'PAGE TWO THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH '2," 1945 Panthers Bears IriDistrictPlay fcrtnevine,.' March 'iAt will be Redmond and Prineville tonight in "tire feature game of the sec oha hleht ol the district No. 3 tournament. The winner of "the game will meet Bend In the final Saturday night. rtedmond lived up to advance 'dope and rolled to an easy victory over the hapless Bulldogs. The Peden men had trouble finding the basket In the first quarter but held a 7-2 lead. In the first four minutes of the second quarter McDonald, HOfstetter andHagman had a scoring race ol tneir own to roll up 10 points to Burns' 3. Rednjond reserves played out the ; half. The Panthers left the floor at the Intermission with a 19-7 lead. Coach Chick Peden started his ' first five again as the second half ! opened and they played like cham pions as they stretched out their lead, reaen seni in an enure sec ond team In this quarter which ended 31-14. In the last quarter the Burns five crept up on Ked mond seconds but never threat ened the Panthers' margin. Final score, Redmond 40, Burns i. Betid Beats Lakeview The Lakeview-Bend game was the crowd thriller. with the teams battling on even terms for 3t4 - Quarters. The Hohkers scented the chance for an upset from the opening of the game and during the first quarter the lead see- sawed back and forth before the Bears grabbed the lead at the end of the period, 12-9. The Honkers came back In the second quarter to outscore- the Bend boys who scored a quick basket Just before the half ended to lead 2018. A large Redmond - Prinevllle crowd, sensing the possibility of an upset and the ousting of the 1 Bears, kept the Frinevtne gym in a bedlam throughout the second ; half as the Lakeview team surged : back repeatedly to threaten the Bears' narrow lead. At the end of the th rd "quarter Bend held a 35- 27 lead. In the first four minutes of the final quarter they whittled this down to 3M-38. As Bend palled time out there was a two minute period when every voice In the gym, except the -small Bend crowd, was cheering the brilliant play of the Honkers. However, the Bears clinched the game In the next 55 seconds when they hit 8 . i points while holding the Lakeview team 'scoreless. In the final min utes the Bears stretched their margin out to win. r O'Leary Star ' Little O'Leary, star of the Lake- view team, definitely was- in the -running for an all-star berth as ' fie scored 16 points, stole the ball from Bend players, set up his ' team's offense and in general was everywhere all over the floor. McDonald was the star of the i Redmond team, as he worked the backboard, picked up loose balls and led his team In scoring. The burly Panther forward stretched his Bcoring string close to 250 points for the season as he out distanced all of his teammates. Generally considered by coaches to be one of the best all around players in the tournament, he will match shooting skill with Wes Durkce of Prinevllle, who had a plus 200 point mark before he 1 went out with an Injury several wecKs ago. To Meet at 8:30 The Panthers and Cowboys will meet at 8:du this evening. Prlne Vllle, Central OreRon champs, will enter tne game about point fa vorites, and with Durkee back may widen this mnrgln. The Panthers, however, demonstrated their ability to play standout ball and a Redmond win Is possible. Coach Peden has a reputation of winning games when his team Is the underdog and is well satisfied with his role. . Burns and Lakeview will meet In the preliminary. First Untie Redmond (40) (27) Burns McDonald (fr) .... (3) Jet ley Woigand (4) F i) Mtlndy Hofstetter (6) ..C... (7) Dolancy Harmon (2) u.... (6) Woodfln Ilagman (3) ......G....(2) Hoffman Substitutes: Redmond Ayres, Hulmstrom (2), King ((), Moll man (4), Tate; Burns Yee (3), Harris. Second Game Lakeview (40) (56) Bend O'Leary (10) F (8) Rasmus'cn Hagloy (2) .....F (4) Hawes Post Hi) C (6) James Downs 116) G (12) Smith Harlan G (15) Moore Substitutes: Lakeview Hurry, Miles, Moe, Med, Bennett ; Hcml--Brogan, Murphy (4), Plath, Hig gins (3), Wlrtz (4). HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL (liy UnlUil 1'ri-uO (Distric t 1A Playorr) Baker 40, Nyssa 38 (Overtime.) (District i Playoff) Hood River 48, Pendleton 21. (District Playoff) Redmond 40, Burns 27. Bend 36, Lakeview 40. (District II l'lnvofl) Salem 74, Mt. Angel 33. Woodburn 47, Silvcrton 43. BICYCLKS AKK STOLEN ' Theft of two bicycles today was under Investigation by Bend po lice. The victims were Michael llrcen, 158 SI. Helens place, and Gordon Gaines, of -i Uioudwuy. Qui Our Way I'M GITTIM MORE SO i DOM'T BELIEVE IN PICTURES A SBCOHO AGO HAD A STACK. PAPERS AS AS VOUR KNEES TO WORK. THETRE STUFFED THE Coasting Along in By Jack Cnddy (United 1'n.vs Staff Corrwpondcnt)- New York, March 2 t(P) Work ing as a haberdashery salesman Is a lot tougher than being a fireman in Sweden at least. When Gunder Hagg was a fire man at Gavle, he was unbeatable In font racing. But after he be came a men s wear clerk In Mal moe, he was defeated in six of seven races by his countryman, Arno Andersson. The hardships of haberdashlng are blamed for Gunder-the-won-dor's showings against the Stock holm school teacher. That was the excuse given at last night's press conference by Haakon Lid man, the Swedish hurdler who arrived in New York yesterday with Hagg finally. Lldman, black-haired and be spectacled, is taller arid lankcr even than spindly Hagg. The 30-year-old hurdler, a Stockholm sports writer, makes w,lth : the English much .better than Pal Gunder.' Lldman said: 'After Gunder went to work in Sture "Ohlsson's shop In Mul moe, he had almost no time to train. And he would have been too tired, anyway. He was on his feet, selling clothes, from nine in the morning to six-thirty at night six days a week. Being always on his feet took much out ot his legs. Although Andersson is a great runner, as his clockings show, Hagg would have done much better against him If he still had the fireman's Job In Gavle." In Sweden, it seems, young sters who show unusual ability as runners get bids to work wi the various town and village fire departments. In America they would get board-room tuition bids from certain Colleges. Gunder had a soft job as fireman In the village of Gavlo, about 150 miles north of Stockholm. When not responding to one of the rare calls on Gavlc's ancient fire wag on, Gunder could take his ease in the recreation room, playing the accordion or doing leg exercises. It was not difficult to get "leaves" for training and track meets. Money lured him to Malmoe. It is estimated that he receives about $4,000 a year as a haber dashery salesman. When Hagg was asked about the Andersson defeats, he did not agree with hurdler Lldman. He merely grinned and said, "And ersson Is yust better'n me. Dot's all." Amlersson's victories over Hagg In their series of twilight races before huge crowds In Sweden last summer tu hived the Stockholm school teacher the world's out standing middle-distance runner, In the books of most track ex ports. Andersson's g r e a t c St achievement was a clocking of four minutes, one and six-tenths seconds for the mile, an amazing new worm record. He heat Hagg Franks' Service In that race, although Gumlerp.j jai 125 183 139 came second In 4:02.6, equalling I Rosko ".. .."'..'.'.'.'. 153 US 1S6 - 507 Andersson's previous record. iGlmlwclt 148 180 177 - 505 Yet It must be remembered j Hausen 170 203 15352(1 ALLEY OOP THAT FINE "tHIInJGhV- MV BEST FRIEND J I OOCKS Mt IN WAS ft TH' PUSS WITH W1FE& A GOBBA i I WELL.THAT3A MORALE BUILDER -HE LOOKS LIKE JUST HE HIS WORK IS ALL DONE AN' IT WAS OF HIGH JUST PICKIN'S- JUST MOTH IN'.' OMAN' ALL TH' OUTA SIGHT.' 'if OvV, BIG FAKER. COM. 194S tv Hlk SERVICE. the Sport World that Hagg still holds the world records for two miles (8:42.8), three miles (13:32.4), 2,000 meters (5.11.8),4,000 meters (8:01.2) and 5,000 meters (13:58.2). Moreover, last July 7, Hagg blazed to a new world record of 3:43 In the 1500 meters, a truly remarkable clock ing which track coaches point to as proof that, the ."dream four minute mile" can be achieved. It Is Important to note that Andersson did not run in that July 7 race, when Hagg certainly showed no signs of '"store legs." Maybe it wasn't the haberdashery handicap that bothered Gunder in his races with Andersson last summer. Maybe Andersson has the Swedish Indian sign on him. Bowling Notes Franks' tavern of Redmond shot high series in Independent leagua'Jplon of California Dlav oh the Bend Rpereat1ni1'flITi leys last night, amassing a total of 2772 pins. Jack Kargman led individual scorers with a powerful 637 series. In other matches, Pi lot Butte Inn took three from Plggly-Wiggly and Franks' serv ice won two from Superior cafe. Results of,) he matches: The Klks Norcott 158 15!) 154 176 190 158 16 Steldl 171 Hoover 206 Mahoney 145 Piland 180 Handicap .... 16 Totals 876 853 Franks' Tavern Cerveny 163 Sparks 164 Houk 176 Redlfer 209 Kargman 234 Handicap .... 2 Totals 948 Pilot Butte Inn B. Douglas 152 151 W. Douglass ...192 D. Lay 158 S. Blucher 186 Gales 137 Handicap .... 5 Tdtals 831 857 - - 1'IbbI.v Wiggly B. Kohler Kit 152 H. Barfknecht..l-I9 J. Chnhot 146 L. Smith C, Lewerenz ...116 B. Benson 136 Handicap .... 48 Totals 756 71 Ml rich 165 Nedrow 119 Absentee 170 Grindlo 199 Brown 198 Totals 881 782 ..AN'OOOLA PUNCHES ME ON TH NOSE... AN WALKS OUT.., AN SUMPA...HMwPH OH, WELL, Sum-riorcafe M T Y?, J I I DOIN'3.1 I NEVER BETCHA! 010 MAKE MUCH OF ANV HIT WITH HER! fr-' ITHIMK Y WHAT? AN' THESE BIG MAKE TH" BOVS SHOULPX REST OF : MAKE IT LOOK US FEEL LIKE THEY'RE J THAT ITS WORKED TO USELESS DEATH" EX- TOTRyAN' HAUSTED--DW ) GIT BE VERGE OF f VOND TH' COLLAPS EAV WHEELBARROW STAGE.' JWWlLUAMS 3-2. IHC. T. M. BEO. If. 8. PAT. Orr. Mills ..... Handicap ...157 ... 25 194 25 149500 25 75 Totals 784 895 873 2552 Kahut and Huber' Matched for Bout' Portland, Ore., March 2 IP "Jolting" Joe Kahut, Portland top drawing card in fistic circles, will get his first test In heavyweight ranks tonight when he tangles with- tough Jack Huber In the main event of a Portland auditor ium card. Kahut, former Woodburn farm er boy who is now in the U. S. navy, will have to give away nearly 20 pounds to Huber, a heavyweight who has never been defeated in a Portland ring. In a 10-round semi-windup, Mickey Pease, Portland fighting cop, will get a test from Manuel James, hard punching middle weight from Denver. James comes highly rated as a protege of Jack Chase, former middleweight and ' current lieht-heavvweleht cham- High Man Bob Kurland. seven-foot centcr.l may be too tall for the Army; but ho is t lie AH-Amcnca ccn-j Icr and mnkrs Oklahoma A.&M.I tall Mull in basketball 1 171488 h .ft $ 188483 I f ?(75Zlio I-; 185523 I I , ,1 16 48 I i ' i ' f ' 935 2664 I' th JPSN 213 167543 & v v.. 1 J 4 168 176508 lewLi 1 ,J 157 182515 iHmmad 178 176503 ITM V? 222 181637 4 itfJ4 I -4 J. r . ;&oMi v, ; 940 882 2772 t.jl 142 189523 ' KiVJwf A ( 172 195-525 - v. , i L 1 1S3 180 -549 . i-'V .. J I I 1 204 187-528 jj 954 2642 j , J tS "A 125 176450 1 i f 1 , - 148-451 vft-LJi , 170 135-451 $T, , 1 174 190 4M0 I I ' 112 - 396 . vrvfcii ' 1 48 43-144 411 - , , SI S2S 231V5 ' I " I iS Ko7 rTrrJl"Hi 170 170-510 RV.!.' 1 151 16C .-526 r V ' f-l 1 144 159-501 U. , tr$-1 kM . n t ,,-iv".-Lv 1 live: r-1 i -r ah r--"-v uAprit i w-w -r---W tW ,v v . I WOMEN!! . WS V COUPLE DAMES TIE EM UP... WHEN VFBI EVERYTHING GOES WifcA THEV COULD A STAVED SINGLE... JK OKAY UNTILTHEY Mc AN' BEEN HAPPV... , , , V BLOW IN, THEN,' J - feN LIKE ME.' , . 7 IT'S GOODBVE, M ' .SMfeSS-'' A BLUEBIRDS.' $l V;; Vim: : 4 f t Hagg of Sweden Finally Reaches "By Oscar Fraley (United Prau Staff Correspondent) New York, March 2 (IP Dis tance runner Gunder Hagg, the Swede with the wide stride, got busy belatedly today on his proj ect to set a new Indoor world mile record after a stormy voyage across the Atlantic which took only 13 days less than the trip by Christopher Columbus to discover America. Hagg, who has acquired a speaking knowledge of English and a congeniality which he lack ed on his trip in 1943, arrived last night with hurdler Haakon Lid man In a convoy which was ijnder way for 23 days. Despite obvious weariness, both met the press in an hour-long conference in whicn they announced that they would compete in the intercollegiate A. A. A. A. games at Madison Square uaraen Saturday night. Long Journey "It was a very bad journey and I'm not surprised it took us al most as long as it did Columbus," Hagg said. "We haven't trained since we'had a chance to work out at Hyde park in London and I hope the American public will forgive us if we don't do too well against your competition Satur day night." Hagg asked to compete in the two mile race which he said would require less conditioning. Informed that there was no two mile race on the program, Hagg said, "Okay, fine, I will run in the mile, but I think I not can beat Jimmy Rafferty." Rafferty, New York Athletic club star, is the best of the com peting crop of mllers. He won the National A. A. U. mile here last week with a time of 4:17.5. Hagg said - he would work out today and tomorrow on outdoor college tracks here and that he would try the boards at the gar den Saturday morning. It will be his first experience on an indoor track. Dodds Missed The lanky runner expressed keen disappointment that Gil Dodds, the Boston theologian, would not be on hand to compete against him. Dodds, who holds the world indoor mile record of 4:06.4, retired from running to conduct a preaching tour. "He was my best friend in L" 'iH "ss nun n "a?? sa'.f He would give America, I will miss him much me real test Hagg said he had "no talk" about the possibility of marriage to Dorothy Nortier, the pretty waitress In her father's restau rant, in Piedmont, Cal., whom he courted on his 1943 tour of Amer ica. He indicated that he might The popular lace-to-toe model 1 uppers, heavy sole and tap sole. 3y V.T.HAMLIN Sfflte&faT DANG ED IF I CAN SEE WHV NICE GUVfi kxNMfe not even get to see her, since he is booked for appearance at Indoor meets in the east until March 23, and has been told by his employ er. Sture Ohlsson. a Malmoe hab erdasher, that he will lose his job as a salesman unless he returns by April 15. . The athletes have been booked tentatively for an outdoor meet at San tTanclsco on April l, out Hagg said he doubted if he could take that In. Lldman, however. intends to remain through most of the outdoor season. Oregon Quintets Ready for Battle Eugene,1 Ore, March 2 (A It appeared to be a question of which team can stand up under tremendous pressure as the uni versity of Oregon state college hoop squads prepared to taper off today and get set for the all-important clash here tomorrow night. Ranked as the second most im portant game in the 38-year his tory of rivalry between the two Oregon schools, Saturday's con test will decide either the champ ion or co-champion of the north ern division. Whether the winner of the Ore gon State-Oregon game gets a clear title will depend on whether the lowly Vandals can rise and bust the Washington State Coug ars either tonight or tomorrow night. If the Cougars are re turned victors in both games, they will tie with the winner ot the Oregon-Oregon State fracas for the title and a one-game play-off tilt will be necessary. State Holds Edge Oregon State holds a 2-1 'edge In the season's series with Oregon but will rate no better than an even choice against the galloping Oregons who have a chance to emulate the 1939 national champ ions by Winning the northern di vision crown and going on to win the sectional tournament. An in vitation to the NCAA reglonals at Kansas City will go to the north ern division champion. Godoy Is Victor Over Canadian Norfolk, Va.. March 2 (Ui Ar- turo Godoy, the heavyweight from Iquique, Chile, was one fight to the good today in his American comeback tour which he hopes will be climaxed with a shot at the title. The crouching South American, who extended iChampion Joe Louis to 15-rounds, then lost in his first title bid, was an easy vic tor last night over Laurient Bou chard of Montreal. He won all 10 rounds and appeared to -have Bouchard on the verge of a knock out on several occasions. LOGGERS Made to the Lumberjack's Specifications Heavy 8 inch leather tops with ong-wearing" tap sole. Plain toe. $J50 Lace-to-Toe LOGGER il tanned leather 10.95 11.95 Vole of Central Oregon Affiliated With Mutual TONIGHTS FBOGBAM 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 Double or Nothing 7:00 Bobby Sherwood's Orchestra . 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Boxing Bouts 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 Freedom of Opportunity 10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:15 Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra : SATURDAY, MARCH S 00 News :15 Joan Brooks :30 Dickson's Melody Mustangs 45 Morning Melodies : 55 News 00 Rollo Hudson's Orchestra 15 News 30 Rainbow House :45-Today's Bulletin Board 50 Oregon Treasures 55 Jimmy Dorsey ' ' 00 Hello Mom. 30 Rationing News - 35 Old Family Almanac 00 Glenn Hardy News 15 Al Williams 30 Radio Pal Club 45 Redmond Victory March 40 News 45 Voice of the army 00 Emery Deutsch ' . 10 sport Yarns 15 Novelty Instrumental 30 News 45 Farmer's Hour 00 Memo For Tomorrow 15 George Hamilton's Orchestra 30 Music For Half an Hour 00 Sports Parade BEST BY EVERY Lucky FLY REEL only 1.45 Evans Spanish Gut Tapered Fly Leader 75c 7', Foot Other Tapered Leaders, priced up from..... 10c Regal Scot Tapered Fly Line .only 6.50 Level Silk Fly Lines 65c to 2.25 Silk Casting Lines, 18-30 lb .1.45 to 1.75 Eagle Claw Snelled Hooks Card 35c Salmon Eggs Bonn's ana Pete's, sin gles, clusters, feeders. Pre-War Prices Fish Net 50c Canvas Creels 1.95 2.95 Compass, 95c Gut Leader, 10-yd. coil, 20c 40c wrist Type .... 4.95 18202580 Lb. Test Cruiser 5.00 Nylon Leader 10-yd. coil 35c """ Worm-Out Kit Flashlight . . .1.35 ..... . . Complete for catching and keeping night . E, ... . B . crawlers works liko magic, riaSMignt Batteries All you want, all sites, Kver J2C ready, Winchester, Kay- Qe Grip-Loc Tackle Box only 4.00 Other Steel Boxes 3.95 and 5.25 WEAVER SCOPE SIGHTS 21.95 to 36.95 Extra Large Sleeping Bag . . . .24.95 40x84", full length zipper. 6 lb. wool filler, mosquito netting B-B Air Rifle IPack Sacks 1.95 - 6.95 SAh.?fvo!,U w5tC Metal Frame Sack 6.95 JOHNSON Motor Repair Parts - Johnson Gear Grease Oil 5-Gal. Gas Can Army Jeep Type 1.95 On City Bus Line EVANS Tackle Sport Clothing Archery On South Highway Phone 8I5-J KBND- 1340 . Kilocvdei Don ,U Broadcttting Sythm 2:30 Louis Prima's OrchM 3:00 Halls of Montezuma 3:30-Hawall Calls 4:00-American Eagle in R. 4:30-Johnny MessnePg Orchestra 4:55 Central Oregon New. 5:00 Word of Life 5:30 Detroit Symphony Orchestra 6:30 News 6:45 Mutual Musicale 7:00 Moment of Reveria 7:15 Joe Reichman's OrcW. 7:30 Red Ryder urcnn 8:00 Chicago Theatre of Al, 9:00 Glenn Hardv Nm 9:15 Jan Garber's Orche!r. itrat 9:30 Chris Cross' Orchestra xw.xfcr 1 auocici a Urdu wtrJTj Arrival of Hagg Thrills Dorothv Oakland, March 2 (iftrw Nortier, blonde fiancee of Gum?. Ha"" the Swedish track star m todav she would probably be'im, ried In Oakland but the dato .S site of the wedding had not been set. Informed that ' Hagg arrive yesterday in New York tm Sweden, Miss Nortier said tb was so thrilled that "words n't tell." She was awaiting worn from him at any moment. Miss Nortier said she dirt know where the couple planned to live after their marriage. "I rather expect he will wast to live' in Sweden," she said. "However, I don't care, lust . t can be where Gundar is." Miss Nortier met Hage when ne was touring tne u. s. in isl and became engaged to him thpi Her father, who came from Hu land, is a restaurant owner. Her mother came irom faweden. TEST, FAMOUS EVANS DRY FLIES Tied on Mustad offset hooks regular patterns or to your order. Doz. 1.50 Imported aluminum or black FLY REEL 8.95 Flatfish, all patterns... ea. 95c Worden Spinning Fly 35c Krafty Fish ea. 75c Heddon River Runt 1.00 Propellor Spinners ea. 20c EB Dipper Bait ......only 50c Resembles Abllone Leader Pouch 35c Redfield Sights Iteceiver Sights and Scope Mounts Ramp Front... 6.45 Rod - Reel REPAIR We fix. 'em right we have reel parts. Open Sundays FLY CO. Licenses . I Johnson Motors Guns, Knivel