th nam MltLETIN. BEND, OSESO.N, WEDNESDAY, FEB. M.V4$ PAGE SEVEN Steel Shares Lead On East Market Bv Elmer -C WBlier (u"it I1"- IW ' TS.VW YorK, o. -so wiuieu States Steel coriwretion TOiMrnon Advance in the stock market to a new high tor more, than seven ZZs in expanded trading. The rise extended the rally that CC on Monda'y". BlUh semi nt was bolstered by declaration increased dividends on com "'stock of ConUnental Motors " ,i American Locomotive and the anu" - mI ulna onrt er net incometa 1944 lor Free-. Another factor aiding the ad- tranrp WaS me lllillipuiaic uvcOMM- fprine on the New York stock ex change of 32,400 common shares nf Dome Mines. ' ' , All sections of the .list :jolned the forward movement. With ''Big qippI" up 2 points both Bethlehem and l Youngstown Sheet & Tube rose more than a point to new highs for 1945. Motors Were up srnall fractions. New Strike looms In Eastern Mines Washington, Feb.BSlPt Bushy browed John L Lewis took the center of the stage 'today In a . tn Hnfma whnsp final Bdt IT1UUII11I6 , may bring a strike in the natlon'sJ war-vital bituminous tum mmre. Lewis called his United Mine workers policy committee into a late afternoon session for what a spokesman called a "full dress re ui" nn the waee demands that the mine chieftain will pre sent to coal operators. tomorrow. The present coal wage contract expires March 31. Four days be fore that time, the government will conduct a jpoll among UMW membership to determine whether they want to strike in event a satisfactory wage settlement is not reached. The UMW demands will not be made public before they are pr& sented to the operators. But they are known to cover wages, work ing conditions, mine -safety, vet erans rights and anticipated 'post war problems. (Continued from Page One) Great Bitter lake, . in the Suez canal. Outlines Views As his ship approached the American coast.i he spent an hour with three press association cor respondents who joined his party at Algiers, going over the accom plishments of the Yalta confer ence. He made these specific points: 1. He looks forward to a time alter the war when armament of all nations, including the United States, England, Russia, China and France, will be decreased. 2. Germany and Japan should at some time be added to' the as sembly of United Nations mem bers, but only after they have shown a definite trend away from militarism. This possibly will re quire more than 50 years of con crete proof. ' 3. Until Germany and Japan have made considerable, unmis takable progress toward peace keeping forms of government, the united Nations should, by force it necessary, see that they are ut terly incapable of arming or pre paring for war in any manner. 4. A plan of American-Russian-English occupation of Germany has been worked out, but will have to be changed according to - the degree of French participation in the occupation. 5. The "Bie Three" meetincr and the later conference between the president and Churchill at Alex andria, Egypt, were concerned with Europe and not the Pacific. In fact, the president said the Pa: dlic situation just did not come up in his later talk with Churchill. II did not arise In the tripartite conversations because Russia is neutral toward Japan and this .uuniry is respecting that neu trality. 6. The nennlp nf the United Stales, particularly in face of European successes, too often blow hot and cold about the war in the Pacific. The actual situa tion is that even once Germany is defeated, we face a lone, hard war in the Pacific. This fact, the president said, needs particular in dustrial emphasis in this country. Special Meeting Of CAP. Called A SDPrinl maallmr f PAD members and cadets will be held i m-aaquarters In the Bank ot Bend building tonight at 7:30 for I'uipose oi snowing a mm that milcl Kn l I rr-l 1 I "V IClUllirU lllUl?Uiy, i't. Ollie Bowman announced to day. The film, "Learn and Live," deals with aircraft accidents due y larcicssness and shows applies anu aciuai incidents, he stated. This meeting will be informal and cadets and members will not be required to attend. Those who do wish to come will not be re quired to appear in uniform and non members interested are wel come to attend. Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad : r- " : ,, T LOST ' iD 11 -J. i -1 Jlf kJ. '.Moty and Frank H.Loggan. ' Classified Rates Local Paid in Advene 25 Words One Ttma Me ICS Wordamuee Times 75c 5 Words U Times $135 Oh mmUk nn, au, W iw HlBuaui Cum SH UNB BATE lo CAPITALS 20o I'lmlhW Atoanaujic, tMk la UwM . 4Ur ClMlkc Tim UiU r. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night : F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W.P. Phone 20-F-6 Harry -A. Marshall, Secretary co BenU Dairy Store FOB BALE BEDROOM SUITE $50.00. Inner spring mattress and coil springs on beA Large -vanity dresser and chest of drawers. 1545 West 5th. LOOKING 'FOR income prop erty? We have single dwellings, duplexes and apartment houses. Heal. Estate is sound investment when purchased at the right price. We have some good buys. Gilberts Real Estate. 1013 WaU. ELECTRIC COMMERCIAL re frigerator and neon sign. Bend Vintage Shop. HERE IS a ranch that will pay for itself in one year. 25 acres new Alsike clover, .20 acres alfalfa, bal ance good spud ground. Eighty acres in all, COX district. Well improved, immediate possession. $7,800. Frank McGarvey. 'Bank of Bend Bldg. HOTEL IN BEND: Has many rooms to- rent and fine dining room. Fully furnished ready to go. This property should ; interest someone looking for hotel. See Walter L. Daron for cash price or terms. J. F. Arnold Real .Estate. 126 Minnesota St. OAK BUFFET, round oak table, 3 leaves, kitchen cabinet, breakfast set, electric range. Downing Hotel. Phone 39. FULLY MODERN, two story house, close in, steam heat, oil fuel. Practically furnished all for $5250 cash; terms can be had-at small advance In price. If you need a large house, see Johnson, Bend Realty, 957 Wall St. 2 GOOD MILK cows. Route 1, Box 441. Bert Kusseu, mile east, vi mile south Bend Trap Club. WEST SIDE: Good four room home -fir $1500. Has hot and cold water In house. -(Jood lot, -wood shed, etc. $300 down. W. L. Daron will be pleased - to show tne . prop erty. Call 342-J or see. at Arnolds Real Estate. 12b Minnesota. 3 ROOM modern house with ga rage and fruit cellar. Inquire at 1934 West 2nd. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. TWO BEDROOM modern on paved street, large basement, good location. $3,400. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. ROOMY 2-ROOM house, large sink, bulltins, 2 chicken houses, garage, woodshed, -cellar and chicken parks, reasonable. Small light trailer house with tires, just right for fishing,. $75.00. 1 Sim mons 6 ft. crosscut saw with handles, $8. 3-burner gasoline stove -with 10 gal. pressure tank, $15. 1625 Galveston. MAYTAG GASOLINE motor, cir culator heater real good condition, boy's bicycle, saddle, used harness and work bridles real bargains, hand cultivators, small gas heater, several used wood heaters, day beds, wood camp stove, bed, office chairs, baby bassinette, wash boards and tubs, hand clothes wringer, large mirror, gas oline .irons, ice skates, wood ranges $5.00 each,' wind charger. Open evenings. 350 Division. ONE MAN 80 ACRE FARM: Just right for one man. 52 acres C.O.I. Three bedroom 5 room home. Barn, garage, tool shed, chicken shed, brooder shed, hay, seed po tatoes, machinery, stock. $6350. $3973 down, $172 a year. See W. L. Daron for appointment. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota St. 1943 LANE walnut cedar chest. Just like new. $42.50. Call after 6 p. m. at 1577 Awbrey Road. LOVELY HOME ON RIVER: Seven room modern; Four .bed rooms, double plumbing, fireplace, full basement, new Lenox fur nace, automatic coal stoker, air conditioning,, large lot. Yard ter raced on river. Outside fireplace. Reduced to $5500. Terms. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall. CLOSE, TO TOWN: Four room modern. Good home, fireplace, cellar, garage. Furnished if de sired. $2100. Reasonable terms. $2400. Furnished. Sec or call Wal ter Daron for details. Phone 342-J. J. F. Arnold Real Estate, 126 Min nesota. CHICK BROODERS, infra-red electric 250 chick type, special $15 complete with lamps. 100 chick size $9 complete. Bend Elec tric Co., 644 Franklin. DIVERSIFIED FARM: 160 acres with good farm buildings. Lays good for irrigating. Machinery and team. $8000. $5400 down. You must see to appreciate. 58 acres C.O.I. Shown by Walter Daron. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minne sota' St. fUtSAU EXCELLENT INVESTMENT op portunity m business property i . itttuM, itap rant Ifnr MUti Will -IIDfc AIAMTO.. - details e Frank McUarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. ' ' rv nuTOlTOJ annri income nrtiD- erty. -One 5 room modern- plaster ed nouse and 3 room modern fur nished plastered duplex on a iois in good location, wuw w ivin iranoa Wnntipnll V Tlf'W. Loan available. Phone 3-K-21. By ap- potntment omy. ; ninti'vnu nan hnv line chicks within easy shipping distance. write today ior price usi iu uic gon's newest modern hatchery fifteen years experience nroduc ing Oregon bred -chicks. Oregon: State Hatchery, P. G. Box 328, Klamath us, uregon. 2 CORNISH game cockerels, 6 hens, 2 Plymouth :Rock -cockerels. End of Butler Market road at Bend Airport. J; M. Conrad, Rt. 1, Box-336, .Bend. .- WILL SELL or lease 80 acres dll irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Lichtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. - 2 BEDROOM: Modem home on East 3rd St. Wired lor electric range, garage, laundry tray. Priced at 3bUO. terms, uurjeris Real Estate, luia wan. ACREAGE: 10 acres, 10 acres cultivated and irrigated. Alfalfa, pasture, garden and crop ground lor potatoes. 5 room house, fire place. Very fine berry patch. New barn, new cellar. new cistern, new chicken house 18x80. 9 hogs, 250 good laying hens, 1 cow, l horse, Would trade for house in Bend modern or semi-modern. $4200 stocked and some equipment. See WaltenDaron for details. Arnolds Real Estate. PRICE REDUCED from $8,500 to $7,500 for quick sale. Five room modern home and completely fur nished duplex, three lots, built only three years ago, good loca tion, some terms can be arranged. Shown by appointment. Frank McGarvey, Bank pf Bend Bldg. Phone 320. LIMITED NUMBER of 27x54 genuine prewar rug samples from Bigelow carpet line. Specially priced at $7.95 and $9.95. Bend Furniture Co. 4 ROOM MODERN: Utility room and garage. Immediate posses sion. $2100 for this newly decorat ed 'home. This- is-- a'tgood- buy, terms can be arranged. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall. DRAG SAW with two saws, A-l shape. Inquire Malone's .Station on north highway. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. TWO-MAN shearing plant, com plete. Call at D-D Club after 3 p. m. Phone 112. ALMOST NEW-Mpntag kitchen range. Copper coils-and pipe In cluded. See at 334 Lee Lane. CAFE IN BEND, good business, owner leaving town. Stock" in cluded. Reasonable price. Write care of Bulletin No. 893. STOCK RANCH: 200 deeded, 3700 Taylor Grazing fenced, C. O. I. water. Newly redecorated 7 room home. Numerous farm buildings. Fully equipped, 38 cows and calves, $2000 of furniture. Price $16,000. $10,000 down. See Walter Daron. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota. 16 FT. TRAILER house, lots of built-ins, Ice box, sink. Priced at $300. Inquire Cabin 5, Shady Nook Auto Court. SPANISH GUITAR, boy's bicycle, and saddle, all in good condition. Call between 5 p. m and 6 p. m. at 434 E. Norton. BOY'S BICYCLE in good condi tion, with good tires. $45.00. 832 Bond. APARTMENT HOUSE: Four ful ly furnished modern apartments. Also three room home. Live in the house and rent these apartments. Will bring good Income. $3900. $3200 down. See Walter Daron for details. J. F. Arnold Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. 9x9 RUG, like new, deep nap, Royal blue. See at 358 Georgia. ONE HAY RACK, one cream sep arator like new, one team of horses - and harness, one white enamel kitchen range with coils. 1 miles north of Alfalfa Store. W. F. Ccgavski MvistMan cemriCAnv una oni rrttm n rtqunt INVESTORS SYNDICATE : MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr Local Representative .217 Oregon Phone 525 BULLS of all kinds, Hereford, Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to .freshen, bad- die norses ana oa"""2- Service Station. Phone 78-J. W. K. Franks, Redmond. FOB SALK OB TRADE 15 ACRES new Improvements, no . . . : : . . . mila WftDl I Ink- eieciricujr. vine -- r land, Ore. Black top road. $3o0O cash. William wraoiey, uaw Oregon, Douglas county. FOB TBADE in a un firm m EXCHANGE '. ....... - Located in the Boise Valley, 14 miles from Boise, 80 a au le gated, good 8 room brick house,. hmiHInao horn for 12 COWS, we will exenange this farm for a ranch in central uregon. mkikj Real Estate, The Dirt Merchant, Redmond, Oregon. : FOB BENT OR LEASE. 4 room furnished house, close in. If you are not per manent do not answer this ad. Phone 1156. 6 ROOM modern partly furnished duplex. Located at 225 Wall St. Inquire 826 Delaware. 5 'ROOM, modern, unfurnished house, paved street, close to town, schools, churches. Inquire 514 Delaware Avenue. 3 ROOM house, city water, barn, nhifilron hnilKPK 24, acres C.O.I. water. See Troy Seiber, Route 1, Box 7. Phone au- -a. 3 ROOM cottage. Frigidaire and electric stove. Water and lights furnished. 2 room cabins. Wood, water and lights furnished. Plass Signal Service on south highway.' 2 ROOM furnished house, $8.00 month. Inquire at 375 E. Kearney. FURNISHED 3 room modern house. 202 Scott St. WANTED FRYER RABBITS, also young rabbits and heavy hens. We also check your hens lor layers. Phone 1070-W or call at 147 K. Olney. FARM with 30 or more acres un der irrigation. Write to C. C. Den nis, Sisters, Oregon, General De livery. USED RADIOSWIU pay top prices for good used radios, George's Kauio Service. New loca tion, B38 WaU St. Phone 900. . TO BUY used furniture of all. kinds. We pay the highest prices. Phone 1156, 350 Division. WILL PAY CASH for electric range, 36" length, electric water heater with capacity of 40 gallons or less, and good vacuum cleaner. Please call at office of Jo Ann Motor Lodge, 161 E. Franklin, or phone 827-W. WANTED TO RENT about 40i acres or more suitable for turkeys or beef cattle. W. K. Larson, Route 2, Corvallis, Oregon. HELP WANTED WOMAN for general work. Room, board and $60.00 per month. Phone 939-J after 6 p. m. Middle aged single woman preferred. MAN WANTED Permanent, profitable' connection; excellent earnings. Choice rural routes open. Customers established. Write Watkins Products, 4512 Hollis St., Oakland 8, California. SITUATION WANTED 13 YEAR OLD girl wishes to take care of children on week-ends. 524 Newport, or call 872-J. USED CARS 1940 FORD pickup. Call at D-D Club after 3 p. m. Phone 112. 1937 V-8 FORD deluxe coupe, 85 h.p., with heater, 5. good tires. Leaving for overseas. Must sell Immediately. $400. 1314 Colum bia. BUY IT TODAY. Work it tomor row. 1937 Ford dump truck, new motor and big 900 tiros. Truck working on good job, $35 per day. See at 1340 Federal. OLD BUICK coupe. Union Service Station, 1108 Bond St. 1934 V-8 FORD sedan, 4 almost new tires, $200. Inez Wolf, Route 1, Box 53. LOST WOULD APPRECIATE return of plaid suit skirt size 10, lost Satur day In downtown section. Call 706-J. RED RYDER 'rlu A 7 A KlOlrE CAN BE A LOT rY-NAVEfv YOU SAVED ff J s5 V ACE HAtfLOf -- GOLDEN COCKER Spaniel, about 10 months, answers to name oi "Sharky," may be Injured. Please notify police or phone 939-J. STRAYED. 1400 lb. gray gelding, brand A-E right shoulder. 1400 id. biacK gelding, brand doume oar right snoulder. 800 lb. black mare, brand double X. 1200 lb. bay geld ing, brand US left side neck. K. R. Meritt, Kt. 1, Box 406, Arnold Dis trict. Phone ll-F-21. MISCELLANEOUS - NOW SHOWING Fifth Avenue Modern Manner dresses and Fa shion Ftocks direct trom- maker to you. Loveiy spring styles, very reasonable. Mrs. Lowman, 1425 K. 3rd, 745-J. SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. . mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polisnes. Many styles of personal brushes available- Lloyd wheadon. 1714-Steiql, Bend. Phone 594, ;' - BE WISE, hire the auctioneer the buyers like to heat- Kates and uaies Gilberts Real Estate,. 1015 Wall 'or call O. E. Ulazeorook, Terrebonne, Oregon. Phone 19-F-3 coueci. LOCAL MAN or woman to own and operate route, U. S. Postage Stamp machines,, spare or lull time, outstanding permanent In come, no experience-or car neces sary. $295.00 'Immediate cash in vestment required. For interview give phone wo. Write Box 895 care of Bulletin. FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS Farmers, Victory Gardeners want ing to rent a reirigerated food locker In Bend, write Box 824 care of Bulletin immediately. I AM STILL fixing driveways. Dark cinders, $6.00 per 5 yd. load. Red cinders $7.00. Top soil $7.00. Fertilizer $4.00 per yard. Deliv ered in one or more yarus. Phone 625 or see me at 1360 Cumberland Ave. .-4'- WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es, 'lop prices paid for useu wash ers, any condition. BenU Washer Service, 13ti Greenwood. Phone 583. NOTICE, MOVED: WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly with Gilberts Real. Estate. List your property. wave waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota Street. ' NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property; List your property with us for quick sale. 1M. K. Gilbert s Real Estate, iois Wall. CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. FOR REFRIGERATOR service! and repairman card to 435 Colum bia or call Sundays or evenings. Jack. Donnelly. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal, cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Muskrat Lynxcat Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. 1132 Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. Phone 643. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared In my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston. MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine parts. Factory trained. Elmer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can' be made any size you desires with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Feb. 28 (U'i Livestock: Cattle 200, Calves 35. Active, strong. One lot coorl mixprt stpprs anrl hnlfnrc Slflfl ! Otherwise quality poor. Common steers $11.00-12.00. Few hcilers $10.00 12.00. Canner-cutter cows mostly .$7.00-9.50. Fat dairy type cows $11.00. Medium bulls $11.00. Good beef bulls quotable to $13.50. Bend Veteran of Takes Test to Fly Plane Here Capt. John A. Runge, Jr., B-29 pilot, knows that there is quite ; a lot of red tape In the army but. wnen ne- came nome recently after 40 bombing missions In the south Pacific the red tape angle slipped his mind. He just forgot all about it and wnen nis sister. Mrs. Mary Ellen Davis, asked him to take her tip he said, "Come on." They went out to the Bend mu nicipal airport and the captain prouueed his pilot s license. The license had a lot of fire power. It gave him permission to fly planes ranging In horsepower trom 22o to The training planes at the air port hover around ba horsepower. ' -The man at the airport was sorry, but . w So the B-29 pilot with the dis tinguished flying cross, the air medal, oak leaf clusters, the major -engagement stars and other hardware of a similar nat ure, had to go back to the Civil aeronautical authority office in Bend and fill out the proper forms. Then he had to take a writen examination. (He passed It.) After that he had to make an Good-choice vealers $14.50-15.50. Hogs 250. Active, steady, r Good choice 170-270 lbs. $15.75; heifer weights $15.00. Good sows: $14.75 15.00. Choice feeder pigs 17.00. I Extreme top feeders late Tuedsay $17.00, new recent high. Sheep 100. Steady. Good choice wooled lambs $15.25; common-medium $11.00-13.50. Good ewes $8.00. : .. Chamber Dinner (Continued from Page One) could not be altered. Reconver sion, he added, will be vital, but long-range development will also be important. Community devel opment plans, such as those out lined for Bend, can be placed in operation in the first phase' of readjustment, when employment Will exist while factories are re tooling, Dean Morris said, "I cannot see public works as the solution, to unemployment problems," Dean Morris declared, then added that such works will serve as a cushion.- "What you have been doing here," he said iin, lauding Bend for its after-thei war plans, "is what we have been hoping every community in-Ore gon would do. Demands to Bo Faced "After the retooling period, the WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES .CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Vvull Phono 524 CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Best of Materialx Furnished Our periodical Inspection will insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone 83II-W or U-F-2S ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring: Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies fluorescent Lights GK Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Goods Movement ESPECIALLY A3AINST- CROOKED SAtt&LERS.' 40 Missions engagement with the instructor at the local field. Then he had to go out, enter a trainer, let the ! Instructor ascertain that his safety belt was properly fastened, i and oe officially cnecked out lor an now s solo illght. une nour s solo was a little mo notonous, e captain admitted later, as he was lumuiar with the landscape and the trainer was def initely not "suped-up." Bored as he was he did remem ber to make the gentle landing Instructors approve ot In caddis soloing for the lirst time. . After that there was nothing mucn to it. He Just had to wait three days while the results of the written examination and the Inspector's resume of his solo flight were sent to the proper au- inormes, omy-inspected, and mailed back, .accompanied by a license to liy planes of from 0 horsepower to 6,600 horsepower and carry passengers therein. All of which did not do his sis ter, Mrs. Davis, much good lor she had to leave for beanie Sun day night. The license camel inrough on Tuesday, he hasn't I used it yet. dean said, will come the period when America will be called on! to meet the great- demand forj cars, refrigerators, radios, new housing and a thousand other! things, the speaker -outlined. Then, he said, Will come the "long-' range pull," and it will be in that pull that Oregon can utilize its vast natural resources in playing its part in the development of the Pacific basin. . j Crosby H. Shevlin, chairman of the chamber's forum committee, presided at the annual dinner and introduced the five ,past presi dents, H. A. Miller, H. H. De Armond, Henry N. Fowler, Thomas F. Brooks and Don H. Peoples, who were present. Peo ples was also introduced in his present capacity executive secre-i tary ot tne chamber. Johnson, Gilbert Speak Aside from Dean Morris, the two other principal speakers on the dinner program were Carl A. Johnson, president of the Bend chamber of commerce this year, and Bruce Gilbert, president of the Junior chamber of commerce. Johnson sketched the work pro jected for the chamber this year, listing the various committees. Gilbert touched on activities of the Junior chamber. Directors present who were In troduced were R. W. Brandis, Sumner Deltrick, K. E. Sawyer, Delbert Hale, Ollie Bowman, Gil Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting New Work Repairing Home Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 143 Greenwood Phone 217-W MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1535 Awbrey ltd. Tel. 620-M Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Rand At Mlnnmota Phmi MX Commercial Printing of Quality PHOTOGRAPHIC OFFSET LETTERPRESS THE BEND BULLETIN Phona 56. T f WiY 1 ALV0A15 CARRY TWO ' Ve-ess5. .rvggsn KNIVES, JUST If CASST I 1 tie invocation was by Kev. U. R. V. Bolster. PUI r "wsa n Ua lUIP(Jaw w uc 1 1 1 M I JUay Funeral services w A. M. Pheips, a, lamer oi JViursnull , fneits, renu, auu miss uizabetn Pneips, Vancouver, vvasn., wiu oe hem ii om tne isiswonger ai Vv ins low cnapel Here on inursday at H a.m., with Kev. n. H. Prentice of the First Presbyterian cnurch in cnarge. Burial will be In the ' Greenwood cemetery. Mr. Phelps, a resident of Bend from laau until 1944'ano a former . employe of Brooks-bcamon Lum ber Company Inc., here, died in Vancouver, Wasn., Monday morn ing. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Feb. 28 (lei An active call was noted today on the Portland egg market, which was awaiting another price reduction Thursday. Butter prices were un changed. . Butter Cube 93 score 42c; 92 score 4254; 90 score 42c; 89 score 4I73C pound. I.-.. T 1.. . . . I -E-Bfia niw: w rciuucrs: aa I large 45c; A large 43c; medium A 0c; small 36c dozen. Moes Old Tires Safe! Tire Eyeliners Full size Firestone ,tlre relinlng provides your tires complete protection right up to the bead. 3-ply cemented and painted. Passenger Car Sizes 4.75x5,00 to 7.00x17 $2.75 up Houk-Van Allen Titcsten Home & Auto Supply 800 Wall St Phone 860 LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Day Of the Year Phone 544 Trees Shrubs Vines Roses Evergreens and fruits. Extra hardy Minne sota Stock. Stock sold F.O.B. nursery, delivered or planted. Free estimates for landscaping. Will compete with all catalog prices. HAINES NURSERY Cor. East 8th and Norton Phone !Xif Bond, Ore. INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO I'lltli LIFE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 821 Drake Road Phone 316 John W. Smith, Agent 15KH Awbrey ltd. Phone 4 W By FRED HARMAN