The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 28, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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Blood for Luzon
Magic Password
For Priorities
By B. O, Valens
(United PreM War Correspondent)
Advance Base Blood Bank,
Somewhere in the Marianas (Ut
Blood for Luzon this is the
magic password which automat
ically gives hundreds of pints of
whole blood daily a transportation
priority over all other articles of
Successful battlefront delivery
of whole blood in quantity was Im
possible four months ago. Today
ft is heralded as one of the great
est forward . steps in medicine
since the start of the war and
present plans call for doubling
the daily supply of 500 pints for
the Pacific area. ,
"Because of this," said Lt. Col.
Douglas B. Kendrick, Atlanta, Ga.,
special representative of the sur
geon general, who has returned
from an Inspection tour of Pacific
blood-dispatching facilities, "a sol
dier wounded in a forward area
such as Luzon has a better chance
for speedy treatment and recov
. ery than if he wore injured in
New York City."
PonnitM Quick Surgery
Availability of whole blood In
battle zones would mean nothing
alone, Kendrick said, but, com
bined with surgery, penicillin and
the most up-to-date medical facili
ties, "it means more men can live
who otherwise would die you've
" ' " got to live lone enough for sur
gery and penicillin to help you."
Naval Lt. Herbert R. Brown, Jr.,
Rochester, N. Y officer In charge j
of the blood bank here, explained
that most surgery in the past had
to be postponed until the patient
could be transported to a large
army or navy hospital because
major surgery cannot be per
formed without a ready supply of
whole blood. Five to 10 pints may
be required for one long opera
tion. Although blood plasma Is also
vital. Brown said, it cannot take
" the place of whole blood. Battle
shock comes from hemorrhages,
and in this case plasma can only
tide the patient over until he is
taKen to tne rear tor surgery.
Availability of whole blood at field
hospitals makes immediate sur
gery possible.
Recovered in Two Weeks
One serviceman, for instance,
had an explosive shell fragment in
the abdomen and lost two and one
half quarts of blood, Kendrick re
lated. He was given 12 transfu
sions of whole blood from the
states and was hale and hearty In
two weeks. 'Without whole blood,"
Kendrick said, "he would have
been flat on his back for two
months before he could ever be
Because of this winter's prog
ress In whole-blood preservation
and delivery, Brown said, no hos
pital after the war will have any
excuse for not having a blood
"We can now send biood to anv
spot on earth with the exception
of enemy-held territory," Brown
concluded, "and from now on out
we expect blood to be available on
all our beachheads."
Aluminum mctaphophate is
used in making a glass that trans
mits a substantially greater
amount of ultraviolet light than
ordinary glass.
.. and yet :yysJ
. . . with atflnft
old-style bifocals
. . . with Unlvls
2-Way Lenses
"JNIVIS 2-Way Lenses, the improved eyeglasses
with the straight-top "reading" section, permit
you to enjoy the freedom of youthful vision in
every thing you do. No conspicuous chin-tilting,
no "peering." Come in and let us explain the
advantages of wearing Univis 2-Way Lenses.
P4 WAlt,s7EET
If It's
r ' . 1 r i 'ml J? i ''ft
'. A I ;; -.' . cv-.l
fe$BE3 &&mmi S'Ji
Some Interpreters of German propaganda reaction to the Yalta Conference saw hints that Germany
might resort to desperate use of poison gas. Uncle Sam thinks two can play at that, and Is well pre
pared if that's the way the Germans want to play He has millions of gas shells and the latest in gas
masks (top); new protection, like the anti-gas bag (lower left); his troops are trained in gas war
fare (center); and he has efficient means of launching the deadly shells (lower right)i
Alfalfa, Feb. 26 (Special) -Completing
the sale of his property in
the Willamette valley, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Cegavski and son, Don,
have returned to Alfalfa.
Mrs. Ruby Mayfield and son,
Joe, have returned to Alfalfa after
spending two weeks visiting rela
tives in Klamath Falls.
Miss Mavis Rldgeway of Powell
Butte, was a recent guest at the
Horsell ranch.
Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Mayfield
and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Penson of Redmond, attended the
recent dance 1 at the Cloverdale
The recent AAA meeting in
Redmond, when plans were made
for 1945 crops, was attended by
several farmers of this district.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shults are
in Portland visiting their son and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle
Mrs. Lillian McUne, who had
been caring for the Shults prop-1
erty during tne absence of that
family, was seized by an illness
and Is confined to the St. Charles
Millard Rouse has announced
the purchase of the old Leonard
place from Montleth Griffin. The
Rouses formerly lived on the
Gas They Want We
Screen Performer
1 Pictured
1 Raced
2 Anger
3 Symbol for '
4 Facts
5 Dill
6 Exists
7 Plot of land
8 Age
12 Inferior
13 Distant
14 Therefdre
10 Senior (ab.)
17 Musical sound
18 Finish
23 Nickel
24 Prepares for
9 Measure of
10 Containers
11 Either
12 Paths
15 Symbol for
tellurium '
16 Soy
19 About
20 Speaker
21 Upon
22 Diminish
25 Earth
27 Be carried
29 Only
30 Within
31 Father
32 Domesticated
34 Afresh
37 Friends
38 Oceans
40 Hypothetical
structural unit
41 Organs of
45 Negative
46 Literary
49 Lord Lieu
tenant (ab.)
50 Segments
63 Paid notice
54 Rod
56 Musical note
57 She is one of
newest ,
H. Hall of Portland, was a re
cent visitor here, Inspecting his
local property.
John Ovens has purchased the
old Carl Livcsley ranch, and plans
to remodel the buildings before
moving his family In.
The next meeting of the home
extension unit will bo held March
21 at the home of- Mrs. Ethan
Allen. Nine women attended the
Inst meeting at the home of Mrs.
William Horsell, who was joined
by Mrs. Tom Wallace in preparing
the cover dishes for luncheon.
Mrs. Fritz Doorflor lias return
ed home after spending a week in
The AAA farm planning meet
ing will be held In the Alfalfa hall
tomorrow and Wednesday at 7
p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Joslvn are en
tertaining friends from Los An
geles, Calif.
The Home Economics club has
scheduled a meeting for March 7
at the home of Mrs. John Holm
stein. Frank Allen Is engaged In build
ing a new sanitary dairy barn for
Jim Snider.
Tom Rutherford
Visiting Parents
A. T. tTommlc) Rutherford, sea
man 2 c, is spending leave at the
home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
D. W. Rutherford, route two. Tom
mie, who entered the navv on
April S. has been assigned to
duly aboard a dost rover.
Ills uncle, S Sk't. Roy Civason.
who was a tall gunner on a bomb
er, was shot down over Bremen
on April 17, 1943, and is now a
prisoner of war in Germany. The
Rutherford family rocontlv re
ceived a postcard from him," writ
ten in October, stating that he
was all right. Sgt. Creason's home
Is In The Dalles.
Have It
AMwrr frvle PmbbI
25 Lends signal .
26 Aluminum 41 Per
(symbol) 42 Century plant
28 Abstract being 43 Ailments
29 Health resort 44 Spain (ab.)
32 Tablets ; 47 Diminutive
33 Measure of of Samuel
cloth 48 Excitement
35 Electrical en- 51 A, rival (ab.)
gineer (ab.) 52 Things
36 Desire - (Latin)
37 Pastry 54 Jumbled type
39 Distress 55 And (Latin)
gig pjGE0RGC5i A g pa
E d RPR) , I A E R JLM
I I 3 Hi 5 fa 17 18 .
DnI vv 35 )i
ii jilil iiiu 2ia
rl II 1 1 1 '.a
Counfy Court
a regular meeting of the County
Court held February 7, 1945, all
members being present, the fol
lowing business was transacted:
In the Mutter of Claims
Against the County:
The following bills were pre
sented and ordered paid:
Donald Shipley, janitor
work $ 1.69
A. E. Stevens, commissioner 45.50
E. E. V'arco, commissioner 48.00
Burniee Shumate, health
dept., typist 31.30
Momla Ma'.ich, treas., clerk
hire 8.00
R. A. Ferguson, treas., post
age 15.00
Geo. L. Brooks, prisoners'
board 89.60
I. M. Wells, dep. sher., mile--age
43.60: Juve. officer,
mileage 20.35 G3.95
Ralph S. Hamilton, circuit
Judge, postage 12.00
Wilson George, J. P., post
age 6.75
C. L. MoCauley. sheriff tel.,
5.30: auto 23.17 23.47
Everett Donahue, circuit
court exp 35.00
Aubrey Perry. Vatermaster 187.35
Gladys Cochran, clinic
nurse, mileage 13.50
Lucy Davison, P.H.N., mile
age 46.80
Elma Mullins, P.H.N., mile-
Glen W. Thompson, sanitar
ian, mileage
J. Aiton Thompson, school
sunt, travel 12.20; postage
10.00 . .
State Dept. of Agriculture,
sealer of weights & mea
sures 18.44
t? I. Lewis. T.B. and Bane's
Indemnity .., :....: 111.22
Packer Scott Co- court
house exp 7.04
National Capital Press, Inc.,
health dept 5.50
West Coast Printing & Bind
ing Company, D.A.. sup
plies 75
Gllmore Service Station,.'
courthouse exp. 1.20
George cnuds Hardware
Co., courthouse exp 8.61
The J. K. Gill Company,
school supt., 8th grade
tests etc.- 79.85
Dairy's Supnlv Co., health
dept ; 2.14
Shaw Surgical Co., health
dept - 3.90
The J. K. G1U Company,
health dept 4.25
Cutter Laboratories, health
dept 57.72
State Industrial Accident
Commission, peace of f i- .
cers 11.59; watermaster
98c i - 12.57
Bend Troy Laundry, health
dept, 3.68; jail 1.01 ...:: 4.69
McCann Poster Adv. Co.,
health dept 7.50
Doris Abernathv. court re
porter v 30.00
Standard Oil Company,
i sheriff, auto 3.53
Hogan Studio, sheriff, fin
gerprint ldent 13.06
Hornbeck Typewriter Co.,
sheriff, repairs 15.00
The Bend Bulletin, legal pub.
39.85; health dept. 17.25;
sheriff 55c 57.65
The Bend Bulletin, circuit
court, supplies 1.80
The Redmond Spokesman,
legal pup. 58.4U
Smith's Electric, courthouse
exp 16.09
Bend Water Department,
courtnouse water i.w
Pac. Power & Light Co.,
courthouse electricity 103.32
The Miller Lumber Co.,
courthouse fuel .102.60
Northwest Printing Com-
nany,, assessor, supplies.. .2.39
Eriksen'sStationery and Of
fice Supply, D.A. 5.10;
health dept. '28.25; clerk
4.35; assessor 4.60; treas.
9.25; circ. court 1.25; sher
iff 9.95; Co. judge 1.85: .
K ' school supt 50c 65.10
Shellhart Grocery, soldiers .
relief 30.00
Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co., tele..
various offices 81.57
Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co.. health
M- dept. tele 15.33
W. F. Coshow, defendant's
attorney 15.00
First National Bank, Jan.
withholding tax 443.40
County Treas., Assignee, old
age 1047.80; dependent
children 297.60; blind '
16.00; 1361.40
PoUnty Treas., Assignee,
general assistance 142.90
Tl e Bend Bulletin, dog li
cense tags 38.35
American Law Book Com-
pany, law books 20.00
Rov Allineham. salarv 182.14
'T. C. Daly, salary ...190.54
Herbert Franklin, salary 169.56
Lee Hollenbeck, salary 184.15
Geo. H. McAllister, salary....l92.74
T. C. Merchant, salary 170.34
D. D. Tussing. salary 175.85
Clarence Walker, salary 190.74
Franks Motor Co. parts 4.75
George Childs Hardware,
,hdw 7.49
Allison Diesel ShoD. parts.... 5.50
Central Oregon Motor Co.,
parts '. 34.09
Moty & Van Dyke, Inc.,
parts : 54.69
Welding & Radiator Serv
ice, parts 5.75
Houk Motor Company,
parts 5.55
Wakefield's Garage, parts.... 3.75
Galloway's, parts 10.70
Central Oregon Garage,
parts : 163.82
Heed Tractor & Equipment
Co., parts 73.54
lhe uwl Pharmacy, gen.
exp. : 3.85
Eddie s,Sales & Service, gen.
exp 5.00
Mldstate Hardware Co.,
hdw 72.20
Gilmore Service Station,
' gen. exp 2.65
E. L. Nielsen, lube lff.80
Hitchcock & Lomax, fuel ....131.25
Bend Autd Parts, Inc., parts
32.95; lube 36.75; tire acct.
32.54 102.24
Tide Water Associated Oil
Co., fuel 66.00
Garrison Insurance Agency,
P.L. & P.D. Ins acct 29.00
Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co., tele. 10.20
Bend Water Department,
water bill 1.45
Pac. Power & Light Co.,
electricity , 5.00
A. E. Stevens, commissioner 40.95
E. E. Varco, commissioner 48.00
State Ind. Ace. Comm., ins. 42.19
The Bend Bulletin, gen. exp. 9.90
First National Bank, Jan.
withholding tax 166.60
In the Matter of Application
For Beer License:
At this time the Court approved
the application of Geo. W. and
Iliffe M. McCormack for a Pack
age Store Class "A" License.
Your Orotsf Possession
RktoIb It by bIo9 rUvd
el Heaioithoids (PiUg), FU
ur. Fistula, Hrnia (Rup
tur). Our method ol treat
ment without hotpital op
eration ucceittullr uaed
lor 33 Tear. Liberal credit
terms. Call lor examination
or lend lor rHE ioklet
Ope tvningi, Mon.( VVeo., W., 7 to 9:30
Pftyeldoa mod Swrg
If: K. Cor. E. Bunulde and Grand Ave.
Telephone EArt 3918, Portland 14. Oreaoa '
Complicated, Eh?
recently commissioned second
lieutenant In the U. S. Army
"A Ft. Knox, Ky., is the nephew
of a major-general in the Ger
man Army; his father was a
captain in the German Army
in World War I; his brother
serves in the British 8th Army,
and his mother is a London Red
Cross nurse. Von Otterstedt,
instructor in Tank Gunnery at
Ft.. Knox, fled Germany after
Hitler rose to power.
In the Matter of Contracts
For County Owned Lands:
The Court signed tne iollowing
Bend Concrete Products Co.
Lots 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, and 13 in
Block 52, Center Addition to Bend,
Oregon $350.00 ($150.00 Cash,
Bal. of $200.00 one year from date,
6 Int.)
D. E. and Pearl Lechner NEV,
Sec. 5; NWiS Sec. 4, Twp. 22 S.R.
10 E.W.M. $320.00 ($fi5(V) Cash.
Bal. in 6 payments of $42.50 each
every 90 days commencing-May 1,
1945, 6 int.)
Harry and Carrie Myers
NW54SWK, SW'NW, Sec. 12,
Twp. 18 S.R. 12 E.W.M. $80.00
($20.00 cash, bal. in 3 payments of
$20.00 each every 60 days com
mencing Apr. 1, 1945, 6 int.)
Claud Gant W SEW, Sec. 15,
Twp. 18 S.R. 12 E.W.M. $250.00
($50.00 cash, bal. in 2 annual pay
ments of $100.00 each commenc
ing Jan. 1, 1946, 6 int.)
In the Matter of
Deeds to County Land:
9t this time the Court signed
the following deeds:
Pearl Weigand SEW NEW,
NEW SEW, Sec. 25, Twp. 14, S.R.
12 E.W.M. $80.00.
Geo. H. and Jake P. Settelmey.
er-Wis'Wls Sec. 17, Twp. 20 S.R.
18 E.W.M. $165.00.
B. F. and L. B. Rhodes WH
SEW Sec. 22, Twp. 18 S.R. 12 E.W.
M. $80.00.
H. E. and Grace Thornton
SEW Sec. 21. Twp. 21. S.R. 10 E.
W.M. $320.00.
In the Matter of a
Correction Deed:
Upon petition of Welthy E.
Dunn, the Court ordered a deed to
be executed to the said Welthy E.
Dunn, surviving spouse of M.
Dunn, covering Lot 12, Block 7,
Lytle Addition, to correct' a deed
heretofore made by the County
Court June 3, 1938, conveying
said premises to M. Dunn.
In the Matter of Leasing
County Owned Property:
At this time the Court signed
the following leases:
Howard R. Hyde SEW SWW,
Sec. 23. Twp. 17 S.R. -12 E.W.M.
(one' year from Jan. 1, 1915 to
Dec. 31, 1945.) $5.00.
Roy L. Spurgeon WViSEW,
Sec. 3, Twp. 18 S.R. 12 E.W.M.
(one year from Jan. 1, 1945 to'
Dec. 31, 1945.) $5.00.
always do this far
To Promptly Relieve Coughing
Sort Throat and Aching Muscles
Whenever the Quintuplets catch cold
theirchests, throats&nd backa are rubbed
ith Musteroie. Powerfully aoothinR
Musterole not only promptly relieves
coughs, sore throat, aching chest museloj
due to colds but also helps break up
congestion in upper bronchial tract, nose
and throat. WoniUrfulforQTowtiupaltoo!
Genuine Maytag
Parts, prompt,
guaranteed serv
Ice. Factory
trained, 20 years
Telephone 274
434 Kansas Bend
Homer H7 Brown NSEM ;
SWSE',4; SEWSWW, Sec. 5;
SMjSW'i Sec. 6; ENW'i Sec. 7,
all in Twp. 16 S.R. 11 E.W.MW. &
Sec. 3C, Twp. 15 S.R. 10 E.W.M.
and SEKNWli, NWViSEK, Stt
NE'4, Sec. 31; SVaNWM, Wis
NE4, E'SE4, SWSEK, Sec.
32, Twp. 15, S.R. 11 E;W.M. (03c
per acre Jan. 1, 1945 to Dec. 31,
1954.) ,
L. L. Hirtzel Sl4N'4', SEVi,
NE!4SW, Sec. 30; NWKSW-4,
Sec. 29, Twp. 17 S.R. 12, E.W.M.
(03c per aqre Jan. 1, 1945 to Dec.
31 1954 )
. Earl Williams NEW Sec. 1,
Twp. 18-S.R. 13 E.W.M. (one year
Jan. 1, 1945 to Dec. 31,-1945.) $5.00.
G. S. McCartney NW!4,
Recap Tires For Spring Driving
Your tires gel- older day by day and
there is little immediate prospect of new
ones on the market. That's why we advise
you to have your tires recapped by ex
perts right now for full mileage service
this spring and summer.
ro?9 1 TftEooNAvtpToTttgoT
Our Girls in Service
Prefer MILK . . . .
Because milk is such a delicious and re
freshing beverage because it is so good
for you, milk is tops with women in the
Women on the home front too know
how essenial milk is for health. Serve it
faithfully at every meal and be sure it's
Shevlin Quality
Lumber and Box Shooks
Sec. 12, Twp: 16 S.R. li EWm
(one year Jan. 1, 1945 to Dee '?!'
1945.) $5.00. 31'
Adolph Williams SEy siv
SE, Sec. 10; Sec. 15-E..
E4Wtt Sec. 16, all In Twp ill'
R. 13 E.W.M. (Jan. 1, 1945 to
31, 1954.) 03c per acre.
C. E. Chamberlain SWUnW
Sec. 7; SWNEK Sec. 8, Twp u2
R. .12 E.W.M. $5.00 per year (ja
1, 1945 to Dec. 31,-1954.)
S. L. Hall WttSWK, Sec 21.
NW14NWI4, Sec. 25, Twp. ir's r
11 E.W.M. $7.50 (Jan. 1, 1945"!:
Dec. 31; 1945. 3,0
-There being no further busi.
ness, Court adjourned.
C. L. ALLEN, County Jude
, E. E. VARCO, Commissioner
. A. E. STEVENS, Commissioner
0) -A