THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND.' OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1945 PAGE THREE New Equipment May Be Used in War on Nippons New York, March 1 mi Wil llam L. Batt, vice chairman of the war production board, today en- tered Washlngtons controversy over whether most of the Amen can war materiel in Europe will be transferred to the Pacific after Germany surrenders. Batt told the New York rotary club that such a transfer was "citvirlr nnt rvantinnhn " ThnM U. S. army and air force now fighting in Europe, he said, will have to be "pretty completely re (quipped" for the war against Ja pan. His remarks were in conflict " with recent statements by other high military and production of ficials who say that a substantial quantity of munitions in Europe will be shipped to the Pacific and used to finish off the Japanese. Plans Kevlsed Batt said also that there has been a radical change within the WPB in thinking about cut-backs in war production after victory Kin Europe. Last summer, ho said, many of ficials thought the cut would be 40 per cent; but now "our most optimistic figure for post V-E day reconversion is 20 per cent." Turning again to the question of transfering equipment to the Pa cific, he said: "I can tell you that our military men may not use much of the equipment they have employed in Secretary of Navy Visits Iwo Jima F7r r"' ;;r1n - - i .-2 ''' .'iu'1' Souvenirs Sent From War Zone Pfc C.lon Stacy, Bend soldier serving with General Mark Clark's Fifth army in Italy, found time when on the road to Naples, Vol turno, Cassino, Anzio and Rome, to pick up a few trinkets, It be came evident hero on the receipt by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stacy, 1-105 Ithaca, and his sister, Mrs. Sonny Joanis, of many souv enirs. Glen has been abroad since the first landings in Africa, and across the Tiber were symbols of In a letter to Frank Smith of Bend, Glen reports that he has not vet "met up" with his brother, MSgt. Willis Stacy, who is serv ing with the air corps In Italy. However, the young infantryman has indicated, a meeting appears to be in the offing. History Is Told Souvenirs sent home by Glen include many postcard pictures, such as those of the historic Colos seum, with the Fifth army march ing past in pursuit of fleeing Ger mans. And the booklet, "Road to RoVne," referring to the history ol Home, adds I "Men of the Fifth army added to mat nistory. the weary in font ry soldiers who marched through Rome to pursue Germans (NFA Radio-Telepholo) Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal (left) and U. Oen. Howland Smith, TJSMO, observe bitter Iwo Jlmo battle from rail of ship bombarding island. Forrestal watched Marines scale Mt. Surlbachl (In background) to hoist American flag at top of volcano. Photo, radioed Guam to San Francisco by U. S. Navy radlo-telephoto. Europe against the Japanese. Sec retary Stlmson says they will use what they can. But men fighting in the tropics and In many parts of the Orient require, as you know, different clothing than men fighting in. northwest Europe. Conditions Differ' "Weapons designed for the fair ly good highways and rail trans portation of Europe are not neces sarily adapted to the primitive conditions of the far east." On top of that, Batt said, the job of repairing and packing the equipment in Europe for reship ment is "an appalling Job and to a very considerable degree sim- mmmmm AT liEASCVABM-E PRICES o Prompt, Courteous Service For Friday Saturday Free Delivery CRACKERS Sunshine Krlspys Nssfyp 3ic Coffee ' Chase & Sunliorn 1 M).-Pkg. 29c SHREDDED WHEAT Pkg. 11c CLAMS . .can 29c Pismo, 7 Ox. PUMPKIN .2 cans 29c H-D 2l2's SOUP . ..... . . . . . . . 4 cans 25c RANCHO Vegetable, Pea, Asparagus PANCAKE Flour Albers 10 Lb. Bag 69c ROLLED OATS Albers Quick or Regular 10 lb. bag 55c Tuna Fish Tuxedo Vi can 35c Black Tea Tree Tea f s 1 lb. ..95c lb. ..49c SYRUP JJl Lumberjack 5JSJ f!S!?VM 24 Oz. Bottle Split Peas 2 lbs. 23c Kreamed Honey cup 29c Cake Flour pkg. 25c Swans Down Marmalade 2 lb. jar 39c Tropical Apple Butter .28oz. jar 29c Kerr's Baking Powder 25 oz. can 25c Calumet Floor Wax . . pt. 39c qt. 69c Liquid Veneer, Self-Shine i Gal. $1.23 Rinso ...pkg. 23c Lux Toilet Soap 3 bars 20c Lifebuoy Soap 3 bars 20c Spinach 2 lbs. 25c Cabbage lb. 5c Broccoli bunch 25c Grapefruit .3 for 29c Extra Large Arizona Oranges ..doz. 55c Large Navels , I phone 82 J GROCERY I j 917 Wall ply not practicable." "I think the inevitable results must be therefore that as we move to the Orient from Europe, our army and air force will have to be pretty completely re-equlppcd." his souvenirs range from a letter written in Arabic to German money. Also included in the package were a crucifix and rosary from Rome, sent to his sister. A brace let of silver sent home was made with links bearing the names of places conquered by the Fifth army. . 5Ien Lauded An illustrated booklet sent home bv Glen is the "Road to Rome," with a preface by General Clark which states: '.'To the Officers and Men of the Fifth Army: You have been privi leged lo make history. You have taken the 'Eternal City.' You have done what forces of the famous Carthaginian, Hannibal, failed to do. You captured Rome from the south. You are liberators, not con querors. You came to this sacred spot to drive out the enemy. You did so gallantly and effectively. All Rome welcomed you." liberation. They had freed a citv. which, belongs not to one nation, out to tne world. ' Chrisfmas Tree in India Bears Bend-Made Ornamenfs The Deschutes county chapter; mounted crossword puzzles, ash Points Accusing Finger -i nf the Junior Red Cross, com posed of elementary and high school students, is happy over a letter recently received from a Red Cross base in Agra, India. The letter, dated Dec. 21, and signed by Rosalind Rogers,' fol lows: "We received the lovely Christ mas decoration you made for the men overseas. You really do not know how grateful we are and how these things mean to them and to us. Here in Agra, the home of the Taj Mahal, decorations are hard to obtain. We are using everything you have sent on the ' tree and about the club. Thank you for remembering us who are in India." Encouraged by this letter the 'county chapter has shipped four cartons of recreation and com- i fnrt nrHrlps to Snn Francisco fofc distribution to service men here l and abroad. Included were story, : cartoon and Joke books, wash l cloths, pads and pencil sets, trays and utility bags. Small stuffed toys for homeless English children have also been made hero and shipped. The articles 'were made and collected by pupils of the follow-! ing schools: St. Francis, Ken-! wood, Allen, Reid, Pep club and Sub-deb clubs of Bend high school, Redmond high school, Redmond elementary school, Tumalo and Alfalfa. Council members of the Junior Red Cross packed the cartons for shipment. The council Is made up of Mrs. W. R. Brandis, chairman; Mrs. Gail Baker, Mrs. Don Con nor, Mrs. Bruce Gilbert, Mrs. Don Higgins, Mrs. W. H. Reed and Mrs. Claude Cook. i Redmond S. W. Redmond, March 1 (Special) Mrs. Nora Pruett, of Portland, visited several days re cently at the A. B. Davenport home. Mrs. Pruett and Mrs. Davenport are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Heiri and children, Velma Bird, Clifton Rosenbaum and Voraitu Hein. all of Prlneville, visited Sunday after noon at the Owen Brown home. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wallen burg were a week ago Sunday visitors at the Ray Surfaces. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wolf gram and children of Bend, and Burton Brown spent last Sunday evening at the N. W. Enlow home. Marvin Enlow returned with the Wolfgrams to Bend, from where he left Monday for induction into the army at Fort Lewis. Ralph Van Zyl was a Sunday caller at the Owen Brown home. Chas '. Wilden was a recent business caller at the A. B. Daven ports. Mrs. Marjorio Bri s s e n d e n showed moving pictures of New Zealand and of California at Red- L4; 6 Mil L'll Z ! US' x ",,Hmm.n - -l (HEA Teltnhnio) Beside a Manila building, J. E. Hoover, former WilUamsport, Pa, resi dent and a leader among Filipino guerrillas during Japanese occupation, points an accusing finger at a Chinese-Filipino charged with being a Jap spy. Signal Corps photo. . - mond grange Friday evening. Fay Hein and Owen and Bur ton Brown called ; Sunday after noon on the James Lamb family. Sunday callers at the A. B. Davenports Included' Owen Brown and sons, Alen, Richard and Clif ford, Sunday visitors at the Sam Ritter home Included Mr. and Mrs. Verl Ridgeway and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ridgeway and daughter Mavis. FOX DRIVE TOPS RECORD Rushville, Ind. Mi The 75 hunters who took part in a Homer community fox drive broke the state record by bagging eight foxes in one day. . 'SPRING' IN THE PANHANDLE Amarillo, Tex. (U'i Even : na ture was fooled by the recent good weather in the Panhandle, reports an Amarillo woman resident. Her violets are In bloom. lariat W9' . n.m I. Mil' . V" . XHrU 9 No good chick should be deprived of the opportunity to make the most of its inherited abil- ity to become a good pullet. It needs and must have good feed. Larro "Farm-tested" Chick Builder Will provide your chicks with proteins, vita mins, minerals, and other nutrient factors- required during the growing period. The high degree of Larro Chick Builder quality is protected by General Mills Products Control. These are the things which make Larro"Farm tested" Chick Builder so safe and so productive. Order now. 100 LBS. NET . CHICK Mill General! "Frm.MUd" li a rttitttrtd tnuit-nurk of GENERAL MILLS, INC. SEE YOUR LARRO DEALER Aune's Feed Store Bend, Oregon Crook County Warehouse Co. Prlneville, Oregon Central Oregon Farm Supply Co. Redmond, Oregon Now Is the Time Jo Select A NEW 4-PIECE SUIT IS Choice of: Natural or Bleached Walnut 5-Drawer Vanity 9 Chest of Drawers Full-Sized Bed Upholstered Bench 179.50 This modern suite with waterfall fronts and large round mirror vanity is of finest all-wood construction. An ideal group of furniture .for any home. Finest Quality Custom-Built 4 Pc. SUITE Made by Johns this beau tiful suite with matched and blended walnuts Is one of the finest we have ever displayed. See Our Windows 238.00 Other Suites 89-50 . 99.50 . 10950 -129-50 OUTSTANDING MATTRESS VALUES! Harmon Coil Box Spring and Mattress both 59.00 Sealy Tuftless Mattress 42.50 Simmons White Knight Mattress .39.50 Other Mattresses 13.60 -16.95 -19.95 - 24.50 - 29.50 USE YOUR CREDIT quare Deal Furniture Co. Bond & Minnesota H. G. Rainey Lewis Rainey Bend Phone 324