PAGE SIX THE EFND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH G, 1945 Nation-Wide Drive For Urgently Needed Funds Now In Progress : .... FpTI ' ' Keeping Home Ties Secure-Giving Plasma to the Wounded Giving Sustenance to the Interried-The Red Cross Lends a Hand! Words can only enumerate the services ex tended by the Red Cross to service men and their families. But words can't begin to con vey the security, a fellow overseas feels when he knows the Red Cross has enabled his wife to be operated on: or the heartfelt thanks of a discharged man in uniform whom the Red Cross helps back to 'a niche in civilian life even in the face of disability! Nor can words quite tell what it means when the Red Cross makes it possible to get home to see per haps for the last time a dad or mother crit ically ill. Can words express what an interned American feels when the Red Cross passes him a box of food, smokes, mail from home? But let only words fail! Don't you fail to sup port the Red Cross by giving now and giv ing more to keep it at his side! Your Red Cross money goes far in miles, and in serv ice men's smiles! ESCHUTES COUNTY'S QUOTA $22,300 DESCHUTES COUNTY'S VOLUNTEER CAMPAIGN COMMITTEES: Deschutes County Red Cross Chairman: Bruno Rath. Deschutes County Red Cross War Fund Chairman: Bruce Gilbert, assisted by Carroll Meeks and Den Higgins. Bend: Junior Chamber of Commerce with Harold Gentry in charge of downtown solicitations; residential, Mrs. A. E. Stevens. Mills: Ben Hamilton and Marie Seargeant. Headquarters: Bend Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. Don Higgins, Chairman. Office Open 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Redmond: Redmond Kiwanis Club, Roy Carpenter, Chairman. Sisters: Mrs. J. B. Patterson and Maida Rossiter Bailey. Lapine: Wil liam Foss. Rural Areas: Mrs. McKinley Stoffel. GIVE MORE TO THE RED CROSS . . . THERE IS MORE WORK FOR THEM! THE RED CROSS IS AT WAR! 1 1 "