" THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSbAY, foARCH 1, 1945 PAGE EIGHT Red Cross Drive Plans Completed Prinpville, Fob. 28 (SneclaD Everything is In readiness for the annual Red Cross war fund drive, to start on Thursday, March 1, an nounces G. S. Vergeer, Crook : county chairman of the campaign. I The Lions club will have charge of the business section canvass, while the residential districts will be handled by the block leaders under the direction of Mrs. O. O. Haeedorn. The rural districts will be directed by Mrs. E. L. Woods nnd the Industrial sections by C. F. Woodruff. The quota for Crook county this time is $7,700, an increase of 10 per cent over last year's quota. Of the $7,700, $4600 Roes to the national fund and $3,100 to the local chnnter. Chapter Work Told An important work of the local chapter the past vear has been the . home service unit under the di rection of Mrs. Elizabeth Forsvthe with 12 volunteer helpers. Their office in the Kobinson and Clifton building is kept open daily from 2 to 4 o'clock. Mrs. Forsythe re ports this service having aided over 200 service men and their families the past year. They have given out loans and grants amounting to $1239 of which the army emergency rehet has reim bursed them with S795. The production center, with rooms in the Ochoco Inn, says Mrs. William Endlcott in charge, has made and shipped 3,684 ar ticles. These were produced bv 428 workers putting in 2,475 hours. Besides these 160 home workers have put in 1,640 hours. A selection of these articles Is now on display in the J. C. Penney window. The last quota, says Mrs. Endicott. Is a heavy one and there Is urgent need for more workers. Punching Ahead Com. ttl AM7T'lt NETHNy Ir. 24 Amy K'tffMi 1 - ' V. S. ih Arm C i SiKMAMr V COtO0NI La pine fiELG. 1 .j , I M FRANCE I rflArnjf TiMtmip - (NEA Telepholo) Four Allied Armies sweep ahead on 150-mile sector of Western Front, reaching points within 14 miles of Cologne. Important towns seized In cluded Golzheim, Steinstrass, Rodln gen, Ornnterath, Bltburg and Witt-llnger. Mr. and Mrs. George Billings- ley had as dinner guests on Sun day, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Van Buskirk and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Olsen of Redmond and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simmons. Mrs. Charlie Christy spent a couple days last week in . Bend visiting her daughter Miss Mary Laplne, March 1 (Special) Din ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Capps Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Olson of Tvtnn Anch nnH Mn Jilulnn Potormn nn,l cl.lUrnn nf Slinvlln I Christy. Among those who were in La-. Tne Home Economics club met pine from Shevlln Sunday were Wednesday afternoon at the home Mr. nnd Mrs. Roland Gumpett of Mrs. W, B. Simmons. Miss nnd family, Mr. and Mrs. Buss Elizabeth Boekli was present and Fordham and girls, Mr. and Mrs. hud charge of the meeting, The Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Coff- club decided to sponser a Red man and children, and Mr. and Cross benefit danco to be held at Mrs. Bonnie Conklin and son. the community hall on the night Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Amnions of of March 10th. Prlnevillo stopped in Laplne Sat- . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Posey of urday en route to Shevlln to visit Shevlln were in Cloverdale Sat Mrs. Ammon's sister, Mrs. Jim urdav lookinc over their Drorjertv. Posey has recently bought the Jerry Groskruger place which ad Joins his other ranch. Ed McGreor has sold the place which he recently bought from Harry Hayes. Mrs. Ray Le Blanc Is staying this week with her parenst Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simmons. I Pfc. Charles Christy has re in City, Utah after spending a couple weeks visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Christy. I Emory. Bob and Dick Powell who are attending Hills Military academy In Portland spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Powell. Mrs. Powell and Dick returned to Portland Sunday eve ning, but Bob, who was ill, will stay in Laplne until he Is able to return. Mrs. Powell will return by way of Eugene where she will ' tVhe hosoi al at Brleha look nftPi- hnslnosa hnfnro mmin i'urn 10 ,m? hospital at Brlgha home. . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Einory of Shevlln, and children, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Fern Saturday. Mrs. James Stearns left Sunday for Denver, Colo,, where James is stationed. Miss Ethel Conway of Prinevllle Is visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carey Stearns. Mrs. Leonard Planner nnd In fant daughter relurnrd home from the hospital In Bend Satur day. Mrs. L. L. Osborne is ill In the St. Charles hospital In Bend. Mrs. Harold Still and children returned to their home in Bend Sunday. They have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Clarence Still for some time. Cloverdale Cloverdale, March 1 (Special) Mr.. and Mrs. R. T. Jackson have returned to their home in Salem after spending several days here at their raneh last week. Herthel Caverhill has been call ed for army service and left with the group leaving Bend for Port land last week. Ernest Hammack started Tues day driving the Redmond Union high school bus, relieving Robert Johnson who quit to start his farming. Mrs. Lee Goodrich accompanied her sister, Genevieve, back to Portland and will spent a couple days there. Nitrogen-filled lamps of good life give about twice the candle- power for a given electric power than had been possible with the earlier vacuum lamps. 1 - iti a a VAHCAK& PASTEURIZED SKIM MILK ADOS TO ITS GOODNESS 1 NATURAL 0,M I vitamin C MARK EACH JUICY-RICH Desert Grapefruit From the Ariznnn.rnlifnni desert conies fruit full-to-bursting with taiiKy juice... each golden segment brim ming with vitamin C. In fact, just half a luscious Desert lirapofniit provides a primary impply of this all important vitamin. Brighten up your break fast with the bracing good ness of Desert Grapefruit. Flavor noontime salads with 1U sun-gold segments. When thirsty, enjoy cool glassfuls of fresh Desert Grapefruit juice. X. CAUKMNU.Jj. If you've put off Easter shopping until now, You can still get dress-up clothes for That Great Day Hurry straight down here to Penney's we know bow To make everyone at your bouse bright and gayl FOR STYLE Your Best Bet F0R materials FOR ECONOMY this spring! Li J 1MB , vf " L 29-75 ALL WOOL WORSTEDS BesTdeTlheir Twvmgtfie" KesFTn' good cutting, pressing, shaping, these Town-Clads have a new Spring style Btory. Stripes are sharper, on lighter backgrounds. .Interesting new tick weave and la.' sharkskin. 1ejfect background! Men's Shirt 4.98 Western styled tailored part wool men's shirt with two pockets, three-button cuff, several colors. n 0.1 m imr n. r.wjimf inn u to ti You'll be all dressed up for Easter . . . and the warm Spring days to follow, in these delightful print dresses! Young Mrs. Smith, and pretty Mrs. Jones will want some just like them. Yes, they're so lovely, with their flower-fresh colors in softest rayon erepes and jerseys cut so flatteringly! Slim graceful lines! Flower Splashed Rayons Beautiful New Styles Gay Color Combinations SWEATERS for Spring Wear 2.98 3.98 Dainty pastels to set off a dark suit rich, deep shades for a lighter toned suit, clever coat styles, 32 to 40. Girls' Sweaters 2.93 f Sllnnnn nnd nnat Htvlpd fnr clrls. fruiav'a fashions in quality yarns, colors frirls like. Girls' Skirts 2.98 Plaids and plains in gored and pleated rttyles, dressy and smart looking. Girls' Spring Coats 6.90 Well tailored coats for girls In the season's favorite colors, quality wool-blend materials. - fm 8k f . . I Mi ssssl ' -:.f:'-c; 'W.-s if!!! ?.v M m 11 A Ill flr m V You're coupon-short and these shoes are Ration Free! Delightful! The toe is' a silky corded fabric; heel and straps, gabardine ! $298 Solid Navy Blue-spring's own color. Or multi-color stripes ever-so-gay! Or a blending of three tones of clear blue or mellow brown. h .5 U Morning SPECIALS 10 a. m. 51-gauge RAYON HOSE Sheer Gaymode hosiery for your Easter outfit, spring shades. ' 100 pairs only 98c Men's All Wool Plaid Boys' Wool Plaid Cossack Jacket Cossack Jacket 4.98 3.98 All wool jacket, cossack style, in bold plaids. For boys 8 to 18, well made all wool jacket. Boys1 Heavy Corduroys pr. 2.98 Only 50 Pairs, Sizes 8 to 18 Men's Heavy Duty Sanforiied Express Stripe, Blue White Black Jeans Overalls 2.10 ' 1.79 UK ' o de luxe ! W-0 SHOES fc ' 479 When a man picks out a style in pair of shoes, It's not so much a question of his afre, hut his taste pref erence. Whatever trend you're following, there's a Tow nc raft DeLuxe Shoe for you at Penney's! Men's Spring Dress Slacks 7.90 Get set for spring comfort and appearance with slacks from Penney's well tailored of quality materials, and the colors you like. MARCH WINDS GET YOUR HAT? Too bad, if it did. More than likely it did have a few more weeks of wear in it. Don't give it further thought the wear you'll get out of your Marathon will more than make up for it! Fine quality fur felt last! 1