page twelve THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1946 IS n imr RAISINS DUZ C10R0X CHEERIOATS FLOUR M,tei s"ow io ib-sa,k 6ic 25 sa 1.39 PREAfl Spiced lundi Meat 2oz.Sn34c WVLER S RICE DIMMER 2 far 19c CORN Dune Cream Style 1 1b. can 2c SOUP Campbell's Cream of Spinach C3I1 13c BEANS WOODBURY SOAP 4 bar deal 24c COCOA Van Houtens lib. 65c V2 lb. 37c Hand'D JELLO Fresh Fruits and Vegetables CABBAGE, Firm heads . .lb. 4ic Calavos Oranges . . . BEEF STEAKS Rib ...... Ib. 28c T-Bone ...Ib. 38c Sirloin 29c Cube 31c Club Ib. 37c Thompson's large Cut Stringless each 19c . . .2 doz. 45c Ground Beef Pork Chops . Cheese Pickled Pork Shorf Ribs . Seedless 4 P- 55c size package 23c V2 gallon jug 33C package 13c Celery Ib. 12c Rhubarb...... lb. 29c No Water or Cereal Added Lean l.oln Kraft American Shoulder Cuts package! 2c can 19c 3pkgs.19c .lb. 27c .lb. 37c .lb. 43c .lb. 32c .lb. 19c 103 Million for Its Public Works Chicago 'HP minnls will bene fit from a $103,554,647 postwar public planning works program Bet up by the Illinois postwar planning commission here recent ly. ' - The program Includes construc tion of buildings and other perma nent improvements In the state university and colleges, state hos pitals and penal institutions, gov ernment buildings at SpringfieUI and the acquisition of a state of fice building In Chicago. ChaiiTnan Anderson Pace said construction would be started as son as Gov. Dwight H. Green and the state, assembly approve the program anu men anu materials are avananie. ine projects are ex pected to help "furnish employ ment for many men released from service or war production." Separate Program . The commission emphasized the public works project Is independ ent of the state highway program and other projects which will draw $200,000,000 from specially re served funds. Under the program an advance of $10,000,000 would be made to counties, municipalities and school districts who would match the funds to make local postwar im provements. Veterans' hospitals and recrea tion facilities would receive $7,988,600; tuberculosis hospitals, $3,000,000, and the armory board, $9,155,045, to carry out its plans to set up 14 additional armories for veterans' organizations. One-fourth of the entire project Is slated for improvements to the University of Illinois and five nor mal universities and teachers' col leges. The Urbana campus would receive $11,769,000 to construct residence halls, a Betatron labora tory and buildings for chemical engineering, fine arts, electrical engineering, veterinarian studies, band and physical education. 3 Million for Chicago U. The university's Chicago cam pus would receive $2,900,000 for an addition to the general hospital, atmospheric research, utilities dis tribution system and land acquisi tion. Also to receive improvements are Illinois State Normal univer sity at Normal, Southern Illinois Normal university at Carbondale, Northern Illinois State Teachers' college at De Kalb, Eastern State Teachers' college at Charleston and Western Illinois State Teach ers' college at Macomb Other projects Included were a state office building in Chicago, estimated at $5,000,000, construc tion and improvements of state buildings at Springfield, erection of six regional health centers and expansion of the health depart ment's laboratory building at Car bondale. The commission also approved $10,304,000 for the maintenance construction at 19 state hospitals and institutions; $2,500,000 for an Illinois security hospital and addi tional sums for improvements at Alton, Kanakec and Dixon hospi tals. 38 Prison Projects Thirty-eight separate projects to improve facilities at Statesvllie, Joliet, Menard, Pontiac and Van dalia penal institutions will cost approximately $5,341,580. The department of conservation, initiating a program to control water levels throughout the state, and the Illinois aeronautics com mission, planning an airport pro gram in connection with the fed eral airport network plan, would receive a grant of $3,000,000. TURTLE MOINS' FIRE CO. Chicago ni'i Lt. Frank Coyne was examining fire hose when members of Co. No. 37 returned I $45-4950 All that goes Into the making of fine clothes has gone into our outstanding selec tion of suits . . . superb fabrics . . . carefulworkmanship . . . flawless tailoring. Slip into a single or double breasted, well fitted suit, tailored by Hart-Shaff ner & Marx. You will certainly like it. OTHER NATIONALLY KNOWN SPRING SUITS Curlee and other nationally Try as you may, you'll find it prices. Shop Cashman's first! 103 -Oregon from a fire. As the hose was being unrolled to dry, out crawled a turtle. Nobody knows how lt got NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet doesn't upset stomach When you need quickrelief from pain, do you hesitate to take aspirin because it leaves you with an upset stomach? If so, this new medi cal discovery, SUPERIN. is "just what the doc tor ordered" for you. Superin is atpirin plui contains the same pure, sate aspirin you have long known but developed by doctors in a special way for those upset by aspirin in its ordi nary form. Thl new kind of aspirin tablet dissolves more quickly, lets the nsnirin tret rieht at the job of re- ! lieving pain, reduces the acidity of ordinary aspirin, ana aoes not ir ritateor upset stomach even after repeat doses. Tear this out to remind you to get Superin today, so you can "have it on hand when headaches, colds, etc., strike. See how quickly it relieves pain how -srtkssn fine you feel after .Suij taking. At yourdrug- rSSVSi gist's, 15(! and 39r. Sissus Ml N By Hart-Schaffner and Marx '" -X .Sifl known suits in light and dark patterns, ArA difficult to find such values at these low JrS" M m there. Coyne said the turtle was evidently somebody's pet because it had the number 13 painted on the back of its shell. The firemen kept it as a mascot. JUST FOR THE RECORD Fort Wayne, Ind. tti SSgt. Morris Slidinger of the Troop Car Governor HORIZONTAL CJ Pertaining 1,7 Pictured la'y governor 62 Lieutenant 12 Cloth measure ta"-) 13 Notion 14 Silkworm 15 Bone 16 Skin 18 Assistant 20 Native of Latvia 22 Fish 23 Annex 25 Scottish shcepfold 26 Requires 63 Searcher 64 Lasts VERTICAL 1 Kind of sheep 19 From 2 Ignored 3 Disencumber 4 Editor (ab.) 5 Conduct 6 Prostrated 7 Observed 8 Hour (ab.) 28 Silly 9 Be indisposed 37 Gratify 30 Natural power 10 Puissant 31 He gov-" Kcvcre ernor of 17 Brn South Dakota 32 Proceed 33 Symbol for thulium 34 African antelope 35 Steal 36 Epistle (ab.) 38 Print measure 39 Electrical unit 40 Street (ab.) 42 Clear space in a forest 44 Cut 46 Crimson 47 Sensibilities 52 Dined 53 Facility 55 Meat 56 Girl's name 57 Tasto solo (ab.) . M Lixivium -W4 Mil , J 35 Phone 190 rier command at Baer field de cided to play right along with his draft board which wrote him a letter telling that he was in class 4-A because of old age. He wrote the board and asked them to re classify him to 1-A so he could join the army. m Anitntr t. Previous Pnnalt IlwTT T A P A I G U E - IL-IAIN E S T E " SIT ATT E QP I , d RjAiTIOjR T; TO Ml tO luilA MIE . - L- AN D -IrTi om rita sogSj-", IN PA ' DAIGLE jSj'Ej-! Tp . T b;ria i in,H? n o 43 Paid notices 45 Tun 48 Constantly 49 Compass point 50 Transaction 51 Ardor 54 Wapiti 56 Small shield 59 Biblical 21 Age '23 Claims 24 Deviate 27 Ate 29 Hangman's knot 36 Herons 40 Colonize pronoun 41 Plays the part 61 Hypothetical of host structural unit ii 13 it 15 lb 17 ie p I iio in il i3 Pi 15 ib ii i5 it zr" 3b 3T g36 mrM Hi ii i. . j fj&t 5T " b TjT 4T 4ft HI ISO 5I si yj 1 1 1 l ' ' I I I I I i I i L Steer Beef