THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND,, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1945 PAGE SEVEN ailroad Issues' Lead Broad Rise I By Elmer C Walzer (Uaited P" "nol1 Editor) New York, March 1 (IB Rail rroad issues led a broad rise on Rhe stock market today, carrying She list to new highs since 1937 ha moderately active trading, i Leading rails had1 advances Lneing to more than a point Pre iferred issues rose as much as 6!4 Sts in the case of Nickel Plate. Kileehany Corporation,. Chesa C.if Ohio, and New. York Central, featured in volume. Most if the issues mww "jv tugus. Steel snares uwuc mgus nder the leadership ql U. S. Steel (hlch gaine more than a point. ViDDers were bid up to new tops ,thor war groups joined the re- fcovery on President Roosevelt's istatement that the' war against fjapan would! be long and djffi- f UBuying continued' heavy in fmany special stocks, Bulova iWatch gained- more than three fpoints. Baking, sugar, mining, oil, land rail equipment shares fur fnished gains ranging to more than a point. Utilities, top mem iber of the so-called peace group,, ivere firm and' fairly active. fAmerican Water Works led in volume. Motors held steady to firm with the low-priced group -fairly active. i POKTLANI LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., March 1 IP ivestock : cattle 250, calves 35. Eess active, early sales steady but many mas lower, few lea steers unsold. Good-choice steers quotable to $16.50; common grad . is $12.00. Common-medium heif j Ei-s $10.00-13.00. Canner-cutter i :ows $6.50-9.50. Good beef cows quotable to $13.00. Medium-good hulls $11.00-13.00. Good vealers $14.5015.00; choice salable to SS15.50. Hogs 200. steady, uooa-cnoice !1 70-300 lbs. Mostly $15.75. Good sows $14.75-15.00. Feeder pigs quotable $16.50-17.50. Sheep iuu. uemana less active. Few lots unsold, asking fully steady or up to $15.50 for good phnire truck-ins. Extreme toD late J Wednesday $16.00, new recent high. Good ewes salable $7.50-8.00. 'GRANDPA' DOES HIS SHAKE Adrian, Mich. (IB Seventy eight-year-old John Beard of Me dina, who has three grandsons in uniform, backs them up by work ing 10 hours a day in a factory, supervising 30 girls who pack ma terial, for shipment. . J , Extra Power for Cold Weather Starting!' Tire$tone STANDARD MATTERY 9.95 up Fll-O-Matio coven. Glvei long, economical rrice. Well built and dependable. Houk-Van Allen Tinstone Home & Auto Supply B00 Wall St Phone 880 Fully Equipped For Modern Drugless Treatment Spinal Adjustment Physio Therapy To Eliminator Diagnosis, X-Ray and Heart Graphing.. Dr.R.D.Ketchum rHiropractio Physician 124 Minnesota Ave. Phone 794 QUICK RELIEF FK0M Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID Free BookTetliof Home Treatment thai Must Help or It Will Cost You Nothing ftvrrtwnmllllon bottlonof thc WILI.ARD tRPitmpvti. l .-I, rnl.Miirnr i ermptomsofdfetreeBarleinsfroniSeiHMCIi i weoenal Ulcere due to ncets Acta DltMtint, Sour or Upeet IMnali. Oenlnett. Heartburn. SUrplrsMwm. ate, to Cxcei Acid. Sold on 15dy' trial! A.k for Wlllere-a Meiiii" which hlllj eiDlaliu thii treatment tree at BKANDIS THRIFT-WISE DRlG STOKE 31AGI14, DBUG COMTA?fV Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid In Advene 25 Words One Time JSSe 26 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Time $1.83 I were, am M aa4 la ear ware tuaaa Oaa Heath rua, aaaia cepr e day eat' aUalaaaai Cfcam Sac LINK BATE Wo CAPITALS itOc ChvuUlM Aaaruala, Cart la Aenraace - Ueilir Claala Xuue 1S:S P.-M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night. F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-S Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy snipping oisianee. Write today for .price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. FOR SALE BEDROOM SUITE $50.00: Inner spring mattress and coil springs on bed. Large vanity dresser and chest of drawers. 1545 West 5th. ELECTRIC WASHING machine, sewing machine, pre-war daven port and chair, 3 bedroom suites, one with twin beds with pre-war spring and inner-spring mattress es. Reo flatbed truck, drag saw and other miscellaneous items. In quire Room 37, Downing Hotel. C. E. Spring. HERE IS a ranch that will pay for itself .in one year. 25 acres new Alsike clover 20 acres alfalfa, bal ance good spud ground. Eighty acres in all, C.O.I, district. Weil improved, immediate possession. $7,800; Frank McGarvey. Bank of Bend Bldg. OAK BUFFET, round oak table, 3 leaves, kitchen cabinet, breakfast set, electric range. Downing Hotel. Phone 39. HEAVY DUTY pre-war dual horns for car or truck, $12. 354 E. Irving. 2 GOOD MILK cows. Route 1, Box 441. Bert Russell, V mile east, t mile south Bend Trap Club. 3 ROOM modern house with ga rage and fruit cellar. Inquire at 19a4 West 2nd. INCOME PROPERTY: 5 rooms downstairs unfurnished and 3 apts. upstairs furnished. Revenue $95.00 per month. Full basement, furnace with sawdust) burner, bath upstairs . and- down. Priced at $6500. Also 5 room modern un furnished, basement and furnace. 4 two room apts, on back of lot, semi-modern, all furnished. Rev enue $88.50. Priced at $5000. See Gilberts Real Estate for terms. 1015 Wall Street. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. TWO BEDROOM modern on paved street, large basement, good location. $3,400. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. MODEL A FORD, extra good rub ber, bedroom suite and other household articles. Call after 6:30 p. m. 434 Riverside, ROOMY 2-ROOM house, large sink, builtins, 2 chicken houses, garage, woodshed, cellar and chicken parks, reasonable. Small light trailer house with tires, just right for fishing, $75.00. 1 Sim mons 6 ft. crosscut saw with handles, $8. 3-burnef gasoline stove with 10 gal. pressure tank, $15. 1625 Galveston. CHICK BROODERS, infra-red electric 250 chick type, special $15 complete with lamps. 100 chick size $9 complete. Bend Elec tric Co., 644 Franklin. 80 ACRES, 70 acres C.O.I. Nice 5 room house. Electricity, mail and school bus route, mile to grade school, small barn, garage and other buildings, land lays nice, all fenced and cross fenced. Can be bought with or without equip ment. Write Route 2, Box 239, Bend,' Ore. BOY'S BICYCLE, good circulat ing heater, guitar, almost new 12x 14 wall tent, wood heaters, kitch en ranges, wash tubs, ironing boards, beds, rockers, tables. Open evenings. 350 Division. A LQVELY 5 room modern, hard wood floors, furnace, basement, garage and large beautiful yard. Located just off South Third. You must see this home to appreciate it. Priced at $4450 with only $1750 cash, balance $50 per month. Gil berts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, commercial size. Bend Vintage Shop or call 421. ONE LOT 50x110, 2 room cabin, one 8x14 and 7x18. One garage 14x20. Built-ins and water sink. 145 Baltimore, close to mills. 3 ACRE TRACT: With 3 acres Swalley water. 6 room house, basement, fruit room, utility room. Good garage, chick house. Hi miles from city limits. A real home. Priced at $4000 with $2000 down, balance on terms., Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. MISCELLANEOUS household ar ticles. Call 505-W. 5 ROOM HOUSE. 4 lots. 611 W. 16th St. $1500, $200 down, $20 per month. Call 1F-12. ONE GARLAND ranpe. Call Wm. A. Crampton, 351 West Railroad, Bend. MODERN 4 ROOM furnished house, with rrfrlgerator, electric range. Three lots, garage, garden fifiace, hrn house, west side, Bond View, 2012 Trentou and Eastes. ton sauc EXCELLENT INVESTMENT op portunity In business property that will net fifteen per cent. For details see Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. 2 CORNISH game cockerels, 6 hens, 2 Plymouth Rock cockerels. End of Butler Market road at Bend Airport. J. M. Conrad, Rt. 1, Box 336, Bend. WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Lichtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. ACREAGE: 10 acres, 10 acres cultivated and irrigated. Alfalfa, pasture, garden and crop ground lor potatoes. 5 room house, fire place. Very fine berry patch. New oarn. new cellar, new cistern, new Chicken house 18x80. 9 hogs, 250 good laying hens, l cow, l norse. Would trade for house in Bend modern or semi-modern: $4200 stocked and some equipment. See Walter Daron for details. Arnolds Real Estate. PRICE REDUCED from $8,500 to $7,500 for quick sale. Five room modern home and completely fur nished duplex, three lots, built only three years ago, good loca tion, some terms can be arranged. Shown by appointment. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. Phone 320. LIMITED NUMBER of 27x54 genuine prewar rug samples from Bigelow carpet line. Specially priced at $7.95 and $9.95. Bend Furniture Co. WANTED DRAG-SAW with two saws, A-l shape. Inquire Malone's Station on north highway. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. TWO-MAN shearing plant, com plete. Call at D-D Club after 3 p. m. Phone 112. ALMOST NEW Montag kitchen range. Copper coils and pipe in cluded. See at 334 Lee Lane. CAFE IN BEND, good business, owner leaving town.. Stock in cluded. Reasonable ptice. Write care of Bulletin No. 893. .& J ( 16 FT. TRAILER house, lots of built-ins, ice box, sink. Priced at $300. Inquire Cabin 5, Shady Nook Auto Court. 9x9 RUG, like new, deep nap, Royal blue. See at 358 Georgia. BULLS of all kinds, Hereford, Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to freshen. Sad dle horses and. saddles.' Franks Service Station. Phone 78-J. W. R. Franks, Redmond. FOB SALE OR TRADE 15 ACRES new Improvements, no electricity. One mile west Oak land, Ore. Black top road. $3500 cash. William Bradley, Oakland, Oregon, Douglas county. FOR RENT 3 ROOM house. city water, barn, chicken houses, 2 acres C.O.I. water. See Troy Seiber, Route 1, Box 7. Phone 30-F-5. 2 ROOM furnished house, $8.00 month. Inquire at 375 E. Kearney. FURNISHED 3 room modern house. 202 Scott St. THE CASTINA rooming house, nice rooms with every conven ience. Good beds, hot water for baths. By week or month. 744 Colorado at Wall. Phone 172. 4 ROOM modern furnished cot tage, close in. Not less than one year. Phone 39, Downing Hotel. SMALL FURNISHED apartment, suitable for one or two persons. 416 Hill. OR LEASE 4 room furnished house, clbse in. If you are not per manent do not answer this ad. Phone 1156. i FURNISHED ROOM in private home, good bed, with all home privileges. Suitable for lady alone or couple. Adults, no pets. Tele phone service.. Apply 412 River front. ' WANTED FRYER RABBITS, also young rabbits and heavy hens. We also check your hens for layers. Phone 1070-W or call, at 147 E. Olney. FARM with 30 or more acres un der irrigation. Write to C. C. Den nis, Sisters, Oregon, General Delivery. WANTED TO RENT at' once fur nished nome or apm uncm, t""-" ably with 3 bedrooms. Phone V. G. Nessen, fuot cuue mu. TO RENT farm, with machinery. Inquire 155 Laiayette. r?c"rr d AninR Will nav too prices for good used radios. George s Kaaio service, new na tion, 830 wau bu rnone wi. TO BUY used furniture of all kinds. We pay the hignest prices. Phone 1156, 350 Division. . WANTED TO RENT about 40 acres or more suitable for turkeys or beef cattle. W. K. Larson, Route 2, Corvallis, Oregon. HELP WANTED MAN with tractor and equipment to disc and seed 300 acres of spring wheat. Write No. 918, care of Bulletin. l Ql 1 wm Tfcoaawae' of mas end emsee. hare foana thit tlme-teat4 Stuari Tablet! Brio, eakk, bappr relief te Kliep-robbing ymptoma of acM ladtgeauoa, aaietneel. and epaet atoot ech. Taete delicious, easy te take no '"r, ae bottle. Try than hare e cood aaght'e eleep and wake ee ia the aeraine, laabaa like a S 100,000. Gat tannine Stuart Tablete at rear drugsjsv--enly 25c, 60c, er Si. 20 andet nak- MAN to operate the bottle wash er. Wages $176.80 per month, 8 hrs. per day, 6 days per week. Vacation with pay. See Mr. Jenne, Medo-Land Creamery Co. 2 FALLERS to fall tie timber, tools furnished. See Edward Fis cher, Rt. 2, Box 302, 2 miles oh Bend-Burns highway, turn left at first Four Corners, fourth house on right. Call after 7 p. m. WOMAN for general work. Room, board and $60.00' per month. Phone 939-J after 6 p. m. Middle aged single woman preferred. THIS CURIOUS WORLD VJS5T 'l THERE WERE MORE THAN ft 9 T 5? OO.OOO MJ-SSOfi- Kfij5T3x 0eF B INTERNATIONAL (XJaPkfl vSJ E) BOUNDARIES WsrZS Jl J jU-V H THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. IgvJWT&y Blast Mystqry Not Yet Solved , Police Investigation last night failed to solve the mystery of- a loud blast that startled a number of residents in the Kenwood dis trict shortly before nine o'clock. First report of the explosion came from Mrs. Margaret Em mett and Mrs. Alice Soderstrom of 856 Ogden avenue. They said that immediately following the blast they heard something strike a window of ,their home. Officers were unable to find -any foreign object which might have struck the house, and discounted the theory that the sound might have been made by a gun. The report also was heard by Mrs. Elsie McKelvey, 902 Ogden avenue, and Vernon Everett, liv ing at 830 ugden avenue, iney : said that the sound seemed to come from West Ninth street. Jobless Benefits Revision Backed Salem, Ore., March 1 (lP The Oregon senate today approved liberalized jobless benefits and sent to the house a bill (SB 78) to raise the maximum weekly pay ments from $15 to $18 and the duration of pay from 16 weeks to 20 weeks. . The vote on final passage was 26 to 3, with Senators Burke, Jones and Stadelman opposed and Gibson absent. CATTLE THIEVES ARE KNOWN AS gcATTZM fas nets cow CAmHeKS USED CARS 1940 FORD pickup. Call at D-D Club after 3 p. m. Phone 112. BUY IT TODAY. Work it tomor row. 1937 Ford dump truck, new motor and big 900 tires. Truck working on good job, $35 per day. See at 1340 Federal. , - ' OLD BUICK coupe. Union Service Station, 1108 Bond St. - 1934 V-8 FORD sedan, 4 almost new tires, $200. Inez Wolf, Route 1, Box 53. ' OP THE SUSAR PINE AAY GROW TO LENGTHS OP 7wMrr- OAS AC AW. 1 ANSWER: Cattle rustlers. MISCELLANEOUS I AM STILL fixing driveways. Dark cinders, $6.00 per 5 yd. load. Red cinders $7.00. Top soil $7.00. Fertilizer $4.00 per yard. Deliv ered in one or more yards. Phone 625 or see me at 1360 Cumberland Ave. 1933 CHEVROLET, good tires, good motor. Call between 5 p. m. and 7 p. m. 917 Ogden. LOST STRAYED. 1400 lb. gray gelding, brand A-E right shoulder. 1400 lb. black gelding, brand double bar right shoulder. 800 lb. black mare, brand double X. 1200 lb. bay geld ing; brand US left side neck. R. R. Meritt, Rt. 1, Box 406, Arnold Dis, frict. Phone 11F-21., .. . , X. LOST OR STRAYED white Scot ty dog, rabies tag for 1943 on neck with No. 108443. Answers to name of Bruce. Reward. Mary B. Wil liams, Rt. 1, Madras. Telephone Metollus. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Someone to take 100 acre ranch on shares, 80 acres water. Also mare for sale, gentle, broke to ride. See L. B. Rhodes at Palace or phono 366-W. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes.' Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. . NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real Estate. List your property. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. .NOTICE: We have buyers, for. town and urban property. List your property with us for quick sale. n. K. Gilbert s Real Estate, 1015 Wall. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., March 1 HPi Egg prices dropped another cent a dozen In all sizes today. Butter prices remained un changed. Butter Cube 93 score 42 c; 92 score 42 "4 c; .90 score 42c; 89 score 41 ',4c pound. Eggs Price to retailers AA large 44c; A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen, FIRST SHOT GETS GENERAL Manchester, N. H. U' The first time Lt. Malcolmn Brannen used his 45, he killed a nazl general. 40 Protein Cotton Seed Cubes (First Come First Served) Digesta Bone Meal Crown P & L Minerals Soy Bean Meal Meat" Meal Baker Feed Co. Phone I88X Redmond, Ore. CHARIS FOUNDATION and glr-! dies $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres I $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint-1 ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 i Broaaway. JUST ARRIVED HARDY EVERGREEN SHRUBS' 10 Varieties AT WOOLWORTH'S NOW SHOWING Fifth Avenue Modern Manner dresses and Fa shion Frocks direct from maker to you. Lovely spring styles, very reasonable. Mrs. Lowman. 1425 E. 3rd, 745-J. SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polishes. Many styles of personal brushes available Lloyd Wheadon. 1714 Steidl, Bend. r-iiuue bi. BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to hear. Rates and dates Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Vall or call O. E. Glazebrook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19-F-3 collect. LOCAL MAN or woman to own and operate route, U. S. Postage Stamp machines, spare or full time, outstanding permanent In come, no experience or car neces sary. $295.00 immediate cash in vestment required. For interview give phone No, Write Box 895 care of Bulletin. FROZEN FOOD L O'C K E R S Farmers, Victory Gardeners want ing to rent a refrigerated food locker in Bend, write Box 824 care of Bulletin immediately. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or Jl-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. INCOME TAX and business state- raents prepared in my home. Also ! open evenings and Sundays for j your convenience, H. T. Merritt, ' 202 Thurston. ! PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, wkh any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Japs Say 13,500 Killed on Iwo Tokyo, March 1 iU'i Tokyo ' radio claimed today that the Jap anese army and navy have killed or wounded 13,500 Americans on Iwo Jima island in fighting through Wednesday. ; -In an - imperial' headquarters' communique recorded by United! Press at San Francisco, the enemy claimed the sinking of two! aircraft carriers, one battleship,1 one battleship or cruiser, four cruisers, seven unidentified ships and six landing transports. Five1 warships, 25 landing transports ' and one minesweeper were dam- aged, the enemy broadcast con-i tinned. MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine Darts. Factorv tralnpri flmor Hudson, formerly at Bond Furni ture, i-none zit. 434 Kansas. Child's Colds 'ST' WICKS Time -Tested V VapoRub iMMW LISTEN. FOLKS.' WE'RE READY TO HELP YOU WITH COMPLETE MECHANICAL SERVICE .USE CHRYSLER CORPORATION PARTS MoPau ACCESSORIES PARTS DIVISION PRODUCTS. it Just received $5000 worth of Dodge Plymouth fac tory engineered parts. Service on All Makes of Car si NEW MOTORS Here now, ready to install in your car. 12 Months to Pay Available for DODGE PLYMOUTH Motor Rebuilding Auto Repairing t Yes, we are now ready to give you ANY automobile service, from filling your gas tank or fixing a tire to completely rebuilding your motor or installing a new one. New Shop New Equipment Expert Mechanic. Open every day, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Electrical and Tire Service Complete Lubrication Open 8 a. m. to 6 p.m. CENTRAL OREGON MOTOR CO. 825 Bond St. J. L. VanHuffel Phone 26 RED RYDER THAT SHOT WILL &RIN53 TH'LAVO DOWN ON) OUR EARS n. ' i c Bv FRED MARMAN FIRST YOU SAVP fY I IFF.YI f 1 uao Tn chit y;- i Si r r ""4 I , w ,-wr I VHW f ivl Mauvicoi H'sttVartC! IslWrra 1 KWJSJEFy "M1DUR PLACET, YPARWER.TOO.' W NO W-HORN AFTER lCARRYANESUM, JUST J ZVE'lA5f i9R&r HANL0N YOU JmSUNfOW NICKELS AN1 DlfE.5, AJ' LIKE YOU TOTE KNIVES 'OSIDE 01? NOT .' J DREWONMIOCKACOWMY... RUSTLW1 COW5 15 VVVR0 M NOW GWE TrT CA5H , . 1 r