The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 01, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local News
Maximum yesterday, 48 degrees.
Minimum night, 29 degrees.
TemDeratures: 10 D.m.. SI de
grees; 10 a-m., 84 degrees. Velo
city of wind; 10, 4 nitles; 10
Delmar Carpenter, stationed at
Fort Lewis, Wash., has been pro
moted to the rank of technical
sergeant, according 'to word re
ceived by his wife and mother-
in-law, Mrs. Clarence Corliss,
1405 Lexington avenue.
Jay' H. Upton camp No. 27,
United Spanish War veterans,
and its auxiliary will meet in the
assembly room of the courthouse
At 8 p.m. tomorrow.
..' SSet. ft. Barone and James
L. Shamburg of the Redmond
army air field, spent last night in
Mr. and Mrs. A. Balkun of Red
mond, visited Bend friends to
Lts. James E. Cogwin, Eugene
W. Brower, Joel G. Herman, and
Jackson B. Wells, stationed at
the army air field, last night were
guests at the Pilot Butte inn.
Paul Stafford of Burns, was a
business caller here today.
J. H. Haner of Lapine, was
here today on business.
Bert MunSon of Burns, spent
today in Bend. :
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Amsberry,
former Bend resident who recent
ly sold their store in Indepen
dence, were here yesterday from
their new home, Redmond. Ams
berry. plans to enter business in
Redmond. .
Robert W. Newman, stationed
at the Redmond army air field,
visited Bend friends last night.
Trinity , Episcopal guild will
; meet with Mrs. A. O. Schilling,
525 Newport avenue, on March 6,
at 2:30 p.'m.
The Altar Guild society of the
Trinity Episcopal church will meet
at 2:30 p. m. Monday at the home
of Mrs. Reese L. Brooks, 814 Har
mon boulevard, it was armounced
A. A. Symons returned last
night from a business trip to
Seattle and Portland.
Mrs. Earl G. Gregg is confined
to the St. Charles hospital by
SSgt. and Mrs. C. H. Erickson
and two small sons, Carl and
Lawrence, left today for Grand
Rapids, Mich. They plan to return
towards the end of March.
Mrs. Anna A. Summer and Mrs.
William Endicott were shopping
in Bend from Prineville yester
day. ,
Mrsr-E. E. Huse of Redmond"
fwas in Bend on business yester
day. Lester Pummel and John Evick
were in Bend from Madras yes
terday. Mrs. William Thomas and Miss
MBHiiHii Vfiy mm wmaamii im it
" J
''MVlMr' f'"' '" " """"" '!
ItfTlERHEy f A m&t
" ""V-fft " him i iii
Latest BUGS
News Cartoon
.nw )u4." i.mmnin'.i.i'" mtm
' ' V- -'tp -v.-
Seriously III -
X " i -
-A v H
Dftvid I.lrwA flm OI t.'.. i a
J ww, ACUl M
Dwyfor and Great Britain's World
Ulna T - . i - . . . .
n taww r. is in precan-
out health and hit condition Is caua-
lus axuueqr.
Mabel Young of Madras were
Bend visitors yesterday. . .
Dflnpp PVPrv FHHnu ntotit of
Carroll Acres. Music by the Night
vjwig. jny dus wm leave nail last
time ai mmnignt. Adv.
Dance at Eastern Star Granere
hall Saturday nights. Ladies free.
Selective Service
Of fices Combined
Madras. March 1 (Srjecial)
Members of the Jefferson County
Selective Service board met here
last Friday with Major Troy D.
Walker, from the selective Service
headquarters in Salem, and a de
cision was made to combine the
clerk's job here with that of the
Crook County board. Arrange
ments were completed to have
Mrs. Grace Lovell handle both
offices wfth certain days in Prine
ville and Madras.
Mrs. Harl Van Noy, the local
clerk recently resigned in order
to be with her husband, a Seabee
and now stationed in California.
Miss Elvera Myers from the state
office spent all of last week at
the local office.
I An exhibit of pen and ink draw
ings western subjejets, done
bv Calvin V. Charman, 2557 East
Second street, went on display at
the Deschutes county library to
day. The exhibit will be up for
two weeks, Miss Eleanor Brown,
librarian, said today.
Swell Sport Reel
"Trolling for
All Indian Cast j
To Present Play
Madras, March 1 (Special)
The-pageant "Hiawatha" will be
given by an all-Indian cast at the
Warm Springs reservation Satur
day night March 10 in the school
auditorium. Approximately 50
will be in the cast. Proceeds from
the performance will be turned
over to the Red Cross.
Mrs. Naomi Wagner and Mrs.
J. W. Elliott will direct the pag
eant, which will be woven around
the story of "Hiawatha" with In
dian costumes, singing and danc
ing. ihe cast includes:
Hiawatha, Gus Bruno.
Minnehaha, Ramona Sweet.
Nekomis, grandmother, Lucy
Wenonah, mother, Eva Bruno..
Guichie Manuto, Great Spirit,
Alex Tohet.
' Iagoo, story teller, Henry Ka-;
Chibiabos, singer, Floyd Tyler.
Paupukeewis, dancer, Linton
Mudjekeewis, West Wind, Wes
ley Smith.
Hiawatha as a baby, Davis
Hiawatha as a boy, Kenneth
Arrow Maker, Walter Miller.
Ghosts, Kathleen Kalama and
Naomi Kalama. .
Chiefs, William Katacha, Frank
Wewa, David Jacob, Joe Mc
Corkle, Jimmy Walsey.
Wdmen Dancers, Montola
Qulnn, Ora Quinn, Lorene Dan
zuka, Mathilda Stacona, Thelma
Davis, Evangeline Davis, Ruby
Davis, Caroline Katacha, Verbena
Tohet, Grace Topanica, Luella
Johnson and Elsie Jacob.
War Dancers, Sidney Miller.
Fred Kalama, Wes Walsey,' Jasper
Tufti, Hilber Williams, Walter
Wainanwit, Silas Williams, Rich
ard Walsey, Pat Mitchell and
Bruce Brunoe.
Priest, Rev. E. W. Machanier
page boy, Bruce Brunoe; narra
tor, Dale Green; music, Macey's
In reporting realty transfers in
yesterday's Bulletin, it was er
roneously stated that lot five,
block 26, Highland addition, had
been Involved in a transaction be
tween John G. Gray and G. Earl
McCay. The lot should have been
six instead of five.
Effective at midnight tonight
(Wednesday) gasoline coupons
B7, C7 for passenger- gasoline
rations and R3 for non-highway
gasoline rations will become valid
for five gallons each, E. W. Eg-
gen, OPA mileage rationing rep
resentative, said today.
Buy National War Bonds Now!
",TV l Hi t t!
$jt'P$!S$ KENT TAYLOR t 1
UIL i d&C. 1 Margaret UNOSAY Al VOt
l&it iYtf Plus 2b' Hilarious Hit
fAn ..ot items should be reported to The Bulletin not later
(All society Items snoum w ,,ja m,,.-,,!. inH
than 10 a.m. on the days oi P"u"""""'
Eastern Star to
Hold Open House
Here on Saturday
An open house will be held at
the Masonic temple at 8:30 p.m.
Saturday by the Eastern Star
chapter for both Masons and chap
ter members, husbands, wives iiu
house guests. Entertainment will
consist of dancing, cards and a
small floor show. Refreshments
will be served, members oi me
program committee announced to-
Mnote and hostesses will be: E.
H. Kennedy, master of the Blue
lodge; Mrs. Frank Bockman,
worthy matron of the Eastern
Star; Mr. ana xurs. noucn oct,
Mrs. Isabelle Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
L. F. Fretwell, Miss Mary Hunter,
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Roderick, Miss
Marjorie Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Gilbert.
Thimble Club Is
Entertained Here
Mrs. Charles Wilson, 730 West
12th street, entertained members
of the Thimble club of the Neigh
bors of Woodcraft at her home
Wednesday afternoon. A buffet
luncheon was served and the aft
ernoon was spent in cutting and
sewing quilt blocks.
Those present were Mrs. Hal
lene Allingham, Mrs.; Anna Riley,
Mrs. Olive Cook, Mrs. Mary Kel
ley, Mrs. Eva Winters, Mrs. Mar
tha Long, Mrs. Lillian Drost, Mrs.
Flora Gough, Mrs. Rita Fagg.
Guests present were Mrs. Marie
Hunt and Mrs. Wanda Crouch.
The next meeting will be held on
March 14 at the home oi Mrs,
Martha Johnson, 294 Jefferson
Jaycee Auxiliary To Meet The
auxiliary of the Junior Chamber
of commerce will meet at 8 p.m.
Monday at the home of Mrs.
Bruno Rath, 1404 West First
street. Following the business
meeting a talk on the functions pf
the Red Cross will be given by a
board member..
B.I.L. Party Tonight The an;
nual PJI.O.-BJ.L. dinner and par
ty will be held tonight at 7 o'clock
in the Pilot Butte inn dining room.
W. C. Coyner, B.I.L. president.
will be in cnarge. Mrs. mil jr.,
Brogan is P.EX). president.
Wee Women Saturday The
Wee Women's club will meet at
1:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of
Mrs. Hubert jjartieu in ttoya
J ' Tonight
7 p.m. Annual P.E.O.-B.I.L.
party, Pilot Butte inn. '
y:cW fnnainea ciuo wun otibsi
Jean Webster, 94 Portland.
8 D.m Joint meeting American
Legion and auxiliary, courthouse. I
8 p.m. Neighbors oi wood
craft, Moose hall.
8 p.m. Junior Civic league witn
Mrs. Lee Grant, 1624 East Third. ;
1 p.m. Women of Moose ritu-i
al practice, Moose hall.
1:30 p.m. Carroll Acres H.fc.u.
with Mrs. Gladys Halliean.
8 p.m. Modern Woodmen in
Norway hall.
1 p.m. Bluebird and Camp Fire
guardians luncheon, Pilot Butte
Inn. ,
1:30 p.m. Wee Women with
Mrs. Hubert Bartlett.
8 p.m. Women of Moose card
party, Moose hall.
8:30 p.m. Dancing and card
party. Masons and Eastern Star,
at Masonic temple.
8 p.m. Jaycee auxiliary with
Mrs. Bruno Rath, 1404 West 1st.
Birthday Dinner
Held on Sunday
A birthday dinner party was giv
en in honor of Mrs. Kenneth Braa
ten at her home on Sunday by
Mrs. Helen Albro.
Andrews Mr nnH tra T. C Pufiir.
son and family, Pleasant Ridge;
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Peterson and
family, Redmond; Miss Roberta
Mason, Misses Joanna and Mary
Beth Braa ten, Miss Shilie Lee Al
bro, Kenny Mac and John Rob
ert Braaten and Richard Lee.
Moose Card Party Saturday -r-
Thc last in a series of card parties
will be given by the Women of
the Moose at 8 p.m. Saturday in
Moose hall.
Ritual Practice Tomorrow The
Women of the Moose will meet for
ritual practice at 1 p.m. Vomorrow.
All members should attend,, ac
cording to an announcement.
Red Cross Drive
(Continued from Page One)
commerce offices at the foot of
Oregon street. Members of the
Junior chamber auxiliary will ac
cept donations there.
In statements issued by Rath
and Gilbert, both drive leaders
expressed hope that the plea for
aid to the Red Cross would be
generously and enthusiastically
responded to. Rath's statement
"We have done it before and we
can do it again. The money you
give will make it possible to make
the boys in the army, at home and
abroad, more comfortable. Also
your money will aid the needy
families of men in the service here
at home. Remember that the men
and women who solicit your dona
tion have not only made their
own donation, but are giving
freely of their time and effort.
Your cooperation will make 11
possible to bring this War Fund
drive to a speedy and successful
Lender Confident
Chairman Gilbert expressed
"confidence" in his statement
which follows:
"Our organization for conduct
ing this year's Red Cross War
Fund campaign is now complete.
We have an excellent group of
workers who are ready to con
tribute their effort in conductinp;
the drive, and I am confident that
with such a fine group working,
the drive will come to a speedy
and successful conclusion."
Bedford, Mass. UI'i A Russian
immigrant truck farmer living
here ran his oversized victory
garden with the help of eight Ger
man prisoners.
Burma Chief
Lt.-Gen. Sir William J. Slim,
above, command! the British
14th Army, fighting toward the
road to Mandalay, chief Jap
stronghold in central Burma.
200 Aspirin ......31V S" jfp fw
100 Aspertane .. V . ; .
50o DeWltfs OAC 39 POND'S
mils COLD CREAM and V- i
75cDoan's CTc W DREAMflOWER' ' , v ,7 V-
I'ills 3 FACE 1
l29. powder ,3 V V
60o Manzan
750 sar 67e nnr.un $L ;
1.25 Absorulne OQc for Qufcfc MM ' t,
Jr. . timpla Ms-adaifcs pS,l :
70c Sloan's COc laa 11 :.
LhUment .... , 9Q
This Customer
Comes First
No matter at what hour of day
you brinir a preHcrlptlon to m.
It will receive the immediate
and undivided attention of an
experienced pharmacist. We
can make this promise to you
because we consider the ac
, Add 20 Federal excite
New Orleans
Tightens Up
On Absentees
New Orleans, La. IU1 New Or
leans war pplants and allied es
sential factories recently disclosed
plans for attacking the problem
of absenteeism on a wide front.
The disclosure closely followed
a holiday season in which the ab
sentee situation was so grave that
one 81-mm. shell production line
was closed and up to one-third of
the workers at several plants
At the
Gene Ticrney and Vincent Price in
romantic mystery drama, "Laura"
1 A 1 .upi j i -rrr-' r"wr i
to the Music of Web Loy and His
flight Owls
Place: Carroll Acres
Time: 9:00 to 12:00 p. m.
City But will make last trip to town at 12:00 midnight
curate compounding of medl
cine to be our foremost duty
and service to the community.
Ours IS a drug store, and as
such, prescription work Is Uut
very heart of our business.
tax to Cosmetics, Jewelry
went AWOL from the army of
production. " , .
The new plans Include:
1. Taking a firmer hand over
Irresponsible workers, several
I. n ,,.4 M, I.,.,,., f
iiwlia nave nui'Jicu ircw ihj ui...
2. Non - government question
naires will be circulated among
New Orleani war contracting
plants to pool information on the
problem of worker absences and
remedial measures.
3. Plant management will seek
adoption of a standard policy to
combat absenteeism in .the New
Orleans area.
4. Strong representations will
he made to government policy
makers to allow government pre-
i ' :
a scene from Twentieth Ccntury-Fo's
with Dana Andrews, Clifton Webb.
Defend your health
against "Winter run
down" and yourself
against the discom
forts caused by Winter
weather . . , protect
your general well-being
with these health
and comfort aids.
Every item Is of
known quality the
product of a reputable
manufacturer nation
ally known for depen
dability. Every price
proves the wise econ
omy of filling your
needs at this once-a-year
And Mineral
10U A and D Tab- 70c
lets '7
100 B Coin- OQC
80 Squlbhs Adcx QQc ,
Tablets 07
100 Bcxel I QQ
Capsules ITQ
100 Unlcaps 2.96
60 One-A-Day 1 Oi
Multiple . I7
100 SqulhhS' QQ
Vigran ............... J
180 Bax M 7Q
Capsules '
5co Super D TTC
Coucentrate '
scribed forms for released war
workers to say why they were
released a step to combat the
floating-absentee, who has been
blamed for much of the city's
manpower headache.
Austin, Tex. (IB Sam Houston
State Teachers' college, Hunts
ville, met the recent manpower
shortage complaint, with request
that the Texas legislature permit
It to contract with the govern
ment for war munitions. Use of
vocational training equipment at
the college to turn out war goods,
was proposed.
Chester S. Moore, 47. of 501
Quimhy avenue, today faced ar
raignment In municipal court as
a result of his arrest early today
in a stage depot on a charge of
being intoxicated.
Buy National War Bonds Now!
Now Many Wear
With More Comfort
FASTEETH, a pleuant alkaline (non-
acid) powder, bolda false teeth morm
nrraly. To cat and talk In more com
fort, Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH
on yourplatea. No cum my, gooey, pasty
tasto or feeling. Checks "plate odor
(denture breath). Get FASTEETH at
ny drug a tore.
miii" aiiaha
Dtit inufb
Without Painful Backache
Many sufferers relievo nagging backache
qiijVkly, once they ditcover that the real
cauno of their trouble may be tired kidnnys.
Tbo kidneys ar Nature's chief way of tak
ing the excess acids and waste out of the
blood. They help most psoplo pass about 3
pioti a dny-
Vbt-'D. dtwrdrr of kidney function permits
pofoonmtB mattor to remain in your blood, it
niay causo nagK:ng backache, rheumatic paina,
kg pains, loss of pep and encrjry, getting up
nights, swelling, ptiffinrtw under the eyes,
headaches and ditsincss. Frequent or scanty
pHSrutges with smarting mid burning somx
tiroes shows there is something wrong with
your kidneys or bUddsr.
Don't waitl Ask your drumztat for Doan's
PiUs, used successfully by millions for ovor
tii 15 miles a
u yean, i noy give nappy miet and will holn '
iy tuboi
eus waste Iron your
a ui iiiiivv lUiwa 1IUJU1 OUt