tHe bend bulletin, bend. Oregon. Friday, march 2. 1 945 F-AGE SEVEN t ff Special Issues Make Big Gains By Elmer C VVsJier ' (tlniud Ptcm Financial fcdftot") New York, March IP Stocks moved irregularly-on moderately active trading loaay. . nnenine firm and fairly active, thp list Went into a decline In the morning dealings but steadied later when traders turned their attention to special issues. Several specials had wide 'gains as much as 5-V4 points in Safe way stores whose directors Voted to split me siock mree ior one. Thpre were a few wide 'losses. notably in A. O. Smith which drODPeu v LKJlliia at us juw. v t. arv recessions were ascribed . I to technical items, including the jf usual weeK-ena evening up opera tions. Railroad shares, widest losses on the decline, were the first to come back. Norfolk & Western jumped more than 2 points. Chicago Great Western issues made new highs. So did Chesapeaks & Ohio although that issue later lost a fractional gain. It was heavily traded as were Baltimore & Ohio, New York Central, Lehigh Valley and Delaware, Lackawanna & Western. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 2 (IP) Livestock: Cattle 25, calves none. Steady on kinds available. Supply mostly canner-cutter cows at $7 9.50. Odd medium steers $14.00. Week's top good-choice steers $16.50. Best heifers $15.50. Common-medium bulls $9.50-11.50. Good heavy beef bulls quotable to $13.50. Good-choice vealers salable $14.50-15.50. Hogs 75. Active, steady. Supply limited to good-hcolce 170-215 lbs. ' $15.75; odd heads light lights and light sows $15.00. Good-choice feeder pigs salable $15.50-17.50. Sheen none. Nominally steady. Good-choice wooled lambs salable $15.0015.50; week's extreme top $16.00 on choice 108 lbs. Good ewes salable $7.50-8.00. Yanks on Rhine f Continued from Page One) post a stone highway bridge and the tops of two steel rail bridges were visible. All appeared to be intact. The capture of Trier, tify of 76,000, birthplace of Karl Marx and once overrun by CaesarVle- gions, was less spectacular. The v defenders did their fighting on the I j i outskirts, conapsea arter fatton s f T . , V 1 . .V... . nA II UUfJS ujunc lulu 111c lunii, nnu surrendered several hundred strong. -- ' United Press correspondent Rob crt Richards drove through Trier in a jeep at noon and saw no sign of resistance. He said civilians waved and cheered as the Amerl cans moved through Trier one of the few cases of an opportunist or actual w e 1 c o m e accorded tne Americans in Germany. BOUNTY PUT ON FOXES Salem, Ore., March 2 UP) Red and grey foxes, attention! The Oregon senate has given final passage to a bill (HB 170) adding you to the list of bounty predatory -animals. Tin-plating by electrolysis uses only half as much of the metal as the dipping process and gives a satisiactory coating. Faces Expulsion Marilyn Kaemmerle, above, 22-year-old Jackson, Mich., co-ed at William and Mary College, .Williamsburg, VaH faces possi ble suspension from the school for her recent editorial In the campus paper. The article, which caused banning of the Issue, advocated that Negroes should "attend William and Mary . 4 s participate in col lege function! ... be our room mates ... marry among us." WKmmmmmmmmmmm I i I 1 M i i Checkerboard Cafe DINNERS SHORT ORDERS HOME-MADE PIES FOUNTAIN SERVICE i a i d d i 1 35 Oregon 'm '. . a - . - - - - - Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad -Classified Rafts . 'local Paid In Advanc 23 Words One Time i.35e 25 Words Three Times .i...75e 5 WordsSix Times $145 Jul wi4a mr U M4 le wt4 Omm , . autat at bMrlMM Om MMk raa, an nrr, rmU UNfc KATE lOe CAPITALS 20o FOB SALE BROODER STOVES and parts tiectnc, 011, onquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. TWO RFTlPnTlM mnHafn Art paved street, large basement, good im-auun. 3,uu. r raim wcuarvey, taiiK ux Deng dag. MODEL A FORD, extra good rub ber, bedroom suite and other household articles. Call after 6:30 p. m. 434 Riverside. . CHICK BROODERS, infra-red electric 250 chick type, special $15 complete with lamps. 100 chick size $9 complete. Bend Elec tric Co., 644 Franklin. $3800 BUYS 5-bedroom modern home close to mills. Immediate possession. $3100 buys 4-bedroom modern, close in. $2500 buys laree 4-roorh modern furnished, west side. $2300 buys modern 5-room, norm side oh pavement C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. 1 80 ACRES, 70 acres C.O.I. Nice 5 room house. Electricity, mail and school bus route, mile tor grade school, small barn, garage and other buildings, land lays nice, all fenced and cross fenced. Can be bought with of without equip ment. Write Route 2. Hnv 23S Bend, Ore. EXCELLENT INVESTMENT op portunity in business property that will net fifteen per cent. For details see Frank MeGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. A LOVELY 5 room modern, hard- wooa iioors, lurnace, basement, garage, and large beautiful yard. Located Just Off South Third. You must see this home to appreciate it. Priced at $4450 with only $1750 cash, balance $50 per month. Gil berts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street.' ; ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, commercial size. Bend Vintage Shop or call 421. 1944 25-FOOT Continental house trailer; Used only short time. Open for inspection. . Harrison ptrairer camp- or' inquire at Red- mono tiowe., Keomond, Oregon. ONE LOT 50x110, 2 room cabin, One 8x14 and 7x18. One garage 14x20. Built-ins and water sink. 145 Baltimore, close to mills. 3 ACRE TRACT: With 3 acres Swalley water. 6 robni house, basement, fruit room, utility room. Good garage, chick house. 1 miles from city limits. "A real home. Priced at $4000 with $2000 down, balance on terms. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. MISCELLANEOUS household ar ticles. Call 505-W. 5 ROOM HOUSE, 4 lots. 611 W. 16th St. $1500, $200 down, $20 per month. Call l-F-12. ONE GARLAND range. Call Wm. A. Crampton,,351 West Railroad, Bend. MODERN 4 ROOM furnished house, with refrigerator, electric range. Three lots, garage, garden space, hen house, West side, Bend View, 2012 Trenton and Eastes. BEDROOM SUITE $50.00. Inner spring mattress and coil springs on oea. iarge vanity dresser and cnest 01 drawers. 1545 West 5th. ELECTRIC WASHING machine. sewing machine, pre-war daven port and chair, 3 bedroom suites. one with twin beds with ore-war spring ana inner-spring mattress es. Keo natDed truck, drag saw and other miscellaneous items. In quire Room 37, Downing Hotel. C. E. Spring. HERE IS a ranch that will pay for itself in one year. 25 acres new Alsike clover, 20 acres alfalfa, bal ance good spud ground. Eighty acres in all, C.O.I, district. Well improved, immediate possession $7,800. Frank McGarvev. Bank of Bend Bldg. OAK BUFFET, round oak table, 3 leaves, Kitcnen cabinet, breakfast set; electric range. Downing Hotel. Phone 39. HEAVY DUTY pre-war dual horns for car or truck, $12. 354 E. Irving. 2 GOOD MILK cows. Route 1, Box 441. Bert Russell, mile east, ii mile south Bend Trap Club. 3 ROOM modern house with ga rage ano iruit cellar. Inquire at 1934 West 2nd. INCOME PROPERTY: 5 rooms downstairs unfurnished and 3 apts. upstairs furnished. Revenue $95.00 per month., Full basement, iurnace wnn sawdust burner, bath upstairs and down. Priced at $6500. Also 5 room modern un furnished, basement and furnace. 4 two room apis, on back of lot, semi-modern, all furnished. Rev enue $88.50. Priced at $5000. See Gilberts Real Estate for terms. 1015 Wall Street. 1943 LANE walnut cedar chest.1 Just like new. $12.50. Call after I 6 p. m. at 1077 AwUey Road. . FOlt tsALE PRICE REDUCED from $8,500 to $7,500 for quick sale. Five room modern home and completely fur nished duplex, three lots, built only three years ago, good loca tion, some terms can be arranged. Shown by appointment. Frank MeGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. Phone 320. RABBITS Bred Goes and does with young. Rock Ranch, 5 miles north On old highway. Phone 18-F- QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. TWO-MAN shearing plant, com plete. Call at D-D Club after 3 p. m. Phone 112. CAFE IN BEND, good business. owner leaving town. Stock in cluded. Reasonable price, write care of Bulletin No. 893. NOW YOU can buy line chickt within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery,. P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. - DR. HOSCH left his radio with me to sell. A truly fine radio. Also several others to choose from. Lnckey's Radio, 117 Lafayette. 2 CORNISH game cockerels, 6 nens, r lymoutn rtock cockerels. End of Butler Market road, at Bend Airport. J. M. Conrad, Rt. 1. Box 336, Bend. , WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Lichtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, wasn. . FOR SALE OB TRADE SIX UNIT apartment building, two duplex buildings, one house, good income. Might trade to $20, 000 in lower altitude. Write No. 955 care of Bend Bulletin. 15 ACRES new improvements, no electricity. One mile west Oak land,-Ore. Black top road. $3500 cash. .William Bradley. Oakland. Oregon, Douglas county. FOB BENT 3 ROOM house, city water, barn. chicken houses, 2 acres C.O.I. water. See Troy Selber, Route 1, Box 7. Phone 80-F-5. CLEAN SLEEPING and house keeping room, kitchen and laun dry privileges. Linen and bedding furnished. Automatic heat. Phone 493-W. VTHE CASTINA rooming house, nice rooms wnn every conven ience. Good beds, hot Water for baths. By week or month. 744 Colorado at Wall. Phone 172. MODERN FURNISHED apart ment on paved street close to mills and town. Newly decorated. Inquire 87 Shasta or phone 962-J. 4 ROOM modern furnished cot tage, close in. Not less than one year. Phone 39, Downing Hotel. 3 ROOM not modern; lights and water in house; nice large garden plot; west side; $12.00 per month; couple preferred. See Johnson, Bend Realty, 957 Wall. FURNISHED ROOM in . private home, good bed, with all home privileges. Suitable for lady alone or couple. Adults, no pets. Tele phone service. Apply 412 River- iront. ONE, TWO, and three room houses, not modern, furnished with water and lights. $8.00, $10.00 and ia.(W per month. Call 168 E. Irving. Phone 834-W. FURNISHED two room apart ment, access to shower bath, utili ties included. Phone 1083 or call 623 Hill street. WANTED FRYER RABBITS, also young rabbits and heavy hens. We also check your hens for layers. Phone 1070-W or call at 147 E. Olney. FARM with 30 or more acres un der irrigation. Write to C. C. Den nis, Sisters, Oregon, General De livery. FEDERAL AND STATE income tax returns to prepare. Twenty years experience. Five years audi tor for Oregon State Corporation Department. Ten years auditor Oregon State Tax Commission. Henry Kinssnnbeck, 1107 E.Grcen wood Ave. Near Pilot Butte. TO BUY used furniture of all Kinds, we pay the highest prices. i-Muiiu iido, odu uivision, cuvmwca.cyn& MVISTMf NT CKTmCATti, SIIIO ONI fnm frlmeiftl VmdtntHttr INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINfcEArOUs. MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr Local Representative 217 Oregon Phone 525 WANTED TO RENT farm, with machinery. Inquire 155 Lafayette. , USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios, o Doriin Srvln. New lOCa- VrcVAB1- J ..WM.w . Won. 838 Wall St Phone 900. WANTED TO RENT about 40 acres or more suitable for turkeys or beef catthv W. K. Larson, Route 2, Corvallis, Oregon. - HELP WANTED MAN with tractor and equipment to disc and seed 300 acres of spring wheat. Write No. 918, care of Bulletin. SEVERAL MEN to work on- tur key ranch, married or single. E. D. Elrod, Rt. 1, Redmond. Phone 9-F-2. MAN to operate the bottle wash er. Wages $176.80 per month, 8 hrs, per day, 6 days per week. Vacation with pay. See Mr. Jenne, Medo-Land Creamery Co. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, morning shift. Inquire Allen's Cafe. . - 2 FALLERS to fall tie timber, tools furnished. See Edward Fis cher, Rt. 2, Box 302, 2 miles on Bend-Burns highway, turn left at first Four Corners, fourth house on right. Call after 7 p. m. FREE APARTMENT and some wages to elderly woman or couple for helping invalid. This is urgent. Come and see me. Apply 504 Lava Road, back part of building. USED CABS 1940 FORD pickup. Call at D-D Club after 3 p.m. Phone 112. 1934 V-8 FORD sedan, ' 4 almost new tires, $200. Inez Wolf, Route 1, Box 53. 1933 CHEVROLET, good tires, good motor. Call between 5 p. m. and 7 p. m. 917 Ogden. - LOST LOST OR STRAYED white Scot ty dog, rabies tag for 1943 on neck with No. 108443. Answers to nanle of Bruce. Reward. Mary B. Wil-' liams, Rt. 1, Madras. Telephone1 Metolius. , , ! , MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Someone to take 160 acre ranch on shares, 80 acres water. Also mare for sale, gentle, broke to ride. See L. B. Rhodes at Palace or phone 366-W. . 1 , JUST ARRIVED HARDY ' EVERGREEN SHRUBS 10 Varieties AT WOOLWORTH'S INCOME TAX reports and busi ness statements prepared at your convenience including evenings and Sundays. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston Ave. Go out North First Street to Thurston and 2 blocks west. SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polishes. Many styles of personal brushes available Lloyd Wheadon. 1714 Steidl, Bend. Phone 594. EE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall or call O. E. Glazebrook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19 F-3 collect. LOCAL MAN or woman to own and operate route, U. S. Postage Stamp machines, spare or full time, outstanding permanent in come, no experience or car neces sary, aa.uo immediate cash in vestment required. For Interview give phone No. Write Box 895 care of Bulletin. FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS Farmers, Victory Gardeners want ing to rent a refrigerated food locker in Bend, write Box 824 caie of Bulletin immediately. MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine parts. Factory trained. Elmer Hudson, formerly at Bend Fumt ture. Phone 274. 43.4 Kansas. I AM STILL fixing driveways. Dark cinders, $6.00 per 5 yd. load. Red cinders Tnn cr,ii 17 nn Fertilizer $4.00 per yard. Deliv ered in one or more yards. Phone 625 or see m'e at 1360 Cumberland Ave. SPENCER SUPPORTS n. and surgical, men's and women's. C . 1 ... vjQi.ucMia repaired, nominal cost. Phone fifiS or 91.K-4 Mr. nwncnn O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. r Mee-s TH' fNEY i picked UP FRCrN TriOSS TWO POKER SUCKERS, ACE ' 1 WvS COIN: TO DIVIDE IT WITH YOU -r T AWrtCVO.' RED RYQER B FRED HARMAN THIS CURIOUS WORLD ) FOUND Ol THE FRONT OF THE WINGS, ) Jr! ( TH MMGArSLOWSPMOS, AND ARE siZS if OP SUCH IMPORTANCE THAT MANY C Sjf Z ( BIRDS ARE UNABLE TO TAMtTOrF ( J? I OR. WITHOUT THEIR HELP. tf a"iit v ' "VaM !l Xbno us ahT"ooo to quote m OLILfMOIS, CAR OWNERS COMPLAIN THAT . D06S ARE EAT1N&UP THEIR NEW LICENSE PLATES... VVHKH ARE MADE OF T. M. DtO. U. . PAT. Off. MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINES: Any and all makes of sewing machines re paired by certified Singer Sew ing Machine Co. representative. Work guaranteed. Also will pay cash for used treadle and electric sewing machines. Write 640 Wil lamette Street, Eugene, Oregon, for appointment. Will be In Bend for short time only. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property. List your property with us for quick sale. N. R. Gilbert's Iteal Estate, 1015 Wall. CHAR1S FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appolnt 'ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Vacation Set on Seniority Basis Seattle, March 2 mi Two week' vacation with pay for 5,500 Oregon lumber workers with five years seniority was granted to day by the West Coast Lumber commission. The order affects 1,000 Oregon coast operators of 10 lumber and logging companies in the Reeds-1 port-Marshfleld area, and 4,500 employes of 45 companies of the Willamette Valley Lumber Op erators' association near Eugene. A demand by the International; Woodworkers of America, CIO, I for an Industry wide two weeks'! vacation, Involving almost 50,000 i northwest lumber workers, is be-1 fore the commission for decision. TRAINING BILL FAVORED Salem, Ore., March 2 ll By a vote of 21 to 7, the Oregon sen-i ate today endorsed a memorial to: congress asking legislation fori universal compulsory military training for men after the age of I 18 years. 1 WHAT CAUSES ' EPILEPSY? A booklet containing th opinion of fa mout doctors on this Interesting subject frill bo snt FREE, whito they lott, to any reader writing to th Educational Oiviiion, S35 Fifth Ae New York, NX, Dpl. C 1097 ' . . - : 1 i - .. Y At I mJ I m imm .f U-TOILJE.IWfc. l I UJN UU X I l Uf m TT W V7 MV- ftSt- VOtr VSJI I s niDM'T VOl X 1 CF YC'J.'f)UT L mC-'ES&e I'LL f ppmi-ic-tiaoy Bmnmmvwsr 3 I u ami V eveo uc o J RECKONS WE'LL J CHAtffiE. WrWD K BECAUSE A W BUSINESS 1 VnW- A OF FRArAlM ) i PART COttWJY I AM'HcLpp.e&l. O? iti VJITrt YOUR. V A W ? r new y "SIN wnn ini? , M,it 1 WTOIID D Vl k , V . I y t-" I RED kYDEx- VvwMSJ fll WIWMtiWS-. fnPT FvPhi.' M 1 .5 J" Barbers nsver cithair fast ..THET CUT IT LOOSE," DSVS W. B. ArxEIS - Ox Team Pioneer Dies Near Kerby Grants Pass, Ore., March 2 iU'i. Funeral services will be held in Kerby Sunday for Charles Abra ham Hervey, former sheriff of Josephine oounty, who died at the family homestead near Kerby. Hervey, who was 95 at the time of his death, crossed the plains to Oregon from Missouri when he was 9 years old, driving an ox team the entire trip. He served as sheriff of Josephine county in Kerbyville, now Kerby, in 1884. JUST IN CASK Smoky Hill Army Air Base, Salina, Kan. tin If combat crews here ever have to bail out over water, they'll know how best to survive. According to a recent Second air force announcement, all combat crews must pass an aquatic survival test before get ting oveiseas assignments. I LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the county court of Deschutes county state of Oregqn his final account ing, as administrator of the estate of Green V. Poe, deceased, and that the judge of said court has fixed March 31, 1945, at ten o'clock a. m. at the county court room at the courthouse in Bend, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to and for set tlement of said final accountine: and all persons Interested are hereby required to appear at said time and place and show Cause if such there be why said accounting should not be settled and allowed. C. K. WEIL, Administrator Es tate of Green V. Poe, Dec. 74-80-86-92c J" riA. Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring Ut,hi Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 641 Franklin Bend, Ore. 2 Milk Control ' Bills Approved Salem, Ore., March' 2 tP) The entire milk control program as coordinated and presented by the food and dairy industries commit tee was through the house with no dissension today. : Also at the early session the house passed a bill which sets up a graduated scale of penalties for overweight regulation violations on logging trucks, after nearly two hours of discussion and con troversy. House bills 234 and 369, which require the pasteurization of all milk not from a certified disease free herd, and a system of inspec tions for cattle diseases, passed, both unanimously. Hearings Held Members of the food and Indus tries committee explained that ex. tensive hearings had been held on the measures, which are com panion bills with two milk grad ing and testing bills passed earlier this week. The bills are designed to give justice to both large and small producers of milk, and at the same time protect the public, ac cording to statements made by Reps. Fred Hlmelwright, H. H. Chindgren and Jack Greenwood. Members of the Industry Were in agreement on the bills, as much as was possible, they said. "IN THIS CORNER " Pittsburgh, March 2 UB-iKid Williams stopped into the ring here preparatory to his battle wnn Leon Jones. The announcer walked to the' center of the vim. onrf n.o,. su. i to say "and in the corner wear inc black trunlm " But suddenly the crowd roared. The Kid wasn't wearing any trunks. POLICE CHIEF HAS A HEART Plymouth. TnH UP) uKn . . dog became anti-social and start-! uning cnuoren, unlet Of Police Lester Manual didn't want to hurt the owner's fpellnoo h ibt o ing the pet away, so he traded it ; ,ul arnau, inenuiy dog that had strayed to the police station. 'Spring Fever" May Hit Your Car in March Now is the time to have your car adjusted to the warm weath er driving ahead. Tho delicate mechanism in your car motor must be "weatheriied" for spring driving. Our complete "spring .. cleaning" servico includes lubrication, motor tuneup, brake adjustment and a thorough overall-inspection. Come in Send Garage Co. I I South ot fostotfice Phone 193 I -It- , ' PINE ORDERS DROP - Portland, Ore., March 2 HP) Orders for Western Pine lumber during the week ending Feb. 24 dropped nearly six million feet from the week before, the report of the Western Pine "association showed today. Orders for the week totalled 51,721,000 feet as compared with 57,367,000 feet for the previous week and 89,753,000 feet for the corresponding week last year. Shipments were up however, with the total for the week 62, 993,000 against 59,698,000 for the week before. Production was 55, 550,000 feet as compared with 56, 619,000 for the week before and 63,238,000 a year ago. , ; Porcelain enamel can be called a glass-metal combination, that is, metal coated with glass for Its protection and decoration. Gt Out of DoonI 2.10 SUNDAY GOLF BACS Weighs only 1 pounds! Double texture Maclntoah fabric Leather strap sep arates woods from Irons. Reinforce! bottom. Zipper pocket. Houk-Vcm Allen Tirestott Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St. Phone 860 HP