PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1 945 di to in Stocks Advance To New Highs ;; ' By Elmer C. Wataer . (United Preaa Financial Editor)'1 . New York, March 6 IP Stocks advanced today, to new highs since 1937 on sharply .increased trading. ' The advance developed shortly : before noon after an early decline had turned the list irregularly lower. . Inability of a sharp drop and ' active turnover in Alleghany Cor poration issues to depress prices generally allayed fears of market operators and brought In new buying. The break in Alleghany Corpo ration' stocks arid in issues of Nickel Plate and Pere Marquette followed an ICC announcement that Alleghany should be divested of control of its subsidiary com panies on the theory it got this control in violation of JCC reg ulations. ; ' Spare Articles Can Be Turned to Classified Rates ' Local Paid !n Advance " 25 Words One Time .... 85c 25 Words Three Times ... 75c 25 Words Six Times . $1.85 Ail words nir IS mdi 1 wor tin bomb! of tnMrtlon Oh Month ran, uno eon, Vt m nn Mlnlmnil Chftrgo, IU LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c , CUMiriad Adrortblnt, Cuh In Adnnn - U.llf Clwln Tim. 13 lie f.U. FOB SALE WICKER BABY BUGGY $5.00. Pre-war davenport for $20.00. Call at 303 Riverfront. Canal Protection Sought in Bill Establishment of slaughter houses, turkey pens or other such Institutions likely to create un sanitary conditions adjacent to Central Oregon canals, is banned in legislation passed late yester day by the Oregon Slate senate, according to a report received today from Salem. The measure is House Bill 224, and its violation would result in fines not less than $50 or more than $500. The bill covers all irrigation canals fed by the Deschutes river, south of the confluence of that stream with Crooked river. The senate passed the measure unanl mously. NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy shlDDlng distance. Write today for price list to Ore eon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. FOB SALE WANTED 1941 CONTINENTAL trailer house, 3 rooms, electric brakes, 30 ft. long, 8 ft. wide. Also Ford dump truck and parts for '34 Ford sedan. 1360 Cumberland. WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all Irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Llchtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. s TO RENT farm with 30 or more acres under irrigation. Write to C. C. Dennis, Sisters, Oregon, Gen eral Delivery. . A NUMBER of nice dresses, slightly used, sizes 38 and 40. In quire at 1345 Jacksonville St. TWO WHEEL trailer, 16" tires, for $22.50. Can be seen at 1314 Columbia. Bend Lions Hear Distillery Talk In the interest of the war effort, distilleries have operated on a 24 hour basis for the past two years, producing Industrial alcohols used in the manuiacture or tires, am munition and plastics, V. A. Mea gher, representative of a distil lery, told members of the Bend Lions club at their luncheon meet ing today noon in the Pine Tav ern. He aded that the federal liquor tax for one year is $1,400, 000,000. Methods used in manufac turing were discussed. It was announced at the meet ing that the Bend Lions club leads the entire 17th district in member ship gains and attendance. MODERN HOUSES: Small down payments. Immediate possession, two bedrooms, shower, some fur niture, $1700, $300 down, $30 month. Another only $1900, $400 down. $25 month, well built, ga rage, woodshed. Furniture for sale cheap. Anne Forbes, 30 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. 40 ACRES, 35 acres water, 5 room house, two car garage with two rooms, poultry nouses, capacity 5000. dairy barn, woven wire fenc ing, electricity. One mile west of Redmond. : Frank Nutley, Keu-mond. 1 SMALL part enamelled wood cook stove $15.00, 1 lour burner gas cook stove $30.00. 125 Lafay ette. Phone 787-J. BULLS of all kinds, Hereford, Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to freshen. Sad dle horses and saddles. Franks Service Station. Phone 78-J, W. R. Franks, Redmond. $5000 BUYS large modern home, close In, paved street, 75 ft. front age. $1600 buys 3 room modern. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. TWO HOLSTEIN bull calves, two days old. Ole Hansen, Rt. 2, Box 32, Bend. INCOME PROPERTY: Good start for auto court, 2 three room mod ern cabins, neatly- furnished, al ways rented. Two bedroom mod ern cottage, wired for electric range. $5000, loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. BARGAINS IN RANCHES: 3' miles from Bend, 40 acres, 35 C. O. I., 4 room house, cistern, electric ity, 20 acres ready for crop. Only $2500, $1000 down, $30 month. An other 40 acres, 35 C. O. I., 2 good houses, some farm machinery, $3200, $1200 down, $350 year. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. GOAT FERTILIZER, $1.00 per sack ground, 50c unground, de livered in Bend, 25c and 50c a sack at ranch. E. L. Groff, across track east of Evans Fly Co. Rt. 1, Box 174, Bend. Phone 152. SOMEONE to cut wood and posts on shares. H. K. Douglas, Rt. 2, Box 101-A, 4 miles northwest of Bend. TO TRADE double Jenny Linn bed springs and mattress for one twin size oea springs ana mat' tress,, also dresser for chest of drawers. Phone 787-J. MISCELLANEOUS MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen ulneparts. Factory trained. Elmer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. INCOME TAX reports and busi ness statements prepared at your convenience including everiings and Sundays. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston Ave. Go out North First Street to Thurston and 2 blocks west. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, any make in good condition. In quire 743 Harmon. Phone 1135. TO BREED female Cairne Ter rier. Papers'not necessary. Gladys Hornin". 1645 Awbrcy Road. Tel. 876-M. YOUNG WOMAN wishes room or small apartment, preferably with board. Inquire Bulletin. HELP WANTED RELIABLE EXPERIENCED service station man. Steady job, good working conditions. See E die at Eddie's Sales & Service. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. 15 TONS alfalfa hay, and one team work horses. 3'4 miles other side of Tumalo. Rt. 2, Box 188, David E. Zuck. PERMANENT, profitable connec tion; excellent earnings. Choice rural routes open. Customers establisted. Write Watkins Prod ucts. 4512 Hollis St., Oakland 8, California. SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polishes. Many styles of personal brushes available Lloyd Wheadon. 1714 Steidl, Bend. Phone 594. BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19 F-3 collect. . .. Alaskan Colony irport Matanuska, Aldska, March 6 UPi the Bend airport yesterday eve. ning. v ' The officers explained to the group that the general public had quite often confronted them with the question. "Just what do you fellows do In this CAP?" So, after six months of hard work' and conferences with army and air- After producing its first surplus I corps officers, Lt. Belknap, with SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 Or 21-F.d Mrs Rrlncnn O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. SEWING MACHINES: Any and all makes of sewing machines re paired by certified Singer Sew ing Machine Co. representative. Work guaranteed. Also will Dav cash ior used treadle and electric sewing machines. Write 640 Wil lamette Street, Eugene,. Oregon, for appointment. Will be in Bend for short time only. : EXPERIENCED stenographer, permanent, full time position, good opportunity for right per son. Write Box 971 care of The Bulletin. 4 BEDROOM modern houses: East side, paved street, 3 lots, fur nace, can keep horse. $4000, loan available. West side, large living room, double garage, yard fenced, $3500, $1000 down, $40 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. . Vessel Wrecked By Explosion Vancouver, B. C, M a r c H 6 (BUP) The wrecked 10,000-ton freighter, Greenhill Park, turned Into a blazing coffin for an unof ficially estimated six or srven men by ammunition explosions, Was being towed to sea today, reported ly to be sunk. The Parks steamship vessel nor mally carried a crew of 52 and 25 to 30 of them were believed to have been aboard at the time of the blast. However, a preliminary check indicated that all but six or seven of them managed to escape, but some of the survivors were seriously injured. MUST SELL by Wednesday noon, Reo flatbed truck, one maple twin bed set, garden cultivator and tools, and carpenter tools, and miscellaenous articles. Inquire Downing Hotel, Room 37, C. E. spring.,;-; 7x9 AXMINSTER rug and pad, good condition. 1928 Hurley David son motorcycle, good tires. First road left after crossing bridge Trap Club road, 3rd house on right. SEMI-MODERN HOUSES: Clean two bedroom, near Ordnance Shop, hot and cold water, $1250, $300 down, $30 month. West side, Newport, neat 3 room, cellar, fuel, $1000, $300 down, $20 month. East side Vi acre, 3 bedrooms, some furniture, $1400, $400 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. CHICK BROODERS, infra-red electric 250 chick type, special $15 complete with lamps. 100 chick size $9 complete. Bend Elec tric Co., 644 Franklin. YOUNd HEAVY fat hens dress- ed on order. Orders filled on Sun day If i phoned early. Phone 1070-W, Or call at 147 E. Olney. Health Schedule ForWeekGiven The Deschutes county depart' ment of public health has re leased the following weekly sched- ule to be met by those who have registered appointments: Wednesday, 1-4 p.m. Child health conference In Bond at the health department offices in the courthouse. Thursday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Im munlzation clinic at Princvllle grade school. Friday, 1 p.m. Regular tmmu nization clinic In Bend at the health department offices. Buy National War Bonds Now! $10,000 BUYS 120 acres C.O.I, wa ter, 80. acres cultivated, 35 acres alfalfa,.- good house and barns, electricity, phone, close to school and grange hall. $6000 cash han dles, block and equipment can be purchased. Possession short time. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. TWO-MAN shearing plant, com plete. m at d-d Club after 3 p. m. Phone 112. CAFE IN BEND, good business, owner leaving town. Stock in cluded. Reasonable price. Write care of Bulletin No, 893. LIVING ROOM SET, desk, coffee table, radio, refrigerator, rug and pad, breakfast set. Call at 67 Haw thorne between 4 and 6:30 or call 30-F-23. LIVING ROOM SET, dinette set and miscellaneous furniture. Call 547-W. 2 GOOD MILK cows. Route 1, Box 441. Bert Russell, Vi mile east, Vi mile south Bend Trap Club. TIATAN JUNIOR chain saw com plete with two chains, $575.00. Terms if desired. Write Carl Frid lund, Box 734, Sisters, Oregon. FOB SALE OB TRADE 15 ACRES, one mile west Oak land, Oregon, on black top road, new improvements, no electricity. Price $3500 cash. William Brddley, Douglas County, Oakland, Oregon. FOB BENT 2 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, utilities included. Close in. Phono 1083, or call 623 Hill St. 17 TONS of alfalfa hay, 1944 first cutting, $16.50 per ton for 5 tons or more. Vlck Reynolds Ranch, 2 miles west on "B" Slrect, V4 mile north from Redmond. FITTED FUR trimmed brown coat, size 16. Inquire 378 Georgia. Is Your Car on Crutches? Is it hard to steer and does it make you tired to drive it? Are your tires getting smooth? Then your car needs a BEAR WHEEL ALINE MENT check-up. Drive in . . . we can tell you in just a few minutes if wheel alinement and balancing is nocessary. Central Oregon's Complete AUTO REPAIR SERVICE Stop . Look and Listen to our advice to you. Stop fast driving , , . Look for the first sign of wear . . . Listen for motor irregu larities. You'll find Eddie's completely equipped shop, operated by factory trained mechanics, the place to bring your car. CAR WASHING and POLISHING ' ' Ajid Remember. . . "RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S" EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE Wall and Greenwood Phone 64 3 ROOM cottage. Frigldaire and electric stove. Water and lights furnished. 2 room cabins. Wood, water and lights furnished. Plass Signal Service on south highway. FURNISHED APARTMENT close In. Wood, water, lights fur nished. 416 Hill. VACANCY, WESTONIA Apart ments, March 20th. Modern, elec trically equipped, bedroom, wash ing facilities, garage. Apply Elsie A. uunn, manager, Apartment 7, West Third and Portland. 3 ROOM furnished semi-modern, newly cleaned house with fire place and indoor toilet. Adults pre ferred. Call at 147 E. Olney. 2 ROOM furnished house not mod ern, easy distance to mills, garage u aesireu. Apply mi Klverlront. WANTED WANTED TO BUY used furni ture, one piece or a truckload. Phone 1156, 350 Division. TO BUY child's small tricvcle. Phone 182-R, or contact at 1514 W. 3rd. EXPERIENCED SECRETARY OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT PERMANENT POSITION WITH LOCAL CONCERN STATE EXPERIENCE, ETC. WRITE, BULLETIN 977 SITUATION WANTED WORK WANTED, by local young woman. Experience in posting, fil ing, time sheets, typing, and as telephone operator. Write No. 990 care of Bulletin. USED CABS 1935 MASTER deluxe Chev. 4- door sedan, $400.00. See it at Mountain Camp View camp grounds, Redmond, Oregon. 1940 FORD pickup. Call at D-D Club after 3 p. m. Phone 112. . i LOST LADY'S BLACK corded purse with broken catch teft in post of fice Saturday about 5:30. Con tained ration books Issued in name of Morris, valuable papers. Please leave at Bulletin office or phone Esther Morris at ll-F-12. ' SMALL WHITE part terrier dog, tan ears, answers to name of Butch. Reward. C. W. Seeer. Rt. 1. Box 191. WRINGER ROLLS! t All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DA RON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. garden truck crop In the.ten years of Its existence, the Matanuska farm colony today prepared to build a $300,000 airport so it can ship garden, dairy and meat prod ucts to remote parts of Alaska. Approval of the airport project was given here yesterday at a con ference attended by Col. Otto F. Ohlson, general manager of the Alaska railroad, and Marshall C. Hoppin, Tacoma Park, Md re gional director of the civil aero nautics authority. The airport site, now being ex amined by CAA engineers, will oe constructed by farmers them selves, with the expectancy of government aid. The field will be large enough to accommodate all freight and aircraft, officials of the Farmers' cooperative said. Pay Off Debt Don Irwin, Basin, Wyo., mana ger of the ARRC, pointed out that 15 of the 200 families making up the colony have paid their debt to the government in the past three years and now hold title to their lands. He estimated at this rate, all the families could own their lands within five years. The pioneers came to the fertile valley in 1935 under auspices of the federal government. The average Matanska tract contains 80 acres, currently ap praised at $7,000. Last year, the farmers paid $75,000 to the gov ernment on their indebtedness. Two CAP Officers Visit Bend Group Capt. Clarence Graham, com manding officer, CAP group 2, of the state of Washington, and Lt. Burton Belknop, adjutant and photographic officer, were guests of the local civil air patrol squad ron at last night's meeting. The two officers made the flight from Spokane, Wash., and landed on the aid of Spokane squadron tal ent, had completely filmed,. direct ed and produced a technicolor film, "Flying Minute Men of The CAP", which outlines CAP work in all phases. The film was shown to the Bend squadron at last night's meeting immediately following the cadet first aid class. Oregon Bill Is Withheld Salem, Ore., March 6 HP) There will be no indiscriminate killing of sea lions on the Oregon coast under an agreement worked out today between the Oregon fish commission and sponsors of a sea lion bill in the house ofepre sentatives. The commission approved is suance of permits for $hootjng of sea lions in a limited area at the mouth of the Rogue river, where sea lions are reported, to swim. In and kill salmon.,. In return for this action, Rep. W. W. Balderee and Rep. Fred W. Adams said no further action would be taken on their. bill (HB 36) which would have opened up all the coast, except Lane county, to killing of sea lions. -. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife service objected to the bill and Dr. Ira Gabrielson, h e a d of the agency, told the commission he would send a scientist to Oregon in April to study the habits of sea lions and determine u uiey are predatory on saimon. ur. uaonei son said he believed salmon wer only a meager part of the sea lion diet.; .. v.. .-.v ;. , GETS FINGEBPBINTS BACK Hagerstown, Ind. IIP) Wilfred Knapp was happy when he heard he could have his fingerprints back. Judge Gustave H. Hoelscher ruled that Knapp's request be granted. After Knapp was proven innocent of a grand larcery charge, .he asked for his finger prints, since he was not a , law violator and didn't want them on file. - Buy National War Bonds Now! (RSeeSSJh M proof 60S groin nwfral plrh. ' " w I Sgj' Schtnl.y Dlttillw Corp., N. V- ' PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 6 IIP) Livestock: cattle 200, calves 25. Active, steady. Medium steers $13.0014.50; top Monday $16.50.! Good fed heifers Monday $15.00. j 15.50. Canner-cutter cows : and I heifers today $7.00-9.50. Medium- j good beef cows salable $11.00-' 13.25. Bulls quotable $11.0013.50. 1 Good-choice vealers $14.50-16.00. Hogs 100. Quotable steady. Good-choice 170-300 lbs. salable up to $15.75. Good sows $14.75-15.00. 1 Feeder pigs quotable $16.50-17.50. ! bheep 50. quotable steady. ! Good-choice wooled lambs stable up to $15.75. Few common lambs unsold, quotable down to $11.00. Good ewes salable $7.50-8.00. STRING OF PEARLS, downtown area somewhere. If found please call 1040. No value except senti mental. Will be deeply grateful if finder will return. Reward. LAPEL PIN shape of beetle bug, j amethyst body and emerald head. Near Pine Tavern. Owner has matching pin. Reward. Call U.S. j C.S. Phone 160. MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINES repaired, ten years experience. Needles, oil, and parts for all makes. Work guaranteed. Call 957-J. 235 E. Franklin. I AM STILL fixing driveways. Dark cinders, $6.00 per 5 yd. load. Red cinders $7.00. Top soil $7.00. Fertilizer $4.00 per yard. Dellv erad in one or more yards. Phone 625 or see me at 1360 Cumberland Ave. NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property. List your property with us for quick i saie. in. k. uiiDert s Keal Estate, 1015 Wall. Piles! Ow!! But He SMILES, Now Be wis ha he was. Use aamo formuta used ty awitirt aujuncuveiy at noieu morn- t ton & Minor Clinic. Surprising QUICK i falllativo relief of patn. ttcti, soreness. ; lelps aofton and tends to shrink swell ing:. Oct tuba Thornton & Minor's Rectal ! Ointment or Thornton St Minor Rectal j b utmost tones. If not delighted with this DOCTORS' way, low cost is rnfundeO. At all good drug stores everywhere. Fully Equipped For Modern Drugless Treatment Spina) Adjustment Physio ' Therapy 'Tox Eliminator Diagnosis, X Hay and Heart Graphing Dr.R. D. Ketchum Chiropractic physician 124 Minnesota Ave. Phono 794 Cherry Blossom Paltom DINNER SERVICE 53-PcSet 16.95 -' You'll enjoy this refreshing cherry blossom doslgn more every time you use this dainty set. Light weight. Will not "check." 94-Piece Set ....29.95 Houk-Van Allen Tirtstone Heme & Auto Supply 800 Wall St. Phone 860 It's a Cinch With Factory Engineered Parts $5000 Worth of Dodge-Plymouth Parts on Hand! .USE CHRYSLER CORPORATIONS . PARTS MoPar ACCESSORIES ' PARTS DIVISION PRODUCTS You'll be ahead, too, if you take advantage of our AUTO REPAIR SERVICE NEW SHOP NEW EQUIPMENT EXPERT MECHANICS Backed By Our 28 Years of Experience EASY TERMS If you have an expensive overhaul job, we can fi nance it for you inexpen sively with as little as 20 down payment. Yes, we're ready again to give you fine mechanical service on any make of car with thorough workmanship guaranteed from the slightest adjust ment to a complete overhaul job. Motor Rebuilding All Repairs Complete Lubrication NEW MOTORS Dodge - Plymouth Factory-new motors, ready to install in your car. Ask about them. 12 months to pay. DRIVE IN FOR A CHECK-UP Open 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. CENTRAL OREGON MOTOR CO. 825 Bond St. Distributor: Dodge-Plymouth Passenger Cars Dodge Job-Rated Trucks J. L. VanHuffel Phone 26 RED RYDER I'LL CAIL YOUR LETTR . WAIT Art' a A rfiSrA (TO RYDER, ACE. THErt VV( SEE, PV flm34'-7 m SEE TH' mR5HAL,-.. KWFE .' JHf 4lV Jt AOrTSX PUT 1 STILL CAN'T -L. sQl B A6BIZ TO PUT WS FLAH Or IRpifflMPiL ivvV I I 7 AGAin&T RED RIDER.' . yCfA5 J By FRED HARMAN THAI'S RluHT, OVERHEARD PI AIMWIM' TO ROb MISS EL5TARR5 V I 1 -1 -tir Hi.