Churchill Talk Weakens Market By Elmer C. Walzer (United 1-rca. FtaauiaJ Editor) New York, March 7 (IP) Prime Minister Winston Churchill's re mark yesterday that "one good heave" will end the war in Europe brougni irregularity into tne stock market today. Market experts, in setting forth this reason tor a decline in many of the leading issues, pointed out that the- market's nervousness over prospect of a quick end of the war was based upon the uncer tainties of reconversion such- a move would bring. Earlier in the session the lead ers showed gains sufficiently large to carry the general market average to a new high since 1937. But then cautious selling devel-, oped. Meantime, traders side tracked their operations to special issues and special groups. Some of the specials held gains ranging to 3 points. Selling went ahead in the issues of the Allegheny Corporation group following yesterday's state ment by an. I. C. C. official the company had illegally obtained control of Chesapeake & Ohio and allied roads. Allegheny preferreds had losses ranging to more than 3 points. Nickel . Plate and Pere, . Marquette issues lost more than a point. Gilchrist 4-H Club Sets Meet Gilchrist, March 7 Members of the 4-H Cooking club of Gilchrist will be witnesses to a demonstra tion arranged by Nina' Mae Jacobs and Courtis Christianson at their next meeting, it was announced today. There are now 27 members in the group, and it was expected that all of them would attend the future gathering. County Agent Peters attended the last fourth meeting of the group on March 2, and gave an interesting talk on 4-H club work, and answered numerous questions for the boys and girls. Patty. June Willingham has been, named publicity chairman for the newly formed organiza tion. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 7 ilB Livestock: cattle 150, calves 35. Slow, early bids and sales on can-ner-common cows fully 50c low er; other classes scarce, quotable steady. Few cutter-common heif ers $8.50-11.00. Canner-cutter cows $6.50-9.00. . Medium-good beef, cows quotable $11.00-13.25. Good heavy beef, bulls held above $13.00. Good vealers $15.00; choice quotable to $16.00. Hogs 200. Active, steady. Good choice 170-300 lbs. $15.75. Good sows $15.00; choice 110 lb feeder pigs $17.50; heavy feeders down to $16.00. Good stags $12.50-13.00. Sheep 100. Steady. Good 90 lb. wooled lambs $15.25; good-choice salable to $15.75; common grades down to $11.00. Good ewes salable $7.50-8.00. 100-YEAR-OLD ESCAPES FIRE Stoneham, Mass. ill'i When fire swept the town almshouse, 100-year-old Mrs. Eldridge Sweet es caped uninjured. - .is a lliliiiilllf3 ourselves. W ut ot the fabric, and .enj ded JaSX-e. dirt.perspu-attOD, Iresh again - . . cleaning City; Cleaners & Dyers 1032 Wall Marion Cady Spare . Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 26 Words One Time J5o 28 Words Three Times ;.75o 28 Words Six Times l.S3 All innb m II mti le aw wmtt Omm Oa BMtfe nm. Hat cpr, h aaj rat Minimum C&ixga, 14c LINE BATE lOo CAPITALS 20o CUmUM Arivcrtttlnx, Cull in Advanea UatlT Claalni Turn UiM f. m. . BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall . W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary . co Bend Dairy Store ' BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication Thurs., March 8, 8:00 p.m. M. M. Degree- VUltlnt Bnthren Welcoma George SlmervUle, Sec'y. FOB SALE THIS FARM should pay out in one or two years. 80 A. 56 C.O.I. 14 Alfalfa., Stock, 300 chickens, ma chinery, crop land, good build ings. Good potato land. Large monthly income. See Walter Dar on. Terms. Arnolds. 126 Minne sota Street. NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. WHITE ENAMEL wood range like new. 365 E. Norton; TWO WHEEL trailer, 16" tires, for $22.50. Can be seen at 1314 Columbia. WICKER BABY BUGGY $5.00. Pre-war davenport for $20.00. Call at 303 Riverfront. BULLS of all kinds, Hereford, Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to freshen. Sad dle horses and saddles. Franks Service Station. Phone 78-J, W. R. Franks, Redmond. ONE OF FINEST locations in Bend. Two bedroom modern home, large cement basement, new furnace, possesion in 30 days. Price $3,400. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond,'' Ore. TWO-MAN shearing plant, com plete, call at u-u uiud alter a p. m. Phone 112. LIVING ROOM SET, desk, coffee table, radio, refrigerator, rug and pad, breakfast set. Call at 67 Haw thorne between 4 and 6:30 or call 30-F-23. 17 TONS of alfalfa hay, 1944 first cuttmg, $16.50 per ton for 5 tons or more. Vick Reynolds Ranch, 2 miles west on B Street, !4 mile north from Redmond. FITTED FUR trimmed , brown coat, size 16. Inquire 378 Georgia. YOUNG HEAVY hens, dressed on order. Phone your orders early to 1070-W or call at 147 E. Olney. specialised Hceorelory serVlceV. Phone 246 Sam SeoH Articles Can 10U SALE TWO BEDROOM modern house on paved street and good business bldg. 'iwo large lots, owned will sacrifice at $3,500 for immediate sale. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. 1941 CONTINENTAL trailer house, 3 rooms, electric brakes, 30 it. long, 8 It. wide. Also Ford dump trucK and parts for '34 Ford sedan. 1360 Cumberland. WICKER baby carriage, play pen on rollers, toidy chair. Call 1x81. WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to H. Lichtenwalter, 2354 Jeiierson Ave., 'lacoma, wash. ULTRA MODERN FARM: AU modern six room house. Pressure water system. Two cisterns. Good large barn. 80 A. 69 C.O.I. Fine garden spot. Land lays in one piece for irrigating. 1941 tractor and equipment. $8,500 for larm. See Walter Daron,, terms. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. BROODER STOVES and parts-r-Electric, oil, briquet. Bauer Feed Co., Phone 188-X Redmond, Ore. WALNUT DINING room set. Small size baby crib and wicker baby buggy. 913 Galveston. Phone 982-M. 15 TONS alfalfa hay, and one team work horses. 3 ft miles other side of Tumalo. Rt. 2, Box 188, David E. Zuck. AUTO COURTS: We have three in Bend and one in Salem today. HOUSES: $300 down takes four room on sest side. $1600 down takes nearly new 4 room near town. $501) down takes 4 room modern near hospital. $2000 down taxes tnree unit income property. See Arnolds Real Estate. 12b Min nesota. Phone 342-J. 7x9 AXMINSTER rug and pad, good condition. 1928 Harley David son motorcycle, good tires. First road left after - crossing bridge Trap Club road, 3rd house on ngnt. 20 TONS of first cutting alfalfa hay in stack. Wm. J. McGreer, Rt 2, Box 189, Bend. 4 miles north of Tumalo on Sisters highway. CHICK BROODERS, Infra-red electric 250 chick type, special $15 complete with lamps. 100 cmcK size a complete. Bend jfcjec tric Co., 644 FranKlin. LIVING ROOM SET, ;, dinette set and miscellaneous furniture. Call 547-W. TIATAN JUNIOR chain saw com plete with two chains, $575.00.- Terms if desired. Write Carl Frid lund. Box 734, Sisters, Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADE MY EQUITY in 2-bedroom mod ern house one block from high Gfhnnl nina fnrnam - antAtnatln !gas water heater, large garage I with cement floor and driveway. 3 (lots, $3000, $1500 down, balance $JU.uo month including interest. Or will trade for larger modern nouse. MO Georgia, call 714 for appointment. 15 ACRES, one mile west Oak land, Oregon, on black top road, new improvements, no electricity. Price $3500 cash. William Bradley, Douglas County, Oakland, Ore gon. FOR RENT 3 ROOM furnished semi-modern newly cleaned house with fire- piau-K unu inaoor lonei. aouus pre ferred. Call at 147 E. Olney. 2 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, utilities included. Close in. Phone 1083, or call 623 Hill St. ONE, TWO, THREE room houses, furnished. $8.00, $10.00 and $15.00 per month with water and light. Close in, not modern. Call 168 E. Irving. Phono 834-W. 2 ROOM furnished house not mod ern, easy distance to mills, garage if desired. Apply 207 Riverfront. 3 ROOM apartment, modern and lurnisnea. tioi ana com water and wood. Phone 350 from 8 a m tn 6 p. m. 705 Columbia St. WANTED WANTED TO BUY used furni ture, one piece or a truckload. Phone 1156, 350 Division. USED 1929 DODGE Victory mo tor. Write Horh MrrUs nrnihnn. Oregon. ' GOOD TWO WHEELED trailer, reasonable for cash. Call 1181. ELECTRfcEKRIGERATOlI any make in good condition. In quire 743 Harmon. Phone 1135. USED RADIOS Wiil pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. HEALTH TO YOU! Correct Jttxtot, Colon AihnmnH Hemorrhoidal fPiltri), Fis sure, Fistula, Hsraia (Rup- j tur) destroy hsallfa-powsi I ia arn-jDitir n!T Our method et trvaintrnt without hosDital onaratioa ttiecs-esfullr m ployed for w years, laserai crean terms. Call (or examination or se&d for FRE booklet. Opes EvsnMp, Mm., Woo., frl, 7 k 4.90 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC PkftUtam and Sura so W. t. Cot. E. Buraslds and Grand At. Telephone EAst 3918, Portland U, Oregon the bend bulletin, bend, Oregon. Wednesday, march Be Turned WANTED SOMEONE to cut wood and posts on shares.. H. K. Douglas, Rt 2, Box 101-A, 4 miles northwest of Bend. TO TRADE double Jenny Linn bed springs and mattress for one twin size Dea springs aim - wai tress, also dresser for chest of drawers. Phone 787-J. . TO RENT farm with 30 or more acres under irrigation. Write to C. C. Dennis, Sisters, Oregon, Gen eral Delivery. YOUNG WOMAN wishes room or small apartment, preferably with board. Inquire Bulletin. - HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED stenographer, permanent, full time position, good opportunity for right per son. Write Box 971 care of The Bulletin. RELIABLE EXPERIENCED service station man. Steady job, good working conditions. See Ed die at Eddie's Sales & Service.- PERMANENT, profitable connec tion; excellent earnings, cnoice rural routes open. Customers establisted. Write Watkins Prod ucts, 4512 HoUis St., Oakland 8, California. - SITUATION WANTED WORK WANTED, by local young woman. Experience in posting, til ing, time sheets, typing, and as telephone operator. Write No. 990 care oi Bulletin. USED CARS 1934 PONTIAC 2-door sedan, 4 good tires. Runs good. $225. Frank's .Shell Station, 8th and Greenwood, after 5 p. m. 1935 MASTER deluxe Chev. 4 door sedan, $400.00. See it at Mountain Camp View camp grounds, Redmond, Oregon. 1940 FORD pickup. Call at D-D Club after 3 p. m. Phone 112. LOST LADY'S BLACK corded purse with broken catch left in post of fice Saturday, about 5:30. Con tained ration books issued in name of Morris, valuable papers. Please leave at Bulletin office or phone Esther Morris at ll-F-12. LAST WEEK between Catholic church and Allen school, white agate necklace with black initial "M'. Return to 500 Lava Road for reward.' SMALL WHITE part terrier dog, tan ears, answers to name of Butch. Reward. C. W. Soger, Rt. 1, Box 191. STRING OF PEARLS, downtown area somewhere. If found please call 1040. No value except senti mental. Will be deeply grateful if finder will return. Reward. LAPEL PIN shape of beetle bug, amethyst body and emerald head. Near Pine Tavern. Owner has matching pin. Reward. Call U.S. C.S. Phone 160. MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINES repaired, ten years experience. Needles, oil, and parts lor all makes. Work guaranteed. Call 957-J. 235 E. Franklin. I AM STILL fixing drivewavs. Dark cinders, $6.00 per 5 yd. load. Keel cinders ST.OU. Top soil $7.00. Fertilizer $4.00 per yard. Deliv ered in one or more yards. Phone 625 or see me at 1360 Cumberland Ave. NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property. List your property with us for quick sale. N. R. Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. SEWING MACHINE service. W. E. Johnson will be at Henderson's Repair Shop. Minnesota Ave., for a week. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. rnune ooo or zj.-r-4. Mrs. urinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box-1,64, Bend. INCOME TAX reports and busi ness statements prepared at your convenience including evei.ings and Sundays. H. T. Merritt, 202 Auui.-Huii ftve. uo oui iNorin rirsi Street to Thurston and 2 blocks west. BE WISE, hire thr. anrti buyers like to hear. Rates and oaies ijiiocrts Real Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook, Terrebonne. Oregon. Phnnn collect. RED RYDER WELL, AC,1 DD W CHORE 5-rVMLEr) fWWDr. LITTLE AOU &ETCHUA- i Wl'LL READ IT 600r0 AS 1 fSHUCKS, LITTLE BEAVfJ. HORSE A TOUR tfOTE TO RED RIDER AfV KAVER ' PACK ) (50T-U LETTER FOR tJLll 1 NAIL UP THIS HOR5E ( SHOES HAVE NOTHIM1 TDO WlTrtV VISITED TM'OWEArAAARSHAL-'-JIR FRO RIMROCK WOU, RED RIDER .y ( LJ iSL SHOE ' jmmmtr H LUCK.' r? N0W,H0DOWERO&THATa;! ALREADY.V-rjrTT Mk lyryC. .wvmTJN " ALL SArAE, HORSE- MISCELLANEOUS MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine parts. Factory trained. Elmer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. SEWING MACHINES: Any and an maKes oi sewing macmnes re paired by certified Singer Sew ing Machine Co, representative. Work guaranteed. Also will pay cash for used treadle and electric sewing machines. Write 640 Wil lamette Street, Eugene, Oregon, for appointment. Will be In Bend for short time only. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. William A. Davis Succeeds Vinson Washington, March 7 UPi Chairman William H. Davis of the war labor board will succeed Fred M. Vinson as director of eco nomic stabilization, the White House announced today. Vinson was confirmed, by the senate yesterday as the new fed eral loan admlnistor. He will take over his new duties tomorrow. George Wi Taylor, now vice- chairman of the WLB, will become ', its chairman. Davis and Vinson have been! among the most prominent f lg- ures in tne acimimstrauon pro gram to combat inflation. Taylor is generally credited with being the author of the "Little Steel formula of wage stabilization." Davis Appears Winner 4 Davis has been head of the WLB since its formation and has had intimato knowledge of virtually every major wartime wage dis- MK . The realignment of the adminis tration's stabilization team ap peared to give Davis a victory in his months-old feud with Vin son over Vinson's order restricting so-called "fringe" wage increases. Vinson ruled that there could kbe no so-called fringe increases if they necessitated any price in crease. The WLB, particularly Davis, contended that it could is sue directives for fringe increases and that Vinson then could ap prove them even if price increases were necessary. Chinese Capture Lashio Airfield Chungking, March 7 mi The Chinese First army under Lt. Gen. Sun Li Jon, assisted by an Amer ican army task force, captured the old Burma road junction town of Lashio and its airfield today in the climax of a thrcc-wecks' of fensive. A communique announced that Old Lashio was taken by storm after defeating Japanese troops in a series of hard-fought delay ing actions. Work or Jail Bill Teeth Are Barred Washington, March 7 till The senate today overwhelmingly re jected a "work-or-jail" amend ment to pending manpower legis lation. The vote, 60 to 23, came on a proposal to require every man from 18 fo 45 not qualified for military service to take an essen tia war Job under threat of $10,000 fine and five years im prisonment. WOULD AID MANILA San Francisco, March 7 tin Mayor Roger Lapham today ap roved a resolution creating a city sponsored trust fund for the re building of Manila and called upon residents of San Francisco and other communities to con tribute through a "parade of dimes." 7; 1945 At the Capitol Tonight Adh Richards ind Brim Donlcvy in t of t great an! glorious nation, Ahttn nlna hllctat 1-nct Infaetn. tlon, disastrous to sugar and other I white pine, advanced 65 miles i m:I,'il :-Tai W:WJ :J If II I J J i ri::i,'iwn:n:w,iH.n MOUtC Tlre$rott Home & Auto Wall at Minnesota WHO'S CLEANING Heating Plumbing LOCAL CARTAGE DRY' CLEANING plumbing bend-portland OF QUALITY Steam Fitting Repairs and Hat Blocking "ZZttJ, TRUCK SERVICE Capitol Cleaners -CSlMSk r .r? D"T 827 Wull Phone 624 BL mm npp, rrBW,-- Warner. Plumbing Phone 544 CESSPOOL SERVICE 143 Greenwood Phone 217-W " rzrz r 1 Trees Shrubs Vines CesspoTrsrprticnTanks MONUMENTS Roses - Evergreens SSSSSm d C CARYL ZJrJ InHurS you more efficient op- K. C. CAKTL StZd.."S B F Rhodes & Son The Monumenr Man" Will compete with all catalog Phone Sflfl-W or ll-K-28 15H3 Awhrey Rd. Tel. 629-M HAINES NURSERY ELECTRICAL a t i c Cor. East 8tU and Norton ; lllommv Refrigerator Service Phone fl5 Bend, ore. ELECTRIC All Types of Mechanical Service INSURANCE Contract Wiring On ' Appliance Repair DFCRiaFQ ATflD STATE FARM MUTUAL Electrical Supplies KEI"KHLKA I UKJ AUTO FIRE LIFE Fluorescent Lights COMMERCIAL ei.ll, ni GE Mazda Lamps HOUSEHOin 60 SneHOCK, DlSt. Mgr. c ... . c, . . nJU3cn-i.u 321 Drake Koad Phone 316 bmiffl S CieCtriC Oregon Equipment Co. John W. Smith, Agent 1183 Wall Phone 98 Horn! l Mlnrnwna f hmn MxH 15XH Awlirwy ltd. Phone WtH-W Long Distance Hauling" ComiTOrclol Printing of Quality BEACH TRUCK SERVICE PHOTOGRAPHIC OFFSET ' Tel. 168 839 Columbia LETTERPRESS THE BEND BULLETIN GfOdS Movement Phone S6 J) at&tu tender scent from M-G-M't lagn "As American Romance." ' f 11 r-tti .it- eniiih HuHnn 1Qdd Intn usil. liable forests in northern Cali- forma. WHEN YOU NEED NEW TRACTOR TIRES GROUND exclusive VAN.-; in ft Yi AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES PAGE SEVEN 'ROCK' SHOE HER PRIZE Klngfleld. Me. (IP) Miss Wilma Woodward of Kingf leld has a unique-collection of shoes In cluding a pair from every state in the Union. But her most prized specimen is not a shoe at all but a small rock polished - up to re semble a hand-carved shoe. . LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the coun ty court of the state of Oregon for Deschutes county appointed ex ecutrix of the estate of Flora E. Wlest, deceased, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby required- to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Ross Farnham, attorney at law, in Bend, Oregon, within six months after the date hereof. Dated and published first time March 7, 1945. . MARION WIEST COE, Ex ecutrix, Estate of Flora E. Wiest, Dee. 78-84-90-960 CRIP TIRES 74e? five yau EXTRA TRACTION Up to 215 extra Inches of ttacrJoa bar length per tractor. BETTER CLEANING Continuous self-cleaning tread design ... assures a deep, strong traction bite at all times. LONGER LIFE Triple-braced traction ban . . will not bend or allow slippage which results in excessiva tread wear. ; The only tractor tire with these values ... ALLEN Phone 860 BEND By FRED HARman