 cans 29c Dundee No. 2 Veg-M .303 jar 19c Diced Carrots 2 cans 25c Diamond A No. 2 Kidney Beans 2 cans 27c No. 2 t uns Spinach' 2 cans 35c No. 2 tans Big Hits With Little Misses Gingham Dresses Sizos $9 in 3 to 6i2 I W Smartly cut little dresses of qualHy gingham, styled by Sue Parker, in pink or blue. . Butcher Boy Slack Suit 2.69 Striped cotton slack suits in rejl, blua or brown, for little girls, sizos 2, 3 and 4. Girls' Blouses 2.19 Fancy and tailored blouses in great varioty, sizes 8 to 1 6. mm YtY FOOD MAEKET LJ admonition from Monsieur Pleyel and play one or more of the Chopin compositions. He was at the piano now. In a despondent mood, and the piece he was piaying a nopin noc turne did nothing to lift his despondency. "Bravo!" cried Henri Dupont as JozeX Eisner finished the noc turne. Monsieur Pleyel said: "That's what I call saleable as well as beautiful." Jozef Eisner peered over his spectacles. "What uo you say, jozei r " Humph." "Eisner, Where's your ear?" He nicked up a sheaf of Chopin scores. "Magnificent! Every one! A waltz Mazurka Nocturne another nocturne Waltz Bril liante " He deposited them on the piano. "Go through them, Eisner! Go through them " is this all he sent? He sent nothing else?" Monsieurl-'leyel looKed at Henri Dupont and Henri Dupont looked at Monsieur i'leyel. -I was thinking, Louis, of a particular work. Oh, this music is all right. No! More than that It is charming. Frederic knows what he is doing. Don t misun derstand me, Louis. But this other piece that I am always looking lor it is a Digger work a very Important piece the polonaise. Monsieur fleyel wet nis hps. Henri Dupont rubbed his nose. I don t Know about tne polo naise, Monsieur Meyer said, "it may be in the next bundle. Who knows? I'll look forward to it. But these are in hand! Eisner, these will sell!" Jozef Eisner said: "I have no doubt." "Go through them. Convince yourself " Jozef Eisner shook his head. He got up from the piano. "Louis, you are arranging for Frederic's concerts?" "Concerts! And what concerts! Let him write works like these and there won't be concert halls big enough!" "You think he won't return, Louis?" Louis Pleyel blustered and Henri Dupont's mouth fell open. Louis Pleyel said: "I think no such thing. Eisner, why do you accuse me?" Jozef Eisner twisted his head. "He wrote you he wasn't return ing. Eh? He told you that, didn't he, Louis?" Jozef Eisner reached for his hat. "He did tell you?" "Jozef, didn't he tell you?" " Yes, of course. That's how I know. He tells me everything. There's nothing he doesn't tell me. I am his teacher. Why wouldn t he tell me?" Jozef Eisner twisted his; head again. "And now, Louis )T can tell you something. He will re. turn. Yes. I don't think. I know. You will see, Louis; you will see." He clamped his hat on his head. "Good day, Messieurs; good day." . When there was no news from Frederic, Jozef Eisner made news up out of his own head. It was important that he do It. He must never fail to post his accustomed letter to Papa and Mamma Cho pin. "The music he sends back will make him quite famous. There is no doubt about that. His concerts, too, will bo very successful. For these reasons, my dear friends. I have urged him to stay In Ma jorca as long as possible " t lo Be continued) The chemical industry In Mex ico is partly under government control and partly under private control; government participation developed to meet war needs. POSTS BRAN V &XDEA FIAKCS OF I j COM OWED delicious NEW breakfast Idea A magte combination! Crisp Pott's 40 Bran Hakes plui ten dor, chewy seedless raisins. ..right in the same package. Delicious nutritions that's Post's Raisin llran! Don't miss this wonderful new flavor sensat ion. Ask your gro. ccr for Post's Raisin Bran, today t I $17,300,000 Base In North Useless Headquarters, Alaskan Depart ment, March 8 LP Military au thorities today lifted the blanket of secrecy which for more than two years has prevented mention in the press of a giant $17,300,000 (M) .."white elephant" shipping base at Excursion inlet, 65 miles southwest of Juneau. - . , The base, which was never used and now has been abandoned, was constructed by order or Lt. Gen. John DeWitt, dated July 31, 1942. It was to serve as a trans-ship ment point for Aleutian war sup plies to be brougnt Dy oarge irom Seattle and reloaded into vessels shuttling between Excursion inlet and the Aleutians. DeWitt then was head of the Western defense command and in command of land and air opera tions against the Japs on Kiska and Attu. The installation, which com pared economically with the Canol project, was constructed on a cost plus fixed fee basis by the Guy F. Atkinson company of San Fran cisco. It was completed in 14 months but by the time it was ready for use on Aug. 25, 1943, the last Jap invaders in the Aleutians had been killed or had fled back to their homeland. - Army transportation officers said the base was Justified- be- nf tha .ft i.'ti 1 ahnrrapp nf ships available in the Pacific. The operation ol tow barges Between Seattle and Excursion inlet would have released a number of ships for the northern shuttle. Tumalo Tumalo, March 7 (Special) Richard Kribs, Fayet Scoggin and Nels Hanson are Tumalo boys who went to Grants Pass over the week-end as members of the Red mond Union high school F.F.A. parliamentary team. Redmond's team placed fourth in the state tryouts. Carol Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eckert, was given a farewell party at school Monday afternoon by her classmates in the seventh and eighth grades and her teacher, Mrs. Velma Bucking ham. Carol, who is moving, with her parents, to a ranch near Prine ville, was presented with a small gift. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Vandevert and daughter, Barbara, were Sun day dinner guests at the L. E. Cre- celius home in Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Walker who formerly lived at Tumalo, have sold their ranch at Prineviile Junction and have moved to an apartment in Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. r. w. Vandevert and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shepard made a business trip to the La pine country Monday. Norma Blackstone returned to school Monday following two weeks at home with the mumps. Jackie and Jimmy, small sons of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson are home from school with the whooping cough. Jean and Dorothy Ann Hanne man and Leora Andrews went to Portland by bus Friday and re turned Monday for a visit with their sisters, Vivian Hanneman and Edna Marie Andrews, who are attending a business college there. - North Tumalo Red Cross unit met with Mrs. Del Davis Thurs day, March 1. The next meeting, March 15, will be at the home of Mrs. George F. Thompson. Any one interested in serving for the Red Cross is invited to attend the meeting. A potluck luncheon will be held at noon. Tillicum Study club will meet Tuesday, March 13, at the home of Mrs. Fred Shepard. Pfc. David Chamberlain has re turned to La Junta, Colo., air field where he is a mechanic, following a twenty-one day furlough spent here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Chamberlain. While at home, Mrs. Chamberlain ac companied her son to Grants Pass for a short visit with their daugh ter and sister, Mrs. Melvin Shaw and family. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer who recently sold their ranch, are moving to the Spring ranch this week. Members of the Tumalo grange degree team met at the J. A. Chamberlin home lor practice a week ago Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mitchell have been enlarging and remodeling their store building, and have just installed a fine refrigerated show case and an ice cream refrigerated unit. A well digger from RednZTS working at the C. L. AwH this week. rand, In 1909, Germanv per cent of the world's T5?. unr leastha research literature: unrtS it droDoed in iQaa , .ui(r " 1 " "MS th per cenw g&fr. CLEAN GOLDEN SKINS I s37 and rich stores of vitamin G mark our Desert Grapefruit Desert sunshine grows onr grapefruit golden bright xnxide and out ... fills thera to bursting- with vitamin C In fact, half a Desert Grapefruit provides an adult's primary supply of this ail-important vitamin. Poke your spoon Into half a juicy-rich Desert Grape fruit at breakfast. Add its tangy goodness to luncheon alads. And for a tast treat at dinner, serve halves of natural-color . golden Desert Grapefruit CaUFOOW '"m1wmm. V. .A, jr,ir, V. CY7Y?f W, V f'f T T.U.'ll.l.f.T.lf.l W)W WE PAT HIGHEST CASH PRICES Foi: Dressed Veal, Rabbits and Chickens. See your Safewar man, HOW! Thousands of Tea Drink era who KNOW good tea . . prefer ORANGE PEKOE TEA ' Wo would not dare guarantee "your satisfaction or money back" If we weren't so sure you'd like Canterbury. Vi-lb. 43c Mb. 8Se Box of 48 Tea Bags, 36c Kmp Ui Cms it kit Grade A Eggs Large, Doz 35c Porter's Fine Noodles & Wide FriUetsP.24c Crisco Shortening (pints') 3-u. jar 68c Royal Satin Shortening ( u ) 59c Calumet Baking Powder 1-Ib. can 19c Schillings Lemon or Vanilla Extracts 19c Kitchen Craft Enriched Flour Efr 1.02 .$1.99 Karo Syrup, Red Label 1-lb. bottle 16c Honey Maid Graham Crackers 2-u. box 31c Hi-Ho Butter Crackers, Sunshine l-lb. box 21c Cheese-It Jr., Cheese Crackers pifg. 11c Julia Lee Wright s dAii Raisin Bread Chock-full of raisins l-lb. loaf 12 Edwards High Grade Coffee V 2Sc Fresh Roasted Whole Bean Fresh Roasted Mild. Mellow 23c e 45c bag bag 20c 58c TOILET SOAPS SwMthMrt Soap 2 caket 13e Lif.buey Health Soap 3 cakes 20c Polmolive Beth Sixe Seep 2 cokes 19a Lava Soap, hand soap, mid. 3 for 17e Large Ivory Soap 3 cakes 29c Nob Hill Coffee Airway Coffee Ovaltine, Plain or Chocolate large size 61c Sunny Dawn Tomato Juice Points 46-ox. can 21c Morton's Salt 2 pigs. 15c Sno-While Salt pkg. 7c Campbell's Tomato Soup 32 5c Rancho Vegetable Soup can Ec libby Apple Butter, 303 jar 20c Sperry Wh. Hearts, 28-oz, pk. 22c Albers Flapjack Fir., 2'2-lb. 22c Gaines Dog Meal 2-lb. pkg. 22c Ke Nu Cleaner 2-lb. pkg. 27c Rain Drops 24-oz. pkg. 23c Forgotten Favorites These days, when meals aren't everything they used to be, little ingenuity in the kitchen goes a long way. For new variety in meals ... we nig gest these old-time favorites. You know, some . times there's nothing as new as an old forgotten - recipe. , HOMEMADE NOODLES Va cupi all-purpoM Vz Up. salt' flour 1 B9 1 top. baking powdai 2 tbap. wataf Sift flour, measure; sift again with baking powder and salt. Beat egg slightly in bowl. Alternately add flour mixture and water, working in all flour. Place on lightly floured board and knead one minute. Roll dough paper-thin, roll up as for jelly-roll; cut in -inch widths. Unrill and shake out, separating welL Drop into rapidly boiling liquid; cook uncovered 20 minutes until tender; keeping liquid at a rolling boil during entire cooking period. Serves 6. Note: The noodle roll may be wrapped and stored unsLiced in reirig erator. ( ' Note: To carry out a St. Patrick's Day color, scheme, 1 cup finely cut parsley may be s4de4 to, flour. BREAD PUDDING S cupt milk Va top. nutmaft ' ' 3 cup toft bread , Vg tops, arattd lam crumb 'rind S apg Va tP- tomae aitract 94 cup sugar Pour milk over bread in large bowl and let stand about 20 minutes, or until bread is well soaked. Add egg yolks, cup of the sugar, nutmeg, and . lemon rind. Beat with rotary beater until thor oughly combined. Pour into well greased quart baking dish or individual custard cups Bake in pan of hot water in slow oven (325 F.) 1 hour and 20 minutes if In baking dish, or if in individual custard cups, bake one hour, or until almost firm to the touch. Remove from oven and the pan of hot water. Top with meringue made by beating egg whites until just stiff; sdd remain ing M cup sugar, gradually, beating well after each addition; continue beating until mixture holds peak; add flavoring. Bake in moderate oven (350 F.) 15 minutes, or until meringue is brown. Chill. Serve with spoonfuls of jam or jelly. Serves 6. ( Sajeway Homtmaiers' Bureau JULIA LUX WRIGHT. Dinotor , fl4 mmmmmmmm Save Points. Serve more fresh produce. RHUBARB Hot House, fancy a real spring Ionic. lb. 25c ORANGES Golden ripe Navels Sweet and .lulcy 5 lbs. 49c crate $3.19 crate $6.29 APPLES Newtons 2 lbs. 2 1 c Ex fey. & fc. bx. 4.59 ' Winesaps, 2 lbs. 2 1 c Ex fey. & fc. bx. 4.39 CORN Country Home Whole Kernel No. 2 1 cc 20 Ceo I Svpu. Save Points with low point or NO poir.t meat items. Grapefruit, Texas Pink .lb. 10c Juice Imlrn Desert Brand, just right, II). 7cj crate Broccoli lb. 17c Fresh, green and tender Cabbage lb. 6c Rest grade, Solid heads Green Onions 2 bun. 15c Fresh and crispy Fresh Peas lb. 15c Iteal garden fresh ones Green Peppers, med. size lb. 17c Outdoor Grow n Radishes 2 bun. 15c Kn joy their delicate flavor Sweet Potatoes 10c Try I lie i n candled Tomatoes, Mexican red ripe ... .lb. 19c Salads pkg. 12c A real garden fresh a.sMrtmcnt PEAS Sugar Belle No. 2 ce 20 Can I J ptn, Cut Beans Lorraine Can I Ucnt. PEACHES Highway Halves sliced Can J pt. PEARS Firefly ,l4 Oc "0 Can pin. KADOTA FIGS Sun Down Can I H pt. Red Points ( 0 ) Fresh Oysters ...pint 65c Medium size ( 0 ) Prawns... 14-oz. jar $1.05 A real treat i ( 0) Spiced Herring 43c Tasty H-oz. jar ( 0 ) Cod Fish ib. 53c Boneless ( 0 ) Chili Brick Ib. 38c Carsten's ( 0 ) Tamales, Stidd's, 2 for 35c Lots of Chicken ( 0 ) Turkeys lb. 5fc Grado A Hens ( 6 ) Ground Beef lb. 28c Made fresh dally ( 9 ) Sirloin Steak Gr. B. Ib. 33c ( 9 ) T-Bone Steak Gr. B. lb. 4 1 c (10) Round Steak Gr. B. Ib. 34c Wieners Low in points Fresh and juicy Ib. (4 R. pts.) 37c Sauerkraut , , Made in the old fashioned way quart 15 ' Cottage Cheese Kraft's, Hulk pint 24c Crab Meal So shells to mess will pound $X.C6 Crabs Whole, Iresh caujM pound 27e 210 Congress rhone- IbQ SBFEVIBXa t