PAGE FIVE v THE RFMD BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. TUESDAY. MARCH 6, 1945 Local News TEMPERATURES Maximum yesterday, 39 decrees. Minimum last night, 22 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperatures: 10 p. in., 26 de grees; 10 a. ni., SI degrees. Veloc ity of wind: 10 p. m., two miles; 10 a. m., six miles. The Grange Hall community ladies aid will meet Thursday with Mre. Walter Pritchard of Rt. 2, it was announced today. Miss Rosie Rukaveno left yes terday' afternoon for Medford, where she is to visit her two-Veek-old nephew and his mother, Mrs. Paul Rukaveno. Mrs. Tom Edwards and children, Nancy and Jacqueline, are here from Klamath Falls visiting Mrs. ft. J rM.irawle' namnlc 1V.T,- anrl J. F. Arnold. F. V. (Jack), Horton, assistant regional forester with headquar ters at the United States Forest service offices in Portland, is spending the week in the city at tending the work analysis confer ence which is currently in session at forestry headquarters in the postoffice building. A former resi METRO GOLDWYN MAYER'S TECHNICOLOR TRIUMPH P rvje SEE whippy X (r with ENDS ' ' ' ' Charles Tonite vu zr rj" 35c 2 HITS BARGAIN NIGHTS But thar. arc women who carry with tham foravcr the memory of the kits they gave ... for Love. GREAT DRAMA OF vlOU-hT LOVE AND HIGH COURAGE! MARCH STEM fo tfTtR-pK D Rl IN V X tiiui&N I in" ..... nil 11 II D 1 iiursn ULLbl .Mtf JUDY ClrVKn hie MwnS2J rnSnm dent of Bend, Horton at one time was a member of the Deschutes national forest staff. Mrs. Leo Hebring left this morn ing for Portland. J. A. Fountain, Deschutes coun ty assessor, left today for Port land where he will undergo medi cal attention for three weeks. Campfire and Bluebird guardi ans havo been asked to turn in their material for window dis plays to Mrs. Joe Elder, 610 New port, by Wednesday. Lt. Marm Cappell, Jr., of the Redmond army air field, last night was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn. Glenn Stockton, PrineviUe, was here today on business. Capt. R. L. Margison, stationed at the Redmond army air field, viisted Bend friends last night. Lt. Charles Dauherty of the Redmond army air field, was a Bend caller today. H. N. Watenpaugh and Donald V. Street from regional headquar ters of the U. S. bureau of recla mation at Boise, Ida., today passed through Bend en route to Prine- ville where they will make an eco nomic study of the Ochoco irriga tion project. Sgt. R. G. Green and family of the Redmond army air field, last night were guests at the Pilot Butte inn. 4 BIS DAYS STARTING TOMORROW SHOWS AT 7 AND 9 nn-nmwnn RomniKg RNN RICHARDS Boyer Irene Dunne TOGETHER AGAIN' TONIGHT TOMORROW -k 35c 2 HITS i" ""a PLUS 2nd Bargain Night HIT! TORCHING THE TOWN WITH A TORRID TEMPO TURNING N FRED SANBORN xifl The Mill rave aK. v -n .. 1 MJSH"WE LIVE f JKUE AGAIN" Fght ihtoN 1 DAW p-nn I rHl "Nb 1 Miss Dorothy Loehr, formerly of Fort "Lewis but - now under transfer to the Barnes General hospital at Vancouver, Wash., Is visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Loehr, 821 Columbia avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lawson and son, John, former Bend residents, visited here briefly en route from Portland to their ranch at Geyser villo, Calif. While here they called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Loehr, 821 Columbia avenue, and Mrs. Frank Loehr, 824 Portland avenue. Law son was employed in the Oregon shipyard at St. Johns. John, a graduate of the Roosevelt high school, displayed a merit award won there for scholarship and participation In school activities. Lts. J. W. Deigman, M. J. Des sel and Maxwell J. Garner of the Redmond army air field, last night visited Bend friends. The Women's Benefit associa tion will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Sons of Norway hall, at which time Miss Edith Hollins head will be hostess, It was an nounced today. int-rc win uc a suppci meeting i of the P.EO. Sisterhood I at the, iiuiiit; ul xvua. .au i-iiiiuu, wjo West Third street, Thursday at 7 p.m. Officers for the coming year are to be elected. The Theta Rho club will meet at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the I.O.O.F. hall to make arrangements for a reception for the state president of the Theta Rho, who is expected here soon, it was announced today by Miss Eva Kittleson, president of the group. She urged all mem bers to attend tomorrow's meet ing. The Eagles auxiliary will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Moose hall, it was announced today by Mrs. W. M. Loy, president of the organization. Mrs. Ed Banks, of 82 Sullivan place. Bend, is recovering from a major operation on Feb. 23 at the Medical-Dental hospital in Seattle, according 'to word received here today. Pfc. Andrew F. Juras, former child welfare consultant here, is spending a 30-day leave in Bend with his wife after duty on New Guinea. Carol Madsen has returned to his home in Salem after spending the weekend in Bend with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Madsen. OPA Volunteers To Be Honored Speakers at the Office of Civil ian Defense dinner tomorrow eve ning in the Pine Tavern at 7 o'clock honoring OPA volunteer workers will include Carl A. John son, president of the Bend cham ber of commerce, and representa tives of the OPA office in Port land, it was announced today. Johnson is to express on behalf of the Bend community thanks for the volunteer assistance given the Bend war price and ration board by scores of workers. It is expected that 50 or more persons will attend the dinner, as guests of the OCD. All invited guests who have not .yct replied are being asked to notify the local OPA office, 494, or Mrs. George Simerville, 336-M, by early Wed nesday. OPA Official Coming John Barnett, district compli ance executive for the OPA, is scheduled to be present to greet the volunteer workers, as is Gus Hasenbrack, rationing representa tive. Local organizations who will have representatives present to join In the tribute to the volunteer workers follow: City of Bend, Mayor A. T. Nle bergall and City Manager C. G. Reiter; Kiwanis club, Dr. Grant Skinner; Lions club, Glenn Gregg; The Bulletin, Phil F. Brogan; Junior Chamber of commerce, Bruce Gilbert; Bend Chamber of commerce, Don H. Peoples; Amer ican Association of University Women, Mrs. Almeda Hoist; League of Women Voters, Mrs. Crosby Shrvlin; A. F. of L., J. L. Ross, and C.I.O., R. A. Scott. HEALTH KICrOKT MADE One case of whooping cough i was reported during the past week j by the Deschutes county public j health office with 100 per cent of I tne county doctors reporting. Buy National War Bonds Now! NEWS OF fAU society Items should be reported to The Bulletin nbt later thwi jef a m. "n the days oIsftuJb)n' Tuesdays, Thursdays and Mhs $ther Reid Is Fiancee of Dick Chester Climaxing a dinner party held last Saturday nigtu in the Pilot Butte Inn, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Reid of Carroll Acres announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Esther Reid, to Dick Chester, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Chester of South Third street Attending the dinner were: Mrs. G. F. Chester, Mr. H. A. Rein, Miss Helen Joyce, Mrs. J. C. Gil man, Mrs. R. L. Gustafson, Mrs. Eniil Dachtler, Mrs. Murel Nchl, Mrs. Edward Beckley, Mrs. Arthur Moore and Mrs. Sherman Dearth. - t faffr QlSCUSSeS Red Cross Work- The origin and functions of the American Red Cross were dis cussed last night by Bruno Rath, chairman of the Deschutes county chapter, before members of the Bend junior cnamoer oi cum merce auxiliary- ' Meeting at the home ol Mr. ana Mrs. Bruno Rath, the group con ducted its regular business meet ing, followed by a social nour. ine auxiliary pledged to furnish as sistants for tne puDitc neaim serv ice clinic with Mrs. James Bur gess serving as supervisor In charge of volunteers for this proj ect. Mrs. Don Higgins presented a list of those members who will assist In Red Cross headquar ters during the war fund drive. , Ladies of Moose Hold Final Party The last In a series of card parties sponsored by the Ladies of the Moose was held last Sat urday evening with Mrs. Roy Cooper rating high prize in the women s division. Second was Mrs. Louise Young- berg. In the men's division Fred Massev took first place and Bill Kirkpatrlck was awarded second prize. Members of the serving com mittee were Mrs. C. Hyte, Mrs. A. B. Estebenet, Mrs. Sam Blucher and Mrs. Joe Chabot Royal Neighbors Plan for Dance , Royal Neighbors of America met for their first meeting of the month last night in Norway hall with Oracle Stella Swagert pre siding. Following completion of regu lar business, plans were laid for a dance to be held in the hall Mon day, March 19, for Royal Neigh bors and their friends. Serving on the refreshment committe were Mrs. Wayne Ham ilton, Mrs. Joseph Egg, and Mrs. Ada Heibig. Mrs. Mabel Weaser and Mrs. Roy Youngberg were, in charge of entertainment. Ladies Aid Plan Rummage Sale A rummage sale sponsored by the Ladies Aid society of the First Lutheran church will be in ses sion Friday and Saturday at 82G Wall street. Members who have articles for donation are requested to leave them in the building Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. Women do you suffer simple AKEMIA Due to Loss of Blood-Iron? You girls who sutler from olmpla anemia or who lose bo much during monthly periods you feel tired, weak,, "dragged out" this may be due to low blood-lron ro try Lydla E. Pinkham's TABLETS at once. Pinkham's Tablets are one of the very beat home ways to help build up red blood to give more strength and energy la such cases. Pinkham's Tablets are one of the ftreatest blood-Iron tonics you can buyl Follow label directions. LydiaE. Pinkham's TA016T5 IMPERIAL CANDY COMPANY SEATTLE 4, WASHINGTON SOCIETY SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight 7:30 p. m. Degree of Honor executive meeting. Mrs. L. Clau-1 sen, 419 Georgia. j 8 p. m. circle l, catholic Altar society with Mrs. Dan P. Dacey, 725 Broadway. Wednesday 6:30 p. m. Disabled Ameri can Veterans and auxiliary meet ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Johnston, 444 Riverside. Pot luck dinner. 8 p. m. Circle 4 of the Cath olic Altar society will meet in the home of Mrs. William Hatch, 1022 Hill street. Thursday 2 p. m. AH group of the First Christian church women's council, win meet wltn Mrs. M. E. Carrier. 810 Newport, with Mrs. Nellie Johnson as group leader. ( p. m. ouo vadls group of the Women's council, First Chris tian church, will convene at the home of Mrs. T. M. Kribs, 1303 Newport avenue for a potluck dinner. Husbands of the members are invited. Mi's. Wilmctta Rein- hart Is group leader. a p. m. Norwegian Ladles club is to meet with Mrs. Oscar Engebretson, 100 Heyburn street. frluay 2 p. m. W.C.T.U. with Mrs. Raymond Wolfgram, 1502 Galvcsl ton avenue. 8 p. m. Rebekah lodge meet ing In I.O.O.F. hall. Evergreen Circle Honors Guests Members of the Evergreen cir cle met with Mrs. Roy Youncbere at her home last Thursday with jvirs. itoy uroweu and Mrs. Jerry Lyons as honored guests. it was announced that the next meeting of the group is scheduled for the home of Mrs. M. B. Smith, 193 Jefferson, Thursday, March 15. Mi's. Louis Youngberg and Mrs. R. H. Youngberg will be in charge of entertainment. Mrs. Minnie Sanders will assist the hostess. , Rebekah Lodge Schedules Regular Meet Friday Regular meeting of the Re bekah lodge will be held Friday at 8 p. m. in the I.O.O.F. hall. The refreshment committee Is composed of Mrs. W. M. Bevlns, Miss Esther Emory, Miss Ina Cram, Mrs. H. C. Frledlcy and Mrs. Fred Gibson. Three Children Die as Monrovia Home Occupied Monrovia, Calif., March 6 l' Mrs. Rose Alonzo and her three young children moved into a new Monrovia homo yesterday after noon. After getting some things set tled, Mrs. Alonzo went to the store alone, locking the door. Ten minutes later, the house burst Into flumes. The three children Rose, 4; Frank, 3, Stanley, 2 burned to death and pjl Svoe wv$u Airstep Pump Blink or brown light-weight J X i 1 calf. A styln shoe. sLfm Vi $6.95 m NEW NON-RATIONED ARRIVALS Red Platform Sandals Multicolored Pumps While Sling Sandals Red Cross Drive In Second Day j ' The American Red Cross fourth 1 war' fund drive swung lntoj its second day in Deschutes coun ty today, but returns from volun-l teer workers had not yet reached the point where it could be de termined if the drive slogan, "Fill the quota by the 12th", will be realized. Only scattered con tributions had been received at the Red Cross office in the cham ber of commerce building, at the foot of Oregon avenue, and firms j and mills had not yet started; making their returns. Bruce Gilbert, chairman of the county drive, said that owing toi lack of reports from Bend as; well as outside workers, he would be unable to estimate j-ecelpts thus far and give a true picture of the trend of the battle for 'mercy dollars." Cooperation Asked Bend business firms were asked to make their reports not tater than Wednesday evening. Gilbert felt that after these figures were in a better picture of conditions could be had. Meantime active workers from the Junior chamber of commerce, which is sponsoring the drive lo cally, were listed by unairman Harold Gentry. Virgil Lyons, Charles Morrison and Frank Prince, Jr., were chosen as "cap tains", and the following were assigned to work with them In local solicitation: Jerrv Chester. Don Connor, Virgil Moss, Fred Westlake, Mark Sanders, Norman Gilbert, Walt Howard. Len McDow, George Thompson and Mrs. Ralph Hens- ley. , Mrs. Don lllggins, cnairman ul the headquarters in the chamber offices, listed her aides as xouows: Released Mrs. William Barton, Mrs. George Thompson, Mrs. Charles Boardman, Mrs. w. n. nance, Mrs. C. J. Rademachef, Mrs. H. K. Marriott, Mrs. J. A. Burgess, Mrs. A. L. O. Sehuclor, Mrs. WaV lace Guthrie. Mrs. Bruce Gilbert, Mrs. C. G. Reiter, Mrs. Jerry Chrster, Mrs. Harold Gentry, Mrs, Wilfred Jossy, Mrs. Lowell Aplln, Mrs. Bruno Rath, Mrs. Harvey Field. Mrs. Howard Givan, Mrs, Jane Miles, Mrs. Richard Brandis and Mrs. Ward H. Coble. These women will alternate during the campaign, computing returns and accepting donations at Bend headquarters. Staffing the headquarters yesterday were Mrs. Reiter, Mrs. Chester, Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Brandis. Chairman Gilbert stressed to day that 1n order for business firms to get credit for themselves and employes, they must place the name of the firm on the top of the contribution list. SENATE CHANGE BILL Washington, March 6 (IP The senate today struck the $10,000 fine and year in jail penalty clause out of its version of the i manpower bill. The vote was 44 I to 35. Airstep Oxford Brown or turf Ian of xofl rrush ed leather. I 'unions AirHte.p Magic sole. $6.95 is ii i hi mmsieavt I four RED CROSS is at his side Let's put Deschutes County's Red Cross quota ii OYER THE TOP BY MARCH 12" Give Generously Give NOW! Space Courtesy WCI Lt '7H. PlAC T0 TRADE MISTAKE NO MISTAKE Sheridan, Wyo. (U'i-.-Ranchester and Dayton, twin cities In Sheri dan county, oversubscribed their quota in the sixth war loan drive by 248 per cent because they were given the wrong quota by the county finance chairman. " NOTE the clean skins... the golden color TASTE the flavorful juice in Desert Grapefruit Sunshine has blessed our Desert Grapefruit with full "alive" flavor . . . cloaked it in gold . . . packed it rich with vitamin C. In fact, you get an adult's primary Kupply of this vita min in just half a luscious Desert Grapefruit. Set out a golden half at breakfast. Enjoy its brac ing sunshine-flavor at lunch and dinner, too. And for a thirst-quenchor, try freshly squeezed Desert Grapefruit juice. U. S. Diplomat HORIZONTAL 56 Philippine island taken by MacArthur VERTICAL 1 Ignited 2 Fish 3 Rounded 4 Rabbits 8 Whirlwind 1 Pictured U. S. diplomat, 13 Notion, 14 Goddess of discord 15 480 sheets 18 The earth. 1 8 Cloth measure 19 Treaties 20 Lamprey 21 Nova Scotia (ab.) 22 Wingliko part 23 Goods cast overboard to lighten a ves sel in distress 26 Saturate 29 Before 6 Bird 7 Lubricates 8 Steamship (ab.) 0 Papal cape 10 Contradict 1 1 Burmese wood spirit 12 German river 17 Exclamation 19 Partner (slang) 30 Tasted 33 Pedal digit 34 Specific gravity (ab.) 35 Genuine 38 Sun god 37 Child 39 Conflict 41 Seine 42 Look fixedly 44 12 dozen 46 Crimson 47 Air ,'comb. form) 48 Outer garments 50 Daybreaks 53 Image of a divinity 54 Speaker's plntform 55 Solid ill 3 A fungus that, traps and de stroys insects has been discover ed; it sends out horizontal project ing threads that form a sort of a network which sends up columns that evurie an nrlhnsivo linnlrt nt I their- tops- to catch the tiny prey. 23 Jokes 41 Roosevelt nominated 24 Fungous dis ease of cereals 25 Remarkable variable star 26 Ravine 27 Centers 2S Warms 31 Fondle 32 Light touch 38 Marine fish him as am-; bassador to , on its liberation 43 Staggers 45 English dramatist 48 Chief 49 American 39 Sleeping humorist furniture (pi.) 51 Louse eKtr SSWSMa FROM .M20H$ - CAUfOUNIA ,Ji. ai AiHwrr 1 Fm!u Paul. 40 Minced oath 52 Compass point j Ii 13 14 1 Yi lb I 18 R 110 III l 13 XFw piS : is iTiS j:tT To Sn aTIZ? zrr: JTb u in I Tr ww-i 51 n"5 f ZI -Tjii 5T " wfr ans 50 51 ' H 1 I l l